Subject Area: Cultural Studies

7 October 2023 Book I: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe (Hard Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2024 1-4955-1283-5 332 pages
7 October 2023 Book I
Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and events in Israel, Gaza, and Palestine since. This book is intended to reflect an historical moment of “the year of” 7 October 2023. The contributors in this book were drafting their pieces between 7 October 2023 and May 2024. We hope that this book will be helpful to people— including ordinary and suffering people, scholars, peacemakers, policy influencers, haters, empathizers, and all combinations of people—as the “now-ish” timing of the first six months after 7 October 2023 passes and particularly as more people, groups, institutes, movements, and governments claim that they have correctly assessed the period.

Price: $219.95

 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1316-9 274 pages
7 October 2023 II: Perspectives offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and subsequent events in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, and beyond. This is the second of two 7 October 2023 books on the subject published by Mellen Press. The first one I co-edited with Bonita Nathan Sussman: 7 October 2023: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe. Bonita played an important role in finalizing this work as well.

Price: $199.95

A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Spanish Poetry: The Generation of 1970
 Ramos-Garcia, Luis A.
1997 0-7734-8435-3 364 pages
Following a scholarly introduction by Miguel Casado, the anthology proceeds chronologically with bilingual renditions of several poems by each of these thirty poets who have contributed the most to the forging of the Generation '70. The translations accurately reproduce the spirit of historical rupture, the self-deceptions of postmodern societies, and refreshing testimony of what it means to be living in a post-Franco era away from oppressive cultural forces.

Price: $239.95

A Brief History of World Secularization
 Bryant, M. Darrol
2024 1-4955-1277-0 112 pages
"The relationship of religion and society has undergone dramatic and continued change since the dawn of the modern era in Europe in the 1500s. At the heart of those changes has been the relationship of religion to the secular. The developments that originated in medieval Europe ultimately affected every corner of the globe and thus the relationships of religions and societies everywhere are markedly different today from what they were in 1500." -Dr. M. Darrol Bryant

Price: $79.95

A Case Study of Ireland and Galicia’s Parallel Paths to Nationhood
 White, Eva Roa
2004 0-7734-6237-6 225 pages
This is an important original study that contributes new knowledge in the field of Celtic Studies as it offers serious consideration to the connections between Ireland and Galicia Dr. White traces the connections between these two Celtic lands through literature, history, mythology and science. White shows that Ireland and Galicia had parallel cultural and national awakenings in the nineteenth century. She demonstrates how these awakenings had roots in the native language movements and how that connection between language and cultural identity eventually led to national identity and political action towards autonomy. Dr. White specifically recounts the role played by elite members such as W.B. Yeats and Vicente Risco and associations such as the Gaelic League and as Irmandades da Fala. White also discusses the role of language as socio-political tool in the works of nineteenth-century national poets, Thomas Moore for Ireland and Rosalía de Castro for Galicia and their twentieth-century counterparts: Seamus Heaney and Celso Emilio Ferreiro. Finally, Dr. White introduces a new term peripheral colonialism to describe Ireland and Galicia’s condition as unofficial colonies of England and Spain respectively.

Price: $179.95

 Morales, Marta Fernández
2010 0-7734-3595-6 276 pages
This work is an interdisciplinary collection of essays by Spanish speaking authors that analyzes television fiction as it is experienced in the Spanish-speaking market. Comparisons are made to the productions launched in the USA during the Third Golden Age of TV Fiction.

Price: $199.95

A Cross Cultural Study of Family Photographs in India, China, Japan and the United States
 Poister, Geoffrey
2002 0-7734-7299-1 304 pages
This study determined that there are significant differences in subject content, visual style, and expression of cultural values in the photo collections, and that these are most strongly linked to differences in the parent culture, class, and gender. The effect of immigration is a dominant factor. “. . . until this book by Geoffrey Poister no one has done a systematic cross-cultural study of family photography. Poister not only looks at the private pictures of kin in their everyday worlds but also analyzes how family photography constructs family life. The author does not rely on methods that might distance him or us from his subjects, he gets close and personal using long interviews and participant observation on location, in homes. Poister reveals how photograph albums capture an idealized romantic version of the nuclear family. . . . By integrating the study of visual culture and family life, Poister’s innovative scholarship makes a contribution to many fields including sociology, anthropology, communications, and human development. This is both an insightful and richly descriptive book, one that will keep you reflecting about your own life and how you picture it.” – Robert Bogdan

Price: $219.95

A History and Anthology of the Spanish Folktale with Studies of Selected Texts
 Lewis, Huw Aled
2007 0-7734-5323-7 288 pages
This ground-breaking book makes an invaluable contribution to scholarship by advancing knowledge and understanding of Spanish oral narrative and related areas of research. Added to the analysis of the Spanish folktale genre and the presentation of the history of research, this work also makes available to the English-speaking reader, for the first time, fifteen folktales that do not appear in any other collection. The result is a study that will certainly be an important point of reference and comparison for scholars of European folklore and cultural studies.

Price: $199.95

 Casebier, Allan
2006 0-7734-5816-6 164 pages
This book provides the reader with the first comprehensive explanation of the much used distinction between modernist and postmodernist art. Where so many readers and appreciators of the arts find the distinction confronting them at every turn but are unable to understand its nature or comprehend its value, the book provides a conceptual map of the terrain in which the distinction functions. At the same time, the notion of a surrealist style often leaves the reader of history of the arts with sheer mystification where clarity would be most welcome. It provides a much needed corrective to this situation by indicating how to identify surrealist art from its opposing styles. The book provides many illustrations in explaining these three dominant artistic styles of the twentieth century.

This work will appeal to academic readers in history of the arts, cinema and art history; theorists and students of literature and film; and general readers in the history of the arts.

Price: $159.95

A SURVEY OF MULTICULTURAL SAN FRANCISCO BAY LITERATURE, 1955-1979 Ishmael Reed, Maxine Hong Kingston, Frank Chin, and the Beat Generation
 Flota, Brian
2009 0-7734-3828-9 344 pages
This work examines how writers in the San Francisco Bay Area worked to develop a multiculturalist American literature. This study counteracts popular narratives of multiculturalism’s boom in the late 1980s and early 1990s by showing that a large group of culturally eclectic writers in the Bay Area were re-envisioning American identity through a multiculturalist looking glass many years earlier.

Price: $219.95

AFRICAN RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES ON THREE BLACK WOMEN NOVELISTS: The Aesthetics of “Vodun” (Zora Neale Hurston, Simone Schwarz-Bart, and Paule Marshall)
 Smith, Maria T.
2007 0-7734-5528-0 160 pages
This study, focusing on select novels by women writers of the African Diaspora, illustrates that a surprising degree of commonality exists among works with obvious geographical, cultural, and linguistics differences – an affirmation of the philosophical essence of the Vodun religion as an antidote to Western spiritual and cultural moribundity. A close reading Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, Simone Schwarz-Bart’s Pluie et Vent sur Telumée Miracle, and Paule Marshall’s Praisesong for the Widow, demonstrates the way in which these works allude to the Vodun pantheon and ancestor veneration in order to valorize a worldview that recognizes the interconnectedness of all living things, visible and invisible. This is accomplished by locating each novel within its socio-political context and developing African diasporic literary tradition wherein African-derived beliefs have become sources of cultural resistance. After this reconstruction, the author is able to explicate the representation and function of Vodun as it is employed by each of the authors under consideration.

Price: $139.95

Alaska Native Juveniles in Detention: A Qualitative Study of Treatment and Resistance
 Banks, Cyndi
2009 0-7734-4802-0 272 pages
This in-depth study of a juvenile institution in Alaska explores the issues of power, resistance, treatment, and culture. Based on original research it seeks to establish the mediated place of culture, in this case of Alaska Native cultures, within the examination and assessment of the workings of the institution

Price: $199.95

Alegoría y Ironía Bajo Censura en la Argentina del Proceso (1976-1983)
 Favoretto, Mara
2010 0-7734-1292-1 404 pages
This text offers an analysis of how rhetorical strategies such as allegory, irony and symbolism, were employed by dissenting Argentine writers and singer-songwriters during the military dictatorship that seized power on March 24th 1976.

Author’s Abstract:
During the military coup in Argentina (1976 – 1983) a machinery of censorship was imposed. The state had a systematic plan of cultural repression and manipulation of public opinion. However, the dissident writers and lyricists examined in this study developed strategies of resistance that depended largely on allegory and irony. Some of the regime’s plans created the opposite result to that which was desired originally. In the musical sphere, what the authorities wanted to quash was fostered: through avoiding the diffusion of a certain type of music, what was opened up was a space that was quickly occupied by dissident music. By means of a detailed rhetorical analysis, this study is focused on the functioning of allegory, irony and symbolism under constrains of censorship.

Price: $259.95

 Davidson, Phebe
2001 0-7734-7342-4 156 pages
Six wide-ranging essays which track the evolving representation and understanding of stories and themes, an exercise in seeing where a particular idea, image, or sequence of events will lead. For example, Chapter One traces the evolution of the black/white masculine friendship pair from James Fenimore Cooper through Die Hard to The Green Mile. Chapter four discusses Thelma and Louise and Leaving Normal as complementary cultural texts which serve to extend gender definitions found in earlier American literature and which continue actively to engage men and women in American culture today. “There’s nothing ordinary about Davidson’s always interesting insights throughout these six essays. . . . An engrossing, original look at film, energetic and lively. As a cultural observer, Davidson is sensitive and conscientious, and she reveals the American myths that both imprison and liberate.” – Book Reader

Price: $139.95

Americanisation and the Transformation of World Cultures Melting Pot or Cultural Chernobyl?
 Melling, Phil
1996 0-7734-8811-1 280 pages
Essays include: Encountering America: Altered States (Phil Melling and Jon Roper); Powerful Transformations: Crevecoeur and the Emergence of Disciplinary Society (Timothy Conley); Asian Encounters with American Culture (B.K. Shrivastava); Americanisation: The Italian Case, 1938-1954 (David Forgacs); Rap and Hip Hop in France: The Americanisation of Popular Music in Europe (André J. M. Prévos); "Our Land on Foreign Soil" : The Iconography of American War Cemeteries in Western Europe (Ron Robin); Postwar Japanese Graphic Design: An Americanisation of Culture? (Jennifer Spoon); America on Record: Recorded Sound as an Agent of Americanisation (André Millard); Looks, Linguistics and Laughs: the Midatlantic Hybrid of Humour (Paul Wells); American TV Docudrama and the Americanisation of Popular Consciousness: a Case Study of Holocaust and Playing for Time (Albert Auster); Shooting Oneself in the Foot? Multiculturalists, Diversity and the Scapegoat Mechanism (Pierre Guerlain); The Fundamentalist Imagination in the New World Order (Phil Melling)

Price: $199.95

An Ethnographic Study of Papadjab, An Afro-Caribbean Devil Dancer
 Wintersteen, Benjamin
2010 0-7734-3688-X 180 pages
This book examines the religious, mythological and performance elements of the traditional Afro-Caribbean street festival. Using the theories of performance, political economy and symbolic analysis, this work elucidates how elements of African, European and South American cultures interact to produce a unique understanding of the colonial and post-colonial experience.

Price: $159.95

An Ethnography of Cosmopolitanism in Kingston, Jamaica: Caribbean Cosmopolitans
 Wardle, Huon
2000 0-7734-7552-4 256 pages
This ethnography of social life in Kingston, Jamaica, is also a study of the relationship between two major, often conflictive, forces in current cultural experience, community and cosmopolitanism. People from the Caribbean – subject to slavery, the plantation economy, and labor migration – have experienced one of the longest exposures to a global political and economic order of any social grouping. For centuries, Jamaicans have lived at a crossroads of transnational economic social and cultural dynamics. The Jamaican social milieu is characterized by massively heterogeneous and creative cultural activity, violent social fragmentation and individuation, as well as a celebration of the role of geographical mobility in the establishment of personality. A central proposition in this book is that Jamaicans in the capital, Kingston, are still living out the aesthetic and moral consequences and contradictions of the Enlightenment and modernity. The author draws a parallel between Jamaican understandings of the self, and the late philosophy of Immanuel Kant. The ethnographic material presented here, derived from two years fieldwork in Kingston, suggest that Jamaicans understand themselves as global citizens. This sense of self can be identified across multiple contexts – oral performance, music, kinship and friendship, economics and politics. In light of Jamaican cultural experience, the book argues for a reframing of ethnographic practice as an explicitly cosmopolitan cultural practice.

Price: $199.95

 French, Laurence Armand
2008 0-7734-5106-4 212 pages
This oral history complements earlier works conducted during the Great Depression through the Federal Writers’ Project (FWP). The work covers not only covers the depression-era but also sentiments on World War II and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and is unique in its in that the oral histories portray a long-isolated region of the South – Appalachia and its unique racial subcultures, Cherokee Indians, Mountain Whites and Local Blacks.

Price: $179.95

Anglo-Saxon Remedies, Charms, and Prayers From British Library Ms Harley 585: The Lacnunga Volume Two
 Pettit, Edward
2001 0-7734-7557-5 416 pages
The Anglo-Saxon Lacnunga is a miscellaneous collection of almost two hundred mainly herbal remedies, charms, and prayers found only in a mostly 10th-11th century manuscript in the British Library. The collection is written mainly in Old English and Latin, and includes a version of a remarkable 7th century Hiberno-Latin prayer known as the Lorica of Laidcenn; there are also corrupt passages in Old Irish, Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. It is one of the oldest extant vernacular medical collections in Northern Europe. Study of it sheds light on the dissemination, understanding, and translation in Anglo-Saxon England of remedies from classical and classical-derived collections such as the Historia Naturalis of Pliny, the Medicina Plinii, and the Physica Plinii. The collection also includes a large number of ‘magical’ charms which offer a unique insight into native beliefs in elves, spirits, witches, and sentient plants. The collection is therefore of prime importance to the history of folk medicine in Europe. This two-volume edition is the first to provide an accurate representation of the manuscript, edited and translated in the light of newly discovered source and analogous texts. It is also the first to include: a detailed discussion of the nature of the collection and its status in Anglo-Saxon England; discussions of the collection’s palaeography and codicology, sources, analogues, and language (with full glossaries of Old English and Old Irish words); an extensive commentary that takes into account a wealth of previous scholarship, and finds new solutions to old cruces; and a full bibliography, in addition to individual bibliographies for each of the collection’s Old English metrical charms.

Price: $259.95

Anthropological Analysis of Local Politics and Patronage in a Pakistani Village
 Lyon, Stephen M.
2004 0-7734-6496-4 272 pages
Asymmetrical power relationships are found throughout Pakistan’s Punjabi and Pukhtun communities. These relationships must be examined as manifestations of cultural continuity rather than as separate structures. The various cultures of Pakistan display certain common cultural features which suggest a re-examination of past analytical divisions of tribe and peasant societies. This book looks at the ways power is expressed, accumulated and maintained in three social contexts: kinship, caste, and political relationships. These are embedded within a collection of ‘hybridising’ cultures. Socialisation within kin groups provides the building blocks for Pakistani asymmetrical relationships, which may be understood as a form of patronage. As these social building blocks are transferred to non-kin contexts, the patron/client aspects are more easily identified and studied. State politics and religion are examined for the ways in which these patron/client roles are enacted on much larger scales but remain embedded within the cultural values underpinning those roles.

Price: $199.95

Anthropological and Literary Study of Two Australian Aboriginal Women’s Life Histories
 Westphalen, Linda
2012 0-7734-1593-9 480 pages
This book examines life history writing by Australian Aboriginal women in the context of ongoing negotiations about one's status and claims to country. It uses a methodological combination of literary analysis, history and anthropology to draw out the distinctive cultural heritages held in palimpsest within texts.

Price: $279.95

Anthropological Perspective on Prostitution the World’s Oldest Profession
 Whelehan, Patricia
2001 0-7734-7604-0 248 pages
This work is essentially an ethnography, written and researched by an anthropologist. As such, the use of participant observation, in-depth interviews and a holistic, relativistic, culture-based approach provide a perspective not usually found in the literature on prostitution. The daily, nonwork lives of prostitutes are explored, showing their commonness, humanity and connections with the ‘straight’ world as ordinary people. By getting deep, rich data through the use of participant observation and ethnographic approach, it serves to address myths, and challenge stereotypes about sexuality, women, and prostitution.

Price: $179.95

Anthropological Study of Raigarh: a Sikh Village in Punjab
 Arora, Daljeet
2008 0-7734-4796-2 308 pages
This work argues for the importance of studying rural India that is witnessing significant economic, political and social changes. Dr. Arora demonstrates for a village in Punjab, a north-west province of India, its complex embedded nature within regional, national and at times international network of relationships.
The author suggests that while Punjab gained considerably with changes in agricultural practices, little attention has been paid on ‘unintended consequences’ of change in relationships of production in the province and the role ‘social actors’ have played in developing adaptation strategies.

Price: $219.95

Aportes Recientes a la Literatura y el Arte Españoles: Estudios de Crítica Narrativa / Recent Developments in Spanish Literature and Art: Studies in Narrative Criticism)
 Raventos-Pons, Esther
2012 0-7734-2643-4 288 pages
Examining modern interpretations of Spanish literature and art involves discussing the works from varying perspectives. The authors of these essays investigate the concept of narrative as portrayed by Spanish authors. Most of the essays discuss contemporary art, but others study art and literature from the Middle Ages up until the present day.

Price: $199.95

Argentinean Cultural Production During the Neoliberal Years (1989-2001)
 Hortiguera, Hugo
2007 0-7734-5348-2 248 pages
This groundbreaking collection of essays examines Argentine cultural production during the 1989-2001 period, which coincided with the implementation of neoliberalism under President Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1999) and his successor, Fernando de la Rúa (1999-2001), thereby providing an overview of the way Argentine writers, filmmakers, musicians and media reacted to this centrality of the market forces. This collection will be of interest to scholars of Latin American Cultural Studies, Hispanic Studies, Film Studies as well as those of Comparative Literature.

Price: $179.95

Artistic Legacy of Le Corbusier’s Machine À Habiter
 Novakov, Anna
2008 0-7734-5150-1 212 pages
This book showcases exciting new trends in Corbusian scholarship. The authors, an international group of architectural historians, draw analogies between Le Corbusier’s machine à habiter and twentieth-century political and social movements such as Italian and German Fascism and the multi-national New Woman Movement. This book contains twenty black and white photographs and five color photographs.

Price: $179.95

Astrological Symbolism in Spenser's the Shepheardes Calender the Cultural Background of a Literary Text
 Richardson, J. M.
1989 0-88946-144-9 550 pages
A detailed study that presents the hypothesis that Spenser fashioned his eclogues in accordance with the sign and planet governing each eclogue's month.

Price: $299.95

Attitudes of Older African American Women About Alcohol
 Hatchett, Bonnie F.
2002 0-7734-7337-8 120 pages
Explores how drinking status, religiosity, and religious affiliation are associated with beliefs about alcohol usage among African American women 55 years of age and older. The relationship between religion and attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol suggest that the church could be sued as a vehicle for the dissemination of educational information about alcohol use and possible treatment options.

Price: $119.95

Barbers and Barbershops: An Annotated Bibliography
 Rothman, Irving N.
2017 1-4955-0595-2 836 pages
From the author's "Headnote": The abundance and quality of barber literature recommends the publication of various anthologies on the barber as a sub-genre of modern culture. ...This study provides and illustrative account of the barber in literature, as published in verse, in prose fiction, in the popular essay, in photography, and in art surveying, as well, the barber in commonplace news reports and in newspaper cartoon strips." This bibliography is organized by historical period (from the 1700s- 2016) and contains author and subject indexes.

Price: $499.95

Body Texts in the Novels of Angela Carter. Writing From a Corporeagraphic Point of View
 Kérchy, Anna
2008 0-7734-4892-6 372 pages
This study fills a major gap of Carter’s reception and enters into dialogue with current post-semiotical theories of the embodied subject by virtue of focusing on the dynamics of the meaning-in-process concomitant with the subject-in-process (Kristeva 1985) and the body-in-process. Through a corporeal narratological method—a close-reading interfacing of semioticized bodies in the text and of the somatized text on the body—the author deciphers how the ideologically disciplined, normativized-neutralized, ‘cultural’ body and its repressed yet haunting transgressive, corporeal, material ‘reality’ (are) (de)compose(d by) the Carterian fiction’s destabilizing discursive subversions and vibrations surfacing in narrative blind-spots, overwritings, textual ruptures or rhetorical manoeuvres.

Price: $239.95

Career of Dona Ines De Suarez, the First European Woman in Chile Conquistadora
 Nauman, Ann K.
2000 0-7734-7739-X 220 pages

Price: $199.95

 Thomas, Neil E.
1994 0-7734-9420-0 144 pages
These essays cover a broad historical sweep from Indo-European origins to the present. Essays include: Weaving-Related Symbolism in Early European Literature; Heinrich von Morungen and the Fairy-Mistress Theme; Second Sight in the Poetry of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff; Cernunnos Arisen: The Celtic Element in Geoffrey Hill's Mercian Hymns (with special reference to the way Hill and other English poets such as Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney have looked back to Celtic mythology as a belief system which gives more scope to natural forces than the Judaeo-Christian tradition); 'Mader er Mannz Gaman': The Theme of Friendship in Old Norse and Old English Wisdom Verse; Cultural Origin and the Presentation of an English Past: How Celtic a Figure is King Arthur in 19th Century English Literature?; The Southey Circle and Scandinavian Mythology and Literature; German Influences in The Mill on the Floss; and The Nibelungenlied and the Third Reich (on the ideological appropriations of the ancient Germanic legacy by the National Socialists). At all times the communal goal has been to view modern problems in an historical perspective which includes a consideration of that racial stereotyping which has sometimes marred our European civilization.

Price: $139.95

Celts and Their Games and Pastimes
 Egan, Sean J.
2002 0-7734-7171-5 252 pages
In addition to examining their games and pastimes, this study examines the Celtic psyche and culture. It examines all the Celtic peoples: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Brittany, Basque Region, Icelandic Connections; children’s Celtic games; and dance and music. This book fills a gap in the recreation literature of the warrior people known as the Celts and knits together the common threads that exist between the various Celtic nations.

Price: $199.95

Changing Community Identity Through Public Art: A Portrayal of the Largest Judicial Mass Execution in American History
 Pope, Cynthia
2023 1-4955-1143-X 280 pages
"Though traditional art has been strong on showcasing aesthetics to imbue pleasantries, modern public art has been breaking trends to push citizens beyond the pleasure of seeing beauty. Contemporary public sculpture, in particular, has been the impetus of provoking questions about community standards, identity, and race relations. A phenomenon involving 'Scaffold', a sculpture by artist Same Durant, became the focal point of contention within Minneapolis, Minnesota recently. With intentions to better understand the power public sculpture has to disrupt community, I [discuss] this controversy touching on racial politics, identity, culture, history and public art." -Cynthia Pope This book was written and presented as a dissertation at Texas Tech University with the title, "Scaffold on Trial: A Case Study of Community Identity Inspired by a Public Sculpture."

Price: $199.95

Changing Conceptions of the Child From the Renaissance to Post-Modernity: A Philosophy of Childhood
 Kennedy, David
2006 0-7734-5645-7 284 pages
Traces the connections between childhood and philosophy along multidisciplinary pathways in the humanities. Explores the significance of childhood in Western culture and modal subjectivity in the context, not just of philosophy, but of social and cultural history and the history of ideas, art, literature, mythology, spirituality, psychoanalysis, developmental psychology, and educational theory.

Price: $199.95

Changing Face of Literary and Cultural Studies in English in a Transnational Environment
 Haney, William S. II
1999 0-7734-8047-1 196 pages
These essays discuss not only British literature but other literatures in English and texts in other media including film, and the changing face of not just one nation's cultural studies but cultural studies in a transnational environment. These essays epitomize a complex proliferation of approaches to the ever-changing domain of literary and cultural studies.

Price: $159.95

Charles Hodge's Critique of Darwinism
 Wells, Jonathan
1988 0-88946-671-8 242 pages
A study that achieves special relevance because of the controversy lately reintroduced into public consciousness by the scientific creationists. Corrects the record regarding the actual nature of Hodge's response.

Price: $179.95

Chasse, Hockey et Baseball Dans Le Roman Québécois. Le Chasseur Comme Fondement Identitaire
 Lavoie, Carlo
2009 0-7734-4770-9 180 pages
This work examines the interplay between cultural memory and fiction through the exploration of the notion of territory within the sport discourses and three Québécois novels ( L’Élan d’Amérique, by Angré Langevin (1972); Le Coeur de la baleine bleue, by Jacques Poulin ([1970] 1987); and Louis Caron’s L’emmitouflé ([1977] 1991).

Price: $159.95

Children From Mixed Russian-African Marriages- Destinies, Culture, Future
 Krylova, N. L.
2000 0-7734-3183-7 400 pages
This work centers on a community unique in its kind, the result of mixed marriages between Russian women and the natives of African countries. It explores the social reality of such alliances.

Price: $239.95

China's International Cultural Exchange: A Textbook
 Xia, Bin
2024 1-4955-1240-1 304 pages
This is a 8 x 10, softcover book. "China's international cultural exchange is significant because it allows the country to project its soft power, build up diplomatic relations, connect with people from other countries, promote tourism and economic benefits, facilitate education and academic collaboration, foster cross-cultural learning, preserve its own cultural heritage, enhance bilateral relations, and assert its global leadership. For China's international cultural exchange, it is a multifaceted tool for diplomacy and global engagement." Dr. Bin Xia

Price: $49.95

CHINA’S GREATEST OPERATIC MALE ACTOR OF FEMALE ROLES: Documenting the Life and Art of Mei Lanfang, 1894-1961
 Tian, Min
2010 0-7734-3777-0 436 pages
This is the first English language book to systematically examine the life and art of Mei Lanfang (1894-1961). Mei, who specialized in female roles in classical Chinese theatre, especially jingju, is widely considered the greatest actor of twentieth-century China. This text includes analyses of his work from Chinese, Western, Russian,and intercultural perspectives.

Price: $259.95

Chinese and Chinese American Ancestor Veneration in the Catholic Church, 635 A. D. to the Present
 Butcher, Beverly J.
2010 0-7734-3624-3 492 pages
This work demonstrates that the ultimate creation and performance of the ancestor memorial liturgy by the Catholic Church is the practical realization of the ideal to renew attempts at worldwide inculturation as set forth during Vatican II. This book contains twelve color photograhs.

Price: $279.95

Circularity and Visions of the New World in William Faulkner, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Osman Lins
 Simas, Rosa
1993 0-7734-9249-6 224 pages
This study presents a thought-provoking textual and ideological analysis of circularity in Absolom Absolom! by Faulkner, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Garcia Marquez, and Avalovara by Lins. Adopting a transcultural comparative perspective on the study of the American continent, this book offers its readers a unique opportunity to evaluate the concept and experience of America.

Price: $179.95

Classical and Contemporary Mythic Identities: Construction of the Literary Imagination
 Alyal, Amina
2010 0-7734-3798-3 292 pages
This volume develops recent critical work on myth, as well as alluding to seminal if superseded works in the field. The collection explores ways in which this dynamic mythmaking process has taken place — and continues to take place — in contemporary art and thought.

Price: $199.95

Constructive Postmodern Perspective on Self and Community From Atomism to Holism
 Edge, Hoyt L.
1994 0-7734-9075-2 192 pages
Argues that a kind of thinking which this study calls "atomistic" has come to predominate in western culture, and describes four assumptions of modernism: atomism, foundationalism, dominionism, and "Mind as Reason". Traces the origins of these ideas and their implications, and then describes a transition from atomism to holism and the increasing emphasis on relational thinking in a number of areas, from politics to science and ethics.

Price: $159.95

Critique and Social Transformation. Lessons From Antonio Gramsci, Mikhail Bakhtin and Raymond Williams
 San Juan, Jr., E.
2009 0-7734-4778-4 312 pages
This scholarly work is a project of historical-materialist critique of themes, theories, and arguments in contemporary cultural politics. It examines the contradictory actualities and potential of a class-conflicted world system from the radical perspectives of Antonio Gramsci, Mikhail Bakhtin, and Raymond Williams. It endeavors to forge a transformative praxis useful for understanding the current crisis of global capitalism.

Price: $219.95

Critique as a Modern Social Phenomenon. The Critical Society
 Boland, Tom
2012 0-7734-4548-X 440 pages
What are the origins and purposes of social critique? Rather than use critique as a mode of investigating social phenomenon, this book analyses critique as a social phenomenon. Critique is both constitutive of modernity and exceedingly diverse, and not only that but widely taken for granted in scholarly communities. Herein, the resources of historical sociology and anthropology are used in order to gain perspective on critique as something culturally specific to modernity. Based on this, I analyze critique as moving force in history, part of the dynamic of capitalism and consumerism, a recurring trope in the media from all any political positions, and finally as a common-place even of popular culture. Finally, I turn to some key literary writers who have explored critique as a social phenomenon within their work, thus providing a reflexive perspective on critique as a lived experience.

Price: $259.95

Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Writings of Thomas King and Colin Johnson (Mudrooroo)
 Archer-Lean, Clare
2006 0-7734-5864-6 376 pages
Much has been written on the similarities between Canada, Australia and other Westernised English colonies in terms of the representation of Indigenous identity in fiction by white writers. This study addresses some very specific textual responses to this use of the ‘indigene’ by authors who are not from mainstream Anglo culture. The work makes an original contribution to knowledge and culture by comparing not only authors on far sides of the world, but also by comparing authors who do not easily fit into neat categories of identity themselves.

Price: $239.95

Cultural Experiences of Chinese Students Who Studied in the United States During the 1930s-1940s
 Ni, Ting
2002 0-7734-7193-6 416 pages
In addition to exploring the experience of these Chinese students, this study examines the social, cultural, economic and political history of the two countries. Due to the Americanization of China’s higher education before the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, the students were well-prepared for studying in the United States. But the unexpected founding of Communist China and the development of the Cold War prevented some from returning. When they did return, some suffered during the political campaigns in China, and a few became members of a CCP-controlled elite. “. . . a fine effort supported well by a wide variety of sources. . . . the United States and China have had for generations a deep and personal connection with each other. Countless thousands of students from each country have studied in the other and this continues through today. There is a record there that needs to be understood and Ting Ni’s work helps us to understand that record. . . . a particularly important contribution to the history of Sino-American activities and a contribution that will be sorely needed as we move into the coming decades when not only contemporary Sino-American relations but the history of Sino-American relations will become important tools for those attempting to guide our two nations toward a cooperative and successful future.” – Steven Leibo

Price: $259.95

Cultural History of Association Football in Scotland, 1865-1902: Understanding Sports as a Way of Understanding Society
 Mcdowell, Matthew L
2013 0-7734-4525-0 456 pages
Soccer, or football as it is called in Europe, became professionalized in the late nineteenth century. This is the story of how the sport grew in popularity, and eventually became the predominant sport in Scotland. Beyond the mere Rangers versus Celtic rivalry that has risen to epic, almost mythological proportions, this book discusses the social impact of the sport on the entire country. It shows how Scotland became a modern society and its sports and entertainment evolved along with the rest of the country, and how soccer became a national pastime.

Price: $279.95

Culture and Contradiction Dialectics of Wealth, Power and Symbol
 DeSoto, Hermine G.
1992 0-7734-1938-1 480 pages
Contributes to the development of research and theory in social anthropology generally and particularly in issues such as gender, class, poverty, power, dissent, kinship, ideology, linguistics, development anthropology, and urban anthropology. Geographical areas covered are Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Each contribution is original, offering the reader new cultural insights on an individual basis.

Price: $279.95

Dance Performance by LÚ?nica, a Slovak National Folklore Ballet: What is the Meaning of Staged Folkloric Performances?
 Roy, Diane Carole
2014 0-7734-4285-5 360 pages
A highly original look at Australian multiculturalism through the exploration of the significance of a Slovak traditional music and dance performance in Melbourne employing three methodologies; Goffman’s analysis of interactional behavior, Conversation Analysis, and statistical survey techniques which unified the Foucauldian theoretical framework of the data giving the findings added cogency.

Price: $239.95

De Brujos Y Naguales: La Guatemala Imaginaria De Miguel Angel Asturias
 Arredondo, Isabel
1997 0-7734-2288-9 184 pages
This study uses a novel by Guatemalan writer Asturias, winner of the 1967 Nobel prize, to analyze the construction of Guatemalan identity at the end of the 1940s and to consider the factors involved in representing a Third World country. It contributes to the field of cultural studies by careful analysis of the factors that affect representation of other cultures, or the "other", by including information on how Third World countries represent themselves, in this case, an educated Guatemalan writer portraying the Mayan population of his own country. It also studies the theories and ideas that bought the change from Indigenism to Neo-Indigenism. It also considers how Asturias' work relates to that of other Guatemalan intellectuals, in particular to that of Carlos Samayoa Chinchilla, examining how they represent different countries, and the stand each novel takes on colonialism. De Brujos is a major contribution to the study of Latin American literature. It applies cultural studies theories that make the work of art an ideological construction where particular history can by studies. In Spanish throughout.

Price: $159.95

Defamiliarization in Mari Sandoz's Cheyenne Autumn
 Bartelt, Guillermo
2016 1-4955-1236-3 208 pages
"...One may consider Cheyenne Autumn primarily as literary discourse, in which defamiliarization plays a crucial stylistic role. In applying this technique, familiar language structures that are taken for granted, and hence automatically perceived, become disturbed to the point of oddness and estrangement. ...By deftly appropriating fragments of Cheyenne culture from the ethnographic literature, Sandoz compels the reader to a hightened awareness of artistic process" -Dr. Guillermo Bartelt

Price: $139.95

Defining Indigeneity in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of the Free Frisians
 Onsman, Andrys
2004 0-7734-6505-7 244 pages

Price: $179.95

Defund the Public Education Monopoly and Fund Private K-12 Schools: Ethnic, Religious, Technical, Military, Arts, Sports, Vocational, Business, etc.
 Itzkoff, Seymour
2022 1-4955-1024-7 372 pages
(Softcover Book) This book is a reprint of the author's A New Public Education. From the author: "This book is about educational reform. It is not primarily concerned with the particular improvement that can take place in an individual classroom or school. More basically, it is a study of the interaction of the institutions of formal education with our evolving sense of community life and social structure. It constitutes an interpretation of the changing character and direction of American society and education. It also purports to explore the meaning of our present circumstances and the most probable and rational directions for future development."

Price: $49.95

Depiction of Clothing in French Medieval Manuscripts
 Gathercole, Patricia M.
2008 0-7734-5014-9 140 pages
This work presents an overall picture of French medieval clothing. The illustrations contained in the volume are invaluable in providing a striking view of this apparel, and all that it demonstrated and connoted by the wearer to its observer. This book contains one color photograph and twenty-five black and white photographs.

Price: $139.95

Diaries of Georgy Efron, August 1942-August 1943 (the Tashkent Period)
 Zaslavsky, Olga
2010 0-7734-3645-6 172 pages
This work is a translation of Georgy Efron, the son of one of Russia’s greatest twentieth-century poets, Maria Tsvetaeva.

Price: $159.95

Dilemma of Ethnic Identity
 Eze, Chielozona
2005 0-7734-6020-9 224 pages
This book discusses the nature of culture in a global era. In our era of increasing disjuncture and disparity, a new understanding of culture is needed to aid us in bridging ethnic and religious gaps. Alain Locke (1885-1994) believed that it was possible to attain world peace and order without one group of people imposing itself on the others. To achieve this, he gave a new definition of culture and society, which the author calls transcultural. This book explores Alain Locke’s ideas and how he anticipated transcultural societies as a means of attaining world peace and order. Transculturality describes primarily the process through which cultures intermix with and borrow from one another; it describes the latent, steady transformation of an idea from place of birth to elsewhere until it no longer recognizes or belongs exclusively to that place of birth. It is Elvis Presley taking Rock and Roll out of the Black ghetto, or Eminem “whitewashing” rap; it is Dave Brubeck handling jazz as ingeniously as Seiji Ozawa conducts Beethoven’s Ode to Joy; it is the Apostle Paul taking Christianity out of its Jewish origins unto the Gentile world. Whenever an idea is denaturalized, taken out of its nativity, it no longer belongs specifically to that place; it crosses boundaries, aiming to become universal.

Price: $179.95

Directorial Self-Fashioning in American Horror Cinema. Geroge A. Romero, Wes Craven, Rob Zombie, Eli Roth and the masters of Horror
 Kooyman, Ben
2014 0-7734-0088-5 332 pages
Looks at the filmmaking environment and logically lays out his conclusions on how some of the most popular and culturally significant directors negotiate authorial identities within the global environment.

Price: $219.95

Discourse of Hysteria: The topoi of Humility, Physicality, and Authority in Women’s Rhetoric
 Greene, Logan
2009 0-7734-4843-8 252 pages
This study analyzes the rhetorical strategies of five women, (Hildegard of Bingen, Margery Kempe, Aphra Behn, Sojourner Truth, and Hélène Cixous), from different historical periods. The author finds commonalities constituting a discourse of hysteria, deriving from and making productive use of women’s historical position at the margins of institutionalized power in our culture.

Price: $199.95

Education in the Japanese Life Cycle: Implications for the United States
 Ellington, Lucien
1992 0-7734-9609-2 252 pages
This study describes and analyzes the varieties of educational experiences of Japanese from infancy through old age. It also compares these experiences with those of Americans. It is an integration of the major findings of American and Japanese scholars of education, the author's own research, and the reactions of American scholars. Each chapter contains both general information and illustrative case studies. Unlike other studies of the Japanese education system, it examines not only the formal education systems but also the roles of the family, the adult kendo or English conversation club, workplace on-the-job training, and senior citizens organizations, providing a unique and realistic perspective on the subject.

Price: $199.95

Education: Teaching Students in Their Own Language, Gender, Religion, Ethnicity, and Talents
 Itzkoff, Seymour
2022 1-4955-1025-5 204 pages
(Softcover Book) This book is a reprint of the author's Cultural Pluralism and American Education. From the author: "[This] is an essay in the social and philosophical foundations of education. It reflects a concern for the changing character of our society and the manner in which formal education has become enmeshed in its institutional patterns. "

Price: $49.95

El Teatro Politico De Protesta Social En Venezuela, 1969 - 1979
 Bottaro, Jésus S.
2008 0-7734-5203-6 184 pages
This study examines the social and cultural causes of the decline in political theater in Venezuela during the second half of the twentieth century. The author focuses primarily on the following representative plays: La trampa de los demonios (1977) by César Rengifo, La guerrita de Rosendo (1976) by Gilberto Pinto, La farra (1974) and La empresa perdona un momento de locura (1978) both by Rodolfo Santana.

Price: $159.95

Encyclopedia of Infanticide
 Bechtold, Brigitte H.
2010 0-7734-1402-9 348 pages
This book includes 166 articles discussing specific issues related to infanticide. Each is cross-referenced with related articles. The volume also contains an extensive bibliography.

Price: $219.95

 Peart, Shirley Adawy
2002 0-7734-7019-0 288 pages

Price: $199.95

Epitaph Culture in the West
 Guthke, Karl S.
2003 0-7734-6785-8 436 pages
This book examines a number of facets of Western epitaph culture since antiquity, with particular emphasis on post-medieval developments in the major European countries as well as in North America. Various epitaphic “sub-cultures” are analyzed, among them the time-honored custom of composing one’s own tomb inscription as well as the ancient and modern convention of honoring animals with epitaphs. It also examines epitaph-collecting, epitaph “lies,” humorous epitaphs, and the change in social and religious attitudes toward suicides. The book concludes with a cultural and intellectual history of epitaphs. An epilogue addresses the question of the supposed disappearance of epitaph culture at the present time.

Price: $259.95

Esoteric-Orientalist Elements in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. The Nexus of Gothic and Cultural Studies
 Chishty-Mujahid, Nadya Q.
2015 1-4955-0318-8 116 pages
A significant work that directs readers to re-examine the classic texts and tropes of Austen’s novel, Northanger Abbey, Orientalist sub-fields of Cultural studies, and intriguing aspects of the Tarot in a postmodern context. The author directs students and scholars to examine neglected aspects of academia.

Price: $119.95

Essays and Scripts on How Mothers are Portrayed in the Theater: A Neglected Frontier of Feminist Scholarship
 Osnes, Beth
2010 0-7734-3779-7 348 pages
This collection examines the nexus of mothering, feminism, and theatre. The work examines the portrayals of mothers in literature and on the performance stage, and makes a contribution to studies in dramatic literature, women’s studies, feminist theory, and theatre history.

Price: $219.95

Essays on Politics, Language and Society in Luxembourg
 Newton, Gerald
2000 0-7734-7899-X 292 pages
This volume presents a major collection of studies of life in Luxembourg since the 19th century. The volume is multilingual, and in order to make it accessible to readers unfamiliar with French and German, a summary of the articles appearing in these languages is given at the end of the book.

Price: $199.95

Essays on Transgressive Reading Reading Over the Lines
 Johnston, Georgia
1997 0-7734-8577-5 280 pages
These essays examine texts from the Renaissance to the Postmodern, analyzing transgression's formation as a product of textual interdependence with audience, showing that subverted gender politics, unexpected genre combinations, and revised cultural histories result from textual transgression. The anthology emphasizes that transgression is not a transcendent transparent act that breaks cultural norms. Instead, western conceptions of text and audience construct the definitions and effects of transgression.

Price: $199.95

ESSAYS ON WOMEN’S ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1919-1939: Expanded Social Roles for the New Woman Following the First World War
 Birnbaum, Paula
2009 0-7734-4807-1 316 pages
This work examines the social, cultural and political contexts in which women artists from Europe, Asia, and North America had the opportunity to contribute to their nations’ cultural production. This book contains twenty-nine black and white photographs.

Price: $219.95

Estudios Sobre La Cuentistica De Juan Bosch
 Ossers, Manuel A.
2009 0-7734-3888-2 196 pages
Juan Bosch (1909-2001), president of the Dominican Republic in 1963, was a politician and writer. This work is a compilation of essays on the short stories of Juan Bosch (1909-2001). They include studies on cenesthesia, hyperbole, expressionism, impressionism, time, magic realism, myths, female characters in a social, political, and historical context; and children characters with their vital thematic and structural roles.

Price: $159.95

 Bartelt, Guillermo
2022 1-4955-0993-1 132 pages
Dr. Guillermo Bartelt uses sociolinguistic analysis in his study of American Indian English. In this book, he focuses specifically on the powwow: "As a participant observer, I found powwows to offer fascinating discourse data for ethnographic and linguistic interpretations." He proceeds by, "analyzing the cognitive and social functions of discourse and semiotics in the context of powwow events in rural Oregon and Washington as well as urban Southern California."

Price: $139.95

 Giraldi, G. B.
2003 0-7734-6833-1 284 pages
Among Giraldi’s later plays not published since the 16th century is Eufimia, which the playwright adapted for the stage from one of his own short stories, in a new style. It combines lavish stage spectacle with a plot incorporating romantic episodes based on the poems of chivalry and resembling some of the stock ingredients of the modern Western: flight, pursuit, rescue, combat and duel. The volumes includes explanatory notes on the text and a glossary of archaic words and word-forms. The first part of the Introduction places Giraldi’s tragedy in the context of the dispute with his literary rival, Giambattista Pigna, correcting in the process some persistent misunderstandings about the chronology of events. The second part discusses the innovative aspects of the tragedy and its place in the evolution of Giraldi’s compositions for the stage

Price: $199.95

Examining Irish Nationalism in the Context of Literature, Culture and Religion: A Study of the Epistemological Structure of Nationalism
 O'Brien, Eugene
2002 0-7734-7238-X 184 pages
Argues that it is only through its epistemological perspective that nationalism can be properly analyzed. It goes on to offer such an analysis, utilizing the work of Jacques Lacan. The strong connections between nationalism and religion are examined Finally, the supposed difference between political nationalism and ‘cultural nationalism’ is interrogated.

Price: $159.95

Experience of Exile Described by Italian Writers: From Cicero Through Dante and Machiavelli Down to Carlo Levi
 Marsh, David
2014 0-7734-4507-2 276 pages
This book identifies the historical and social context of the experience of exile and the degree to which the condition of being exiled influenced literary production of those forced to undergo it.
A fascinating study examining how the legal governmental policy of “exile” can act as a catalyst in the transformation of the person ‘exiled’ from martyr to hero and how the exile process becomes the social –historical instrument that inspires the creative writing of great Italian masterpieces in poetry, rhetoric and philosophy.

Price: $199.95

Exploring Stereotyped Images in Victorian and Twentieth-Century Literature and Society
 Morris, John L.
1993 0-7734-9325-5 304 pages
These essays explore the nature and effect of differing categories of stereotype: racial, social, sexual, class media, cultural, etc. Essays examine how best-selling novels gain their effect from the use of stereotyping of the Negro and Jew; the way in which women in Victorian England were expected to be seen; the use of working-class stereotypes; how literature and other cultural productions portray people and situations in terms of the media even to the extent of their being reduced to electronically projected images representative of the accelerating standardization and mechanization of mass society.

Price: $219.95

False Formosan - George Psalmanazar and the Eighteenth-Century Experiment of Identity
 Swiderski, Richard
1991 0-7734-9858-3 280 pages
A major reconsideration of the Assyrian Christian scholar and confidence man George Psalmanazar who dazzled eighteenth-century London in the disguise of a Chinese savant. Swiderski explores the fabulism and credulity of the time as well as analyzing the scientific curiosity aroused by Psalmanazar's writings.

Price: $199.95

Family, Lineage and Kinship in the Cycle of Guillaume D'orange
 Koss, Ronald G.
1990 0-88946-692-0 228 pages
Examines chronologically nine major texts of the Guillaume cycle, the kinship relationships of the characters (men, women, brothers, and siblings), and the nature, consequences, motives, and functions of these relationships. Demonstrates that the Cycle of Guillaume is a true cycle and details how the bonds of kinship provide the structural framework of the cycle.

Price: $179.95

Famous Chinese Short Stories as Retold by Lin Yutang: How a Chinese-American Mediated Between His Two Cultures
 Liu, Min
2022 1-4955-1021-2 168 pages
Dr. Liu analyzes Lin's rewriting in Famous Chinese Short Stories through the lens of his reinterpretation of xingling to explain how Lin Yutang stood at the crossroads between China and the west, between tradition and modernity. Liu suggests that Lin may be considered as a cultural ambassador, a liberal cosmopolitan, or a partial Orientalist. In his meditating role between China and the west, Lin engaged in a form of cultural diplomacy that generated what Liu calls the "soft power" of Chinese tradition.

Price: $159.95

Female Serial Murderer
 Scott, Hannah
2005 0-7734-6000-4 216 pages
Focus on gender bias in perceptions of criminal women, using the extreme example of serial murder. Often, an examination of the extreme can show cultural biases with greater clarity. This book shows that men and women, as with more common homicide trends, carry out serial murdering in different patterns. Lastly, this book will explore another possible definition of serial murder as well as some alternative theoretical approaches to the problem. While there have been numerous studies of male serial killers, studies of female serial killers are lacking, even though, as the statistics of this book document, there have been many over time.

Price: $179.95

Figure of Cressida in British and American Literature Transformation of a Literary Type
 Stiller, Nikki
1990 0-88946-397-2 194 pages
Traces this controversial figure characterized by sexual allure and treachery from its Homeric beginnings in the minor characters of Chryseis and Briseis through its period of greatest popularity, the sixth through sixteenth centuries, to its reappearance in modern form today.

Price: $159.95

First Decade of Life Volume 1. Birth to Age Five: Development in the Preschool Years
 Jordan, Thomas E.
1997 0-7734-8702-6 276 pages
The two volumes of this publication attempt to explain by multivariate analysis how selected factors influence the course of growth in an expanding set of behavioral domains. The explanatory power of the variables in four models varies considerably; some areas of child growth emerge as powerfully influenced by mutable circumstance, while others remain enigmatic. The research program described here has been paralleled in recent decades by others as prospective longitudinal study has returned to fashion.

A reprint, with a new introduction, of the author's Development in the Preschool Years with a new Foreword. A thorough longitudinal study, this volume describes and analyzes the psychological, social, and educational development of some 1000 children in the St. Louis area. Using biological, social, family, and maternal information, the author examines the physical, motor intellectual, linguistic, and social development. Sample includes black and white children, both inner-city and suburban, ranging in background from poor to wealthy. Originally published in 1980.

From the base reported in Volume I, the data of this work extend the sequence of events in several domains to age ten years. The predictors series consists of four arrays of variables from the early phases of child development. The earliest predictors were identified in the delivery room, and others were added in the preschool years. Here, the same children are studied from age five to ten, and the set of variables arrayed as potential influences in the same four models continues from the preschool period, with a few modifications.

Price: $199.95

Form and Function of Ritual Dialogue in the Marriage Traditions of Celtic-Language Cultures
 Martin, Neill
2007 0-7734-5328-8 428 pages
The study examines the form and function of ritual dialogue in marriage traditions, paying particular attention to the betrothal ceremony or rèiteach in Gaelic Scotland, along with analogues in Brittany and Wales, while also exploring the relationship between the ritual dialogues and traditions such as flyting and bardic contest. What emerges is a picture of the multi-referential potential of this form of ritual speech and the symbolic significance which lies behind the surface meaning. The human drama of marriage is seen to be submerged within an all-encompassing symbolic event which adopts as its structure the spirit of conflict, dramatising the give and take of the relationship the community both desires and fears.

Price: $259.95

Four Eternal Cities: Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, and Carthage: Their Origin, Power, and Transforming Influence on Western History
 Avaliani, Eka
2021 1-4955-0917-6 152 pages
From the author's introduction: "Herodotus, having written the history of the Greco-Persian Wars i.e., a political event, established the grounds for historical thought. Herodotus executed his research in such a manner that he managed to encompass all contemporary historical events, facts, and processes. In his grand narrative, the Greek historian granted an honourable place to the cities and city dwellers. In our case, the city plays the role of the keystone of historical research. ...This book is devoted to the creation of the tradition of the city, its invention, development, and 21st century comprehension. The analysis of cities from different perspectives and the connection of the contemporary cities to the past are the main goals of the book. (oversized softcover)

Price: $139.95

Fragmentation and Contradiction in Piers Plowman and Its Implications for the Study of Modern Literature, Art and Culture the Apocalyptic Discourse
 Klein, Michael L.
1992 0-7734-9504-5 416 pages
This study charts and analyzes the stylistic, ideological, and human signifiers of a general crisis of rhetoric and discourse: shifting genres and resolutions; parataxis; contradiction, recycling, repetition. The style, structure and dialogic pattern of meanings of William Langland's Piers Plowman are the starting points of an inquiry into the contradictions of cultures and societies in transition. Crises of feudal and late capitalist cultures in transition are analyzed in visual art, film, and music as well as literature. Texts studies include the work of Eliot, Pound, Lawrence, Dos Passos, Glass, Reich, and Dylan, as well as the film "Beyond Thunderdome."

Price: $259.95

Frontiers of European Culture
 Dukes, Paul
1996 0-7734-8925-8 264 pages
This study demonstrates how an interdisciplinary enterprise, sensitive to the problem of crossing intellectual boundaries, enhances our appreciation of those frontiers which separate one collectivity from another. The book illuminates problems of us and them at a time when increasing scholarly interest in the process of globalization is making necessary deeper consideration of attitudes towards traditional divisions.

Price: $199.95

Gay, Lesbian, and Heterosexual Teachers. An Investigation of Acceptance of Self, Acceptance of Others, Affectional and Lifestyle Orientation
 Mayer, Martin P.
1993 0-7734-2236-6 196 pages
This empirical study describes the relationship between discrimination against gay teachers, the way teachers manage their identity, and their self-esteem, including acceptance of self and acceptance of others. It describes the need for this research in its historical context, reviews the related literature, presents the methodology and findings, and recommendations for future research. It documents the lack of substantive differences in personality characteristics, and offers useful data that can foster insight and knowledge too often missing in emotionally-charged debates about gays in the professions.

Price: $159.95

Gender and Caste in the Anglophone-Indian Novels of Arundhati Roy and Githa Hariharan: Feminist Issues in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
 Navarro-Tejero, Antonia
2005 0-7734-5995-2 188 pages
This book analyzes the intersections of gender, caste and the (re)telling of history in the narratives by two contemporary South-Asian women writers in English of Malayalam descent, Arundhati Roy and Githa Hariharan. The authors have chosen two novels: The Thousand Faces of Night (1992)– winner of the Commonwealth Prize for Best First Book– by Githa Hariharan; and The God of Small Things– winner of the Booker Prize in 1997– by Arundhati Roy. Githa Hariharan represents the reality for a considerable section of Indian womanhood inserted in a brahminical, high class environment, and Arundhati Roy depicts the fatal consequences of the inter-caste sexual relations in a supposedly caste-less Christian and at the same time communist community. The overall purpose of this study is to unravel, expose and analyze how these authors create new possibilities, using two main strategies: first, re-defining female subjectivity in the critical juncture of caste and gender, and second, by reinterpreting history. Telling stories, that is, creating history, is in itself a way of producing new entities, new identities. Consequently, from this angle, plotting family and lineage is very relevant. Roy’s and Hariharan’s stories call for a re-vision and transformation in the three main power structures–State, Religion and Family–subverting, thus, the canon and claiming the subalterns’ space in History.

Price: $159.95

Gender, Ethnicity and Class in Modern Portuguese Speaking Culture
 Owen, Hilary
1996 0-7734-8849-9 240 pages
These readings of modern Portuguese, Brazilian, and Portuguese African texts articulate a challenge by drawing on different theories of how gender, ethnicity and class relate to the production and reception of culture. Consequently, the collection juxtaposes and connects new readings of well-known literary figures such as Ariano Suassuna, Agustina Bessa Luís, Hélia Correia, Henrique Teixeira de Sousa and Clarice Lispector with readings of "popular culture" as represented by samba, circo-teatro, images of women in advertising and oral narratives from the southeast of Brazil. The diversity of the critical approaches adopted demonstrates both the potential for new "coalitional" connections and the demands imposed by deconstructing the Lusist canon.

Price: $179.95

Generational Traumas in Contemporary Cuban- American Literature
 Montes, Rafael Miguel
2006 0-7734-5851-4 184 pages
Through a critical examination of a number of artistic, musical, and literary productions created by the children of Cuban exiles, this book defines frameworks with which to discuss second-generation Cuban-American texts. Via the cultural critiques of exile produced by theorists such as Bhabha, Appadurai, Seyhan, and Rushdie, the work analyzes the social and political implications of works produced by Cristina García, Roberto G. Fernández, Virgil Suárez, Carmelita Tropicana, Albita Rodríguez, and several other artists all engaged in defining a cultural identity in exile. The overall study reveals a generational solidarity of much greater complexity than the common assumptions of assimilation and acculturation previously assigned to this generation’s cultural output. The art produced by this particular generation, born either wholly outside of Cuban territory or children at the time of their departures, considers the necessity of interrogating parental as well as grandparental narratives as they settle on the task of creating independent identity narratives. Primarily by accessing memories, childhood stories, tales of pre-Revolutionary Cuba, traumatic narratives of departure, and accounts of social (mal)adjustments, these texts offer a number of viable ways in which to produce and ultimately locate a multi-faceted cultural identity despite the potentially alienating condition known as exile.

Price: $159.95

Geographies of Freemasonry: Ritual, Lodge and City in Spatial Context
 Kuhlke, Olaf
2008 0-7734-5110-2 164 pages
This book examines the ritual construction of sacred space on multiple spatial scales as practiced by the Fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Included in the study is a history of Freemasonry and illustrations of the separation of Masonic space on larger scales, namely the Masonic Temples. This book contains fourteen black and white photographs.

Price: $159.95

Geography as a Tool for Developing the Mind: A Theory of Place-Making
 Sack, Robert David
2010 0-7734-1315-4 560 pages
This study proposes that geographic theory can provide an explanation of how self-reflective consciousness is the basis of the relationship among self, society, and nature. It then applies this principles to how the social is constituted.

Price: $319.95

George Baxter, the First Color Printing From Metal Plates and Wood Blocks: Portraying Victorian Values of England’s Rising Middle Class
 Scheuerle, William H.
2011 0-7734-3920-X 188 pages

Price: $159.95

Globe Theatre Project
 Conkie, Rob
2006 0-7734-5724-0 296 pages
Analyzes performances at the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London between 1996 and 2004 through a focus on the new Globe’s most defining characteristic: authenticity. In that this concept of authenticity reverberates so urgently with debates about identity – from national to personal, heritage-centered to technologically-mediated – the book addresses both the question of why authenticity has become so crucial in late twentieth and early twenty-first century Britain and it further considers what productions of the ‘authentic Shakespeare’ at the new Globe have to say about contemporary identities.

Price: $199.95

Gypsy- American: An Ethnogeographic Study
 Nemeth, David J.
2002 0-7734-7217-7 312 pages
This study contributes to scholarship in several innovative ways. It is an ethnogeography, a regional ethnography, that focuses on an ambiguously-defined ethnic group in the United States – Rom Gypsies – whose survival strategies and stratagems appear to center ideally on the secrecy and mobility of its members. Gypsy scholars are continually frustrated in their search for truth because Gypsies, specially in America, remain ill-defined, incommensurable and impossible to map with any accuracy. The near absence of Gypsy-American landscapes and associated culture regions presents a challenge to traditional ethnography. This book contributes an unprecedented scholarly investigation of a Gypsy-American inscape as an alternative approach to the landscape study. The inscape is a vital activity space that produces and reproduces a Gypsy-American ethnos. The study focuses primarily on the activities of Thomas Nicholas, a self-ascribed Rom Gypsy-American, and his family, and offers extraordinary insight into the Gypsy-American ethnos. The book also addresses complex issues in Gypsy studies social science scholarship, provides a critique of its mission and accomplishments, and offers a unique window into the lives of some typical Gypsy scholars whose relentless pursuit of Gypsies involves considerable personal and professional risks.

Price: $219.95

Heresy of Oedipus and the Mind/ Mind Split. A Study of the Biocultural Origins of Civilization
 Colavito, Maria M.
1995 0-7734-8854-5 292 pages
The nature/nurture controversy, sometimes known as the evolution/environment controversy, seems to have trickled down into the information systems of the vernacular world as an unfortunate rift between duelling scholarly camps. The Biocultural Paradigm is offered as a model that transcends both camps, by recognizing the neuro-biological origins of human development and by delineating exactly how and when sociological influences can and cannot affect those neuro-biological invariants. The Biocultural Paradigm is established by using existing discoveries in evolutionary neuro-biology and Selection Theory. It is composed of five proto-cultural models ("biocultures") which correspond to the five evolutionary centers of our neurological structures.

Price: $199.95

Historical Survey of the Southern Review 1935-1942. Radical Conservatism
 Weeks, Dennis
1999 0-7734-8036-6 313 pages
The Southern Review provided a vital examination of the cultural life of the period of the 1930's and 40s in American literary and cultural thought. In its pages appeared the early work of such writers as Katherine Anne Porter, Eudora Welty, Mary McCarthy, and other southern luminaries. It also served as a platform for the political, cultural, and social history of the time. Under the editorship of Robert Penn Warren and Cleanth Brooks, Jr., it became the center of the New Criticism and the various ideological conflicts associated with that movement. This study examines the unique place the journal held in shaping American literary thought. It examines original correspondence and other archival sources from Yale and Vanderbilt that included the letters of Warren and Brooks to the contributors.

Price: $219.95

Histories, Languages and Cultures of West Africa
 Sarr, Akua
2006 0-7734-5908-1 540 pages
The West African Research Association (WARA) was founded for the purpose of promoting scholarly collaboration between American and West African researchers and to increase interest in international affairs among Americans through a reciprocal program of research exchange between scholars and institutions. It is the first institution of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa, one of fifteen American overseas research centers around the world founded by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) with help from the Smithsonian Institute.

In June 1997, WARA held its first international symposium in Dakar, Senegal titled West Africa and the Global Challenge. Approximately 150 scholars from the U.S., Europe, and Africa attended this meeting, and the sessions were divided under three broad headings: The African Diaspora in the Americas and the Caribbean; West African Research in History, Art, Languages, Religion, Culture, and Literature; and Contemporary Issues in Society, Environment, Technology, and Education.

This is a compilation of selected essays that were presented at the 1997 symposium. The work strives to achieve the views and discussions from the first annual WARA symposium and its continuing contribution to the ongoing dialogue of West African issues.

Price: $299.95

History of a Popular European Radio Station: From Radio Luxembourg to (2 Vol Set)
 Marechal, Denis
2013 0-7734-4538-2 748 pages
The book traces the history of a famous non-specialized commercial radio station, through from its beginnings in trans-frontier broadcasting in the 1930’s to its enviable position at the heart of a Europe-wide multi-media empire. Indeed, part of the book relates to rivalry with the BBC and other European broadcasters before and after the Second World War. The station played a pivotal role in the events of May 1968, and the evolving attitudes to homosexuality and other subjects, affecting even the use of language. Echoing the instability of the media world and the commercial and political tensions within it, the book also shows the struggle with various governments to defend freedom of expression.

Price: $379.95

 McCluskey, Raymond
2012 0-7734-4520-X 412 pages
This book shows all the various ways that teachers and the teaching profession are depicted in popular culture, literature, and throughout history. It is valuable because it shows the kinds of stereotypes that teachers have to run up against while having contact with their students. Obviously the number of cultural depictions of teachers has a much greater reach than the actual lived experiences students have with teachers themselves. The point is that these depictions create nefarious images that often impede the learning process, and create raised expectations for teachers who sometimes cannot live up to them.

Price: $259.95

How American Reggae Redefined Jamaican and Caribbean Reggae: A Theoretical Study of the Relationship Between Mass Communication and Cultural Domination
 Regis, Humphrey A.
2015 1-4955-0365-8 132 pages
This work describes changes in the Jamaican and Caribbean reggae culture by examining the relationship between mass communication and the cultural domination of African, Caribbean, and other less powerful peoples that has been based primarily on importation/exportation theoretical framework of cultural domination. The author argues this importation/ exportation framework does not acknowledge the role of African, Caribbean, and other current less powerful peoples as originators in what history indicates is the millennia-old process of domination by the more powerful.

Price: $139.95

How Archaeological Artifacts Inspire Imagination. A Study of Two Dozen Poets and Novelists Who Describe the Prehistoric Past
 Wyatt, John
2017 1-4955-0590-1 636 pages
This is a study in cultural history, tracing the relationship between Archaeology and Literature. It relates how archaeology became involved in literary expression. The author's aim is to study 'authors who engaged in a practical manner with the exploration of prehistory, and out that experience, created literature.'

Price: $339.95

How Cultural Differences Shape the Reception of Knowledge
 Craig, Anita P.
2007 0-7734-5714-3 180 pages
This book, written to help teachers, is a psychology of knowledge and the learning process in children aged between 4 to 18 years. It deals with problems in the classroom such as: differences in the degree of social preparedness; different assumptions about work, space and time; and variations in intellectual learning levels. The book's goal is to help teachers identify, analyze, test and teach with these issues in mind.

Price: $159.95

How Do We Create a Philosophical Cosmos for Acting Socially and Being Happy?
 Green, Michael K.
2007 0-7734-5513-2 412 pages
In this work the focus is on the cyclical structure of the patterns of social change. According to the Wave Principle, patterns of five waves move in the direction of a trend and three waves move against it. The author presents a theory of agency and sociality that serves as a basis for the wave-like character of social change and the individuality of the component waves of the pattern.

Price: $259.95

How Ethnically Marginalized Americans Cope with Catastrophic Disasters. Studies in Suffering and Resiliency
 Rivera, Jason D.
2010 0-7734-3644-8 432 pages
This edited volume explores the experiences of minority groups within American society in the aftermath of disaster. Focusing on four minority groups, Native Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans and Latinos, contributing authors discuss the various strategies used by these groups to recover from natural and technological disasters in the midst of their heightened social vulnerability.

Price: $259.95

How Globalizing Professions Deal with National Languages: Studies in Cultural Studies and Cooperation
 Gueldry, Michel
2010 0-7734-4650-8 364 pages
This book examines the impact of globalization as the dominant and protean feature of our age on world languages and cultures (LC), as well as its implications for LC pedagogy for the working world/s. In addition, it delineates the broad contours of the professional use of LC by providing contextualized, striking evidence of their importance in critical situations across several professional fields.

Price: $239.95

HOW IRISH WOMEN WRITERS PORTRAY MASCULINITY Exposing the Presumptions of Patriarchy (Interviews and Novels by Clare Boylan, Maeve Kelly, Mary O'Donnell, and Anne Haverty)
 Houston, Nainsi J.
2006 0-7734-5558-2 224 pages
The roles of men and women in Ireland have changed a great deal in the last fifty years and many of these changes can be attributed to the dual influence of the Irish Women’s Movement and Ireland’s inclusion in the European Community/Union. While these two influences affected many rapid legal changes toward equality for women and men in Ireland, Irish society has been slow to reflect these shifts. The novels examined in this book reflect the gap between these legal and societal changes.

Price: $179.95

How Modern Governments Made Prostitution a Social Problem. Creating a Responsible Prostitute Population
 Scott, John Geoffrey
2005 0-7734-6114-0 328 pages
Presents an original and significant contribution to the study of female and male prostitution. It challenges common assumptions about prostitution embedded in scholarly and public discourses, especially the idea that the prostitute is an affront to private respectability and public order. Drawing upon Michel Foucault’s genealogical method, the author uses historical and contemporary materials to document the ways in which female and male prostitution have been constructed, contrived and imagined as ‘social problems’ over the course of two centuries.

Price: $219.95

How Tasmanian Aboriginals Have Been Portrayed by White Australians: A History of Racial and Cultural Delegitimization and the Case of Truganni's Necklace
 Onsman, Andrys
2014 0-7734-4320-7 232 pages
The book traces how Tasmanian Aboriginal people were represented in the past and the political exploitation of their resistance to British settler onslaught as a means to negate their claims for recognition as traditional owners of Tasmania.
Contribution to Scholarship: A new look at how one of the most influential portrayals of Tasmanian Aboriginal people, the one put forward in the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, has changed from simply reflecting an academic idea to becoming pro-active in presenting contemporary images : a change that began when the museum employed an Aboriginal curator to manage its collection.

Price: $249.95

How the Films of Pedro AlmodÓvar Draw Upon and Influence Spanish Society: Bilingual Essays on His Cinema
 Matz, Maria R.
2012 0-7734-2922-0 280 pages
In the films of Pedro Almodóvar one experiences a vivid representation of Spanish life. His films are discussed here in lieu of gender relations, power dynamics, Spanish cultural identity, and inter-textually with other directors such as Alfred Hitchcock. The essays are written in both English and Spanish. They try to bring together a broad variety of interpretations to his popular films. Many articles deal with issues of gender and representations of cultural iconography from Catholicism on love and death.

Through a variety of authors and angles, as well as in two languages, this volume opens new perspectives on the films of Pedro Almodóvar. This work portrays how Almodóvar reaches into Spanish history and utilizes social changes that followed the fall of Franco to form his aesthetic creations. The book links the transformations of Spanish society and that of the evolution, if not the maturity of the filmmaker as he observes a society that is finally free to be and become what it desires. Each chapter reveals how the audience can witness the auteur’s maturation at the same pace as that of the Spanish society. Just like Almodóvar’s films, often criticized for their complex plots, today’s Spain is a complex mosaics that is constantly evolving and adjusting to the world that surrounds it. If many questions about what defines and inspires the filmmaker’s personal vision of the world still remain, one thing is for sure: the Almodóvar phenomenon has established an international image of Spain that is open and yet traditional, vibrant, and dynamic.

Price: $199.95

How the Modern System of Imprisonment and Punishment was Created: A History of the First Penitentiary: 1553-1865
 Hinkle, William G.
2022 1-4955-1003-4 572 pages
Authors' Description: "The social and economic conditions of the Tudor age...led to reform of the existing system of justice, such as it was, in 16th century England. This was achieved through the institution of 'a proper system of Poor Relief,' based upon compulsory rates and differentiation between the various classes of the indigent. ...Working Houses or Houses of Correction were set up. The first of these Houses appeared in the former Royal Palace of Bridewell, given by King Edward VI to the City of London in 1553. From that came the popular name "Bridewell" for these institutions, a name that lingered for hundreds of years. ...Bridewell's history as a workhouse for petty offenders has monopolized the attention of historians so that the truly pioneering work of the Royal Hospital has been overshadowed. This book attempts to correct that omission."

Price: $319.95

How the Modern System of Imprisonment and Punishment was Created: A History of the First Penitentiary: 1553-1865
 Garvey, Susan Schafer
2022 1-4955-1003-4 572 pages
Authors' Description: "The social and economic conditions of the Tudor age...led to reform of the existing system of justice, such as it was, in 16th century England. This was achieved through the institution of 'a proper system of Poor Relief,' based upon compulsory rates and differentiation between the various classes of the indigent. ...Working Houses or Houses of Correction were set up. The first of these Houses appeared in the former Royal Palace of Bridewell, given by King Edward VI to the City of London in 1553. From that came the popular name "Bridewell" for these institutions, a name that lingered for hundreds of years. ...Bridewell's history as a workhouse for petty offenders has monopolized the attention of historians so that the truly pioneering work of the Royal Hospital has been overshadowed. This book attempts to correct that omission."

Price: $319.95

How Their Living Outside America Affected Five African American Authors: Toward a Theory of Expatriate Literature
 Luczak, Ewa Barbara
2010 0-7734-3748-7 336 pages
The book examines fictional responses of African American expatriate writers to Europe in the 1960s. It analyzes the change in the African American perception of Europe and seeks to reveal how African American writers of the 1960s responded in imaginative ways to the European scene.

Price: $219.95

Ideology of the Decameron
 Staples, Max
1995 0-7734-9400-6 304 pages
This work studies the roles of ideology in the production of literature by linguistic and structural analyses of Boccaccio's Decameron. The repeated discursive structure of each novella is analysed to show Boccaccio's understanding of causality. Narrative outcomes are surveyed to show the treatment of characters according to gender, social class, and place of origin. Historical references are compared to their sources to show Boccaccio's political and narrative concerns. This comprehensive analysis produces a new explanation of Boccaccio's beliefs. The final chapters show that when combined with Boccaccio's aesthetic program and applied to his sources, these ideological beliefs generate the text.

Price: $219.95

Images of Masculinity in Fantasy Fiction
 Fendler, Susanne
2003 0-7734-6754-8 296 pages
Since the challenge of feminism to the predominant patriarchal outlook on the world, modern man feels displaced, and a plaintive note has entered the discourse on gender. The problem is not only discussed on an academic level but has become part of popular culture. Role models for men have become as varied as they have been for women since the emergence of feminism. These essays deal with the combined topic of male gender roles and the fantasy genre which allows a particularly wide scope for the investigation of roles.

Price: $199.95

 Bartelt, Guillermo
2022 1-4955-0992-3 166 pages
Using discourse analysis with a focus on literary style, Dr. Guillermo Bartelt offers an examination and discussion of N. Scott Momaday's literary works. "The examination of literary style presents a unique opportunity for the interdisciplinary exploration of the intersection of language and culture." In the course of his discussion, Bartelt shows that, "instead of deliberate obfuscation, of which Momaday has often been accused in the critical literature...[there is] a conscious decision on his part to offer an enhanced ability to present a native perspective."

Price: $159.95

Influence of Communication Technologies on Political Participation and Social Interaction
 Ankney, Raymond
2003 0-7734-6691-6 240 pages
This study, using a new theoretical approach called cultural catalysis theory, argues that it was the diffusion of many communication technologies – not solely television – that contributed to a decline in Localism (participating in local political issues) and Cosmopolitanism (interest in presidential campaign). Cultural catalysis theory posits that there are four groups in society: Localists, Cosmopolitans, Community Leaders, and Displaced. The theory also posits that technologies changed the composition of these groups over time because they permitted people to look outside their local community for socializing and entertainment, and allowed people to entertain themselves alone in their homes. Two longitudinal datasets, the National Election Study (1960-2000) and the General Social Survey (1974-2000) were used to test the hypotheses.

Price: $179.95

Inquiry Into Human Nature and Other Basic Assumptions
 Kunin, Edward F.
1991 0-7734-9933-4 132 pages
A challenge to our most basic assumptions about human nature, taking into consideration our individual and collective behavioral patterns. Reflects on ways in which a new world view can end present difficulties, both personal and world wide, to create a more utopian society.

Price: $139.95

Interracial Marriage in Hawaii, 1983-1994
 Fu, Xuanning
1997 0-7734-8426-4 224 pages
This is the first extensive and in-depth analysis of longitudinal marriage data in Hawaii, a place known for its ethnic diversity and high intermarriage rate. The analysis examines the trends of intermarriage and probabilities of exogamy in selected ethnic groups, and explores racial relations based on these probabilities. Various theories of mate selection are reviewed, and the central theme of status homogamy is found to be strongly supported by evidence. Previous intermarriage studies were usually limited to two groups, but this book analyzes patterns of mate selection among fourteen ethnic groups. Continued intermarriage raises questions about how to measure and define race and ethnicity, and new methods are proposed to more accurately depict Hawaii's multiethnic population.

Price: $179.95

Inversion of Consciousness From Dante to Derrida, a Study in Intellectual History
 Curtler, Hugh Mercer
2004 0-7734-6437-9 136 pages
This book is an examination of the phenomenon the author calls “inverted consciousness”. This phenomenon is prevalent in the Western world and has arisen from a variety of sources which the author traces through primary texts. It has resulted in egocenteredness and a loss of a sense that anything other than the Self matters, engendering a spiritual malaise that has been widely recognized and discussed. The author traces the evolution of this inversion from Dante in the fourteenth century to Derrida in the twentieth century.

Price: $139.95

IS THERE A DISTINCTIVELY AFRICAN WAY OF KNOWING? A Study of African Blacksmiths, Hunters, Healers, Griots, Elders, and Artists; Knowing and Theory of Knowledge in the African Experience
 Camara, Mohamed Saliou
2015 1-4955-0277-5 208 pages
This work investigates knowledge systems intrinsic to African civilizations to ascertain ways in which those systems can help validate or invalidate the argument pertaining to the existence of an African epistemology. This approach calls for a paradigm shift in conceptualizing and researching African epistemology free from Eurocentric and Afrocentric biases.

Price: $179.95

James Clarence Mangan, Edward Walsh and Nineteenth-Century Irish Literature in English
 MacCarthy, Anne
2000 0-7734-7498-6 324 pages
This study considers a new evaluation of Mangan and Walsh, by referring to the problems of Irish literature in a more international context using the theories of Even-Zohar and Lefevere. The book highlights the fact that literary fame depends on ideological and cultural concerns and not solely on aesthetics. By appraising the achievements of Mangan and Walsh, it shows how ideology in Ireland affected their reputations, leading to their marginalization.

Price: $219.95

Jewish Mourning Customs During the Spring Season (Sefirat Haomer): A Ritual Act of Collective Memory
 Fishbane, Simcha
2017 1-4955-0617-7 52 pages
Dr. Fishbane’s monograph seeks to employ social scientific theory to understand the significance and evolution of Jewish mourning customs practiced between Passover (Pesach) and the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) holidays.

Price: $59.95

Jonestown Letters: Correspondence of the Moore Family, 1970-1985
 Moore, Rebecca
1986 0-88946-667-X 398 pages
Contains letters from the editor's sisters and parents during the period leading up to the Jonestown suicides. From these letters emerges a picture of the Peoples Temple and the people who joined it.

Price: $239.95

Kililng Infants
 Bechtold, Brigitte H.
2006 0-7734-5761-5 436 pages
Awarded the Adele Mellen Prize for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship

This book contains a collection of twelve essays about the practice of infanticide in different parts of the world and written by women from different academic disciplines, with an introductory chapter that analyzes the origins and development of scholarship on this topic. The book’s essays are divided into four parts that open with brief introductions. Two of these sections are based on common themes of infanticide, and the other two on the applications of similar methodologies.

Part one contains essays that highlight the persistence of race and inequality in shaping the context of infanticide in such diverse terrains as the Caribbean, Australia, and the American South. The second section demonstrates how governments in England, Canada, and the Soviet Union used their authority to control women’s behavior by instituting policies they thought would deter women from committing infanticide. The last two sections contain a variety of essays about infanticide in Africa and the Americas, but are similar in applying the case study method of analysis. The final part demonstrates the effectiveness of using sex ratios and computer data analysis to study infanticide in Asia and western Europe. The book concludes with a lengthy, multidisciplinary bibliography of the infanticide literature.

Price: $259.95

La ReevaluaciÓn De La Figura De SimÓn BolÍvar En Las PostrimerÍas Del Siglo XX
 Cheng, William Joaquín
2007 0-7734-5377-6 200 pages
This book examines the ways in which contemporary novelists from Venezuela and Colombia have treated one of the most prominent nineteenth-century historical figures of South America, Simón Bolívar, the “Liberator”—also known as the founding father of their nations. The novels examined at length are Sinfonía desde el Nuevo Mundo (1990) by Germán Espinosa, Manuel Piar, caudillo de dos colores (1987) by Francisco Herrera Luque, El general en su laberinto (1989) by Gabriel García Márquez, La ceniza del Libertador (1989) by Fernando Cruz Konfly, and El insondable (1997) by Álvaro Pineda Botero. This book focuses primarily on the different kinds of fictional representation of this Latin American icon and the roles these modes of portrayal play in the ideologies at the end of the twentieth century. In Spanish

Price: $159.95

LA REVOLUCIÓN EN LA LITERATURA MEXICANA (How the 1968 Massacre of Tlatelolco Shaped the Development of Mexican Literature): A Study of the Intellectual Subject, Literary Genres, and Post-Modern Style
 Zavala-Garrett, Itzá
2017 1-4955-0537-5 224 pages
An intellectual history of the divisions and debates that arose among elite scholars in response to the tragedy of 1968. Work details the different literary genres that intellectuals have used to reflect on this event and its consequences. Written in Spanish.

Price: $179.95

Latino Experience in Omaha. A Visual Essay
 Lopez, David A.
2001 0-7734-7561-3 224 pages
Using a collection of visual images - representations of social reality - and supplementary historical, socioeconomic, and ethnographic data, this essay highlights the Latino experience in contemporary American society. The author uses the recent influx of Latinos into Omaha as a case study locale.

Price: $179.95

Lesbian Desire in Post 1968 French Literature
 Cairns, Lucille
2002 0-7734-7110-3 504 pages
Cairns's focus on post-1968 literature allows for a detailed analysis of the texts she examines. She stresses the cultural erasing of lesbians and lesbian writers in French society and argues convincingly for the importance of including the social and cultural context in the analysis of this body of literature.

Price: $299.95

Letteratura Come Fantasticazione: in Conversazione Con Gianni Celati
 Rorato, Laura
2009 0-7734-3900-5 400 pages
This volume examines the role of Gianni Celati in shaping Italian fiction and culture since the 1960s as a leading narrator, writer, scholar, translator and filmmaker. In Italian

Price: $239.95

Literature, Culture and Society in Postwar England, 1945-1965
 Brannigan, John
2002 0-7734-7169-3 320 pages
Literature, Culture and Society in Postwar England, 1945-1965 is a study of how writers from very different backgrounds represented the changes taking place in English society after the Second World War. Originally published in 2002, this book gives original, detailed readings of neglected traditions of working-class writing, women's writing, and black writing in England, and explores how these writers dealt with the contentious issues of class, gender, sexuality, and race which began to become visible as fissures in a society slowly recovering from war.

Price: $219.95

Lone Mothers Between the Welfare State and Informal Support
 Hoff, Andreas
2006 0-7734-5759-3 316 pages
This book is concerned with the question of what role informal support networks play in the welfare mix of contemporary welfare states. Family and friends provide informal support on the one hand, and voluntary organizations on the other. Using data from 116 semi-structured interviews with lone mothers in the United Kingdom and Germany, the question of whether different welfare systems influence individual support mobilization strategies is investigated. Lone mothers were selected because of their limited earning capacities that often result in a life in poverty and social exclusion – for them and for their children. It was shown in this research that informal and formal support alleviates these effects and the research project is guided by four main objectives: (1) to map ways in which lone mothers mobilize support from different sources; (2) to investigate whether lone mothers develop support mobilization strategies in turning to formal and/or informal support sources; (3) to analyze whether differences in welfare state systems result in variances in informal support mobilization behavior; and finally, and (4) to evaluate the role and importance of voluntary organizations as support providers for lone mothers. Empirical evidence is provided to demonstrate that informal support networks influence the utilization of formal support. In contrast, variations in welfare state provision do not appear to have a significant impact on support mobilization behavior. Indeed, formal support mobilization is a function of demographic characteristics, influenced by receipts from means-tested benefits and the extent of informal support. The utilization of informal support was dependent on network structural and demographic variables, as well as reciprocity norms.

Price: $219.95

Ludwig Wittgenstein on Race, Gender, and Cultural Identity. Philosophy as a Personal Endeavor
 Szabados, Béla
2010 0-7734-3817-3 300 pages
This book challenges conventional portraits of Ludwig Wittgenstein that narrowly depict him as a philosopher’s philosopher. Rather, this study demonstrates Wittgenstein’s engagement with social, ethical and cultural questions, including aspects of otherness.

Price: $199.95

Macrosociology- The Study of Sociocultural Systems
 Elwell, Frank W.
2009 0-7734-4900-0 492 pages
Examines the relevance of the classical social theory of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Spencer in understanding sociocultural systems today.

Price: $279.95

Male Protagonists in Four Novels of Alice Walker
 Dixon, Henry O.
2007 0-7734-5571-X 124 pages
This book examines the way in which major male characters, through their violent, abusive, sadistic or reformed behavior, contribute to either the destruction of development of female protagonists in four of Alice Walker’s early novels: The Third life of Grange Copeland, Meridian, The Color Purple, and The Temple of My Familiar. These men are capable of both good and evil, and in all four novels the major male characters experience enlightenment and eventually contribute to the development of the female protagonists in the novels. Further, the book examines some reasons why African-American men may be abusive to women of similar racial descent, also showing how African-American men, like those in these novels, may be able to transcend these negative causes and contribute to wholesome and profitable relationships with both women and other males.

Price: $139.95

Marquis de Sade’s Veiled Social Criticism. The Depravities of Sodom as the Perversities of France
 Weiss, James R.
2008 0-7734-5111-0 144 pages
This work aims to separate de Sade the individual from his image in order to better understand his philosophy regarding the “libertine” status quo on the Ancien Régime in France. By doing so, his prophetic magnum opus, The One Hundred Days of Sodom, is parted from the accretions of misapprehension which have surrounded it and shown as the author intended it to be: a philosophical mirror by which France would recognize its foibles and its errant ways.

Price: $139.95

Marriage Among the Religions of the World
 Swidler, Arlene Anderson
1990 0-88946-310-7 180 pages
Provides insights and knowledge on the meaning and nature of marriage in the major religions of the world. Explores the ideals and models that have been set before young people, the extent to which religions determine law concerning marriage, and what stands these religions have taken on interfaith marriage.

Price: $159.95

Marriage Customs Around the World: An Anthropological Travel Log (Softcover)
 Bakay, Gönül
2024 1-4955-1263-0 516 pages
(Softcover Edition)
"There are numerous types of marriage all over the world due to various cultural and religious factors. Although similarities between communities increased with monotheist religions in the past and modernisation in the more recent period, different traditions still exist." -Dr. Gonul Bakay
(This book is also available in a hardcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1254-4 / 1-4955-1254-1.)

Price: $89.95

Media Rhetoric of Law and Order: How abc Framed the Mumia Abu-Jamal Story
 Gardner, Thomas N.
2010 0-7734-4683-4 484 pages
This work presents a case study of journalism as persuasion through a triangulated examination of ABC 20/20’s story “Hollywood’s Unlikely Hero” (December 1998), which reports on the death penalty case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. The methodology includes rhetorical analysis, experimental design, and focus group audience research. It also examines the impact of a media literacy intervention on news reception by showing the video “Framing an Execution: the Media and Mumia Abu-Jamal” and measuring its effects on audience perceptions of the 20/20 story.

Each book includes a DVD copy of the “Framing an Execution: the Media and Mumia Abu-Jamal”.

Price: $279.95

Mixing Cultural Identities Through Transracial Adoption: Outcomes of the Indian Adoption Project (1958-1967)
 Harness, Susan Devan
2009 0-7734-4885-3 204 pages
This book examines the ethnic boundaries, social hierarchies within the ethnic boundaries and the accumulation, transaction and conversion of social and symbolic capital used to change group membership that allow or prohibit perceptions of belonging and not belonging for American Indian adoptees.

Price: $179.95

Mongols in Western/American Consciousness
 Stuart, Kevin
1998 0-7734-8443-4 268 pages
Examines the influence of medieval conceptions of the Mongols as monsters, how these impressions affected the creation of a 'Mongol' racial category for mankind, what travelers observed and reported while in Mongol domains, the realm of fiction and film, and the field of Mongolian Studies.

Price: $199.95

Monstrous Women in Middle English Romance: Representations of Mysterious Female Power
 Urban, Misty
2010 0-7734-3776-2 300 pages
This study treats the appearance of the monstrous woman in Middle English romance narratives as a self-conscious literary trope that reflects on, and often criticizes, the grounds of philosophical, cultural, and narrative discourse that place women both inside and outside medieval culture, constructing them as Other by biological and social difference yet relying on them for the reproduction and healthy maintenance of the male-governed social order.
Building on current monster theory and adding to research on medieval women in literature, this study reclaims the Middle English romance as a sophisticated literary strategy that, in its narrative reflexivity—and its use of a fictionalized thirdspace—reveals how medieval rhetoric essentially makes women into monsters.

Price: $199.95

Multicultural Literature in Monocultural Classrooms: White Teachers Explore Diverse Texts with White Students
 Leer, Elizabeth Berg
2010 0-7734-3712-6 196 pages
This study explores teacher’s beliefs about multicultural literature and how this is reflected in classroom practice. It includes four case studies of teachers in a small Midwest School. This work will appeal to teacher educators and other scholars interested in eliminating social injustice in schools.

Price: $159.95

Muslims in Dialogue: The Evolution of a Dialogue
 Swidler, Leonard
1992 0-88946-499-5 564 pages
This volume presents in empirical fashion the development of the entrance of Islam into dialogue. `Dialogue' is defined as the approach to encounters with other religions and ideologies not primarily in the teaching mode -- as holding alone the secret of life-- but primarily in the learning mode -- seeking to find more of the secret of the meaning of life. Gathered here are almost all the articles dealing with Islam that appeared in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies or books spun off it from over the past generation, tracing Islam's slow, painful, at times quite reluctant move to dialogue.

Price: $319.95

Mystical Themes and Occult Symbolism in Modern Poetry: Wordsworth, Whitman, Hopkins, Yeats, Pound, Eliot, and Plath
 Kim, Dal-Yong
2009 0-7734-3780-0 288 pages
This study argues that esoteric ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche and James Frazer provide answers to ontological questions about the origin and substance of poets looking beyond the established rationalist codes of the industrial society. The ideas also give comprehensive critical insight into creative bases on which the poets’ various mystical or occult ideas work to produce their distinct creative characters.

Price: $199.95

Myth of Gentlemen Heroes in the Nineteenth Century: The Duke of Wellington and General Robert E. Lee
 Grammer, Timothy G.
2011 0-7734-1475-4 464 pages
This work is an examination of two Victorian cultures (American and English) It uses Wellington and Lee as a dual foil to gain a perspective on how and why Anglo-American Victorians viewed their world as they did, and why these two men became Victorian heroes.

Price: $279.95

NARRAR EN LA ERA DE LAS BLOGOFICCIONES Literatura, Cultura y Sociedad de las Redes en El Siglo XXI
 Cleger, Osvaldo
2010 0-7734-3599-9 512 pages
This book examines the impact of recent technological developments in the literary field. The work provides evidence of how emerging media culture challenges the traditional concepts of authorship, textuality, fictionality, sequential structure, and readership, with tendencies toward anonymity, pseudonymity, collaborative authorship, hypertextual narrative structures, and the reader’s involvement in the creative process.

Price: $299.95

Nation as Invisible Protagonist in Dickens and Dostoevsky
 Stuchebrukhov, Olga A.
2007 0-7734-5478-0 228 pages
Contributes greatly to the study of two important authors from the 19th century, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Charles Dickens. Acknowledging the radically different national traditions that influenced Dostoevsky’s and Dickens’ novels, such studies failed to make a serious attempt to define this difference or to place it within the proper historical context. The historical significance of “national” is usually overlooked. In the 19th century, reference to “National” is highly charged with special meaning since many nations as we know them now appeared during this period and so nationalism was a major influence both in the political and literary arenas of the time. This study examines the impact of nationalism on the content and form of Dostoevsky’s and Dickens’ novels.

Price: $179.95

Nine Writers of Postmodernist Metafiction: Explaining the Literary Tricks that Undo Realistic Discourse
 El-Meligi, Eman
2014 0-7734-4297-9 244 pages
A fascinating analysis of postmodernist metafictional writers offering a unique juxtapositioning of authors from distinct cultural worlds with their varied fictional narrative techniques. A must read for comparative literature, postmodernist fiction and cultural studies interests.

Price: $179.95

North American Borderland Narratives: French, Spanish and Native Identities
 den Toonder, Jeanette Mattie Laura
2011 0-7734-1295-8 204 pages
This work focuses on the ways in which border zones modify individual and national identity, by stressing changes resulting from the meeting of cultures.

From the Foreword:
“. . . the essays highlight various aspects of the paradoxical development of a stronger North American integration combined with a stronger militarization.”
­-Prof. Marietta Messmer, University of Groningen

Price: $179.95

Ordinal Position and Role Development of the Firstborn American Indian Daughter Within Her Family of Origin
 Silvey, Le Anne E.
2004 0-7734-6400-X 216 pages
This book is based on an exploratory study whose purpose was to explore the variables that influenced and contributed to the role development of firstborn middle-aged American Indian daughters within their families of origin. It is the first research of its kind that explores the role development of the firstborn American Indian daughter within the context of her family of origin that was conducted by, for, and on behalf of, American Indian women. While there is a dearth of literature written about American Indian women, what has been written has been by Anglo men, based on studies of men, and whose findings are generally superimposed on women. This research is groundbreaking in that it gives voice to the middle-aged firstborn American Indian daughters studied within the context of ecological theory and in combination with self-in-relation and feminist theoretical perspectives.

This ethnographic study illuminates the everyday lives of the firstborn daughters whose role development was shaped and influenced by the experiences of their parents and grandparents, steeped in forced assimilation by U.S. government policies, who were removed from their own parents and sent to boarding schools. These ethnographic presentations of the women’s lives and families are moving the study of American Indians in new directions of viewing cultural history from an intimate feminist point of view. This book contributes to the historic writings of the American Indian cultural experience in America, as well as provides a new foundational insight into the role development of firstborn American Indian daughters within the context of their families, for deeper understanding by scholars and practice interventions for helping professionals across disciplines.

Price: $179.95

 Liddick, Donald
2024 1-4955-1298-3 496 pages
Organized crime and public corruption are an institutionalized feature of the American political economy. The provision of illegal goods and services, the smuggling of contraband, coordinated thefts and fencing of stolen goods, business and labor racketeering, the laundering of ill-gained money, and an extensive array of frauds are always most significant where there is the passive or active participation of public officials. Taking a cut of the action to “look the other way” is bad enough, but often those elected or appointed to a position of public trust become actively involved in the coordination of criminal enterprises. Sometimes they use their state-granted authority to extort from legal and illegal businesses. Other officials simply sell their office. The role of public servants in the organization of crime is most serious when there exists a political-criminal nexus—that is, a fusion of political and criminal power.

Price: $129.95

Origin, Development and Diffusion of the Steel Band in the Caribbean and Beyond: The Historical Geography of a Musical Instrument
 Parris, Ralph L.
2015 0-7734-4271-5 192 pages
This book is about the origin and evolution of the steel band orchestra and its diffusion in the Caribbean and beyond with special attention given to the nature and evolution of its origin and spatial movement within the culture. The Steel band was created by descendants of African Captives in the Caribbean who struggled to retain some elements of their culture while simultaneously rejecting elements of the captive culture that controlled their lives for three centuries.

Price: $159.95

Origins of Women’s Equality in the Seventeenth Century. The Role of London, a Big City, in Changing Attitudes
 Goldsmith, Netta Murray
2016 1-4955-0474-3 412 pages
For about a hundred years after Charles II reclaimed the throne in 1660 more women than ever before strove to live as independently as men did…the most spectacular bid for freedom was made by girls who became soldiers and sailors…another factor which enabled a women to earn money and gain a measure of liberty and independence was the growth of London…The Restoration saw the beginning of the movement to establish sexual equality. The Author's Overture

Price: $259.95

Our American Cousins Being Personal Impressions of the People and Institutions of the United States (1883)
 Adams, W. E.
1992 0-7734-9521-5 234 pages
This 19th-century travelogue provides a fresh insight into American manners, customs, experiences, institutions, politics and culture. It displays qualities that broke new ground in travelogue writing, including topics on: the agitation for "Free Libraries"; the careers of ex-Chartists in America; one of the very first attacks on the exercise of power by trusts and corporations; social conditions of the people and labour movements; and miscegenation. This reprint will be of interest to scholars of modern British and American history, to historians of travelogue writing, Chartism, and working class biographies.

Price: $179.95

Our Culture Left or Right. Littérateurs Confront Nihilism
 Eidelberg, Paul
1992 0-7734-9171-6 232 pages
Considers the effects of moral relativism on the writings of prominent authors in the fields of literature, foreign policy, economics, social policy, education, philosophy, and theology. Discusses the relevance of the political regime of modern democracy and the intellectual regime of modern science to the pervasive influence of moral relativism in our culture.

Price: $179.95

Permanence and Evolution of Behavior in Golden Age Spain
 Saint-Saens, Alain
1992 0-7734-9527-4 188 pages
The book is divided into three parts: Religious Control and its Limits in the Iberian World; Images of the Body in Spanish Society; and Women, Gender, and Family in Hapsburg Spain. These nine thought-provoking essays are revised versions of papers originally presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies in New Orleans.

Price: $159.95

 Holowchak, Mark Andrew
2010 0-7734-3825-4 300 pages
This collection of essays philosophically examines strength, considered in its brute, physical sense. This is the only book of its kind solely dedicated to physical strength. Each contributor has expertise in strength sports, three at the world-class level, or in an area of philosophy of sport, related to strength.

Price: $199.95

Poetry of Roger Mcgough
 Wright, Ben
2006 0-7734-5909-X 344 pages
Examines and evaluates the accessibility of McGough’s message to a wide, general readership, as well as appraising it by the most rigorous literary standards, and to challenge and answer the notion that his popularity and commercial success indicate lack of intellectual integrity. Rather than addressing his association with musical groups, or his appearances on stage, or television and radio performances, attention will be focused on publication and readings of his serious poetry, even in some of the children’s collections, but primarily in the more penetrating social satires such as Summer with Monika, Holiday on Death Row and more recently in Blazing Fruit, The Way Things Are, and Everyday Eclipses.

Price: $219.95

Political Tolerance, Culture, and the Individual
 Moreno-Riaño, Gerson
2002 0-7734-6962-1 156 pages

Price: $139.95

Portrayal of Old Age in Twentieth Century Canadian Novels
 Sobkowska-Ashcroft, Irina
1991 0-7734-9870-3 328 pages
Life styles and quality of life of the elderly are described and analyzed, as well as the physical and psychological traits associated with them. Discusses the possible influence of the gender and background of the authors on their portrayal. Contains a synopsis of each novel, showing the role of the elderly along with pertinent information about the author and publication of the work, and two extensive indices.

Price: $219.95

Portrayal of Woman's Sentimental Power in American Domestic Fiction
 Yarington, Earl Frank
2007 0-7734-5438-1 232 pages
This work seeks to rediscover the fiction of Mary Jane Holmes (1825-1907) and examine contrasting factors which made her work popular in the nineteenth century but virtually unknown in the twentieth century. The emphasis of the study is on cultural poetics and feminism, establishing a critique of how late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century critics decontextualized Holme’s work which resulted in their inability to recognize the cultural work that her fiction performed for both the middle-class and mass readership of her day. In contrast to such readings, this study constitutes an argument for the relational value of Holmes’s narratives. By focusing on the work of such critics as Jane Tompkins, Nancy Chodorow, Stephan Greenblatt, Mary Louise Kete, Joanne Dobson and Carol Gilligan, a new and much needed theory is established for examining the texts that appeal to Holmes’s audience, while uncovering the cultural value of popular sentimental works such as those that Holmes creates. The theory developed is then utilized to examine various aspects of relational capacity that women writers present and that their works are based on, enabling them to relate to their culture and readers. The theory provides a means of analyzing popular women writers who have been undervalued by the academy, which has been founded on masculine doctrine.

Price: $179.95

 Kim, Ji-hyun Philippa
2011 0-7734-1512-2 448 pages
This collection of essays examines the various representations of medicine in French Literature, from the Middle Ages to the present. It addresses questions of how we have developed, authorized and dealt with the concept of being studied and treated as scientific subjects. The study also investigates how we negotiate being patients, doctors, and spectators in defining the concept and the field of medicine.

Price: $259.95

Postmodernist Arab American Novels, Poetry, and Theory: Comparative Readings of Six Works Conversing with Egyptian and Chicana Literature
 El-Meligi, Eman
2015 1-4955-0291-0 208 pages
This book, on Postmodernist Arab American literature, offers comparative readings informed by theories and approaches by Foucault, Gramsci, Baudrillard, Said, Gilbert and Gubar, Lyotard, Genette, Deleuze and Guttari, Hutcheon, as well as Saldivar, Villa and Anzaldua.

“Living Theory: A Comparative Reading of Feminist-Postcolonial Resonances in Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage (1999) and Postmodernist Reflections in Ihab Hassan’s Out of Egypt” (1986), studies the two autobiographies as an embodiment and reflection of critical and literary theory. “The Text and the World: Foucauldian and Gramscian Resonances in Historiographic Metafictional Prison Narratives,” offers a comparative reading of Sinan Antoon’sI’jaam: An Iraqi Rhapsody and the Egyptian Nawal El Saadawi’s Memoirs from the Woman’s Prison. “The Arabian Nights as a Postmodern Arab American Counternarrative,” offers a comparative reading of “Rhizome,” “Thick Description” and Minority Discourse in Jack Marshall’s The Arabian Nights (1986) and Moha Kahf’s E-Mails from Sheherazad (2003). “Technique as Culture in Postmodern Ethnic American novel,” offers a feminist cultural reading of “Barrio-Logos” of the “Nueva Mestiza” in Sandra Cisneros’ Caramelo and Diana Abu-Jaber’s Crescent, reading Arab American borderland novel genre within the discursive framework of Chicana critical and cultural theory.

The hermeneutical counternarrative offered by the above writers is a very practical and reflexive one that is told in an exaggeratedly rhetorical or oratorical manner, even when politics, history, dictatorship, exile and imperialism are always lurking at the background. With their nomadic body without organs, Arab American writers have voiced and contextualized their minority discourse. This has been mainly done through technique, acting as culture and embodying the rhizome troupe, elucidating the assemblage of nomadic identities in constant formation and flux.

Price: $179.95

 Fallon, Peter K.
2005 0-7734-6033-0 228 pages
This book details the history of the spread of printing and literacy in eighteenth century Ireland. In addition to being a historical survey, it is also a study, in the “media ecological” vein, that explores what happens when a new technology is introduced to a given culture. This work answers three key questions: first, why did print technology take so long (300 years after Gutenberg) to become a cultural influence in Ireland; second, why was there an “explosion” of printing and presses in Ireland between 1750 and 1800 and finally, why, when a printing industry had been established, was almost the entire output of printed literature in English rather than the Irish language?

Price: $179.95

Private Diary of Geoff Forrester on Indonesia’s Turbulent Decade, 1996-2005: Writing History as It Happens
 Monfries, John
2011 0-7734-1584-X 332 pages
This book is a collection of works by the late Geoffrey Forrester, an Australian analyst who spent over 40 years closely observing the end of Indonesia’s first presidency.

Price: $219.95

Producing Serious News for Citizen Children: A Study of the Bbc’s Children’s Program newsround
 Matthews, Julian
2010 0-7734-3653-7 220 pages
This ethnographic study examines the changing history, personnel and production regime of the BBC’s popular children’s news program, Newsround.

Price: $179.95

Protection of Freedom of Expression in Africa: Problems of Application and Interpretation of Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (Two book set)
 Adjei, William Edward
2015 1-4955-0406-9 1012 pages
This groundbreaking research is concerned about the impact of African governments’ criminal penalties for defamatory statements and policies restricting the legitimate exercise of the right to freedom of expression. This book examines how the intolerant culture in African politics is used to deprive citizens and the media of these human rights.

Price: $599.95

Racial Discourse in American Literature: A Collection of Essays
 Evans, Charlene T.
2023 1-4955-1056-5 696 pages
Racial Discourse in American Literature: A Collection of Essays, "is a departure from mainstream currents in literary analysis and provides alternative perspectives. Using canonical and non-canonical texts, scholars examine how selected literary works have created, sustained, or challenged social fictions about race that have given rise to deeply embedded and continuing social, political and psychological realities. -from the Editor's Introduction

Price: $359.95

 Misir, Prem
2010 0-7734-1296-4 276 pages
This study explores the political participation levels of two major ethnic groups in Guyana, Indians and Africans. It is the first book on Guyana to empirically analyze to what extent the Guyanese society is divided along ethnic lines which feed into the political system, fostering the marginalization of the un/under-represented. Historical and contemporary data on education, health and allocation of public services are used.

Price: $199.95

 Ford, James H.
2022 1-4955-1018-2 176 pages
"Below is the theory of Rational Blindness (RB) and its connection to men and women of African descent. Rational Blindness is seductively inductive reasoning that those of African descent find themselves using to navigate their worlds, worlds controlled by racism and oppression. Rational Blindness is a phenomenon that can disrupt the development of self-efficacy for many men and women within these societies. Rational Blindness, for African Americans, is acquired primarily through oppression and racism. ...[Those] who are browbeaten must slip the blindfold over their eyes and accept their position as rational. Every decision after that is made using the blind rationale. Rational Blindness is one way that ideology affects one's ability to judge clearly. What one believes establishes what one can see and think." -James H. Ford

Price: $159.95

 Fanjul Fanjul, María C.
2014 1-4955-0280-5 256 pages
Aim of this research is to explore and critically interrogate Isabel Allende's popularity cross-culturally in Britain and Spain. It analyses readers' responses to Allende's works as well as the discourses surrounding her public representation, an approach that is 'readerly' but must also take account of production and text. This approach is intended to further the understanding of Allende's work which so far has always been analysed from a textual perspective. However, the relationship between Allende's popularity, her texts, public representation and readers has not yet been analysed in detail.

Price: $199.95

 Nordin, Irene Gilsenan
2009 0-7734-4831-4 160 pages
This is the first full-length study of Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin. The work, using as its starting point the ideas of theorists such as Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida in relation to the unspeakable other, demonstrates how poetry can give voice to the existential experience of being.

Price: $139.95

 Pitcher, Edward William
2002 0-7734-7046-8 248 pages

Price: $179.95

 Polster, Joshua E.
2010 0-7734-1365-0 204 pages
This study uncovers untapped symbolic layers in some of Miller’s best-known plays by linking them to famed media events or social concerns of the period of each play’s initial production.

Price: $179.95

 Di Domizio, Daniel
2004 0-7734-6475-1 100 pages
This work represents a rare historical and theological reflection in the English language on the role of the Christian Church in an Eastern European community. The Czech Republic, one of the most secularized nations in Europe, presents a unique study of the struggle of the Christian Church to engage in a dialogue with a profoundly secularized society. The book begins with a brief historical overview of Czech religious history from the Fourteenth to the Twentieth Century and then goes on to both identify and analyze in greater depth the issues that have surfaced since the revolution of 1989 as an ecclesiastical culture clashes with an evolving secularized one dominated by goals determined by a new economic system. The author believes that the experience of the Church in the Czech Republic offers valuable insights to the universal Church as it confronts the phenomenon of secularization in its Twenty-First Century expression.

Price: $99.95

 Saint-Saens, Alain
1992 0-7734-9868-0 184 pages
The book is divided into three parts: Religious Control and its Limits in the Iberian World; Images of the Body in Spanish Society; and Women, Gender, and Family in Hapsburg Spain. These nine thought-provoking essays are revised versions of papers originally presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies in New Orleans.

Price: $159.95

 Claydon, E. Anna
2005 0-7734-5972-3 348 pages
This book challenges the received wisdom of approaches to both a “crisis” in masculinity and British cinema. Taking four key case study films which can be said to typify areas of British film production during the 1960’s, this book opens out how widely difference methodologies can be used to analyse the British film as text in contrast to the primarily contextual analyses of British cinema of the period found elsewhere. In addition, she argues that the dominant mode of analyzing masculinity, via a “crisis” needs to be re-examined and the terminology returned to its original sense rather than the pop psychological comprehension which places the blames for any problem with masculinity upon feminism. As such, she seeks to reframe a “crisis” of masculinity (the psycho-sexual) as a crisis of masculinism (the socio-political) whilst concurrently examining individual masculinities as an abjected relationship based upon the social and the Other rather than the feminist and the emasculated.

Price: $219.95

 Lippman, Carlee
1994 0-7734-9394-8 196 pages
Examines texts from a range of cultures, exploring differences in technique and point of view in the presentation and valuation of innocence. It explores eight texts and arrays them on a scale of increasing complexity. Texts include: an untitled Manx tale by Neddy Beg Hom Ruy; a Navaho autobiography, Son of Old Man Hat; Grahame's The Wind in the Willows; Mediz Bolio's La tierra del Faisán y del Venado; Kafka's Elf Söhne; Diderot's Neveu de Rameau; and Gombrowicz's Pornografia.

Price: $159.95

 Kerner, Aaron
2007 0-7734-5410-1 340 pages
When attempting to represent a catastrophic event in history the tendency is to disavowal the event by referring to it as “unimaginable,” or otherwise such events are assigned to the domain of “fiction” or “fantasy.” For example, in response to 9/11 and the images of the planes flying into buildings, many responded “it was like I was watching a movie.” How then, when our knee-jerk response is to assign catastrophic events to the “incomprehensible” or the domain of utter fantasy, do we convey the reality of these events? What rhetorical strategies are at our disposal? How are catastrophic events, such as the Holocaust or Hiroshima represented, when we no longer have an immediate relationship to them? When the last survivors of these catastrophic events are gone, how will we relate to representations of these events? What rhetorical strategies will prove most useful in conveying the historical significance of these events, even when the physical traces are gone? This book addresses these questions.

Price: $219.95

 Hufnagel, Glenda Lewin
2015 1-4955-0391-7 544 pages
This collection contains twenty-three chapters which chronicle women’s lived reproductive lives beginning with menarche and ending with daughters who were caretakers of their own mothers as they were dying. The contributors are women from universities in the United States and Canada.

Price: $299.95

 Fernández, Óscar
2016 1-4955-0447-6 256 pages
This book describes the acute structural plight of the Colombian Department of Chocó on the Pacific Coast. This Afro-Colombian, indigenous and mixed ancestry region is located in one of the richest areas of biodiversity remaining in the world and consequently gives rise to antagonistic confrontations due to the asymmetrical confluence of cultures in Colombian society.

Price: $199.95

 Sarkar, Sandip
2021 1-4955-0891-9 354 pages
Edited by Sandip Sarkar, Shashikanta Tarai, and Anoop Kumar Tiwari

From the Introduction (pg. 1):
This editorial volume offers an interdisciplinary approach of conceptualizing thematic-theoretical notions covering the cross-cultural, linguistics and literary roots of nationalism and nation-states.

Price: $199.95

 Hughson, John E.
2012 0-7734-2666-3 312 pages
This is a collection of essays examining the role of sports in shaping personal and national identity. Studies ranging from skateboarding as resistance to conformity, cricket and the imagined community of Yorkshire, gender identity and rock climbing, and violence in soccer, among others are offered in this text. A theme the authors discuss at length is how communities are formed on the basis of sports, and how different identities emerge out of these shared experiences, and whether there is a socio-political aspect to this process.

Price: $219.95

 Nash, Jesse W.
1995 0-7734-9087-6 204 pages
Offers a rare glimpse into the hearts and minds of Vietnamese-American women and their roles in their community. Conflict is generated by the existence of competing traditions, and this text focuses on the conflict between Confucianism and romanticism in the Vietnamese tradition. It also utilizes insights developed in postmodern analytical circles to explain the community's seemingly contradictory reliance on opposing traditions. The study avoids the simplistic patriarchal focus, recognising that the community is much more pluralistic and complex: rather, it is a library of conflicting texts about gender, romance, and religion.

Price: $179.95

 Redgate, A.E.
2022 1-4955-1027-1 544 pages
Very few early medieval Christian monarchs have left us evidence that gives us a personal impression of them: their ambitions, aspirations and policies, their characters, and, especially, how they wanted to be perceived and remembered. Four that have done are near-contemporaries. Three are, relatively, quite famous: Emperor Leo VI of Byzantium (reigned 886-912), his neighbor Tsar Symeon of Bulgaria (reigned 893-927), and King Alfred of Wessex (in southern England, in the island of Britain) (reigned 871-899). The fourth is Gagik Artsruni, prince of Vaspurakan, in the south of historic Armenia, which was part of the Arab Caliphate's province of Arminiyya. ...All four of these monarchs are perceptible through contemporary texts, and all of them engaged in artistic patronage, including building. In three cases (Leo's Alfred's, and Gagik's) a remarkable work of art survives that is personally associated with them. They thus provide a case study for comparative history, a discipline which has the potential to identify commonalities and differences, and to illuminate sources of, and influences upon, policies and ideas. In this particular case study, the evidence allows us to explore rulers' concepts of good rulership and how it should be expressed and advertised.

Price: $299.95

 Hallett, Cynthia Whitney
2005 0-7734-6010-1 300 pages
This book is intended primarily for an academic audience, especially scholars – students and teachers – doing research and publication in categories such as myth and legend, children’s literature, and the Harry Potter series in particular. Additionally, it is meant for college and university teachers. However, the essays do not contain jargon that would put off an avid “lay” Harry Potter fan. Overall, this collection is an excellent addition to the growing analytical scholarship on the Harry Potter series; however, it is the first academic collection to offer practical methods of using Rowling’s novels in a variety of college and university classroom situations.

Price: $199.95

 Ziegler, Jan Fielder
2005 0-7734-6149-3 340 pages
The general story of education of Japanese Americans imprisoned in camps in this country during World War II has long been known. Little has been written, however, about the individual teachers who agreed to live and work with the students in the camps during the period of incarceration. The story of “Miss Jamison” and the education program in the prison camps at Rohwer and Jerome in Arkansas provides a fresh new view of a Caucasian teacher who came to work with a “strange” group of students, but who was herself educated in the process. Through evidence from Jamison’s papers, contemporary documents, historical accounts, interviews with survivors and even from the students’ art work Miss Jamison preserved, Ziegler creates a perceptive account of the wartime ordeal of the more than 110,000 Japanese Americans, two-thirds of them American citizens, from a unique point of view. This book is a moving and significant expansion of our knowledge of the human dimensions of a wartime tragedy.

Price: $219.95

 Somdah, Marie-Ange
1996 0-7734-2677-9
Here is a rich, resonant voice. Seeds & Deep Seasons offers a deep and colorful fragrance with which to embark on a quest to discover aspects of the human condition.

Price: $39.95

 Metting, Fred
2022 1-4955-1017-4 140 pages
"I was a college teacher for several decades and I taught...American music. The following essays touch upon the many voices I found most interesting as I discovered so much fun, rich, exciting American culture. ...The result is this loving catalogue, this inventory of some of my 'appreciations'--those musicians who moved me." -Fred Metting

Price: $79.95

 Mitchell, Charles
2004 0-7734-6553-7 172 pages
Demonstrates how Shakespeare utilized a strategy of manipulating the language and conventions of public execution in his plays. Paying special attention to the poetics of hangings at Tyburn, the most dominant place of execution, Shakespeare’s subversion of this well-known (and uneasy) discourse between the public and the state is illuminated by close readings of The Comedy of Errors, Titus Andronicus, Richard III, Measure for Measure, and The Tempest. It uses audience-reception theory and new historicism, as well as non-dramatic texts (popular literature and ballads) to demonstrate the knowledge and experiences of execution that the audiences of Shakespeare’s time took with them to the theatre. With illustrations.

Price: $159.95

 Mitchell, Charles
2004 1-4955-0928-1 172 pages
Demonstrates how Shakespeare utilized a strategy of manipulating the language and conventions of public execution in his plays. Paying special attention to the poetics of hangings at Tyburn, the most dominant place of execution, Shakespeare’s subversion of this well-known (and uneasy) discourse between the public and the state is illuminated by close readings of The Comedy of Errors, Titus Andronicus, Richard III, Measure for Measure, and The Tempest. It uses audience-reception theory and new historicism, as well as non-dramatic texts (popular literature and ballads) to demonstrate the knowledge and experiences of execution that the audiences of Shakespeare’s time took with them to the theatre. With illustrations.

Price: $29.95

 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1281-9 216 pages
The first modern confederation of Hebrew republics was founded in Africa in the 1800s. Israel could be in Uganda right now. The Nigerian father of Pan Africanism was a Zionist. Pre-state mainstream Zionism was part of a global anti-colonial, secular, and socialist revolutionary movement. A young State of Israel worked closely on development projects with numerous Sub-Saharan African, also newly independent, countries. Since 7 October 2023, thousands of indigenous Africans who are Jewish publicly expressed their solidarity with Israel’s victims and have bravely stood up to the sharply increased anti-Jewishness they have been facing. If any of this information is new to you, or you simply forgot, then you are reading the right book.

Price: $179.95

 Chan, Sucheng
1989 0-88946-631-9 357 pages
While race, ethnicity, gender, and class have traditionally been the most important axes along which hierarchical relationships have been defined in American society, recent years have seen an examination of the "intersection" of race and class, or of ethnicity and class, so that some joint combination determines the relative positions of given individuals as well as of groups.

Price: $239.95

 Teague, Gypsey Elaine
2008 0-7734-5044-0 248 pages
This work documents one man’s transition to womanhood. Diary entries complement each stage of the experience. Never before has a transgender narrative been presented in such depth or detail.

Price: $179.95

 Zeegers, Nicolle
2005 0-7734-6164-7 388 pages
This book addresses a set of intriguing and complex questions in the study of law and society. How does legislation affect the behavior of citizens? What role do attitudes play in rule following and under what conditions can legislation influence these attitudes? The book juxtaposes two approaches to this set of questions. The social working approach is an exercise in empirical sociology of law, seeking a behavioral explanation of rule- following. The communicative approach to legislation investigates legislation as a communication process in both an empirical and a normative sense. The ensuing debate sheds light on the uses and dangers of legislation as an instrument of democratic governance under the rule of law.

Price: $239.95

 Bennett, Martyn
2005 0-7734-6045-4 260 pages
Early Modern Nottinghamshire was a vibrant county, and within its borders men and women were at the heart of the nation’s culture, religion and politics. Nottinghamshire people created credit networks to support each other’s economic activity and protested at non-parliamentary taxation in the 1630s. While some of the county’s ministers discussed the nature of the Church of England at the beginning of the seventeenth century, a few decades later county men and women took advantage of the fall of the Church in the mid-seventeenth century, building upon the traditions of their fellow countrymen and women who had left the county for the United Provinces and America earlier in the century. Nottinghamshire’s aristocracy and gentry were at the centre of the nation’s cultural world, as authors and playwrights themselves and as spectators and consumers of the written and performed works of some of the greatest names in English literature. The county had its darker side, too, with the courts dealing with cases of theft, slander and infanticide. There were others, too, men and women who practised healing and divinations, leaving themselves open to accusations of witchcraft. The essays in this book deal with the wide range of Nottinghamshire people who contributed to the history and culture of this very central Midlands county.

Price: $199.95

 Kanjirathinkal, Mathew J.
1990 0-88946-632-7 232 pages
A sociological critique of cognitivism and developmentalism, this study begins with a critical examination of Kant's subjective turn and follows the course it has taken through Piaget's genetic structuralism, Kohlberg's justice reasoning, and Habermas' communicative ethics. The theoretical perspective adopted for this critique is a sociology of knowledge as contained in the works of Karl Marx, Karl Mannheim, and Georg Lukacs.

Price: $179.95

 Oketch, Moses Otieno
2009 0-7734-4757-1 432 pages
This work examines and decodes African ways of thinking and learning, beliefs and value systems, while faulting the ambivalence that has attended the study of the subject in the past. It uses pedagogical, historical, sociological and critical thinking, and postmodern, postcolonial, and feminist theoretical approaches to interrogate ways in which lifelong learning has been experienced in Africa.

Price: $259.95

 Lightbody, Brian
2010 0-7734-1324-3 172 pages
This collection reminds the reader that Foucault was first and foremost a philosopher. The study focuses on the three principal aspects of Foucault’s work as Foucault himself acknowledged them to be namely, subjectivity, truth and power.

Price: $159.95

 Dietl, Cora
2009 0-7734-3892-0 184 pages
The city as both a fictive room of action or a fictionalized social group within aristocratic narrative and a “real” room of production and reception of originally aristocratic fictional literature is a phenomenon which has so far been neglected by scholarly research on Arthurian literature. The present book, focuses upon cities in medieval history, culture and literature by Arthurian scholars from different continents and disciplines.

Price: $159.95

 Steiner, Michael J.
2003 0-7734-6823-4 232 pages

Price: $179.95

 Nuño Ávila, Anthony
2011 0-7734-3680-4 268 pages
This study challenges the heterocentric and Eurocentric cultural hierarchies used Latin American leaders used to constrain cultural production related to gender practices and sexual identities. In Spanish.

Price: $199.95

 Abdel Halim, Asma M.
2006 0-7734-5675-9 228 pages
This is a qualitative study of the experiences of circumcised Sudanese women in the United States. It looks into how immigration has affected the cultural perceptions of women, in particular their views about female circumcision (FC). Questions and conversations with the women in this study are focused on what has changed in their lives that resulted in a change of attitude or behavior. Three focus groups of women of different age groups participated in the research. One woman of each group was interviewed in depth. Open-ended questions and semi structured interviews were conducted.

The findings included changes in married women’s perception of their culture and a high level of awareness of why the change came about; a profound change in gender relations inside the home; acceptance of these changes, as good and necessary, despite strong ties with the home culture; and most importantly, an activism side to their change of attitude towards FC; it is no longer lip service to change, they have decided to take action and protect their daughters from FC. They do not see themselves as changing the culture by giving up FC, as they believe that the culture is to protect virginity and curb sexual freedom, whereas FC is only a process within the culture to ensure that virginity. They will keep the culture and do away with FC as a harmful process. The study found that this activism edge stemmed from their personal experiences of humiliation and horror during childbirth.

Younger unmarried women saw FC as a practice that deprived them of their bodily integrity and took away their ability to make their own decisions. They are still fettered by the continued control of their families in the Sudan and of the immigrant community that does not look kindly at those who break away from the culture.

Older women did not change their mind about the “benefits” of FC but saw it as detrimental to their granddaughters’ health and status in the United States. Since it is meant to benefit and young girls would face harm rather than good, they expressed willingness to accept uncircumcised granddaughters in America.

Price: $179.95

 Idris, Amir
2001 0-7734-7619-9 176 pages
The civil war in the Sudan has been generally misunderstood in the Sudanese and Western academic worlds as war between an Arab Muslim North and an African Christian South. This work examines how ‘African’ and ‘Arab’, as competing racial identities, have been produced in the Sudan, and interprets the roles of various actors with different interests in creating these identities.

Price: $159.95

 Callary, Edward
2006 0-7734-5544-2 296 pages
This is a collection of essays selected with the purpose of presenting a picture of the concerns and state of onomastics in America in the closing decades of the 20th Century. Onomastics is the serious study of names and naming. Names are used in all cultures to designate particular persons, places, events, and ideas. This study helps show both universal aspects of human culture and differences between cultures over time and space. The study of names as used in America is relevant for investigating universal patterns and tendencies, as most places in America were named more recently than the older, earlier-settled parts of the world.

Price: $199.95

 Jaidka, Manju
1997 0-7734-8658-5 184 pages
This unconventional study of T. S. Eliot is based on the conviction that Eliot is not just a "difficult" poet who wrote for intellectual readers, but also a writer for the common man. This volume focuses on three popular sources: nonsense poetry of the sort written by Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear, detective fiction and the music-hall/vaudeville tradition. The study makes use of unpublished material from rare book libraries (including the New York Public Library, the Houghton at Harvard, the Beinecke at Yale, and the Harry Ramson Center at Austin). The theoretical premises are derived from critics like Roman Jakobson and Mikhail Bakhtin.

Price: $159.95

 Wood, James A.
2005 0-7734-6001-2 304 pages
This book is a compilation of topics dealing with a myriad of multicultural issues facing educators and other members of society. The book addresses the importance of relative knowledge in dealing with cultural diversity in an ever-changing global society. In this unique edition, the editors purport to enlighten educators and others regarding the complexity of multiculturalism, dealing with education issues with various groups, and examining pathways toward empowerment and acculturation. There is a plethora of information on the subject of multiculturalism. However, there is a void, or dearth, of empirical research in many aspects of this currently discussed topic. This work is composed of a number of scholarly research studies conducted by the authors/editors. The broad range of well-developed and thoroughly investigated treatises should provide a strong foundation for future researchers of this growing societal phenomenon.

Price: $219.95

 Towfighi, Parviz S.
2021 1-4955-0901-X 236 pages
(softcover) "This retrospective historical and political study is based on the premise that the knowledge of historical facts is important to understanding of the present world conflicts and those that might be developed in the future, and is capable of offering solutions for the resolutions of those conflicts. Since Islam as a religion has been the target of criticism as the supposed main cause of the spread of terrorism around the world, I have paid more attention to the history of development of that religion." -From the Author's Introduction

Price: $89.95

 Langhelle, Svein Ivar
2022 1-4955-1013-1 152 pages
"This book will be discussing the implementation process of new ethical standards, caused by the comprehensive religious revivals of the followers of Hans Nielesn Hauge, which took place in South-Western Norway during the first hald of the 19th century. ...During the period from 1820 up until 1850, this part of Norway was in a special situation, being the only coherent region where the Haugian revivals were characterised as a larger part of the society. ...The overall question of this book, the "grand idee" to study the process of the modernisation of mentality." Svein Ivar Lanhelle, p.1, ch. 1

Price: $139.95

 Georgopoulou, Xenia
2011 0-7734-1602-1 280 pages
Examines the attempts of Shakespeare’s male characters to fashion female identity in a way that ensures their own self-definition.

Price: $199.95

 Carneiro, Carlos
2022 1-4955-1011-5 348 pages
This is an oversized (8x10), softcover book. The author: "The development of the churlish headless challenger and his variations does ...seem indeed to be a process about which we have quite clear indications due to the literary evidences. Headless figures which retain their conscience post-decapitation are not exclusive to the beheading-game narratives or other medieval narratives involving some form of decapitation, however. Even in hagiographic tradition we have a similar figure in the form of the cephalophore, a headless saint, and to this day there are creatures sound in Irish folk traditions such as the Dullahan: a headless horseman sharing many characteristics with the churlish challengers we have focused on."

Price: $249.95

 Imran, Muhammad
2024 1-4955-1300-9 472 pages
This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the geopolitical strategies and visions of China, Russia, the United States, and the European Union. By delving into the historical contexts, economic policies, military strategies, and cultural influences of each entity, we seek to illuminate the motivations and implications of their actions on the global stage. Through a lens that combines Realist, Liberal, and Constructivist perspectives, we explore how these visions shape international relations and influence global stability.

Price: $259.95

 Sobolev, Dennis
2010 0-7734-3795-9 720 pages
This study is devoted to the stratified description and analysis of the unconscious mechanisms of culture, that is, the mechanisms that form the human being, as an empirical subject in its actual existence.

Price: $379.95

 Pinfold, Michael John
2011 0-7734-3733-9 332 pages
This study examines Irish artistic production and generates a debate on how the painters' collective artistic intentions transcend national borders to engage with the wider debate concerning male subjectivity and masculine representation within a sexual political arena where patriarchal attitudes and assumptions are questioned.

Includes 40 color reproductions of paintings by Brian Maguire, Patrick Graham, and Michael Mulcahy.

Price: $219.95

 Smith-Ross, Camacia
2022 1-4955-0926-5 254 pages
From Abstract: In March of 2020, the world was faced with yet another life altering event that was viewed as a national health crisis. Silently roaming earth and affecting so many people, this infectious disease, caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, Covid-19, created alarming chaos and changed how the world communicated, worked, and lived. The new normal came with swift changes and challenged our mental, social and emotional state.
Business as usual looks differently at many institutions of higher learning. Having to face the realization that normalized learning was on the verge of changing its persona and wondering if black and brown students would be able to pivot and remain connected was in question. Recognizing HCBUs have always been havens of resilience, being a beacon of hope for "people of color," this pandemic would not change her position. The times would transform, but her glory would not fade. She would continue to move in haste focused on her mission.

Price: $199.95

 LeSaux, Françoise H.M
1995 0-7734-9119-8 208 pages
Papers cover the phenomenon of trans-cultural contact in the areas of Medieval English, French, Latin and Welsh literature and historiography, as well as musicology and material culture. Essays include: Constance Bullock-Davies, 1900-1989 (Rachel Bromwich) Malory as Translator (Barbara Belyea) Oez veraie estoire: History as Mediation in Jordan Fantosme's Chronicle (Jean Blacker) Fifeenth-Century History in Malory's Morte Darthur (P. J. C. Field) Languages at the Norman Court of England (Nancy Helen Goldsmith-Rose) Old Llywarch's Jawbone: Mediating Old and New Translation in Middle Welsh Studies (Sarah L. Higley) From Ami to Amys: Translation and Adaptation in the Middle English Amis and Amylion (Françoise H. M. LeSaux) Gerald of Wales and Welsh Tradition (Brynley F. Roberts) The Bayeux Tapestry: Epic Narrative, not Stichic but Stitched (Michael Swanton) The Politics of Romance: Some Observations on the Political Content of the Roman d'Yder (Neil Thomas) The 'Newness' of the lai breton (Lawrence Wright) Constance Bullock-Davies: Chief Publications

Price: $179.95

 Brettschneider, Marla
2022 1-4955-0953-2 208 pages
From the editor's Introduction:
This book presents scholarly material introducing the world to the little-known, extraordinary, and persistent Jewish communities remaining in Ethiopia as the First Temple Beta Israel Jewish Communities of Kechene and Semien Shewa. Some segments of the historic Jewish communities in Ethiopia were introduced on the world stage in the 1980s with dramatic airlifts to Israel. However, there remains a network of still largely hidden Jewish communities in Ethiopia practicing their traditions, surviving amidst intense local forms of anti-Jewishness, and struggling for recognition as legitimate Jewish communities. This publication offers their story to the world.

Price: $179.95

 Brettschneider, Marla
2023 1-4955-1279-7 208 pages
(SOFTCOVER EDITION) From the editor's Introduction: This book presents scholarly material introducing the world to the little-known, extraordinary, and persistent Jewish communities remaining in Ethiopia as the First Temple Beta Israel Jewish Communities of Kechene and Semien Shewa. Some segments of the historic Jewish communities in Ethiopia were introduced on the world stage in the 1980s with dramatic airlifts to Israel. However, there remains a network of still largely hidden Jewish communities in Ethiopia practicing their traditions, surviving amidst intense local forms of anti-Jewishness, and struggling for recognition as legitimate Jewish communities. This publication offers their story to the world.

Price: $59.95

 Bazan-Gonzalez, Patricia
2020 1-4955-0849-8 152 pages
The transformation and reincarnation of culture is underway in the United States and has been ongoing for hundreds of years. England and Spain each played prominent roles in influencing the historical “founding” of what America has become for nearly five centuries. This study emerges as a leading identifier of the many historical and ingrained social nuances this hybrid culture – Hispanicity – employs as it continues to modify and challenge every cultural aspect of modern society in the United States.

Price: $29.95

 Stephanides, Marios Christou
2022 1-4955-0975-3 472 pages
From the Preface, by John Kleber:
Marios Stephanides presents us with a small beautiful piece of a mosaic for which his Greek ancestors are so renowned. The piece is a detailed history of one ethnic group that settled at the Falls of the Ohio River in Louisville, Kentucky. When combined with the histories of other peoples, it presents a grand mosaic of a city rich in ethnic diversity.As the editor of the Encyclopedia of Louisville, I discovered that only a few of the city's immigrant groups have been fortunate enough to have someone who combined the interest, the ancestry, and the ability to give us a written history, and so the mosaic has many pieces missing. However, thanks to Professor Stephanides there is one less missing piece, and from now on Louisvillians will know the story of their ancestors.

Price: $279.95

 Novak, David
1984 0-88946-759-5 481 pages
The first full-length monograph which deals with this subject, this book serves two primary purposes: to trace the development of the concept of gentile normativeness in the history of Jewish law and theology, and to show how this concept had tremendous internal influence on the development of that law and that theology themselves.

Price: $279.95

 Little, Jonathan David
2011 0-7734-1426-6 492 pages
This is the most comprehensive survey of the major sources of inspiration for Western composers who sought to infuse their musical works with an ‘Eastern’ flavor. The book discusses the aesthetic, philosophical, political , geographical, literary and historical forces at work during the period. This book contains thirty-one black and white photographs and fifteen color photographs.

Price: $279.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2011 0-7734-1510-6 708 pages

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2011 0-7734-1554-8 716 pages

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2011 0-7734-1529-7 704 pages

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2011 0-7734-3928-5 728 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2006 0-7734-5692-9 408 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $259.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2015 1-4955-0401-8 760 pages
The Italian musical emigration created an extra Italian community in New York in addition to the community of Italian political refugees and exiles. The Italian population of the city also consisted in part of the visiting transient entertainers in the fields of music, dance, circus and variety.

Price: $399.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2011 0-7734-1588-2 728 pages

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-2639-6 608 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $339.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2013 0-7734-4359-2 464 pages
As we progress through these volumes chronicling the Italians in New York theatre, each year’s compilation loom noticeably larger than the one before. The surge began dramatically after the Civil War and continued to expand, with more Italian visitors and residents participating in the theatrical life and business of the city.

Price: $279.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-3935-8 720 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-2568-3 720 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-2541-1 708 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-2566-7 712 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2014 0-7734-0056-7 576 pages
The Italian musical emigration created an extra Italian community in New York in addition to the community of Italian political refugees and exiles. New theatres and entertainment venues continued to open. The year 1870, on the eve of mass migration, reveals the Italian immigrant community has become more sizable, more visible, more entrenched. The Italian population of the city consisted in part of the visiting transient entertainers in the fields of music, dance, circus and variety many remained in New York permanently and the aging political refugees and exiles.

Price: $319.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-3947-1 724 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $379.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-2650-7 608 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $339.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2015 0-7734-4251-0 592 pages

Price: $319.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2014 0-7734-4304-5 632 pages
The Italian musical emigration created an extra Italian community in New York in addition to the community of Italian political refugees and exiles. The Italian population of the city also consisted in part of the visiting transient entertainers in the fields of music, dance, circus and variety.

Price: $339.95

 Brettschneider, Marla
2023 1-4955-1280-0 280 pages
(SOFTCOVER EDITION) This work is an exploration of Jewishness, Judaism, Jewish texts, and the history of the Jewish people as it relates to the millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa. It analyzes the phenomenon of Jewish connectedness using a wide-range of conflicting and religious discourses to bring a fresh perspective to this complex paradigm.

Price: $69.95

 Hartnett, Richard A.
2011 0-7734-3912-9 312 pages
The Jixia Academy was a forum for strident debates among the Hundred Schools of Thought in ancient China and a dynamo of philosophical innovation equal to its counterparts in ancient Greece. It serves as well as an abstract ideal for a contemporary critique of Chinese higher education and a model for correcting the excesses of state control.

Price: $219.95

 Bartelt, Guillermo
2024 1-4955-1272-X 140 pages
"After surveying selected animistic breath-wind constructs in Native America, this study focuses on the variant articulated by the Lakota, many of whom continue to participate in traditional religious observances such as the Sweat Lodge, a purification ceremony, the Sun Dance, a world renewal celebration, and the yuwipi, a shamanic curing ritual." -Dr. Guillermo Bartelt, "Introduction"

Price: $139.95

 Caamaño, Juan Manuel
2008 0-7734-5057-8 200 pages
This study mines the work of the preeminent Spanish cultural theorist and philosopher Juan Carlos Rodríguez. By elucidating some of the key features of his work, this work advances debate on the broader problems of literary analysis within and beyond Hispanism.

Price: $159.95

 Aixelá-Cabré, Yolanda
2018 1-4955-0693-3 208 pages
The objective of this study is to provide a cartography of the most relevant ways of managing cultural diversity and of the most widely extended discourses about religious, ethnic, and cultural otherness in Europe. It reviews notions such as diversity, national identities, multicultural demands, democratic systems, and European challenges and the strong colonial continuities in the construction of otherness, and in the management of present-day coexistence in Western Europe.

Price: $179.95

 St. Clair, Robert N.
2009 0-7734-4646-X 428 pages
Investigation explains how culture functions within several contexts of space. Cultural change involves the retaining of some cultural practices along with their modification, revision, and re-invention of events to accommodate the present. The past is redefined, restructured, revised, modified, and even re-invented in order to make it compatible with the interpretation of events within the cultural spaces of the present.

Price: $259.95

 Fishbane, Simcha
2017 1-4955-0616-9 128 pages
Dr. Fishbane’s monograph seeks to decode the implicit message encoded within some of the practices and customs of the holiday of Purim.

Price: $79.95

 Crozier-De Rosa, Sharon
2010 0-7734-3739-8 428 pages
This book builds on the large volume of existing literature that details the social, moral and economic context in which women of this era operated. It further complements the smaller body of existing writing that probes the interior lives of women. However, where as these latter works use personal documents, such as diaries and letters, to gain insight into the interior lives of mainly upper middle- and upper-class women, this study concentrates on women from the lower and middle levels of the middle classes and on those from the upper rungs of the lower classes.

Price: $259.95

 Lee, Han Goo
2018 1-4955-0697-5 460 pages
In order to secure the possibility of objective history, this book argues against all kinds of historical relativism. All such theories exist substantially on the basis of relativist epistemology. Relativist epistemology comprises such diverse theories as deconstruction, conceptual relativism, paradigm theory, post-modernism, traditional historicism, sociological relativism, pragmatism, and cultural relativism. It proves that the diversity of historical viewpoints are compatible with historical objectivity.

Price: $279.95

 Fishbane, Simcha
2017 1-4955-0620-7 76 pages
Professor Fishbane explains the Jewish festival of Shavuot, a holiday heavily associated with harvests and the Temple. once the Temple was destroyed the traditions of Shavuot continued to be celebrated thanks to Rabbinical interest that kept the traditions of the festival alive.

Price: $79.95

 Steckley, John
2017 1-4955-0600-2 264 pages
This work focuses on the first Catholic Catechism written by Jesuit Father Jean de Brebeuf in the Wendat (Huron) language. This work focuses on the translating successes, mistakes, and cultural challenges that went into the creation of this important piece of religious and cultural history. Dr. Steckley seeks to show how Jesuit missionaries introduced Catholicism to the Wendat tribes of New France.

Price: $199.95

 King, Margaret L.
2021 1-4955-0877-3 256 pages

Price: $29.95

 Smith, Michael
2015 0-7734-3521-2 360 pages
Death is one of the few constants of human experience. It is a fact of life that binds humanity. Despite its familiarity, the rituals, customs, and attitudes relating to it are ever-changing, always reflecting the hopes, fears, and ambitions of living society. This book considers how death practices were transformed during the nineteenth century. Using Edinburgh as a backdrop, it covers a range of issues relating to death, from changing expectations at the graveside to changing attitudes toward the afterlife. The nineteenth century was a formative period. Here, we witness the foundations being laid for many of the features that we take for granted in the early twenty-first century.

A rapidly changing society saw death become a statistical issue, a public health issue, an event where professional practitioners become increasingly important in terms of how the vent was handled. Yet institutional change would be only one of a number of dynamic forces that were shaping the manner in which people met their end. An increasingly capitalist economy meant that death would become big business. This in turn would transform how the funeral and the expression of grief, would be performed. But it is never a one-way process, and change does not always filter down from an institutional level. Any change in death culture reflects a number of processes, some of which are obvious, and some given the private nature of loss, which are ultimately inscrutable.

Price: $239.95

 Earnest, Steve
1999 0-7734-7916-3 196 pages
This study deals with the establishment of Reinhardt's school, the training that took place until WWII (including the implementation of nazi officials at the institution), the program of study during the German Democratic Republic, and finally the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch". By offering a detailed account of actor training methods which existed shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the study examines the shift in emphasis from a socialist Realistic school of acting, as one of the state institutes of the GDR, to a more eclectic, broad-based approach. As witneessed in 1993, the tprofram showed the influence of Reinhardt's theories of acting as well as those of Stanislaviski and Brecht. Several of the schools' main teachers and leaders throughout its almost ninety year history are profiled, with their corresponding theoretical views included.

Price: $159.95

 Hand, Felicity
2010 0-7734-1428-2 232 pages
This book is the first full-length study of the literary output of South African-born, Mauritian-based novelist, Lindsey Collen. This study tackles these aspects of her writing from a cultural studies standpoint, encompassing both a socio-anthropological reading that identifies the creative energies that forge new connections and a literary analysis of the metaficitional potential of her novels as vehicles for the reassessment of social, cultural and historical conventions.

Price: $179.95

 Raw, Laurence
2009 0-7734-3876-9 584 pages
This anthology covers new ground in the field of adaptation studies, specifically, as a branch of American Studies that not only encompasses literature and visual media, but also a wide-range of subject areas including, but not limited to, history, political science and cultural/ethnic studies. By looking at adaptation specifically in relation to the United States, the book investigates a variety of culturally and historically transformative strategies, as well showing how the process of adaptation has been influenced by social, ideological and political factors both inside and outside the United States.

Price: $319.95

 Jordan, Thomas E.
2022 1-4955-0989-3 120 pages
Dr. Thomas E. Jordan identifies a range of practices and policies by which prisoners, indentured servants, and others were relocated to the American colonies. He discusses what some of the motivations for such practices were as well as aspects of the cultural context supporting them. "Transporting prisoners to the colonies provided domestic relief for local authorities while, nominally, increasing the population base for the colonies."... "In the era, the noun transport meant a convict, and also a ship."

Price: $119.95

 Lakatos, Jeanne I.
2009 0-7734-4870-5 132 pages
Artists in literature, fine art and music affect their audiences’ awareness of possibilities in cultural change through their use of iconic realism by representing concepts in need of transformation. The study of iconic realism offers an exploration of semiotic theory and iconic structures within the arts.

Price: $139.95

 Simon-Aaron, Charles
2015 0-7734-4274-X 620 pages
This book is a study of the relationship between African political theory and the politics of liberation. It elucidates the dialectical inter-relationship between the political philosophical views of these thinkers and the political, social and economic contexts of their respective countries.

Price: $339.95

 Mrabet-Robana, Zakia
2011 0-7734-1307-3 432 pages
This study is a holistic analysis of Djerha's female culture and customs, from agricultural practices and dietary traditions to rites of marriage and widowhood. Included in this work are oral testimonies of the oldest women in Midoun community, as well as documentation of folksongs, ceremonies and traditions. A CD with full color pictures and descriptions of material culture is included. This book contains eleven color photographs and sixteen black and white photographs.

Price: $259.95

 Gil Bardají, Anna
2009 0-7734-3885-8 408 pages
This book analyses the paratexts of a wide-ranging corpus of translations published during the last two centuries by the foremost figures in traditional Spanish Arabism. The work reveals which images have come down to us concerning Arabic culture in general and al-Andalus in particular, through translations by Spanish Arabists. In Spanish.

Price: $259.95

 Tayeb, Lamia
2006 0-7734-5700-3 340 pages
This book is a study of the current debates about identitarian thought in relation to contexts of postcolonial resistance and reconstruction. How is identity theorized, constructed and claimed in the context of postcolonial political and cultural struggles against imperial hegemony? How is our understanding of identity inflected by the strengthening alliance between postcolonial theory, on the one hand, and the postmodern pull towards ‘de-hegemonization’ on the other? This study assesses different postcolonial ‘relocations’ in cultural and political discourse and highlights the political uncertainties and theoretical fractures that the persistent appeal to Western frameworks of knowledge engenders. This book aligns three white settler nations, namely, Canada, Australia and South Africa, from a socio-political and cultural point of view. It proposes a study of their twin positions as distinctive avatars of postcolonial experience and as illustrative models of a general postcolonial condition. Furthermore, it raises issues of identity and identity politics on the level of literary discourse as well as in terms of national context. The novels of Canadian Michael Ondaatje, Australian David Malouf, and South African Nadine Gordimer present rich thematic parallels; they engage with particular white settler national issues as well as more general postcolonial questions.

Price: $219.95

 Aleandri, Emelise
2012 0-7734-2664-7 400 pages
This book is a comprehensive and detailed study of the Italian immigrant theatre of New York City from 1746 to 1899. It is chronologically and geographically detailed, along with details about the actors and principals of that theatre. The author provides factual, personal and anecdotal stories about the principals of this theatre, such as Lorenzo Da Ponte, Adelina Patti, Guglielmo Ricciardi and Antonion Maiori. Through these details, the book explains why theatre was so important to the Italian immigrant population, suggesting that, for one thing, life among the immigrants was itself dramatic, if not theatrical. With its thoroughness and emphasis on the humanness of Italian immigrant society clearly conveyed, this book will be an important contribution to scholarship.

Price: $239.95

 Yang, Mimi Y.
2014 0-7734-3513-1 172 pages
A new direction in multicultural studies. This in-depth intercultural mirroring study examines the convergence of the Chinese, English, and Spanish worlds from a cultural and language perspective. The interlocking of three seemingly foreign mindsets in dealing with issues of nationalism, power, personal identity and life expectations opens a new window exposing our similarities through our intercultural connectors. The reader is taken on a new and fresh journey away from the routine stereotypical approach that relies on examining cultural diversity.

Price: $159.95

 Johnson, Kathleen R.
2000 0-7734-7735-7 176 pages
This study examines the content and structure of 59 children’s realistic animal stories for ideological expressions of anthropocentrism. It concludes that the texts send ambivalent and contradictory messages: while children’s stories may serve to inform the reader about actual and potential connections to other animals, they also contain elements that continue to privilege the dominant view.

Price: $159.95

 Simon, Robert
2008 0-7734-5001-7 164 pages
The first definitive study of Joaquim Pessoa’s poetry, this work examines the place of mysticism in postmodern literature by analyzing the role of mystical love in Pessoa’s poems.

Price: $159.95

 Norris, Nanette
2012 0-7734-1501-7 260 pages
Nanette Norris is the editor of this collection of ten essays on popular culture. The essays cover a vast track of time during the twentieth century and are a sampling of current scholarship on Ireland. The collection uses cultural, historical, and economic contextualization to analyze its consumption. The essays are united in their attempt to use hindsight to explain the influence of popular culture depicting iconic images in film, television, music, and even comic books.

Price: $199.95

 Schmidt, Brent James
2010 0-7734-3736-3 240 pages
This is the first comparative study of lived Utopian communities in antiquity. The examined communities provide examples of somewhat successful utopian experiments that belie the twentieth century notion that the application of utopian ideals must always lead to dystopia or not work at all.

Price: $179.95

 Kirabaev, N.S.
1999 0-7734-3253-1 356 pages
The book is devoted to the analysis of the Moslem culture, its nature, basic notions and problems. The consideration of social-historic prerequisites of the origin and development of the classic Arab-Moslem culture is connected with the analysis of the antique influence in the philosophy of khalam, political and law culture of the Middle Ages Islam and the humanistic ideals of the Moslem Middle Ages. Exposed are the basic features and tendencies of the process of formation and development of the secular and religious knowledge, which made it possible to evaluate the Moslem culture as the phenomenon of the cross-cultural interaction of the Western and Eastern traditions.

Price: $239.95

 Mayes, David G.
2008 0-7734-5128-5 252 pages
This work addresses one of the main challenges to the European Union: how to handle increasing problems of identity – not only with reference to its own place within the world community but the variety of national and regional identities within its borders.

Price: $199.95

 Shiff, Jonathan
1994 0-7734-9424-3 200 pages
This study examines for the first time the thirty-eight anonymous plays performed at the state banquets that Doge Marino Grimani was required by law to offer four times a year for the leading senators and magistrates of the Venetian Republic. Explores the patronage, audience, site, performers, and music of the first performances, and places their ideological content in the context of the Venice of 1600. It finds that their most unusual feature is a ludic use of rhetoric which betrays the influence of the Sienese veglia games. These games, which called for wit, verbal skill, and variety of response, had recently penetrated Venice by means of Girolamo Bargagli's Dialogo de' Giuochi. They inspired the creation of a new theatrical form. A stylistic analysis of the Grimani plays suggests that all but one are the work of a single author, most likely Enea Piccolomini, a figure hitherto unknown to scholarship, and to whom one of the plays has traditionally been attributed.

Price: $159.95

 Potter, Jr., Clifton W.
2010 0-7734-3722-3 380 pages
This work examines the gender politics of Victorian Britain through an analysis of nineteenth-century representations of Queen Elizabeth I. The book includes a study of how women regarded powerful females.

Price: $239.95

 Wadman, Carrie
2015 1-4955-0297-X 360 pages
A fresh point of inquiry on the ‘spinster figure’ that offers a compelling reconsideration of gender, literature and culture in late nineteenth century England. This interdisciplinary approach to sources, including novels, popular press articles, book reviews, medical and psychological texts, as well as travel narratives reveals the ubiquitous nature of the ‘spinster figure’, which was invoked in creative, critical, political and medical debates of the late nineteenth century.

Price: $239.95

 Norwick, Stephen A.
2006 0-7734-5592-2 492 pages
Modern European languages have a large number of metaphors which represent the whole of nature. Many of these, such as Mother Nature, the celestial harmony, the great chain of being, and the book of nature, are used in natural science and in literature. Most of these words can be traced back into prehistory where they arose mythologically from the same small set of images. Metaphors have a powerful influence on the framing of scientific hypothesis making, and so these words have guided the history of natural science, for good or ill, for several millennia. Newtonian mechanics, for example was motivated by the idea of celestial harmony, whereas Darwin used the images of the great chain of being and Mother Nature, and James Hutton created modern geology and ecology by mixing the images of nature as the macrocosm, and as a machine.

The images elicited by these phrases have also been important in the development of the positive feeling for nature, which existed in the Hellenic and Hellenistic society, which was lost in the Middle Ages, and which has been developing again since the Renaissance, and especially since Earth Day, 1970. Each chapter in this book is a parallel longitudinal history of a word or phrase which represents the whole of nature, and which has influenced natural science and general literature, and especially North American Nature writing. Ironically, as natural science developed, and enabled our technological society to destroy natural areas more and more rapidly, science strengthened the fundamental images of nature, and was used by nature writers to encourage a revaluing of the natural world.

Price: $279.95

 César, Jasiel
1992 0-7734-9812-5 240 pages
By focusing on the development of Benjamin's thinking since the beginning of his intellectual career, especially during the time he was under the direct influence of Kant's philosophy, we can grasp a fundamental notion -- experience. This concept, from Benjamin's mature work, is one of the central categories here. Also examined is his last work "On the Concept of History", one of the most tangled and complex pieces he ever wrote, devoted to the exploration of the question of concrete praxis. Therefore, diagnosis (as explored in his notions about experience) and praxis (as in the theses "On the Concept of History") stand as models for the elaboration of his social theories.

Price: $179.95

 Nordé, Sr., Gerald S.
2015 1-4955-0337-2 256 pages
This book unveils the historical development of skin color based racism in U.S. society from its origin in the sexual and reproductive relations between the South’s white slave owners and their black female slaves to the bold and startling conclusion that through a better understanding of these early kinship histories and ancestral lineages legacies we can actually envision the elimination of skin color bias by rejecting the false color based identities we have established for ourselves.

Price: $199.95

 Sicakkan, Hakan G.
2006 0-7734-5877-8 252 pages
To provide a solid interdisciplinary basis for theorizing diversity, the book brings together the conceptual and methodological tools of political theory, social theory, history, political science, sociology and social anthropology. In this book, scholars with unique competencies share their knowledge on the topic and provide novel angles for thinking about coexistence and politics in diverse societies.

Price: $199.95

 Reeves-Ellington, Richard
2010 0-7734-1320-0 484 pages
This book presents a new theory of culture that attempts to present a unified taxonomy and lexicon of definitions of culture by various social scientists for use in the inter-disciplinary investigation of organizational culture. Both both qualitative and quantitative data is presented and analysed.

Price: $279.95

 Rogal, Samuel J.
2022 1-4955-1009-3 216 pages
"[A]s eater and drinker, Samuel Pepys represents a large segment of late seventeenth-century society...his fellow diners and drinkers generally eat the same foods as he; they drink the same beverages as he. The diary of Samuel Pepys, then--although he never intended for it to do so--reaches forth from the actuality of an important aspect of seventeenth-century life to touch the vision and the imagination of twenty-first-century readers." -Samuel J. Rogal

Price: $179.95

 Della Giustina, Jo-Ann
2010 0-7734-3607-3 204 pages
This study explores the patterns of femicide in 106 medium and large U.S. cities through the examination of the inequalities of race, gender, and economics.

Author's Abstract
The higher women climb in society, the more likely a woman will become a victim of fatal violence against women (femicide). This study explores the patterns of femicide in medium and large U.S. cities through the examination of the macro-structural inequalities of race, gender, and poverty, which contribute to femicide rates. Using path analysis, this study shows a complex view of femicide grounded in the feminist intersectionality perspective that women’s lives are shaped by the interlocking oppressions of gender, race, and class. The results describe how intersectional discrimination predicts high femicide rates for both black women and white women, but when gender, race, and class are examined separately, there are significant differences. As women gain gendered status, both black women and white women are more likely to be murdered, which can be explained by a backlash against the advances women have made in society. Moreover, black women are more likely to be murdered in a city with greater racial discrimination and white women are more likely to be murdered in a city with a lower economic status than other cities.

Price: $179.95

 Dennis, Helen
1996 0-7734-8858-8 175 pages
This collection of essays investigates Cather's intellectual relation to European culture and how it was reflected in her literary work. These essays open up debates around a number of Cather texts and suggest the stature of Cather as an American author much influenced by European culture and European immigrant culture in the US. Essays include: Building Dwelling Thinking: the ends of language in Cather and Lawrence (Fiona Becket); Under the Linden Tree: passion and suppression in Cather and Goethe (Ian Bell and Meriel LLand); Whose Antonia? Appropriations in My Antonia (Bridget Bennett); "Tonight Mrs. Forrester began with 'Once upon a time'": origins and traces in the work of Willa Cather (Helen M. Dennis); Signifying the Subaltern: Europe's others in selected texts of Willa Cather (Alison Donnell); From Little French Mary to Cuzak's Boys: aspects of the immigrant experience in the work of Sarah Orne Jewett and Willa Cather (Graham Frater); Willa Cather's Intellectual Milieu; Europe and Americanization (Guy Reynolds); A World Broken in Two: the writing of the European war in Willa Cather's One of Ours and Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway (Julie Sanders).

Price: $159.95

 Shin, Youngtae
2004 0-7734-6374-7 208 pages
This book is about the role of women in Korean and Japanese politics over the past century. It is exceedingly rare to have a comparative analysis of politics in Japan and the Republic of Korea, which gives this book a special status. At the same time these are countries with remarkably low levels of political participation by women, so it is very important to have an analysis of the reasons for this outcome. In the 1970s women accounted for less than two percent of legislative representatives in Japan, and less than one percent in Korea; today women constitute about seven percent of the members in each legislature, but these levels are still comparatively low in the developed world: about forty-three percent of Sweden’s legislators are women, and women constitute more than 30 percent of Germany’s Bundestag; the level in the U.S. Congress is about thirteen per cent.

The explanation for this phenomenon is by no means simple, and the author traverses a complex argument beginning with the “late” industrialization of both countries, followed by long periods of military rule and excesses of nationalism in both that until relatively recently subordinated women to state-sponsored goals of rapid development and national unity, to the situation today where, at least in Korea, the role of women in politics is growing rapidly. Her account is based on numerous interviews in Korea and Japan, a deft use of public opinion polls, and a wide comparative reading in the literature on the history and politics of both countries. After examining a host of theoretical and conceptual approaches to understanding the role of women in politics, she combines an historical analysis with an examination of patriarchal culture in Japan and Korea, and then scrutinizes the way in which the two respective political systems have both formal and informal mechanisms that militate against women’s participation. Furthermore at many points in the text she makes comparative judgments concerning women’s participation in Europe and the United States.

Both Korean and Japanese history in the early 20th century were marked by women who fought multiple battles on several fronts: to get any recognition at all outside the demands of the home, to fight discrimination against any woman who would dare challenge the suffocating society-wide support for family-based patriarchy, to suffer ostracism for joining socialist groups (which tended to more open to women) or for living lives independent of men (for which they were labeled promiscuous and even a threat to national unity). Ichikawa Fusae, the founder of Japan’s Women’s Suffrage League in 1924, suffered much ridicule from the society for decades, only to be forced into supporting Japan’s wars in Asia. Korea was then a colony, not a nation, but from the early point of the massive March First Movement in 1919 right down to the present, when thousands of civic groups and NGOs co-exist in Korea’s strong civil society, women have often been the leaders of protests. This sharp contrast with Japan makes for one of the most interesting aspects of this book.

Her discussion of how the postwar Japanese political system excludes women (without necessarily intending to do so) is also particularly illuminating. The Liberal Democratic Party, in power continuously since 1955 (with one brief interruption in 1993), is made up of factions which resemble one-man political machines or groups, with strong ties of patronage and favoritism in the local areas. These virtually all-male informal networks of patron-client ties, reinforced by male bonding rituals in drinking houses all over Japan, represent a formidable barrier to the entry of women into political careers. Even civic and grass-roots organizations seeking progressive goals tend to be run by men in Japan.

On the other hand, the largest number of women representatives in the history of the Republic of Korea is seen under the system of the Revitalization Congress. However, given the nature of the Congress at the time, one can hardly say their representation had much to do with the peoples’ will. Ironically though, the long history of the dictatorial military regimes gave Korean women the opportunity to hear their own political voices, and through their participations in anti-dictatorial protest movements they gained political experiences necessary to engage in politics in the future. She interviewed and observed many women involved in grassroots political organizing; their future seems to be a comparatively bright one compared to women in Japan, who still have not found a route to significant participation in the world’s second-largest economy.

Price: $179.95

 Guisso, Richard
1981 0-88946-151-1 248 pages
Thirteen essays on foot binding, female infanticide, widow remarriage, the Taoist androgynous ideal, anti-westernization, etc., discussing the cultural, economic, political, and historical factors which contributed to the emergence of Chinese womanhood of today.

Price: $179.95

 Cheung, Neky Tak-Ching
2008 0-7734-4962-0 400 pages
Based on historical, textual and field studies, this work examines the paradoxical nature of jiezhu, which simultaneously upholds and challenges tradition through religious and social empowerment. This book contains twelve color photographs and twenty-eight black and white photographs.

Price: $239.95

 Worley, Sharon
2010 0-7734-3835-1 564 pages
In 1800 Napoleon Bonaparte sought to impose an absolute political authority as First Consul for life, and emperor in 1804. A network of women authors connected with Germaine de Staël in Paris, Coppet, Berlin, and Florence maintained salons and addressed political conflicts in their novels, correspondence and theory. Nationalist histories, also written by salon members, reinforced their unified political agenda by emphasizing the heroic acts that guaranteed national freedom. Semiotics became the primary means of political propaganda and persuasion in the absence of legislative debate and women’s suffrage.

Price: $319.95

 Rowe, Beverly J.
2002 0-7734-7041-7 216 pages

Price: $179.95

 Sircar, Arpana
2000 0-7734-7848-5 288 pages
This study addresses the way gender mediates the lives of employed immigrant women in an ethnic minority community. It sheds light on the interplay of race-ethnicity, social class, and history generates multiple contexts within which individual and collective gender attitudes and norms are situated. This empirical study has tapped firsthand into the isolated behind-closed-doors subplots of how individuals negotiate old and new gender concepts in contested social and familial terrains.

Price: $199.95

 Leymann, Heinz
2010 0-7734-1395-2 184 pages

Price: $159.95

 Duhon-Sells, Rose M.
2009 0-7734-4917-5 204 pages
This book elucidates the pedagogical and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to teach K-12 students positive thinking and behavioral skills. It will help individuals at all levels of society to become cognizant of the academic and social value of peace education.

Price: $179.95