1999 0-7734-3231-0 The book includes the major texts of a well-known Russian philosopher, which offer a systematic exposition of his thought. He propounds a new model of Russian philosophy and philosophical process. In contrast to the usual schemes based on binary oppositions, such as Russia vs. the West, the authentic (samobytnoe) vs. the borrowed, etc., a third structural level is identified, which plays a key, though only implicit, role. This level is that of “Eastern-Christian discourse”, which combines theology and mystico-ascetic (hesychast) experience. In a series of studies the analysis of this experience develops gradually into a new direction in philosophical and cultural anthropology called “energetic anthropology” by the author. It is based on a new idea of energy derived from the hesychast experience and explores a specific anthropological strategy or paradigm lying behind the great traditions of the spiritual practice, like hesychasm, Sufism or Tibetan Buddhism.