Celts and Their Games and Pastimes

Author: | Egan, Sean |
Year: | 2002 |
Pages: | 252 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-7171-5 978-0-7734-7171-9 |
Price: | $199.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
In addition to examining their games and pastimes, this study examines the Celtic psyche and culture. It examines all the Celtic peoples: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Brittany, Basque Region, Icelandic Connections; children’s Celtic games; and dance and
music. This book fills a gap in the recreation literature of the warrior people known as the Celts and knits together the common threads that exist between the various Celtic nations.
“For the scholar and research, the Celts is a mine of information brought together very conveniently into one volume. There is no other book which covers this subject area so comprehensively and in such detail. Readers will find here games he or she never heard of and antecedents of modern games, which are surprising.”- Noel McDermott
“To any scholar interested in games, pastimes or fun aspects, in social history, in geographic regional recreations, in demographic
recreational trends, or in any of the specific athletic areas referred to in Sean Egan’s book, this writing is an excellent launch pad for studying even more deeply the history, development and future of any such activity. I highly recommend this writing as a
publication of noteworthy scholarship.” – Peadar Ó Túatain
Table of Contents
1. Who Were the Celts
2. Psyche of the Celts
3. Celtic Games: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Brittany, Basque Region, Icelandic Connection
4. Children’s Celtic Games
5. Celtic Dance and Music
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