Brettschneider, Marla 2025 1-4955-1322-x 274 pages 7 October 2023 II: Perspectives offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and subsequent events in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, and beyond. This is the second of two 7 October 2023 books on the subject published by Mellen Press. The first one I co-edited with Bonita Nathan Sussman: 7 October 2023: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe. Bonita played an important role in finalizing this work as well.
Bartelt, Guillermo 2025 1-4955-1323-8 96 pages "The oral narratives, which Walker recorded during his tenure as government physician on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota between 1896 and 1914, resemble "speculative fragments," which are occasionally at variance with each other, rather than a connected, authoritative text sanctioned by a consensus of the native speakers (Jahner 1984, 46)."
Dickson, Charles 2009 0-7734-4669-9 164 pages This work is an introduction to the saga of Scandinavian immigrants in America dating from the landing of Leif Ericsson to the present day institutions established by Scandinavian Americans. It also presents an outline of Scandinavian America today, including educational institutions and historical associations.
Barattini, Kathryn DeFatta 2004 0-7734-6239-2 132 pages Book attempts to highlight anytime “Italian immigration” or “Italian immigrants” are mentioned in a scholarly periodical, including both passing notations and in-depth critical analyses of these topics. These references allow us to examine the initial and evolving perceptions of the academic community toward mass Italian American immigration from its basic beginnings in the early 1880s through the end of that decade. In addition, references about Italian immigration from the popular periodical press of the time are juxtaposed with the scholarly references to allow further insight into the erudite community’s perceptions as they are framed within the public opinion of the day.
Wolochuk, Alexandria 2014 0-7734-3523-9 140 pages This study explores the relationship between adult English-language learners’ assessment of their own language proficiency on the English Ability Questionnaire (EAQ) and their performance on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). It addresses aspects of developing the “autonomous” student and makes for the integration of self-directed learners who will be more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and how to address them
Slater, Thomas Bowie 2021 1-4955-0923-0 176 pages This book provides Afrocentric interpretive studies by esteemed author Dr. Thomas B. Slater. A Foreword by Jerry Sumney is included.
Elías-Ulloa, José 2010 0-7734-1303-0 460 pages This work documents the acoustic properties of Shipibo, and then relates them to phonological patterns. This type of work has previously only been available only for dominant tongues like English or Spanish, and therefore, sets an important precedent in the study and conservation of endangered languages.
Bargains, Elizabeth Ann 2013 0-7734-4338-X 180 pages This book offers a revealing synopsis of the attempts of the SES to diversify its membership at a time when the possibility of historic gains in racial and gender equality are very much possible. It investigates the gender and racial bias and the progress that America is making to eliminate a very sordid history of recruitment practices and the selection of SES members.
This work is a significant contribution that will strengthen the body of knowledge in which recruitment selection, and placement of minorities and women in upper management positions fill a critical void in the 21st Century America at the Federal level, and government and the private sector in general.
Wardle, Huon 2000 0-7734-7552-4 256 pages This ethnography of social life in Kingston, Jamaica, is also a study of the relationship between two major, often conflictive, forces in current cultural experience, community and cosmopolitanism. People from the Caribbean – subject to slavery, the plantation economy, and labor migration – have experienced one of the longest exposures to a global political and economic order of any social grouping. For centuries, Jamaicans have lived at a crossroads of transnational economic social and cultural dynamics. The Jamaican social milieu is characterized by massively heterogeneous and creative cultural activity, violent social fragmentation and individuation, as well as a celebration of the role of geographical mobility in the establishment of personality. A central proposition in this book is that Jamaicans in the capital, Kingston, are still living out the aesthetic and moral consequences and contradictions of the Enlightenment and modernity. The author draws a parallel between Jamaican understandings of the self, and the late philosophy of Immanuel Kant. The ethnographic material presented here, derived from two years fieldwork in Kingston, suggest that Jamaicans understand themselves as global citizens. This sense of self can be identified across multiple contexts – oral performance, music, kinship and friendship, economics and politics. In light of Jamaican cultural experience, the book argues for a reframing of ethnographic practice as an explicitly cosmopolitan cultural practice.
Ramírez-Johnson, Johnny 2008 0-7734-5252-4 180 pages This ethnographic work, presented in a post-modern style, reports on the crucial role played by Evangelical and Apocalyptic ideology in psychologically transforming the socio-economic well-being of members of a Puerto Rican Church community in Massachusetts. The study also examines the unique challenges faced by Puerto Ricans in comparison to other Latino groups.
Kimenyi, Alexandre 2001 0-7734-7600-8 488 pages Essays from the first International Conference on Genocide by the world’s leading experts (history, law, political science, sociology, ethnic studies, philosophy, anthropology, et al) all related issues.
Herbenick, Raymond M. 1997 0-7734-8542-2 256 pages This study first examines ethnographical studies of Carpatho-Rusyns here and abroad with respect to religious and folk art familiar to Warhol; then examines the biographies of Warhol prepared by his close friends and co-workers in regard to his ethnic beliefs, customs, and practices in relation to his art; next it examines the autobiographical and diary evidence by Warhol himself on his ethnic identity concealments and disclosures; finally, it examines nearly four decades of his art.
Dunne, Robert 2002 0-7734-7215-0 172 pages This provocative book, which crosses disciplines, argues that the confrontation between antebellum Irish immigrants and mainstream Americans helped reshape American ideology and, in particular, the American Dream Myth. As Irish immigrants became a growing presence in the United States, American society reacted in what Dunne calls a “Protestant backlash: clerical and lay interests banded together and attempted to codify the very definition of “America” and thereby relegate Irish immigrants to society’s margins. In an exhaustive examination of self-help manuals, political pamphlets, religious tracts, newspaper editorials, and instructional novels, this study contrasts the disparities between the actions of nativists and their rhetoric of reaffirming “American” identity. It also critiques current trends in multicultural studies and posits a strong cases for studying marginalized groups from European backgrounds within the larger context of their interactions with mainstream society.
“The arguments that Professor Dunne puts forth in his book are a well-reasoned and well-documented corrective to the present-day orthodoxy that simplifies and distorts the meaning and significance of ethnic Americans by consigning them all into the dustbin of ‘white male oppressors.’ . . . Perhaps we will soon move beyond what currently passes for multiculturalism to a truer, deeper, more nuanced examination of what made – and makes – America unique. I can think of no better place to begin than with Robert Dunne’s fine work.” – Peter Quinn
“There is a rich historical literature on anti-Catholic sentiment in nineteenth-century America, especially for those political historians who study the amazing rise of the Know Nothing party. Americans today are largely unaware of the rioting that occurred between Protestants and Irish Catholics over such items as tax money for education and which version of the bible should be utilized in public schools. What Dunne brings to this already rich history is a literary cultural approach that helps to show how Irish Catholics reacted to Protestant attacks. . . . Dunne’s ability to show the ongoing literary battle between Protestant and Irish Catholic attempts to influence their followers reveals the larger battle over cultural supremacy and acceptance . . . . Multicultural, ethnic, literary, as well as political culture scholars will all glean something from the Irish Catholic attempt to maintain their minority identity in the midst of a Jacksonian society that was bent on the maxim that ‘the majority rules.’” – Matthew Warshauer
LePore, Herbert P. 2013 0-7734-4471-8 320 pages A most thorough examination of the political, cultural, economic, psychological, and racial discrimination issues, including physical violence that brought about the implementation of ignominious, unwarranted, and unprecedented state and federal exclusionary legislation against Chinese and Japanese immigrants living in California and adjoining states during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Washington, Joseph R. Jr. 1985 0-88946-808-7 624 pages Traces the idea of anti-blackness (where black is a synonym for evil) and its relation to anti-Blackness (where Black implies those of native African ancestry).
Simon-Aaron, Charles 2008 0-7734-5197-8 692 pages This work explores the interrelationship between the institutionalized political philosophical construction and reproduction of European anti-African hatred within the Western Academy and the birth and reproduction of European imperialism. Both projects grounded a part of their ideological foundation in the cultivation and reproduction of the myth of the ‘unthinking Negro.'
Gesualdi, Louis 2014 0-7734-4295-2 132 pages An exorcism of the popular negative notion that Italian Americans notoriously engage in criminality and socially undesirable behavior. This collection of essays dispel this inaccurate prejudice of Italian Americans by bringing to light the positive ethnic experience of the Italian American community and its important contribution to the American cultural experience.
Alexander, Bobby 2012 0-7734-3043-1 176 pages A careful analysis compiled from six case studies of factors that impede educational success among Hispanic high school graduates going on to college. Scholars will be able to find out the subjective reasons why Hispanic students drop out of college at a higher rate than any other racial or ethnic group. Filled with qualitative and quantitative analysis, this text provides evidence and gives a brief, but narrow entranceway into the lives of Hispanic college students.
Fabre, Niza 2006 0-7734-5762-3 112 pages The book Blacks in Central America, written in Spanish by Santiago Valencia Chalá and edited and translated into English by Dr. Niza Fabre, further validates and authenticates the history of the African presence in the Caribbean and Central America. This eight-chapter book is a sketch of the history of Africans in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and their national identities referred to as Garifuna culture.
The centrality of a spiritual life in the cosmology of the Garifuna is well-documented in the second chapter. Bypassing the traditional belief system of a monotheistic God as defined by the Roman Catholic religion, the Garifunas embraced the dualistic concepts of African and Indian rites of ascension into the state of deification. The division of the human soul into three parts, Anigi (animal spirit), Luani (soul) and Afurugu (supernatural) allow the individual’s final journey to its resting place.
The other chapters include a thumbnail historical and contemporary portrayal of blacks in Central America and other Caribbean countries.
The introduction of the book is an overview of the cosmology and the history of Africans in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, from early 16th century until the first decade of the 21st century. The cosmology of the Afro-Ecuadorians presented in the introduction underlines the spirits and apparitions as leading forces in the rural life of Ecuador in general.
This book adds to the voluminous interdisciplinary work of the centrality of Africa within Latin America.
Ress, David 1992 0-7734-9878-8 136 pages This study examines the mystery of Burundi's ethnic massacres, among the bloodiest in the world. They occurred in 1959, '62, '65, '66, '69, and '72. The latest was in August of 1988 - people picked up their machetes, their axes, and stones and started slaughtering their neighbors. Based on solid scholarship, and written by a man who was there as a wire-service correspondent, this book examines the mystery of the ethnic massacres, tribal in nature, in the small central African republic of Burundi.
Schuldberg, Jean 2005 0-7734-6086-1 216 pages This study evaluates the cultural competency needs in social work education from the perspective of eight social service workers from the Iu-Mien community. The National Association of Social Worker’s (NASW) Code of Ethics views the acquisition of cultural competency as an ethical standard. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) mandates the teaching of cultural competency in their guidelines. Lack of cultural competency may hinder social workers’ ability to advocate, help broker resources, and support the strengths of individuals and communities.
The perspective of social workers’ cultural competency from recipients of service or workers from non-dominant groups in the United States has not been researched. Participatory research, which involves collaborative dialogues between the researcher and participant(s), is the methodology for this study. Most Iu-Mien adults, primarily refugees from Laos, have experienced contact with social workers in the United States. Social service workers from the Iu-Mien community have the unique position of having received services and, now, providing them.
This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the social-historical aspects of the Iu-Mien people, cultural competency needs and recommendations for social work education and practice, and the presentation of the development of a qualitative research study.
Kreitzer, Mark 2008 0-7734-4898-5 516 pages Examines biblically and convenantally the origin, goal, dynamics, and role that ethnicity has played in multi-ethnic contexts in mission, civil, and ecclesial spheres.
Triandafyllidou, Anna 2006 0-7734-5766-6 340 pages Concentrates on the migration experiences of Polish legal and undocumented migrants in four European countries (Germany, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom). It explores why and how immigrants leave their homes, how they develop network ties with fellow nationals or natives, how they seek to improve their living and working conditions, if and how they adapt to the host country and/or how they move on returning to Poland or going elsewhere. The aim of the book is to look at the migration experience from the insiders’ perspective.
Murray, Gene 2003 0-7734-6548-0 182 pages Presents studies concerning press coverage of sensitive equal opportunity issues in the American military services during the close of the 20th century. After discussing the role of the mass media, the book deals with press coverage of sexual harassment, media coverage of reports on equal opportunity issues and race relations, and the press’s handling of gender-integrated training in the military services. The final chapter includes discussion of embedded reporters, coverage of Private First Class Jessica Lynch, and media credibility and responsibility.
Archer-Lean, Clare 2006 0-7734-5864-6 376 pages Much has been written on the similarities between Canada, Australia and other Westernised English colonies in terms of the representation of Indigenous identity in fiction by white writers. This study addresses some very specific textual responses to this use of the ‘indigene’ by authors who are not from mainstream Anglo culture. The work makes an original contribution to knowledge and culture by comparing not only authors on far sides of the world, but also by comparing authors who do not easily fit into neat categories of identity themselves.
Roy, Diane Carole 2014 0-7734-4285-5 360 pages A highly original look at Australian multiculturalism through the exploration of the significance of a Slovak traditional music and dance performance in Melbourne employing three methodologies; Goffman’s analysis of interactional behavior, Conversation Analysis, and statistical survey techniques which unified the Foucauldian theoretical framework of the data giving the findings added cogency.
Brown, Walton L. 1997 0-7734-8729-8 300 pages This study examines the relationship between democracy and the politics of race from a cross-national comparative perspective, examining specifically how Black people fare in the political systems of Britain, Brazil, and the United States. The book addresses questions about the role of race in the development of democratic ideology, theory and systems of governance, and the levels of difference and commonality in the political experiences of people of African descent in the diaspora. Traditional tools of comparative political science are used to examine the role of race and race-related issues in each nation, and each nation-state chapter traces the historical relationship between the development of democracy and the politics of race. The study identifies the processes and factors that are the result of the specific national or political differences and those that may be the result of systemic factors that commonly occur in democratic contexts. This study makes an important contribution to the field of political science, and the sub-fields of comparative politics, race/ethnic politics, and will be of interest to the related fields of sociology and history.
Eze, Chielozona 2005 0-7734-6020-9 224 pages This book discusses the nature of culture in a global era. In our era of increasing disjuncture and disparity, a new understanding of culture is needed to aid us in bridging ethnic and religious gaps. Alain Locke (1885-1994) believed that it was possible to attain world peace and order without one group of people imposing itself on the others. To achieve this, he gave a new definition of culture and society, which the author calls transcultural. This book explores Alain Locke’s ideas and how he anticipated transcultural societies as a means of attaining world peace and order.
Transculturality describes primarily the process through which cultures intermix with and borrow from one another; it describes the latent, steady transformation of an idea from place of birth to elsewhere until it no longer recognizes or belongs exclusively to that place of birth. It is Elvis Presley taking Rock and Roll out of the Black ghetto, or Eminem “whitewashing” rap; it is Dave Brubeck handling jazz as ingeniously as Seiji Ozawa conducts Beethoven’s Ode to Joy; it is the Apostle Paul taking Christianity out of its Jewish origins unto the Gentile world. Whenever an idea is denaturalized, taken out of its nativity, it no longer belongs specifically to that place; it crosses boundaries, aiming to become universal.
Hall, Ronald E. 2003 0-7734-6817-X 328 pages This study will give readers new insight into skin color as a crux of Western discrimination including America and its non-white citizenry. That insight will characterize a seldom-discussed aspect of discrimination by analyzing its perpetration between and among African, Asian, Hispanic, native, feminist, and gay/lesbian Americans. It goes beyond the usual black/white dichotomy to examine the secret taboos of previously oppressed populations, and address the aftermath of colonization in the ways in which dark-skinned American – regardless of race – are perceived.
Keller II, Raymond Andrew 2012 0-7734-3072-5 316 pages This book addresses the history of a small community of the African Diaspora mostly overlooked: the Afro-Zulians as the descendants of the first blacks brought over to the Sur del Lago Maracaibo region in Venezuela by the Basque-French slave trader Jean de Chourio in 1722. Despite attempts by Creole elites to strip away their African identity, it shows that they remained true to their African roots precisely because of the geographical remoteness of their settlements. The author links them to the Imbangala peoples of pre-colonial Angola, but shows how they adapted to a greater multicultural Venezuelan historical and social context through acculturation.
Hall, Ronald E. 2005 0-7734-6120-5 288 pages An examination of the dynamics between the various skin colors of African-Americans as pertains to their projected aspirations for education, occupation and income.
Salmin, Anton Kirillovich 2011 0-7734-1546-7 412 pages An encyclopedia that covers a scientific study of the religions and customs of the Chuvash. This book is written in Russian.
Sirkeci, Ibrahim 2006 0-7734-5739-9 332 pages This excellent research, with particular focus on an understudied ethnic group, competently draws linkages between ethnic conflict, international migration, and individual strategies and networks. It triangulates quantitative survey data with narratives collected through in-depth interviews providing insights of Turkey’s Kurds migration experiences. Successfully applying a novel conceptual tool, ‘environment of insecurity,’ the book explains migration and ethnicity nexus in a multidimensional approach benefiting from a variety of models used in migration studies literature. Strongly erasing the borders between typologies of migrants, this study comes up with another conceptual novelty: ‘opportunity frameworks’ which can be applied to many other ethnic conflict involved migration regimes. Readers are attracted to the cunning combination of different types of data and methods: First, identifying a Kurdish place within Turkish international migratory regime; then revealing how migrants position themselves against the ethnic conflict, migration restrictions, socioeconomic and political deprivation in order to move from an absolute environment of insecurity to an environment of relative security. Analysis of Turkish Kurds international migration to Cologne comes with a succinct account of Kurdish ethnic rivalry in Turkey and a concise story of international migration from Turkey to Germany.
Misir, Prem 2006 0-7734-5552-3 268 pages Addresses the allegations of racism as one of the major themes in political commentaries in the multi-ethnic Caribbean and its Diaspora. The book advocates an understanding of inter and intra-ethnic class structure as a useful conceptual tool to address the issues of ethnic cleavage, racism, and discrimination, using a power-conflict framework that illustrates that inter and intra-ethnic class structure emphasizes economic stratification, caste, internal colonialism, and a diversity of class-based and Marxist theories.
Noble, Allen G. 1999 0-7734-8046-3 120 pages This is the first study which examines how each of the early immigrant communities (German, Irish, Welsh, Polish, Italian) changed the geographical shape of the city. Group identity was so strong that even a century after the first peoples began to arrive, different neighborhoods, and even larger sections of the city, retained the imprint of the immigrants. It is also the story of adaptive strategies followed by each community in responding to economic and social constraints imposed upon it. The study is oriented to the spatial perspective of the urban-cultural geographer. The internal movement of the groups is traced and the rationale for the particular directions of movement is related to physical, economic and cultural factors.
Saha, Antu 2007 0-7734-5260-5 248 pages This study examines the interface between the cultural and political identities of people living on the international border between India and Bangladesh while discussing how the micro-differences of ethnic and cultural identities governed by religion of the people living on both sides of borderland have been institutionalized by the state in manifesting its political identities. Concerned with issues of identity, this book will be useful to Anthropologists, Sociologists, and Political Scientists interested in identity politics and strategic studies. Besides, the findings of the study will have great relevance for academicians, politicians, policy planners, social and political thinkers, social activists as well as the general reader interested in examining the vexed issue of border relations of India and Bangladesh. This book contains 10 Color photographs.
Versteeg, Peter G. A. 2011 0-7734-3720-7 388 pages This anthropological study investigates the role of religious experiences in the growth of Pentecostal churches through a case study of a Dutch charismatic church. Included is an ethnographic analysis of the congregation, as well as a detailed description of the history, and development of the Vineyard community.
Akama, John S. 2006 0-7734-5801-8 400 pages This book represents a contribution by scholars, who are primarily social scientists, addressing various aspects of the traditional history and culture of the Gusii people of southwestern Kenya. Today, the Gusii are the fifth largest ethnic group in that East African nation, but their past and cultural heritage have not been featured very prominently in recent scholarly studies. This book sets to redress this through contributions which range from a detailed summary of traditional history to an examination of pre-colonial social and political organizations to chapters which focus on such diverse topics as language, music, folklore, witchcraft, and land tenure practices. Particular attention is paid to detailing the indigenous Gusii system of education, including an account of initiation rites. This book fulfills a crucial function in setting out and analyzing the values and practices of the Gusii for the edification of contemporary readers in Kenya and outside.
Flores, Henry 2003 0-7734-6674-6 248 pages CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title
This study addresses several unresolved questions concerning the theory of the state through the use of a nonlinear dynamical theoretical model. This model, sometimes referred to as ‘Chaos Theory,’ identifies the principal structural reasons for the state’s autonomy even though the state is a creation of the dynamical social relations of any given society. Most importantly, Chaos Theory is used to explore how and why the state evolves throughout history. Although the theoretical model is at the heart of this volume’s discussion, the evolution of the local state in San Antonio, Texas provides the case study for explication of the model. The effects of the state’s evolution on the social and political lives of Latinos highlight the case study.
Swiderski, Richard 1991 0-7734-9858-3 280 pages A major reconsideration of the Assyrian Christian scholar and confidence man George Psalmanazar who dazzled eighteenth-century London in the disguise of a Chinese savant. Swiderski explores the fabulism and credulity of the time as well as analyzing the scientific curiosity aroused by Psalmanazar's writings.
Wu, Xu 2011 0-7734-1373-1 400 pages Applying anthropological perspectives, this study investigates the pattern of local people's identity-expression in their ordinary lives in Enshi Prefecture, a "multi-ethnic" (duo minzu) area in central China, and find no ethnic boundary based on local agroecosystem construction, selection of basic foods, cooking strategy, flavouring pattern, meal pattern, meal structure, food rules, and local knowledge of food plants.
O'Riley, Michael 2005 0-7734-6118-3 248 pages This study examines the frequently overlooked problem of how colonial-era memories often become haunting, obsessive points of reference for contemporary culture. Examining the widespread use of haunting as a theoretical mode of recovery of occulted colonial history as part of its larger study of colonial memories circulating between France and the Maghreb, this book demonstrates the postcolonial imperative of moving beyond the categories of victim and torturer that frequently characterize the recovery of colonial history. The work demonstrates how in both postcolonial France and the Maghreb cultural identity and memory are structured in large part through a dialogue with colonial history that impedes a confrontation with contemporary issues important to the present and future of those geographical territories. Through a study of how popular postcolonial figures such as Zinedine Zidane, Assia Djebar, Lei1a Sebbar, Azouz Begag, and Tahar Ben Jelloun point to the necessity of transgressing the mutually shared history of colonial defeat, victimization, and culpabilty uniting France and the Maghreb, this work suggests the emergence of a nuaced form of postcolonial memory. The necessity of reconsidering the unique place that colonial history holds in these cultures as a mythical and haunting point of identification is borne out through analyses of how these postcolonial subjects confront contemporary and potential future forms of cultural identity. The work contributes a unique perspective to postcolonial studies in that it demonstrates how the colonial era continues to structure cultural memory. In this regard, this work offers a fresh perspective to debates on revisionist history and demonstrates how formerly colonized subjects and their children contribute actively to dialogue on the relevance of the colonial past in contemporary contexts where postcolonial identity is being forged.
Owen, Hilary 1996 0-7734-8849-9 240 pages These readings of modern Portuguese, Brazilian, and Portuguese African texts articulate a challenge by drawing on different theories of how gender, ethnicity and class relate to the production and reception of culture. Consequently, the collection juxtaposes and connects new readings of well-known literary figures such as Ariano Suassuna, Agustina Bessa Luís, Hélia Correia, Henrique Teixeira de Sousa and Clarice Lispector with readings of "popular culture" as represented by samba, circo-teatro, images of women in advertising and oral narratives from the southeast of Brazil. The diversity of the critical approaches adopted demonstrates both the potential for new "coalitional" connections and the demands imposed by deconstructing the Lusist canon.
Roberts-Camps, Traci 2008 0-7734-5235-4 212 pages This book examines the various representations of the female body in four contemporary Mexican and Chicana novels written by women: Los recuerdos del porvenir (1963) by Elena Garro, Nadie me verá llorar (1999) by Cristina Rivera Garza, La piel del cielo (2001) by Elena Poniatowska, and Caramelo (2002) by Sandra Cisneros. This work also analyzes the depictions of the female body in these novels from the perspectives of space and violence, abjection and national progress, sexuality and sensuality, and visibility and invisibility.
Nemeth, David J. 2002 0-7734-7217-7 312 pages This study contributes to scholarship in several innovative ways. It is an ethnogeography, a regional ethnography, that focuses on an ambiguously-defined ethnic group in the United States – Rom Gypsies – whose survival strategies and stratagems appear to center ideally on the secrecy and mobility of its members. Gypsy scholars are continually frustrated in their search for truth because Gypsies, specially in America, remain ill-defined, incommensurable and impossible to map with any accuracy. The near absence of Gypsy-American landscapes and associated culture regions presents a challenge to traditional ethnography. This book contributes an unprecedented scholarly investigation of a Gypsy-American inscape as an alternative approach to the landscape study. The inscape is a vital activity space that produces and reproduces a Gypsy-American ethnos. The study focuses primarily on the activities of Thomas Nicholas, a self-ascribed Rom Gypsy-American, and his family, and offers extraordinary insight into the Gypsy-American ethnos. The book also addresses complex issues in Gypsy studies social science scholarship, provides a critique of its mission and accomplishments, and offers a unique window into the lives of some typical Gypsy scholars whose relentless pursuit of Gypsies involves considerable personal and professional risks.
Melendy, H. Brett 1999 0-7734-7998-8 360 pages This study is a definitive text on Hawaii's territorial period, relying primarily on archival materials. It stresses the Territory's importance to West Coast defense and the islands' unique sugar and pineapple economy dependence upon support by the federal government. It also examines how local problems such as land ownership and racial diversity, often created bitter dissension.
Lindenthal, Jacob J. 1991 0-7734-9852-4 256 pages The text examines the morbidity and mortality patterns of Hispanics in New York City, the most rapidly expanding group in the United States. In analyzing the health data from government sources and recent research findings, the authors illustrate the cultural values and health status of this population and how they differ from the other minorities and the general population. Because this group is at high risk for certain maladies, particular attention is paid to asthma, alcohol ingestion, perinatal conditions, AIDS, and drug abuse. The authors also provide suggestions for preventive strategies and more research. Though scholarly in intent, the book is written in laymen's terms and contains a glossary of medical terms employed in the volume.
Ditton, Mary J. 2012 0-7734-2939-5 424 pages Understanding migration is fundamental to our modern view of the world. Forced migration is one of the biggest transformative factors of our time. Health rights of migrants are embedded within human rights. Nation states and global agencies are challenged by the movement of people and their duty to uphold health and human rights of asylum seekers and forced migrants. It is important for professionals working in fields of development and migration to comprehend the complexities involved in achieving health for vulnerable populations.
This book details the origins of health rights from the Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. It analyses health rights as they exist in the real world of forced migration and protracted refugee situations. Migration from Burma to Thailand represents a long established forced migration pattern and lessons are drawn from studying this situation. Moving beyond the limited and failed refugee regimes it is recommended that resources be mobilized to promote migrant self-sufficiency. Sustainable living and aid relief care needs to be administered to promote development strategies with capacity building and democratic processes within migrant groups.
Gibbs, Tyson 2007 0-7734-5842-5 276 pages Presents articles that explore help-seeking behavior within various social and cultural contexts. Critical to this book is the bridging of two concepts that have traditionally appeared in disparate places within the published health arena, i.e., ethnicity and health-seeking behavior. This book brings these concepts together to emphasize their impact on understanding the cultural and social influences of how individuals respond to ill health.
González-Cruz, María Isabel 2022 1-4955-0970-2 204 pages From the Author's Introduction (ix-xiv):
"The Spanish language has significantly contributed to the lexical enrichment of English throughout history. Although the Spanish influence has ebbed and flowed over the centuries, scholarly studies prove that the greatest number of borrowings come from the period of the Spanish colonization of America, when the language was "the faithful companion of empire" (Rodriguez-González, 1996: vii). ...
"Actually, it is American English that is currently subject to the greatest influence, because of the impact of the Hispanic community in the United States. This has led to fears about a future Hispanicization of the country, as a result of the increasing number of Latinos who have been settling there over the years. ...
"The situation can [hence] be described as one of languages in contact, or rather, contact between speakers of mutually unintelligible languages. Many factors can play a role in such situations, which means that a large number of outcomes are possible. As Trask (1999: 151) put it,'[t]he consequences of contact may range from the trivial to the far-reaching,' i.e. they may include bilingualism, language merging, or the development of code-switching skills, as well as language (and political) conflict and even language loss, as contact between languages or language varieties affects variation and change (Meyerhoff, 2006: 238-239)....
"Conceived as a contribution to the studies on the role of Spanish as a loan-giver language, this volume offers an inventory of all the Hispanicisms (words and expressions) that occur in 36 English romances published mostly by Harlequin and Mills & Boon between 1955 and 2004."
West, Gary 2007 0-7734-5228-1 344 pages This work applies an ethnological approach to the study of changing patterns of social organization over the past two centuries within the author’s native county in Scotland. The result represents a detailed ethnographic study of a period of great change in rural Scotland, but one in which a strong emphasis on tradition ensured a degree of continuity underpinned the daily and seasonal lives of those who earned their livelihoods directly from the soil. This book contains 7 black and white photographs.
Páramo-Ortega, Raúl 2011 0-7734-1548-3 136 pages This work provides a history of psychoanalysis in Mexico and discusses the effects of culture, language and history on the development and application of psychoanalysis in different milieus.
Lapomarda, Vincent A. 2010 0-7734-3723-1 252 pages This work is a survey of Italian Americans’ contributions to business, law, politics, religion, medicine, sports, arts and literature.
Diener, Alexander C. 2004 0-7734-6311-9 189 pages Through comparative analysis of the reactions of Kazakhstan’s Germans and Koreans to the emergence of an independent Republic of Kazakhstan, this book enhances understanding of firstly, the conflicting dynamics of socio-political integration in post-Soviet space; secondly the role played by “kin-states” in the creation or negation of “return myths,”; and thirdly, the significance of small-scale homelands in the process of de-and re-territorializing identity. The analysis in this study combines library/archival research with survey and interview data from the late independence period (1996-2002) in an effort to elucidate the interactive nature of place, power, and identity.
Baptiste, Espelencia Marie 2013 0-7734-3598-0 228 pages This book examines how an education system can provide mechanisms for nation building This work exposes how these mechanisms influence imagining, building, and enacting nation in a country with no native population It also examines how its colonially introduced ethnic groups proudly proclaim their differences in language and history.
Stanton, Jr., Samuel S. 2010 0-7734-3868-8 252 pages This work examines the effect of renewable natural resource scarcity on ethnic conflict. Determining how renewable natural resource scarcity affects ethnic conflict requires multiple levels of inquiry. First, is there a relationship between renewable natural resource scarcity and ethnic conflict? Second, if this relationship exists how do scarcities translate into ethnic conflict? Third, does the framework established have evidentiary support in particular cases that can be considered?
Ribas-Mateos, Natalia 2012 0-7734-2553-5 232 pages Focusing on Filipino immigrants to Italy, the book examines the role of remittances sent by Filipino women from Italy to the Philippines. The authors emphasize that the role of Filipino women is important, because there is such a large proportion of them among Italy’s emigrant community and their remittances have a significant impact upon Filipino households and local development. Overall, this book serves a case study for the broader debate over international migration and national development as well as the positive and negative effect of remittances upon women migrants.
Dureau, Yona 2014 0-7734-4321-1 312 pages This collection of essays explains the Hebrew influence upon European culture especially the impact of Kabbalah.
Johns, Nick 2006 0-7734-5733-X 412 pages Provides a valuable insight into the experiences of minority ethnic communities both as patients and staff members in the NHS. It charts the nature of the problems they face, from language barriers to cultural misunderstandings. Issues of discrimination are explored and a unique insight is provided into the perceptions of a range of NHS staff in relation to the political climate in the wake of the Macpherson Report (1999). A fresh perspective is offered from the point of view of users into the concept of institutional racism, which questions the unwitting nature of prejudice as defined in the Report.
Ayoub, Omaima M. 2007 0-7734-5284-2 120 pages This study examines the relationship between language and culture in the case of a college instructor whose identity is a blend of three different backgrounds (Sufi Muslim, Arab, and American); each of which is unique in the way it informs other parts of the individual’s identity, as well as the informant’s worldviews. By analyzing and interpreting data gathered from lectures, town-hall meetings, and interviews with the informant, the author seeks to illustrate how an immigrant’s native language and culture influence the construction of his hybrid identity as he function in different social arenas.
Taylor, Dorceta E. 1992 0-7734-9801-X 320 pages This study examines leisure pursuits in two Black ethnic groups (African Americans and Jamaicans), and two categories of Whites (Italians and other Whites). The systematic comparison of these groups yields useful information on factors influencing participation in leisure activities. Part one discusses the access models, then goes on to a profile of New Haven, with examinations of ethnic hangouts, cooking, media, and festival. Part two focuses specifically on urban park use.
Olivier, Bernard Vincent 1993 0-7734-2228-5 340 pages This study examines the Northeastern provinces, where close to two million Koreans represent the most important non-Han ethnic community. Relatively recent immigrants, their historical and cultural background is closer to that of the Han Chinese than that of most other non-Han nationalities. This regional case study illustrates not only the limits but the achievements of the Chinese Communist party's nationality policy, and demonstrates the importance of going beyond a macro-analysis of Chinese policies to show what insights can be gained by focusing on a specific area of study. Regional studies can also facilitate the analysis of the subtleties of China's ethnic diversity and the difficulty of generalizing the results of nationality policy implementation.
Chan, Sucheng 1990 0-88946-635-1 376 pages Twelve studies that document the economic and social gaps that still exist between the white majority and racial minorities in the United States.
Bongard-Levin, G. M. 2001 0-7734-3216-7 644 pages Sharp controversy still exists concerning the origins of the peoples of India. This book draws upon extensive research, applying a unique technique of linguistic analysis. The author also compares and establishes close links between India’s two national heritages – the material one, based on most recent archeological discoveries by scholars from America, Britain, France, India, and Russia, and also the cultural legacy involving reference to various masterpieces of world literature. References are also made to the antique tradition during Alexander the Great’s campaign, Aristobulus, Diodorus Siculus, Nearchus, Plutarch, Ptolemy, Strabo, and others. The author expertly examines the art of various civilizations, dynasties and periods; as well as folklore and ritual. This book, the result of 45 years of work, will interest Indologists, Orientalists, philologists, and literary scholars, as well as those interested in the interaction among cultures, philosophies and religions. This book is in Russian.
Alberts, Heike C. 2011 0-7734-3941-2 184 pages The migration of professional soccer players to European countries is not a new phenomenon, but the volume and composition of these flows have changed substantially since the 1990s, when a court ruling established that restrictions on players from other European Union countries violate European Union law. This court ruling not only dramatically changed the national composition of Western European soccer teams, but also of volleyball and handball teams. using geographic techniques, this book investigates current migration patterns of professional players to Western European soccer, volleyball and handball teams. As opposed to previous studies, this study takes a comparative approach, comparing and contrasting not only three sports, but also different Western European host countries. This comparative approach allows the development of a comprehensive framework for explaining these migration flows. This book also analyzes the impact that migration flows have on national teams, as more flexible citizenship rules now allow national teams to draw from a wider spectrum of potential players. The high degree of internationalization of sport leagues in Western Europe, as well as the more flexible citizenship rules in several European countries, show that sports can transcend political borders in a variety of ways.
Ansari, Maboud 2013 0-7734-4081-X 236 pages Iranian immigration to the United States is a relatively new political phenomenon and constitutes one of the highest status foreign-born groups in the United States. More Iranians live in the U.S., today than in any other country in the world other than Iran. It began fifty-five years ago with the study abroad of young Iranians. They came to the United States in the 1950’s often as temporary residents (students and interns) but eventually changed their status to permanent residents. However, it was the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the establishment of the Islamic Republic, and the eight years of Iran-Iraq war that forced many of the best educated and most wealthy into exile in the United States and many other countries. Never before in Iran’s long history, have so many people involuntarily had to leave their country. In so far as the revolution ousted the Pahlavi dynasty, displaced the ruling class directly associated with it, it drastically changed the pattern and the nature of Iranian emigration to the United States. Consequently, the Iranian community in the United States has since undergone important structural changes in its character, its social composition, economic power, and notably, its political orientation and participation.
Al-Rasheed, Madawi 1998 0-7734-8251-2 260 pages Based on an in-depth study of one of the oldest Middle Eastern immigrant communities in London, the Assyrians are a minority within the London Iraqi minority and such represent an interesting case of an ethnic group trying construct their difference in the host society. This volume examines previous literature on ethnicity and its revival, challenging established perceptions of the concept. Assyrian ethnicity is a process which involves the production of narratives defining themselves as people and a set of strategies enforcing this definition.
Thompson, Tok Freeland 2006 0-7734-5880-8 220 pages This work challenges current trends in thinking about Ireland and Celticity. Drawing on a wide range of disciplinary outlooks – including Archaeology, Folklore, Linguistics, History, Genetics and more – the author asserts that the pre-Celtic people’s cultures, and their contributions to traditional and modern Irish life, have been vastly under-appreciated. This work seeks to understand why this is so, and to redress that balance by partaking in an investigation of the evidence as well as by demonstrating how that evidence has been constructed. The author does not assume a priori neither the “invasion” hypothesis of Celtic people and cultures, nor the “immobilism” hypothesis which states that the idea of the Celts is a recent one, unconnected to actual peoples in the past. The result is a detailed study into the varied processes involved in the creation of the past, and a new, if perhaps controversial, picture of “Celtic” Ireland.
Garcia, Miki 2013 0-7734-4332-0 252 pages This work chronicles the arrival of the Irish in San Francisco and provides an overview of their subsequent history in this city between 1848 and 1900 giving causal factors. The absence of political and religious oppression and the variety of business opportunities available in San Francisco enabled these Irish pioneers to make significant contributions to the economic, social, cultural and religious life of San Francisco in its developmental years and it highlights their successes.
This work is a significant contribution to the history of Irish immigrants in America and the way they adapted and assimilated into their new localities and how those who traveled to the West Coast significantly improved their lives and literally grew the city of San Francisco.
Fortuna, Giuseppe 1991 0-7734-9955-5 160 pages This work analyzes the ethnic revival of the 60's and 70's, socioeconomic changes which occurred in Italy and the USA and how they affected the Italian community. Combines "macro" analysis of the social structure and "micro" analysis of personal attitudes with chapters on the community, labor market, the family. Also describes the strategies used to succeed in the United States.
Jansen, Clifford J. 1989 0-88946-199-6 250 pages Evaluates the effect of the official Canadian policy of multiculturalism, in effect since 1971, on this important Canadian ethnic group.
Salamone, Frank A. 2001 0-7734-7602-4 204 pages Through research into the ethnic roots of his home town of Rochester, NY, Dr. Salamone’s study enables the reader to understand the interplay of social, cultural, and historical forces in shaping a particular variate of Italian-American identity.
Salamone, Frank A. 2013 0-7734-4326-6 356 pages A cogent and multi-generational recounting of the lives of major personalities and institutions that shaped the Italian American experience in Rochester, with attention to: World War II, entertainment, sports, music, educational institutions, politics, crime, marriage, and religion. The work focuses on how ethnic groups more or less successfully adapt to changing ecological circumstances.
Szapor, Judith 2012 0-7734-2933-6 460 pages The essays collected in this volume show the complex lives and identities of Central European Jewish women, born between 1860 and the early 20th century. They enrich our knowledge and understanding of European Jewish women. Despite their important contributions to many intellectual and artistic fields, most of the women in this book were previously unknown to English-speaking audiences.
These women exhibited a fluid range of identities, affiliations, and loyalties. Their Jewishness was more often identified with culture or community rather than ritual or religion. Most traveled around Europe and fled Europe during the time of the Nazi persecution. Their odysseys highlight the experiences of the marginal and those in exile. The collection offers a valuable contribution to 19th and 20th century women’s history, European intellectual history, Jewish studies, and Diaspora studies.
Ardavín, Carlos X. 2006 0-7734-5790-9 372 pages This book is an analysis of how several contemporary Spanish writers (Francisco Umbral, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel Vicent and Félix de Azúa) view Spain’s transition to democracy in their novels. These authors and their texts offer alternative narratives of the transition that disrupt and contradict the complacent and monological version elaborated by post-Francoist historiography; a version that is, fundamentally, a mythical narrative construction. How does fiction contradict the myth of the democratic restoration? By using – and abusing – memory. In these novels, memory is used as an epistemic instrument to investigate the recent and unresolved political past of Spain, and rebuild a solid collective and personal identity.
Taken together, the novels of this study suggest that there is a gap between memory and history, a sharp opposition between what the author refers to as a politics of forgetting promoted by the historians and politicians, and a poetics of memory fostered by the fiction writers, which establishes a dialogue with the transition’s history in order to apprehend its complexity through imagination.
A more extensive and profound knowledge of Spanish literature related to the issue of the political transition will serve to understand this complex event (the transition to democracy), and the origins and developments of post-Franco’s Spanish culture and society.
Montgomery, Robert 2006 0-7734-5916-2 380 pages Winner of the Adele Mellen Prize for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship
This is a monograph on late Imperial Russian and Soviet policies toward the language of the Buryats, a native people of southeastern Siberia’s Lake Baikal region. This work can do much to expand our knowledge of an oft-overlooked area of Russian and Soviet national policy. Although the Buryats are Siberia’s largest indigenous group (numbering around 500,000), they have received far less attention than other non-Russians by scholars of Russia’s treatment of its minority peoples and their cultures. On a more general level, the book will provide an opportunity to introduce readers to a unique and vibrant native Siberian culture. Finally, this study can help deepen our understanding of the challenges facing the cultural survival of all indigenous peoples in the modern age – a matter of urgent importance in the current context of globalization.
Lopez, David A. 2001 0-7734-7561-3 224 pages Using a collection of visual images - representations of social reality - and supplementary historical, socioeconomic, and ethnographic data, this essay highlights the Latino experience in contemporary American society. The author uses the recent influx of Latinos into Omaha as a case study locale.
Ralston, Helen 1996 0-7734-8761-1 184 pages This study made use of historical records, census data, and in-depth interviews with 126 first-generation women to generate a detailed portrayal of the demographics of South Asian women immigrants and their lived experiences. It begins with a discussion of the major theoretical issues in studying South Asian women in Canada and the impact of Canadian immigration policy on this group of women. It then provides a profile of these women and the socio-demographic context of their everyday lives in three domains: work in the home, work outside the home, and participation in community organizations, notably religious and cultural organizations.
Case, Emerson D. 2004 0-7734-6353-4 235 pages With the globalization of English and the exponential growth in the number of foreign students enrolled in American universities and intensive English programs, understanding the processes that foreign students go through as they make the transition from intensive English program to mainstream university classes becomes extremely important.
This study is the first one to use a holistic, ethnographic approach to see the transition process from the perspective of the students themselves, over an extended period of time, as the transition is in the process of occurring. It examines the experiences of six foreign students studying in an American university as they made the transition from an Intensive English Program (IEP) into mainstream classes at a medium-sized Midwestern university. Using ethnographic methodological means, the study provides a holistic examination of the transition process as that transition occurred over an extended period of time.
MacNevin, Joanne 2014 0-7734-4477-7 288 pages The challenges for educators in their work with refugee learners are numerous, yet the realistic and specific support needed to help them is often haphazard, if any exists at all. This book provides educators with an invaluable tool to help them improve the education and integration of refugee students into society.
Harness, Susan Devan 2009 0-7734-4885-3 204 pages This book examines the ethnic boundaries, social hierarchies within the ethnic boundaries and the accumulation, transaction and conversion of social and symbolic capital used to change group membership that allow or prohibit perceptions of belonging and not belonging for American Indian adoptees.
Manrique, Cecilia 1999 0-7734-8027-7 198 pages Sheds light on the background issues, challenges and concerns of immigrant faculty of color in the United States. It chronicles faculty decisions to immigrate, their reasons for coming to America, their reasons for staying. It examines their current situation in academia, including the struggles associated with relating to their students, peers and administrators.
den Toonder, Jeanette Mattie Laura 2011 0-7734-1295-8 204 pages This work focuses on the ways in which border zones modify individual and national identity, by stressing changes resulting from the meeting of cultures.
From the Foreword:
“. . . the essays highlight various aspects of the paradoxical development of a stronger North American integration combined with a stronger militarization.”
-Prof. Marietta Messmer,
University of Groningen
Li, Jun 2009 0-7734-4837-3 232 pages With first-person narrative accounts provided by Chinese parents and children who immigrated to Canada from People’s Republic of China, this qualitative study addresses how parental expectations as a cultural phenomenon are constructed, negotiated, and understood in Chinese immigrant family, community, and larger sociocultural contexts.
Ssekasozi, Engelbert 1999 0-7734-8263-6 236 pages This volume gives a scholarly review of literature on affirmative action, examines key legal cases, depicts Wilson's theory of cycles, provides the most advanced philosophical arguments on affirmative action from the writings of Aristotle, Wasserstrom, Beauchamp, Blackstone, Greene and the author. It offers a list of additional legal cases, an index, and a detailed and extensive bibliography.
Gaskew, Tony 2008 0-7734-4812-8 256 pages This book examines the experiences and social conflicts facing Muslim Americans in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, providing insight on how the highly politicized and tense atmosphere which followed the events of 9/11 impacted the relationship between law enforcement agencies and Muslim American communities. This work also provides several polyvalent themes for improving domestic counterterrorism strategies, including the need for law enforcement agencies to make a concerted effort to educate themselves on the basic tenets of Islam, along with its diverse customs and culture; to establish an open and honest active dialogue with Muslim community members; and to create and sustain a relationship with the Muslim American community based on the foundational concepts of mutual participation, respect, dignity, honor, and social justice.
Breskaya, Olga 2012 0-7734-2926-3 172 pages The term “Pogranichie” is the Russian language equivalent to the English term “borderland” and this work studies how borderlands serve as distinctively creative spaces for cultural exchange. The book studies how social interactions occur in post-soviet bloc countries that try to democratize, and presents a model for Eastern European development. If there is a lack of actorship in social processes and communication is broken off, then development cannot occur. The authors look at what circumstances promote agency and actorship which in turn changes the dynamic of the entire Pogranichie community. All of the changes occurring in Eastern Europe are happening at an incredibly rapid rate and the acceleration of change allows forward and backward thinking forces to take hold.
Warhola, James W. 1996 0-7734-8893-6 164 pages This book expands and deepens understanding of the complex process of political change in the Russian Federation by examining various dimensions of ethnicity, and specifically the politicization of ethnic identity. The work points toward the advisability of considering alternative modes of political organization beyond conventional patterns of the modern territorial nation-state. It concludes by questioning the facile conceptions of territorial sovereignty that may prove increasingly ineffectual. It examines the genesis and nature of ethnic identity under contemporary political conditions; the politically problematical character of Russian national identity under conditions of post-Soviet political life; and the theoretical literature dealing with the nature of the modern nation-state and its transformation under contemporary conditions.
Kallin, Britta 2007 0-7734-5499-3 204 pages Explores the representation of ethnic minorities and the construction of national identities in contemporary plays written by German and Austrian women. The study draws on approaches of cultural and postcolonial studies, African-American and other minority feminist criticism as well as Anglo-American and German feminist scholarship. The plays examined in the book include Kerstin Specht’s Lila, Elfriede Müller’s Goldener Oktober, Bettina Fless’s Asyl, Gundi Ellert’s Jagdzeit, Marlene Streeruwitz’s Bagnacavallo, and Elfriede Jelinek’s Stecken, Stab und Stangl. This book evaluates the characters in terms of visual representation, the way in which they communicate with other characters, and the characters’ involvement in the development of the play. The work demonstrates that the playwrights assign minority characters a restricted verbal capacity that limits their influence on the action of the play, thereby reducing such characters to function merely as catalysts for problems of the German and Austrian communities. The playwrights write with a well-meaning intention but some cannot avoid the trap of their position as self-appointed spokesperson while other offer new positions from where they speak and avoid reproducing stereotypes of the “Other”. This work will appeal to scholars in German studies, feminist studies and drama.
Butler, John 2008 0-7734-4868-3 108 pages Inclusion, equity and diversity are issues on which descriptions, and actions, vary a great deal. The varying descriptions commonly over simplify the scope and importance of these issues. This is especially true on our college and university campuses. These descriptions inform the work to be done and help to determine expectations for those responsible.
Skiffer, La Tanya 2011 0-7734-3938-2 88 pages This book critically evaluates the media for manifest and latent content of its rhetoric, particularly, as it pertains to California’s “Three Strikes and You’re Out” legislation. It offers new insight into the intersection of mass media’s crime coverage and its influence on readers.
Misir, Prem 2010 0-7734-1296-4 276 pages This study explores the political participation levels of two major ethnic groups in Guyana, Indians and Africans. It is the first book on Guyana to empirically analyze to what extent the Guyanese society is divided along ethnic lines which feed into the political system, fostering the marginalization of the un/under-represented. Historical and contemporary data on education, health and allocation of public services are used.
Barot, Rohit 1996 0-7734-8818-9 282 pages Essays from the Bristol conference Social Order in Post-Classical Sociology (1992), reviewing theoretical developments which inform our knowledge of Ethnic Relations.
Essays include: The Racism Problematic (Michael Banton); Michael Banton's Twins - Affiliation and Formation in the Rational Choice Theory of Racial and Ethnic Relations (Alan Carling); "Us" and "Them" - Ethnicity, Racism and Ideology (Richard Jenkins); If Races Don't Exist, Then What Does? Racial Categorisation and Ethnic Realities (Tariq Modood); Ethnicity and Modernity - the Case of Ismailis in Britain (Badr Dahya); The Subject is Ethnicity (Steve Fenton); The Politics of Racial Pluralism in Britain - Problems of Evaluation (Shamit Saggar); Some Reflections on the Sociology of Race and Racism (David Mason); Race and Racism in Social Theory (John Solomos); Racism and Nationalism in the United Kingdom - A View from the Periphery (Robert Miles).
Janiga-Perkins, Constance G. 2007 0-7734-5380-6 136 pages This critical study examines various readings of Ramón Pané’s Relación acerca de las antigüedades de los indios (c. 1498), telling the story of the multiple layered readings of the 1974 version of the text put together by José Juan Arrom. The original, written by Fray Ramón Pané, a young brother from the Convent of Saint Jerome de la Murta in Badalona, Spain who sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World, offers a glimpse into the earliest moments of Europe’s encounter with the New World. The centuries of reading to which this work has been subjected have shaped its interpretation and translation as individuals from different times, places, and cultures have tried to associate with those things described in the text while also reflecting on themselves, producing an autoethnography.
Tan, Sharon M. 2009 0-7734-4762-8 276 pages This book proposes reconciliation as an ethic for fractured relationships in multiracial and multiethnic societies. The work traces the origin of reconciliation in various religions and philosophies and proposes how it can provide a common framework to govern society. Includes detailed case studies on making reconciliation between ethnic groups possible in the United States and Malaysia.
Scales, Josie 2015 1-4955-0285-6 224 pages A new theoretical approach to aid in the inter-disciplinary research on the question of why some racial and ethnic groups are more susceptible to hypertension than others. In this research, the minority status group hypothesis is used to compare the African Americans /European Americans hypertension differentials. It provides a theoretical framework for conceptualizing racial/ethnic group behavior, for constructing hypotheses and interpreting differences in behavior across racial and ethnic boundaries.
Barattini, Kathryn DeFatta 2000 0-7734-7796-9 104 pages This study is unique in that it examines latter generation ethnic Americans, as opposed to recent immigrants, and their sense of ethnic self-identification as it relates to their use of limited colloquial ethnic phrases and words, as opposed to their fluency in their ethnic native tongue. It uses Correlational Analyses to identify relationships among the language use and ethnic self-identification variables, and multiple regression analyses were used to determine predicting variables for ethnic identification and the degree to which respondents felt close to their ethnic heritage when using ethnic words and/or phrases.
Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel 2000 0-7734-7671-7 364 pages Ethnic Russians, like any other nation, constitute what Benedict Anderson terms an ‘imagined community.’ How do Russians ‘imagine’ Russia, now and for the past three centuries? This study sheds new light on this and other ‘cursed’ questions of Russian history (nationalism, anti-Semitism, Orthodox Christianity and ethnic ‘others’; Russian nationalists’ reaction to NATO actions in Kosovo). Recent empirical work by the Russian ethnopsychologists Leokadiia Drobizheva and Zinaida Sikevich is brought to bear on the topic of ethnic conflict in today’s Russia. Russian identity itself is viewed in the light of Donald Winnicott’s concept of ‘transitional object.’ Conversations with Russian psychoanalysts are presented.
“The book is divided into two parts, each rich in insight and information: ‘The Russian Self’ (who the Russians think they are); and ‘The Russian Other’ (what they think concerning non-Russians). Readers interested in the excesses of Russian nationalism will not be disappointed, but essentially this fascinating book is optimistic. . . . the more readers already know about Russia, the more Rancour-Laferriere will reward them; so this book is especially appropriate for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and professors.” – CHOICE
“. . . a scrupulous and fearless inquiry into on of the most painful problems of contemporary Russia – Russian nationalism. . . . Meticulously researched, highly original in approach, it makes a significant contribution to the field of Russian studies. It is an important books for anyone who is interested in political and cultural life of today’s Russia. I could see a whole score of specialists in other fields – ethnic studies, political science, cultural history, literature, sociology, cultural anthropology, etc, - who will benefit from this fine and penetrating study.” – Dr. Emil A. Draitser
“Always provocative and thoroughly grounded in the latest scholarship of a variety of disciplines (including sociology, history, literary study, political science, and applied psychoanalysis), Rancour-Laferriere’s book is must reading for anyone studying or teaching about Russia. . . . A provocative interdisciplinary book with bold theses and persuasive arguments. It is bound to alter your perspective on the complex subject of Russian nationalism. . . . The topics include ethnic identity, nationalism, national awareness, religious identity and related issues such as anti-Semitism, Eurasianism, ethnic hatred, expansionism, ethnic paranoia, and xenophobia. The effectiveness of this study is further underscored by the author’s successful effort to utilize a variety of relevant disciplines.” – Dr. George Gutsche
Darden, Joe 2004 0-7734-6549-9 540 pages Provides an assessment of how people of color in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area have been set apart from the white Canadian majority. The book clearly demonstrates that the spatial and social distance of people of color from the white Canadian majority has varied. Such variation, resulting from ideology and the differential incorporation of people of color (most of whom are immigrants), has resulted in spatial stratification and differential racial inequality in the housing and labor markets. It is the most comprehensive work on the status of people of color in Toronto. urban planning.
Levine, Amy-Jill 1989 0-88946-614-9 319 pages Seeks to redress the methodologically questionable and often implicitly anti-Jewish technique of negatively valuing the exclusivity logion and then assigning it to narrow "Jewish-Christian" sources incompatible with Matthew's own outlook.
Chan, Sucheng 1989 0-88946-631-9 357 pages While race, ethnicity, gender, and class have traditionally been the most important axes along which hierarchical relationships have been defined in American society, recent years have seen an examination of the "intersection" of race and class, or of ethnicity and class, so that some joint combination determines the relative positions of given individuals as well as of groups.
Van Broekhoven, Laura N.K. 2006 0-7734-5639-2 308 pages This book brings together ten essays relating to the manner in which postcolonial research is conducted and information put forth on the representation of indigenous cultures in the Americas. Divided into three parts, Part One describes the current state of affairs of postcolonial studies in the North American region; Part Two explores Mesoamerican culture, and Ñuu Savi and Zapotec studies in particular; and Part Three looks at the Andean region.
Meckel, Mary V. 1995 0-7734-9039-6 168 pages This study examines the social factors contributing to taxi-dancing, from a participant-observer perspective. Unlike others who have dealt with this topic, the author was herself employed as a taxi-dancer, a factor that provided first-hand information (from her employment in that capacity between 1969-1970), and field research during 1986-1987, where a mutual sense of identification with her respondents enabled her to acquire their trust, resulting in far more definitive data. The work endeavors to bring the taxi-dancers front stage to voice the contexts defining the personal and professional spheres of their everyday lives. The range of topics introduced as evidence of the "semi-deviant" status some experience includes wage competition, alcohol and drug abuse, prostitution and ageism. Also included are a theoretical chapter on symbolic interactionism and determinism, and an integrated review of the literature. The study will interest scholars in the area of deviance, gender, race and ethnicity, and urban studies, as well as women's studies.
Kail, Barbara Lynn 1992 0-7734-9531-2 148 pages This volume presents current knowledge about the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs by an often neglected and misunderstood segment of our population. The various systems involved in the problem are addressed in turn. Epidemological and methodological issues specific to this population are also considered.
Butler, Lola M. 2001 0-7734-7334-3 192 pages Provides a comprehensive portrayal of the most vulnerable and disenfranchised groups in society. The book explores racial and ethnic minorities, children, gays and lesbians, women, people with disabilities, religious minorities, poverty, the elderly, and death and dying. The study integrates and dissects the complexity associated with understanding underlying causes and conditions that hinder populations at risk from attaining mainstream access. The text provides multiformity in strategies that can assist social workers in altering social outcomes, promoting a pivotal active emphasis on advocacy, empowerment, and social change.
Nuño Ávila, Anthony 2011 0-7734-3680-4 268 pages This study challenges the heterocentric and Eurocentric cultural hierarchies used Latin American leaders used to constrain cultural production related to gender practices and sexual identities.
In Spanish.
Idris, Amir 2001 0-7734-7619-9 176 pages The civil war in the Sudan has been generally misunderstood in the Sudanese and Western academic worlds as war between an Arab Muslim North and an African Christian South. This work examines how ‘African’ and ‘Arab’, as competing racial identities, have been produced in the Sudan, and interprets the roles of various actors with different interests in creating these identities.
Hernández Cuevas, Marco Polo 2010 0-7734-3781-9 204 pages This work is an Afrocentric analysis that subscribes to the notion that there is one human race of multiple ethnicities. It acknowledges Mexico’s African, Amerindian (herein after called First Nations), Asian, and European ethnic heritages. Contrary to the African-disappearance-by- miscegenation-hypothesis-turned-ideology, it introduces the theory of the widespread Africanization of Mexico from the sixteenth century onward.
Hornsby, Alton, Jr. 2005 0-7734-6244-9 148 pages This study traces the history of the Atlanta Urban League, a major southern affiliate of the National Urban League, from its founding in 1920 to the end of the 20th century. It shows how the Atlanta Urban League adhered to the primary functions of the national Urban League Movement by studying and planning solutions to community problems and, where possible, to offer preventative measures to deal with them before they became acute. But the study also demonstrates several unique features of the Atlanta Urban League, including the production of scholarly monographs on educational, housing and health needs for African Americans in Atlanta that resulted in reforms in the Atlanta Public Schools; increased and improved housing for blacks; and a private hospital for middle and upper income black Atlantans. Notably, the Atlanta Urban League had one of the first female executives of an Urban League affiliate and was one of the first affiliates to face possible disaffiliation for seeming to gear some of its policies to appease segregationists in order to receive local funding. The work is a major contribution to the growing literature on African American parallel institutions that permitted blacks to survive and progress as well as demonstrate independent action and leadership in the Jim Crow South.
Smith-Ross, Camacia 2022 1-4955-0926-5 254 pages From Abstract: In March of 2020, the world was faced with yet another life altering event that was viewed as a national health crisis. Silently roaming earth and affecting so many people, this infectious disease, caused by a newly discovered coronavirus, Covid-19, created alarming chaos and changed how the world communicated, worked, and lived. The new normal came with swift changes and challenged our mental, social and emotional state.
Business as usual looks differently at many institutions of higher learning. Having to face the realization that normalized learning was on the verge of changing its persona and wondering if black and brown students would be able to pivot and remain connected was in question. Recognizing HCBUs have always been havens of resilience, being a beacon of hope for "people of color," this pandemic would not change her position. The times would transform, but her glory would not fade. She would continue to move in haste focused on her mission.
Bukay, David 2017 1-63313-021-5 134 pages The research found in this book proves, ethnic cleansing has also many other aspects, like expropriating others' history, scientific knowledge, values, even identity; mass slavery of groups and nationals from the seventh century on; coercing Muslim primitive barbarian values on the Free World by terrorism, intimidation, sophisticated propaganda, sabotaging its infrastructure, and mass-immigration; and removing physical and cultural evidence of the targeted groups by demolishing and desecrating their monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.
Roinila, Mika 2006 0-7734-5678-3 200 pages Over twenty years of research and publication of articles dealing with the Finnish ethnic group of North America is compiled here for the first time in a collection of ten chapters dealing with various topics of interest. The chapters include reprints of articles that have appeared in refereed scholarly journals as well as popular magazines in Finland, Canada and the United States. The topics range from the Finnish immigrants of Atlantic Canada and runaway sailors, to prairie farmers, commercial fishermen of Lake Superior, the Finland-Swedish ethnolinguistic minority of Canada, the Finns of Virginia and Central Appalachia, and the popularization of the Finnish sauna in the American hospitality industry. This work complements and adds to our growing knowledge and appreciation of ethnic groups within North America.
French, Laurence Armand 2022 978-1-4955-1026-7 300 pages Analysis of geopolitics, racial prejudices, and judicial bias in the case of the Sarajevo Siege and scourge of Serb atrocities. Includes reports of (1) the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Suffering of Serbs in Sarajevo between 1991 and 1995 and (2) the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Sufferings of all People in the Srebrenica Region between 1991 and 1995.
Bazan-Gonzalez, Patricia 2020 1-4955-0849-8 152 pages The transformation and reincarnation of culture is underway in the United States and has been ongoing for hundreds of years. England and Spain each played prominent roles in influencing the historical “founding” of what America has become for nearly five centuries. This study emerges as a leading identifier of the many historical and ingrained social nuances this hybrid culture – Hispanicity – employs as it continues to modify and challenge every cultural aspect of modern society in the United States.
Hussein, Lutfi 2009 0-7734-4859-4 192 pages This work examines the discursive construction of social identity of Arab-American groups on the World Wide Web (WWW).
Aleandri, Emelise 2015 1-4955-0401-8 760 pages The Italian musical emigration created an extra Italian community in New York in addition to the community of Italian political refugees and exiles. The Italian population of the city also consisted in part of the visiting transient entertainers in the fields of music, dance, circus and variety.
Aixelá-Cabré, Yolanda 2018 1-4955-0693-3 208 pages The objective of this study is to provide a cartography of the most relevant ways of managing cultural diversity and of the most widely extended discourses about religious, ethnic, and cultural otherness in Europe. It reviews notions such as diversity, national identities, multicultural demands, democratic systems, and European challenges and the strong colonial continuities in the construction of otherness, and in the management of present-day coexistence in Western Europe.
Makolkin, Anna 2007 0-7734-5361-X 292 pages This new study, drawing its inspiration from A History of Odessa, the Last Italian Black Sea Colony (The Edwin Mellen Press, 2004) and based on new archival findings, focuses solely on the eternal cultural legacy of the Italian founders of this unique port, shaped by nearly a century of Italian presence. The work reveals how Odessa Italians constructed a cultural bridge between Eastern and Western Europe via Odessa Italian Opera. The work demonstrates how the exploration of the New Russia by the Odessa Italians helped the Russian Empire to make a leap into modernity, giving them a touch of the Renaissance that the country had skipped, and bringing the Enlightenment that the Empire had seen briefly. This new contribution to European cultural history will be of interest to scholars of European, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian history, art historians and musicologists, as well as students of migration and multiculturalism. This book contains 10 color photographs and 20 black and white photographs.
Dyer, Donald L. 1999 0-7734-8037-4 220 pages For half a century, Soviet linguists tried to drive a wedge between the Romanians of Moldova and their ethnic and linguistic kindred across the river in Romania. Attempts were made to create an independent literary language called ‘Moldavian', which according to Soviet linguistics and their followers was lexically, phonologically, even grammatically distinct from standard Romanian. These attempts failed, but for most of the Soviet period, the Romanian of Moldova.
The present work examines through a series of contemporary essays the history of Soviet language policy in Moldova. Special attentions is paid to the actual dialectal features of Moldovan Romanian, its borrowed lexical stock from Russian and the relationship between the Romanian of Moldova and other languages spoken in the region, such as Bulgarian and Gagauz. A special feature is a series of interviews in the appendices, with both politicians and academicians, including Mircea Snegur, President of Moldova.
Nordé, Sr., Gerald S. 2017 1-4955-0542-1 151 pages This book and the presentation of the two theories is to subject individuals to see, hear, and sense how the color of one’s skin matters so much more than the content of one’s character, e.g., their origin(s).
Yang, Mimi Y. 2014 0-7734-3513-1 172 pages A new direction in multicultural studies. This in-depth intercultural mirroring study examines the convergence of the Chinese, English, and Spanish worlds from a cultural and language perspective. The interlocking of three seemingly foreign mindsets in dealing with issues of nationalism, power, personal identity and life expectations opens a new window exposing our similarities through our intercultural connectors. The reader is taken on a new and fresh journey away from the routine stereotypical approach that relies on examining cultural diversity.
Zawati, Hilmi M. 2010 0-7734-3698-7 492 pages This inquiry is carried out in three interrelated parts. The first part explores the roots of ethnic conflict in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and analytically discusses the mechanisms and motivations that led to genocidal rape, ethnic cleansing and mass killings in these regions. It reveals and analyzes the dramatic and overwhelming relationship between national extremism, mass killings, and sexual violence in ethno-national conflicts.
The second part of this analysis establishes a framework for understanding the nature and contours of sexual violence through case-studies of systematic rape as an integral element of ethnic conflict and genocide in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. It provides a critical view of the ideology of wartime sexual violence and wartime rape motivations as among the most destructive weapons of war, highlighting the historical invisibility of this crime in which women were, and still are, the major targets and most vulnerable victims.
Finally, part three of this volume discloses the equivocal role of the international community in managing the crisis. It addresses the ambiguous question of why the international community, represented by United Nations peacekeeping missions, was unable to prevent or to stop the mass killing and atrocities.
Andersson, Mette 2005 0-7734-5986-3 508 pages This is a current prime political and scholarly issue in Europe and North America, the fate of migrant youth. Instead of seeing their precarious situation in simplified cultural terms, this book argues that an understanding of their situation has to rest upon an analysis of their everyday life situation. With a focus on the mechanisms of their outsidership and their ways of dealing with it, this book develops a generative model where the different ideal types of migrant youth social organization and mentalities are demonstrated. Resting on a solid empirical study of three migrant youth contexts, a street gang, a Muslim student association, and a sports club, the analysis demonstrates how they all represent specific soluti8ons to the problem of the spatial politics of recognition and misrecognition.
Sicakkan, Hakan G. 2006 0-7734-5877-8 252 pages To provide a solid interdisciplinary basis for theorizing diversity, the book brings together the conceptual and methodological tools of political theory, social theory, history, political science, sociology and social anthropology. In this book, scholars with unique competencies share their knowledge on the topic and provide novel angles for thinking about coexistence and politics in diverse societies.
Sircar, Arpana 2000 0-7734-7848-5 288 pages This study addresses the way gender mediates the lives of employed immigrant women in an ethnic minority community. It sheds light on the interplay of race-ethnicity, social class, and history generates multiple contexts within which individual and collective gender attitudes and norms are situated. This empirical study has tapped firsthand into the isolated behind-closed-doors subplots of how individuals negotiate old and new gender concepts in contested social and familial terrains.
Goodlett, David E. 2007 0-7734-5398-9 208 pages This study examines the Yugoslav government’s policy on the rapidly escalating Yugoslav worker emigration from 1963-1973 through the coverage of that emigration in the major Yugoslav news media during these same years. Because the Yugoslav press contained a degree of contrasting opinion that was high relative to other Communist states during the same period, while at the same time allowing no questioning of settled policy, its coverage of this subject provides a useful window into the shifting attitudes toward worker emigration of the government and especially of President Tito. Using as sources the major Yugoslav newspapers and other periodicals, as well as dispatches from Tanjug, the Yugoslav government’s official news agency, and translations of radio broadcasts, the picture comes clearly into focus of a government struggling to manage the effects of this exodus, but unable to affect the outflow in a substantive way because it was unavoidable given the external labor markets and the policy of self-management itself.