Subject Area: Linguistics

 Sheppard, Sumor
2016 1-4955-0448-4 76 pages
Creole culture is a universal phenomenon which is multicultural by nature. This study provides a comprehensive, international bibliography of Creole cultures and languages with which researchers can further investigate culture formation and national identity cohesion. Starting from Creole cultures of the United States and moving outward to the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the extent of Creole as a national identity becomes apparent. The definition of what constitutes a Creole varies around the world.

Price: $79.95

A COMPARATIVE AND DIALECTICAL LEXICON OF VARIATIONS IN MODERN SPANISH VOCABULARY: Tracking Linguistic Differences Across Cultural, National, and Dialectical Boundaries
 Florián, Lorenzo R.
2010 0-7734-1437-1 388 pages
This is the first linguistic resource of its kind. The innovation of this study is its comparison of the lexicons of all Spanish-speaking countries. It includes English translations and Spanish definitions.

Price: $239.95

A MEDIEVAL ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY: Based on a Set of Unpublished 15th Century Manuscripts, Medulla Grammaticae / Marrow of Grammar Kept in the British Museum
 Tremblay, Florent
2009 0-7734-4783-0 532 pages
This examination of the Medulla Grammaticae reveals a synchronic representation of century English language, as it was locally spoken and written in Anglo-Norman England of the London area and its surroundings, in the years 1430-1480. Contrary to classical Latin-English dictionaries, this one reproduces the many free variations in spelling and lexical items, many of which reflect the regional aspect of the language. The author also included in the entries the syntactic and morpho-graphemic notes produced by the monks of the time.

Price: $299.95

A Phonetically-Motivated Phonological Analysis of Syllable Weight and Stress in the Norwegian Language
 Lunden, S. L. Anya
2010 0-7734-3760-6 216 pages
Advances a theory of weight in which a syllable shape in a given position is only heavy if it, on average, is sufficiently proportionally longer than a CV (consonant-vowel) in the same position. While the analysis of weight is consistent with the basic tenets of moraic theory, a departure is made from standard moraic theory which takes moras to be prosodic units associated directly to segments.

Price: $179.95

Âgnes Nemes Nagy on Poetry, a Hungarian Perspective
 Ferencz, Gyözö
1998 0-7734-8355-1 196 pages

Price: $159.95

Amerindian Elements in the Poetry of Ernesto Cardenal: Mythic Foundations of the Colloquial Narrative
 Morrow, John A.
2010 0-7734-3660-X 364 pages
This study explores the Amerindian elements in the works of Ernesto Cardenal, the revolutionary poet-priest from Nicaragua. The work examines the three main currents which flow through Cardenal’s poetry: the socio-political current, the religious current, and the indigenous current.

Price: $239.95

An Analysis of Hiberno-English in the Early Novels of Patrick Macgill: Bilingualism and Language Shift from Irish to English in County Donegal
 Amador-Moreno, Carolina P.
2006 0-7734-5808-5 368 pages
This study is a linguistic analysis of two novels by the early twentieth-century Donegal writer Patrick MacGill. Both Children of the Dead End and The Rat Pit enjoyed great popularity in England and the USA, though not in Ireland itself, where they were not so well received. From a linguistic point of view, these two novels form a particularly interesting source of data for the study of the dialectal variety known as Hiberno-English (or Irish English), as the author purports to give an accurate portrayal of the types of English spoken in Donegal in a period of ongoing bilingualism and language shift from Irish to English.

Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the author’s biographical, literary and linguistic background. This is supplemented with a description of the English of Donegal. Chapter 2 is devoted to an analysis of the syntax and grammar of the two novels, such as the use of the definite article, the reflexive pronoun or the cleft sentence, among other features. Chapter 3 pays special attention to the vocabulary found in the novels. The grammatical, syntactic and lexical features analyzed here are heavily influenced by the Irish language and bear striking similarities with the type of structures produced by second language learners, which allows us to look at this variety of English in a different light. This work will appeal to scholars interested in Irish English, languages in contact and Irish Literature in English.

Price: $239.95

An English Translation of “The Princess of Jargon” by Alice Becker-Ho Translated by John McHale
 Becker-Ho, Alice
2004 0-7734-6304-6 196 pages
From French to English

This groundbreaking, comparative study of dangerous-class slangs in use across ten countries, from Europe to the Americas, brings to light the common influences that have helped to shape them over the last five hundred years. The author begins by examining the social, political and linguistic impact that the coming of the Gypsies had on fifteenth-century Europe. Quotations from a variety of authors show the continuing interaction down the centuries between Gypsies and all kinds of social strata including the criminal or ‘dangerous’ classes. It is the author’s clearly stated aim to build and expand upon the pioneering analysis of slang etymology begun by Marcel Schwob and Georges Guieysse in the 1890s, and to distinguish between argot and the forms of ‘media speak’ that nowadays masquerade as slangs. Central to the work is an extensive glossary of French argot terms, their Gypsy stems and other European slang cognates. The appended ‘Supplement’ finds the author expanding on related themes such as the significance of the French term affranchi and the role of Yiddish, which along with Gypsy, emerge as the mother tongues of European slangs.

Price: $159.95

An Introduction to Government-Binding Theory in Chinese Syntax
 He, Yuanjian
1996 0-7734-8841-3 244 pages
A major concern of current linguistic theory is to determine the set of general principles to which the syntactic structure of all natural languages conforms, and in this connection it is important to examine a variety of language families and types. Though since the 1980s, current linguistic theories such as the Government-Binding theory have been applied to Chinese, this volume takes up issues to which previous investigations did not pay enough attention, or gave less comprehensive treatment. Its analysis of many aspects of Chinese syntax based on careful examination of data will be of great interest and value to Chinese linguists, GB oriented or otherwise.

Price: $179.95

Analyzing Ten Poems from the Poetic Edda: Oral Formula and Mythic Patterns
 Mellor, Scott A.
2008 0-7734-4856-X 348 pages
This work investigates the syntax of ten poems from the Poetic Edda, a medieval Icelandic text, offering data that reveals some of the composition processes and the remnants of the oral tradition from which poetry came. This work demonstrates that the Icelandic poet not only employed verbatim and variable formulae when composing, but also that the structure of the half-lines are formulaic and that their semantic function aids a poet in composition.

Price: $219.95

Ancestral Language Acquisition Among Native Americans: A Study of a Haida Language Class
 White, Frederick H.
2008 0-7734-5064-5 232 pages
This work addresses Native American students’ learning and participation styles with regard to second language acquisition in such a context: The Haidas of British Columbia learning their ancestral language in an elementary school classroom. The study also elucidates the problems encountered during the transition from informal learning to formal education.

Price: $179.95

 Petty, Jonathan Christian
2022 1-4955-0991-5 188 pages
This work employs tenets of Group Mental System theory in considering the musical syntax and affective semantics of Anton Bruckner's last adagio. "The main tenet of this theory is that the sole linguistic object of music, language of the emotions, is Self. Musical language qualifies Self by qualifying its affect (emotions, moods, dispositions). ...[I]t is of particular interest to consider those musical works in which alterations to the Self play a direct role." -Jonathan Christian Petty

Price: $159.95

Arabic, Islam, and the Allah Lexicon
 Morrow, John A.
2006 0-7734-5726-7 340 pages
The Arabic language possesses a unique language feature, the Allah Lexicon, a rich and varied body of religious expressions invoking the Almighty. Despite the pervasive presence of Allah in the Arabic language, this linguistic phenomenon has been largely unexplored. This book investigates the impact of Islam on the Arabic language by examining key cultural concepts, the frequency of the word “God” in Arabic and other languages, and the philosophical and theological foundation of Allah expressions.

Price: $219.95

Arnold Schoenberg's Journey from Tone Poems to Kaleidoscopic Sound Colors
 Bruhn, Siglind
2023 1-4955-1076-X 368 pages
"Scholars and audiences continue to debate whether the development of European music unfolded in parallel to that in the other arts, literature and the fine arts in particular. ...The five principle chapters of this book follow the major developmental steps through which Schoenberg passes in the course of the years 1899-1914. The introductory pages of each chapter illuminate the relevant aesthetic aim in the context of a few typical paintings and literary works created at the same time, with the aim of highlighting significant correspondences. The glances at cross-disciplinary parallels arise from a twofold intention. They lead lovers of literature and the fine arts to the recognition that the stylistic innovations with which they are familiar from paintings and poems, sculptures and Prose, architecture and drama created in the years preceding World War I have their counterparts in music. ....[They indicate that] Schoenberg's development in this phase of his creative life to be unique." -Siglind Bruhn (Preface) This book was originally published in 2015 by Pendragon Press.

Price: $239.95

Articulación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la educación
 Roig-Vila, Rosabel
2003 0-7734-6780-7 372 pages
This study examines the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, especially in the field of Spanish linguistics. It discusses the need to carry out innovative training and didactic strategies in order to prepare teachers and students to use the internet and ICT resources.

Price: $239.95

 Ho, Yong
1993 0-7734-2217-X 300 pages
This study examines prominent aspects of discourse, including thematic structure, information structure, and word order. Data consist of transcriptions of interviews with over 20 Mandarin-speaking informants in both institutional and non-institutional settings. Texts of three interviews, representing narrative, expository, and procedural discourse types, are intensively examined and appended. In dealing with thematic structure, emphasis is placed on the sentence-initial devices used to establish the point of departure and on the implications of thematic structure on the conceptual and cognitive processes of Chinese speakers. On discussing information structure, it pays particular attention to the sentence-final devices used by speakers to indicate the focuses of their communicative interest. The study of word order is directed toward the intra-sentential dynamism, which is governed by a number of principles. All of these principles suggest a strong and significant isomorphism between word order on one hand, and real-world events and human perception on the other.

Price: $199.95

Basic Sicilian: A Brief Reference Grammar
 Privitera, Joseph F.
1988 0-7734-8335-7 92 pages
The Sicilian dialect, like most the other 450 Italian dialects, has almost disappeared. This grammar preserves this dialect for the large number of first- and second-generation Sicilians who are anxious to maintain contact with the language but have no grammar to guide them.

Price: $99.95

Bibliotheca Lexicologiae Medii Aevi in 10 Volumes
 Tremblay, Florent
1989 0-88946-208-9 3340 pages
This work is a computerized bibliography of all topics related to Latin lexicology in the Middle Ages.

Price: $1229.50

Buddhist Discursive Formations - Keywords, Emotions, Ethics
 Griffiths, David B.
2004 0-7734-6514-6 418 pages
“Buddhism” is very complex: doctrine, schools, stories, symbols, cultures, deeds. One aim of this study is to elucidate this complexity and reflect on mainstream Theravaadin perspectives, beginning with an analysis of keywords, problems of translation, use of terms, and the dominance of English keywords. It goes on to examine methodological questions, comparative analysis, critical questions about rebirth, no-self, kamma, concluding with chapters on comparative ethics, and extensive indices and bibliography.

Price: $259.95

Celtic Names in Western and Eastern European Languages: Evidence for Cultural Diffusion
 Albu, Marius
2010 0-7734-1408-8 182 pages
This book brings together seemingly unrelated Eastern and Western languages and finds common Celtic roots and reference points within them.

Price: $159.95

Comparative Discourse Analysis and the Translation of Psalm 22 in Chichewa, a Bantu Language of South-Central Africa
 Wendland, Ernst R.
1993 0-7734-9289-5 260 pages
This study illustrates a comprehensive method of analyzing the discourse structure and style of a Hebrew lyric text with special reference to its interacting thematic organization and rhetorical dynamics. An illustrated survey of ten of the principal stylistic features leads to a discussion of similar rhetorical techniques manifested by modern lyric (written) poetry in Chichewa. The study also makes an important contribution to the theory and practice of meaning-oriented Bible translation.

Price: $199.95

Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Task Based Versus Traditional Instruction of Intermediate Italian as a Foreign Language
 Means, Tom
2011 0-7734-3942-0 284 pages
This study provides new evidence in favor of TBI methodologies in the acquisition and development of fluency in second language learners of Italian.

Price: $199.95

Comparison of Greek Words in Philo and the New Testament
 Fuglseth, Kåre S.
2003 0-7734-6774-2 212 pages
This volume presents a complete computer-generated comparison of the Greek New Testament and the extant Greek writings of Philo of Alexandria. It is a statistical counting and registration of all common words in these writings. It is based upon the database gathered in connection with the Norwegian Philo Concordance Project, headed by Prof. Peder Borgen. This list will be useful for all New Testament scholars interested in the Jewish and Greco-Roman background of the New Testament.

Price: $179.95

Complementation in Early Modern English. A Study of John Lyly's euphues
 García-Lorenzo, Juan Carlos
2004 0-7734-6273-2 261 pages
This is an analysis on the system of finite complement clauses in early Modern English which is meant to be a contribution both to historical syntax and to the study of John Lyly’s euphuistic language. It is also a contribution to a more ambitious research programme on corpus-based historical linguistics, part of which has already been carried out at the Department of English of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) by a team of scholars led by Professor Teresa Fanego. Despite its importance for the history of the English language, the early Modern English period (1500-1700), the stage when many of the characteristic structures of present-day English developed, has always been the Cinderella of historical linguistics.

Price: $199.95

Concise Dictionary of the Nuuchahnulth Language of Vancouver Island
 Stonham, John
2005 0-7734-6138-8 564 pages
This is the first published dictionary of the Nuuchahnulth language of Vancouver Island, based primarily upon the Tsishaath variety and supplemented by material from a number of other dialects of the language. The main body of the dictionary consists of a collection of over 7,000 headwords of Nuuchahnulth, accompanied by English equivalents, and examples illustrating the use of the headword. In addition to this there are markers for part of speech and additional information concerning dialectal variation, usage, further information about the entry, and various grammatical details, including classifiers associated with nouns, irregular plurals and bound forms. This is followed by an English-Nuuchahnulth glossary of some 7,500 entries, an appendix on grammatical forms and another on placenames, and a list of references.

Price: $319.95

Consistent Incorporation of Professional Terminologies Into the World’s Languages: The Linguistic Engine of a Global Culture
 Gueldry, Michel
2010 0-7734-1313-8 432 pages
The 17 case studies presented in this volume show the increasing need for foreign language programs in a global society. The work advocates for a combination of foreign language studies with career oriented disciplinary studies.The volume explores resources, curricular models and methods, assessment and examples of successfully integrated language and content education.

Price: $259.95

 Thon, Sonia
2011 0-7734-1392-8 164 pages
This study is focused on the contribution of Jorge Luis Borges and Manuel Puig to the formation of an Argentine linguistic identity in the twentieth century. In Spanish

Price: $159.95

Contrasting American and Belarusian Place Names: A Cognitive-Onomasiological Approach (with Special Interest in the Names of Swamps)
 Kopach, Aleh I.
2011 0-7734-1486-X 320 pages
This monograph on naming the geographical objects of Belarus and the United States by means of proper names is the result of a theoretical and comparative investigation of toponyms. The conception of cognitive-onomasiological study of the names of microobjects is presented in the study. The conception is approved and verified on a rich empirical material (no less than 10,000 names for each region).

Price: $219.95

Debate on Grammar in Second Language Acquisition - Past, Present, and Future
 Gascoigne, Carolyn
2002 0-7734-7194-4 100 pages
This study provides an historical review of grammar’s treatment in the second language classroom followed by a series of studies examining the effects of schema theory on grammar acquisition. It provides both theoretical and practical contributions to the fields of language acquisition and applied linguistics.

Price: $99.95

Decade of Campus Language at Oberlin College
 Longsworth, Robert
2003 0-7734-6789-0 192 pages
This work examines the linguistic behavior of undergraduate students in an institution of higher education, and reflects both college students generally and Oberlin College students particularly. It will appeal to scholars who study slang, dialect, and the sociology of late 20th century collegiate life. The terms were contributed and defined by students themselves over a decade, with explanatory notes and an introductory essay.

Price: $159.95

Defamiliarization in Mari Sandoz's Crazy Horse
 Bartelt, Guillermo
2023 1-4955-1097-2 164 pages
"[I]t will be argued in the present study that Sandoz's so-called "Indian voice" should indeed be regarded primarily as a stylistic device which employs lexicalization, calquing, figurative language, and clause chaining to indulge in the creative impulse called "defamiliarization." This technique emboldens an author to select language structures to intentionally disrupt conventionalized or habitualized meanings and thus restore freshness to textual perception. First coined by Viktor Shklovsky, a critic of the Russian formalist tradition, defamiliarization was understood as the main goal in art and poetry that intended to transform the familiar or mundane into the unfamiliar and strange in order to offer new perspectives." -Guillermo Bartelt (Introduction)

Price: $159.95

Defamiliarization in Mari Sandoz's Cheyenne Autumn
 Bartelt, Guillermo
2016 1-4955-1236-3 208 pages
"...One may consider Cheyenne Autumn primarily as literary discourse, in which defamiliarization plays a crucial stylistic role. In applying this technique, familiar language structures that are taken for granted, and hence automatically perceived, become disturbed to the point of oddness and estrangement. ...By deftly appropriating fragments of Cheyenne culture from the ethnographic literature, Sandoz compels the reader to a hightened awareness of artistic process" -Dr. Guillermo Bartelt

Price: $139.95

Discourse analysis of Hebrew prophetic literature. Determining the larger textual units of Hosea and Joel
 Wendland, Ernst R.
1995 0-7734-2371-0 420 pages
The specific focus of this work is upon the analysis of larger (strophic/stanzaic) units for which a detailed methodology is set forth with specific application to the oracles of Hosea and Joel. The analysis also explores the functional dynamics of prophetic discourse as manifested by its structural organization. Special studies of irony (Hosea) and recursion (Joel) are included as a means of more fully exploring the rhetorical features of these divine messages, which are of continuing relevance to God's people today.

Price: $259.95

 Hsu, Kylie
1998 0-7734-8365-9 200 pages
Presents a study of Mandarin grammar through discourse analysis by investigating temporal markers such as zheng, zhengzai, and zai to describe the temporality of ongoing situations, events, or actions. The temporal markers are analyzed in terms of semantic import, syntactic constraints and pragmatic functions.

Price: $159.95

Dynamics of Tonal Shift in the Sonnet
 Rich, Morton D.
2000 0-7734-7777-2 164 pages
This volume uniquely combines syntax analysis and suprasegmental phoneme analysis of tape-recorded performances of sonnets. What sets this study apart from other works on literary tone is that it dramatically diminishes the problem of subjectivity. Before this work, attempts to name something that was felt generated terminology and definitions that were no more illuminating than the terms themselves. The study avoids the problem by recasting the question as one concerning tonal shifts, specifically those that occur at the volta or voltas of sonnets. Syntax analysis is an objective tool that allows for independent verification; and suprasegmental phoneme analysis allows sufficient verification to be a valuable adjunct to syntax analysis. When these tools are used together, voltas and, therefore, tonal shifts can be located grammatically by the reader, and all the other formal elements of the sonnet, whether Elizabethan, Petrarchan, or hybrid, become more pronounced. Through this method, original interpretations emerge in ways that are not likely to be otherwise obtained. This study enriches our understanding of voltas and sonnets, and emphasizes the value of syntax analysis in literary studies.

Price: $159.95

El Siciliano Y Su Herencia LinguÍstica EspaÑola
 Tornatore, Matthew G. C.
2002 0-7734-6921-4 348 pages
This interdisciplinary study examines the presence of Spanish words in Sicilian/Italian. It sheds light on the Sicilian, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese languages (and others to a lesser degree like Arabic, French and English) but also includes historical profiling of the Kingdoms of Aragon, Leon, Castile, Sicily, Naples, Sardinia and Portugal as well as an overview of the Middle Ages, the Italian Renaissance, the Spanish Golden Age and the Baroque Era. It also examines the political policies of the Catalan Dynasty, the Spanish Empire, the Hapsburgs, the Royal Court of Palermo, the Court of Messina, and the Ottoman Empire. As for Sicily itself, not only has its vocabulary been combed to compile an impressive list of words of Hispanic provenance, but the book also looks at the Sicilian economy, government and social institutions between the 13th and 17th centuries.

Price: $219.95

Empirical Phonology and Cartesian Tables
 Rastall, Paul
1993 0-7734-9327-1 108 pages
This work is about the establishment of empirically testable models in functionalist phonological description and the use of cartesian tables in phonological modelling. A clear distinction is drawn between theoretical (meta-) statements and descriptive statements (i.e. those which may be confronted with phonetic phenomena subjected to appropriate testing). A new type of cartesian table is introduced first in the description of combinations of distinctive features and then of combinations of phonemes. Further models of well-formed complexes of distinctive features and phonemes are established on the basis of the tables. Examples of the application of the method are drawn from a number of languages, particularly English, French, and Russian 5.

Price: $119.95

 Bartelt, Guillermo
2022 1-4955-0993-1 132 pages
Dr. Guillermo Bartelt uses sociolinguistic analysis in his study of American Indian English. In this book, he focuses specifically on the powwow: "As a participant observer, I found powwows to offer fascinating discourse data for ethnographic and linguistic interpretations." He proceeds by, "analyzing the cognitive and social functions of discourse and semiotics in the context of powwow events in rural Oregon and Washington as well as urban Southern California."

Price: $139.95

Explaining Levels of Language
 LeTourneau, Mark S.
2007 0-7734-5330-X 580 pages
This book presents an integrated theory of linguistic descriptions, elaborating a modular linguistic model that makes explicit the relation between sentence(s) and text(s). The study argues that text can be insightfully analyzed as a discrete level of linguistic representation on par with lower levels, in particular, with syntax, with which it shares certain structural properties and basic operations within a minimalist framework. The work will not discuss the relation between text and discourse; however, because texts mediate between sentences and discourses, they provide a point of departure for synthesizing sub-theories of syntax, text, and discourse into an eventual unified theory.

Price: $319.95

Foreign Language Lesson Discourse Analysis
 Abdesslem, Habib
1992 0-7734-9653-X 408 pages
Examines the major trends in linguistics from the beginning of the century to the early 1990s. It traces the developments from system-sentence analysis to research in text-linguistics and spoken discourse analysis. Looks in particular at the contributions of the philosophers of language, ethnographers of communication, social dialectologists, ethnomethodologists,and students of artificial intelligence to the domains of discourse analysis, language acquisition research, syllabus design, methodology, and classroom research. Reference to the Tunisian context is made throughout, discussing the linguistic community, educational system, textbooks, and students' attitudes toward English and the way it is taught.

Price: $259.95

 Li, Suogui
2012 0-7734-2620-5 252 pages
This book aims to classify the word production of foreign-inspired Chinese terms (FICT), within the language system of modern Chinese according to principles of cognitive semantics. FICT refers to a group of vocabulary items in Chinese that are formed and motivated by foreign entities or concepts. These words are designated by some foreign words, but no established foreign elements are in fact transferred from the donor language. Cognitive semantics, the approach adopted by this book, is the study of the mind and its relationship with embodied experience and culture. The book establishes a group of terms identified as a particular category of borrowed Chinese words according to the motivation of word production, concerning human bodily perception and cognitive experience of foreign entities or concepts. These words can be categorized into five types: phonic loans, loan blends, graphic loan and FICT, based on the motivation of sound, form and meaning of foreign words, and sensory perception and cognition of foreign entities or concepts. Employing language as a key methodological tool for uncovering conceptual organization and structure in human mind and thought, the author of this book explores the methods of FICT word production, such as sensory perceptual and metaphorical production in terms of principles of cognitive semantics within the Chinese language system. The various types of borrowed Chinese words are analyzed in terms of the theory and categorization, and FICT in particular are examined within the semantic model proposed here. The hypothesis of this book is to create a new approach to the investigation of Chinese loan words and the process of FICT word production within cognitive semantics.

Price: $199.95

Functional View of English Grammar
 Rastall, Paul
1995 0-7734-8922-3 164 pages
The theory and methods of a functionalist approach to grammar (following such thinkers as Martinet and Mulder) are explained and applied to key areas of English grammar. Functionalist approaches provide a relatively simple means for analysis and the understanding of communicational structures peculiar to individual languages. In those ways, functionalist linguistics can contribute to our understanding of mankind as a species. Special attention is paid to the major and minor sentence types and significant and redundant features of English as well as to adjectival constructions, prepositions, parasyntactic features and the "dynamics" of contemporary English.

Price: $159.95

Galatian Language A Comprehensive Survey of the Language of the Ancient Celts in Greco-Roman Asia Minor
 Freeman, Philip
2001 0-7734-7480-3 124 pages
The Celtic language of Galatian is a unique example of a language which migrated into the heart of the Greco-Roman world during classical times and there survived for centuries. This study collects and analyses for the first time the entire corpus of the Galatian language, using inscriptions, papyri, and references in the classical authors. The study also explores the linguistic viability of Galatian in ancient Asia Minor and the relation of Galatian to the Celtic languages of western Europe.

Price: $139.95

General Survey of Coinage in the Roman Empire A.d. 294-408 and Its Relationship to Roman Military Deployment
 Nicklas, Steven
1995 0-7734-9104-X 384 pages
This volume elucidates the effects of Roman military deployment and political control on the distribution of coinage in the late Roman Empire, dealing quantitatively with archaeological numismatics: site-find material. A separate corpus was compiled for each of the 12 dioceses created by Diocletian at the beginning of the fourth century (except the Dioceses of Pontica), and an effort was made to collect data from at least five sites within each province of each diocese. In the final analysis, a sample population of approximately 65,000 coins was compiled from 135 archaeological sites across the Empire. Numismatic data was then utilized to provide evidence, or supplement existing evidence for Roman military activity in specific regions.

Price: $239.95

Ghanaian English Pronunciation
 Adjaye, Sophia
2005 0-7734-6208-2 356 pages
This book is intended to help meet the need for published works on African Englishes in general and Ghanaian English in particular. To date it is the most comprehensive analysis of the English accent used by Ghanaians, an accent that differs in a number of significant ways from the varieties of English spoken in the majority of West African countries. Using empirical phonetic data collected from a representative group of informants, the volume discusses segmental, contextual and suprasegmental features of Ghanaian English. This entails a thorough examination of the range of variant pronunciations for each consonant and vowel phoneme and of such processes as assimilation and elision. Word accentuation (stress) and intonation are also analyzed to reveal the established Ghanaian accentual patterns as well as the interaction between word-level pitch movement and sentence-level pitch contours. The comparative/contrast approach used helps identify standardized forms in the Ghanaian English accent while at the same time noting regional and/or educational variation. The analysis therefore highlights the existence of a cline of phonological systems based on the socio-educational backgrounds of Ghanaian speakers.

This book will enhance the literature on World Englishes in addition to being a great help to teachers and students of Ghanaian English. The volume also appeals to a wide range of linguists, including phoneticians and phonologists, dialectologists or sociolinguists and individuals interested in English studies or second language acquisition.

Price: $239.95

Grammar of Literary Swahili
 Knappert, Jan
1999 0-7734-7882-5 132 pages
This work contains a very condensed grammar of literary Swahili, that is, of the traditional literary language, the idiom in which the epic poetry, the proverbs and the traditional songs are composed. It serves as a vehicle for the Islamic literature, both prose and poetry, including the town chronicles, as well as the long didactic poems on moral duties.

Price: $139.95

Greek Verb Endings. A Reverse Index
 Robinson, Thomas A. A.
1986 0-88946-206-2 80 pages

Price: $79.95

Guide to Russian Words and Expressions that Cause Difficulties
 Rojavin, Marina
2004 0-7734-6302-X 242 pages
This represents a qualitative step forward in the pedagogical process of teaching and learning a foreign language. It is based on a comparative semantic analysis of Russian synonyms, antonyms, related words, cognates, and everyday expressions as contrasted with their English equivalents and is centered on explaining the contents of these words. It helps in bridging the gap between studying Russian grammar and the specific use of particular words in discourse, especially in contrasting or similar pairs or sets. It is indispensable for familiarizing learners with the semantic meanings of words. It better facilitates the students’ ability to learn and gain proficiency in the practical use of the Russian language. Learners will appreciate the inclusion of important Russian linguistic and cultural elements.

Price: $179.95

Hispanicisms in Romance Fiction: An Annotated Glossary
 González-Cruz, María Isabel
2022 1-4955-0970-2 204 pages
From the Author's Introduction (ix-xiv):
"The Spanish language has significantly contributed to the lexical enrichment of English throughout history. Although the Spanish influence has ebbed and flowed over the centuries, scholarly studies prove that the greatest number of borrowings come from the period of the Spanish colonization of America, when the language was "the faithful companion of empire" (Rodriguez-González, 1996: vii). ...

"Actually, it is American English that is currently subject to the greatest influence, because of the impact of the Hispanic community in the United States. This has led to fears about a future Hispanicization of the country, as a result of the increasing number of Latinos who have been settling there over the years. ...

"The situation can [hence] be described as one of languages in contact, or rather, contact between speakers of mutually unintelligible languages. Many factors can play a role in such situations, which means that a large number of outcomes are possible. As Trask (1999: 151) put it,'[t]he consequences of contact may range from the trivial to the far-reaching,' i.e. they may include bilingualism, language merging, or the development of code-switching skills, as well as language (and political) conflict and even language loss, as contact between languages or language varieties affects variation and change (Meyerhoff, 2006: 238-239)....

"Conceived as a contribution to the studies on the role of Spanish as a loan-giver language, this volume offers an inventory of all the Hispanicisms (words and expressions) that occur in 36 English romances published mostly by Harlequin and Mills & Boon between 1955 and 2004."

Price: $159.95

Historias, Mitos Y Leyendas De La Laguna Blanca, Neuquen, Argentina: The Oral Memories of a Member of the Mapuche Tribe
 Perea-Fox, Susana
2011 0-7734-1609-9 208 pages
Narrated by Carlos Quilaqueo, and meticulously transcribed and analyzed by Perea-Fox and Iriarte, this collection of Mapuche stories is an invaluable resource for Mapuche cultural, literary, and anthropological studies.

This text is the most complete collection and first direct transcription of Mapuche oral histories, myths, and legends.

Price: $179.95

How Educated English Speak English. Pronunciation as Social Behaviour
 Wotschke, Ingrid
2008 0-7734-5095-0 368 pages
A reconsideration of the conception of educated speech in England has become vital in view of recent sociolinguistic change, which made easily recognizable regional affiliations and further-reaching cosmopolitan tendencies involved in the patterning of current educated speech. Recognising the fundamental role of regional accent in the historical development of the English language, the book is meant to lay the foundations for a revised concept and a model of current educated pronunciation. This book contains fifteen color plates and fifteen black and white illustrations.

Price: $239.95

How Globalizing Professions Deal with National Languages: Studies in Cultural Studies and Cooperation
 Gueldry, Michel
2010 0-7734-4650-8 364 pages
This book examines the impact of globalization as the dominant and protean feature of our age on world languages and cultures (LC), as well as its implications for LC pedagogy for the working world/s. In addition, it delineates the broad contours of the professional use of LC by providing contextualized, striking evidence of their importance in critical situations across several professional fields.

Price: $239.95

How Habits of Culture Shape Our Rational Thinking: A Comparison of Classical Greece and Ancient China
 Warden, John
2013 0-7734-4503-X 196 pages
A succinct yet remarkable incisive study of the complex interplay between language, modes of reading it, and modes of thinking as observed in the surviving literature of classical Greece and the roughly contemporary corpus inherited from the age of Confucius in China.

Price: $159.95

How Shall We Teach English to Non-English Speaking Children. A Case Study of Dennis Parker’s Strategic Schooling Model
 Ramirez, Silvia
2010 0-7734-3778-9 160 pages
This book on organizational change and strategic schooling for English Language Learners, offers a model for students and teachers in an environment of changing student needs, and divided opinion on how best to educate our English Language Learners. Research shows that educating students who are not fluent in English is a continuing challenge in our schools.

Price: $139.95

How We Speak Shapes How We Learn: A Linguistic and Psychological Theory of Education
 Fatemi, Sayyed Mohsen
2009 0-7734-4758-X 140 pages
This book examines language not as an instrument or a device to conduct daily transactions but as a mode of living and being. Each chapter addresses some of the major educational and pedagogical issues and deconstructs their implicitly embedded assumptions.

Price: $139.95

Il Medioirlandese / Middle Irish: A Translation Into Italian of the Gaelic Text an Mheán-Ghaeilge by Liam Breatnach
 Roma, Elisa
2013 0-7734-4472-6 324 pages
The only book of its kind that offers a detailed account of the orthography, phonology and morphology of Middle Irish available in print. This is an important research tool for linguists and professors and graduate students working in the language arts. The book covers key issues of initial mutations, and gives a detailed account of inflection and word formation of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, adverbs, verbs and prepositions. Attested forms are commented upon from a historical point of view, and the dynamics of linguistic conversation and innovation, the mechanism of analogy, contrasting the Middle Irish forms with the corresponding Old Irish ones with an eye on the evolution of the language.

Price: $219.95

 Bartelt, Guillermo
2022 1-4955-0992-3 166 pages
Using discourse analysis with a focus on literary style, Dr. Guillermo Bartelt offers an examination and discussion of N. Scott Momaday's literary works. "The examination of literary style presents a unique opportunity for the interdisciplinary exploration of the intersection of language and culture." In the course of his discussion, Bartelt shows that, "instead of deliberate obfuscation, of which Momaday has often been accused in the critical literature...[there is] a conscious decision on his part to offer an enhanced ability to present a native perspective."

Price: $159.95

INTERLANGUAGE: The Abstract Level in Language Acquisition
 Wei, Longxing
2015 1-4955-0398-4 492 pages
This study makes a testable claim about underlying structural principles governing interlanguage grammars and tests certain aspects of interlanguage against universal properties of language contact performance data. It makes predictions about the natural developmental sequence of second language acquisition in general and developmental directions of interlanguage in particular.

Price: $279.95

Interpreting Spinoza’s Arguments - Toward a Formal Theory of Consistent Language Scepticism
 Nielsen, K. Hvidtfelt
2002 0-7734-6854-4 280 pages

Price: $199.95

Interrelations of Syntax, Narrative Structure and Prosody in a Berber Language
 McClelland, Clive W. III
2000 0-7734-7740-3 412 pages
This study is a systematic investigation of the links among prosody, clause structure, and discourse pragmatics in four oral narratives of Tarifit, a VSO Berber language spoken in northeastern Morocco. It is a new method of empirical analysis of language utilizing a unique combination of sound analysis, statistics, grammar and story structure. Using the speech analysis program Signalize, levels of amplitude, fundamental frequency, length, and speed were analyzed. In addition, factors relating to clause structure and discourse pragmatics were quantified. The results of this investigation support some, but not all, claims of previous researchers, and reveal numerous additional interrelations not previously noted. These results suggest that prosody in relation to discourse pragmatics and clause structure may be a rich field of future linguistic endeavor. They also contribute to greater knowledge of a little known language in North Africa.

Price: $259.95

Irish Song-Craft and Metrical Practice Since 1600
 Blankenhorn, V. S.
2003 0-7734-6782-3 544 pages
This work is a systematic analysis and classification of Irish accentual verse-metres. It will interest linguists and students of metre, as well as ethnomusicologists studying the context of Irish traditional song, and musicologists studying the historical development of European song-forms. An assessment of previous contributions to the study of Irish verse-practice is followed by a general survey of metrical scholarship, which in turn lays the groundwork for a metrical theory of Irish accentual verse. Space is devoted to a phenomenologically-based discussion of the role of rhythm in spoken Irish and its implications for verse-structure. The heart of the work consists of a taxonomical survey of Irish accentual verse-types, in which the principal criterion for inclusion in a given category is the number of stressed syllables in a line. Following chapters deal with stanzaic and supra-stanzaic structure and verse-ornament, the musical context of verse, the ways in which musical metre differs from verse metre, and the implications of such differences for a system of versification primarily transmitted through a musical medium.

Price: $299.95

Kinyarwanda and Kirundi Names: A Semiolinguistic Analysis of Bantu Onomastics
 Kimenyi, Alexandre
1989 0-88946-185-6 194 pages
Demonstrates that names, like oral histories in non-literature societies, can be useful tools for revealing the political and social systems of the 2 countries in which these languages are spoken.

Price: $159.95

La Traducción de la Persuasión Publicitaria
 Dávila-Montes, José M.
2008 0-7734-4914-0 660 pages
An interdisciplinary approach examining the goal of persuasion and the connection between the visual and the textual across languages, by analyzing issues in the translation of advertising between Spanish and English through the lenses of Psychoanalysis, Semiotics, Neurolinguistics and Comparative Rhetoric. In Spanish.

Price: $359.95

Language and Craft of William Barnes, English Poet and Philologist (1801-1886)
 Jones, Bernard
2002 0-7734-7240-1 284 pages
Study focuses on the way in which Barnes uses and experiments with techniques of meter, rhyme and sound, and shows how an understanding of the language of the poems, not only dialect but also standard English, is essential to appreciating the worth of Barnes’s poetical output. A detailed examination of the way in which he set about composing his verse reveals the careful and self-conscious craftsman who lies behind the superficial oddities that may strike the present day reader.

Price: $199.95

Language Dialect and Identity in Lille
 Pooley, Tim
2004 0-7734-6425-5 410 pages
This two-volume book tackles a number of major themes, which, although largely neglected in studies of European French, can be exemplified with particular clarity in the context of the Lille conurbation. This work not only clearly breaks significant new ground within the field of French Studies, combining insights of dialectology with the rigor of modern sociolinguistics applied to a rich array of oral data, thus opening up the perspective of a thorough sociolinguistic overview of a major city. This book will be of vital interest to students and lecturers involved in the advanced courses in French Studies as well as sociolinguists interested in other languages, specialists in historical linguistics, cultural studies, social history and political science.

Price: $259.95

Language Dialect and Identity in Lille
 Pooley, Tim
2004 0-7734-6427-1 335 pages
This two-volume book tackles a number of major themes, which, although largely neglected in studies of European French, can be exemplified with particular clarity in the context of the Lille conurbation. This work not only clearly breaks significant new ground within the field of French Studies, combining insights of dialectology with the rigor of modern sociolinguistics applied to a rich array of oral data, thus opening up the perspective of a thorough sociolinguistic overview of a major city. This book will be of vital interest to students and lecturers involved in the advanced courses in French Studies as well as sociolinguists interested in other languages, specialists in historical linguistics, cultural studies, social history and political science.

Price: $219.95

Les Transformations Linguistiques Qui Ont Fait FranÇais Moderne : Les Etapes De L’evolution D’une Langue / Explaining the History of European Languages : The Developmental Stages of Modern French
 Tremblay, Florent
2015 1-4955-0350-X 484 pages
This works constitutes the beautiful summary of 4500 years of transformations that took place in the development of the French language as we know it today, the way we speak it and write it; this study can also apply to any of the Romance languages. (In French)

Price: $279.95

LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF MEANING AND SYNTACTIC CHANGE IN THE GRAMMATICALIZATION OF CHINESE PREPOSITIONS: Charting the Constraints of Locality on Language Development Through Three Millennia of Chinese Documents
 Zhu, Yongping
2010 0-7734-1470-3 264 pages
The Chinese prepositions which have developed from verbs possess both verbal and prepositional functions. This amphibious nature of Chinese preposition is the result of the evolution of the Chinese language, and preserves the rich information of language change. This unique feature of Chinese prepositions has attracted many linguists to describe and explain the changes of Chinese prepositions. This book is a description and explanation of the development of Chinese prepositions from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives.

Price: $199.95

Linguistic and Philological Studies in Early Irish
 Roma, Elisa
2014 0-7734-0055-9 296 pages
This is a multi-authored volume which gathers essays devoted to Early Irish originally presented at the XIV International Congress of Celtic Studies, held in Maynooth, August 1-5, 2011. The topics covered, either from a synchronic or a diachronic perspective, range from phonetics and phonology to morphology and syntax with some semantics.

Price: $199.95

Linguistic Approach to Reading and Writing
 Scholes, Robert James
1999 0-7734-7919-8 162 pages
The ideas in this book are based upon language, speech, and writing. Some of the topics are a brief survey of scripts, punctuation, words in speech and writing, and spoken and written languages. At the end of the book is a series of illustrations showing symbol language of the Lord’s Prayer, depicted in Chinese, Hieroglyphics, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Thai, Greek, Latin, Russian, gothic, German, and Anglo-Saxon.

Price: $159.95

Linguistic Approach to the Application and Teaching of the English Alphabet
 Odisho, Edward Y.
2003 0-7734-6663-0 268 pages
The book approaches the nature of the alphabet and its teaching as a universal concept as well as a language-specific one. With focus on the teaching of the English alphabet, the book calls for a departure from the traditional phonics approach simply because of its failure to objectively and accurately handle the alphabet as a linguistic system and an important tool of oracy and literacy. The alternative approach recommended here scrutinizes the nature of the alphabet and comes up with four different linguistic identities: phoneme, grapheme, nomeneme, and sequeme. Each is objectively reexamined and redefined so as to identify where and how each identity should be recognized and applied. This radical distinction implies the institution of different methodologies and strategies to teach them.

Price: $199.95

Linguistic Philosophy of Language
 Rastall, Paul
2000 0-7734-7778-0 328 pages
This work draws out the philosophical implications of European functionalist linguistics. It contains an account of human linguistic capacities through considering the role of languages in overall semiotic behavior and the nature of our models of Language and of languages. It is particularly concerned with the nature of linguistically conveyed messages and their role in consciousness and with the methods for their understanding. The implications are related to an emergent anthropocentric philosophy and to metaphysics, epistemology in the wider sense, the philosophy of science and ethics. There is a special consideration of the limitations on human understanding which are due to the nature of our linguistic communication and our methods of analysis. Accordingly, the work presents a synthetic overview of European functionalist linguistics following Saussure, Hjelmslev, Benveniste, Martinet and Mulder. That linguistic tradition is closely related to the philosophical ideas of Kant, Herder, Cassirer and Popper and to the neurological work of Geschwind, Granit, and Eccles. Particular emphases are laid on the purposive nature of linguistic behavior; the culturally determined nature of linguistic conventions; and the important distinctions between speech, languages and Language as a general human capacity or the intension of the class of languages.

Price: $219.95

Linguistic Transformations in Romantic Aesthetics From Coleridge to Emily Dickinson
 Harris, Morag
2002 0-7734-7029-8 252 pages

Price: $199.95

Linguistic Variation in Mexican Spanish as Spoken in Two Communities: Moroléon, Mexico and Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
 Matus-Mendoza, Maríadelaluz
2002 0-7734-7149-9 144 pages

Price: $139.95

Linguistics: An Annotated Catalog of Titles in Linguistics Published by the Edwin Mellen Press
 Gascoigne, Carolyn
2020 1-4955-0811-0 100 pages
Dr. Carolyn Gascoigne catalogs the rich and diverse linguistic collection of the Edwin Mellen Press. This resource is a perfect for Linguistic scholars looking to review the published linguistic scholarship of The Edwin Mellen Press.

Price: $49.95

Literary Structures, Character Development, and Dramaturgical Scenarios in Framing the Category Novel
 St. Clair, Robert N.
2004 0-7734-6487-5 385 pages
“This book is about the putting together of stories, and Robert St. Clair is eminently qualified to teach us. A distinguished linguist, St. Clair is among those enlightened scholars whose interests range widely within (and even beyond) his area of specialty. He is generous in his interests, and vehemently democratic: he addresses what we all know and some of us will not admit – that the bias in the university against category fiction is in large part a class prejudice – and he goes on past mistrust and blame to address a marginalized subject with the attention (and the kinds of attention) it deserves.” – Michael L. Williams

Price: $239.95

Lost Notebooks of Robert Burkitt, Maya Linguist: A Record of Languages of Ancient Guatemala
 Weeks, John M.
2008 0-7734-5055-6 680 pages
This work makes accessible rare, collected linguistic data from the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth centuries. The study presents the earliest reliable records of a number of Mayan languages, as opposed to previous materials written primarily by colonial sources.

Price: $359.95

Making the Transition From an Intensive English Program to Mainstream University Courses. An Ethnographic Study
 Case, Emerson D.
2004 0-7734-6353-4 235 pages
With the globalization of English and the exponential growth in the number of foreign students enrolled in American universities and intensive English programs, understanding the processes that foreign students go through as they make the transition from intensive English program to mainstream university classes becomes extremely important.

This study is the first one to use a holistic, ethnographic approach to see the transition process from the perspective of the students themselves, over an extended period of time, as the transition is in the process of occurring. It examines the experiences of six foreign students studying in an American university as they made the transition from an Intensive English Program (IEP) into mainstream classes at a medium-sized Midwestern university. Using ethnographic methodological means, the study provides a holistic examination of the transition process as that transition occurred over an extended period of time.

Price: $179.95

Materials for the Sociolinguistic Description and Corpus-Based Study of Spanish in Barcelona: Toward a Documentation of Colloquial Spanish in Naturally Groups
 Vann, Robert
2009 0-7734-4871-3 300 pages
Despite previous explicit calls for such publications, Spanish in Catalonia still remains largely unrecognized in Spanish dialectology. This monograph provides a linguistic record that both recognizes the legitimacy of this Spanish dialect and facilitates its linguistic description and analysis.

Price: $199.95

Metaphorical Basis of Language a Study in Cross-Cultural Linguistics, or the Left-Handed Hummingbird
 Kelley, E. Morgan
1992 0-7734-9534-7 396 pages
Recognizing the device of hidden meaning in a language opens up new possibilities in exploring the prehistoric past. This books presents some mechanisms for deciphering such hidden or lost meanings and uses that to introduce a series of essay on language history change.

Price: $239.95

Names New and Old - Papers of the Names Institutevolume II Revised Second Edition
 McMullen, E. Wallace
2001 0-7734-7534-6 388 pages
These essays tell the story of geographic, literary, personal and various other types of names. Information on names is offered chronologically from 1391 when the Vivaldi brothers navigated south of Gibralta (never to return) and ushered in the age of Portuguese discovery and the assignment of names to the West African coast, up to the present time and the ‘hip-lit’ names used in Bret Easton Ellis’s Less than Zero. There are also technical studies, such as the names of drugs in the world of street-Spanish, and the sound patterns of proper names in the English language. In addition to papers from the last seven of the Names Institute’s 25 years, this volume includes new and unpublished material. Volume One, Pubs, Place-Names and Patronymics is forthcoming from Mellen.

Price: $239.95

Naming Among the Xhosa of South Africa
 Neethling, Bertie
2005 0-7734-6167-1 277 pages
This is the first comprehensive monograph on naming in the Xhosa speaking community in South Africa. Although onomastic studies in South Africa have a fairly long history, the emphasis has been mainly on toponyms, and then not on data from the indigenous African communities. With the coming into being of the Names Society of Southern Africa in 1980, as well as its official mouthpiece, the journal Nomina Africana, the discipline received a very necessary stimulus. Various contributions on Xhosa naming did appear regularly in the journal, but episodically. This work brings together all available scholarly research on Xhosa naming as well as recent research by the author. It not only covers the well-known categories such as anthroponyms and toponyms, but also lesser-known topics such as the names of minibus taxis and month names. The work also incorporates other recent and relevant onomastic studies in particularly Southern African communities. This book should be of great value to names scholars working in Southern Africa, as well as further afield. Naming in Africa often takes on other dimensions than in western society, and this work illustrates this well regarding Xhosa society. The socio-onomastic approach should also interest anthropologists, ethnographers, sociologists, cultural studies experts, and even the general public who wish to learn more about Xhosa society as reflected through naming.

Price: $199.95

Nationalism and Language in Kurdistan 1918-1985 the Language Factor in National Development
 Hassanpour, Amir
1992 0-7734-9816-8 568 pages
This is the first comprehensive study (in any language) of the historical, literary and sociolinguistic foundations of Kurdish nationalism and the conflict with the Iraqi state since its emergence under the British mandate. While it is focused on the Kurds of Iraq, the conflict between the Kurds and the central governments of Turkey, Iran, Syria and the USSR receives adequate research attention. Language is the most important indicator of Kurdish identity. The right to native-tongue education and media has been the most important demand of Kurdish nationalism in the post-WW I period. In their attempt to survive linguistic genocide, Kurdish intellectuals, political activists, and religious leaders struggled for the development of a unified national language. Standardization is treated as language development, similar and closely related to social, economic, and political development. The approach here is interdisciplinary, cutting across a number of fields in social sciences -- sociolinguistics, political science, mass media studies, education, and policy studies.

Price: $319.95

New Applications of Genre Analysis to Technical Manuals
 Felices, Ángel
2012 0-7734-2585-3 180 pages
In this study, a number of different approaches to genre analysis have been discussed, mainly those of Bhatia and Lassen, but considering also the pioneering contribution of John Swales. Both approaches offer important perspectives on the specific applications of genre models. Within this context, it is of particular relevance Inger Lassen’s developments on a genre analysis model for technical manuals and previous studies undertaken by Vijay Bhatia in the area of business and law. However, neither of the two may be statistically applied to all technical or specialized texts, due to the fact that specialized texts are continuously changing and evolving and, therefore, genre models must fit in these communicative changes. Consequently, it is suggested that genre models must be subject to flexibility during the process of text analysis, so that the communicative ideas that govern this type of discourse can be properly adapted. Lassen’s prototype has been applied to the sample technical manuals of a natural stone product, Silestone, in order to evaluate the occurrence of moves, steps or sub-steps in a different type of technical manuals and to find out relevant variations which might be applied to Lassen’s model as a result.

Price: $159.95

New Perspectives on Current Sociolinguistic Knowledge with Regard to Language Use, Proficiency, and Attitudes Among Hispanics in the U. S.the Case of a Rural Northern California Community
 Rivera-Mills, Susana V.
1999 0-7734-7906-6 196 pages
Three areas form the core of this study: patterns of language use in various functional categories for three generations of Hispanics; patterns of proficiency in English and Spanish for each generation; and conscious efforts and attitudes of individuals toward the maintenance of Spanish and various other linguistic and political topics. The Hispanic community of Fortuna, California has never been studied from a sociolinguistic perspective, yet it holds many characteristics that make it a revealing and unique case study. It is isolated from large cities and from other Hispanic communities, it is distant from the Mexican border, and it is a community of Hispanics of diverse origins. Given the unique profile of the community, this study offers new perspectives and new language models to the field of sociolinguistics.

Price: $159.95

Nineteenth-Century Irish English: A Corpus-Based Linguistic and Discursive Analysis
 Cesiri, Daniela
2012 0-7734-3070-9 200 pages
This is the first book to carefully analyze the linguistic conventions associated with Irish English folklore. Other books have studied linguistics in this language variety by studying letters, and all have ignored the use of folklore in constructing language conventions. This is the first book to discuss how peasants played a role in the construction of the Irish English languages.

The main purpose of this volume is the study of linguistic and discursive aspects of nineteenth-century Irish-English. The purpose is to introduce new insights into the historical evolution and development of this variety of dialect. This is done through the investigation of particular texts that fit a typology that until now have never been used as a source of historical dialect material. The texts chosen are written transcriptions of oral tales narrated by Irish peasant storytellers.

Price: $159.95

Old English Judith: A Study of Poetic Style, Theological Tradition and Anglo-Saxon Christian Concepts
 Kaup, Judith
2013 0-7734-4505-6 436 pages
This book offers a thorough literary, cultural and linguistic study of the Old English Judith. As a comprehensive interpretation of the text, it brings together and evaluates the work of scholars who have dealt with only individual aspects of the text. Furthermore, it places the poem within the context of the theological thought and religious poetry of Old and Middle English provenance.

This is the first book-length study of the Old-English Judith which takes in different aspects of its composition and reception. An original work containing research on Anglo-Saxon material and the topic of Judith overall written in German and makes it accessible in English. A contribution to the field.

Price: $259.95

Old Germanic Cosmography: Language and Myth
 Toporova, T. V.
1999 0-7734-3212-4 168 pages
The well-known specialist in Old German literature explains here the relationships between language and myth at the area of cosmogony interpreted as a basis of the internal dynamics of Old Germanic mythology. Using the creation myth as the basis to structure the numerous mythological data, the author classifies them on the axiological scale of the Old Germanic model of the universe. The author reconstructs the various mythological topics, motives and mythologemes and gives their linguistic equivalents and Indo-European parallels (both mythological and linguistic ones). The book is intended for specialists in the field of Old Germanic languages, comparative linguistics, literature, ethnography and cultural studies. In Russian

Price: $159.95

Pearl Poem an Introduction and Interpretation
 Bond, George D.
1991 0-88946-309-3 150 pages
A treatment of the poem as a maze, a metaphor for the labyrinthine life of art and belief.

Price: $139.95

Perspectives on Foreign Language Immersion Programs
 Kinberg, Margot
2001 0-7734-7378-5 116 pages
This volume examines immersion programs from several perspectives: historical, pedagogical, research, case study, and policy, providing a more comprehensive picture of them than is currently available. It also adds the voices of teachers and students in immersion programs, and suggests areas in which further research would be beneficial.

Price: $119.95

 Griffen, Toby D.
2004 0-7734-6377-1 157 pages
Traditional Welsh poetry has been marked by patterns of correspondences among sounds in alliterations and rhyme. Ostensibly, these correspondences have depended upon precise phonetic matches following prescribed patterns. However, throughout the history of Welsh literature, there have been apparent lapses and exceptions to this phonetic regularity. This work proposes that these apparent phonetic irregularities in the history of Welsh literature derive not from the actual acoustic phonetic perceptions of the poets and reciters, but rather from the manner in which we have described the sounds themselves as letters or as phonetic segments. This work is of importance not only to Welsh and Celtic Studies in general, but also to phonetics, linguistics, and poetics.

Price: $139.95

Pragmatic Construction of the Self in English Composition Theory
 Zeppetello, Joseph
1999 0-7734-7993-7 156 pages
This study deals with the emergence of the writing self as it stands in English composition theory today. This discussion is divided into three categories: the essentialist self, the linguistic self, and the pragmatic self. After an analysis of the evolution of philosophical constructions of the self, this work proposes a pragmatic, ironist self based on the later work of Richard Rorty.

Price: $139.95

 Fallon, Peter K.
2005 0-7734-6033-0 228 pages
This book details the history of the spread of printing and literacy in eighteenth century Ireland. In addition to being a historical survey, it is also a study, in the “media ecological” vein, that explores what happens when a new technology is introduced to a given culture. This work answers three key questions: first, why did print technology take so long (300 years after Gutenberg) to become a cultural influence in Ireland; second, why was there an “explosion” of printing and presses in Ireland between 1750 and 1800 and finally, why, when a printing industry had been established, was almost the entire output of printed literature in English rather than the Irish language?

Price: $179.95

Reading the New Testamentexercises for Beginning Readers of the Greek New Testament
 Hurtgen, John Eric
1988 0-7734-9792-7 171 pages
Introduces the beginning Greek student to the reading of the Greek New Testament text almost immediately. Structured to deepen the student's love for the New Testament and desire to read it regularly not only as a tool for study, but as a element of devotional life. Available at special price for text use.

Price: $159.95

Relationship of Ethnic Self-Identification of Latter Generations of Louisiana’s Sicilian-americans to Their Use of Ethnic Colloquial Phrases
 Barattini, Kathryn DeFatta
2000 0-7734-7796-9 104 pages
This study is unique in that it examines latter generation ethnic Americans, as opposed to recent immigrants, and their sense of ethnic self-identification as it relates to their use of limited colloquial ethnic phrases and words, as opposed to their fluency in their ethnic native tongue. It uses Correlational Analyses to identify relationships among the language use and ethnic self-identification variables, and multiple regression analyses were used to determine predicting variables for ethnic identification and the degree to which respondents felt close to their ethnic heritage when using ethnic words and/or phrases.

Price: $119.95

Repertorium Siglorum Acronyms and Abbreviations in Philology and Related Subjects Abreviaturas Usadas En Los Antiguos Estudios Sigles Et Abréviations En Études Anciennes Et Dans Les Sujets Connexes Vol. 1
 Tremblay, Florent
2002 0-7734-7181-2 396 pages
This book is a response to a need often expressed by both students and researchers in philology, classical studies, and related fields in the humanities. Indeed, it is scarcely possible to read an article, whether in a scholarly journal or daily newspaper, without coming up against an incredible number of initialisms, abbreviations, or acronyms. This 2-volume work, in modern dictionary form, gives as exhaustive a list as possible of the abbreviations used, and appends useful information: the author’s name, the place and date of publication, and other relevant details. Entries containing non-Roman characters (such as Cyrillic or Slavic) are transliterated and also given in their original languages. Journals that list their titles in several languages on their title pages are listed by each of those titles. Over 27,000 acronyms and abbreviations appear here.

Price: $239.95

Repertorium Siglorum Acronyms and Abbreviations in Philology and Related Subjects Abreviaturas Usadas En Los Antiguos Estudios Sigles Et Abréviations En Études Anciennes Et Dans Les Sujets Connexes Vol. 2
 Tremblay, Florent
2002 0-7734-7185-5 382 pages
This book is a response to a need often expressed by both students and researchers in philology, classical studies, and related fields in the humanities. Indeed, it is scarcely possible to read an article, whether in a scholarly journal or daily newspaper, without coming up against an incredible number of initialisms, abbreviations, or acronyms. This 2-volume work, in modern dictionary form, gives as exhaustive a list as possible of the abbreviations used, and appends useful information: the author’s name, the place and date of publication, and other relevant details. Entries containing non-Roman characters (such as Cyrillic or Slavic) are transliterated and also given in their original languages. Journals that list their titles in several languages on their title pages are listed by each of those titles. Over 27,000 acronyms and abbreviations appear here.

Price: $239.95

Role of Discourse Markers in the Structuring of Discourse: A Study of the Use of the Word alors in the French Language
 Moine, André G.
2005 0-7734-6203-1 184 pages
Discourse markers are the word insertions that people engage to provide continuity in conversations. Examples of discourse markers in English would include “like”, “you know”, “and” and “uh”. This study examines the use of the discourse marker “alors” in the French language.

Price: $159.95

Role of Music in Second Language Acquisition: A Bibliographical Review of Seventy Years of Research, 1937-2007
 Sposet, Barbara A.
2008 0-7734-5066-1 148 pages
In addition to its primary focus, this work includes rationales for uses of technology in second language acquisition and provides an abundant list of resources.

Price: $139.95

Russian Words Borrowed into Modern Chinese: A Contact Lingustic Approach
 Li, Suogui
2018 1-4955-0679-7 632 pages
This book is based on an exhaustive analysis of 2,064 Russian terms that have been adapted from the Russian language into the modern Chinese language.

Price: $339.95

Russian- English Comparative Explanatory Dictionary of Basic Terms and Notions on Russian Land Relations, Land Ownership and Land Tenure
 Belenkiy, Vladimir
2003 0-7734-6729-7 326 pages
This two-volume dictionary contains over 1800 terms on land tenure and land relations, describing and analyzing the different experiences and approaches to the regulation and use of land. The encyclopedia is presented in both Russian and English, with facing-page translation.

Price: $219.95

Russian-English Comparative Explanatory Dictionary of Basic Terms and Notions on Russian Land Relations, Land Ownership and Land Tenure
 Belenkiy, Vladimir
2003 0-7734-6731-9 326 pages
This two-volume dictionary contains over 1800 terms on land tenure and land relations, describing and analyzing the different experiences and approaches to the regulation and use of land. The encyclopedia is presented in both Russian and English, with facing-page translation.

Price: $219.95

Sarcasm and Other Mixed Messages
 Rockwell, Patricia Ann
2006 0-7734-5917-0 176 pages
This book presents a compilation of sarcasm research with the hope that researchers from many different disciplines will discover new avenues of inquiry into the field. Sarcasm has many definitions, and this variety shapes how researchers see it. Sarcasm is portrayed in most dictionary references as negative behavior; it is designed to wound, insult, or taunt. It is characterized as cutting and contemptuous. However, some researchers say that much sarcasm involves teasing and joking. Sarcasm is relatively common, although most instances of sarcasm tend to be isolated. Researchers report different types of sarcasm.

Sarcasm is a type of irony, according to most researchers, and irony is just one of many figures of speech. Some researchers argue that sarcasm and irony are intrinsically different, but others suggest that they are identical for all practical purposes. Although all figures of speech are related to sarcasm/irony to some extent because they are non-literal, the figures of speech called hyperbole (overstatement or exaggeration) and meiosis (understatement) are most similar.

Most sarcasm is linguistic, philosophical, or literary in nature. Most researchers utilize experimental methods, but other forms of research have advocates also. The vast majority of studies mentioned in this book consider elements of comprehension rather than production. Researchers have less often considered sarcastic speakers and what motivates them to use sarcasm. This appears to be changing, however. This book looks at all methodology used in sarcasm research and considers what has been most productive as well as problems that exist with the various research methods.

Price: $159.95

Seeking Sartre’s Style. Stylistic inroads into Les Chemins de la Liberte
 Silvester, Rosalind
2003 0-7734-6684-3 204 pages
This study looks at Jean Sartre’s trilogy through the interdisciplinary angle of philosophy and linguistics. Moving from the conventional study of prose narrative, this book provides a rewarding understanding and appreciation of Sartre’s use of language in Les Chemins de la liberté. With the application of various stylistic procedures, practical examples of textual analysis are given and act as a useful tool for students of stylistics.

Price: $179.95

 Hsu, Kylie
2002 0-7734-7114-6 136 pages
This study presents a variety of issues in Mandarin Chinese morphology. First, it addresses the issue of what constitutes a Mandarin "word". Then, it presents phonological and morph phonological processes involving all three dimensions of Mandarin word structure, i.e., syllable, tone, and character. Preface; This research study makes important contributions to the field of Chinese linguistics. It focuses on the application of contemporary linguistic theories and practices in the analysis of Mandarin Chinese word structure.

Price: $139.95

Semantics and Pragmatics of Verbal Categories in Bulgarian
 Fielder, Grace E.
1993 0-7734-9313-1 460 pages
This study examines the choice of tense, aspect and mood categories in subordinate clauses as a function of the utterance meaning. Examines the grammatical (or morphosyntactic), lexical, semantic and pragmatic components. The data have been taken from contemporary Bulgarian prose and tested extensively with native speakers of Bulgarian. Sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic factors are included in the discussion. The study provides not only a significant resource for real language data, but also addresses the theoretical implications of a "context" approach. This study is intended for both the Slavic and general linguist, and a knowledge of Bulgarian is not assumed.

Price: $279.95

Semiotics of World Literature
 Moriarity, Michael E.
1996 0-7734-8776-X 340 pages
This exegetical survey of world literature from a Saussurean point of view contributes to the application of general semiotics to the study of literature by presenting a critical interpretation of selected passages in the history of world literature. The premise is that paradigmatic and syntagmatic considerations help to define the values and themes of the episteme of a literary period. Although a diachronic approach predominates in traditional studies of world literature with an emphasis on the Western tradition, this work takes a global approach that recognizes the importance of diversity and multicultural studies in fostering a mature semiotics of literature that includes Asian and African literary products as well as European and American texts. Thus, it presents an effort to synthesize and interpret selected literary texts from the preliterate pictorial representations of a cultural episteme to the contemporary representations about postmodern dilemmas such as the AIDS epidemic.

Price: $219.95

Social and Linguistic Heritage of Native Peoples in the Americas
 Van Broekhoven, Laura N.K.
2006 0-7734-5639-2 308 pages
This book brings together ten essays relating to the manner in which postcolonial research is conducted and information put forth on the representation of indigenous cultures in the Americas. Divided into three parts, Part One describes the current state of affairs of postcolonial studies in the North American region; Part Two explores Mesoamerican culture, and Ñuu Savi and Zapotec studies in particular; and Part Three looks at the Andean region.

Price: $219.95

Social Semiotics of Relational Terminology at Zuni Pueblo
 Watts, Linda K.
2001 0-7734-7660-1 244 pages
The author conducted ethnolinguistic fieldwork at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, focussed on the folk semantics, linguistic composition and reported situational use of Zuni relational terminology. A social semiotic analysis relates these ethnolinguistic data to a revisionist, cultural model of Zuni social organization. Rather than a situation of wholesale cultural and linguistic loss due to acculturative influences such as Kroeber had asserted in 1917, this study finds a high degree of persistence in traditional patterns of Zuni social integration as reflected in the contemporary meanings and use of Zuni relational terminology.

Price: $179.95

Socio and Stylo Linguistic Perspectives on American Indian English Texts
 Bartelt, Guillermo
2001 0-7734-7346-7 176 pages
The emerging theme is the (re)construction of American Indian tribal identities in terms of a newly created intertribal consciousness in an urban setting. The work introduces an ethnography of writing approach not only as a contribution to the intersection of linguistics and literature in general but as a valid approach to American Indian texts in particular.

Price: $159.95

Sociology of Knowledge as a Model for Language Theory
 St. Clair, Robert N.
2006 0-7734-5826-3 452 pages
The theoretical foundations of the language sciences have been dominated by the natural sciences. This has been done in spite of the fact that language also functions as legitimate paradigms in the social sciences and the humanities. This volume presents a rationale for a model of language as a social science. It incorporates many concepts from the social sciences into its new theoretical framework.

Price: $279.95

SocioprÁgmatica Y RetÓrica Interpersonal: La CortesÍa InglÉs Y Castellano
 Ardila, J A G
2005 0-7734-6300-3 316 pages
Comparatist research on Peninsular Spanish and British English politeness has largely been approached from the viewpoint of pragmatics. In this book, J. A. G. Ardila discusses the linguistic. paralinguistic and semiologic features of politeness in Spain and Britain, and futher presents the s6cial and historical reasons that help to explain Spain's positive politeness.

The three first chapters examine the chief linguistic theories on politeness. In addition to discussing politeness according to three different levels of performance, these chapters argue for an analytical understanding of politeness as the result from Leech's principles of interpersonal rhetoric, the situational contextualisation as it is viewed by Lakoff, and the pragmatic phenomena pointed out by Fraser. The author also vindicates the so-called theory of the concentric circles, which encourages the analysis of paralinguistics and semiology by which politeness is embedded in all communicative acts. His discussion of deixis in politeness allows for an analysis of the terms of address, the usage of third-person pronouns, phatic communion and turn-taking in Spanish and English. Paralinguistic and semiologic uses are also portrayed as being key elements in polite communication as the differences exposed here prove.

The general study of linguistics, paralinguistics and semiology in politeness agrees with the thesis that attaches positive politeness to Peninsular Spanish. However. rather than complying vith this conclusion, in this book Ardila scrutinises the essence of Peninsular politeness. In proving that face corresponds with the Spanish concept honra, the author illustrates the nature of Spanish politeness with a number of literary texts, in particular Lazarillo de Tormes, as well as with texts by Ortega y Gasset, Unamuno and Larra, and other modem writers, such as Umbral, Javier Marias and Juan Manuel de Prada. Building on William of Ockham 's theories, Ardila focuses on the foil individualisation and individualism in order to draw a definition of Spanish and British politeness models that goes beyond those hitherto proposed.

Price: $219.95

Sounds of Qur’anic Recitation in Egypt: A Phonetic Analysis
 Elashiry, Mohammed R.
2008 0-7734-4836-5 380 pages
This work reports the results of an instrumental investigation into some phonetic aspects of Qur’anic recitation as performed in Egypt today. Particular attention is given to comparisons between styles, voice registers and trained and untrained performers. Seven reciters, four non-professional and three professional, served as subjects.

Price: $239.95

Speak the Way You Write and Write the Way You Speak: A Guide to Effective Communication
 Moss, Grant D.
2019 1-4955-0791-2 80 pages
Dr. Moss Grant reviews the relationship between how words are spoken and how they are written. Its goal is to set a standard for clear and understandable communication, whether written or spoken.

Price: $79.95

Speak the Way You Write and Write the Way You Speak: A Guide to Effective Communication (Softcover)
 Moss, Grant D.
2021 1-4955-0879-X 80 pages

Price: $79.95

 Shearer, Walter
2002 0-7734-7306-8 320 pages
This monograph is a compilation of first-language speaker populations and other data of all the non-Han languages and dialects of China (including Taiwan) identified as of the end of 1998. It makes available for the first time in English information about these populations and contains the latest data on newly identified languages and dialects that have not yet been published. The information for each language includes: name(s) and dialects known; populations for each; locations of speakers in China and neighboring countries; intelligibility information; official nationality classification of the speakers; and alternate classification or status designations that have been proposed.

Price: $219.95

Struggle and Survival of the Pre-Roman Languages of the Iberian Peninsula
 Jiménez, Enrique
2001 0-7734-7328-9 168 pages
This work provides an overview of the Pre-Roman languages. It compares theories presented by researchers in the field of the historical sociology of language, and reviews current theories about the Iberian, Tartessian, Basque, and Indo-European language families.

Price: $159.95

 Knappert, Jan
1999 0-7734-7880-9 186 pages
After an explanatory Preface and Introduction, chapters include: The Discovery; The Oldest Texts; The Origin; The Poets; Informants; The Singers; Priorities; Documentation; Collation; Editing; Analysis and Translation; The Translator and the Culture; the Translator as Ethnographer; Cnclusion. Works Cited – Abdu Rahmani; Adamu; The Creation of Adam; Ayubu; Badiri; Barasisi; Burudai, the Mantle; Daudi, Durari l’Bahiya; Esha (Ayesha); Fatima; Futuhu Li Maka; Habibu bin Maliki; Hadija; Mwana Hasina; Haudaji; Hejira; Herekali; Hudu; Husayn/Huseni; Ibrahim; Nabi Isa (Jesus); Isibani or Utenzi wa Katirifu or Ghazwa ya Sesebani; Khaibari; Kishamia; Kozi na Ndiwa; Kutawafu; Kutawafu kwa Nabii; Liongo; Masaibu; Maulidi; Bahira (Continuation of Maulidi); Miiraji; Mikidadi na Mayasa; Mudhari bin Darimi or the Twenty Questions; Musa - Utenzi wa Munajati ya Nabii Musa na Mungu; Mwanzo; Nuhu; Rasi Li Ghuli; Salehe; Shamia; Utenzi wa Shufaka; Sikandari; Sulemani; Uumbaji; Yunusi; Yusufu; Zanzibar Complete List of Swahili Poems Known to January 1, 1996

Price: $159.95

Syntactic and Literary Analysis of Ancient Northwest Semitic Inscriptions
 Schade, Aaron
2006 0-7734-5526-4 344 pages
Northwest Semitic syntax has been explored extensively on word, phrasal, and clausal levels. This has contributed much to our understanding of the languages in this linguistic family. There have also been numerous studies on micro level and isolated occurrences of literary devices within the corpus of texts. This work examines Northwest Semitic inscriptional material from the 10th – 5th centuries BCE and includes writings predominantly from the Phoenician, Moabite, and Hebrew languages. The inscriptions are analyzed based on a text level approach, and it will be demonstrated how clauses and sentences work together to form larger syntactic units. Additionally, the literary structure of the texts will be defined and the function of the macro level literary devices will be explained. As these larger levels of literary devices can only be detected when viewed in combination with the syntax of the compositions as a whole, the two approaches will be explained independently, yet cooperatively. Thus, the syntax and literary structure of the texts will compliment each other, as the syntax is the vehicle that conveys the literary devices within the inscriptions.

Price: $219.95

Syntactical Comparisons Between Classical Hebrew and Classical Arabic. A Study Based on the Translation of Mohammad Cid’s Arabic Grammar
 Griess, Ihab Joseph
2008 0-7734-5013-0 332 pages
A resource for students and scholars of Semitic Languages that provides a better understanding of the elaboration of Biblical Hebrew.

Price: $219.95

T.H. WHITE’S REINTERPRETATION OF MALORY’S LE MORTE D'ARTHUR: An Analysis of Shifting Meaning and Unstable Language
 Boyle, Louis J.
2009 0-7734-4814-4 200 pages
Explores the complexities of unstable signification in the Arthurian work of T H White and his source, Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte Darthur". This study demonstrates that the unstable signification so important to Malory's Arthurian world informs White's handling of his own version of the story.

Price: $159.95

THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW RHETORIC SINCE THE 1960s: A History of the Linguistic Reformation of American Culture
 Borkowski, David
2008 0-7734-5130-7 400 pages
This study deals with the impact “The Sixties” had on writing instruction, particularly how expressivism as composition pedagogy emerged out of the reassessment of traditional schools of writing. The investigation explores the historical context that sparked contemporary expressivism and traces its trajectory through that turbulent era, including how overall educational reform initiatives also grew out of that period’s social movements, especially the Civil Rights Movement.

Price: $239.95

The Evolution of Germanic Phonological Systems: Proto-German, Gothic, West Germanic, and Scandinavian
 Plotkin, Vulf
2008 0-7734-5020-3 248 pages
This work expounds a new approach to fundamental problems of phonology, based on applying principles of general systemics to linguistic exploration. The proposed approach is then applied to the historical evolution of Germanic phonological systems since the separation of Proto-Germanic from Proto-Indo-European, concluding with modern German, English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. It is demonstrated that these divergent evolutionary lines have been continuous cause-and-effect chains, and that the root causes of phonological evolution lie in the restructurings on the systemic tier of the ultimate phonological quanta.

Price: $179.95

The First French-Huron Dictionary by Father Jean De BrÉbeuf and His Jesuit Brethren
 Steckley, John
2010 0-7734-3616-2 260 pages
This work provides, for the first time, the Jesuit lexical and grammatical description of the Huron language. It includes a translation and analysis of what may be the oldest surviving French-Huron dictionary composed by French-Jesuit missionaries, dated to sometime during the 1640s or 1650s. The work of the missionaries with Father Jean de Brébeuf’s early studies in the 1620s to Father Pierre Potier’s efforts during the mid-eighteenth century established a body of linguistic work unique from any other Aboriginal language in the Americas.

Price: $199.95

The Hispanicization of the United States: The Latino Challenge to American Culture (NYRB Softcover price)
 Bazan-Gonzalez, Patricia
2020 1-4955-0849-8 152 pages
The transformation and reincarnation of culture is underway in the United States and has been ongoing for hundreds of years. England and Spain each played prominent roles in influencing the historical “founding” of what America has become for nearly five centuries. This study emerges as a leading identifier of the many historical and ingrained social nuances this hybrid culture – Hispanicity – employs as it continues to modify and challenge every cultural aspect of modern society in the United States.

Price: $29.95

THE HMONG LANGUAGE IN WISCONSIN: Language Shift and Pragmatic Change
 Burt, Susan Meredith
2010 0-7734-1294-8 282 pages
This work demonstrates the change in how speakers use language to request, thank, and perform other interpersonal verbal tasks in Hmong, an immigrant language now spoken in Wisconsin, Minnesota and California, as well as in its native Laos. Since the changes that have taken place in Hmong follow directly from the language's extended contact with American English, this book illustrates the localized, specific, pragmatic effects of language globalization on a small, displaced language community.

Price: $199.95

The Human Condition in Rousseau's Essay on the Origin of Languages
 Kelly, Gary M.
2021 1-4955-0922-2 264 pages
From the Abstract:
"...this book aims to integrate the thematic question of who man is and the disciplinary question of how man knows, treating the Essay in its own right, standing on its own feet. The book will maintain that the Essay delivers an audial self combining the thematic who and the disciplinary how, a self whose reason links sense to soul through originating the activities of speaking, listening and hearing. These activities are grounded in an audial self whose internal reasoned operations include contemplation, anticipation and suspension, not only delivering sense to soul, but recalling and ratifying the self in man to self."

Price: $199.95

 Hussein, Lutfi
2009 0-7734-4859-4 192 pages
This work examines the discursive construction of social identity of Arab-American groups on the World Wide Web (WWW).

Price: $159.95

The Lakota Wind Divinity: An Anthropological and Sociolinguistic Study
 Bartelt, Guillermo
2024 1-4955-1272-X 140 pages
"After surveying selected animistic breath-wind constructs in Native America, this study focuses on the variant articulated by the Lakota, many of whom continue to participate in traditional religious observances such as the Sweat Lodge, a purification ceremony, the Sun Dance, a world renewal celebration, and the yuwipi, a shamanic curing ritual." -Dr. Guillermo Bartelt, "Introduction"

Price: $139.95

The Limits of Language: A Comparative Study of Kant, Wittgenstein, and Lao Tzu
 Shen, Aimin
2011 0-7734-1547-5 240 pages
Prof. Shen utilizes ideas from the Tao, Kant, Wittgenstein and the transcendental to move beyond the a priori, a posteriori and the limits imposed by language. The contribution of this book cannot be stated in mere words.

Price: $179.95

The Linguistic Christ: Understanding Christ as the Logos of Language, the Metaphysical Etymology of Heideggerian Linguistics
 Williams, Duane
2011 0-7734-1567-X 508 pages
This study begins by drawing attention to assumptions that are made about language, which it seeks to question. Whilst continuing the line of Christian tradition that marries Jewish religion with Greek philosophy, this study also aims to reinterpret that tradition in the light of more recent thought on the Logos that comes from Martin Heidegger.

Price: $299.95

 Petty, Jonathan Christian
2022 1-4955-0990-7 188 pages
This work applies tenets of Group Mental System theory to the Madama Butterfly: "The main tenet of this theory is that the sole linguistic object of music, language of the emotions, is Self. Musical language qualifies Self by qualifying its affect (emotions, moods, dispositions). ...[I]t is of particular interest to consider those musical works in which alterations to the Self play a direct role. One such work is Puccini's Madama Butterfly." -Jonathan Christian Petty

Price: $159.95

The Mystery of the Sicilian Sub-Dialect, Sanfratellan, Transformed in the Twelfth Century by the Normans, the ProvenÇals and the Gallo-Italians
 Privitera, Joseph F.
2002 0-7734-7034-4 196 pages
This is a philological study of Sanfratellan, whose origin has baffled scholars for centuries. It demonstrates, through language analysis, that when the Normans invaded Sicily in the 11th century, they left in San Fratello a large contingent of Frenchmen from the south of France. These soldier-settlers spoke Provençal, which over the years melded with the town’s proto-Sicilian to form an amalgam which now sounds as French as it does Sicilian. It is understood only by Sanfratellans and not by any other Sicilians. This study is one of the most outstanding contributions to Italian dialectology of the 20th century; yet it reads like an exciting historical whodunit. It will be of interest to language scholars and historians as well as anyone interested in Italy and its past.

Price: $159.95

 Hamnett, Keith
2011 0-7734-3639-1 268 pages
This study examines the current situation of the Celtic languages in Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It demonstrates how, over a significant period of time, they shifted under pressure from the domination of English from monolingualism to bilingualism.

Price: $199.95

The Relative Clause in Old English: An Analysis of Syntactic and Stylistic Ambiguity
 Troup, Andrew C.
2010 0-7734-1380-4 132 pages
This study of the Old English relative clause arises largely in response to Bruce Mitchell’s Old English Syntax, a work of enormous scope which appeared in 1985. Whereas Mitchell’s work covers the entire range of sentence structures in the language, my study focuses on a single type—the relative clause.

Price: $139.95

The Rhetorical Use of Provocation as a Means of Persuasion in the Writings of Walter Pater (1839-1894), English Essayist and Cultural Critic: Pater as Controversialist
 Coates, John
2011 0-7734-1504-1 484 pages
This work explores Pater’s work as a public act undertaken to persuade his readers. Rather than thematic analysis or psychological speculation, it argues that Pater is more profitably approached by examining how his style worked to win over the public and by looking at the views he sought to challenge.

Price: $279.95

The Romanian Dialect of Moldova: A Study in Language and Politics
 Dyer, Donald L.
1999 0-7734-8037-4 220 pages
For half a century, Soviet linguists tried to drive a wedge between the Romanians of Moldova and their ethnic and linguistic kindred across the river in Romania. Attempts were made to create an independent literary language called ‘Moldavian', which according to Soviet linguistics and their followers was lexically, phonologically, even grammatically distinct from standard Romanian. These attempts failed, but for most of the Soviet period, the Romanian of Moldova.

The present work examines through a series of contemporary essays the history of Soviet language policy in Moldova. Special attentions is paid to the actual dialectal features of Moldovan Romanian, its borrowed lexical stock from Russian and the relationship between the Romanian of Moldova and other languages spoken in the region, such as Bulgarian and Gagauz. A special feature is a series of interviews in the appendices, with both politicians and academicians, including Mircea Snegur, President of Moldova.

Price: $179.95

THE WYANDOT LANGUAGE: Structure and Dictionary
 Steckley, John
2021 1-4955-0919-2 244 pages
Dr. John Steckley teaches at Humber College and has been studying the Huron language for over thirty years. He received his doctorate in Education from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

Price: $179.95

The “Life Map” as an Implicit Cognitive Structure Underlying Behavior
 Watts, Linda K.
2011 0-7734-1559-9 192 pages
An innovative examination of the “Life Map”, which conceives a new method for the practice of psychology.

Price: $159.95

Theory of Iconic Realism: Understanding the Arts Through Cultural Context
 Lakatos, Jeanne I.
2009 0-7734-4870-5 132 pages
Artists in literature, fine art and music affect their audiences’ awareness of possibilities in cultural change through their use of iconic realism by representing concepts in need of transformation. The study of iconic realism offers an exploration of semiotic theory and iconic structures within the arts.

Price: $139.95

Time Transcending Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe: An Explanation of the Mechanics of His Poetic Speech
 Studniarz, Slawomir
2016 1-4955-0459-X 323 pages
Monograph focuses on the poetic output of Edgar Allan Poe offering a new approach to his verse, whereby his poems are treated as unique phono-semantic structures, requiring specific interpretative procedures that bring to light the close correspondence between the phonetic orchestration and the semantic dimension in Poe’s poetry.

Price: $219.95

Tonal Grammar of Kinyarwanda - Autosegmental and Metrical Analysis
 Kimenyi, Alexandre
2002 0-7734-7161-8 452 pages

Price: $279.95

Trends in English and American Studies Literature and the Imagination Essays in Honour of James Lester Hogg
 Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine
1996 0-7734-8747-6 459 pages
This volume contains 32 essays which deal with modern trends in criticism in American and English literary and linguistic studies.

Price: $279.95

Tri-cultural Personality ( Chinese, Hispanic, English): A Paradigm for Connecting Culture Differences
 Yang, Mimi Y.
2014 0-7734-3513-1 172 pages
A new direction in multicultural studies. This in-depth intercultural mirroring study examines the convergence of the Chinese, English, and Spanish worlds from a cultural and language perspective. The interlocking of three seemingly foreign mindsets in dealing with issues of nationalism, power, personal identity and life expectations opens a new window exposing our similarities through our intercultural connectors. The reader is taken on a new and fresh journey away from the routine stereotypical approach that relies on examining cultural diversity.

Price: $159.95

Universal Quantification with Skolemization as Evidenced in Chinese and English
 Huang, Shi-Zhe
2005 0-7734-6240-6 184 pages
This book is concerned with the formal definition of universal quantification. The central claim advanced here is that the formal definition of EVERY, which stands for any distributive universal quantifier, ought to incorporate a skolem function to capture the paired reading that for every x there is a y. We claim that this paired reading is present in all universal quantifier sentences. This definition of EVERY requires a variable in the scope of the universal quantifier word. This is so because the skolem function facilitates the paired reading by linking the choice of the value for y with the choice of the value for x. Under this view, securing a variable in the scope of a universal quantifier word becomes a make-or-break requirement of universal quantification. The issues dealt with in this book are highly theoretical and formal, but we approach them almost entirely from an empirical perspective, supporting the skolemized definition of EVERY with evidence drawn exclusively from natural language data, mostly from Chinese, but with some crucial data from English as well. This book makes a contribution to the study of universal quantification, scoping properties of indefinites in Chinese, semantic properties of the Chinese adverb dou and a number of conjunction and additive words, and event semantics. It also offers a novel way of explaining the interaction of dou with interrogative Wh-phrases.

Price: $159.95

Volume 1: History of Metaphors of Nature
 Norwick, Stephen A.
2006 0-7734-5592-2 492 pages
Modern European languages have a large number of metaphors which represent the whole of nature. Many of these, such as Mother Nature, the celestial harmony, the great chain of being, and the book of nature, are used in natural science and in literature. Most of these words can be traced back into prehistory where they arose mythologically from the same small set of images. Metaphors have a powerful influence on the framing of scientific hypothesis making, and so these words have guided the history of natural science, for good or ill, for several millennia. Newtonian mechanics, for example was motivated by the idea of celestial harmony, whereas Darwin used the images of the great chain of being and Mother Nature, and James Hutton created modern geology and ecology by mixing the images of nature as the macrocosm, and as a machine.

The images elicited by these phrases have also been important in the development of the positive feeling for nature, which existed in the Hellenic and Hellenistic society, which was lost in the Middle Ages, and which has been developing again since the Renaissance, and especially since Earth Day, 1970. Each chapter in this book is a parallel longitudinal history of a word or phrase which represents the whole of nature, and which has influenced natural science and general literature, and especially North American Nature writing. Ironically, as natural science developed, and enabled our technological society to destroy natural areas more and more rapidly, science strengthened the fundamental images of nature, and was used by nature writers to encourage a revaluing of the natural world.

Price: $279.95

Volume 2: History of Metaphors of Nature
 Norwick, Stephen A.
2006 0-7734-5593-0 484 pages
Modern European languages have a large number of metaphors which represent the whole of nature. Many of these, such as Mother Nature, the celestial harmony, the great chain of being, and the book of nature, are used in natural science and in literature. Most of these words can be traced back into prehistory where they arose mythologically from the same small set of images. Metaphors have a powerful influence on the framing of scientific hypothesis making, and so these words have guided the history of natural science, for good or ill, for several millennia. Newtonian mechanics, for example was motivated by the idea of celestial harmony, whereas Darwin used the images of the great chain of being and Mother Nature, and James Hutton created modern geology and ecology by mixing the images of nature as the macrocosm, and as a machine.

The images elicited by these phrases have also been important in the development of the positive feeling for nature, which existed in the Hellenic and Hellenistic society, which was lost in the Middle Ages, and which has been developing again since the Renaissance, and especially since Earth Day, 1970. Each chapter in this book is a parallel longitudinal history of a word or phrase which represents the whole of nature, and which has influenced natural science and general literature, and especially North American Nature writing. Ironically, as natural science developed, and enabled our technological society to destroy natural areas more and more rapidly, science strengthened the fundamental images of nature, and was used by nature writers to encourage a revaluing of the natural world.

Price: $279.95

Wagner's Lexical Tonality
 Petty, Jonathan Christian
2005 0-7734-6007-1 632 pages
This book re-theorizes Wagner’s post-Opera and Drama tonal language in the linguistic terms in which the composer himself conceived and executed the Ring of the Nibelung and Parsifal. Topics include Wagner’s lexical use of key; the composition of semantics from tonal lexicality and orthodox tonal syntax; the cognitive structure of tonal language [TL] semantics, the linguistic coordination of words and keys; Wagner’s concept of Tonal Households and the alignment of TL syntax with poetically specified protagonists, objects, and dramatic situations; key characteristics and TL Lexemes as public cultural linguistic properties; the virtual spatiality of TL syntax and semantics; TL spatiality and spatialized emotions; and tonal cartography. The four scores of the Ring dramas are analyzed bar-by-bar to derive a complete linear harmonic analysis-based readout of each of its keys and claimed lexical referent. The result–over 3,780 TL lexemes–is the first TL Lexicon of the entire Ring. Two concluding chapters on Parsifal discuss its mediaeval sources as suggested by Wagner’s prose writings, letters, and religious discourse to argue for the Gnostic and alchemistic basis of its libretto imagery, lexical tonality, and anti-Semitism. Throughout, lexical theory is argued against in-depth critiques of the theories of Heinrich Schenker and others.

Price: $339.95

Wilhelm Von Humboldt’s Philosophy of Language, Its Sources and Influence
 Stubbs, Elsina
2001 0-7734-7615-6 372 pages
This study argues that Humboldt’s philosophy of language should be seen as a coherent system in which he envisages the interaction of thought, perception and imagination. It underlines the significance of Humboldt’s approach to his philosophical sources and his clarification and development of ideas embodied in those sources. The discussion brings into focus the thought of such eminent philosophers as Leibniz, Condillac, Herder, and Kant, who exercised a profound influence on Humboldt’s thought.

Price: $239.95

Word Order of Old High German
 Bernhardt, Karl A.
1997 0-7734-8463-9 140 pages
Based on the corpus of the Old High German Tatian Gospel Translations, which are shown to be independent in word order from their Latin original, this book presents an analysis of word order within the clause categories of traditional grammar. Each clause category is shown to be the domain of a discrete word order type. Patterns are identified and illustrated by examples, and in most cases may be regarded as approaching the status of rules. Exceptions are discussed, and suggested motivations for departing from word order patters established, including emphatic, rhythmic and stylistic factors.

Price: $139.95

Word-Order of Aelfric
 Davis, Graeme
1997 0-7734-8649-6 312 pages
One of the most interesting issues in Old English syntax is word-order or element-order. This volume provides a descriptive study of word-order (or element-order) within specified clause types in a corpus drawn from Ælfric's Catholic Homilies and Supplementary Homilies. A sample of 11,543 clauses has been analyzed, divided into fourteen clause categories. A survey of the element-order within each category is presented, with copious examples and full statistics. Attention is paid both to the order of single elements in relation to the verb phrase, and to patterns of element-order within clauses. An extensive description of the position of the adverbial element is included. The rhythmic and non-rhythmic prose of Ælfric is contrasted, showing that although there is a broad similarity between the two styles, significant differences do nonetheless exist. The results show both that there are marked tendencies within element-order which approach the status of rules, and also that there is a substantial measure of stylistic freedom.

Price: $219.95

“PERSONHOOD” An Examination of the History and Use of an Anthropological Concept
 Appell-Warren, Laura
2014 0-7734-0053-2 292 pages
A comprehensive analysis of how the concept of personhood has been used by anthropologists and how it should be used in the future…This book is a very valuable contribution to the study of the history of anthropological thought, as well as a tremendously useful guide for scholars and students who want to use the concept of personhood analytically in their own work.

Price: $199.95