LeTourneau, Mark S.

Dr. Mark S. LeTourneau is currently a Professor in the Department of English at Weber State University. He received his Ph.D. in English Linguistics from Purdue University.

Explaining Levels of Language
2007 0-7734-5330-X
This book presents an integrated theory of linguistic descriptions, elaborating a modular linguistic model that makes explicit the relation between sentence(s) and text(s). The study argues that text can be insightfully analyzed as a discrete level of linguistic representation on par with lower levels, in particular, with syntax, with which it shares certain structural properties and basic operations within a minimalist framework. The work will not discuss the relation between text and discourse; however, because texts mediate between sentences and discourses, they provide a point of departure for synthesizing sub-theories of syntax, text, and discourse into an eventual unified theory.

Price: $319.95