Subject Area: Russia & Russian (+ Soviet Union): All Subjects

 Kazak, Ihar [Igor Gregory Kozak]
2010 0-7734-3765-7 324 pages
This work is the first English translation of a selected collection of short stories by Arkady Averchenko (1881-1925), the prolific writer of satirical and humorous prose in prerevolutionary Russia.

Price: $219.95

A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabokov's Theory and Practice of Translation
 Yablokova, Zhanna
2018 1-4955-0702-5 116 pages
Vladimir Nabokov's theory and practice of translation evolved through three distinct and overlapping phases. In the first phase, Nabokov used translation to make literary works accessible to new audiences while preserving the spirit of the work. In the second phase, he made sure the translation was accurate to the original text. In the third and final phase, he argued that future translations should remain faithful to the first translation. This work analyzes and considers Nabokov and his sometimes contradictory philosophy towards translation.

Price: $119.95

An Analysis of the Cult of Lenin in Russian Archives
 Velikanova, Olga
2001 0-7734-7371-8 320 pages
This study of collective representations in Soviet Russia concentrates on perceptions of Lenin’s image, from a socio-anthropological rather than political view. In addition to Communist party information, official documents, memoirs, and folklore, newly-opened secret reports of the soviet political police are used for the first time. It analyses the development of the cult from Lenin’s lifetime up to the process of ‘de-Leninisation’ in the 1990s. Much of the research concerns the perception of his death and the decision to embalm his body, the campaign called ‘the Lenin enrollment’, renaming of Petrograd, and organization of ‘Lenin Corners’. It also presents new material devoted to Lenin museums, along with archive documents and never-published photographs. The text is completely in Russian.

Price: $219.95

An Autobiographical Narration of the Role of Fear and Friendship in the Soviet Union
 Shlapentokh, Vladmir
2004 0-7734-6294-5 201 pages
An autobiography of a well-known American sociologist who first rose to prominence in the Soviet Union. The author examines the life of an individual who realized in his early youth the totalitarian character of the Soviet society but who did not dare fight the system. The author reflects on human nature based on his life experiences in the USSR and to some degree also in the West. Special attention has been devoted to the role of fear in totalitarian society, and to the way people adjusted to it.

Price: $179.95

 Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
2001 0-7734-7350-5 288 pages
Examines church-state relations from the Eastern Christian tradition, as manifested in the policies and practices of the Byzantine Empire, the Mongol Empire, and medieval Russia, and their implications for modern times.

Price: $199.95

Anna Bunina (1774-1829), and the Origins of Women's Poetry in Russia
 Rosslyn, Wendy
1997 0-7734-8527-9 372 pages
This is the first extensive study of Bunina's poems and detailed exploration of her life, using archives and numerous periodicals. It describes the cultural expectations which Bunina challenged, her poetic unconventional lyric persona, her strategic choices of poetic language and genre, the reception of her work, and her unprecedented success in living by the pen. It illuminates the pre-history of feminism and the feminine literary tradition in Russian through the reflections on gender and writing of the most radical and gifted of the early women writers.

Price: $239.95

Anti- fascist Committees in the USSR - 1941-1945
 Petrova, N. K.
2000 0-7734-3314-7 300 pages
Historical narrative of associations affiliated with the Communist party during the Second World War.

Price: $199.95

ARCHIMANDRITE MAKARII GLUKHAREV - FOUNDER OF THE ALTAI MISSION Translated with an Interpretive Essay by James Lawton Haney
 Kharlampovich, Konstantin Vasil’evich
2001 0-7734-7362-9 252 pages
A translation of K. V. Kharlampovich’s biography of a monastic missionary among the tribal people of western Siberia who was canonized as a saint by the Russian Orthodox Church in the year 2000. The translator’s interpretive essay makes clear that he merits a place in the history of Christian missions. It is an arresting portrait of an Orthodox hesychast driven to found a mission among the Altaian people. He also enunciated the first comprehensive plan for missionary activity in the Russian Church and translated the Hebrew scriptures into modern Russian. This work adds a significant piece to the mosaic of orthodox spirituality in its delineation of the struggle of far-sighted, highly creative monk against the forces of an entrenched bureaucracy.. Published in 1905 in Kazan’, Kharlampovich’s biography has not been previously translated. In addition to its significance for the study of Russian missions and Orthodox spirituality, it also makes a valuable contribution to the broader study of pre-Revolutionary Russian culture, Slavic history, and social and religious history of 19th-century Europe. With maps, facsimiles, and photographs.

Price: $199.95

Bakhtin's Dialogism and Semiotics in the Context of Visual Culture: A Case Study of the Film O'Baile Directed by Ettore Scola
 Legg, Olga
2019 1-4955-0772-6 120 pages
Dr. Legg's book adopts a semiotic approach in order to understand culture and society as a theatrical category and the way it functions as a dialogic discourse in the film Le Bal, also known as "O'Baille", directed by Ettore Scola.

Price: $119.95

Britain and Russia - The Bid to Rule Tibet
 Shaumian, T.
2001 0-7734-3361-9 348 pages
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Russia pursued an active interventive policy in Central Asia, arousing a serious challenge by the British colonial powers who saw Tibet as one of the jewels in the British crown, and attempted to ward off Russian intrigues. This book follows the course of Anglo-Russian rivalry, the involvement of British India and China in the struggle for sovereignty in the region, and the open and hidden intrigues involved in the jockeying for advantage of two major world powers.

Price: $219.95

Case Study of Genocide in the Ukrainian Famine of 1921-1923
 Veryha, Wasyl
2007 0-7734-5278-8 384 pages
Examines the discriminatory ways of combating famine in two different areas: in the Volga Valley of Russia and in the south-eastern Ukrainian provinces. Since Russia and Ukraine were governed by Moscow’s War Communism economic policy, every province had an assignment contingent of grain to deliver to the state, and to the Volga Valley, but not to the starving Ukrainian provinces. During the Ukrainian famine of 1921 to 1923, it is estimated that 2 to 2.5 million people starved to death. This book contains 6 black and white photographs.

Price: $239.95

Children From Mixed Russian-African Marriages- Destinies, Culture, Future
 Krylova, N. L.
2000 0-7734-3183-7 400 pages
This work centers on a community unique in its kind, the result of mixed marriages between Russian women and the natives of African countries. It explores the social reality of such alliances.

Price: $239.95

Collected Essays in Honor of the Bicentennial of Alexander Pushkin’s Birth
 Ryfa, Juras T.
2000 0-7734-7785-3 288 pages
This collection involved the participation of both Russian and American scholars at a joint event to honor Pushkin.

Price: $199.95

Concordance to the Poetry of Joseph Brodsky
 Patera, Tatiana A.
2003 0-7734-6822-6 644 pages
This concordance is designed to assist Brodsky specialists and students of Russian poetry, deepening their understanding of one of the most important poets of our time whose works are now an indispensable part of the curriculum of many American and European universities.

Price: $339.95

Constantine Nabokov's Letters to an American Friend, 1906-1913
 Straka, W. W.
1988 0-88946-014-0 430 pages
An edited version of correspondence between Nabokov, a Russian diplomat, and an American friend between the years of 1906 and 1913.

Price: $259.95

Criminal Justice Reform in Russia, Ukraine and the Former Republics of the Soviet Union: Trial by Jury and Mixed Courts
 Kovalev, Nikolai
2010 0-7734-1418-5 680 pages
Examines challenges to jury reforms in the transitional justice systems of the post-Soviet countries. It also provides an analysis of the historical, political and social contexts criminal justice reforms in the former Soviet Union. This book contains six color photographs and 1 black and white photographs.

Price: $359.95

Culture and Power in Russian History
 Zhidkov, V.
1999 0-7734-3230-2 272 pages
Presents a new and original conception of the correlation between culture and power in Russian history. Russian history has most often been examined through geopolitical factors, as well as irrational and even mystical ones. The authors are the leading specialists in the study of Russian culture as it spontaneously developed during the centuries of Russian history as well as the culture developed more or less purposefully by the state power factors. They look at the development of the Russian mentality over time and its relation to the world picture.

Price: $199.95

Czar and Czardom in the Russian Public Mind the Perception of the World and Self-Consciousness of the Russian Society
 Gorsky, A. A.
2000 0-7734-3316-3 166 pages
This is a study of how the notions "czar" and "czardom" were perceived by Russian public mind in the different historical epochs.

Price: $159.95

Das Testament Ivans Des Schrecklichen Von 1572: Eine Kritische AufklÄrung/a Textual Analysis of the 1572 Will of Ivan the Terrible
 Soldat, Cornelia
2013 0-7734-4553-6 540 pages
This is a new look at the one existing copy of the 1572 Testament of Ivan the Terrible. It provides a close textural analyses which will appeal to a broad audience. For the first time this 19th century manuscript discovery is discussed in detail as to its historical discovery and the subsequent problems associated with its authentication and authorship. There is as much about the literary culture in Russia in the nineteenth century as it is about Ivan the Terrible and the testamentary culture and practice in the sixteenth century

Price: $299.95

Diaries of Georgy Efron, August 1942-August 1943 (the Tashkent Period)
 Zaslavsky, Olga
2010 0-7734-3645-6 172 pages
This work is a translation of Georgy Efron, the son of one of Russia’s greatest twentieth-century poets, Maria Tsvetaeva.

Price: $159.95

Discrete Control Systems: New Principles and Devices
 Makarov, I. M.
2000 0-7734-3160-8 408 pages

Price: $259.95

East Village and City in the 20th Century
 Ivanov, Y. M.
2001 0-7734-3344-9 380 pages

Price: $239.95

Economics of the Gulag and Its Part in the Development of the Soviet Union in the 1930s. A Documentary History
 Khlusov, M.I.
1999 0-7734-3182-9 176 pages
This is the first documentary investigation of the most crucial period of GULAG history --the 1930s--when this repressive body became a powerful component of the economy of the USSR. This book provides the base to substantiate the accusatory works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, V. T. Shalamov and other writers who revealed the very grave crimes of the Soviet regime.

Price: $159.95

Elections to the State Duma in December 1999 - Russia’s Choice at the End of the Twentieth Century
 Strokanov, Alexandre
2003 0-7734-6582-0 212 pages
Analyzing documents related to the elections to the Third State Duma on December 19, 1999, and Presidential elections of March 26, 2000, this book provides the reader with new data that helps in understanding the importance of the elections for the future of the Russian political landscape. The study approaches the elections from many angles, including their legal base, the major participants and forms of participation, and it provides many details on the course of the elections, their results and interpretation. It outlines the development of a multi-party system in Russia and the activities of political parties, electoral blocs and other political organizations. It explores the specifics of Russian political culture and its impact on the results. Finally, the book suggests some possibilities in the future developments of Russian political life.

Price: $179.95

Encyclopedia of Chuvash Folk Rites and Beliefs
 Salmin, Anton Kirillovich
2011 0-7734-1546-7 412 pages
An encyclopedia that covers a scientific study of the religions and customs of the Chuvash. This book is written in Russian.

Price: $259.95

Encyclopedic English-Russian Sociological Dictionary
 Kravchenko, S.
2001 0-7734-3362-7 412 pages

Price: $259.95

Environs of Russian Cities
 Ioffe, Grigory
1999 0-7734-7878-7 260 pages
a pioneering effort to analyze the circumstances and phenomena of land-use, residential settings, and the relationship between the urban and rural worlds in Russia. It shows how changes in Russia’s urban margins are the result of ongoing political and economic reforms and also conditioned by long-term factors of life. It contains two empirical case studies: the study of the environs of Moscow and the environs of Yaroslavl in the 1990s. In both cases, recreation, rural, and agricultural components are emphasized. The authors particularly examine the core-periphery gradients of land use and population dynamics, and also land transfers and the formation of land market.

Price: $199.95

Equations of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 1 Sixth Supplemented and Revised Edition
 Tikhonov, A.N.
1999 0-7734-3204-3 400 pages
World known course of Mathematical Physics which was used in the education of many generations of researchers in different countries. The English translation made from the second Russian edition (1953) has had very wide distribution in 1956 and 1990. The new sixth edition, supplemented and revised, was prepared by Academician A.A. Samarskii for publication in 1999 and reflects the newest results of Mathematical Physics, as well as the half-century- experience of teaching this discipline on the base of the famous course.

Price: $239.95

Equations of Mathematical Physics. Vol. 2 Sixth Supplemented and Revised Edition
 Tikhonov, A.N.
1999 0-7734-3138-1 400 pages

Price: $239.95

Famine of 1946-1947 in the USSR. Its Origins and Consequences
 Zima, V.F.
1999 0-7734-3184-5 268 pages
The causes, the gigantic scale and the consequences of the 1946-47 famine are revealed. Work is devoted to the completely unexplored famine from previously unavailable materials from the state and party archives--secret documents, correspondence, memoirs and books and papers on this top secret topic. The important decrees, resolutions and orders signed by J. Stalin, V. Molotov, N. Shvernik and other officials are chronologically analyzed. The influences of war, drought, state purchases, tax campaigns and other economic sanctions are addressed and the staggering losses in population caused by famine and illness are analyzed.

Price: $199.95

First Cosmonaut. The Story of His Life and Death
 Belotskerlovskii, S. M.
1999 0-7734-3224-8 340 pages

Price: $219.95

Formation and Development of Informal Associations of the Ural's Provincial Officials at the End of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century
 Lyubichankovskiy, Sergy V.
2014 0-7734-4282-0 104 pages
A first ever historiographic based research analysis of the corporate self-organizing process and formation that developed among Ural’s provincial officials in the late 19th and early 20th Century in Russia.

Price: $119.95

Four Socialist Reformers of Socialism: Alexandra Kollontai, Andrei Platonov, Robert Havemann, and Stefan Heym
 Riser, John
2009 0-7734-4773-3 204 pages
This study analyzes and evaluates major elements of the careers of four dissidents who were opposed to the socialist systems under which they lived. It focuses on the main events in their lives, their most significant contributions, the influence they wielded, as well as the substantive adjustments in outlook they made after their early optimism about the prospects of “existing socialism” disintegrated due to disillusionment about, and rejection of, its guiding policies.

Price: $179.95

Freedom and Sense - A New Shift of Paradigm in the Humanities
 Toulchinsky, G.
2001 0-7734-3375-9 480 pages
This book by Russian philosopher Grigorii Toulchinsky provides a spiritual summation of the achievements of the twentieth century, and a survey of prospects for further development of the humanities. The author both reviews various philosophical trends and movements, and also engages in discussion and polemics with members of the American, European and Russian philosophical community and also with others standing outside this sphere. In his chapter on postmodernism, for instance, Toulchinsky not only defines the general features of this movement, summarizing its achievement and pointing out the impasse into which it has led. He also comments on the shift of accent in our interpretation of reality (being) from “intellectuality” to spirituality and physicality. A general emphasis on this quality in modern culture is seen in currently widespread consumerism, the cult of health and fitness, the accentuation of sexuality, the flourishing porno-industry, and the formation and promotion of attractive images in advertising, politics, art, and even in religion and science.

Price: $279.95

From Gosplan to Market Economy. Mathematical Analysis of the Evolution of the Russian Economic Structures
 Petrov, A.
1999 0-7734-3264-7 408 pages
Based upon an original method of mathematical modeling of the economy—“a systems analysis of evolving economy.” It contains a full description and discussion of the results of the analysis of the models of marketing and centrally planned economy; the economy of the transition and the structure of the economy of the USSR and Russia; the important consequences of the economic decisions of that period; the model of the economy which formed in Russia after the reforms of 1992; the terms and opportunities of the economy’s transition to the equilibrium market structures of today. The authors have developed a unique system of mathematical models verified with Russian economic statistics, which enables an objective analysis of the Russian economy to pinpoint trends in its development.

Price: $259.95

Gorbachev’s Foreign Policy Toward the Korean Peninsula, 1985-1991 Power and Reform
 Joo, Seung-Ho
2000 0-7734-7817-5 264 pages
This is the first volume in English to comprehensively analyze Gorbachev’s foreign policy toward the two Koreas. Drawing on interviews with key officials of South Korea and the Soviet Union/Russia and utilizing materials written in English, Korean, and Russian, Joo systematically explores the Soviet Union’s shifting goals and behavior toward the two Koreas, while focusing on the influence of Gorbachev’s shifting power position within the Soviet leadership on his Korea policy. Insightful and informative, this volume will be of interest to students of Soviet, post-Soviet, and Korean foreign relations, and to all those interested in the dynamic relationship between Gorbachev’s power consolidation at home and his foreign policy behavior.

Price: $199.95

Great Russian Historian M. Rostovtsev in the Usa the Years of Exile
 Bongard-Levin, G. M.
1999 0-7734-3226-4 496 pages
This is the definitive edition on the life and creative work of the great Russian historian of antiquity, philologist-classicist and archaeologist, Michael Rostovtsev, written by the world-renowned historian G. M. Bongard-Levin. The book covers the American period of his life (1920-1952) and reveals its many dramatic dimensions. It also focuses on the great scientific achievements of Academician Rostovtsev, as well as the scientific school he created at Yale University.

Price: $279.95

Guide to Russian Words and Expressions that Cause Difficulties
 Rojavin, Marina
2004 0-7734-6302-X 242 pages
This represents a qualitative step forward in the pedagogical process of teaching and learning a foreign language. It is based on a comparative semantic analysis of Russian synonyms, antonyms, related words, cognates, and everyday expressions as contrasted with their English equivalents and is centered on explaining the contents of these words. It helps in bridging the gap between studying Russian grammar and the specific use of particular words in discourse, especially in contrasting or similar pairs or sets. It is indispensable for familiarizing learners with the semantic meanings of words. It better facilitates the students’ ability to learn and gain proficiency in the practical use of the Russian language. Learners will appreciate the inclusion of important Russian linguistic and cultural elements.

Price: $179.95

Heroes and Villains of Russian Science Vol. 1
 Shnoll, S. E.
2000 0-7734-3256-6 364 pages

Price: $239.95

Heroes and Villains of Russian Science Vol. 2
 Shnoll, S. E.
2000 0-7734-3154-3 376 pages

Price: $239.95

History of Science of Culture
 Ikonnikova, S.
2001 0-7734-3161-6 628 pages

Price: $339.95

 Holmes, Larry E.
2008 0-7734-5181-1 192 pages
This study examines in an historical and a contemporary context the Russian attitudes and behaviors that fuel Western misconceptions. The work focuses on how Russians perceive themselves and outsiders and how those preconceptions affect outsiders’ perceptions of them. Historical, academic, and biographical this book alternatively confirms, challenges, and even defies the prejudices and impressions held by not only students and scholars, but also Russian specialists.

Price: $159.95

Improvisation and the Way to Success on the Stage
 Kharkin, V.N.
1999 0-7734-3243-4 220 pages
A very interesting and provocative book of applied psychology tracing and explaining improvisation as a creative force for actors and theatre directors. This work reveals the many mechanisms of improvisation and is very interesting for the general reader as well.

Price: $179.95

Inconstancy of Eternity Lao-Zi: Myth, Man and His Book
 Maslov, A.A.
1999 0-7734-3255-8 408 pages
This book includes a detailed analysis of the life of Lao-zi as man and myth, and discussions of the genesis of his school. It argues that the school of Lao-zi (‘laoism’) was one of the most mystical and occult branches of early Chinese thought, and actually has no direct relation with Taoism except some mythological allusions. The text of ‘Lao-zi’ represents compilations of the sacral formulas mixed with profane commentaries added some centuries later. The book contains a fully annotated translation of “Lao-zi” and commentaries of Chinese scholars from the Middle Ages. It analyzes about a dozen versions of the text from the 2nd century BC to the 13th century AD, discusses the practice of early Taoist contemplation, rituals, and its transformations up to the present. This book will be useful not only for professional specialists in history, philosophy, and oriental studies, but also for those in world history and philosophical thought. Alexei Maslov is a well-known Russian Orientalist scholar, and the main part of this book is based on his lecturing courses in the Sinological Institute of Heidelberg University and the University of Leeds.

Price: $259.95

Influence of French Language and Culture in the Lives of Eight Women Writers of Russian Heritage
 Poulton, Leslee
2002 0-7734-6908-7 320 pages
This is a comparative study of the lives and literary production of Russian-born French writers from the 18th to the 20th century: Empress Elizabeth, Catherine the Great, Princess Dashkova; Maria Bashkirtseff, the Comtesse de Ségur; Nathalie Sarraute, Elsa Triolet, Irène Némirovsky, and Zoe Oldenbourg. This book shows how they were influenced by their Russian heritage and how the traditions and impressions of their youth are visible in their French writings.

Price: $219.95

Influence of India on Leo Tolstoy and Tolstoy's Influence on India: A Study of Reciprocal Receptions
 Balasubramanian, Radha
2013 0-7734-4357-6 296 pages
Tolstoy’s fictional works reflect a connection with Indian religious texts even before he had actually read them. His quest to read and assimilate ancient Hindu writing earned Tolstoy great respect- even reverence – from Gandhi and other Indian intellectuals such that Tolstoy took his place as a pre-eminent writer, thinker, and sage in India. Yet, much remained unexplored in regard to Tolstoy’s relationship with India and this book addresses the gaps in that research. (From the Preface)

Price: $199.95

Interpreting Nikolai Gogol Within Russian Orthodoxy
 Stanton, Leonard J.
2006 0-7734-5783-6 328 pages
The authors present a tripartite thesis in this study. They begin with the fundamental position that the Orthodox religion, though not the Russian Orthodox Church, functions as a sub-text throughout all of Nikolai Gogol’s work, whether fiction, comedy, or essays, the last generally being fiction in another form. There exists, therefore, no separate Gogol of Dead Souls and the tales from Dikanka or Mirgorod or Arabesques, and another Gogol of Selected Passages, the first to be admired and the second to be condemned. There is, instead, a single Nikolai Gogol, for whom religion forms the basic unifying theme in his entire corpus. A second part of the thesis is that Gogol, while writing in the comic vein, both light (The Inspector General) and dark (“The Portrait,” “The Overcoat”), worked neither as a humorist (Mark Twain’s short stories) nor as a satirist (Petronius), but as a moralist, who, like Plato, sought to point to the way toward a general social reformation. Ethical disorder and moral “little failings” would certainly amuse because they were recognized, but the purpose of writing about “little failings” was to move toward a more ordered society where all fulfilled their social obligations. The third part of the thesis concerned Gogol’s literary successors. The authors suggest that Gogol’s overcoat descended not to the Russian Orthodox writers of immense and often Christian novels, but to the Jewish authors of Yiddish tales, often written in the comic style about “little failings” and also attempting to show the way and the need for moral reform of the community.

The authors conclude that Gogol’s work formed a coherent and unified whole, animated by a strong sense of the need for religiously-based reform of the existing social order through attention to social obligations, and this attitude of social reform based upon religion would be repeated within the Russian imperial literary context in the Yiddish tradition of tales and stories.

Price: $219.95

Is History Reasonable? Rational Philosophy as a Basis for Historical Interpretation
 Sergeichik, E.
2001 0-7734-3359-7 460 pages

Price: $279.95

Is the World Illusive?
 Karpunin, V. A.
2001 0-7734-3169-1 368 pages

Price: $239.95

Johannes Renner's Livonian History 1556-1561
 Urban, William Lawrence
1997 0-7734-8691-7 260 pages
This translation of Renner's 16th century Baltic chronicle is an important source for early modern Russian history, dealing with the rise of Ivan the Terrible. Renner was a secretary to one of the important officers and observed the political process first-hand and he had access to documents and correspondence. The text is extensively footnoted and includes maps to assist the reader in following the complexities of the opening years of the Great Livonian War 1558-1583.

Price: $199.95

Kratology: All About Power, an Encyclopedic Textbook
 Khalipov, V.F.
2001 0-7734-3171-3 436 pages

Price: $259.95

Lenin and Bogdanov: From Cooperation to Opposition
 Sharapov, Y.P.
1999 0-7734-3217-5 125 pages
The monograph centers on the comparison of the lives of Lenin and Bogdanov, confronting their political trajectories in the first quarter of the 20th century. In the few last years the name of A.A. Bogdanov emerged from oblivion, many of his works were re-published, including the famous two-volume “Tectology”, the book that anticipated cybernetics. The author attempts “to look at Lenin through Bogdanov, and to look at Bogdanov through Lenin”, shedding light on the historical details of the relations between the former companions-in-arm who became irreconcilable ideological opponents. Focusing on the activities of Lenin and Bogdanov, the author examines the problem of the relations between revolutionary and evolutionary ways of development of Russian society in that epoch. In Russian

Price: $139.95

Letters of Life in an Aristocratic Russian Household Before and After the Revolutionary Coles and Princess Vera Urusov
 Tyrras, Nicholas
2000 0-7734-7776-4 468 pages
These letters, written over thirty-five years apart, may be read as chronicles from daily life in Russia. The letters by Amy Coles reflect a contemporary Englishwoman’s perspective on life in a Russian household from 1879-1883. Four decades later, her pupil, Princess Vera, chronicled the ruin and mortal danger that had befallen her and her mother following the Russian revolution. The juxtaposition of the letters reveals the enormous contrasts between privilege and persecution, comfort and penury, security and the threat of imminent death. These are historical accounts by eyewitnesses to Russian life before and after the revolution. With photographs.

Price: $279.95

Life and Death of Alexander Pushkin
 Druzhnikov, Yuri
2006 0-7734-5824-7 352 pages
“That I was born in Russia with feeling and talent is the devil’s curse!” Alexander Pushkin wrote in the last letter to his wife. Eight months later he died. This new scholarly book on Russia’s greatest poet is an electrifying reinterpretation of the official Imperial, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Pushkin studies. While investigating the last and unhappy period of Pushkin’s biography (1830-1837), e.g. ‘the end of Pushkin’s life,’ the author restores paradoxical circumstances that eventually led to the poet’s death. In this book the author constructs a new scholarly version of Pushkin as an artist profoundly at odds not only with his society but also with himself.

The author is by no means the first to expose the weak points of Russian traditional myths, Pushkin’s enrollment into historic and social studies of Russian tyranny, a comparative analysis of Pushkin’s recognition in France, as well as some untouchable aspects of the biography of the poet, paradoxes of a Russian umber – one classic who considered himself in his diary a Russian Dangeau.

Genius constitutes the domain of freedom, whereas any political body (such as the totalitarian state) is an area of constraint. Conflict between genius and authorities is treated as metaphysically inevitable. Pushkin’s final drama and his mental problems were a network of intrigues that inextricably and tragically entangled his personality. Finally in the book, this recognized Pushkin scholar offers a new documented evidence for his paradoxical version of Pushkin’s duel as suicide.

The idolization of the poet in his own country and even abroad raises some troubling issues. What lies behind the need to create national heroes and falsify their biographies, and to what lengths must a country go to discover its national identity and goals? Being an original and provocative analysis of the unknown Pushkin, this monograph will be in many respects an eye-opener to both Slavic scholars, students, and the well-educated general readers.

Price: $239.95

Liquidator’s Wife: A Post- Chernobyl Tale & Other Stories by Leanid Levanovich
 Levanovich, Leanid
2015 1-4955-0407-7 356 pages
America – Belarus – Chernobyl: these are the ABC’s which provide the essence of this book by the renowned Belarusian writer Leanid Levanovich. The author writes about life of Belarusians in the U.S.A., and about the worries, concerns and joy of the folks back home. The Chernobyl tragedy has touched him deeply. An outstanding translation into English of the original Belarusian and Russian works of Levanovich.

Price: $239.95

M. P. Pogodin - A Man, an Historian, a Publicist
 Umbrashko, K. B.
2000 0-7734-3399-6 260 pages

Price: $199.95

Making Russian Democracy Work Social Capital, Economic Development, and Democratization
 Marsh, Christopher
2000 0-7734-7803-5 220 pages
This book explores the myriad factors at work in the process of post-Communist democratization in Russia, with an explicit focus on the role performed by social capital and socio-economic development. Using both an historical approach and quantitative evidence from across Russia’s 89 regions, this work explores the role performed by economic development and social capital leading to the democratization of the Soviet Union and in contributing to the consolidation of democracy in contemporary Russia. The results offer some grounds for a guardedly optimistic assessment of the prospects for making democracy work in Russia. The work contributes to the body of literature on comparative regime transitions, post-Communist politics, and to the study of democratic governance in general.

Price: $179.95

Marxism- Leninism as the Civil Religion of Soviet Society: God's Commissar
 Thrower, James
1992 0-7734-9180-5 216 pages
Examines the phenomenon of Marxism-Leninism from a perspective of the history of religions, in order to cull the lessons that students of both religion and society might draw from the collapse of that once seemingly impregnable ideology. After considering the reasons advanced by a variety of scholars for calling Marxism-Leninism a religion, as well as at Marxism-Leninism's own claim to be a science, the author suggests that a more fruitful way of looking at is would be as a form of civil religion. It examines the way Marxism-Leninism sought to supplant the historic religions and develop its own ritual system, as well as those features which are not only mythological, but also ideological in precisely the same sense in which Marx himself saw religions as ideological phenomena.

Price: $179.95

Medical Issues and Health Care Reform in Russia
 Hesli, Vicki L.
1999 0-7734-7933-3 340 pages
These essays provide a multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary perspective on the complex issues facing Russian medical professionals and politicians as they attempt to transform new health care policies and laws into practice at the turn of the 21st century. Essays in four areas: Impact of Political and Social Transitions on Health and Health Care; Current Conditions and Future Needs in Russian Health Care Delivery; Sexual Politics and Policy in Russian Culture; Health Care Innovations, Cross-Cultural Training and Educational Initiatives.

Price: $219.95

Medieval Pontos
 Karpov, S.
2001 0-7734-3167-5 476 pages

Price: $279.95

Memoirs of a Provincial Priest: A Novel
 Economtsev, Igoumen Ioann
1999 0-7734-3232-9 228 pages
The genre of this wonderful book goes far beyond the novel: it is metaphysical, philosophical, and mystical, but primarily it is the life of Russian Orthodox Church shown from the inside, through the eyes of a man ordained into its concealed depths. Perhaps it is for the first time in Russian literature that the chief positive hero of the novel is an orthodox priest whose heroic life is crowned by martyrdom. The book reveals the historical roots of bolshevism, its antihuman essence and historical utopianism. To exemplify inalienable, God-given human rights (chief among them freedom of conscience) the author has chosen the deeply personal genre of the diary-novel. Following the tradition of Dostoevsky, Igoumen Ioann succeeded in combining acute plot with almost polyphonic writing. It is not simply an ideological novel, but a novel-mystery, in which is visible the unlimited spiritual.

Price: $179.95

Modern Solution Methods for Nonlinear Multidimensional Problems Mathematics, Mechanics, Turbulence
 Belotserkovskii, O. M.
2016 0-7734-3265-5 420 pages
Unique monograph which sums up the current results of the world-known school of Academician O.M. Belotserkovskii. Preparing the English translation the author has completely revised the Russian edition of 1994. The new versions and generalizations of computational algorithms which were intensively developed by the method of splitting with respect to physical processes are described. The problems described by the Euler equations (chapter 1), the Naiver-Stokes equations (chapters 2,3), and the Bolzmann equations (chapter 4) as applied to nonlinear problems in computational fluid dynamics, mechanics of a rigid deformable body, plasma physics, rarefied gas dynamics and so on, are considered successively. Chapter 5 deals with a grid-characteristic method which is suitable for solving multidimensional equations of hyperbolic type. Chapter 6, specially for the English edition, gives a detailed description of the concept of the direct numerical simulation of a free developed turbulence with shear. As the author demonstrates in this monograph the questions of “rational” numerical simulation are rather urgent nowadays. This permits us to reduce considerably the demands for computer resources.

Price: $259.95

Morphology of Russian Mentality. A Philosophical Inquiry in Conservatism and Pragmatism
 Zviglyanich, Vladimir A.
1993 0-7734-9863-X 336 pages
This is a philosophical, psychological and economic analysis of the basic archetypes of mentality of the Homo Sovieticus. The "child archetype," "twilight mentality," and archetypes of worship and protection are some of the concepts the author uses to describe the phenomenology of Russian and Soviet conservatism. He analyzes the so-called "Turannian" components of the Russian national psyche, discusses the views of both traditional and modern "Eurasians". Using literature, the media, and economic data, he illustrates the emergence of the antitotalitarian spirit as the precondition for the transition to "positive pragmatism", or the emergence of a Russian version of protestant ethics.

Price: $219.95

Moscow in the History of the Fatherland (on the 850th Anniversary of the City)
 Sakharov, A. N.
1999 0-7734-3132-2 56 pages

Price: $59.95

Moscow Phystech - Education at the Threshold of the 21st Century Reflections and Reminiscences of the Prominent Scientists
 Belotserkovskii, N. V.
2016 0-7734-3241-8 304 pages
Moscow Phystech undoubtedly took its place as one of the best technical universities of the 20th century. Its system, its educational methods, its alumnae exerted great impact on a global scale on the world of science and education. This unique publication collects together the reflections and reminiscences of the creators of Phystech : P.L. Kapitza, S.A. Khristianovich, I.F. Petrov, O.M. Belotserkovskii, N.V. Karlov, B. V. Raushenbakh, V.E. Fortov and others. The photographs of A.Schuka and A. Bezdudny reflect the crucial moments of the half-century history of Phystech. The book will be a must for all interested in the phenomenon of Moscow Phystech, and the application of its experience to education in the 21st century.

Price: $219.95

Music and Power in the Soviet 1930s: A History of Composers’ Bureaucracy
 Mikkonen, Simo
2009 0-7734-4835-7 452 pages
The existing literature on music in Soviet society primarily discusses specific works or composers rather than the context within which music was produced. This book examines the relationship of art and politics in the Soviet Union during the early Stalinist phase, 1930s, leaning on extensive archival work.

Price: $279.95

New Methods of Statistical Analysis of Historical Texts Vol. 1applications to Chronology
 Fomenko, A.T.
1999 0-7734-3238-8 612 pages
The author, one of the most outstanding contemporary mathematicians, concentrates on the development of a new mathematical chronology of ancient history. Noting the contradictions and gaps of the accepted traditional chronology of ancient and medieval worlds, applying the modern mathematical methods to the analysis of historical data, the author formulates a new version of ancient chronology which is most dramatically different from the traditional one.

Price: $339.95

New Methods of Statistical Analysis of Historical Texts Vol. 3applications to Chronology
 Fomenko, A.T.
1999 0-7734-3136-5 600 pages
The author, one of the most outstanding contemporary mathematicians, concentrates on the development of a new mathematical chronology of ancient history. Noting the contradictions and gaps of the accepted traditional chronology of ancient and medieval worlds, applying the modern mathematical methods to the analysis of historical data, the author formulates a new version of ancient chronology which is most dramatically different from the traditional one.

Price: $319.95

Old Rus Through the Eyes of Medieval Icelanders
 Jackson, T. N.
2001 0-7734-3185-3 412 pages

Price: $259.95

Origin of the Cossacks of Siberia
 Nikitin, N.I.
1999 0-7734-3130-6 100 pages
The book is devoted to the initial stage of the Siberian Cossacks – the origin and formation of the first Cossacks’ “forces” in the Trans-Ural . On a strictly documented basis, the author shows the role of the Siberian Cossacks in the annexation of Siberia to the Russian state, in the exploration and developing of Northern Asia, and reveals the sources of the astonishing fortitude and military craftsmanship of the Cossacks of Asian Russia.

Price: $99.95

Paganism of Siberia
 Kosarev, M. F.
2001 0-7734-3358-9 404 pages

Price: $259.95

Past and the Future of Civilizations
 Yakovets, Yu. V.
2000 0-7734-3162-4 508 pages

Price: $299.95

Perceptions of Property in Russian Society of 15th - 18th Centuries.The Problems of Property in Social Consciousness and Legal Thought in the Age of Feudalism
1999 0-7734-3128-4 200 pages

Price: $159.95

Philosophy and Ascesis
 Horujy, S.S.
1999 0-7734-3231-0 492 pages
The book includes the major texts of a well-known Russian philosopher, which offer a systematic exposition of his thought. He propounds a new model of Russian philosophy and philosophical process. In contrast to the usual schemes based on binary oppositions, such as Russia vs. the West, the authentic (samobytnoe) vs. the borrowed, etc., a third structural level is identified, which plays a key, though only implicit, role. This level is that of “Eastern-Christian discourse”, which combines theology and mystico-ascetic (hesychast) experience. In a series of studies the analysis of this experience develops gradually into a new direction in philosophical and cultural anthropology called “energetic anthropology” by the author. It is based on a new idea of energy derived from the hesychast experience and explores a specific anthropological strategy or paradigm lying behind the great traditions of the spiritual practice, like hesychasm, Sufism or Tibetan Buddhism.

Price: $279.95

Polemical Force of Chekhovian Comedy
 Reid, John McKellor
2007 0-7734-5388-1 224 pages
This groundbreaking study insists that critical tradition has conspired to emasculate the polemical force Chekhovian comedy out of misplaced respect for his renowned objectivity and his loathing of overt moralizing. A rhetorical framework of analysis is predicated upon the assumption that all writings are implicated in ‘interestedness’ – the critic’s task is to uncover the rhetorical parameters and nature of that ‘interestedness.’ Through analyses of each of Chekhov’s plays in its original context, the author identifies the rhetorical potential that remains neglected in contemporary readings and productions. All of the readings in this study are addressed to actors and directors – inviting them to reassess and reclaim the force of these plays for our time.

Price: $179.95

Polish Poetry From the Soviet Gulags: Recovering a Lost Literature
 Ablamowicz, Halina
2008 0-7734-4934-5 204 pages
A translation of 25 poems that chronicle an under researched period of Polish history. This book contains seven color photographs and one black and white photograph.

Price: $179.95

Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1920 the Fate of the Prisoners of War, the Hostages, and the Refugees
 Raisky, N. C.
2000 0-7734-3403-8 92 pages

Price: $99.95

Political Anthropology
 Tishkov, V. A.
2000 0-7734-3373-2 340 pages

Price: $219.95

Political Socialization of Soviet Youth
 Hughes, Albert
1992 0-7734-9484-7 232 pages
This study involves research into bureaucratic behavior and group interest articulation, and repercussions of cultural, society-government (party) relations. This is one of the only books in the field to study the reasons why Soviet citizens do not do what the Party and State expect: to test an hypothesis that there is something about the Soviet character - particularly that of the Great Russian - that inhibits acceptance of the Party line and plans to remake the individual in Lenin's image.

Price: $179.95

Politicized Ethnicity in the Russian Federation Dilemmas of State Formation
 Warhola, James W.
1996 0-7734-8893-6 164 pages
This book expands and deepens understanding of the complex process of political change in the Russian Federation by examining various dimensions of ethnicity, and specifically the politicization of ethnic identity. The work points toward the advisability of considering alternative modes of political organization beyond conventional patterns of the modern territorial nation-state. It concludes by questioning the facile conceptions of territorial sovereignty that may prove increasingly ineffectual. It examines the genesis and nature of ethnic identity under contemporary political conditions; the politically problematical character of Russian national identity under conditions of post-Soviet political life; and the theoretical literature dealing with the nature of the modern nation-state and its transformation under contemporary conditions.

Price: $159.95

Politics and Science in the UssrA Personal Memoir
 Moiseev, N.N.
1999 0-7734-3244-2 540 pages
Rethinking the past, Academician N.N. Moiseev (born in 1917) is now able to complete the narrative of his book through 1998. We are given new light on the key events of the 20th century. The author is a prominent Russian scientist and thinker, and in the 1960s and 1970s he led highly qualified Soviet teams working on the mathematical modeling of the most complicated scientific problems (e.g.. use of nuclear power). In the 1980s and 1990s he was an adviser to Presidents M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin. The author tells us about his contacts with the prominent figures of science, culture and politics and gives us facts and details about the dramatic events that shaped the life of Soviet science. This work also gives us a better philosophical understanding of the modern époque of science in today’s Russia.

Price: $299.95

Politics of Nationalism in the Republic of Sakha (northeastern Siberia) 1900-2000
 Argounova-Low, Tatiana
2012 0-7734-2600-0 208 pages
A critical examination of the concept of Natsionalizm, a social phenomenon used by the Soviet Union to crack down on dissent towards the Soviet State. Unlike Nationalism, this new concept was a force used to suppress thought, particularly in Sakha, a Siberian Republic in Northeastern Russia.

Price: $179.95

Power and Society: The Struggle in Russia on Issues of Foreign Policy 1878-1894
 Hevrolina, V. M.
2000 0-7734-3401-1 276 pages

Price: $199.95

Problems of Historical Geography of Eastern Europe (antiquity and Early Middle Ages)
 Podossinov, A. V.
2000 0-7734-3187-X 396 pages

Price: $239.95

Promoting Democracy in the Post-Soviet Region
 Reveron, Derek
2002 0-7734-7148-0 244 pages
This work examines the differences between the two main laws that fund democratization activities in the post-Soviet regions. Analysis of the program funded by the Freedom Support Act reveals the extent to which the State Department relies n private organizations to implement democratization programs, and suggests that democratization programs provide financial benefits primarily to American organizations. Then, with a combined issue network/statist argument, this study explains that an issue network, organized by the State Department to give the foreign policy community an active mission in the post-cold war environment, was the impetus behind the creation of programs like Community Connections. Because Community Connections have never faced financial or political scandal, and taps into an American priority of spreading democracy and capitalism, evaluation of CC was irrelevant to program expansion and continuation.

Price: $179.95

Question of Elementary Education in the Third Russian State Duma (1907-1912)
 Santa Maria, Phillip
1990 0-88946-237-2 148 pages
Includes an overview and perspective of the Third Duma, chapters on "The Committee on Public Education," "Legislative Work For Elementary Education," "The Church and Primary Education," and "The Nationalities and Education." Supplemented by numerous tables, including tables on "Literacy in the Russian Empire in 1897," "Growth of Education in Russia at the End of the Eighteenth Century," "Total Expenditures of the Russian Government and Expenditure of the Ministry of Public Instruction (1795-1917)," and others.

Price: $139.95

Reinvention of Capitalism
 Piveronus, Jr., Peter J.
2006 0-7734-5580-9 192 pages
This study focuses on Russia as a binary economy in progress. Louis Kelso’s Two-Aspect theory – the basis of binary economics – was the guiding principle of Russia’s economic reformers during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Adapted to special conditions in Russia, binary economics reinvented capitalism and was the foundation on which Russia’s successful transition to a market system was achieved. A core component of the binary economy in the Russian context is direct worker ownership which, from 1992 to 1994, was the centerpiece of Russian economic reform and of an emerging Russian capitalism. Using binary economics as a guide, the goal was to create a reformed economy that was both efficient and socially just – a “People’s Capitalism,” the Russian alternative to the command system and corporate concentration – a “Third Wave.”

Price: $159.95

Religion in Russia After the Collapse of Communism. Religious Renaissance or Secular State
 Kääriäinen, Kimmo
1998 0-7734-8283-0 216 pages
This is the first comprehensive study of religiousness in Russia from the last year of the communist regime, covering the transition period up to 1996. The work is based on three World Values surveys conducted in Russia from 1991 to 1996.

Price: $179.95

Revenge of History - Why the Past Endures, a Critique of Francis Fukuyama
 Luzkow, Jack Lawrence
2004 0-7734-6502-2 288 pages
This interpretive essay was originally born as a response to Francis Fukuyama’s essay, The End of History. It asserts that the major development of the 20th century was, and is, the World Revolution of Westernization. It asserts that many parts of the globe are successfully Westernizing (modernizing), but even more parts of the globe are saying ‘modernization wherever possible, yes, but according to non-Western values such as Islam.’ The study is divided into three sections: Europe, Russia, and much of the developing world outside the West.

Price: $199.95

Rise of the Church of Russia in 9-14th Centuries: Medieval Russian Christian Culture From the Literary Sources and Archeological Evidence
 Moussin, Alexander
2001 0-7734-3372-4 604 pages
Work examines the problems of the Russian Church and Russian medieval culture inclusive of ancient Russian literature and also archeology. The author's research is complemented by 93 beautiful illustrations, extensive bibliography full index, drawings and maps.

Price: $339.95

Role of the Orthodox Church in Russian History From Byzantine Era to the Present
 Economtsev, Igoumen Ioann
1999 0-7734-3247-7 336 pages
Today when Russia is suffering from economic and political insecurities, this book gives hope through its spiritual insight into the origins and thousand-year-long history of Holy Russ. The work offers new and original insights into the founding of the Byzantine faith as a world religion and a cultural phenomena arising out of the spiritual influences of the Near East and Egypt. In Russian.

Price: $219.95

Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia Since 1990: Changing Dynamics of Politics and Religion
 Simons, Greg
2009 0-7734-4703-2 260 pages
This study examines the arguments and the role of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) in Russian society as they appear in the mass media. It provides an overview of some of the main arguments that are currently being discussed. This is important within the current context and debate of the role that is played by Orthodoxy in contemporary Russian society. The importance of which is elevated during times of uncertainty with regards to the role and identity of Russia and Russians in the modern world.

Price: $199.95

Russia and China - 400 Years of Interstate Relations
 Miasnikov, V. S.
2001 0-7734-3376-7 620 pages

Price: $339.95

Russia and North Caucasus: 400 Years of War?
 Gatagova, L. S
1999 0-7734-7917-1 44 pages
A survey of the century-old history of the interaction between Russia and the peoples of the Northern Caucasus prepared by the leading specialists of the Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences. In Russian

Price: $59.95

Russia and the Balkans. From Catherine the Great Till World War I
 Vinogradov, V. N.
1999 0-7734-3218-3 400 pages

Price: $239.95

Russia and the Caucasus
 Abdulatipov, R. G.
1999 0-7734-3194-2 300 pages
The Caucasus, with its own history and dynamics, has been an urgent problem for Russia in the last decade of the twentieth century. This book cuts away the myth, and explains the ideologies behind the problems. It presents a strong rational and factual approach. In this definitive work, Dr. R.G. Abdulatipov traces the 400-year history of Russian State practices in the Caucasus, explains the main events and conceptualizes the lessons of this history. The author is well informed on the subject, being the Minister of National Policy of the Russian Federation. This book is a must for those interested in contemporary Russia and its Caucasus policy. in Russian

Price: $199.95

Russia and the Westthe Development of Foreign Policy Stereotypes in the Consciousness of Russian Society of the First Half of the 20th Century
 Shattuck, Sim
1999 0-7734-3188-8 340 pages
This scholarly work relates the essence and dynamics of change related to the image of the West held by the different strata of Soviet society including the Soviet military and intellectual elites. It also traces the development and function of foreign policy stereotypes as a specific product of myth and its effect on the entire system of foreign policy propaganda.

Price: $219.95

Russia at the Turn of the Century Impressions of a Dowager Empress
 Kudrina, J.
2001 0-7734-3340-6 500 pages

Price: $279.95

Russia During the Period of Radical Change, 1992-2002
 Polsky, Yury
2002 0-7734-6940-0 244 pages
This book is focused on current economic, political and cultural affairs in Russia. It is hoped that students of international politics in general and all avid Russia-watchers will acquire from this volume a better grasp of what is going on there, and what we might expect to see in Russia in the foreseeable future. Important events of Russian history are presented, the knowledge of which is necessary in order to assess the present situation in Russia. The following treatment is not a full inventory of events. Rather, it is a summary of what is commonly known to Russians and should be known to every student of Russian politics and culture.

Price: $179.95

Russia's Foreign Policy in the 1990s Problems and Tendencies
 Kvon, Lee Ion
2000 0-7734-3312-0 176 pages

Price: $159.95

Russian Alternative Strategic Initiative in the 21st Century
 Panarin, A. S.
1999 0-7734-3262-0 400 pages

Price: $239.95

Russian Cyclism: Anticipating the 21st Century
 Yakovets, Yu. V.
1999 0-7734-3223-X 564 pages
Academician Yu. Yakovets, winner of the gold Kondratyev medal, presents the origin and history of the interdisciplinary school of Russian cyclism founded by Nikolay Kondratyev, Pitirim Sorokin, Alexander Chizhevskii, Vladimir Vernadskii, Alexander Bogdanov, and Nikolay Berdyaev. Giving an account of the theory of cycles and crises, the author applies this to the future forecasting the chief trends of the twenty-first century. This includes a discussion of post-industrial society formation, the struggle or partnership of civilizations, and new functions of the state in a rapidly changing world. This is the first publication of its kind containing many original insights about the present and future.

Price: $319.95

Russian Empire as a “regular State”
 Raskin, D.
2001 0-7734-3392-9 480 pages

Price: $279.95

Russian Expansion on the Amur 1848-1860 the Push to the Pacific
 Evans, John L.
1999 0-7734-8279-2 260 pages
This study describes the Russian expansion on the Pacific Ocean and especially the occupation of the Amur River Valley in the mid 19th century. It also describes the terrible weakness of China which allowed Russia to gain free access to part of Siberia. It describes Russian diplomatic activity on the part of General Ignatiev and Count Amurskii, the Governor of Eastern Siberia, which helped to assure the success of the Russian expansion by 1860.

Price: $199.95

Russian Federalism: Lessons of History
 Marchenko, G.
2001 0-7734-3370-8 496 pages

Price: $279.95

 Tyrras, Nicholas
2010 0-7734-3849-1 492 pages
Although new histories of Russia, often reflecting the author’s cultural slant, appear regularly, there is a dearth of books that explain the Russian perspective. This work takes the opposite approach by acquainting readers with some of the foremost ideas in Russian cultural history. This book contains twelve color photographs and sixteen black and white photographs.

Price: $279.95

Russian Metamorphoses: Cultural Transformation and Social Changes
 Ionin, L. G.
1999 0-7734-3237-X 476 pages

Price: $279.95

Russian Schools in the Educational Twilight
 Fedorov, B.
2001 0-7734-3145-4 364 pages

Price: $239.95

Russian Words Borrowed into Modern Chinese: A Contact Lingustic Approach
 Li, Suogui
2018 1-4955-0679-7 632 pages
This book is based on an exhaustive analysis of 2,064 Russian terms that have been adapted from the Russian language into the modern Chinese language.

Price: $339.95

Russian- English Comparative Explanatory Dictionary of Basic Terms and Notions on Russian Land Relations, Land Ownership and Land Tenure
 Belenkiy, Vladimir
2003 0-7734-6729-7 326 pages
This two-volume dictionary contains over 1800 terms on land tenure and land relations, describing and analyzing the different experiences and approaches to the regulation and use of land. The encyclopedia is presented in both Russian and English, with facing-page translation.

Price: $219.95

Russian-English Comparative Explanatory Dictionary of Basic Terms and Notions on Russian Land Relations, Land Ownership and Land Tenure
 Belenkiy, Vladimir
2003 0-7734-6731-9 326 pages
This two-volume dictionary contains over 1800 terms on land tenure and land relations, describing and analyzing the different experiences and approaches to the regulation and use of land. The encyclopedia is presented in both Russian and English, with facing-page translation.

Price: $219.95

Russia’s Last Romantic - Apollon Grigor’ev (1822-1864)
 Whittaker, Robert
1999 0-7734-7987-2 540 pages
This comprehensive biography brings together all available significant material on Grigor’ev’s life and times to provide a thorough, unified historical description and analysis of his criticism, poetry and prose. It is based on previously unknown material, on his major works presented in the context of his entire opus, and on a number of unpublished writings, principally his letters. Appended is a complete listing of his writings, including letters, and of works about him. Grigor’ev was the foremost conservative literary critic of his age and is considered by many to be the greatest Russian critic of the 19th century. His poetry and literary theory anticipated traits of the Russian symbolists, who held him in high regard.

Price: $299.95

Ruthenian Liturgy: An Historical-Theological Explanation
 Tkacz, Catherine Brown
2012 0-7734-2555-1 172 pages
The Ruthenian Rite is the Slavonic version of Greek Catholicism brought to the Slavs in the ninth century by SS Cyril and Methodius. In America the Ruthenian Catholic Church is the Byzantine Metropolitan Church Sui Juris of Pittsburg U.S.A. In 2007, the English Liturgy then in use since 1970 was replaced by a revision much changed in language and music. While it contains a few excellent changes, such as substituting “Covenant” for “Testament” in the anaphora, overall the revision is deeply flawed. For Ruthenians, the authoritative Slavonic liturgy is to be respected. Slavonic bohol’ubiv’im and Bohoródista ought to be normative, for instance, not Greek thesphilestatou and Theotokos. The trite and secularizing language imposed on the Divine Liturgy give it limited shelf life. Idiosyncratic new translations such as “Holy Gifts For Holy People” needlessly distance Ruthenian worship from the Orthodox. The music of authentic Slavonic chant was subjected to countless distracting musical changes. Centuries ago the Slavonic liturgy developed a vibrant tradition of paraliturgical hymnody, but it was inauthentic in 2007 to set liturgical texts to modern, non-liturgical melodies.

Price: $159.95

Saints and Miracle Workers in Early England
 Omelnitski, M.
2001 0-7734-3346-5 400 pages

Price: $239.95

Science About Power (cratology)
 Khalipov, V.F.
1999 0-7734-3229-9 356 pages
The book by gives for the first time a systematic account of the knowledge related to power – a key phenomenon in the life of man, society and state, which for a long time has lacked an independent science. This book, devoted to this new science, characterizes the essence and features of power, its different types, forms, structures, mechanisms, technologies. A foundation is given for the whole system – about 50 basic, special and complex sciences (general, theoretical, comparative applied cratologies, sociology of power, anatomy of power, psychology of power etc.) which characterize this creature of living nature, creature of human mind and occasional punishment and test of human genius –.

Price: $239.95

Semiotics of Myth - The Non Literate Culture of Russia’s Peoples
 Ostrovsky, Aleksandr B.
2001 0-7734-3384-8 568 pages

Price: $319.95

Sign Substitution of Reality
 Gusev, S. S.
2001 0-7734-3157-8 432 pages

Price: $259.95

Socialist Realist Painting During the Stalinist Era (1934-1941): The High Art of Mass Art
 Rusnock, K. Andrea
2010 0-7734-3692-8 268 pages
This book argues that Socialist Realist paintings, typically seen by western art historians as examples of retrograde art and by scholars of Soviet history simply as propaganda, were a part of an extensive program of skillful artistic practice coupled with masterful propaganda. This book contains fourteen color photographs.

Price: $199.95

Solovyov’s Sophia as a Nineteenth-Century Russian Appropriation of Dante’s Beatrice
 Helleman, Wendy Elgersma
2011 0-7734-1471-1 432 pages
This study argues for a broadened approach in understanding Solovyov's Sophia, reading her against the background of Dante's presentation of Beatrice. It re-examines a reading of Sophia by early 20th century Russian symbolists, who conflated her figure with those of Beatrice and the Virgin Mary, as representatives of the archetypal feminine. Our work finds this symbolist approach to be a mis-reading of Solovyov, for this approach show clears participation in romanticism, particularly on the theme of love and androgyny, and in aesthetics. For him, romanticism also meant rejection of personification. For romantics the lady, as object of love, is historical, or literal. Symbolists, on the other hand, apprecicated symbols and (allegorical) personification. Even so, in practice, Solovyov accepted personification of Sophia, as an implementation of the Theurgical task of incarnation of the divine in mortal, bodily reality.

Price: $259.95

Sophiology in Russian Orthodoxy
 Sergeev, Mikhail
2007 0-7734-5609-0 248 pages
This book represents an inquiry into the nature, genealogy, and evolution of the religious-philosophical concept of Sophia in the Russian thought of the 19th and 20th centuries. The first chapter discusses the purpose and relevance of the project, describes the methodology of research, and the scope and overall structure of the work. The second chapter analyses the historical background of Russian sophiology. The third chapter focuses on the beginnings of modern Russian sophiology. The fourth chapter is devoted to the development of sophiological doctrines in the field of theology. The fifth chapter discusses Russian sophiological thought in the context of modern philosophical discourse. The sixth and final chapter continues the study of sophiology in the philosophical context. The conclusion of the book summarizes the discussion of the modern Russian sophiological movement in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Price: $179.95

South Asia in the Contemporary World a View From Moscow
 Belokrenitsky, B.
2016 0-7734-3277-2 420 pages

Price: $259.95

Soviet Managers. 1917 - 1920
 Gimpelson, E.G.
1999 0-7734-3190-X 264 pages
This book is based on never-published archival material and sheds light on the formation of the leading managerial elite in the years of the revolution and civil war. It is the first in-depth analysis of the State machinery at the initial stage of development in the Soviet political system.

Price: $199.95

Soviet Naval Doctrine and Policy 1956-1986 Book One
 Herrick, Robert W.
2003 0-7734-6895-1 444 pages
This exhaustive study is a sequel to the authors earlier work, Soviet Naval Theory and Policy: Gorshkovs Inheritance (1917-1956) (Naval War College Press, 1988). It begins with a summary of that work, and a wealth of previously classified material has been exploited in preparing this and subsequent chapters. This included the restricted distribution issues from 1975-1980 of the journal of the Soviet Armed Forces General Staff, Voennaya mysl (Military Thought). The scarlet thread that ran through the entire history of the Soviet Navy is that of the debate over the nature of command of the sea and its significance for naval strategy. Entwined with that was a continuing debate as to the Navys requirement for aircraft carriers as the indispensable ship type for executing whatever command-of-the-sea strategy was accepted at the moment. Always present was the Armys vehement opposition to the Navy being funded to construct any aircraft carriers whatsoever. This fascinating story is set out in the most complete detail possible from available sources. Having all the evidence on the record and available should prove to be a helpful point of departure for future students of the Russian Navys theory and shipbuilding policy.

Price: $259.95

Soviet Naval Doctrine and Policy 1956-1986 Book Three
 Herrick, Robert W.
2003 0-7734-6899-4 580 pages
This exhaustive study is a sequel to the author's earlier work, Soviet Naval Theory and Policy: Gorshkovs Inheritance (1917-1956) (Naval War College Press, 1988). It begins with a summary of that work, and a wealth of previously classified material has been exploited in preparing this and subsequent chapters. This included the restricted distribution issues from 1975-1980 of the journal of the Soviet Armed Forces General Staff, Voennaya mysl (Military Thought). The scarlet thread that ran through the entire history of the Soviet Navy is that of the debate over the nature of 'command of the sea' and its significance for naval strategy. Entwined with that was a continuing debate as to the Navy's requirement for aircraft carriers as the indispensable ship type for executing whatever command-of-the-sea strategy was accepted at the moment. Always present was the Army's vehement opposition to the Navy being funded to construct any aircraft carriers whatsoever. This fascinating story is set out in the most complete detail possible from available sources. Having all the evidence on the record and available should prove to be a helpful point of departure for future students of the Russian Navy's theory and shipbuilding policy.

Price: $319.95

Soviet Naval Doctrine and Policy 1956-1986 Book Two
 Herrick, Robert W.
2003 0-7734-6897-8 444 pages
This exhaustive study is a sequel to the authors earlier work, Soviet Naval Theory and Policy: Gorshkovs Inheritance (1917-1956) (Naval War College Press, 1988). It begins with a summary of that work, and a wealth of previously classified material has been exploited in preparing this and subsequent chapters. This included the restricted distribution issues from 1975-1980 of the journal of the Soviet Armed Forces General Staff, Voennaya mysl (Military Thought). The scarlet thread that ran through the entire history of the Soviet Navy is that of the debate over the nature of command of the sea and its significance for naval strategy. Entwined with that was a continuing debate as to the Navys requirement for aircraft carriers as the indispensable ship type for executing whatever command-of-the-sea strategy was accepted at the moment. Always present was the Armys vehement opposition to the Navy being funded to construct any aircraft carriers whatsoever. This fascinating story is set out in the most complete detail possible from available sources. Having all the evidence on the record and available should prove to be a helpful point of departure for future students of the Russian Navys theory and shipbuilding policy.

Price: $259.95

Soviet Union at War 1941-1945: A View From Russia
 Rzheshevsky, O. A.
2001 0-7734-3179-9 440 pages

Price: $259.95

Space and Time in North Caucasian Popular Culture
 Dmitriev, V.
2001 0-7734-3131-4 596 pages

Price: $319.95

Stalin Years in Hungary
 Roman, Eric
1999 0-7734-8163-X 449 pages
This volume deals with the period between 1949-1956, when Stalin had a commanding influence in Hungary (an influence that continued for several years after his death in 1953). Eric Roman was the first American scholar to gain access to the Hungarian archives on the Communist period – a wealth of primary sources relating to both domestic and foreign affairs, parliamentary proceedings, party politics, and official and semi-official correspondences – and render his findings, augmented by memoirs, press reports and secondary sources, in the English language.

Price: $259.95

Survivor of a Labor Camp Remembers Expendable Children of Mother Russia
 Kent, Leonard J.
1997 0-7734-8534-1 416 pages
This is a memoir which chronicles, in intimate detail, a harrowing but revivifying journey from the relative complacency of normality among friends and families in Minsk, to heroic survival--even triumph--in the endless whiteness of the Russian labor camp.

Price: $259.95

The Government Inspector. A Comedy in Five Acts, M. Beresford Editor with English Introduction and Notes
 Beresford, M.
1996 0-7734-8840-5 320 pages
This play appeals to students of Russian and theatre people alike. This edition, the most comprehensive ever produced, provides the reader with all that is required for a full understanding of Gogol's classic. Every aspect of the play has been carefully researched, and a detailed account of its composition, reception and stage history is given in the introduction. The text, in the original Russian, is accompanied by a commentary on all points of linguistic, literary or historical interest. There are copious notes on colloquial Russian idiom. Misconceptions about the nature and purpose of Gogol's dramatic masterpiece are common, and the editor has taken great pains to set the record straight, using evidence taken from the writings of Gogol and his contemporaries. The play, innocent of any political intent, emerges not as a light-hearted farce, but as a subtle satirical comedy, a brilliant exposé not just of bribery but of corruption in many guises.

Price: $219.95

 Nemets, Alexandr
1996 0-7734-8798-0 116 pages
The process of rapid growth of the economic potential of China is accompanied by establishment of Chinese economic control over neighboring countries and regions, including eastern regions of the former Soviet Union. This study contains detailed research and analyses of the economic process of China and the former USSR and the relationship between them.

Price: $119.95

 Baasan, Ragchaa
2009 0-7734-4753-9 628 pages
Written by two former diplomats, this work is the first in-depth analysis of the political relationship between the United States and Mongolia. The study elucidates why, despite over a hundred years of substantive interactions between the two countries, the establishment of formal diplomatic relations did not occur until 1987.

Price: $339.95

THE NINETEENTH CENTURY IN ODESSA: One Hundred Years of Italian Culture on the Shores of the Black Sea (1794-1894)
 Makolkin, Anna
2007 0-7734-5361-X 292 pages
This new study, drawing its inspiration from A History of Odessa, the Last Italian Black Sea Colony (The Edwin Mellen Press, 2004) and based on new archival findings, focuses solely on the eternal cultural legacy of the Italian founders of this unique port, shaped by nearly a century of Italian presence. The work reveals how Odessa Italians constructed a cultural bridge between Eastern and Western Europe via Odessa Italian Opera. The work demonstrates how the exploration of the New Russia by the Odessa Italians helped the Russian Empire to make a leap into modernity, giving them a touch of the Renaissance that the country had skipped, and bringing the Enlightenment that the Empire had seen briefly. This new contribution to European cultural history will be of interest to scholars of European, Italian, Russian and Ukrainian history, art historians and musicologists, as well as students of migration and multiculturalism. This book contains 10 color photographs and 20 black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

THE ROLE OF CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP IN ENDING THE COLD WAR: The Presidencies of Boris Yeltsin, Vaclav Havel, and Helmut Kohl
 Strong, Carol R.
2010 0-7734-4711-3 600 pages
This book modifies Weber’s conception of legitimate authority to examine the connections between charismatic authority and radical societal change. It argues that the form and duration of the emerging charismatic authority depends on both longer-term variables (the existing political system and culture) and more transient ones (a suitable leader; media influence; the international perspective; and specific events sparking radical change). The hypothesis is tested using three case studies: Yeltsin in Russia, Havel in Czechia and Kohl in Germany, primarily between 1989 and 1991.

Price: $319.95

 Dippel, Stewart A.
2009 0-7734-3884-X 276 pages
This work examines the English church and the Russian church during the seventeenth century, with special attention given to the period after the Civil War in England and the raskol’ in Russia [i.e., 1660-1700]. It argues that the logocentric religious identity overcame the iconographic perspective during the years 1660 to 1700, and that this development weakened the church during the modern period. This book contains two color photographs and fourteen black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

The United States Intervention in North Russia - 1918, 1919: The Polar Bear Odyssey
 Crownover, Roger
2001 0-7734-7549-4 184 pages
This volume examines the largely-unknown ‘Polar Bear’ odyssey – the North Russian Expeditionary Forces (made up mostly of soldiers from Michigan) who, along with some other Allied forces, went on fighting in the Russian arctic – supporting the Russian White Army fighting against the Russian Red Army after the war was over. It examines the panic that the Bolshevik Revolution caused in the Allied camp, the pressure that President Wilson received from the British to participate in the intervention, the reaction in Detroit, the local Red Scare, and the aftermath of the soldiers and the political ramifications.

Price: $159.95

Through the Thorns of “military Communism”: Agriculture in the Urals in 1917-1921
 Telitsin, V.L.
1999 0-7734-3219-1 154 pages
This work represents an original and innovative attempt to re-think the phenomenon of “military communism” through the peasant households of the local region. A sophisticated examination of the economic reality of local “military communism” permitted the author not only to reveal the sources of this phenomenon, but also to show the nonstandard development of its modern conceptualizing.

Price: $139.95

Top Secret: Lubianka to Stalin on the State of the Nation (1922-1923) Volume One, Part 1 (1922)
 Sakharov, A. N.
2000 0-7734-3336-8 492 pages

Price: $279.95

Top Secret: Lubianka to Stalin on the State of the Nation (1922-1923) Volume One, Part 2 (1923)
 Sakharov, A. N.
2000 0-7734-3342-2 642 pages

Price: $339.95

Translation From Russian Into English of Gazy Zemli
 McMenamin, Mark
2015 0-7734-0905-X 346 pages
An outstanding English translation of the seminal work of Russian scientist Vasilii Andreevich Sokolov’s 1966 book Gazy Zemli. Originally written for a popular audience, it provides considerable insight into the idiosyncratic and sophisticated Russian earth science research of the 1960’s.

Price: $219.95

Turbulence and Instabilities
 Belotserkovskii, O. M.
2000 0-7734-3174-8 352 pages
Monograph presents the newest results in the numerical modeling and computer simulation of turbulence. Treated in Chapter 1 is one of the complicated types of fully developed shear turbulent flows, namely – the phenomena within the wake (both the close-range and long-range one) behind the moving body, oceanic flows, etc. Apart of the three-dimensionality and unsteadiness, here one takes into account, as well, the medium’s compressibility and the effect of viscosity. All the observations, as a whole, form the basis for the “rational” approach, which is not quite ordinary for the numerical modeling of turbulence. The studies of various kinds of hydrodynamic instabilities (chapters 2 and 3) are of unquestionable interest, especially by three-dimensional calculations extended to large temporal intervals, up to the turbulent stage. Finally, chapter 4 is devoted to an investigation of the problems of turbulence, using the statistical Monte-Carlo method. That approach proved to be highly effective when considering the problems of rarefied gas dynamics. In English

Price: $239.95

 Rosneck, Karen
2010 0-7734-3674-X 232 pages
By examining the function of fidelity in human relationships and in the mimetic aims of contemporary realist aesthetics, Khvoshshchinskaia reveals the dynamics of domination and control which inform them. This book contains two color photographs.

Price: $179.95

Ussr - France: The Difficult Years 1938 - 1941
 Chelyshev, L. A.
2000 0-7734-3395-3 288 pages
The book is based on documents from the archives in Moscow and Paris as well as on extensive Russian and foreign historiography. The analysis of complex and controversial relations between the USSR and France on the eve and at the outbreak of WWII makes it possible to determine the main trends in the USSR’s European policy, to shed light on the peculiarities of soviet diplomacy, to detect strong and weak points of Moscow’s international policies. The author cites materials about the military and political situation in the Soviet Union and its impact on the evolution of Soviet-French relations. In Russian

Price: $199.95

With Count Mirbach in Moscow
 von Bothmer, Karl
1999 0-7734-3215-9 152 pages
The diary records by Baron Karl von Bothmer, officer of the German army’s General Staff, represent one of the most important sources on the history of Soviet-German relations in 1918. Eye-witness and direct participant in all the events related to the conclusion of the ‘Brest peace’, Baron Karl von Bothmer was sent to Russia as a representative of high command on a German diplomatic mission. Reflecting the extremely subjective author’s beliefs, heritage, and details of his activities, the diary provides, a unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the first months after the October revolution of 1917, many characteristic everyday features, and details the most important events in the spring-summer 1918. A direct witness of the assassination of Count Mirbach, the German envoy in Moscow, participant of the negotiations with G.V. Chicherin, K.B. Radek, L.D. Trotsky and other well known figures of the Russian revolution, the author reveals many interesting and curious details impossible to find in other historical sources.

Price: $139.95

Works on Logic and Methodology of Science Vol. 1
 Smirnov, V. A.
2000 0-7734-3148-9 364 pages

Price: $239.95

Works on Logic and Methodology of Science Vol. 2
 Smirnov, V. A.
2000 0-7734-3150-0 368 pages

Price: $239.95

World of Provincial Bureaucracy in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Russian Poland
 Vladimirov, Katya
2004 0-7734-6337-2 212 pages
This book is a case study that investigates the social origins, the confessional and ethnic backgrounds, and the culture of work and leisure that constituted the lives of the provincial officials of Russian Poland from the 1870s through the 1900s. It draws on a number of published and unpublished writings, records of proceedings, and other archival sources to produce a rich and non-stereotypical account of the nature of Russian Polish officialdom. The history of the Russian bureaucracy comprises an essential part of the Russian empire. This book delineates its relationship to the multi-national and multi-religious populace and establishes continuities that connect the Russian empire to the Soviet period.

Price: $179.95

World of Russian Culture: Encyclopedical Reference Book
 Dmitriev, S. N.
1999 0-7734-3200-0 543 pages
The book presents the most important facts and events of Russia’s cultural and spiritual life since 9th century when the eastern Slavs established statehood. The information is organized in the following directions: (1) Literature. Folklore. (2) Painting. (3) Architecture. (4) Sculpture. (5) Music. (6) Theater. (7) Russian Orthodox Church and Culture. This encyclopedical reference book is a must for all interested in history and contemporary development of Russian culture.

Price: $299.95

World of Russian History: Encyclopedical Reference Book
 Dmitriev, S. N.
1999 0-7734-3234-5 500 pages
The book presents the most important facts and events of Russia’s history. This encyclopedical reference book is a must for all interested in history.

Price: $279.95

World of the Russian Naval Reformer A. N. Krylov: Reminiscences on Russian Life at the Turn of the Century
 Krylov, A.N.
1999 0-7734-3240-X 532 pages
The memoirs of A. N. Krylov, outstanding scientist and reformer of the Russian navy, expose the author’s professional world. The author gives vivid portraits of some of his contemporaries, whose destinies reflect the ‘triumph and tragedy’ of the pre-Revolutionary Russian intelligentsia. The excellent craftsmanship of the writing delighted generations of readers.

Price: $299.95

World of Traditional Mongolian Culture
 Zhukovskaya, N. L.
2001 0-7734-3165-9 308 pages

Price: $219.95

Zemstvo and the Emergence of Civil Society in Late Imperial Russia, 1864-1917
 Porter, Thomas E.
1991 0-7734-9972-5 324 pages
Argues that the General Zemstvo Organization and the All-Russian Union of Zemstvos contributed significantly to the emergence of civil society in late imperial Russia, and that process marked the culmination of a centuries-old development, gaining momentum in the last decades before the Revolution.

Price: $219.95