Subject Area: Womens Studies

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (Volume 2)
 Kendrick, Susan
2018 1-4955-0667-3 572 pages
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

Price: $1195.95

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (Volume 3)
 Kendrick, Susan
2018 1-4955-0667-3 576 pages
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

Price: $1195.95

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (Volume 4)
 Kendrick, Susan
2018 1-4955-0667-3 564 pages
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

Price: $1195.95

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women from 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name Volume 1
 Kendrick, Susan
2018 1-4955-0667-3 576 pages
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

Price: $1195.95

A Bilingual Edition of Fray Luis De León's La Perfecta Casada: The Role of Married Women in Sixteenth-Century Spain
 Jones, John Alan
1999 0-7734-8178-8 348 pages
This bilingual edition makes accessible to readers who have little or no knowledge of Spanish an important work on the role of women in marriage, while at the same time enabling readers of Spanish to further their understanding of Fray Luis de León's work which embodies an essentially Christian view of marriage in which the role of men, women, and family are very clearly defined, providing an interesting insight into the world-view of a past age.

Price: $219.95

A Critical Biography of Lady Jane Wilde (1821(?) - 1896): Irish Revolutionist, Humanist, Scholar and Poet
 Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony
2002 0-7734-7263-0 644 pages
The focus of this study is upon a progressive woman whose broad erudition allowed her to write on a great variety of subjects. Her own life as a revolutionist and writer, and her writings about women will interest those in women’s studies. As an Irish nationalist in a movement that had considerable influence on subsequent nationalist leaders like Arthur Griffin, her views in her revolutionary poems and articles are still pertinent.

Price: $339.95

 Kalfopoulou, Adrianne
2000 0-7734-7744-6 244 pages
By deconstructing the gendered terms of cultural representations of the American self, this project traces the many-faceted discursive possibilities of female desire in relation to community. Beginning with Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, a paradigm of gendered dissent, signifies the trajectory of Otherness, of a silenced singularity this work maps through to Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeeping and Toni Morrison’s Beloved. In texts as diverse as Anzia Yezierska’s Bread Givers, Gayl Jones’ Corregidora, Gertrude Stein’s “Melanctha”, Thalia Selz’s “The Education of a Queen” or Hisaye Yamamoto’s “Seventeen Syllables”, Derrida’s definition of differance is used to dismantle ideological and gendered issues of identity. The interdisciplinary contribution of this work explores contemporary debates in language, ethnicity, race and feminist theory as they apply to the ever-varying voice of female desire historically silenced in the tidied rooms of America’s cultural house.

Price: $179.95

 Schantz, Maria Lima
2004 0-7734-6258-9 262 pages

Price: $199.95

A Study of Twenty- First Century Andalusian Poetry: Facing Page Spanish / English Translations of Seven Andalusian Women Poets ( Juana Castro, Rosa Diaz, Paloma Fernandez Goma, Maria Rosal, Maria Del Valle Rubio, Pilar Sanabria, and Maria Sanz )
 Hidalgo-Calle, Lola
2016 1-4955-0471-9 136 pages
This work offers a fresh perspective on bilingual anthology. It’s expertly translated verses wonderfully capture the bold and vibrant contemporary Andalusian poetry of this select group of women. The added reader bonus is the inclusion of helpful and important biographical excerpts from interviews of these outstanding female poets.

Price: $139.95

African American Women Quitting the Workplace
 Pennington, Dorthy L.
1999 0-7734-8183-4 142 pages
This volumes presents detailed stories of the reasons why six African-American professional women quit their jobs. Each woman's story is told in her own voice, through oral taped interviews and through writing. Their stories are rich and the language is colorful. While readers will see each woman's unique circumstances, they will also note remarkable similarities among the stories and the views expressed therein. An abstract precedes each story. After the stories, the author provides a grounded analysis. The texts of the stories provide the basis for further analysis and theory-building by scholars, employers, and laypersons who wish to go beyond this study.

Price: $139.95

African Born Women Faculty in the United States. Lives in Contradiction
 Ifedi, Rosaire Ifeyinwa
2008 0-7734-5114-5 264 pages
This study, underpinned by Black feminist thought, African feminism, and critical race theory, investigates the lived experiences of African-born female professors in the United States. The findings reveal similar themes found in the literature on other Black and foreign women, but also offer new perspectives on racialization, double discrimination, difference, citizenship, and scholarship.

Price: $199.95

AFRICAN RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES ON THREE BLACK WOMEN NOVELISTS: The Aesthetics of “Vodun” (Zora Neale Hurston, Simone Schwarz-Bart, and Paule Marshall)
 Smith, Maria T.
2007 0-7734-5528-0 160 pages
This study, focusing on select novels by women writers of the African Diaspora, illustrates that a surprising degree of commonality exists among works with obvious geographical, cultural, and linguistics differences – an affirmation of the philosophical essence of the Vodun religion as an antidote to Western spiritual and cultural moribundity. A close reading Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, Simone Schwarz-Bart’s Pluie et Vent sur Telumée Miracle, and Paule Marshall’s Praisesong for the Widow, demonstrates the way in which these works allude to the Vodun pantheon and ancestor veneration in order to valorize a worldview that recognizes the interconnectedness of all living things, visible and invisible. This is accomplished by locating each novel within its socio-political context and developing African diasporic literary tradition wherein African-derived beliefs have become sources of cultural resistance. After this reconstruction, the author is able to explicate the representation and function of Vodun as it is employed by each of the authors under consideration.

Price: $139.95

African Women and Politics
 Konde, Emmanuel
2005 0-7734-6065-9 260 pages
This study analyzes the interplay of modern and traditional influences and constraints on African women’s access to political power. It identifies knowledge as central to the exercise of political power in Cameroon since pre-colonial times. It uses case studies of women’s organizations and protest movements to trace the processes by which women were incorporated intro national political parties.

Price: $199.95

American Women Philosophers, 1650-1930: Six Exemplary Thinkers
 Dykeman, Therese Boos
1993 0-7734-9266-6 404 pages
This text introduces six American women (Anne Bradstreet, Mercy Otis Warren, Mary Whiton Calkins, Judith Sargent Murray, Frances Wright, and Ednah Dow Cheney), and discusses their works as philosophy. This anthology presents a number of works never reprinted and difficult to locate. The works are of interdisciplinary interest: philosophy, feminist philosophy, women's studies, political science, and history.

Price: $259.95

An Analysis of the Ethnic and Gender Gaps in the Federal Career Senior Executive Service: The Underrepresentation of Minorities and Women (1995-2006)
 Bargains, Elizabeth Ann
2013 0-7734-4338-X 180 pages
This book offers a revealing synopsis of the attempts of the SES to diversify its membership at a time when the possibility of historic gains in racial and gender equality are very much possible. It investigates the gender and racial bias and the progress that America is making to eliminate a very sordid history of recruitment practices and the selection of SES members.

This work is a significant contribution that will strengthen the body of knowledge in which recruitment selection, and placement of minorities and women in upper management positions fill a critical void in the 21st Century America at the Federal level, and government and the private sector in general.

Price: $159.95

An English Translation of Three Plays by Israeli Dramatist Edna Mazya: Games in the Backyard, The New Criminals, The Back Room
 Taub, Michael
2019 978-0-7799-5379-0 288 pages
This book is an edited collection of three plays by Israeli Playwright Edna Mayza. The plays are: Games in the Backyard, The New Criminals and The Back Room.

Price: $29.95

 Hidalgo-Calle, Lola
2024 1-4599-1295-9 158 pages
With this second book we are pleased to introduce four Spanish women writers of the twenty-first century. Each of the authors from this select group is currently writing and publishing in Spain. Here we present a selection of their works in Spanish and translated into English. It also should be mentioned that these writers also publish in a variety of genres such as novel, poetry, essay and drama.

Price: $139.95

Anglo - German Correspondence of Vernon Lee and Irene Forbes-Mosse During World War I. Women Writers' Friendship Transcending Enemy Lines
 Sieberg, Herward
2014 0-7734-4313-4 488 pages
This recently discovered cache of letters, skillfully and devotedly edited by Sieberg and Zorn, provides us with new insight into the powerful story of the enduring friendship of two women writers from enemy nations and their intellectual yet heartfelt correspondence, describing the events and challenges of The Great War from a clearly women’s perspective, outside the confines of the suppressive public sphere of censorship and propaganda.

Price: $279.95

Anna Bunina (1774-1829), and the Origins of Women's Poetry in Russia
 Rosslyn, Wendy
1997 0-7734-8527-9 372 pages
This is the first extensive study of Bunina's poems and detailed exploration of her life, using archives and numerous periodicals. It describes the cultural expectations which Bunina challenged, her poetic unconventional lyric persona, her strategic choices of poetic language and genre, the reception of her work, and her unprecedented success in living by the pen. It illuminates the pre-history of feminism and the feminine literary tradition in Russian through the reflections on gender and writing of the most radical and gifted of the early women writers.

Price: $239.95

Anna Ella Carroll (1815-1893), American Political Writer of Maryland
 Whisker, James B.
1993 0-7734-9244-5 268 pages
Biographical sketch and edited writings of Anna Ella Carroll, a politically active woman, usually a Republican, who was the architect of Lincoln's military plan to cut the CSA in half, and was the author of Lincoln's War Powers of the President.

Price: $199.95

Aproximaciones a La Narrativa Femenina Del Diecinueve En Latinoamerica
 Torres-Pou, Juan
2002 0-7734-7307-6 164 pages
Writers include: Lindaura Anzoátegui de Campero; Rosa Duarte; Amelia Francasci; Maria Firmina dos Reis; María Amaparo Ruiz de Burton; María Mercedes Santacruz y Montalvo; Ramón Emeterio Betances; Eduarda Mansilla; Leonor Villegas de Magnón.

This monograph is in Spanish.

Price: $159.95

Artistic Legacy of Le Corbusier’s Machine À Habiter
 Novakov, Anna
2008 0-7734-5150-1 212 pages
This book showcases exciting new trends in Corbusian scholarship. The authors, an international group of architectural historians, draw analogies between Le Corbusier’s machine à habiter and twentieth-century political and social movements such as Italian and German Fascism and the multi-national New Woman Movement. This book contains twenty black and white photographs and five color photographs.

Price: $179.95

Attitudes of Older African American Women About Alcohol
 Hatchett, Bonnie F.
2002 0-7734-7337-8 120 pages
Explores how drinking status, religiosity, and religious affiliation are associated with beliefs about alcohol usage among African American women 55 years of age and older. The relationship between religion and attitudes and behaviors related to alcohol suggest that the church could be sued as a vehicle for the dissemination of educational information about alcohol use and possible treatment options.

Price: $119.95

Autobiographical Progression in the Writings of Christa Wolf: Nachdenken Über Christa T. (1968), Kindheitsmuster (1976), and Ein Tag ?m Jahr (2003)
 Nunan, Anna
2011 0-7734-1541-6 276 pages
This work examines Wolf’s significance as a female writer and her tendency towards autobiographical writing.

Price: $199.95

Azerbaijani Women Poet-Minstrels: Women ashiqs From the Eighteenth Century to the Present
 Oldfield, Anna C.
2008 0-7734-4990-6 276 pages
This work examines women ashiqs and their poetry, contextualizing their lives and works within discussions of the history, music, poetics, and social importance of the ashiq in Azerbaijan. Theoretical concerns addressed include the interplay of oral and written literature, discourse of national and transnational identities, dynamics of cooperation and resistance in the Soviet Union, the interplay of tradition and innovation in folklore, and gender roles in Azerbaijani society. This book contains sixteen black and white photographs and twelve color photographs.

Price: $199.95

Beatrice Webb (1858-1943) - The Socialist with a Sociological Imagination
 Romano, Mary Ann
1998 0-7734-8312-8 152 pages
This volume captures the sociological imagination of Beatrice Webb by enlarging upon two of her most notable contributions. First, she applied the scientific method of observation, experiment, hypothesis, and verification to the study of social problems. Second, an outgrowth of the first contribution, she, along with her husband Sidney Webb, turned government into a science in the interest of furthering socialist doctrine to combat social problems. This book will interest scholars in historical sociology, the sociology of knowledge, sociological theory, political sociology, and gender roles.

Price: $139.95

Black Women Novelists’ Contribution to Contemporary Feminist Discourse
 Sarr, Akua
2003 0-7734-6933-8 168 pages
The Anita Hill – Clarence Thomas hearings serve as a point of departure to examine how six texts by black women novelists contribute to contemporary black feminist discourse. The manuscript is a comparative study of novels by both anglophone and francophone women: Mariama Ba’s Une Si Longue Lettre; ; Sapphire’s Push; Buchi Emecheta’s Head Above Water; Ken Bugul’s Le Baobab Fou; Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions; and Myriam Warner-Vieyra’s Juletane. The text challenges the assumption that African American women’s writing is synonymous with black women’s writing, and it approaches issues facing black women globally: lesbianism, incest, rape, prostitution, polygamy, battering, and mental illness.

Price: $159.95

Black Women Prison Employees: The Intersectionality of Gender and Race
 Morgan, Marcia
2018 1-4955-0708-4 272 pages
Dr. Morgan's book applies new and varied views of being black female prison employees, by combining intersectionality theory and organizational psychodynamics to explore the psychosocial experience of this group. Their perspective as gendered and racialised subjects provides an insightful account of what it 'feels' like to be black, women, and employees in the British Prison Service.

Price: $199.95

Career of Dona Ines De Suarez, the First European Woman in Chile Conquistadora
 Nauman, Ann K.
2000 0-7734-7739-X 220 pages

Price: $199.95

 Hidalgo-Calle, Lola
2024 1-4955-1291-9 118 pages
Translation may be one of the principal activities of human life if we include in that conception the individual bringing into language what is thought, felt, witnessed, imagined. But because each of us is excluded from language at some point, the transport of sense across the borderlands of utterance and script becomes even more vital to our broadest understanding of one another. With this book we are pleased to introduce three Spanish women writers of the twenty-first century. Each of the authors from this select group is currently writing and publishing in Spain. Here we present a selection of their works in Spanish and translated into English. It also should be mentioned that these writers also publish in a variety of genres such as novel, poetry, essay and drama.

Price: $119.95

Catholic Feminism and the Social Question in Chile, 1910-1917
 Verba, Ericka Kim
2003 0-7734-6623-1 352 pages

Price: $239.95

Challenges of Women’s Activism and Human Rights in Africa
 Fox, Diana J.
2000 0-7734-7885-X 308 pages
This study contains essays written by activists and scholars from a wide range of fields who have conducted research or been involved on a grassroots level in an effort to advance women’s human rights.

Price: $219.95

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Short Stories as Social Criticism: Conflicts and Contradictions of a Nineteenth-Century Author
 Sabanci, Gamze
2010 0-7734-3761-4 320 pages
This study offers an investigation of a selection of Gilman’s short stories in the light of her assertion that women do not have to give up love or work in order to succeed in life. Yet, as this study proves, the problem with this ideology is that although ‘both’ embodies two elements – love and work, there are in fact three factors operating within the equation – marriage, motherhood, and professional life.

Price: $219.95

Clarissa Von Ranke Letters and the Ranke-Graves Correspondence 1843-1886
 Boldt, Andreas Dieter
2012 0-7734-2617-5 716 pages
The edition of the letters will fit into the growing interest in the Irish in Europe and it will provide new information on the role and influence of educated Irish women; it will also fill an important gap in the area of women’s history by presenting one of the most amazing women in international relationships and an extraordinary ambassador for Anglo-Irish culture in Germany: Clarissa von Ranke (1808-1871). Scholars will have access to eyewitness reports through Clarissa’s critical lens of events as diverse as the European Revolution of 1848/49, the wars of German Unification in 1864 and 1866 and the Franco-Prussian war of 1870/71. In her letters Clarissa discussed family matters, Ranke’s historical writing, and European affairs. She built up a social circle, known as the ‘Salon Ranke’ where Enlightenment thought met Romanticism. Although the salon was dominated by conservative thought, several ‘revolutionary’ opinions of that time were discussed: the position of women, the role of religion in a changing society, international cultural exchange and nation-building of different states. This salon was well-known for its musical parties, poetry classes, and discussions on literature (especially Shakespeare), politics and history. Clarissa also gave classes in various languages including French, Italian and English.

Price: $379.95

Class Conflict and Class Coalition in the California Woman Suffrage Movement, 1907-1912. The San Francisco Wage Earners' Suffrage League
 Englander, Susan
1992 0-7734-9845-1 208 pages
Chronicles the brief existence of the League, describing the situation of San Francisco's female work force and unions, the historical circumstances which produced the WESL'S union activists, the split between union and reform suffragists, and WESL's history as an organization and contribution to the 1911 victorious campaign for woman suffrage.

Price: $179.95

Class Development and Gender Inequality in Kenya, 1963-1990
 House-Midamba, Bessie
1991 0-7734-9754-4 168 pages
Provides insight into the issue of women in third world development processes. Examines the role of women in Kenyan society, focusing particular attention on the participation of women in economic activities and key political institutions in the society.

Price: $159.95

Clergywomen in the Church of England: A Psychological Study
 Robbins, Mandy
2008 0-7734-4948-5 252 pages
A unique study of clergywomen in the Church of England, this work represents a benchmark for charting the similarities and differences between the institution’s female pioneers and their successors. With roots in both theology and psychology, this book uses personality theory to examine the individual differences in the ministry of clergywomen.

Price: $199.95

Colonial Subject’s Search for Nation, Culture, and Identity in the Works of Julia Álvarez, Rosario FerrÉ, and Ana Lydia Vega
 Henao, Eda B.
2003 0-7734-6551-0 162 pages

Price: $159.95

Communication, Organization, and Change Within a Feminist Context. A Participant Observation of a Feminist Collective
 Eastland, Lynette J.
1991 0-88946-121-X 204 pages
A sociological study which examines how change occurs within a specific organizational setting by examining the communicative behavior of organizational participants.

Price: $179.95

Consumption, Domesticity & the Female Body in Emile Zola’s Fiction
 Hennessy, Susie S.
2015 1-4955-0361-5 204 pages
An unexpected and surprising discovery of the many ways metaphorical language shaped the discourse of domesticity as depicted in women’s press and in Zola’s oeuvre. This book examines that structuring effect as it evolves in the department store, the bedroom and the kitchen.

Price: $179.95

Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Volume One: Contemporary Women Writing in Latin America
 Colvile, Georgiana M. M.
1996 0-7734-9005-1 184 pages
A Spanish American Scheherazade: On Isabel Allende and Eva Luna (Susana Reisz) Back to the Suture: Patriarchal Discourse and Susana Thenon's Ova Completa (Bernard J. McGuirk) An Interview with Magda Portal (Kathleen Weaver) Discerning Alejandra: Concerning the Poetics of Pizarnik (Asunción Horno-Delgado) Innovative Latin American Writing of the 1980s: The Feminist Projects of Angel, Torres Molina and Parente Cunha (Raymond L. Williams) Rigoberta Menchu: The Exiles of a Guatemalan Indian Woman (Mark I. Millington) "Here Be Dragons:, or She Devils and Little Boys: The Annihilation of the Male in Lygia Fagundes Telles (Maria Manuel Lisboa) Women Writing and Living in Latin America (Elena Poniatowska) "Ecriture Féminine" in Chile: Invaded Space in Ana Maria del Rio, Diamela Eltit and Sonia Montecinos (Antonio Skármeta)

Price: $159.95

Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Volume Three. Contemporary Women Writing in Canada and Quebec
 Colvile, Georgiana M. M.
1996 0-7734-8810-3 180 pages
"Space That I Claim as Mine": Contemporary Canadian Women's Novels in English (Coral Ann Howells) Writing About Writing: Carol Shields's The Journal (Simone Vauthier) Expatriates or not? Two Canadian Novelists in Paris: Anne Hébert and Mavis Gallant (Georgiana M. M. Colvile) Quebec Women Writers and the Quiet Revolution (Mary Jean Green) France Théoret's Feminist Hyperrealism: Denaturalizing Female Domesticity in L'Homme qui peignait Staline (Karen Gould) Rape by Grammar: Marlene Nourbese Philip's Hyphenated Tongue or Writing the Caribbean Demotic between Africa and Arctic (Barbara Godard) Art is a Thief: Maria Campbell and Linda Griffith's Jessica (Frances W. Kaye) Writing as a Trajectory of Desire and Consciousness (Nicole Brossard)

Price: $159.95

Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Volume Two: Contemporary Women Writing in the Caribbean
 Colvile, Georgiana M. M.
1996 0-7734-8808-1 152 pages
"Claiming an Identity They Taught Me to Despise" - Alienation and the Caribbean Woman: From Mayotte Capacia to Michelle Cliff (Betty Wilson) En/Gendering Spaces: The Poetry of Marlene Nourbese Philip and Pamela Mordecai (Elaine Savory) "The Higher Monkey Climb The More He Expose": Comedy and Exposure in Whole of a Morning Sky (Evelyn O'Callaghan) Garden/Nation: Parva Domus: Magna Quies (Ileana Rodríguez) Toussine's Cabin/Télumée's Garden: A Study of Spatial Structures in Simone Schwarz-Bart's Pluie et vent sur Télumée-Miracle (Mildred Mortimer) Re-writing Postcolonial Social Texts: Maternal Discourse in Chauvet and Lacrosil (Madeleine Cottenet-Hage and Kevin Meehan) (Re)writing History: Strategies of Telling in Maryse Condé's Une Saison à Rihata (Ann Armstrong Scarboro) "What About Those Who Don't Have Grandmothers?" (Maryse Condé)

Price: $139.95

CONTRIBUTIONS BY WOMEN TO EARLY AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY Anne Bradstreet, Mercy Otis Warren, and Judith Sargent Murray
 Dykeman, Therese Boos
2009 0-7734-4685-0 344 pages
This text argues for a more comprehensive history of early American philosophy than has previously been available by focusing on three seventeenth and eighteenth century American women philosophers—Anne Bradstreet, Mercy Otis Warren, and Judith Sargent Murray —and comparing their philosophical views with those of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

Price: $219.95

Contributions by Women to Nineteenth Century American Philosophy
 Dykeman, Therese Boos
2012 0-7734-2554-3 312 pages
A revisionist monograph places women philosophers inside the mainstream of American philosophy in the 19th century.

Price: $219.95

Correspondence (1779-1843) of Mary Hays, British Novelist
 Hays, Mary
2004 0-7734-6357-7 642 pages
Mary Hays is known for her literary works and as a formidable member of radical circles in the late eighteenth century. Her letters help the reader understand the extent of her engagement with contemporary issues and how these were voiced in her writings. Until now no full edition of the letters has appeared and earlier selections were greatly abridged. This new edition of almost 400 letters reaffirms Hays’ position within literary and radical circles and provides an important background against which to assess the importance of her writings. Because letters from as well as to Hays are included, we are able to see how much her opinions were sought and assess her importance within sensibility, rational philosophy and the development of feminism.

Price: $339.95

Creating a New Ideal of Masculinity for American Men
 Willey, Nicole L.
2008 0-7734-5204-4 324 pages
This work examines the male characters presented in each of the following works: Susan Warner’s The Wide, Wide World (1850), Fanny Fern’s Ruth Hall (1855), Harriet E. Wilson’s Our Nig (1859), and Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861). These sentimental women authors presented masculine ideals in their literature and have played an important role in the construction of gender in America.

Price: $219.95

Creation of Religious Identities by English Women Poets From the Seventeenth to the Early Twentieth Century Soulscapes
 Hotz-Davies, Ingrid
2001 0-7734-7463-3 416 pages
Offers a text-centered investigation of the basic concerns, modes, and desires in British women’s poetic interactions with the Christian religion. Covers not only the well-known poets such as Anne Bradstreet, the Brontes, and Emily Dickinson, but also many lesser-known ones.

Price: $259.95

Creators of Women’s Popular Romance Fiction: The Authors Who Gave Women a Genre of Their Own
 Hall, Glinda F.
2010 0-7734-3841-6 244 pages
This study examines women’s popular romance fiction’s role in constructing gender and revealing power structures, while creating a community heritage for romance writers and readers. The textual analysis incorporates cultural studies and women’s studies by focusing on gender constructs of power through the medium of popular romance fiction and its many subgenres.

Price: $179.95

Critical Study of Emily Dickinson's Letters: The Prose of a Poet
 Lambert, Robert Graham Jr.
1996 0-7734-2270-6 256 pages

Price: $199.95

Critical Study of the Works of Nawal El Saadawi, Egyptian Writer and Activist
 Royer, Diana
2001 0-7734-7538-9 202 pages
This volume sets El Saadawi’s literary work within the context of her activism, in particular showing how her ideas for the renewal of society run through her writing. As a companion for reading her fiction and nonfiction, this volume contextualizes her work by taking into consideration the complexities of Egyptian society today – in particular, Islamic fundamentalism and women’s status. It also introduces the current scholarly debate on ancient women’s status. Chapters on individual novels look both at technique (oral literary traditions, woman’s narrative, imagery) and topic (female circumcision, gender roles, prostitution, honor killing). Novels examined are Two Women in One; The Circling Song; Woman at Point Zero; God Dies By the Nile.

Price: $179.95

Cross Cultural Exploration of Wife Abuse Problems and Prospects
 Sev'er, Aysan
1997 0-7734-8517-1 272 pages
New articles by internationally-known scholars in the area of interpersonal violence. The work and orientation are truly interdisciplinary, ranging from anthropology, psychology, women's studies to public policy and sociology. The articles explore both methodological and theoretical issues on wife abuse, shed light on existing debates in the field, often raising new and intriguing questions.

Price: $199.95

Cuatro Mujeres Escriben Africa: el desarrollo de la identidad en la narrativa A.A. Aidoo, B. Emecheta, G. Ogot y Magona
 Gil Naveira, Isabel
2019 1-4955-0753-X 304 pages
African literature has become a tendency again in the hands of a new generation of women writers who are often associated with the term 'Afropolitanism'. These writers openly criticise the still unsolved problems in both African and Western societies that African women writers from the first and second generation addressed more than thirty years ago. In order to understand our current times, it is essential to analyse the previous generations that have shaped the literary, if not the social world, we live in. Text in Spanish

Price: $199.95

Dance of the Carbon Atom
 Lessen, Laurie Suzanne
1995 0-7734-2723-6
A journey about life and love on both the personal and universal level, dealing with a woman's experience of sexual abuse as a child; the death of the father who abused her; the ultimate abandonment of her remaining family, her survival.

Price: $99.95

Demystifying the Female Body in Hispanic Male Authors 1880-1920: Overcoming the Virgin / Prostitute Dichotomy
 Cohen, Daria
2008 0-7734-5195-1 124 pages
This study examines the representation, semiotics and power relations inherent in the depiction of the female body in key Modernist short stories by canonical authors from Latin America and Spain at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century. The female body is a crucial element in the emergence of modern woman’s subjectivity as evidenced in the tales of Rubén Darío, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, Manuel Díaz Rodríguez, Azorín, Miguel de Unamuno and Ramón del Valle-Inclán.

Price: $139.95

Descriptions of Masculinity in African Women's Creative Writing: Mariama Ba, Philomeme, Delphine Zanga Tsogo, Calixthe Beyala, Aminata Sow Fall
 Mutunda, Sylvester
2015 0-7734-2921-2 240 pages
The first and only study on how female authors from Africa depict masculinity in their novels. Some criticisms of genetic explanations of gender are given. In addition to being an explication of literary representations the author also offers sociological explanations of male identity in Africa. Five female authors are studied, and their views are not seen as representational of all African male archetypes, but rather provide a starting point for future research in this area. This is one of the first books to give African scholars a place to start including masculinity into gender studies.

There have been numerous studies showing how men behave in relation to women, but none showing how men are depicted by female authors in Africa. This will bridge the gap in the literature by giving information on how masculinity functions on its own.

Price: $179.95

Development of the Feminist Idea in Egypt and the Middle East From the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present
 Suwaed, Mohammad
2016 1-4955-0505-7 304 pages
A remarkable book examining the feminist discourse in the Middle East by analyzing selected philosophical texts by both female and male Arab thinkers. It explores the changes that have taken place in the Arab feminist discourse over the years by addressing the social, cultural, and ideological backgrounds of the region’s feminist over two centuries.

Price: $219.95

Die Rezeption Des Artussotoffes in Der Englischen Und Amerikanischen Literatur Des 20. Jahrhunderts Bei Thomas Berger, Marion Zimmer Bradley, E. A. Robinson, Mary Stewart Und T. H. White
 Esselstrom, Michael J.
1995 0-7734-1243-3 248 pages
This study examines the differing treatments of similar points of the Arthurian legends by the authors cited, including the treatment of Merlin, war, and feminism.

Price: $179.95

Discourse of Hysteria: The topoi of Humility, Physicality, and Authority in Women’s Rhetoric
 Greene, Logan
2009 0-7734-4843-8 252 pages
This study analyzes the rhetorical strategies of five women, (Hildegard of Bingen, Margery Kempe, Aphra Behn, Sojourner Truth, and Hélène Cixous), from different historical periods. The author finds commonalities constituting a discourse of hysteria, deriving from and making productive use of women’s historical position at the margins of institutionalized power in our culture.

Price: $199.95

Discrepancy Between the Public and the Private Selves of Indonesian Women
 Marching, Soe Tjen
2007 0-7734-5435-7 280 pages
This study investigates Indonesian women’s public and private representations of identity in the New Order period, in the form of published autobiographies and unpublished diaries collected during fieldwork. During the New Order era (1967-1998), the government tried to indoctrinate the conservative ideas about gender using various channels. While autobiographies published in New Order Indonesia did not have the freedom to challenge the authoritative eye, those women who did publish such works are still seen as exerting their own individuality and criticizing, however indirectly, the social conditions surrounding them. In the unpublished diaries considered, though the authors are more vocal in their transgression, the reflection of patriarchal values in Indonesia can still be discovered.

Price: $199.95

Eavan Boland's Evolution as an Irish Woman Poet
 Villar-Argáiz, Pilar
2007 0-7734-5383-0 448 pages
This study re-evaluates Boland’s work in the dual light of two important ideologies within modern Irish writing: feminism and postcolonialism. Its main objective is to analyze Boland’s evolution as an Irish woman poet in her attempt to overcome marginalization as a postcolonial gendered subject. By bringing together postcolonial and feminist theorizations of identity, this study demonstrates how Boland gradually undermines the (presumably authentic) representations of ‘woman’ and ‘nation’ she has inherited. By describing ‘Irishness’ and ‘womanhood’ in terms of fluidity and hybridity, Boland’s poetry exposes the constructedness of identity itself and allows the speaker to find a place freed from authoritative ideologies. In so doing, Boland manages to present a background where new decolonizing identities can emerge. In other words, it is here where she finds her way out as an outsider within an outsider’s culture.

Price: $259.95

Economic Injustice of Maternal Mortality. A Feminist Ethical Analysis
 Jones, Eileen Kerwin
2008 0-7734-4792-X 328 pages
This work is a response to the lack of theological reflection on the qualitatively different poverty endured by women, a concrete manifestation of which is maternal mortality. This work argues that the failure of liberation theology to attend adequately to the poverty of women compromises its commitment to solidarity with the oppressed.

Price: $219.95

Education and Empowerment Among Dalit (untouchable) Women in India
 Seenarine, Moses
2004 0-7734-6407-7 304 pages
This book explores the problems of how caste and gender issues are related to the education and empowerment of rural Dalit women in India. The key focus is on the presentation of Dalit female voices regarding their educational experiences. Specifically, this study explores the nature and role of education and its relationship to empowerment among thirty-three poor, rural Dalit women and girls who volunteered to become involved with an explicit women’s empowerment project, the Mahila Samakhya program in Karnataka (MSK) during the years 1994 to 1995. This book will be of interest to practitioners in the fields of development: sociology, cultural studies and education; caste, gender, post-modern and subaltern academics and students, the general public and policy makers in India; Dalits and Dalit women in particular.

Price: $219.95

Education of Heloise. Methods, Content, and Purpose of Learning in the Twelfth Century
 McNamer, Elizabeth M.
1992 0-7734-9657-2 196 pages
Heloise, 1100-1163, was a woman known for her scholarship as well as for her administrative abilities, highly regarded by her contemporaries. She received an education usually available only to men; she is believed by many to be the only woman of her time to have received such an education. Known now mainly in conjunction with Abelard, this study reveals the real accomplishments of this remarkable woman.

Price: $159.95

Education of Women in 18th Century Germany
 Petschauer, Peter
1989 0-88946-347-6 612 pages
A synthesis and analysis of systematic educational opportunities available to women from the 16th century to the 18th century, concluding with a hypothesis on the way women learned to perceive themselves.

Price: $339.95

El Amor Lesbiano Como Sustituto Del Amor Materno En Cuatro Novelas Espanolas: Julia, El Amor Es Un Juego Solitario, Efectos Secundarios Y Beatriz Y Los Cuerpos Celestes
 Martin Armas, Dolores
2013 0-7734-4478-5 172 pages
This book examines the classic struggle between daughters seeking their mother’s affection and how these behavioral patterns in young girls lead them to seek maternal love in other women. Four Spanish novels, with lesbian characters, provide the backdrop for this psychoanalytic exploration of Spanish literature.

Price: $159.95

Elizabeth I’s Use of Virginity to Enhance Her Sovereignty: Managing the Image of a Sixteenth-Century Queen
 Kendrick, Susan
2009 0-7734-4705-9 212 pages
This work demonstrates that earlier Christian perceptions of virginity, once dominant in Catholic England, although suppressed by Protestantism, maintained enough influence to transform an unmated queen with no successor into a divine virgin goddess

Price: $179.95

English Translation of Bachofen’s mutterrecht (mother Right) (1861) a Study of the Religious and Juridical Aspects of Gynecocracy in the Ancient World Volume Five
 Bachofen, Johann Jakob
2003 0-7734-6604-5 84 pages
Mutterrecht (Mother Right) by Johann Jakob Bachofen was the seminal document of the 19th century concerning the role of women in ancient societies. Bachofen documented that motherhood is the source of human society, religion, morality, and decency in societies including Lycia, Crete, Greece, Egypt, India, Central Asia, Northern Africa, and Spain. He concluded the work by connecting ancient mother right with Christianity. Bachofen’s theory of cultural evolution incited a virtual ‘mother-mania’ among ethnologists, social philosophers, and even writers, among them Lewis Henry Morgan, Friedrich Engels, Joseph Campbell, Robert Graves, Thomas Mann, and Rainer Maria Rilke. This five-volume translation will be produced at the rate of one volume per year. Volume 5, which contains the sections “Mantinea”; “Pythagoreanism and Subsequent Doctrines”; “The Cantabri”; and nine lithographs with descriptions, is being offered first, as it contains sections of the work never before translated into English.

Price: $99.95

Equality of the Two Sexes
 Frankforter, A. Daniel
1989 0-88946-303-4 248 pages
Poullain expounds a remarkably modern feminist position: that sexual inequality is not rooted in nature, but is the historical result of custom, ignorance, and prejudice. The first English text printed since 1677, with the original French text of 1673 included.

Price: $179.95

Escritoras PuertorriqueÑas De La Transicion Del Siglo XIX Al Xx: Carmela Eulate Sanjurjo, Ana Roque Y Luisa Capetillo
 Bird-Soto, Nancy
2009 0-7734-4697-4 180 pages
This study analyzes representative works by Puerto Rican authors: Carmela Eulate Sanjurjo, Ana Roqué, and Luisa Capetillo, for their treatment of the topic of women. The historical background is the transition associated with 1898, and the conceptual background is that of the roles of women in the Puerto Rican society and nation at the time. In Spanish.

Price: $159.95

Essays and Scripts on How Mothers are Portrayed in the Theater: A Neglected Frontier of Feminist Scholarship
 Osnes, Beth
2010 0-7734-3779-7 348 pages
This collection examines the nexus of mothering, feminism, and theatre. The work examines the portrayals of mothers in literature and on the performance stage, and makes a contribution to studies in dramatic literature, women’s studies, feminist theory, and theatre history.

Price: $219.95

Essays on Modern Women Artists: "The Most Excellent" (Book 2)
 Cheney, Liana
2003 0-7734-6820-X 228 pages
This two-volume collection of essays celebrates the diversity of artistic style and thematic contributions of female artists from the Renaissance period to the present day. The essays specifically address three main topics: descriptions of their careers, iconographical analysis of subject matter, and theoretical considerations about the visual arts. The essays are organized historically and classified as Pre-Modernism, Modernism, and Post-Modernism. With many illustrations.

Price: $179.95

ESSAYS ON WOMEN’S ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1919-1939: Expanded Social Roles for the New Woman Following the First World War
 Birnbaum, Paula
2009 0-7734-4807-1 316 pages
This work examines the social, cultural and political contexts in which women artists from Europe, Asia, and North America had the opportunity to contribute to their nations’ cultural production. This book contains twenty-nine black and white photographs.

Price: $219.95

Evelyn Scott's Contribution to American Literary Modernism, 1920-1940 a Study of Her Trilogy the New Woman in the Narrow House, Narcissus, and the Golden Door
 Tyrer, Pat
2013 0-7734-4490-4 204 pages
This is an examination of Evelyn Scott’s literary interpretations of the new American women and her contributions in terms of newness in theme, structure, and form to the American modernist period.

Price: $179.95

Explaining the Depiction of Violence Against Women in Victorian Literature. Applying Julia Kristeva’s Theory of Abjection to Dickens, Bronte, and Braddon
 Tatum, Karen E.
2005 0-7734-5989-8 212 pages
Examines the causes of the abject response in canonical novels such as Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, and Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Aurora Floyd and Lady Audley’s Secret. In Powers of Horror, Julia Kristeva outlines her theory of abjection as a simultaneous fascination and horror stemming from sensorial reminders of the subject’s primal, psychological relation to the mother. The author suggests that these psychological perspectives can potentially result in acts of physical violence, which are called “abject response”. By developing Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection as a model for reading physical acts of violence against women, the book yields specific answers to its overriding questions: Why was a female body so threatening in nineteenth-century fiction? The answer lies in social constructions of women as powers of horror, which the male subject imbibes and which lead to domestic violence if improperly balanced.

Price: $179.95

Female I in Modern Greek Prose Fiction 1924-1962: A Literary Development of Freeing the Female Voice
 Camatsos, Efrosini
2013 0-7734-4073-9 324 pages
In this monograph, Dr. Comatsos analyzes the utilization of female narrators in Greek fiction from 1924-1962 and connects the appearance of women in the public sphere in Greece. The author examines female narrators in nine novels written by both male and female authors using narratology, feminism, and Bakhtin’s polyphony in her inquiry. She follows the emergence of the female “I” from private forms of writing (diary, journals) to more public ones. She shows how male authors (here, Grigorios Xenopoulos and Nikos Katiforis) use a female voice to justify male patriarchal ideologies. Additionally, she tells stories of women (the artist, Eleni Altamoura) who deal with obstacles set up for them by Greek society.

Price: $219.95

Female Hero in Women's Literature and Poetry
 Lichtman, Susan A.
1996 0-7734-8796-4 88 pages
This collection of essays about women's novels and poetry demonstrates the signs and symbol structures inherent in women's writings and what those systems can mean in identifying a mega-myth for women and women's psychological and physical development. Using Professor Lichtman's earlier book, Life Stages of Woman's Heroic Journey, as the theoretical basis for interpretation, it covers such diverse authors and poets as Christina Rossetti, Zora Neale Hurston, Ellen Glasgow, Dame Edith Sitwell, Virginia Woolf, and the Mabinogion

Price: $99.95

Female Serial Murderer
 Scott, Hannah
2005 0-7734-6000-4 216 pages
Focus on gender bias in perceptions of criminal women, using the extreme example of serial murder. Often, an examination of the extreme can show cultural biases with greater clarity. This book shows that men and women, as with more common homicide trends, carry out serial murdering in different patterns. Lastly, this book will explore another possible definition of serial murder as well as some alternative theoretical approaches to the problem. While there have been numerous studies of male serial killers, studies of female serial killers are lacking, even though, as the statistics of this book document, there have been many over time.

Price: $179.95

 Zabaleta, Marta Raquel
2000 0-7734-7597-4 450 pages

Price: $259.95

Feminism and Process Thought the Harvard Divinity School / Claremont Center for Process Studies Symposium Papers
 Davaney, Sheila Greeve
1981 0-88946-903-2 144 pages
Essays by Valerie C. Saiving, John B. Cobb, Jr., Marjorie Suchocki, Penelope Washburn, and Jean Lambert.

Price: $139.95

Feminism in Multi-Cultural Literature
 Sobejano-Moran, Antonio
1996 0-7734-8774-3 192 pages
This collection of articles on feminista issues provides in-depth analysis of the literary works they analyze. The theoretical framework is up-to-date and solid. The interdisciplinary articles deal with American, English, French, Latin American and Spanish literatures. Essays: Feminist Perspectives: An Introduction (Antonio Sobejano-Moran); Women's Desire and Feminine Desires: the Symbolic and the Semiotic in Wuthering Heights (Nick McCarthy); Feminine Erotics. The Subversion of Desire in the Novels of Nineteenth Century Women (Amy Rosewarne); Reading Women Reading Helen: Revisionary Myth-Making in Sappho and H.D. (Anita George); Kathy Acker's Corpus: a Subversive Body of Texts (Rich Calvin); 'Gilded Cages' and 'Concave Mirrors' Female Prisons in Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter (Catherine Lappas); Gender, Sexuality, and 'Woman' in Li Ang's The Butcher's Wife (Micheline M. Soong); The Tantalizing Absence of Gender Reference in the 'Prólogo al lector' by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Ana Kothe); Theology of a Feminine Liberation: Lorca, Esquivel and Kant (Salvatore Poeta); Almodóvar's Women: Passionate, Subversive and Postmodern (Jesús Rodriguez); Violence in Marguerite Duras' Writing (Fabienne Venturino); Textual/Sexual Authority: Simple Passion by Annie Ernaux (Amy B. Millstone); Recovering, Re-covering, and the Translation of Work by Rosa Chacel and María Sambrano (Carol Maier).

Price: $159.95

Feminismo E Innovation En La Narrativa Gallega De Autoria Femenina - Xohana Torres, Marie XosÉ QueizÁn, Carmen Blanco Y Teresa Moure
 Rodriguez, Marisol
2012 0-7734-3069-5 404 pages
Centering on authors whose work represents the Galician region of northwestern Spain, this book showcases women writers who deal with feminist themes. The narrative structure is also analyzed and the main focus is to show how women are represented in the novels of several female authors.

Price: $259.95

Feminist Analysis of Gender and Primogeniture in French Neoclassical Tragedy
 Worley, Sharon
2012 0-7734-2583-7 364 pages
In the tradition of Virginia Woolf’s “In Search of a Room of One’s Own,” this study traces the origins of French feminism to Neoclassical theatre and the court of Louis XIV. Through feminist revisionist histories of French literature, the Neoclassical plots and female archetypes from Racine’s Phedre and Andromache, Voltaire’s Brutus (Catherine Bernard) and Marmontel’s Belisarius (Stephanie Genlis) were transposed by women writers and patrons onto actresses and the queens, empresses and mistresses of the French ruling dynasties from Louis XIV- to Napoleon at a time when women were denied the rights of citizenship. Women authors include Bernard, Genlis, Olympe de Gouges and Germaine de Staël, among others. Arguing that emerging feminism is a function of historicism that defines female identity through parallel constructs between regency and theatre, Neoclassicism and modernity, authors of an emerging body of French feminist writings ineluctably reconcile sadist and pacifist incongruities between gendered roles in tragedy.

Price: $239.95

Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain
 Hoggart, Lesley
2003 0-7734-6868-4 292 pages
Book has important implications for contemporary feminist politics. It contributes to a growing body of work on the relationship between feminist theory, feminist campaigning activity and policy change.

Price: $199.95

Feminist Utopian Novels of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Themes of Sexuality, Marriage, and Motherhood
 Avril, Chloé
2008 0-7734-4969-8 220 pages
Challenges Gilman critics who reject the author’s sexual politics as no longer relevant to contemporary liberal ideals.

Price: $179.95

Five Thousand Year Search for a Way to Describe the Feminine Nature of God
 Neimann, Theresa D.
2015 0-7734-4267-7 348 pages
This a feminist interdisciplinary examination of the divine imagery and its connection to sexual justice, investigating the use of the word Zöe, Greek for “life”. A feminist hermeneutics using varying methodologies is utilized to empower women’s autonomy. The book examines the Greek Septuagint, the Nag Hammadi Scriptures, the Kabbalah, Hebrew and other scriptural sources to argue that Zöe can serve to provide multiple feminine images of God: Lady Wisdom, Mother God, Fountain of Life, Tree of Life, and Restorer.

Price: $219.95

Friederike Brun Reader
 Brun, Friederike
2006 0-7734-5531-0 256 pages
This extension of Volumes 11 (the autobiography Wahrheit aus Morgenträumen) and 12 (Briefe aus Rom) of the ‘Supplements to An Encyclopedia of German Women Writers’ includes an extensive 100-page selection of Brun’s lyric poetry from her earliest lyrics with parallel examples from Matthisson, Baggesen and Goethe, most of her ballads, her songs for Greece and examples of her religious texts. Excerpts from her diaries, travelogues and leters, texts on the sculptor Thorwaldsen, her friend Madame de Staël and on her daughter Ida’s education reveal her important contacts and reflections on art and social conditions. Sections on her reception, dedications to her, and a 19th-century short biography are also included. The editor, whose articles on her works and manuscripts since 1985 have brought new insights into this neglected writer, provides a long introduction, a summary of her life and bibliography. This volume will appeal to all interested in 19th-century women writers and German literature in general.

Price: $199.95

GEBUNDEN SIND DIE FLÜGEL DER GEDANKEN LOUISE BRACHMANN (1777-1822) Supplement to An Encyclopedia of German Women Writers
 Völker, Martin A.
2006 0-7734-5533-7 180 pages
Louise Brachmann is an almost-forgotten Romantic figure, friend of Sidonie von Hardenberg, sister of the major 19th-century German writer Novalis. Schiller published some of her poems. Several of her family and friends died while she was still in her twenties, and she was forced to make a living by writing. Unhappy love affairs, poor reception of her work, and uncertainties in daily life led her eventually to drown herself. Her stories, poems, and death exemplify German Romanticism. Her sufferings were widely discussed together with her radical ideas about the role of women in society and support for Greek independence. This edition brings together works that are critical of Enlightenment views on nature, God, and death. It is an important reflection of the crisis of cultural values at the beginning of the 19th century, when established views on the family, the state and the power of reason were being questioned, and the editor provides a critical assessment of Brachmann’s importance within that context.

Price: $159.95

Gender Equality in Iranian History: From Pre-Islamic Times to the Present
 Derayeh, Minoo
2006 0-7734-5813-1 260 pages
The changes that affected Iranian women’s lives after the coming of Islam in the seventh century were similar to the changes that occurred in their lives after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. In both cases these changes were largely wrought by men.

Iranian women have been actively involved and have participated fully in diverse religious, political, and social contexts since the eighteenth century, but frequently without recognition. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the belief that education was a pillar of freedom began to gain popularity among Iranian women. Their efforts to secure an equal place with men in the nation’s educational institutions received support from a number of women writers and poets in the form of protests and petitions. The twentieth century, however, witnessed the destruction of most of Iranian women’s hopes and quests. Different Iranian governments enacted a series of important laws and regulations touching on “women’s issues” without allowing any input from women.

In the last two decades, under the Islamic Republic, laws and regulations affecting the status of Iranian women came in the form of different religious decrees that were justified by the argument that they all complied with the Quran and the shariah. Iranian women have refused to abandon their quests for an equal status. This is their story.

Price: $199.95

Gender, Identity and the Irish Press, 1922-1937: Embodying the Nation
 Ryan, Louise
2002 0-7734-7298-3 320 pages
This study of the Irish Press from 1922-1937 demonstrates the ways in which particular gendered symbols, archetypes and images were used to embody notions of Ireland and Irishness: from emigration to unemployment, from militant Republicanism to the sinful pleasures of the jazz age.

Price: $219.95

German Women Writers 1900-1933. Twelve Essays
 Keith-Smith, Brian
1993 0-7734-1340-5 300 pages
These essays offer a wide range of topics treated from literary, interdisciplinary, and comparative points of view. The book falls into three sections: Weimar and Goethe; Weimar and German Literary Culture; Weimar Abroad; with a closure on Weimar and the Political Aftermath. Contributors to this volume are scholars from the United States, Canada, and Britain, including Christoph Schweitzer, Kenneth Weisinger, Wolfgang Wittkowski, Peter Skrine, Dennis Mahoney, and Frederick Burwick.

Price: $199.95

Harold Frederic's Social Drama and the Crisis of 1890's Evangelical Protestant Culture
 Adams, Richmond B
2013 0-7734-4530-7 328 pages
The books written by Harold Frederic depict a self-made, properly Protestant American. Yet, in some of his books in particular The Damnation of Theron Ware, Frederic depicts self-made women, and challenges the idea that only men can attain culturally-defined success. The works offer an inversion of late 19th century gender-based expectations.

Price: $219.95

Hestia - Goddess of the Hearth: The Archetypal, Architectural, and Spiritual Functions of the Hearth as Home of the Human Soul
 Rich, Janet Bubar
2014 0-7734-0070-2 116 pages
This book honors Hestia, the goddess of the hearth. It fills the gaping void in exclusive scholarship on Hestia and explores her as a pop culture icon in a quest to grasp her relevance for people today. Thinking about Hestia as an archetype of focus and centeredness may offer soulful refuge from the e-chatter overload that people face in their daily lives. It may help fulfill contemporary yearnings for authenticity and wholeness within human hearts and souls by offering us a path homeward, back to connections with people’s inner selves.

Price: $69.95

History of a Catholic Girls’ Day and Boarding School, 1865-1970. The Religious and Educational Achievement of the Loretto Sisters
 Lei, Christine
2011 0-7734-3861-0 268 pages
This study revises the existing body of historical research by examining the critical role of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s (IBVM) in the process of establishing convent schooling in Hamilton, Canada West, in 1865. Without the diligent work of women, and in particular that of the Loretto Sisters, the history of higher education of Hamilton girls in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries would have been markedly different. This work adds to our understanding of nineteenth and twentieth-century education by examining the experiences of those students and teachers who participated in the day-to-day life of Loretto Hamilton.

Price: $199.95

History of Women's Menstruation From Ancient Greece to the Twenty-First Century
 Hufnagel, Glenda Lewin
2012 0-7734-2648-5 188 pages
Hufnagel chronicles the historical inaccuracies in understanding menstruation which have contributed to viewing women as a ‘second sex’ and perpetuated feelings of shame. Her argument claims that only in the last few decades has science begun to fully understand the issue. Subsequent social and psychological treatment of menstruation in recent years has helped women to have an increased sense of comfort with their bodies. From Ancient Greece where Aristotle claimed that women were closer to animals, to contemporary misunderstandings about menstruation leading to increased acne, which was viewed as a sign of sexual immorality beginning with pubescence, the book tells the tawdry tale of women learning to accept themselves through successive scientific breakthroughs.

Price: $159.95

How African Women Writers Have Created A New Identity for African Women: A.A. Aidoo, B. Emecheta, G. Ogot, S. Magona
 Gil Naveira, Isabel
2018 1-4955-0713-0 292 pages
African literature has become a tendency again in the hands of a new generation of women writers who are often associated with the term 'Afropolitanism'. These writers openly criticise the still unsolved problems in both African and Western societies that African women writers from the first and second generation addressed more than thirty years ago. In order to understand our current times, it is essential to analyse the previous generations that have shaped the literary, if not the social world, we live in.

Price: $199.95

 Briggs, Katherine Jane
2009 0-7734-3774-6 352 pages
This study explores the relationship between public work and influence, and private faith and spiritual development, through the female characters in Dostoevsky's novels; and also the influence of one writer upon another. The intention was, first, to establish whether, in literary terms, women may be viewed as characters in their own right, rather than merely as symbols or consorts for the men; and, secondly, whether, from a feminist theological perspective, Dostoevsky takes seriously the experience of women in terms of their relationships and work, Christian faith and spiritual development, and conflict with personal and institutional evil.

Price: $239.95

How Eighteenth-Century Women Fended-Off Sexual Violence by Writing and Talking. A Study of Four British Novels by Delarivier Manley, Jane Barker, Eliza Haywood, and Samuel Richardson
 Stahl, Jan M.
2014 1-4955-0272-4 116 pages
An integrated and comprehensive study of the ways that female characters in early eighteenth-century novels used letter writing and verbal narration as a strategy for coping with sexual violence. The novels studied are groundbreaking works in the history of feminist literature.

Price: $119.95

HOW IRISH WOMEN WRITERS PORTRAY MASCULINITY Exposing the Presumptions of Patriarchy (Interviews and Novels by Clare Boylan, Maeve Kelly, Mary O'Donnell, and Anne Haverty)
 Houston, Nainsi J.
2006 0-7734-5558-2 224 pages
The roles of men and women in Ireland have changed a great deal in the last fifty years and many of these changes can be attributed to the dual influence of the Irish Women’s Movement and Ireland’s inclusion in the European Community/Union. While these two influences affected many rapid legal changes toward equality for women and men in Ireland, Irish society has been slow to reflect these shifts. The novels examined in this book reflect the gap between these legal and societal changes.

Price: $179.95

How Modern Governments Made Prostitution a Social Problem. Creating a Responsible Prostitute Population
 Scott, John Geoffrey
2005 0-7734-6114-0 328 pages
Presents an original and significant contribution to the study of female and male prostitution. It challenges common assumptions about prostitution embedded in scholarly and public discourses, especially the idea that the prostitute is an affront to private respectability and public order. Drawing upon Michel Foucault’s genealogical method, the author uses historical and contemporary materials to document the ways in which female and male prostitution have been constructed, contrived and imagined as ‘social problems’ over the course of two centuries.

Price: $219.95

How Mothers Shaped Successful Sons and Created World History: The School of Infancy
 King, Margaret L.
2014 0-7734-0078-8 512 pages
This is the first book to address the urgency of a mother’s desire to convey to her child what matters most to her and in particular to her son. It is by this vehicle of cultural transmission that women have principally acted in history to convey to their sons the legacy of their cultural experience.In tracing the cultural formation of sons by their mothers, this book opens a window on the intergenerational transmission of culture.

Price: $299.95

How Roman Catholic Theology Can Transform Male Violence Against Women. Explaining the Role of Religion in Shaping Cultural Assumptions About Gender
 O’Sullivan, Michael
2010 0-7734-1448-7 432 pages
This book articulates a Roman Catholic theological understanding concerning salvation in Jesus Christ that can be transformative of physical and sexual male violence against women across the world. It identifies key elements for a working definition of such complex violence, and highlights the pervasiveness and seriousness of the violence with quantitative data. For the Catholic believer the violence is graver still because a Catholic component can often be identified in the violence. This component is illustrated in the book by qualitative data about Catholic women who suffered incest. Employing the foundational and methodological framework of the praxis of authenticity in consciousness that Bernard Lonergan has identified, and that everyone can verify in their own experience, as well as its specifically Christian conversion component, the book provides grounds for making the situation of violence a theological matter. The book’s argument progresses by following Lonergan’s definition that theology functions to mediate between a religion and a culture and that the function of ‘systematics’ in method in theology is to construct contextualised understandings for the sake of ‘doing the truth in love.’ Theological meanings transformative of the situation of violence are elaborated in the book in terms of how to conceive salvation in Jesus Christ. Such an understanding of salvation is constructed by drawing firstly on meanings for salvation in scripture that are dialectically opposed to destructive meanings that the Catholic women, who suffered incest, referred to above received and believed concerning salvation. Insight into these biblical meanings is deepened by drawing on the theologies of salvation of Karl Rahner, Gustavo Gutierrez, and feminist responses to Gutierrez’s theology. The transformative meaning for salvation is developed further by addressing the issues of the male Jesus as saviour and his violent death of redemption in ways that can serve the struggle to stop male violence against women. The book ends by drawing attention to recent documents on male violence against women by Church leaders that make specific reference to a transformative role for theologians and by calling for third level theology colleges to take account of the pertinent violence as a theological imperative and to collaborate with others in the field of concern as part of the function of theology.

Price: $259.95

How Three Black Women Writers Combined Spiritual and Sensual Love: Rhetorically Transcending the Boundaries of Language (Audre Lorde, Toni Morrison, and Dionne Brand)
 Turpin, Cherie Ann
2010 0-7734-3839-4 128 pages
This is a study of women writers of the African Diaspora and their articulation of the erotic as an important aspect of human experience beyond the limits and expectations of society. Within the imaginary scope of the works of Audre Lorde, Toni Morrison, and Dionne Brand, the erotic is made manifest through rewriting narrative and poetic form.

Price: $139.95

Humor of Marguerite De Navarre in the Heptameron. a Feminist Author Before Her Time
 Parkin, John
2008 0-7734-4924-8 188 pages
A complex analysis of the religious and feminist bases of de Navarre’s humor.

Price: $159.95

Hysteria and Melancholy as Literary Style in the Works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Zelda Fitzgerald, and Djuna Barnes
 Švrljuga, Željka
2011 0-7734-1517-3 272 pages
Using the ideas of Kristeva and Lacan, this study examines works by four female authors to demonstrate that hysteria and elancholy/melancholia can be viewed as discourse and style when analyzing literary texts. This book contains three color photographs.

Price: $199.95

Influence of French Language and Culture in the Lives of Eight Women Writers of Russian Heritage
 Poulton, Leslee
2002 0-7734-6908-7 320 pages
This is a comparative study of the lives and literary production of Russian-born French writers from the 18th to the 20th century: Empress Elizabeth, Catherine the Great, Princess Dashkova; Maria Bashkirtseff, the Comtesse de Ségur; Nathalie Sarraute, Elsa Triolet, Irène Némirovsky, and Zoe Oldenbourg. This book shows how they were influenced by their Russian heritage and how the traditions and impressions of their youth are visible in their French writings.

Price: $219.95

Interviews with Hispanic Women Leaders: A Sociological Study
 Campbell, Natalia
2012 0-7734-2941-7 272 pages
A book that uses firsthand interviews with Hispanic women leaders to better understand how they obtained professional success in the United States. It examines what barriers they overcame, and what strategies they used to get by obstacles. There are twelve Hispanic women in leadership positions in academia, government, and private sector employment who provide rich data for this study. The results of this study prove that there are key ingredients to success in life. Hard work, family support, self-respect, determination, goal-orientation, helped these people to accomplish their career aspirations.

Price: $199.95

Italian Women’s Narratives of Their Experiences During World War II
 Budani, Donna M.
2003 0-7734-6880-3 216 pages
This book provides an in-depth cultural study that will interest scholars in anthropology, women’s studies, and history. In particular it presents a study of Orsognese women’s narratives of their experience in World War II, presenting a detailed account of the author’s ethnographic field practice showing that the patterns that emerge from the narratives are an integral part of the contemporary Orsognese social context. It examines these as concepts of sociability, relatedness, and community, based on principles of social interaction the Orsognese women manifested in their social practice.

Price: $179.95

Japanese Female Professors in the United States: A Comparative Study in Conflict Resolution and Intercultural Communication
 Hamada, Masako
2005 0-7734-5937-5 292 pages
Over the last quarter century, as interest in Japan has increased and Japanese language classes have proliferated all over the world, Japanese professors (of whom about 80% are female) have become an increasingly significant presence on U.S. college campuses. However, when Japanese professors teach American students, they face various issues caused by differences in cultural backgrounds, communication styles and expectations about the education process.

This study focuses on Japanese women, especially professors, working in institutions of higher education in the U.S. Then, using concrete examples, it explores their styles of handling classroom conflict, the effectiveness of different styles, and how their methods change with the length of time they have lived and worked in the U.S.

The book discusses the factors that contribute to the problems and conflicts, and gives professionals some suggestions and recommendations on how to face and resolve conflicts both in the classroom and in multicultural situations in “the real world.”

This study will appeal to scholars in Asian studies, women’s studies, intercultural communication, and conflict resolution management programs, and also professionals in global organizations and will help them to resolve culturally-based communication style differences and interpersonal conflicts more effectively.

Price: $199.95

Jewish Intellectual Women in Central Europe 1860-2000: Twelve Biographical Essays
 Szapor, Judith
2012 0-7734-2933-6 460 pages
The essays collected in this volume show the complex lives and identities of Central European Jewish women, born between 1860 and the early 20th century. They enrich our knowledge and understanding of European Jewish women. Despite their important contributions to many intellectual and artistic fields, most of the women in this book were previously unknown to English-speaking audiences. These women exhibited a fluid range of identities, affiliations, and loyalties. Their Jewishness was more often identified with culture or community rather than ritual or religion. Most traveled around Europe and fled Europe during the time of the Nazi persecution. Their odysseys highlight the experiences of the marginal and those in exile. The collection offers a valuable contribution to 19th and 20th century women’s history, European intellectual history, Jewish studies, and Diaspora studies.

Price: $279.95

JOAN OF ARC Heretic, Mystic, Shaman
 Barstow, Anne Llewellyn
1986 0-88946-532-0 156 pages
Awarded the Adele Mellen Prize for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship

Price: $139.95

La Escritura De Mujeres En Puerto Rico a Finales Del Siglo XX Y Principios Del Siglo XXI
 Hidalgo de Jesus, Amarilis
2012 0-7734-2613-9 352 pages
The aim of the critical anthology La escritura de mujeres en Puerto Rico a fianles del Siglo XX y principios del XX!: Narradoras, cuentistas, cronistas, relatoras/Essays on Contemporaray Puerto Rican Writers is to discuss and expose the writings of Puerto Rican women writers within the context of the 20th century and 21st century literature of Puerto Rico and Latin America. The methodology applied by scholars to each author’s writing/s is eclectic. Each scholar has utilized different theoretical approaches within the frame of distinct women literary voices. The anthology counts with a variety of writing and literary styles that set apart from traditional literary writings. Essays, chronics, short stories, novels, and other narrative genres are represented. Each author has also explored in their writings different topics that range from social problems, history, women place in society, negritud (Black African culture), autobiography, and costume sketches, among other themes.

Price: $239.95

La Narrativa PolifÓnica De Almudena Grandes Y LucÍa Extebarria: TransgresiÓn, Subjetividad E Industria Cultural En La EspaÑa DemocratÍca
 Torres, Elena García
2008 0-7734-4832-2 292 pages
The study examines the works and literary careers of two of Spain's most commercially successful contemporary female authors: Almudena Grandes (Madrid, 1960-) and Lucía Etxebarria (Valencia, 1966-). The work analyzes issues pertaining to Spanish women writers over the last two decades and how the values inscribed in the authors' literary universes highlight the ambiguous fragility of constructions of identity and gender. In Spanish.

Price: $199.95

Lady Jane Wilde’s Letters to Mr. John Hilson, 1847-1876: A Critical Edition
 Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony
2010 0-7734-3763-0 116 pages
This work presents the letters of Lady Jane Wilde whose affinity for letter-writing, over a period of thirty years, is captured in her correspondence with a Scot, Mr. John Hilson, whom she only met once during a visit to the Borders. This book contains five color photographs.

Price: $119.95

Lady Wilde's Letters to Constance Wilde, Friends and Acquaintances, with Selected Correspondence Received
 Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony
2013 0-7734-4501-3 232 pages
The current final volume is a collection of correspondence written by Lady Jane Wilde to her daughter-in-law, Constance Wilde, as well as other friends and acquaintances. Lady Wilde, like her son Oscar, was an excellent writer. She had a wide range of interests. Much of the ridicule directed at Lady Wilde and her writing and lifestyle followed the imprisonment of her son in 1894 and reflected Victorian prejudices. These letters provide a different picture: that of a reflective, intelligent and kind woman.

An excellent work in deciphering Lady Wilde’s personal handwritten letters and correspondence. An invaluable source of new information to scholars reassessing the lives of the Wildes, studying the status of women, or working in the field of Irish literature.

Price: $179.95

Las Novelas De MarÍa De Zayas (1590-1650): Lo Sobrenatural Y Lo Oculto En La Literatura Femenina Espanola Del Siglo XVII
 Matos-Nin, Ingrid E.
2010 0-7734-3718-5 172 pages
This work examines some of the sources that María de Zayas uses to present some of her concepts about the devil, evil, men, honor and love in relationship to the supernatural. Contrary to some modern critics, the Spanish people of the Seventeenth century were very much aware of the significance, customs, and relevance of these supernatural beliefs in their lives.

Price: $159.95

Les Discours Féminins dans la Littérature Postmoderne au Québec
 Koski, Raija
1992 0-7734-1968-3 420 pages
This volume is a carefully chosen collection of texts which are theoretical, poetic, analytical, and critical. The voices of creative writers, professional translators and university scholars offer a range of perspectives on contemporary Quebec women writers. In the light of postmodernism, their texts offer readings, appreciations and celebrations of new and experimental writing in the feminine from Quebec over the past thirty years. In addition, the bibliography brings together a wealth of information on these writers. In French.Les discours féminins . . . examine la problématique et les fruits de la jonction, dans un contexte spécifiquement québécois, des deux grands mouvements sociaux, théoriques et littéraires d'aujourd'hui: le féminisme, et le postmodernisme. Le livre fait entendre les voix émouvantes et étonnantes de Louky Bersianik, Nicole Brossard, Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood, Daphne Marlatt et France Théoret, et fait lire les textes de quatorze spécialistes de la littérature québécoise dont Janet Paterson, Karen Gould, Louise Forsyth, Lori Saint-Martin. Les auteur-e-s du livre nous offrent l'étude de l'oeuvre d'une ou de plusieurs écrivaines ou écrivains; elles s'intéressent aux genres littéraires et à la traduction; elles se penchent sur la question épineuse de la théorie dans l'émergence d'une littérature et d'une culture au féminin, et aussi sur les significations problématiques des termes "féminisme" et "postmodernisme". Ce livre représente un état présent de la plus grande pertinence et utilité, une exploration collective, sous plusieurs perspectives, d'une problématique complexe et tout à fait actuelle.

Price: $259.95

Les Écrits D'yvette Z’graggen, RomanciÈre Suisse Contemporaine
 Charnley, Joy
2006 0-7734-5767-4 112 pages
Born in Geneva in 1920, Yvette Z’Graggen published her first novel in 1944 and over the course of the following sixty years (her most recent work appeared in 2003) has written more than fifteen books. She has carved out for herself a position as one of the most popular and successful writers in French-speaking Switzerland; several of her books have been translated into German, and she has won a number of prestigious literary prizes. In spite of this success, because of inherent difficulties in being a Swiss writer published in Switzerland, Z’Graggen is not well-known outside her native country. Previous studies of Z’Graggen (in French) appeared in 1987 and 1997, the latter being a series of interviews with Z’Graggen. This study examines Z’Graggen’s work in its entirety and provides an overview of the themes she has developed, renewed and reworked over the course of her career. By adopting a thematic approach, the book demonstrates how these themes recur and interlink, enabling the reader to reach conclusions about the importance of Z’Graggen within la literature romande. Given the considerable interest in recent years in both women’s writing and Francophone literature, it is fitting that a writer of Z’Graggen’s stature should be studied in detail and become better known outside Switzerland.

Price: $119.95

Lesbian Desire in Post 1968 French Literature
 Cairns, Lucille
2002 0-7734-7110-3 504 pages
Cairns's focus on post-1968 literature allows for a detailed analysis of the texts she examines. She stresses the cultural erasing of lesbians and lesbian writers in French society and argues convincingly for the importance of including the social and cultural context in the analysis of this body of literature.

Price: $299.95

Letters of Life in an Aristocratic Russian Household Before and After the Revolutionary Coles and Princess Vera Urusov
 Tyrras, Nicholas
2000 0-7734-7776-4 468 pages
These letters, written over thirty-five years apart, may be read as chronicles from daily life in Russia. The letters by Amy Coles reflect a contemporary Englishwoman’s perspective on life in a Russian household from 1879-1883. Four decades later, her pupil, Princess Vera, chronicled the ruin and mortal danger that had befallen her and her mother following the Russian revolution. The juxtaposition of the letters reveals the enormous contrasts between privilege and persecution, comfort and penury, security and the threat of imminent death. These are historical accounts by eyewitnesses to Russian life before and after the revolution. With photographs.

Price: $279.95

Life and Music of Alice Mary Smith ( 1839-1884), a Woman Composer of the Victorian Era: A Critical Assessment of Her Achievement
 Graham-Jones, Ian
2010 0-7734-1383-9 204 pages
This study of the nineteenth-century British composer Alice Mary Smith’s life and music draws on newly discovered documents and manuscripts. The volume also includes information on five other women composers from this era.

Author’s Abstract:
At a time when women were thought to succeed only in composing drawing-room songs or light-weight piano pieces, Alice Mary Smith (1839-1884) wrote by far the greatest number of larger-scale art works of any British woman composer in the nineteenth century. She was most probably the first woman to have written – and had performed – a symphony, composed in 1863 at the age of twenty-four. Two of her six concert overtures were regularly performed by distinguished conductors of the time, and her four cantatas for choir and orchestra achieved some popularity in the last years of her short life.

This study also briefly outlines the work of five other women composers of her time who attempted the higher forms of the art, and examines, from contemporary sources, the argument, current at the time, as to whether a woman could ever compose a ‘great’ work.

Price: $179.95

Life and Work of Germany’s Founding Feminist - Louise Otto-Peters (1819-1895)
 Diethe, Carol A.
2002 0-7734-7048-4 236 pages

Price: $179.95

Life and Works of Bessie Head
 Ola, Virginia Uzoma
1995 0-7734-9018-3 104 pages
This study approaches Bessie Head not just as a successful African female novelist but as a sensitive philosopher and humanist whose works are dominated by recognizable philosophical ideas about the universal issues of love, religion, power, racism, injustice, sexual and financial exploitation, all treated in a radical way. Her deep commitment to people and an involvement in questions of poverty and exploitation are motifs which run through her work. This book shows Head as she reworks her usual themes taking us through a stylistic landscape that bypasses the typical Apartheid landmarks and arrives whole, independent, paradoxical, sublime, yet ordinary.

Price: $119.95

Life Planning Guide for Women
 Vander Goot, Mary
1982 0-88946-512-6 128 pages
Meant to help women choose the best of both the liberated and the non-liberated worlds.

Price: $139.95

Life Stages of Woman's Heroic Journey: A Study of the Origins of the Great Goddess Archetype
 Lichtman, Susan A.
1991 0-7734-9699-8 108 pages
Traces the development of the female archetype as a heroic journey toward self-actualization for the individual woman. While identifying woman as hero of her own unique archetypal journey, this book explains how the journey can only be accomplished through the unification of the three major phases of a woman's life (virgin, mother, crone) into a full vision of feminine development through the signs, symbols, and images of woman as portrayed in mythology, literature, and popular culture. General readers as well as scholars in women's studies, literature, psychology, or history will find this book helpful in broadening their own range of interpretations about the image and impact of woman in society.

Price: $119.95

Lived Experience of South Asian Immigrant Women in Atlantic Canada
 Ralston, Helen
1996 0-7734-8761-1 184 pages
This study made use of historical records, census data, and in-depth interviews with 126 first-generation women to generate a detailed portrayal of the demographics of South Asian women immigrants and their lived experiences. It begins with a discussion of the major theoretical issues in studying South Asian women in Canada and the impact of Canadian immigration policy on this group of women. It then provides a profile of these women and the socio-demographic context of their everyday lives in three domains: work in the home, work outside the home, and participation in community organizations, notably religious and cultural organizations.

Price: $159.95

Lone Mothers Between the Welfare State and Informal Support
 Hoff, Andreas
2006 0-7734-5759-3 316 pages
This book is concerned with the question of what role informal support networks play in the welfare mix of contemporary welfare states. Family and friends provide informal support on the one hand, and voluntary organizations on the other. Using data from 116 semi-structured interviews with lone mothers in the United Kingdom and Germany, the question of whether different welfare systems influence individual support mobilization strategies is investigated. Lone mothers were selected because of their limited earning capacities that often result in a life in poverty and social exclusion – for them and for their children. It was shown in this research that informal and formal support alleviates these effects and the research project is guided by four main objectives: (1) to map ways in which lone mothers mobilize support from different sources; (2) to investigate whether lone mothers develop support mobilization strategies in turning to formal and/or informal support sources; (3) to analyze whether differences in welfare state systems result in variances in informal support mobilization behavior; and finally, and (4) to evaluate the role and importance of voluntary organizations as support providers for lone mothers. Empirical evidence is provided to demonstrate that informal support networks influence the utilization of formal support. In contrast, variations in welfare state provision do not appear to have a significant impact on support mobilization behavior. Indeed, formal support mobilization is a function of demographic characteristics, influenced by receipts from means-tested benefits and the extent of informal support. The utilization of informal support was dependent on network structural and demographic variables, as well as reciprocity norms.

Price: $219.95

Look at Life in Northern Ireland - How Do Women Live in a Culture Driven by Conflict?
 Higgins, Tanya
2001 0-7734-7637-7 104 pages
This study, written from an anthropological standpoint, focuses on women’s lives in Northern Ireland. It examines the lives and work of a range of women, and illustrates some of the historical and political backdrop. It discusses a number of women’s initiatives in the voluntary sector to illustrate the work they are doing to achieve a peaceful outcome to the age-old problems. Interviews were conducted with women, ecumenical groups, Belfast City Council Members, Ian Paisley, Jerry Adams, and human rights activists. The book will interest those in women’s studies, peace studies, and Irish studies.

Price: $119.95

Lost Mother and the Replacement Mother Figures in the Life of William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965): A Study of a Failed Mother-Son Dyad
 Rogal, Samuel J.
2015 1-4955-0308-9 156 pages
The institution of motherhood stands as the essential and underlying ingredient to the manufacture of world history. This work explores the life and situation of the English playwright, novelist, and short story writer in a Mother-Son dyad that proved to be far different from the definitions and standards normally applied to the term.

Price: $139.95

Lucia Ames Mead (1856-1936) and the American Peace Movement
 Craig, John M.
1990 0-88946-094-9 232 pages
Details the life and times of Lucia Ames Mead, a writer, literature teacher, leading female pacifist, and transitional figure whose thinking foreshadowed later ideas on propaganda. Fills a lacuna in the scant historical coverage of the American peace movement, especially of female participants therein.

Price: $179.95

L’Écriture Feminine au XVIE Siecle en France
 Shahar, Annette
2008 0-7734-5087-4 404 pages
This work is the study of the access of women to literature in sixteenth-century France, a period not considered to be conducive to the awakening of female writers. Focuses on the different steps of personal writing and the analysis of the women’s literary work. This book contains seven color photographs and six black and white photographs. In French.

Price: $259.95

Makings of Dr. Charcot's Hysteria Shows Research Through Performance
 Hunter, Dianne
1998 0-7734-8499-X 156 pages
This study describes the creative process of generating the ensemble performance work Dr. Charcot's Hysteria Shows, including the use of Labanotation and group improvisations in decoding the body language of 19th-century hysterics at the Salpetriere, with interpolations from Freud's case histories. This event takes its visual roots from period photographs and drawings used by Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot (France's first psychiatrist) and his followers at the Paris public asylum for madwomen. The verbal text draws from and responds to writings by Sigmund Freud on women, and Charcot's famous lectures, filtered through 20th-century feminist criticism and theory. With illustrations.

Price: $139.95

Maria Messina e Elvira Mancuso: Voci Letterarie ed Esistenziali (soft cover, 8x10: in Italian)
 Pitruzzello, Rosy Maria
2022 1-4955-0937-0 110 pages
From the author's Abstract: "This study of comparative literature focuses its attention on a selection of literary works written by two Sicilian female writers who lived between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, maria Messina and Elvira Mancuso.
"...this book analyzes and describes the literary and existential voices of the two pro-femininst writers through their heroines and characters, who fought against or humbly accepted and surrendered to the patriarchal restrictions and chauvininst society they belonged to. This is shown in the works Ragazze Siciliane and L/amore negato by Maria Messina and Una vecchia storia...inverosimile by Elvira Mancuso.

Price: $119.95

Marie Bashkirtseff's Life in Self-Portraits (1858-1884): Woman as Artist in 19th Century France
 Konz, Louly Peacock
2005 0-7734-6019-5 300 pages
This scholarly monograph on the Ukranian-born Russian diarist, artist, and sculptor Marie Bashkirtseff (1858-1884) makes an important contribution to a better understanding of the life and art of this important figure as well as to the general fields of art history, social history, and also women’s studies through its depiction of how a woman attempted to chart her own course as an artist in the male-dominated world of French society. Bashkirtseff’s whole approach to life was that of an artist, with her very person itself being a work of art that was on exhibit for the world to see. The author’s fascinating work examines the many ways that Bashkirtseff used the techniques of what she terms “disguise and disclosure” as she experimented with a variety of constructions of herself as a number of different characters over her short life. The twenty-six illustrations that have been included in this book will add greatly to its value.

Price: $199.95

Men’s Yearning Anger Toward Women in the Writings of D.h. Lawrence, Dion Fortune, and Ted Hughes: The Battle Between Jehovah and the Great Goddess
 Hardy, Robert
2015 1-4955-0286-4 256 pages
A new narrative on the writers who paved the way for the modern goddess movements. Utilizing themes of both the occult and magic as well exposing previously undiscovered parallels between the three writers, this book identifies how the advent of the feminine divine enabled men to confront their woman centered rage through embracing a modern form of goddess worship in order to soothe their psychological wounds.

This book locates a literary study of the goddess in Lawrence, Fortune and Hughes within a narrative in which some modern men try to confront their yearning anger toward women by embracing goddess religion. The author argues that his chosen writers each helped this narrative to emerge, The book (a) offers Lawrence readers a new angle on his preoccupation with the goddess; (b) introduces Dion Fortune (virtually unknown outside her cult following) as an important twentieth century writer on marginality and sexuality; and (c) shows how Ted Hughes’ narratives of the suffering goddess (in Gaudete and Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being especially) relate forwards to his own Birthday Letters and backwards to Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover. The author also takes magic and the occult as a theme linking the three writers. In doing so he aspires to place his book in the company of other texts which have also taken the occult in modern literature for their subject.

Price: $199.95

Metamorphoses of Don Juan’s Women - Early Parity to Late Modern Pathology
 Davies, Ann
2004 0-7734-6343-7 304 pages
While many scholars have approached Don Juan in terms of myth, this study argues for the understanding of Don Juan as a discourse of gender relations, changing over time. Using examples from the plays by Tirso de Molina, Molière, Mozart, Zorrila, Shaw and Frisch, it argues that Don Juan’s entire identity as a male individual is constructed around women, but that over time – reflecting a growing sense of crisis in the male individual – the women appear more and more pathological in their desire for Don Juan. In contrast with early modern works where women fend for themselves in a positive manner, the heroines of later Don Juan works actively prey on the individual male. This book argues that these changes in approach to the female characters, and, in tandem, the developing identity of the male protagonist, suggest Don Juan as dischronic discourse rather than myth. Don Juan is not the eternal seducer, but one of a variety of discourses through which gender relations are negotiated. This book will interest not only Don Juan scholars but also scholars and students of European literature, theatre and gender discourses in literature and culture.

Price: $219.95

Militarization, Gender and Reproductive Health in South Sudan
 Jok, Madut Jok
1998 0-7734-2235-8 360 pages
This volume examines two aspects of reproductive health among the Dinka of South Sudan: first, sexual and reproductive roles expected of women as their contribution to the national liberation struggle; second , their acknowledgement of the role and their simultaneous strategies to maintain their health.

Price: $239.95

Models of Women in Sixteenth-Century French Literature
 Bromilow, Pollie
2007 0-7734-5332-6 224 pages
Offers a feminist critique of the so-called “crisis of exemplarity” in late Renaissance texts by comparing and contrasting examples proposed to female readers in two collections of sixteenth-century French short stories, Pierre Boaistuau’s Histoires tragiques and Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptaméron. The author proposes that female exemplarity has its own poetics and cannot be considered simply as identical or symmetrical to male exemplarity. What emerges in the course of the study is an understanding of the different ways in which exemplarity enters the life of the female reader: through history, truth, invention, memory and strangeness.

Price: $179.95

Monika Molander
 Keith-Smith, Brian
2006 0-7734-5529-9 224 pages
Hilde Stieler’s selected poems appeared in Volume 8 of German Women Writers. Monika Molander, first published in 1929, has been forgotten and difficult to access. The novel is republished here with an introduction that narrates the writer’s life, especially in exile in Sanary-sur-Mer, interprets two further poems, and analyzes the text as semi-autobiographical. Set mainly in Munich, it is the story of a young music student from an upper middle-class family in Bonn, whose vulnerability leads her to be swept off her feet by her Professor. Returning to Bonn after her father’s death, she finds eventual employment as an accompanist in a Zurich cabaret. Memories of life close to the theatre merge with grotesque scenes and uncertainties about life, with popular romantic views that come close to Kitsch. The colloquialism, characterizations, often light-hearted style and happy ending, produce a typically bittersweet account from the 1920s.

Price: $179.95

Monstrous Women in Middle English Romance: Representations of Mysterious Female Power
 Urban, Misty
2010 0-7734-3776-2 300 pages
This study treats the appearance of the monstrous woman in Middle English romance narratives as a self-conscious literary trope that reflects on, and often criticizes, the grounds of philosophical, cultural, and narrative discourse that place women both inside and outside medieval culture, constructing them as Other by biological and social difference yet relying on them for the reproduction and healthy maintenance of the male-governed social order.
Building on current monster theory and adding to research on medieval women in literature, this study reclaims the Middle English romance as a sophisticated literary strategy that, in its narrative reflexivity—and its use of a fictionalized thirdspace—reveals how medieval rhetoric essentially makes women into monsters.

Price: $199.95

More Andalusian Women Poets: The Artistry of Southern Spain (Matilde Cabello, Araceli Franco, Inés Maria Guzmán, María del Carmen Guzmán, Isabel Pérez Montalbán, Balbina Prior, y Ana Patricia Santaella)
 Hidalgo-Calle, Lola
2017 1-4955-0602-9 184 pages
This work is a continuation of the author's first work, Study of Twenty-First Century Andalusian Poets. The translated works of seven new Andalusian Women poets, with biographical details about the poets and their verse. This book is a facing page translation in English and Spanish.

Price: $159.95

Moroccan Museums as Agents for Women's Empowerment: A Study of Museums in Thirty-Two Cities
 Malt, Carol
2012 0-7734-3080-6 272 pages
This book documents the development of museums as agents for women’s empowerment in Morocco and how the existing programming and physical facilities of museums can be effectively used to benefit women culturally, politically, economically, and personally. Also, identified are the relevant issues of public/private space, discrimination, image reinterpretation, global awareness and gender equality. It augments the author’s previous publications on women’s empowerment and concludes that Moroccan society is slowly becoming ‘feminized’ due to the emergence of women as civil servants, curators, political activists, voters and participants in the higher educational system.

Price: $199.95

Most Unvaluedst Purchase. Women in the Plays of Thomas Middleton
 Cherry, Caroline Lockett
1973 0-7734-0451-1 251 pages
Systematically analyzes Middleton's depiction of women in light of the 17th-century attitudes: what was said and thought about women, the various occupations and courses of action open to them, and the forces governing these choices.

Price: $199.95

Mother Figure in Emile Zola's Le Rougon-Macquart
 Hennessy, Susie S.
2006 0-7734-5521-3 168 pages
This book analyzes the role of the mother figure in Emile Zola’s twenty-novel series Les Rougon-Macquart. Zola’s texts demonstrate a continual preoccupation with women as they become mothers, specifically, how their status as reproductive and sexual beings creates a conflict that cannot be reconciled. The author employs theories of determinism and naturalism to shape the mother figure, relying on tainted heredity to place her in situations in which she is bound to fail, either as a mother or as a woman. Motherhood in Les Rougon-Macquart entails an alienation of the woman as she loses her autonomy and her voice. The ideal mother portrayed in the series is a woman who will sacrifice her sexuality and even herself to fit the mold established by Zola. This work will appeal to Zola scholars as well as to scholars of nineteenth-century fiction and women’s studies.

Price: $159.95

Motherlove - The Cosmic Energy that Creates and Shapes All Things: A Feminist Metaphysics
 Richardson, Herbert W.
2021 1-4955-0909-5 276 pages
This book continues that arguing that Motherlove, or the eros of life, expresses itself through the step-by-step development of levels of consciousness.

Price: $129.95

Motherlove - The Cosmic Energy that Creates and Shapes All Things: A Feminist Metaphysics (Softcover))
 Richardson, Herbert W.
2021 1-4955-0910-9 276 pages

Price: $29.95

Narrative Feminine Identity and the Appearance of Woman in Some of the Shorter Fiction of Goethe, Kleist, Hawthorne, and Henry James
 Martin, Laura
2000 0-7734-7809-4 224 pages
This study shows how the works in question (Goethe’s “Die pilgernde Törin”; Kleist’s “Die Marquise von O. . .”, Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, and James’s Daisy Miller) can appeal to the reader who identifies a message friendly towards woman and her plight, whether this ‘message’ can be considered a part of the author’s intention or not. These works, through mere description of the impossibility of women characters’ situations without any prescription for change, can often be found to carry meanings more critical of the status quo than at first may seem the case. Such an interpretation often goes against the tradition of criticism that has built up around the works, but it is based on concrete evidence in the text.

Price: $179.95

Narratives and Images of Pacific Island Women
 Wright, Debbie Hippolite
2005 0-7734-6184-1 312 pages
Winner of the Adele Mellen Prize for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship

While oral narratives and feminist scholarship have merged in recent years, literally giving voice to women from cultures around the world, the voices of Pacific Island women have been largely absent. This volume begins to bring their lives and perspectives into the expanding discourse on the Pacific and on contemporary women and their cultures.

The work is a collection of interviews and photographs gathered in an extensive women's oral history project funded by Brigham Young University- Hawai'i. The selected narratives include indigenous women from Aotearoa/New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Hawai'i, Kiribati, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Tonga. They establish significant distinctions and commonalities among Pacific Island women and also between island women and those outside the Pacific.

Price: $219.95

Nazi Germany and Its Aftermath in Women Directors' Autobiographical Films of the Late 1970s in the Murderers' House
 Weinberger, Gabriele
1992 0-7734-9851-6 260 pages
An in-depth analysis of three pivotal works for students of German film history and post-war culture as it leads to the present political developments, the study puts films by West German film directors Helma Sanders-Brahms, Jutta Brückner, and Marianne Rosenbaum in the context of both German film politics/feminist film theory and the West German cultural, socio-political context of the last decade. Their films take an insistent close-up look at the average German family during the 1950s and how the fascist experience affected the interpersonal relationships and German children's upbringing in the post-fascist years, showing the deep-reaching transformations individual Germans and the family structure had undergone. The films' points of departure are distinctly new and intend to go beyond the known both in film and in patriarchal culture.

Price: $199.95

NEW IMAGES OF MEDIEVAL WOMEN: Studies Toward a Cultural Anthropology
 DuBruck, Edelgard E.
1989 0-88946-265-8 340 pages
Essays that afford a new approach to medieval womanhood by depicting: the social position of the lady and the working woman; women's education; the phenomenology of women in daily life; alternate lifestyles; the important reality of married daily life; clandestine marriages and their legal and clerical implications; and images of the female in literature and art.

Price: $219.95

Non-Married Women and Asset Ownership: The Effects of Marital Status and Social Class on Wealth Accumulation
 Sykes, Lori Latrice
2008 0-7734-5371-7 156 pages
Using census based data, this study examines whether or not differences in asset ownership for non-married women can be explained by race alone or whether other social and demographic variables help explain observed differences.

Price: $139.95

One Hundred Year History of Women’s Sports at the University of Nebraska. From Nineteenth- Century Victorian Physical Education to the 1972 Title IX Act
 Lowenthal, Kristi
2015 1-4955-0372-0 140 pages
“Lowenthal’s monograph on the rivalry between Mabel Lee and Louise Pound at the University of Nebraska, fills an important void in the current scholarship on the history of women in intercollegiate athletics and physical education. In many ways, these two women, though they took a decidedly different approach to women’s athletics, were pioneers in the area of women’s physical education.”
-Dr. Jeanne T. Heidler,
Professor of History, Chief American History Division,
United States Air Force Academy

Price: $139.95

Oral Histories and Analyses of Nontraditional Women Students. A Study of Unconventional Strengths
 Ward, Catherine
2000 0-7734-7759-4 252 pages

Price: $199.95

Ordinal Position and Role Development of the Firstborn American Indian Daughter Within Her Family of Origin
 Silvey, Le Anne E.
2004 0-7734-6400-X 216 pages
This book is based on an exploratory study whose purpose was to explore the variables that influenced and contributed to the role development of firstborn middle-aged American Indian daughters within their families of origin. It is the first research of its kind that explores the role development of the firstborn American Indian daughter within the context of her family of origin that was conducted by, for, and on behalf of, American Indian women. While there is a dearth of literature written about American Indian women, what has been written has been by Anglo men, based on studies of men, and whose findings are generally superimposed on women. This research is groundbreaking in that it gives voice to the middle-aged firstborn American Indian daughters studied within the context of ecological theory and in combination with self-in-relation and feminist theoretical perspectives.

This ethnographic study illuminates the everyday lives of the firstborn daughters whose role development was shaped and influenced by the experiences of their parents and grandparents, steeped in forced assimilation by U.S. government policies, who were removed from their own parents and sent to boarding schools. These ethnographic presentations of the women’s lives and families are moving the study of American Indians in new directions of viewing cultural history from an intimate feminist point of view. This book contributes to the historic writings of the American Indian cultural experience in America, as well as provides a new foundational insight into the role development of firstborn American Indian daughters within the context of their families, for deeper understanding by scholars and practice interventions for helping professionals across disciplines.

Price: $179.95

Origins of Women’s Equality in the Seventeenth Century. The Role of London, a Big City, in Changing Attitudes
 Goldsmith, Netta Murray
2016 1-4955-0474-3 412 pages
For about a hundred years after Charles II reclaimed the throne in 1660 more women than ever before strove to live as independently as men did…the most spectacular bid for freedom was made by girls who became soldiers and sailors…another factor which enabled a women to earn money and gain a measure of liberty and independence was the growth of London…The Restoration saw the beginning of the movement to establish sexual equality. The Author's Overture

Price: $259.95

Paarbeziehungen in Japanischen Frauenzeitschriften Seit 1970: Medien Und Geschlecht in Japan
 Holthus, Barbara G.
2010 0-7734-3898-X 624 pages
This book provides the most in-depth analysis of contemporary Japanese women’s magazines to date. It focuses on the period from the 1970s to the 1990s, as these decades have seen significant and long-lasting changes in many aspects of Japanese society, in particular regarding Japanese women. Discourses on ‘marriage’, ‘love’, ‘sexuality’, and ‘masculinity’ lie at the core of a qualitative and quantitative content analysis. In German.

Price: $339.95

Patriarchal Murders of Women: A Sociological Study of Honour- Based Killings in Turkey and in the West
 Sev'er, Aysan
2016 0-7734-4085-2 408 pages
Most studies on honor killing look at it as an extension of Islamic beliefs. This book takes a different approach in that the concept does not arise from any religious text, but rather is a result of a community that is utterly patriarchal in its social orientation. The oppression of women is not mandated by any religion, but rather it is a result of a community where women do not have a viable voice and as a result are treated violently. Over five thousand women are subjected to honor killings each year and this is a moving testament to solving the problem. It shows solutions to the problem of the honor killing of women and argues that the practice is not mandated by Islamic texts, but is a result of a patriarchal social context where women are subjugated.

Price: $259.95

Performative and Textual Imaging of Women on the Irish Stage, 1820-1920: M.A. Kelley to J.M. Synge and the Allgoods
 Ritschel, Nelson O’Ceallaigh
2007 0-7734-5492-6 228 pages
This book explores the way women, specifically women perceived or presented as Irish, were represented on the Dublin stage by playwrights and actors from the 1820s to the 1920s. Yet, rather than being a feminist reading of modern Irish theatre, this book presents a nationalist and socialist reading of the theatre in its cultural and historical contexts. Arguably, the developmental process that Ireland and its theatre experienced from the eve of Catholic Emancipation to the radical idealism of the 1916 Easter Rising was one of national and social advancement. The radical agitators near the end of this period, including those in the theatre, sought self-determination for Ireland and, more importantly, self-determination for all of the Irish regardless of gender, class, or religion. This book’s argument is that as the stage image of the Irish woman modernized from the early nineteenth century into the twentieth, it mirrored the modernization of Ireland.

Price: $179.95

Permanence and Evolution of Behavior in Golden Age Spain
 Saint-Saens, Alain
1992 0-7734-9527-4 188 pages
The book is divided into three parts: Religious Control and its Limits in the Iberian World; Images of the Body in Spanish Society; and Women, Gender, and Family in Hapsburg Spain. These nine thought-provoking essays are revised versions of papers originally presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies in New Orleans.

Price: $159.95

 Bloom, Abigail Burnham
2008 0-7734-4888-8 836 pages
Examines extracts from the autobiographies of fifty-two nineteenth-century British women from across the social spectrum and their attitudes towards liminal female experiences.

Price: $499.95

Personal Narratives of Romanian Women During the Cold War (1945-1989) Varieties of the Autobiographical Genre
 Fatu-Tutoveanu, Andrada
2015 1-4955-0373-9 160 pages
The volume focuses on a series of case studies which cover a wide range of experiences and ages. Thus, it aims to provide the reader with a relevant image of the writing of these female intellectuals and the paradox Romanian women occupied during the Cold War period. The cases discussed are relevant both for their diverse narrative formulas and for their content, including their historical meanings as well as their multidisciplinary appeal.

Price: $139.95

 Holowchak, Mark Andrew
2010 0-7734-3825-4 300 pages
This collection of essays philosophically examines strength, considered in its brute, physical sense. This is the only book of its kind solely dedicated to physical strength. Each contributor has expertise in strength sports, three at the world-class level, or in an area of philosophy of sport, related to strength.

Price: $199.95

Plays by Women About Women Play Writers: How Women Create Myths About Themselves
 Uçar-Özbirinci, Pürnur
2009 0-7734-4708-3 288 pages
This study explores the process of mythmaking in plays written by women. By writing the lives of female writers and rewriting the literary characters, which have been created by male writers, women playwrights assume the role of a mythmaker. This study evaluates the constantly developing process of women’s mythmaking/mythbreaking in Liz Lochhead’s Blood and Ice, Rose Leiman Goldemberg’s Letters Home, Bilgesu Erenus’ Halide, Timberlake Wertenbaker’s The Love of the Nightingale, Bryony Lavery’s Ophelia, and Zeynep Avc?’s Gilgamesh.

Price: $199.95

Political Journalism by Mexican Women During the Age of Revolution, 1876-1940
 Pouwels, Joel Bollinger
2006 0-7734-5874-3 304 pages
This is the only comprehensive work on the subject of Mexican women’s involvement in journalism from its hidden beginnings in colonial times to the mid-twentieth century. By 1940, a few women had become star reporters in Mexico City, the geographical focus of this study. After an introductory chapter on the colonial roots of women’s journalism, the book focuses on the revolutionary period from 1876 to 1940. During these tumultuous years, a handful of extraordinary women broke into journalism in order to promote various social and political causes. In the process, they expanded women’s journalism beyond the society pages, and made political journalism a respectable career for women. In addition to synthesizing the historical and biographical data, this book compiles and evaluates the widely dispersed, and sometimes contradictory, secondary-source material. The index and exhaustive bibliography, which are usually lacking in Mexican sources, will facilitate future research in this area.

Price: $219.95

Politics of Wealth in Southwestern Nigeria. Why Ondo's Women Went to War
 Eames, Elizabeth Anne
2013 0-7734-4308-8 268 pages
This fascinating ethnographic study investigates gendered power in contemporary Nigeria in order to provide an understanding of The Ondo Women’s War of 1985. Sanctioned by Ondo’s female chiefs in the name of their female king, this tax protest escalated into rebellion when ordinary women threatened the use of their ultimate weapon –their own nakedness. Focusing on a specific Yoruba case history, this book challenges many western feminist assumptions about women’s lack of status in Africa.

Price: $199.95

Portrayal of Woman's Sentimental Power in American Domestic Fiction
 Yarington, Earl Frank
2007 0-7734-5438-1 232 pages
This work seeks to rediscover the fiction of Mary Jane Holmes (1825-1907) and examine contrasting factors which made her work popular in the nineteenth century but virtually unknown in the twentieth century. The emphasis of the study is on cultural poetics and feminism, establishing a critique of how late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century critics decontextualized Holme’s work which resulted in their inability to recognize the cultural work that her fiction performed for both the middle-class and mass readership of her day. In contrast to such readings, this study constitutes an argument for the relational value of Holmes’s narratives. By focusing on the work of such critics as Jane Tompkins, Nancy Chodorow, Stephan Greenblatt, Mary Louise Kete, Joanne Dobson and Carol Gilligan, a new and much needed theory is established for examining the texts that appeal to Holmes’s audience, while uncovering the cultural value of popular sentimental works such as those that Holmes creates. The theory developed is then utilized to examine various aspects of relational capacity that women writers present and that their works are based on, enabling them to relate to their culture and readers. The theory provides a means of analyzing popular women writers who have been undervalued by the academy, which has been founded on masculine doctrine.

Price: $179.95

PORTRAYALS OF JOAN OF ARC IN FILM: From Historical Joan to Her Mythological Daughters
 Maddox, Margaret Joan
2008 0-7734-4945-0 280 pages
Analyzes how Joan of Arc’s heroism is deliberately undermined in film through the repetition of interpretations of her which enforce conventional patriarchal constructs and limit her heroism. This book contains four black and white photographs and five color photographs.

Price: $199.95

Portuguese Women’s Writing 1972 to 1986 Reincarnations of a Revolution
 Owen, Hilary
2000 0-7734-7517-6 160 pages
This is a study of narrative fiction by Portuguese woman writers immediately before the 25 April Revolution and during the post-revolution and transitions period of 1974-1986. Departing from the Three Marias’ a Novas Cartas Portuguesas as an influential turning point for women’s writing, the study goes on to analyze novels by Teolinda Gersão, Hélia Correia, Olga Gonçalves, and Lídia Jorge. An exploration of women’s sexually embodied subjectivity not only offers new perspectives on Portuguese history and society but also demands a broader reconceptualization of the relationship between alterity and representation.

Price: $139.95

Presentation of Racism in Contemporary German and Austrian Theatre
 Kallin, Britta
2007 0-7734-5499-3 204 pages
Explores the representation of ethnic minorities and the construction of national identities in contemporary plays written by German and Austrian women. The study draws on approaches of cultural and postcolonial studies, African-American and other minority feminist criticism as well as Anglo-American and German feminist scholarship. The plays examined in the book include Kerstin Specht’s Lila, Elfriede Müller’s Goldener Oktober, Bettina Fless’s Asyl, Gundi Ellert’s Jagdzeit, Marlene Streeruwitz’s Bagnacavallo, and Elfriede Jelinek’s Stecken, Stab und Stangl. This book evaluates the characters in terms of visual representation, the way in which they communicate with other characters, and the characters’ involvement in the development of the play. The work demonstrates that the playwrights assign minority characters a restricted verbal capacity that limits their influence on the action of the play, thereby reducing such characters to function merely as catalysts for problems of the German and Austrian communities. The playwrights write with a well-meaning intention but some cannot avoid the trap of their position as self-appointed spokesperson while other offer new positions from where they speak and avoid reproducing stereotypes of the “Other”. This work will appeal to scholars in German studies, feminist studies and drama.

Price: $179.95

Psychoanalysis and the Portrayal of Desire in Twentieth Century Fiction
 Gorton, Kristyn
2007 0-7734-5559-0 236 pages
This book explores the concept of desire through psychoanalytic theory, namely in the work of Freud and Lacan, in Feminist theory and in contemporary critical theory and literature. Wide ranging in its pursuits, the book examines what Gorton terms ‘critical scenes of desire’ in literary and artistic examples in order to argue that desire, as a concept, allows for moments of production and transformation. Unlike theorisations that situate desire as ‘lack’, Gorton argues that desire can be reconceived as progressive and multiple. She also suggests that there is a desire on the part of the reader or critic which creates a second ‘scene of desire’ in which the reader tries to ‘solve’ the enigma of the text. In other words, there is a tendency on the part of the critic and reader to want to fill in the gaps that desire creates in the narrative. This book does not seek to be comprehensive in its theorisation of the concept of desire, nor does it attempt to offer a history of the concept within cultural theory. Instead, it examines the way we read for desire and argues that the concept of desire can be found in these readings as progressive and transformative.

Price: $179.95

Rape Narrative in the American South
 Shaw, Denise R.
2007 0-7734-5301-6 156 pages
This study examines how sexual violence, specifically rape, is used as a trope to understand the complex and dysfunctional makeup of the South. Southern writers from William Faulkner to Dorothy Allison use rape as a means of figuring individual and collective disenfranchisement and perpetuate a vision of the South immersed in violence and melancholic nature. Sexual violence, then, is situated as a reaction to historical and cultural changes, tenuous race relations, deeply imbedded mores, social taboos, and rigid class distinctions. The study is informed by the trauma theories of Freud and Caruth, the abjection theory of Julia Kristeva, and Jessica Benjamin’s theory of mutuality.

Price: $139.95

Re-Invention of the American West: Women’s Periodicals and Gendered Geography in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States
 Suzuki, Noriko
2009 0-7734-4847-0 304 pages
This book is a detailed study of the relationship between discourse of the American West and women’s journalism. It examines how women participated and intervened in the constructing process of geographical conceptions of “the West.” This book contains thirteen black and white photographs.

Price: $219.95

Readers’ Response to Isabel Allende’s Fiction: A Critical Study of Her Cross-Cultural Popularity in Britain and Spain
 Fanjul Fanjul, María C.
2014 1-4955-0280-5 256 pages
Aim of this research is to explore and critically interrogate Isabel Allende's popularity cross-culturally in Britain and Spain. It analyses readers' responses to Allende's works as well as the discourses surrounding her public representation, an approach that is 'readerly' but must also take account of production and text. This approach is intended to further the understanding of Allende's work which so far has always been analysed from a textual perspective. However, the relationship between Allende's popularity, her texts, public representation and readers has not yet been analysed in detail.

Price: $199.95

Reception of Christine de Pizan. From the Fifteenth Through the Nineteenth Centuries- Visitors to the City
 McLeod, Glenda
1992 0-7734-9689-0 188 pages
To understand Christine de Pizan's voice we must pay attention to the culture from which it spoke and the audiences to whom it spoke. This collection attempts to address both concerns, partly to understand how and why Christine's work fell from discussion, partly to investigate how and why she has been so often misread, and finally to emphasize a fact amply documented but often ignored - that Christine de Pizan was an influential author for several centuries after her death, that she never completely disappeared, that we have, in truth , merely "rediscovered" her.

Price: $159.95

Reevaluating the Achievement of Aphra Behn (1640-1689): The Collected French and English Essays in Literary Criticism by Bernard Dhuicq
 Dhuicq, Bernard
2017 1-4955-0628-2 608 pages
This collection discusses the literary and social of achievements of Aphra Behn (1640-1689), considered to be the first female writer of English literature. It is also a collection of articles, written in both English and French, of Aphra Behn scholar Bernard Dhuicq.

Price: $339.95

Religion, Body and Gender in Early Modern Spain
 Saint-Saens, Alain
1992 0-7734-9868-0 184 pages
The book is divided into three parts: Religious Control and its Limits in the Iberian World; Images of the Body in Spanish Society; and Women, Gender, and Family in Hapsburg Spain. These nine thought-provoking essays are revised versions of papers originally presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies in New Orleans.

Price: $159.95

Remaking China's Public Philosophy and Chinese Women's Liberation
 Zhou, Jinghao
2006 0-7734-5809-3 348 pages
Considering both significance and limitation of the existing gender perspective, this study views women’s liberation as a comprehensive project and part of the process of China’s democratization by using the prism of “public philosophy” to examine Chinese women’s liberation in a global context. Drawing the lessons from the past four revolutions in modern China, the author asserts that China needs the fifth revolution – remaking China’s public philosophy in order for Chinese women to achieve their full liberation in communist China. The author challenges the conventional Western and Eastern European opinions and refutes the official Chinese gender ideology, arguing that Confucianism is not the source of women’s oppression, Western feminism is not a panacea to women’s liberation, and Marxism cannot be the guiding principle of the Chinese women’s movement. To achieve the ultimate goal of women’s liberation, it is urgent for Chinese women to increase self-consciousness of women’s liberation and promote an independent women’s movement to fight for women’s rights in every aspect of Chinese society by focusing on five keys of women’s liberation. This study will contribute not only to China’s peaceful transition from the communist regime to a democratic one, but also to Chinese women’s liberation in a global context.

Price: $219.95

Representation of Women in Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Texts
 Passaro, Maria C. Pastore
2005 0-7734-6293-7 232 pages
Explores the discussion of the idealization of women in Medieval and Renaissance texts. Book's goals are: to show textual connections between literary masterpieces (and thus, delineate a literary history from within the texts) in order to show how authors consciously or unconsciously interact with one another regardless of time and boundaries; to present biographical and autobiographical heroines, their work and legacy; and finally to grasp man's imaginary world of women.

Price: $179.95

Representation of Women in Ten French Novels on the Spanish Civil War: A Critical Approach
 Bralove Ramirez, Alicia
2013 0-7734-3061-X 172 pages
Several authors used depictions of gender in their novels to make overt statements about the politics of Spain at the time. During the Spanish Civil War, battle lines were drawn, and the French public wanted to understand the burgeoning trends of nearby fascist dictatorships that were overtaking Europe. Novels served as one manner of depicting Right-wing politics as ‘morally depraved’ while Leftists were viewed as being highly evolved. Sides were being determined through these fictional narratives, and it became obvious that Fascism was something to fight against.

Price: $159.95

Representations of Gender and Female Subjectivity in Contemporary Irish Drama by Women
 Kurdi, Mária
2010 0-7734-1421-5 206 pages
Departing from the assumption that female-authored drama has developed its own strategies or revitalized older ones, this book traces dramatization of the specific female experience on the contemporary Irish stage. This work also rescues from obscurity plays written by lesser known authors.

Price: $179.95

REPRESENTATIONS OF MURDEROUS WOMEN IN LITERATURE, THEATRE, FILM, AND TELEVISION Examining the Patriarchal Presuppositions Behind the Treatment of Murderesses in Fiction and Reality
 Parker, Juli L.
2011 0-7734-1458-4 444 pages
This collection examines the meaning, construction and deconstruction of the murdering woman. These essays suggest that the ways in which gender, race, class and sexuality play into representations of women murderers is key to understanding the patriarchal underpinnings of our judicial system as they apply to women criminals.

Price: $259.95

Representations of the Island in Caribbean Literature: Caribbean Women Redefine Their Homelands
 Jurney, Florence Ramond
2009 0-7734-4909-4 228 pages
This book analyzes the literary representation of the island in Caribbean women’s literature as a key component of the gendered construction of diasporic identity.

Price: $179.95

Reproductive Lives of Twenty Middle Class North American Women. Autoethnographical Analyses with Bibliographical Extensions
 Hufnagel, Glenda Lewin
2015 1-4955-0391-7 544 pages
This collection contains twenty-three chapters which chronicle women’s lived reproductive lives beginning with menarche and ending with daughters who were caretakers of their own mothers as they were dying. The contributors are women from universities in the United States and Canada.

Price: $299.95

Role of Firearms in Domestic Violence. A Study of Victims, Police, and Domestic Violence Shelter Workers in West Virginia
 Brown, Margaret Phipps
2000 0-7734-7893-0 188 pages
Examines the dynamics of abusive relationships and the role of firearms in violent acts, in an attempt to assist policy-makers and NCHIP in facilitating the most effective response to domestic violence. The research was conducted by faculty in the Criminal Justice Department at Marshall University as part of a continuing commitment to education, training, and research about domestic violence. Included are a literature review, analyses of primary and secondary data collected, and recommendations for policy and training.

Price: $159.95

Role of Motherhood in History: Factors Neglected by Patriarchal and Feminist Scholars
 King, Margaret L.
2015 1-4955-0395-X 256 pages
“The issues raised here deserve close attention. If the maternal role in the cultural preparation of sons, and therefore in the transmission of culture across generations, has been largely overlooked, as I believe it has, then the time has come to ignore it no longer. It has important implications, perhaps unwelcome ones, some will feel, for the way we think about our schools and our families, and how we go about nurturing and advancing our civilizational heritage.”
-Dr. Margaret King
The Author

Price: $199.95

Romance, Gender, and Religion in a Vietnamese- American Community Tales of God and Beautiful Women
 Nash, Jesse W.
1995 0-7734-9087-6 204 pages
Offers a rare glimpse into the hearts and minds of Vietnamese-American women and their roles in their community. Conflict is generated by the existence of competing traditions, and this text focuses on the conflict between Confucianism and romanticism in the Vietnamese tradition. It also utilizes insights developed in postmodern analytical circles to explain the community's seemingly contradictory reliance on opposing traditions. The study avoids the simplistic patriarchal focus, recognising that the community is much more pluralistic and complex: rather, it is a library of conflicting texts about gender, romance, and religion.

Price: $179.95

Sara La Obrera Y Otros Cuentos: El Repertorio Femenino De Ana RoquÉ
 Bird-Soto, Nancy
2009 0-7734-4887-X 156 pages
This study analyzes the literary importance of the collection of stories entitled Sara la obrera (y otros cuentos) (1895) by Puerto Rican author Ana Roqué. Its primary focus is the concept of ‘woman’ through a repertoire of female characters that, due to its own variety, challenge the uniform aspect embedded in that concept. By underscoring it literary value and including an edition of this text, this book re-inscribes Sara la obrera (y otros cuentos) in the area of Puerto Rican and women’s literature.

Price: $139.95

Sarah Orne Jewett’s Feminine Pastoral Vision
 Morgan, Jeff
2002 0-7734-6990-7 168 pages

Price: $159.95

Scandinavian Pupils of the Atelier Bonnat, 1867-1894
 Challons-Lipton, Siulolovao
2002 0-7734-7333-5 284 pages
This study examines the role of French painter Léon Bonnat in reforming art education in the 19th century Paris. It examines his relationship with the Scandinavian pupils in his private teaching students, analyzing the impact of French art upon the techniques, aims and achievements of art in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Also examines the opportunities and facilities of women artists within this framework. With illustrations. “This is one of the most far-reaching studies of the cultural cross-currents in late nineteenth-century Europe. . . . Viewing French art through the eyes of Scandinavian artists not only tells us a great deal about the nature of art in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway, but brings a refreshingly new perspective to our understanding of French art. . . . Student of French art will find a fascinating case study of a major teacher whose relationship with his predecessors and with the Academy are fully explored. . . . To any scholar with an interest in the attraction of Paris for artists in this period, this book will provide a model of its kind.” – J. J. L. Whiteley, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford “. . . the author considers Bonnat’s impact on a whole range of areas, filling the many lacunae still abounding with respect to the artistic education he provided in his private studios, the Scandinavian artists in Paris who came to him for tuition, and the facilities he provided for women artists to study. . . . Dr. Challons-Lipton has carried out copious research on these matters, using her fluent knowledge of French and Swedish. . . investigating archives in Paris and Bayonne, as well as in Scandinavia itself, especially Stockholm. Artists’ letters, diaries, as well as other literary and visual material, including pictures, were examined and play a crucial role in her research. . . an innovative and scholarly exploration of a fascinating and largely unexplored subject offering a vista in which it has become possible to make interesting linkages amongst Scandinavian artists and the world of Parisian arts and studios, still with relevance for the art world today.” – Neil Kent, Cambridge “Supported by comprehensive unpublished primary source material, together with an impartial view of French nineteenth century painting, Challons-Lipton convincingly reveals the crucial influence that this French artist had over the many Scandinavian artists who went to France to study under him. She gives an informed description of Bonnat’s teaching methods and provides the reader with detailed information about his style of painting. . . . succeeds, furthermore, in showing that this knowledge later reached the Scandinavian educational institutions, which impacted artists at the turn of the century, who were initially trained in methods originating in Bonnat’s studio. The writer also observes the central role that women played in the Scandinavian artists’ colony in Paris. . . . helps both to re-examine nineteenth-century French art, and establish which French artists were most admired by Scandinavian painters in Paris and what they absorbed.” – Dr. Tomas Björk, Stockholm University

Price: $199.95

SCHLEIERMACHER AND FEMINISM: Sources, Evaluations, and Responses
 Nicol, Iain G.
1992 0-7734-9587-8 140 pages
Consists of analysis and interpretation focuses on Schleiermacher's acute observations and insights on gender and their importance for contemporary feminism. It not only interprets the past with a view to establishing exemplary historical precedents for contemporary thought and praxis, it also aims to ask: How can my thinking and praxis change?

Price: $139.95

Seventeenth-Century English Women’s Autobiographical Writings
 Botonaki, Effie
2004 0-7734-6381-X 249 pages
Manuscript discusses and explains the appearance and proliferation of the early modern Englishwomen’s autobiographical writings. In order to provide some answers, this work draws upon a large number of primary documents and close textual analysis. The diaries and autobiographies in question are examined within their historical and ideological context and they are seen as textual spaces that cannot be easily put into clear-cut categories. This study eventually sheds more light not only on the lives of the early modern women and several little-known autobiographical texts by them, but also on the development of autobiography and the diary in the western tradition.

Price: $179.95

 Senaha, Eijun
1996 0-7734-2276-5 167 pages
Defining pain and pleasure as synonyms to describe woman's condition in nineteenth-century England, this study closely examines poems by both well and lesser-known poets as representatives. The study asserts that women, in both Romantic and Victorian poems, tend to seek pleasure as their remedy for physical as well as mental pain in their caged environment. Along with references to Mary Wollstonecraft, Caroline Norton, Florence Nightingale, and John Stuart Mill, the comprehensive discussion includes William Blake, Sara Coleridge, Lady Caroline Lamb, Maria Logan, Henrietta O'Neill, Anna Seward, Isabella Lickbarrow, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Robert Browning, and Christina Rossetti. Several critical methods, such as source as well as biographical studies, the Foucauldian interpretation of social history, and Freudian analysis of individual symbols and imageries are applied to throw light on woman's culture in 19th-century Britain.

Price: $159.95

Sexuality and Politics in Renaissance Drama
 Levin, Carole
1991 0-88946-078-7 289 pages
Focuses on the effects that radical instability, provoked in part by economical and theological transformations, had on gender relations and women's behavior during the English Renaissance.

Price: $199.95

Shifting Boundaries of Feminism in American Politics: A Case Study of Hillary Clinton
 Midkiff, Brooke
2015 1-4955-0408-5 236 pages
Drawing on theories of identity construction and deconstruction, the author examines what it means to be a feminist in the contemporary American political arena. The author explores the boundaries implicitly created by identity categories to uncover feminists’ perceptions of whether or not Hillary Clinton is truly a feminist political candidate. This book provides an application of these theories to the contemporary feminist movement in the United States.

Price: $179.95

Single Motherhood in 20th Century Ireland
 Ramblado-Minero, María Cinta
2006 0-7734-5621-X 294 pages
This book explores the cultural representations of unmarried motherhood in 20th-century Ireland from a variety of perspectives (literary and film studies, applied sociology and history) in order to analyze different discourses of femininity and motherhood. The book analyzes cultural artifacts in which the central theme is unmarried motherhood in an Irish context in order to outline and describe the different strategies at play in the representation, negotiation and contestation of traditional discourses of femininity which marginalize and, in some cases, erase women’s experience of lone parenthood.

This book emerges as a unique and up-to-date collaborative work of international scholars which contributes to the study of the aforementioned discourse. The collection achieves a detailed study of cultural practices from a variety of perspectives which include not only close literary analysis in the light of post-colonial and feminist theory but explorations in feminist history, sociology, film studies and cultural studies. The book examines how the discourse of deviance progressively becomes dominant in post-famine Ireland to refer to any sort of deviation from the female norm, and it explores the representation and denunciation of this discourse in a wide range of cultural artifacts in order to show their value as contributions to the re-inscription of women in social history.

Price: $199.95

Sixteenth Century French Women Writers
 Åkerlund, Ingrid
2003 0-7734-6666-5 204 pages
This study describes the ideas and works of women, mostly poets, who all had links to Marguerite d’Angoulême. Anne Malet de Graville was lady in waiting at the court of Claude de France, and made adaptations of two old texts. The Lyonnese school produced poets. Jeanne de Jussie, a Catholic nun, was driven out of Switzerland to a convent in Annecy, France, where she became abbess. She wrote a book wherein she described the horror of the persecution. Marie Dentière was a former abbess who abandoned her Catholic faith and wrote two books showing her as a strong defender of women. Camille de Morel belonged to an illustrious French family, and wrote poetry in Latin. This study provides biographies and studies of the surviving works of these women writers.

Price: $179.95

Social Construction of Western Women's Rhetoric Before 1750
 Merrill, Yvonne D.
1996 0-7734-8851-0 284 pages
This volume examines the rhetorical strategies used by Sappho, Christine de Pizan, Lady Elizabeth Cary, and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu to speak for the female experience. These women became autonomous subjects of discourse by adapting the language of the dominant Western tradition to speak from the position of women. The introduction explains the epistemological reasons why social constructionism is the critical lens for this analysis. Discussion chapters treat the rhetorical context in which each woman wrote, including a discussion of Aristotelian misogyny; the ways each woman justified her authorial voice to express peculiarly female experience; and the rhetorical choices each made at the register, genre, and discourse levels, which reveal their degree of authorial confidence. The conclusion illustrates how they spoke from the margins of male experience by becoming culturally multilingual.

Price: $199.95

Sociocognitive Rhetoric of Meridel Le Sueur. Feminist Discourse and Reportage of the Thirties
 Boehnlein, James M.
1994 0-7734-9136-8 172 pages
The documentary reportage by Meridel Le Sueur of the 1930s was especially timely, for it demonstrated the disenfranchisement of the lower classes and of women while provoking a commitment to a new order. This study assesses Le Sueur's use of sociocognitive rhetoric as it renegotiated gender and class issues in a language of immediacy and transcendence. Drawing upon the contributions of Social Construction theories of rhetoric, this study offers concrete and inductive ways by which Le Sueur's feminist discourse ethic privileges the cultural situatedness of language.

Price: $159.95

Sociological Analysis of the California Taxi-Dancer the Hidden Halls
 Meckel, Mary V.
1995 0-7734-9039-6 168 pages
This study examines the social factors contributing to taxi-dancing, from a participant-observer perspective. Unlike others who have dealt with this topic, the author was herself employed as a taxi-dancer, a factor that provided first-hand information (from her employment in that capacity between 1969-1970), and field research during 1986-1987, where a mutual sense of identification with her respondents enabled her to acquire their trust, resulting in far more definitive data. The work endeavors to bring the taxi-dancers front stage to voice the contexts defining the personal and professional spheres of their everyday lives. The range of topics introduced as evidence of the "semi-deviant" status some experience includes wage competition, alcohol and drug abuse, prostitution and ageism. Also included are a theoretical chapter on symbolic interactionism and determinism, and an integrated review of the literature. The study will interest scholars in the area of deviance, gender, race and ethnicity, and urban studies, as well as women's studies.

Price: $159.95

Sociological Study of Women’s Educational Networks in India: Changing Lives From the Ground Up
 Tobin, Marilyn H.
2009 0-7734-4740-7 252 pages
The analysis of educational networks from a feminist perspective has not been substantially researched internationally. This study investigates the potential for networking as a leadership tool for change in not only classrooms, but also in school systems and the political arena.

Price: $199.95

Storytelling Songs of Two Zulu Women
 Scheub, Harold
2006 0-7734-5741-0 304 pages
This is a study of two Zulu women, storytellers, one who performed stories in 1868, the other in 1972. Lydia umkaSethemba and Asilita Philisiwe Khumalo are two African women, one hundred years apart, both accomplished storytellers: their stories, in their similarities and variations, provide insights into the nature of stories and the evolving of stories from one generation to the next. At the core of their stories are identical structural underpinnings; the facade of those stories varies to the point that the narratives seem wholly unlike. Each of the women takes a traditional tale from the oral repertory, and, as storytellers have done from the beginning, organizes tradition as a context for the contemporary world. In each case, an ideal world is envisioned, for Lydia umkaSethemba a world of plenty, a realm distinct from the reality of her environs in the 1860s. For Asilita Philisiwe Khumalo, it is a world of freedom, an escape from the apartheid reality that characterized her country in the 1970s. The two raconteurs build their works around familiar swallowing monster stories, conventional movements into the heavens, seasoned tales dealing with transformation from one being to another. Each takes the familiar and makes it peculiarly her own.

Price: $219.95

Strategies to Overcome Oppression and Discrimination for Marginalized Groups
 Butler, Lola M.
2001 0-7734-7334-3 192 pages
Provides a comprehensive portrayal of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised groups in society. The book explores racial and ethnic minorities, children, gays and lesbians, women, people with disabilities, religious minorities, poverty, the elderly, and death and dying. The study integrates and dissects the complexity associated with understanding underlying causes and conditions that hinder populations at risk from attaining mainstream access. The text provides multiformity in strategies that can assist social workers in altering social outcomes, promoting a pivotal active emphasis on advocacy, empowerment, and social change.

Price: $159.95

Study of the Place of Women in the Poetry and Prose Works of John Milton
 Dickey, David N.
2000 0-7734-7730-6 212 pages
Outlines the origins of Milton’s idiosyncratic ambivalence towards woman and charts its developmental character in and out of poetry and prose. It includes an introductory survey of influential critical opinion on the subject, including feminist readings. Subsequent chapters contain close textual analysis which attempts to uncover the secret animus of Milton’s major and minor poetry and the domestic prose works selected.

Price: $179.95

Sudanese Women in the United States
 Abdel Halim, Asma M.
2006 0-7734-5675-9 228 pages
This is a qualitative study of the experiences of circumcised Sudanese women in the United States. It looks into how immigration has affected the cultural perceptions of women, in particular their views about female circumcision (FC). Questions and conversations with the women in this study are focused on what has changed in their lives that resulted in a change of attitude or behavior. Three focus groups of women of different age groups participated in the research. One woman of each group was interviewed in depth. Open-ended questions and semi structured interviews were conducted.

The findings included changes in married women’s perception of their culture and a high level of awareness of why the change came about; a profound change in gender relations inside the home; acceptance of these changes, as good and necessary, despite strong ties with the home culture; and most importantly, an activism side to their change of attitude towards FC; it is no longer lip service to change, they have decided to take action and protect their daughters from FC. They do not see themselves as changing the culture by giving up FC, as they believe that the culture is to protect virginity and curb sexual freedom, whereas FC is only a process within the culture to ensure that virginity. They will keep the culture and do away with FC as a harmful process. The study found that this activism edge stemmed from their personal experiences of humiliation and horror during childbirth.

Younger unmarried women saw FC as a practice that deprived them of their bodily integrity and took away their ability to make their own decisions. They are still fettered by the continued control of their families in the Sudan and of the immigrant community that does not look kindly at those who break away from the culture.

Older women did not change their mind about the “benefits” of FC but saw it as detrimental to their granddaughters’ health and status in the United States. Since it is meant to benefit and young girls would face harm rather than good, they expressed willingness to accept uncircumcised granddaughters in America.

Price: $179.95

Sur Les Femmes En France Au Dix-Huitieme Siecle
 Michael, Colette V.
2007 0-7734-5551-5 132 pages
This work questions the position of women in France during the 18th century. The value of anonymous works published during the Enlightenment on the rights of women is noted by several known and appreciated authors in the introduction, and the role of philosophers of the period. For these reasons the author chooses to no longer concentrate on Descartes’s rationality, which claims that all that exists has its justification. Instead, the author’s hypothesis is verifiable, based on the relationships between assumptions and the facts guaranteed by empirical data.

Price: $139.95

Ten Remarkable Women of the Tudor Courts and Their Influence in Founding of the New World, 1530-1630
 Wheeler, Elizabeth Darracott
2000 0-7734-7717-9 200 pages
The remarkable women studied in this work include: Lady Jane Grey; Mary Queen of Scots; Margaret, Countess of Cumberland; Bess Throckmorton Raleigh; and Eleanor White Dare.

Price: $159.95

Tension Between Women's Rights and Religions
 Bong, Sharon A.
2006 0-7734-5579-5 312 pages
This study considers the extent to which localizing the integration of rights, cultures and religion: 1) challenges the universality and secularization of the rights discourse and practice globally; 2) bridges the disparity between the rhetoric and implementation of women’s-human rights in global and local contexts; and 3) embodies an Asian-Malaysian feminist standpoint epistemology that has the potential to reconcile the impasse of universal versus cultural relativism of rights. The narratives of 25 women and two men interviewed as faith-rights-based activists encapsulate ways of knowing and doing women’s-human rights in epitomizing what it means to radicalize rights and religion in spiritualizing politics and practicing spirituality. This study shows how critical relativism as a moral and political imperative more effectively advances and not impedes women’s rights as human rights within local and global contexts. In doing so, this study offers a solution to the impasse of universalism versus relativism of rights in the rhetoric and practice of women’s human rights. This multi-disciplinary study will be insightful to scholars in Women’s Studies, Religious Studies and Development Studies. It would also appeal to women’s human rights activists in serving as an advocacy tool in weaving rights and religions within local and global contexts.

Price: $219.95

Textual Construction of Space in the Writing of Renaissance Women
 Malay, Jessica L.
2006 0-7734-5789-5 244 pages
Explores the complex constructions of social space in the texts of four Renaissance women. In the rapidly transforming social space of 16th and early 17th century England, Isabella Whitney, Aemilia Lanyer, Elizabeth Hoby Russell and Margaret Hoby created alternative spatial narratives that participated in, as well as challenged, the influential forces of their changing environment. This work places the texts examined within a theoretically informed discussion of the social spaces of Renaissance England, both physical and imagined. It challenges many ideas concerning a “woman’s place” offering instead a more complete and complex account of the spaces and places lived and imagined by Renaissance women.

Price: $179.95

 Benbow, Heather Merle
2009 0-7734-4722-9 196 pages
This book examines at the gender dimensions of orality in German culture and thought around 1800. It uncovers oral resonances in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, demonstrates that pedagogical and didactic literature about women and girls is based on a suppression of female orality, contrasts medicalized models of (open) female and (closed) male bodies and reinterprets two classic literary heroines in terms of their oral conformity and excess.

Price: $159.95

THE CHANGING FACES OF CHILEAN POETRY A Translation of Avant Garde, Women’s, and Protest Poetry
 Herron, Sandra
2008 0-7734-5063-7 144 pages
This study is devoted to illustrating the translations of selected Chilean poets to provide resources for scholars interested in Chilean poetry, history, and culture. Incorporating various elements of translation theory the author takes into account the continuous interaction of linguistic, cultural, and historical elements.

Price: $139.95

 James, Nancy C.
2008 0-7734-5009-2 236 pages
Examines the feminist theology and apophatic mysticism of the under-recognized Madame Guyon.

Price: $179.95

The Cultural Salons of Educated Women that Shaped the Politics of Germany over 200 Years (1730-1914): A Study of Their Diaries, Letters, Memoirs, Poetry, and Philosophy
 Lass, Egon H.E.
2023 1-4955-1073-5 604 pages
"Everything in this book is historically true, based on diaries, letters, memoirs, and an occasional biography. All of the original sources were in German. The story unfolds in a slow progression, beginning in the second half of the 18th century, proceeding through the 19th, and finishing in the early years of the 20th century, arranged by date of birth for each figure. The development of the story reveals a pleasant surprise--the interconnectedness of it all, how these contemporaries knew each other, or of each other, influenced each other, admired each other, and in some cases activey visited each other and were close friends for life. All of the women were highly intelligent and literate, meaning that they were either of the privileged nobility or of families that were wealthy enough to allow their daughters a decent education. But even at the beginning of the 20th century there was still a reluctance among men to credit women for their intellectual achievements, as seen in the case of Therese von Bayern, and when they did, it was a source of shame and embarrassment for the woman, because contrary to all indications, she doubted her own legitimacy as a scholar." - Egon Lass (from the author's Introduction)

Price: $339.95

 Stendahl, Brita K.
1994 0-7734-9098-1 240 pages
Far ahead of their time, Bremer's novels (first published in Sweden starting in 1831) were intelligent, clever, and strikingly well-informed in matters concerning women. They were translated and sold many editions. Her aim was not just to entertain, but to educate. She took positions on political questions, started social projects, and chided the church for its political conservatism and theological rigidity. She needled the government to change its laws. Reaching beyond Europe, she travelled two years in America, then wrote her classic The Homes of the New World. She met such notables as Emerson and Dakotah Chief Gray Iron. In this detailed biography by noted Swedish scholar Brita K. Stendahl, Fredrika Bremer emerges as both forthright and enigmatic. It catches her fascinating combination of the courage to witness and agitate for change as well as her desire for privacy and meditation.

Price: $179.95

 Angelo, Adrienne
2009 0-7734-3823-8 148 pages
Examines how the fictional works of contemporary French female authors can be read as a unique fantasy world in which the writer consciously manipulates the reader’s (and spectator’s) narrative expectations with explicit articulations of female desire. In addition, this work offers a literary and psychoanalytic reading of lesser-known female authors in French culture.

Price: $139.95

 Sheppard, Anthony R. R.
2011 0-7734-1551-3 312 pages
This work is an edition of the memoirs of the late Dr. Marjorie Reeves, a distinguished scholar of the twentieth century. Reeves combined outstanding achievements in medieval studies with major contributions to educational thinking and policy making in Britain.

Price: $219.95

 DeMarco, Kathleen
2012 0-7734-3045-8 116 pages
The works of Medora Field Perkerson have been historically neglected by scholars. This book aims to examine her works through the lens of their regional importance as touchstones of early to mid-twentieth-century Southern literature. She was friends with Margaret Mitchell, the author of the famous Gone with the Wind, which helped Perkerson’s career because she helped to promote the book. While her career spanned from the 1920’s until the 50’s, her heyday was in the late 1930’s and 40’s. Today many may know about Margaret Mitchell but this book shows that her friend Medora Field Perkerson is also worthy of scholarly attention.

Price: $119.95

 Tomasi, Massimiliano
2008 0-7734-5000-9 344 pages
Argues for a reassessment of Hôgetsu’s naturalism as a multifaceted theoretical model rather than an aberration of its original Western counterpart.

Price: $219.95

 Crozier-De Rosa, Sharon
2010 0-7734-3739-8 428 pages
This book builds on the large volume of existing literature that details the social, moral and economic context in which women of this era operated. It further complements the smaller body of existing writing that probes the interior lives of women. However, where as these latter works use personal documents, such as diaries and letters, to gain insight into the interior lives of mainly upper middle- and upper-class women, this study concentrates on women from the lower and middle levels of the middle classes and on those from the upper rungs of the lower classes.

Price: $259.95

 Ramirez, Alicia Bralove
2013 0-7734-3061-X 172 pages
Scholars have remarked that World War I offered women possibilities that were not available to them prior to the war. One could ask if this is also true about the Spanish Civil War. While Spanish literature provided intricate, vibrant portraits of women and gender relations, the texts Bralove discusses maintained traditional, home-bound, nurturing, supportive, and non-combative roles for women whose lives centered on domesticity and/or men.

The use of force against undefended civilian targets during the Spanish Civil War, to an extent not previously seen in modern Western Europe, created a fundamental change in the landscape of war. One famous reaction to this was Picasso’s well known painting Guernica, which was created in part to build support for the Republican cause. The painting depicts a bombing in a marketplace, and it implies that there are no borders between home and battle fronts.

In discussing the gender ‘road not taken’ there are discussions of biographical elements, personal, political, and intellectual, that underlie the connections between writers and their works. This might shed light on how authors treated gender, and most significantly what they did not say in their novels with this respect.

Price: $159.95

 Thompson, Helen
2010 0-7734-3672-3 292 pages
This book examines the interconnections between nationalism and sexuality in Edna O’Brien’s writing. The work explores the connections between Irishness and sexual reproduction that define women as good Irish citizens, exposes the dysfunctions with rural communities that strive to contain women with limited roles and rewrites them to offer her female characters increased agency. This book contains two color photographs and eight black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

 King, Margaret L.
2021 1-4955-0877-3 256 pages

Price: $29.95

 Thompson, Lindsay J.
2010 0-7734-4765-2 172 pages
This study introduces a question, somewhat disregarded or discounted in recent years, regarding the link between the Vestals and early Christian consecrated virgins. In a political interpretation of the ancient Roman virginity cult, this work demonstrates that female virginity was understood by both Christian and non-Christian Romans as a symbolic analogue of the securely intact body politic.

Price: $159.95

 Richardson, Ruth Drucilla
1991 0-7734-9751-X 232 pages
An historical overview of Schleiermacher's life covering major events, and with an emphasis on the role women played during the course of his life.

Price: $179.95

 Hand, Felicity
2010 0-7734-1428-2 232 pages
This book is the first full-length study of the literary output of South African-born, Mauritian-based novelist, Lindsey Collen. This study tackles these aspects of her writing from a cultural studies standpoint, encompassing both a socio-anthropological reading that identifies the creative energies that forge new connections and a literary analysis of the metaficitional potential of her novels as vehicles for the reassessment of social, cultural and historical conventions.

Price: $179.95

 Makowiecka, Maria Hanna
2007 0-7734-5364-4 220 pages
Takes a comparative approach to women's travel writing from three centuries, in English, French, Polish, and Russian. It focuses on narrative strategies used by female travel writers. Female travel writing before the twentieth century shows parallels and continuities in its use of the theme of departure into a different sphere or convention. From travel into a utopian world where women rule and inhabitants live in harmony, to travel into the private world of subjectivity and poetic inspiration, female heroines venture outside the realities that bind them.

Price: $179.95

 Fahey, David M.
2010 0-7734-1386-3 296 pages
This case study of the Women's Temperance Crusade in southwestern Ohio is based on primary sources and archival materials. It examines the socio-historical circumstances surrounding the movement as well as the participation of men within the movement. This book contains twenty-two black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

 Peacock, Sandra J.
2002 0-7734-7180-4 316 pages
Frances Power Cobbe is best known to scholars of 19th century Britain for her participation in such causes as workhouse reform, education for poor children, women’s rights, and anti-vivisection. Her social activism was founded on strongly-held religious beliefs and she wrote prolifically on religion for fifty years. This book examines Cobbe’s writings on religion, ethics, and morality, and traces the development of her thought over the course of her life. Cobbe’s Theism, critique of Christianity, and her interest in the tension between science and religion moved her from the safe Victorian female realm of devotion and piety to the contentious male realm of philosophical exchange. Her voluminous writings offer a valuable case study for the intersection of women’s history, the history of religion, and intellectual history.

Price: $219.95

 Boyd, Melinda J.
2019 1-4955-0759-9 296 pages
This book is intended to broaden our understanding of opera by investigating the contributions of selected women composers who successfully navigated educational, institutional and social restrictions, and traditions in order to bring their operas to the public theaters, where their lives, as well as their works, were subject to scrutiny and criticism of the musical press. Ingeborg von Bronsart (1840-1913), Ethel Smyth (1858-1944), and Thea Musgrave (b. 1928) all made distinguished contributions to their art, producing operas of considerable artistic merit that were admired by many of their contemporaries.

Price: $199.95

 Mrabet-Robana, Zakia
2011 0-7734-1307-3 432 pages
This study is a holistic analysis of Djerha's female culture and customs, from agricultural practices and dietary traditions to rites of marriage and widowhood. Included in this work are oral testimonies of the oldest women in Midoun community, as well as documentation of folksongs, ceremonies and traditions. A CD with full color pictures and descriptions of material culture is included. This book contains eleven color photographs and sixteen black and white photographs.

Price: $259.95

 Oarska, Magdalena
2014 0-7734-4325-8 220 pages
A critical analysis of the form of the Romantic travelogue, making use of material that comes from two women writers from two different parts of Europe, but refers to the same subject matter- i.e. mid-19th century travels in Italy.
A gem to attract a wide readership. This book will interest researchers in nineteenth-century literature as well as comparative literary scholars and appeal to the non-specialist readers and enthusiasts of Romantic travel writing and women’s literature.

Price: $179.95

 Núñez-Betelu, Maite
2003 0-7734-6877-3 188 pages
This is the most exhaustive bibliography compiled on Basque works written by women, since their first poems in the late 18th and 19th centuries through the year 2000. The work is divided into two parts: literature for adults and literature for children, which is then further divided into narrative, poetry, and drama. Works are entered alphabetically by author. Complete bibliographical reference to each work is given and a brief commentary on the topic of each work is included.

Price: $159.95

 Laybourn, Keith
2002 0-7734-7085-9 262 pages
This study addresses the three major aspects of Britain's discriminatory approach to women's employment laws which were domestic service, broad unemployment and the links between voluntary bodies and the British state

Price: $199.95

 Scott, Renée Sum
2006 0-7734-5673-2 240 pages
This book is the first book to include women authors from Hispanic regions never before brought together in one text to examine how women’s bodies reveal complex exchanges between political representations, self-definitions and gender designations. Although past scholars have considered discourses of women’s bodies a propos food and cooking, power relations, and gender negotiations, few explore how Hispanic women authors represent it. This book uses the most influential currents in existing literary criticism – from postcolonial theory to psychoanalytical literary criticism, from postmodern cultural studies to French and American feminisms – to correct past oversights and reveal bold new ways in which authors from Spain, the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States address the body. With accessible language that does not sacrifice intellectual rigor, it appeals to an array of academic demands, provoking new debate on female identity, literary authority, race, gender, queerness, and sexuality from the 19th century to the present.

Price: $179.95

 Hausmann, Jessica L.
2014 0-7734-3517-4 188 pages
“…a noteworthy contribution to scholarship on late nineteenth-century American women writers…Hausmann describes how female characters in literary environments operate literally and symbolically to reveal conceptual complexities that challenge traditional notions about women and space.”
-Dr. Geraldine Smith-Wright,
Drew University

Price: $159.95

 Edgerton, Robert B.
2006 0-7734-5927-8 208 pages
This book examines human courage and cowardice in combat in many parts of the world in recent times and in the distant past. The result is an introduction to an essential attribute of humanity – the quest for self-respect and the respect of others. The first chapter examines the role of women in war, from the earliest days to the present time. It presents a detailed review of the “Amazons,” women warriors of West Africa. Chapter Two reviews warfare in Africa, particularly the shocking Zulu defeat of British regular troops in 1879. The next chapters discuss the “Charge of the Light Brigade” during the Crimean War, the epic battle of the Alamo, the War of 1812, the battle of Waterloo and the American Civil War, the Vietnam War, the Aztecs, Mayans, and Inca, and chapter eight reviews combat in India and Tibet. The final chapter looks at warfare in the world’s many small societies.

Price: $179.95

 Columbus, Claudette Kemper
2003 0-7734-6834-X 188 pages
These pieces include interviews across the Peruvian human scale and landscape: freed prisoners and police women, feminists and traditionalists, servants and human rights lawyers, doctors and market women, black, native American, mestizos, and whites. The collection offers English speaking readers a crosscut of a variety of personalities as well as the authentic flavor of various language uses. Most of the interviewed women differ in their own use of language from one another, according to walk of life, background, personality. The study seeks to convey their liveliness both in their language and in their resilience despite tremendously adverse conditions.

Price: $159.95

 Potter, Jr., Clifton W.
2010 0-7734-3722-3 380 pages
This work examines the gender politics of Victorian Britain through an analysis of nineteenth-century representations of Queen Elizabeth I. The book includes a study of how women regarded powerful females.

Price: $239.95

 Wadman, Carrie
2015 1-4955-0297-X 360 pages
A fresh point of inquiry on the ‘spinster figure’ that offers a compelling reconsideration of gender, literature and culture in late nineteenth century England. This interdisciplinary approach to sources, including novels, popular press articles, book reviews, medical and psychological texts, as well as travel narratives reveals the ubiquitous nature of the ‘spinster figure’, which was invoked in creative, critical, political and medical debates of the late nineteenth century.

Price: $239.95

 Keller, Frances Richardson
1990 0-88946-123-6 775 pages
Essays include: "Passages to Gender Histories," "Surveying Clues to Forgotten Pasts," and "Surveying Our Inheritances" by Frances Richardson Keller; "The Myths of the Golden Age and the Fall: From Matriarchy to Patriarchy" by Elizabeth Judd; "The Amazon Legends" by Abby Wettan Kleinbaum; "The Black Madonna of Montserrat" by Mary Elizabeth Perry; "Etxeko-Andrea: The Missing Link? Women in Basque Culture" by Roslyn M. Frank; "Prostitution in Paris, 1789-1793: The Revolutionary Approach to Reforming and Regulating the `Filles Publiques'" by Jeanne Ojala; and "After Sappho, Aspasia, Xanthippe: Women as Equals in the Writings of Xenophon" by Joan Markley Todd and Joseph Cono.

Price: $399.95

 Scott, Shelley
2007 0-7734-5445-4 136 pages
This book analyzes plays by Canadian women that deal with real-life incidents of violent women. In each of the plays under consideration, the playwright is theatrically engaged with the social meaning of the woman’s violent act, asking how it was interpreted in public discourse, and investigating the implications of that interpretation. The female playwrights in this study have each made individual choices about the form in which they will tackle their tricky subject matter, and their choices make for varied and intriguing relationships with their audiences. Each play is also placed in the context of its social milieu by means of an examination of some of the inter-textual discourse surrounding its appearance. In every case, the fundamental question remains: what and how does the violent woman mean?

Price: $139.95

 Owen, David
2015 1-4955-0382-8 224 pages
This critical edition coincides with the broader critical movement towards promoting a better understanding of the development of British literary fiction through women’s writing, an understanding that breaks free of the old story of ‘canonical writers and grand texts’. It contains an introductory study (biographical, wider historical and literary contexts), a short re-assessment of Porter’s writing and a more fully engaged re-assessment of the literary value of Walsh Colville.

Price: $179.95

 Black, Kimberly
2009 0-7734-3792-4 228 pages
This study examines the publication, review and collection of fiction and poetry titles written by African-American women, published between 1980-1990 by Association of Research Libraries member academic libraries located in the United States. It is an examination of institutionalized legitimizing social forces and their influence on the collection and sanctioning of knowledge as expressed through academic library collections.

Price: $179.95

 Showunmi, Victoria
2012 0-7734-2943-3 216 pages
Utilizes first-hand interviews with unemployed black women in Britain to ascertain reasons why they cannot find work. The author studies the various barriers that impede Black Women from succeeding in employment and in education. Her conclusions are that racial discrimination along with their subjective racial and gendered identity hinders their forward progress in employment situations, and in educational settings.

Price: $179.95

 Beck, Martha C.
2017 1-4955-0558-8 68 pages
Dr. Martha Beck, a Professor of Philosophy and Classist, reviews Dr. Margaret King’s monograph on the im-portance of the relationship between a mother and child within the first seven years of the child’s life. The book sheds light on the importance this relationship has on history itself. Dr. Beck uses the book to consider why Feminists undervalue motherhood in the modern age.

Price: $39.95

 Della Giustina, Jo-Ann
2010 0-7734-3607-3 204 pages
This study explores the patterns of femicide in 106 medium and large U.S. cities through the examination of the inequalities of race, gender, and economics.

Author's Abstract
The higher women climb in society, the more likely a woman will become a victim of fatal violence against women (femicide). This study explores the patterns of femicide in medium and large U.S. cities through the examination of the macro-structural inequalities of race, gender, and poverty, which contribute to femicide rates. Using path analysis, this study shows a complex view of femicide grounded in the feminist intersectionality perspective that women’s lives are shaped by the interlocking oppressions of gender, race, and class. The results describe how intersectional discrimination predicts high femicide rates for both black women and white women, but when gender, race, and class are examined separately, there are significant differences. As women gain gendered status, both black women and white women are more likely to be murdered, which can be explained by a backlash against the advances women have made in society. Moreover, black women are more likely to be murdered in a city with greater racial discrimination and white women are more likely to be murdered in a city with a lower economic status than other cities.

Price: $179.95

 Biscoglio, Frances Minetti
1992 0-7734-9803-6 272 pages
This study examines Chaucer's use of the medieval literary topos which categorized women as either good or evil, and his use of the Song of the Valiant Woman, a pericope appended to the book of Proverbs. It surveys the tradition of Hebraic and Christian commentary on the valiant woman; the significance of the Proverbs epilogue in the works of other authors; analyzes Chaucer's six thematic images of the mulier fortis as mirrored and distorted in the wives' behavior; discusses the implications that his delineation of the ideal wives has on medieval and modern conceptions of women. It also provides a definition of feminine power that re-evaluates the question of maistrie within the tales and challenges the modern feminist attitude towards women's power.

Price: $199.95

 Gandy, Shirley Ann
1995 0-7734-9337-9 252 pages
This biography, written by the subject's daughter, brings vividly to life the details of existence on a southern tobacco farm. Courtship, birth, death, tragedy. planting, the rigors of survival during the Great Depression, are all told in an authentic southern voice.

Price: $199.95

 Hammett, Jenny Yates
1982 0-88946-918-0 120 pages
Hammett unravels the many strands of liberal theology in an attempt to understand a literalized Father God. Essays include "Sin and the Image of the Feminine," "Creation and the Female-Male Image," "Goddesses as Symbols of Feminine Consciousness," and "Imaginal Consciousness: The Bridge Between."

Price: $119.95

 DeCicco, Lynne Marie
1996 0-7734-8756-5 328 pages
Examines three mid-Victorian novels that highlight prevailing attitudes toward both women and lawyers: Charles Dickens's Bleak House; Wilkie Collins's The Woman in White; and George Eliot's Felix Holt, the Radical. The novels reflect the confluence of social issues: the public's suspicion of lawyers and the law's own hostility toward women. To qualify the underpinnings of this tension more completely, the first chapter looks at three short works by Herman Melville: "the paradise of Bachelors", "The Tartarus Maids", and "Bartleby the Scrivener". These pieces crystallize the difficulties women encounter when confronted with a legal world, and set the framework for what will be examined in the novels. The volume also includes a chapter providing an overview of the legal profession in England, outlining the kinds of marginality experienced by both lawyers, particularly solicitors, and women, who were struggling for legal identity.

Price: $219.95

 Shin, Youngtae
2004 0-7734-6374-7 208 pages
This book is about the role of women in Korean and Japanese politics over the past century. It is exceedingly rare to have a comparative analysis of politics in Japan and the Republic of Korea, which gives this book a special status. At the same time these are countries with remarkably low levels of political participation by women, so it is very important to have an analysis of the reasons for this outcome. In the 1970s women accounted for less than two percent of legislative representatives in Japan, and less than one percent in Korea; today women constitute about seven percent of the members in each legislature, but these levels are still comparatively low in the developed world: about forty-three percent of Sweden’s legislators are women, and women constitute more than 30 percent of Germany’s Bundestag; the level in the U.S. Congress is about thirteen per cent.

The explanation for this phenomenon is by no means simple, and the author traverses a complex argument beginning with the “late” industrialization of both countries, followed by long periods of military rule and excesses of nationalism in both that until relatively recently subordinated women to state-sponsored goals of rapid development and national unity, to the situation today where, at least in Korea, the role of women in politics is growing rapidly. Her account is based on numerous interviews in Korea and Japan, a deft use of public opinion polls, and a wide comparative reading in the literature on the history and politics of both countries. After examining a host of theoretical and conceptual approaches to understanding the role of women in politics, she combines an historical analysis with an examination of patriarchal culture in Japan and Korea, and then scrutinizes the way in which the two respective political systems have both formal and informal mechanisms that militate against women’s participation. Furthermore at many points in the text she makes comparative judgments concerning women’s participation in Europe and the United States.

Both Korean and Japanese history in the early 20th century were marked by women who fought multiple battles on several fronts: to get any recognition at all outside the demands of the home, to fight discrimination against any woman who would dare challenge the suffocating society-wide support for family-based patriarchy, to suffer ostracism for joining socialist groups (which tended to more open to women) or for living lives independent of men (for which they were labeled promiscuous and even a threat to national unity). Ichikawa Fusae, the founder of Japan’s Women’s Suffrage League in 1924, suffered much ridicule from the society for decades, only to be forced into supporting Japan’s wars in Asia. Korea was then a colony, not a nation, but from the early point of the massive March First Movement in 1919 right down to the present, when thousands of civic groups and NGOs co-exist in Korea’s strong civil society, women have often been the leaders of protests. This sharp contrast with Japan makes for one of the most interesting aspects of this book.

Her discussion of how the postwar Japanese political system excludes women (without necessarily intending to do so) is also particularly illuminating. The Liberal Democratic Party, in power continuously since 1955 (with one brief interruption in 1993), is made up of factions which resemble one-man political machines or groups, with strong ties of patronage and favoritism in the local areas. These virtually all-male informal networks of patron-client ties, reinforced by male bonding rituals in drinking houses all over Japan, represent a formidable barrier to the entry of women into political careers. Even civic and grass-roots organizations seeking progressive goals tend to be run by men in Japan.

On the other hand, the largest number of women representatives in the history of the Republic of Korea is seen under the system of the Revitalization Congress. However, given the nature of the Congress at the time, one can hardly say their representation had much to do with the peoples’ will. Ironically though, the long history of the dictatorial military regimes gave Korean women the opportunity to hear their own political voices, and through their participations in anti-dictatorial protest movements they gained political experiences necessary to engage in politics in the future. She interviewed and observed many women involved in grassroots political organizing; their future seems to be a comparatively bright one compared to women in Japan, who still have not found a route to significant participation in the world’s second-largest economy.

Price: $179.95

 Thornton, Niamh
2006 0-7734-5869-7 260 pages
This book explores how women are represented in novels written by women which have conflict as their central thematic concern. The Revolution was the zero hour of twentieth century Mexican national discourse. Even while the war was being fought, writers felt the need to engage with the mythologies of that discourse and write their own versions of events. From these early witness accounts there developed a genre which would evolve to challenge the all-pervasive imagining of the nation on an institutional level. As a result, the Revolution was a pivotal event for writers. Heretofore, in the main, critical studies have only examined writing by men, while women’s contribution to this genre has been marginalized and ignored. This book provides a unique insight into the many roles which women had in the Revolution and assesses the complex and varied styles employed by three significant, and in many ways controversial, Mexican authors: Elena Garro, Elena Poniatowska, and Ángeles Mastretta. This is an important book which makes a significant contribution to the international debates which examine women’s many roles in wartime.

Price: $199.95

 Rivers, Bronwyn
2005 0-7734-5903-0 252 pages
Although middle-class women’s work was one of the major social and feminist issues of the mid-Victorian period, literary critics have yet to give extended consideration to the way women novelists treated this topic. This book examines the form and ideologies of mid-Victorian novels that represent middle-class women at work.

The study locates women’s novels of the period within a discourse of women’s work that included writing by the Langham Place feminists, Sarah Ellis, Sarah Lewis, and Harriett Martineau. Focusing on novels by Elizabeth Gaskell, the Brontë sisters, and Mary Elizabeth Braddon, but also examining the work of lesser-known writers such as Amelia B. Edwards, Louise Costello and Ouida, this work examines how both ideologies and rhetorical forms circulated within fictional and non-fictional writing.

The work debate fundamentally challenged social beliefs about women’s sexual and class status, their economic and marital positions, and their educational and occupational opportunities. The demands of work reformers conflicted with the domestic ideology of womanhood, which assumed that middle-class women would remain as the moral centre of the domestic sphere, supported by their husbands or fathers.

By examining the way that novels both influenced and were influenced by this ideology, this book demonstrates how Victorian novels contributed to the imaginative and ideological changes of that most important aspect of female emancipation, women’s work.

Price: $199.95

 Wright, Rosemary
1997 0-7734-2244-7 264 pages
This research evaluates women's relative progress in the occupation of computer work, focusing on mobility and turnover, segregation, and earnings. The evaluation is made in the context of theories of human capital and gender socialization, resegregation and ghettoization, Blalock's male resistance, Kanter's strength in numbers, Jacobs's revolving doors and social control, and a hybrid theory of controlled progress combining the last two. By trend analysis and regression, this work contrasts the career moves, locations, and rewards of men and women in computer programming, systems analysis, computer and systems engineering, and other computer specialties. This study bridges both sociological and management literatures.

Price: $199.95

 Collet, Penelope Josephine
2004 0-7734-6249-X 353 pages
A neglected area of publishing in the visual arts is that of women’s perceptions and strategies for sustaining their careers as artists. This book reports on research which investigated the formative life experiences of nine women and how they perceived their positions as students, artists, art teachers and family members in relation to the discourses dominant in their lives. The study aimed to identify new discursive practices undertaken by the women to contest their positioning. It used feminist poststructuralist methodology that acknowledged the notion of constitution and positioning of the subject in discourse. This innovative methodology is valuable for researchers in a range of disciplines not only in studying careers of women but also other marginalised groups. Because of the reliance on the women’s voices, the text contributes rich pictures of women’s lives and their attempts to negotiate their careers in workplaces they described as “battle grounds”. Consequently the text has a wider appeal to readers interested in women’s careers and art practice. Obstacles to careers reported in the literature were confirmed by the experiences of the women who were able to challenge and restructure constraining discourses. They utilised a range of strategies to negotiate obstacles and, based on the women’s experiences and the literature, the author is then able to propose further possible strategies.

Price: $239.95

 Mazey, Lisa
2024 1-4955-1301-7 108 pages
The contents of this book reflect my continuing efforts to increase awareness of marginalized people, and women in particular, who have been overlooked or forgotten by those who record or retell the history of the United States. The contents of this book reflect my continuing efforts to increase awareness of marginalized people, and women in particular, who have been overlooked or forgotten by those who record or retell the history of the United States.

Price: $119.95

 Thompson, Jack George
1996 0-7734-8760-3 352 pages
This study presents a global view on the early Celtic experiment in gender equality, focusing on pre-Roman Celtic groups (Celtiberi, British, Gaulish) as well as the six major Celtic societies which survived into the Middle Ages (Breton, Cornish, Irish, Manx, Scottish, and Welsh). Employing an interdisciplinary approach, it avoids parochialism by cross-referencing, where possible, Pagan, secular Christian, and Christian Church authors. In the cases of conflicts in dates, all sides of the conflicts, and types of evidence from such varied disciplines as archaeology, history, women's studies, anthropology, classical studies, comparative law, economics, linguistics, political science, and psychology are cited.

Price: $239.95

 Guisso, Richard
1981 0-88946-151-1 248 pages
Thirteen essays on foot binding, female infanticide, widow remarriage, the Taoist androgynous ideal, anti-westernization, etc., discussing the cultural, economic, political, and historical factors which contributed to the emergence of Chinese womanhood of today.

Price: $179.95

 Scarborough, Connie L.
1993 0-7734-9316-6 196 pages
This study analyzes the female characters of the Cantigas as they appear in the written narrative and the illuminations of Escorial ms. T.J.I. In addition to the recurring presence of the Virgin Mary, the Cantigas portray women from a variety of social strata, racial and religious background, marital status, and occupations. The study examines visual narrative; theological and iconographic constructs of the Virgin; socio-historical, philosophical, and literary paradigms; female speech in the Miracle Narratives; the relationships of Mary to other women; and portrayals of female devotion to the Virgin.

Price: $159.95

 Gottlieb, Agnes Hooper
2001 0-7734-7485-4 228 pages
‘Municipal housekeepers’ were militant women who believed that a woman’s place was in the home, but that the home was larger than just four walls. They believed a woman’s home was her city and that it was the responsibility of women to keep their cities safe and clean. This study traces the beginnings of municipal housekeeping journalism to the early days of the women’s club movement in America and describes its development in newspapers, club publications, general interest magazines and popular women’s magazines. It is the first study to concentrate on the work of women journalists during the movement, explores the different ways women promoted reform activities in newspapers and magazines, and links the work of the earlier women journalists to the 19th century themes of domesticity and municipal housekeeping.

Price: $179.95

 Mason, Kathy S.
2012 0-7734-2609-4 128 pages
This book focuses on the fascinating careers of the women who tended lighthouses on Lake Michigan in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It explores with great acuity how a number of special women gained their lighthouse positions and dealt with unique challenges of their time and place.

Price: $139.95

 Davies, Catherine
1993 0-88946-423-5 224 pages
Each study suggests new and detailed readings of selected texts. Some of the writers discussed are recognized as key figures in the Hispanic canon (Carmen Laforet, Rosario Castellanos, Carmen Conde, Mercè Rodoreda, Juana de Ibarbourou). Others are less well-known (María Luisa Bombal, Idea Vilariño, Dora Alonso, Gioconda Belli, Julie Sopetrán, Tina Díaz) but important to an understanding of women as producers of textual meaning. Among the contributors are Clara Janés, Montserrat Ordóñez, and Mirta Yáñez. What emerges are the multiple subversive strategies used by women writing in Spanish and Catalan to enable self-representation and to challenge hegemonic discourse.

Price: $179.95

 Condray, Kathleen
2003 0-7734-6739-4 340 pages
This thematic study is the only in-depth investigation into the literature of Jugend. It includes a discussion of Jugend’s particular relationship to women not found in previous scholarship and corrects some technical errors regarding editorship and focus during the Third Reich. Special focus is given to the work of two previously unknown Nazi women authors, Ziska Luise Dresler Schember, who was honored during the Third Reich for her nationalistic, heroic ballads, which were quite the opposite of what Nazi literary policy dictated for women authors, and Johanna Birnbaum, whose initially pro-Nazi serialized novel slowly subverts party tenets as the installments progress. Finally, an appendix of women writers allows other scholars to determine quickly which women published in Jugend

Price: $219.95

 Fishbane, Simcha
2019 1-4955-0790-4 80 pages
Dr. Fishbane and Dr. Stern describe the Haye Adam, a legal text about the nature of Jewish law and women within the Jewish community. It was composed by Rabbi Abraham Danzig (1748-1820) in Prague.

Price: $79.95

 Halbersleben, Karen I.
1993 0-7734-9294-1 256 pages
As was true of many 19th-century reforms, the anti-slavery movement drew upon women's perceived special attributes: her moral superiority, her role as guardian of the purity of family and society, her spiritual standing in the religious community. Drawn together by their moral conviction of the evil of slavery, middle-class women from around Great Britain forged an active role for themselves in combatting chattel slavery. Their involvement was of great significance, allowing middle-class woman to work outside her home in a sphere of activity that encouraged her to exercise her initiative and translate moral principle into effective action. The crusade also established the mechanisms of organization and the rhetoric of emancipation which later female reformers would draw upon in the movement for their own rights.

Price: $199.95

 Loughlin, Kathleen A.
1993 0-7734-2252-8 426 pages
A major study of how and why transformative learning, as personal development within a community of knowers, effects social commitment and results in decisive social action by women in communications, politics, religion and education. A must read for anyone interested in adult learning, the women's movement or emancipatory education.

Price: $259.95

 Cheung, Neky Tak-Ching
2008 0-7734-4962-0 400 pages
Based on historical, textual and field studies, this work examines the paradoxical nature of jiezhu, which simultaneously upholds and challenges tradition through religious and social empowerment. This book contains twelve color photographs and twenty-eight black and white photographs.

Price: $239.95

 Forbes, Shannon
2006 0-7734-5823-9 188 pages
This book explores the modern novel’s reflection upon women’s enactment of the stable, whole, unified Victorian identity and anticipation of the successes that will result when women in the modern era find the means to embrace their dynamic, fluid, modern identity. This work will appeal to literary critics of Victorian and modern texts.

Price: $159.95

 Straughan, Dulcie Murdock
2007 0-7734-5320-2 248 pages
This study examines the confluence of social, economic and political conditions that characterized the Progressive era in the United States, women’s influence and actions to bring about social reforms at a time when they could not vote, and their use of public relations tactics designed to bring about reforms that they hoped would improve the lives of all Americans. This book explores women’s use of public relations strategies and tactics in charitable and social service organizations, women’s clubs and government agencies during the same time period that the nascent public relations profession was being used by businesses as a means to defend their status and to see support of the public by providing information about their operations more openly. This study also addresses the notion that women reformers tended to focus heavily on building relationship with individuals, groups and organizations to promote their causes.

Price: $179.95

 Byron, Kristine A.
2007 0-7734-5367-9 316 pages
This book considers issues of gender and representation through an analysis of twentieth-century female revolutionary figures from Ireland, Spain, Cuba, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Since revolutions (and their siblings—civil wars) occasion social transformation under often chaotic conditions, they open up space for the potential transformation of gender relations. These women’s life writings illustrate gender relations in flux, expose the political symbolism of the strong woman at moments of nation formation and transformation, and display the multiple ways that gender enters into literary, historical, and visual narratives.

Price: $219.95

 Geistman, Jr., H. James
2011 0-7734-1578-5 512 pages
This monograph examines why stalking victims are offered poor protection and little support by the police. It advocates the refinement of police methods of recruitment, training and evaluation to combat the effects of patriarchy and gender issues in university criminal justice programs.

Price: $299.95

 Tylee, Claire
2000 0-7734-7455-2 300 pages
Part of the significance of this collection of essays comes from its geographical and historical spread: it ranges globally across drama from France, Germany and Australia as well as UK and USA, and it demonstrates the continuing effects of the war o the cultural memories of the disparate nations involved, including Ireland, Germany, Canada and Scotland at the end of the 20th century. It not only makes available original historical research, the results of delving in the police censorship archives in Paris and in the Birmingham Reference Library’s Great War collection, it also demonstrates the fruitfulness of carious critical approaches.

Price: $199.95

 Parker, Jane
2003 0-7734-6710-6 324 pages
Within industrial relations, the mainstream literature has not shown much interest in women as the subjects or shapers of research. This study shows the centrality of women’s organizing to unionism and women’s experience of unions, and provides insights into the circumstances necessary for women’s sustained activism. It examines union operations and how women’s groups influence, and are influenced by, them. It contributes an original analysis of the organizational ‘identity’ of individual unions and women’s groups. It also examines the complex relations between unions and their women’s groups within particular institutions, including the little-examined area of women’s engagement in less formal as well as mainstream union activity.

Price: $219.95

 Worley, Sharon
2010 0-7734-3835-1 564 pages
In 1800 Napoleon Bonaparte sought to impose an absolute political authority as First Consul for life, and emperor in 1804. A network of women authors connected with Germaine de Staël in Paris, Coppet, Berlin, and Florence maintained salons and addressed political conflicts in their novels, correspondence and theory. Nationalist histories, also written by salon members, reinforced their unified political agenda by emphasizing the heroic acts that guaranteed national freedom. Semiotics became the primary means of political propaganda and persuasion in the absence of legislative debate and women’s suffrage.

Price: $319.95

 Rowe, Beverly J.
2002 0-7734-7041-7 216 pages

Price: $179.95

 Sircar, Arpana
2000 0-7734-7848-5 288 pages
This study addresses the way gender mediates the lives of employed immigrant women in an ethnic minority community. It sheds light on the interplay of race-ethnicity, social class, and history generates multiple contexts within which individual and collective gender attitudes and norms are situated. This empirical study has tapped firsthand into the isolated behind-closed-doors subplots of how individuals negotiate old and new gender concepts in contested social and familial terrains.

Price: $199.95

 Lem, Ellyn A.
2015 0-7734-3529-8 216 pages
An insightful examination of gender roles in the workplace and how the competing demands of family-work life can be balanced. As a pop culture starting point, the study begins with an examination of the ensuing media frenzy and passionate discussions resulting from the Atlantic Magazine cover story, “Why Women Can’t Have it All” by former Princeton Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter and widens its scope into popular films and television.

Price: $179.95

 Duffy, Jennifer O'Connor
2008 0-7734-5098-X 232 pages
This book explores the experiences of working-class students in higher education at Radcliffe College during the years 1940-1970. More specifically, this work examines how the mid-point of the twentieth century’s changing social, political, institutional, and economic forces influenced the undergraduate and alumnae satisfaction levels and post-graduate career paths of working-class students.

Price: $179.95

 Schweninger, Lee
1998 0-7734-8358-6 228 pages
No other literary study of Celia Parker Woolley exists at this time. This important woman writer, social worker, and Unitarian minister wrote novels which rank with those of her more well-known contemporaries such as Margaret Delan, Henry Adams, and William Dean Howells. This study sets its literary subject in social, religious, and historical contexts, contributing to the cultural studies of late-19th century America.

Price: $179.95