Estudios Sobre La Cuentistica De Juan Bosch

Author: | Ossers, Manuel A. |
Year: | 2009 |
Pages: | 196 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-3888-2 978-0-7734-3888-0 |
Price: | $159.95 + shipping |
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Juan Bosch (1909-2001), president of the Dominican Republic in 1963, was a politician and writer. This work is a compilation of essays on the short stories of Juan Bosch (1909-2001). They include studies on cenesthesia, hyperbole, expressionism, impressionism, time, magic realism, myths, female characters in a social, political, and historical context; and children characters with their vital thematic and structural roles.
“Professor Ossers’ collection of essays provides a close and thoughtful reading of Bosch’s intriguing world and its often-tragic characters, condemned by poverty and social injustice. Well written and crafted, these essays clearly demonstrate the author’s understanding of the complexities and contradictions of the Dominican socio-economical and historical context in which Bosch’s narratives take place. Through his essays, Professor Ossers skillfully examines a variety of recurring topics in Bosch’s works, many of which have not been thoroughly explored among critics, such as the representation of children in Bosch’s short stories, and effectively ties them to Bosch’s sharp critical vision of Dominican society.” – Prof. Nayla Chehade, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Table of Contents
Prólogo por Cristina Pizzaro
Preface by Cristina Pizzaro
1. Aspectos de la cuentística de Juan Bosch
2. En tomo al cuento “La mujer” de Juan Bosch
3. Puntos convergentes del cuento “La mujer” de José Luis
Gonzalez con el cuento “La mujer” de Juan Bosch
4. Contexto histórico de los personajes femeninos boschianos
5. El tratamiento de Ia iluvia en “La lluvia” de Arturo Uslar Pietri y
“Dos pesos de agua” de Juan Bosch: Convergencias y divergencias
6. Análisis estilístico del cuento “En un bohío” de Juan Bosch
7. Un difunto vive, la muerte detesta errar, un alma prefiere regresar
a su cuerpo, y el diablo se porta como un caballero; o el mito como
fundamento temático en los cuentos de Juan Bosch
8. Narración y estilo en Juan Bosch: Su mundo cenestético
9. Intensificación hiperbólica en los cuentos de Juan Bosch:
Acercamiento estilístico
10. Expresionismo e impresionismo en los cuentos de Juan Bosch
11. Anâlisis estilístico del tiempo en la cuentística de Juan Bosch
12. El realismo mágico en Juan Bosch
13. La representación de los niflos en la cuentística de Juan Bosch
Bibliografia General
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