Subject Area: History-Politics

 Boulter, Roger Stephen
2012 0-7734-2586-1 404 pages
This book reconsiders the life of former South African Defense Minister, F.C. Erasmus. Although an architect of the Nationalists' post-war election victory, he was not considered a minster of the first rank. Erasmus initiated a process of ridding the defense force of officers who he believed were associated with the government of Jan Smuts. Erasmus felt that the armed services had been too British in its ethos and appearance and wanted to create a force that was uniquely South African. However, without an immanent military threat, Erasmus never received a substantial budgetary allocation to modernize the military which left the military unable to assist the civil power in suppressing disturbances. Moreover, while Erasmus sought to cement South Africa’s relations with the West, he was unsuccessful in creating an anti-communist alliance for the land and maritime defense of Africa. This new biography looks at the events and time period that shaped this period of South African history in an attempt to correct misinterpretation of this period.

Price: $259.95

A Critical Biography of Lady Jane Wilde (1821(?) - 1896): Irish Revolutionist, Humanist, Scholar and Poet
 Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony
2002 0-7734-7263-0 644 pages
The focus of this study is upon a progressive woman whose broad erudition allowed her to write on a great variety of subjects. Her own life as a revolutionist and writer, and her writings about women will interest those in women’s studies. As an Irish nationalist in a movement that had considerable influence on subsequent nationalist leaders like Arthur Griffin, her views in her revolutionary poems and articles are still pertinent.

Price: $339.95

A Documented History of Gullah Jack Pritchard and the Denmark Vesey Slave Insurrection of 1822
 Walker, Lois A.
2001 0-7734-7662-8 504 pages
The Denmark Vesey slave revolt of 1822 was one of the most massive slave revolts ever planned, involving an estimated 9,000 slaves. The plot was discovered only two days before the scheduled uprising. In the aftermath, over 100 slaves were arrested, 35 executed. One of the slaves executed was an African-born conjurer names Gullah Jack Pritchard. He recruited his fellow Angolan countrymen by promising them protection with the magic charms he distributed. His cunning, persuasion and knowledge of African religion induced many to enlist in the ill-fated revolt. Though much has been written about Denmark Vesey, this monograph is the first to detail the importance of Gullah Jack in the insurrection. It integrates original documents along with narrative detailing the life of Gullah Jack prior to and during the planned insurrection. The original documents, providing the flavor of the time, have been duplicated as close to their original format as possible.

Price: $299.95

A History of the Indiana State Prison (1860-1910)
 Hinkle, William G.
2020 1-4955-0793-9 768 pages
Dr. William Hinkle and Drew Lazzara have written a thorough history the Indiana State Prison. An extensive study, it covers the years 1860-1910. It includes 43 black and white photos.

Price: $399.95

Alegoría y Ironía Bajo Censura en la Argentina del Proceso (1976-1983)
 Favoretto, Mara
2010 0-7734-1292-1 404 pages
This text offers an analysis of how rhetorical strategies such as allegory, irony and symbolism, were employed by dissenting Argentine writers and singer-songwriters during the military dictatorship that seized power on March 24th 1976.

Author’s Abstract:
During the military coup in Argentina (1976 – 1983) a machinery of censorship was imposed. The state had a systematic plan of cultural repression and manipulation of public opinion. However, the dissident writers and lyricists examined in this study developed strategies of resistance that depended largely on allegory and irony. Some of the regime’s plans created the opposite result to that which was desired originally. In the musical sphere, what the authorities wanted to quash was fostered: through avoiding the diffusion of a certain type of music, what was opened up was a space that was quickly occupied by dissident music. By means of a detailed rhetorical analysis, this study is focused on the functioning of allegory, irony and symbolism under constrains of censorship.

Price: $259.95

An Alphabetical Listing of Word, Name, and Place in Northern Ireland and the Living Language of Conflict
 Dunn, Seamus
2000 0-7734-7711-X 336 pages
dThis is a scholarly, detailed, comprehensive complication, in alphabetical form, of all matters relating to the long and violent conflict in Northern Ireland. It contains detailed lists and references to all important events, political, social and violence-related: these include lists and descriptions of all political parties; all paramilitary groups; all the major bombings, killings and atrocities; along with all political developments, initiatives and historical moments. Each entry is intended to be precise and factual, to give all necessary details while eschewing judgments or personal views. It places emphasis on the vocabulary generated by the conflict, with reference to terms of abuse, slang expressions, nicknames, and new uses of old words. It is carefully organized so that cross-referencing and inter-subject relationships can be extracted and correlated.

Price: $219.95

An English Translation of Major General Karl Ernst Haushofer’s Geopolitics of the Pacific Ocean and Studies in the Relationship Between Geography and History
 Haushofer, Karl
2002 0-7734-7122-7 444 pages
"The original publication of Haushofer's Geopolitics of the Pacific Ocean had an immediate impact. Quickly translated and published in Japan and Russia it became an object of study.... A Russo-Japanese Convention was signed in 1925. ...Then cam the Tanaka Memorandum of 1927. Reportedly based on Haushofer's Geopolotics of the Pactific Ocean it provoked a split between the Imperial Army and Navy. ...Hiterler had comet to power in Germany in 1933. Espousing many of Haushofer's geopolitical theories, except alliance with communist Russia, the Nazis pushed Haushofer into prominence" -L.A. Tambs, "Preface"

Price: $259.95

 Grote, Georg
2003 0-7734-6811-0 256 pages
The period between the fall of Parnell in 1890 and the Easter Rising 1916, is one of the most complex in Irish history due to the close interrelation between politics and culture. Literature played a significant role in the gestation of the modern Irish nation, and the Anglo-Irish Literary Movement led by Lady Gregory, William Butler Yeats, and John Millington Synge became repeatedly involved in the political struggle. This book investigates the intricate relationship between writers and politics and their responsibility for the emerging radicalization of nationalism toward 1916. It also considers the question of the writers’ own involvement in the nationalist cause, and focuses on the interplay of politics, nationalism and the very human element of personality and timing in order to elucidate the mechanics of national mobilization before 1916.

Price: $199.95

 Hortiguera, Hugo
2007 0-7734-5348-2 248 pages
This groundbreaking collection of essays examines Argentine cultural production during the 1989-2001 period, which coincided with the implementation of neoliberalism under President Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1999) and his successor, Fernando de la Rúa (1999-2001), thereby providing an overview of the way Argentine writers, filmmakers, musicians and media reacted to this centrality of the market forces. This collection will be of interest to scholars of Latin American Cultural Studies, Hispanic Studies, Film Studies as well as those of Comparative Literature.

Price: $179.95

 Simon-Aaron, Charles
2008 0-7734-5197-8 692 pages
This work explores the interrelationship between the institutionalized political philosophical construction and reproduction of European anti-African hatred within the Western Academy and the birth and reproduction of European imperialism. Both projects grounded a part of their ideological foundation in the cultivation and reproduction of the myth of the ‘unthinking Negro.'

Price: $359.95

 Weeks, Zebulun Q.
2012 0-7734-2641-8 328 pages
Juan Cristobal Calvete de Estrella (c. 1510/20-1593) was a Spanish humanist with close connections to the courts of Charles V and Philip II, to the latter of whom he was a tutor. Among his many works in Latin and Spanish was De Rebus Indicis, a Latin history of the accounts of chroniclers, used documents probably supplied by the family of Cristobal Vaca de Castro, Francisco Pizarro’s successor as governor. The book is commonly thought to be the longest continuous history of its subject in Latin. It tracks down and compares the primary sources drawn upon for De Rebus Indicis, in so far as these are accessible, and then determines the nature of Calvete’s use of these sources, both in Spanish and Latin, as he sought to transform them into a work of art suitable for a European audience.
This book endeavors to do two things. First, it tracks down and compares the sources of content for De Rebus Indicis, and discovers that Calvete was more concerned with causation than other historians. He also interprets facts, rather than merely reporting on them, and provided more information about the capture of Atahualpa than any other historian past or present.

Price: $219.95

 El Khawas, Mohamed A.
2012 0-7734-2636-1 172 pages
In this collection of essays, scholars weigh in on contemporary issues in African politics. These scholars offer solutions to important problems that impact all aspects of African life, from the environment, to poverty, political instability, and piracy. They also contextualize these problems through historical analysis and discuss the legacies of colonialism on the continent, as well as regional disputes that cause neighboring tribes and nations to act in violence towards each other. This book draws on political science, economics, ecology, and several other disiciplines.

Price: $159.95

 Wright, A.D.
1991 0-7734-9723-4 278 pages
This study examines not the foreign policy of Habsburg Spain, in its naval and military campaigns against militant Islam and Protestant heresy, but the reality of Catholic practice in the Iberian peninsula itself. Certain features of Spanish religion, such as the insistence on orthodoxy combined with a persistent anti-clericalism, are traced to this crucial period in the development of Catholicism in Spain. Non-Inquisitorial as well as Inquisitorial evidence is drawn on and Roman archival sources are used in addition to documents from Spain itself. This work thus seeks to analyze Spanish Catholicism during the period of the Counter-Reformation not in a traditional way, as part of Spanish history in isolation; but as a distinct part of the Catholic Church as a whole, in the era of post-Tridentine reform, taking as reference-points recent work on that larger subject by scholars not only in Spain but in other countries also, such as France and Italy.

Price: $199.95

 Magone, José M.
1996 0-7734-2256-0 680 pages
This contribution to the study of institutional change from the authoritarian to the democratic regime in Portugal and Spain focuses particularly on the relationship between political structure and culture. The new concept of "political systemic culture" is introduced to show the structuring process of socialization, participation, and state agencies in building up a new democratic regime.

Price: $359.95

 Ulloth, Dana
2020 1-4955-0802-1 104 pages
Dr. Dana Ulloth looks in the history of gun regulation in the United States from the founding of America to our modern age. He argues that the interpretation of second has moved from its earliest pro-regulation interpretation to an anti-regulation interpretation over that time period.

Price: $119.95

 Ulloth, Dana
2020 1-4955-0803-X 104 pages
Dr. Dana Ulloth looks in the history of gun regulation in the United States from the founding of America to our modern age. He argues that the interpretation of second has moved from its earliest pro-regulation interpretation to an anti-regulation interpretation over that time period.

Price: $19.95

 Jan, George P.
2004 0-7734-6313-5 247 pages
The main purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive description and critical analysis of the Chinese commune experiment for the understanding of contemporary China. The focus is on the period from 1958 when the commune system was first introduced to the mid-1960s when it was drastically modified. The book covers the background of the commune system, its structure, administration and leadership. The militia force, thought regimentation, mass education and social changes in the communes are examined in great deal. The urban communes are also investigated thoroughly. The Chinese commune was a very controversial system when it was introduced in 1958. It caused disputes in the communist countries and concern in the free world. Its eventual failure and abolition have had a significant impact on China’s internal development, world communist movement and the approach to nation-building in the developing countries. This book is the most detailed in depth study of the Chinese commune system available in the Western world.

Price: $179.95

 Allahar, Anton L.
1990 0-88946-217-8 232 pages
A treatise in historical sociology which traces the socioeconomic and political processes that accompanied the development of capitalism in Cuba, providing a backdrop against which Cuba's republican era (1898-1959) can be understood. The first single study to discuss the various factions of the planter class, their competing ideological orientations, and the destructive consequences of their intra-class conflicts. Identifies the principle social actors of the colonial period - the Spanish state officials, the peninsula merchants, the creole sugar planters, the slaves, and the indentured workers - to show how the specific economic and political interest of these groups defined them as distinct and antagonistic social classes.

Price: $179.95

 du Toit, Brian M.
1995 0-7734-8975-4 488 pages
This study is an historical community study, the first research on this group of Boers/Afrikaners who, following the Anglo-Boer War, refused to take the oath of loyalty to the British Crown, and instead emigrated, creating a settlement in Chubut, Argentina. It blends migration theory and ethnicity, documents the conditions which gave rise to the emigration, the names of individuals who migrated, the farms established in Argentina, the bleak living conditions and hardships. It is also the first report of the fact that a number of Blacks emigrated with the settlers. It contains an exhaustive survey of all documents and literature in Afrikaans, Dutch, English, and Spanish.

Price: $279.95

 Simoncini, Gabriele
1994 0-7734-9414-6 272 pages
Focusing on political and ideological aspects, the author presents an organic synthesis of the Party's life, organization, and internal political debates. Party ideology is analyzed in close reference to Soviet Communism and the European Communist movement. The analysis is based on a wealth of archival materials, documents issued by the Party through its conferences, press, and the writings and memoirs of its leaders. The study makes extensive use of the material in the collections of the former Central Archive of the Central Committee of the Unified Polish Workers' Party in Warsaw. This work is the first organic study on the topic to appear in English.

Price: $199.95

 O'Connor, Alan
2004 0-7734-6392-5 160 pages
This book is the first one in English about the famous community radio stations operated in Bolivia by the miners’ trade unions. Since about 1950, there has been a network of more than twenty radios all locally funded and operated. This book focuses on the most heroic period of their existence during the twenty-five years from about 1960 to 1985.

This unique experience of local media is described through the voices of Latin American communication researchers and political activists. The chapters are selected and translated by Alan O’Connor who published the first scholarly article in English on the Bolivian miners’ radios. This book also gives readers an introduction to the methods and concerns of Latin American communication researchers.

This work includes overview written by Bolivian communication researchers who first brought the miners’ radios to the attention of researchers on participatory media. These pioneering articles struggle to fit the unruly miners’ radios into the concepts of debates about global communications. They stress what is unique about the Bolivian experience and the successes, problems and lack of resources of the radio stations.

The book also includes moving testimonies by participants in the radio stations. An historic transcript from a live broadcast shows how the radios connect up during times of political crisis in an attempt to organize resistance to a military coup. With the decline of the Bolivian mining industry since 1985 many of the radio stations no longer exist. The book documents attempts to rescue at least some of the stations and continue their work into the present.

Price: $139.95

 Heppell, Timothy
2006 0-7734-5581-7 352 pages
This book offers an innovative and distinctive analysis of the Conservative Party Leadership of John Major. Based on original research, this book addresses the absence of an in depth exploration of the much maligned, but largely misunderstood, Conservative Party Leadership tenure of John Major. The majority of academic publications of the Major era have been located within a broader analysis of the ideology of Thatcherism and the politics and policies of the Thatcher governments. By examining the Major era from an intra-party management perspective, this book examines the constraints imposed upon post-Thatcherite Conservative Party leadership. It argues that the collapse of the Conservative Party in the post-Thatcherite era should be attributed to an insoluble ideological schism over European integration and a diminishing parliamentary majority, as opposed to the inadequacies of John Major as leader of the Conservative Party. Constituting a comprehensive yet accessible evaluation of the complexity of managing the tensions of the post-Thatcherite Conservative Party, this book breaks new ground in an area that has been largely neglected. It provides a compelling insight into the crisis of contemporary British Conservatism.

Price: $239.95

 Berget, Wilbur C.
2008 0-7734-4918-3 500 pages
Written between 1941 and 1945, these personal, detailed letters serve as an important resource for World War II historians by illuminating the lives of ordinary soldiers.

Price: $279.95

 Castro, Donald S.
1991 0-7734-9980-6 328 pages
Focuses on the evolutions of Argentine immigration policies and the discussion of the social, political and economic issues involved in the related political debate. Class, regional and economic interests (particularly self-interest) of the Argentine ruling elites are of special interest.

Price: $219.95

 Porrua, Enrique J.
2001 0-7734-7384-X 608 pages
The diary of navigation written by Antonio de Tova Arredondo during the Malaspina expedition relates to one of the most important scientific enterprises of all times. References to it appear in important publications in the fields of history and anthropology. Analysis of the original manuscript in comparison with the published version of 1943 resulted in the discovery of some remarkable mysteries, including the addition of an entire chapter in the 1943 version which is nonexistent in the original. In the course of investigations necessary to provide a new and more reliable edition of the diary, many unpublished documents concerning Tova and his diary have come to light after being hidden in the Spanish archives for two centuries. The reader is introduced to the diary through a broad historical background that explains the political, social, and economic circumstances in Spain during the 18th century and provides a chronological account of European scientific expeditions. There follows a summarized account of Malaspina-Bustamante’s enterprise, the documentation it produced, and a biography of Antonio de Tova. A detailed description of the document, observations, and a concluding analysis close the first part of the work. In an attempt to offer as many useful materials as possible, a selection of the most informative segments of the manuscript and the transcription of the most important documents concerning Tova’s biography and his diary have been included as appendices.Introductory material in English and Spanish. Diary transcription in Spanish.

Price: $339.95

 Idress, Aliyu Alhaji
1996 0-7734-8833-2 88 pages
This volume describes the political organization of the Kyadya state as it existed in 1857, then examines the subjugation of the Kyadya by the Fulani-controlled administration of Bida Emirate. It covers the reaction of Kyadya to the new political order - the Kyadyan resistance which led to the Ganigan war in which the Kyadya were defeated. This led to their later support of the RNC forces and subsequent defeat of Bida. Though the Kyadya were made independent of Bida, they were brought under the authority of the RNC, which marked the final stage of the collapse of the Kyadya state. It then deals with the era of colonial administration which reduced Kyadya to a mere district of Bida Emirate. This is one of the few works available on this under-researched area of Nigeria.

Price: $99.95

 Hosten-Craig, Jennifer
1992 0-7734-9554-1 160 pages
This timely study assesses the possible impact of a NAFTA on the Commonwealth or English-speaking countries of the Caribbean. The theory and practice of free trade are discussed, as well as the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and the question of regional integration among the Caribbean countries. Written by a former diplomat and political scientist with considerable knowledge of the region, this study includes important primary and secondary research. Most notable are the views of leading regional personalities from both the public and private sectors in the Caribbean and North America. This represents one of the first definitive pieces of research into an issue which is still taking shape and upon which policy analysts in the region should take a leading interest.

Price: $139.95

 Negrín, María Luisa
2000 0-7734-7909-0 188 pages
This analysis shows that Arenas’ work is one of exile and alienation. Arenas, as a human being as well as an author, suffered all forms of exile, and these influence the structure of his work. In his literary work, as well as in his life, are present all the definitions of exile given by sociology; that of inner exile, to which Arenas added a new characteristic, and that of territorial exile as well. His work represents the vision of the marginated, imprisoned, persecuted, rejected. The purpose of his novels and poetry is to reveal, from a historical reconstruction, the explanation of Cuba’s constant political problems. In Spanish.

Price: $159.95

 Rey, Denis
2010 0-7734-3764-9 164 pages
Examines whether electoral rules impact the level of multilateralism, or cooperative policies, that countries pursue. Specifically, this research looks at International Governmental Organization membership, foreign aid donations, and trade tariffs to determine whether some democracies, because of the degree of representativeness afforded by their political institutions, pursue such preferences to a greater extent than others.

Price: $159.95

 LeBlanc, John Randolph
2004 0-7734-6567-7 284 pages
This work of political theory traces, for the first time in a book-length work, the critical development of the idea of creativity in politics through the intellectual relationship of Simone Weil and Albert Camus. Assessing their separate but complementary attempts to bring aesthetic considerations of beauty and order to bear on an ethical conception of political life, the book calls into question both a purely aestheticized picture of reality and postmodern tendency to see reality as a discontinuous discourses by emphasizing that which Weil and Camus believed the activities of labor and art share in common: the capacity and obligation to transform our perspective while respecting our physical and metaphysical limits.

Price: $199.95

 Johns, Nick
2009 0-7734-4695-8 340 pages
Explores the issue of trust in relation to the British state under New Labour. The issue of trust was raised most vividly around foreign policy matters, particularly Britain’s role in the invasion of Iraq and the subsequent debate about the validity or otherwise of the intelligence material. From this starting point the stewardship of New Labour is evaluated in terms of the notion of active citizenship and from the perspective of writers working in a range of agencies and policy areas, including health, community development, social security and criminal justice.

Price: $219.95

 Lippe, George B von der
1996 0-7734-8791-3 204 pages
This volume is a comprehensive treatment of the relationship of a society to its most powerful and controversial national symbol. Beginning with the heroic figure presented in the late 19th-century Festspiel, the study delineates the transformation of the literary projection of the Luther figure from Wilhelminian, through Weimar, into Third Reich cultural and political domains. The polarity which characterizes Luther depiction in the first half of the century is reflected in Luther as the cultural idol of the mainstream right and as archetypal symbol of betrayal and repression to the opposition and left intelligentsia. The study then traces the metamorphosis of Luther objectification in the divided German of the second half of the 20th century, characterized by an intense love-hate relationship in the GDR/East and more distanced, analytical relationship in the FRG/West; focal points include Thomas Mann's treatment of the Luther figure, Leopold Ahlsen's psycho-drama Der Arme Mann Luther, Dieter Forte's irreverent satire Martin Luther und Thomas Münzer, oder die Einführung der Buchhaltung, and Lutherjahr 1983 (Luther's 500 birthday) in East and West. Finally, the study considers the Luther figure in the context of German reunification - whether the Luther figure is a viable cultural symbol for Germans at the end of their most tumultuous century. This work targets an audience of Germanists and theologians, as well as those with a general interest in German cultural history. The text is in English, with English translation (by the author) and original German text for cited passages.

Price: $179.95

 Stone, Rob
2004 0-7734-6429-8 312 pages
This study explores the meaning and importance of flamenco in the works of two of the most important and influential figures in twentieth-century Spanish culture, the poet and playwright Federico García Lorca and the film-maker Carlos Saura. Lorca and Saura shared a fascination for flamenco as a medium for the existential ideology of the marginalized and disenfranchised and this work evaluates the development of these themes through a close, contextual study of their works, which are linked explicitly by Saura’s film adaptation of Lorca’s Bodas de sangre and, more profoundly, by their use of flamenco to express ideas of sexual and political marginalization in pre- and post-Francoist Spain respectively. The study demonstrates that an understanding of the symbolism, visual style, characters, themes and performance system of flamenco is key to a greater understanding of the social, sexual, political and existential themes in the works of Lorca and Saura, and that this in turn allows for an original and revealing analysis of the evolution of flamenco and the development of modern Spain.

Price: $219.95

 Meilinger, Phillip S.
2013 0-7734-4465-3 400 pages
The Strategic Air Command (SAC) was formed to deter war against the emerging Soviet threat –and to fight and win a war if deterrence failed. This fascinating history of SAC will weave together six themes shaping the command during its first decade of existence: mission, message, education, technology, intelligence gathering and analysis, and leadership. All of these were crucial but the last is perhaps primus inter pares. General Curtis E. LeMay was the commander of SAC from 1948 to 1957. His leadership and drive were fundamental to the successful evolution of the command.

Price: $239.95

 Bullion, John J.
2012 0-7734-4079-8 584 pages
The book is a collection of Professor John L. Bullion’s published and unpublished essays on King George III’s impact on the origins and development of the American Revolution. They comprise the most extensive investigation and assessment of George’s relationship to his mother, the Dowager Princess of Wales Augusta, and her enduring influence upon his character and approach to politics. The essays also examine in detail his friendship with the Earl of Bute, both as a young protégé with his mentor and as a king with his minister. They are the most complete and compelling account of George’s early years in his preparation for “the true essential business of a king.” They establish how his development and studies contributed to the imperial crisis and the loss of most of Britain’s North American empire. In addition, Bullion’s careful examination of policy dilemmas reveal the difficulties Britain’s leaders faced. Bute’s central role in the making of peace with the French and Spanish and in planning for Britain’s security, finances, and commerce during the postwar period are covered extensively. These essays fully show how and why the disastrous decisions on colonial policies in the early 1760’s were made. Other chapters shed new light on the king’s reactions to the armed struggle in America during 1775-1783 and the aftermath of defeat. The book closes with a poignant and hitherto unpublished account of the old monarch’s turn away from reform. By illustrating so vividly the mistakes and tragedies of his reign, this book will significantly alter historians’ understanding of George III, his family, his “dearest friend” Bute, and the politicians who acted with America’s last king.

Price: $319.95

 Dorsinville, Max
2005 0-7734-6053-5 252 pages
This first-person narrative, in both French and English, by a sixteen-year-old Haitian told in diary form in 1959 parallels the coming to power of Castro in Cuba and contrasts the continued role of François (“Papa Doc”) Duvalier in Haiti. Both historical figures hover over the narrative and represent the hope and despair the narrator identifies as rite of passage away from his native Haiti, torn between his upbringing in a French Canadian boarding school and an apartment in Queens, New York, with his expatriate parents. This experimental book mixes languages in giving form to the process of individual growth. It uses Canada’s two official languages as formal references to the poles of cultural integration the narrator is called upon by upbringing to recognize and accept. Thus the narrative begins in French and subsequently shifts to English, symbolically characterizing the narrator’s growing up as a process embedded in the changing form of language.

Price: $199.95

 Leggott, Sarah
2001 0-7734-7584-2 316 pages
This monograph explores the biographical and autobiographical works of seven 20th century women writers: Josefina Aldecoa, Mercedes Formica, Dolores Ibárruri, Pilar Jaraiz Franco, Federica Montseny, Constancia de la Mora and Isabel Oyarzábal de Palencia. Literary and political figures, these women contest traditional versions of Spanish history through their published works, and offer different perspectives on the role of women within that history. They address the past from diverse ideological standpoints – communism, republicanism, socialism, anarchism and fascism. The text examines the construction of the identity of the female historical subject within a specific sociopolitical context, drawing on relevant critical work from the fields of historicism, feminism, and cultural studies. Includes texts of personal interviews (Spanish with English translation) with Mercedes Formica and Josefina Aldecoa

Price: $219.95

 Mangru, Basdeo
1996 0-7734-8790-5 384 pages
This volume seeks to demolish the notion of East Indian docility and passivity in the Caribbean by demonstrating that they respond resolutely to pressures. Based primarily on documentary evidence at the Public Records Office and the India Office Library and Records in England, the book argues that it was resistance, both overt and covert, rather than accommodation which asserted itself on the plantations in the indenture and post-indenture periods. Stymied by a lack of indigenous leadership and organization, and confronted by a powerful, influential plantocracy and repressive state apparatus, Indian workers had demonstrated consistently that they were not afraid to protest when aggrieved. The nearly 1000 strikes and 54 deaths attested to their militancy. By its concentration on a relatively unexplored topic, this study makes a powerful contribution to Guyanese, Caribbean, and imperial history.

Price: $239.95

 Clauson, Marc A.
2006 0-7734-5598-1 484 pages
This book addresses the idea that the judicial law of God, as found in the Old Testament of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, has a place in legal and political thought and practice, as well as economic thought, and has advanced in various forms since the beginning of Christianity, and previously, during the period of the Hebrew Commonwealth. This work traces the Theonomic movement and its ideas from its roots in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries into its modern form, placing Theonomy in context of legal, political, and economic philosophy.

Price: $279.95

 Gleadow, Carmen
2000 0-7734-7911-2 360 pages
Traces the emergence of the jury in 19th century Spain and its establishment and disappearances throughout 190 years of Spanish history. The work is inter-disciplinary, placing the successive Spanish jury laws within a general political and social context. It includes previously-unexplored material on the origins of the échevinat; it addresses issues not confronted by Spanish or other jurists, and it questions received wisdom.

Price: $239.95

 Hofmeister, Heimo
2007 0-7734-5378-4 208 pages
This book provides an English translation of philosopher Heimo Hofmeister’s book, Der Wille zum Krieg, oder die Ohnmacht der Politik, which traces the connection between war and the individual or group awareness of differences among ‘others’ which leads to inevitable and serious disagreement. Analyzing the relations of strength, force and power on the one hand and state, politics and war on the other, Hofmeister shows that while conflict is inevitable, war is not. Ironically, the same diversity that exists among humanity and the conflicts that arise from the awareness of such are just as much the foundation of harmony, friendship and love as they are that of war and hate.

Price: $179.95

 Leibowitz, Arnold H.
2022 1-4955-1030-1 640 pages
This is a softcover book (reprint). "This book rejects Presidential impeachment, supporting in its stead a Congressional action of censure against the President. ...For over 220 years from the founding of the Republic, the impeachment of the President was an unusual event. It occurred only once in the case of Andrew Johnson; but the circumstances then were extraordinary, the impeachment arising in the wake of a civil war. Even so, the impeachment effort failed albeit by one vote. It was not expected to be used again. ...This seemed to be in accordance with the vision of the Framers of the Constitution. Many of the Founding Fathers argued that impeachment was unnecessary for the President. The Presidency, after all, was an elected position; the periodic elections themselves would act as a safety value and remove those who abused the public trust. ...In addition to treating all of the impeachments in a comparative way, the book discusses the biographical background of Johnson, Nixon and Clinton so as to understand, in each case, their struggles to reach the Presidency, their relationship to the Congress and to the public." -From the Author's Abstract

Price: $59.95

 Benwell, Philip
2003 0-7734-6696-7 322 pages
Never before, since the Federation of the Australian Colonies in 1901, had the Constitution of Australia come under such intense scrutiny as occurred in the lead-up to the Republican Referendum of 1999. Just as there were differences of opinion amongst republicans on what form an Australian republic should take, there were different perceptions amongst monarchists on what formed the modern day structures of Australia’s Constitutional Monarchy. In this collection of speeches and articles, Philip Benwell has attempted to explain the various interpretations not just of the Constitution itself but also of ‘The Crown of the United Kingdom’ under which the Australian Federation has been formed. It is the only known work of its kind and an invaluable contribution to scholarship not only for its in-depth examination of the meaning of ‘The Crown,’ particularly within Australia’s Constitution, but also as research tool for future occasions.

Price: $219.95

 Giovenco, Sydney N.
2006 0-7734-5764-X 168 pages
Índice para Hora de España I-XXII is the index for the twenty-three issues of Hora de España, a literary journal that circulated in Spain between January 1937 and October 1938. The Index is composed of two main parts: the Introduction and the Index. The Introduction includes an historical note about the journal and its founders, followed by seven major topics: Contributors to the Journal; Poetry; Poems by Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936); Spanish American Writers; Book Reviews; European Writers; and Art and Theater. The Index has three hundred and forty-five entries (114 contributing writers). It has an alphabetical listing of authors who wrote for the journal; it contains analytical synopses of as many articles as were written in its twenty-three issues – briefs (containing information on the journal), poems, and articles written by the editorial staff are included. In 2005, a Foreword and a Commendatory Preface by Roma Hoff were included. A bibliography completes the Index.

Price: $159.95

 Garnham, Barry G.
2007 0-7734-5472-1 292 pages
This work’s contribution to scholarship derives principally from the presentation of sixty-eight texts, written by fifteen authors known collectively as the Idéologues, an influential group in late 18th and early 19th century French thought. Unlike previous studies of the Idéologues which either focused on the group as a whole or on particular individuals, the present works offers the reader direct access to examples of their work; the reader is able to appreciate the different styles of argumentation and nuances of approach and emphasis among writers who present a remarkable unanimity of purpose and outlook. The volume is designed both to stimulate further interest in an area which has in recent years been relatively neglected, but which is essential to an understanding of the transition between the Enlightenment and the social thinkers of the 19th century, and to provide an introduction to the period for those whose specialisation lie elsewhere.

Price: $199.95

 Razavi, Reza
2023 1-4955-1157-X 648 pages
"The relationship between state and society in Iran has evolved in the last hundred years and the state's grip on power has increased. ...State repression and public resistance have developed hand-in-hand and have formed a major part of Iran's contemporary history. Iran has experienced reform, revolution and military coups in the last century. ...The aim [of this book is] to concentrate on the certain aspects of Iranian history that have contributed to the state's repressive policy and public resistance." -Reza Razavi (Preface)

Price: $339.95

 Jacob, Alexander
2019 1-4955-0757-2 80 pages
This short monograph details the ideas of Jean-Francois Thiriart, (1922-92), and his political theory concerning the post-Cold War world. Jean-Francois Thiriart argued that Istanbul would be ideal capital of this secondary Euro-Asian superstate. The introduction is written by Dr. Alexander Jacob.

Price: $79.95

 Coles, Norman A.
1998 0-7734-8276-8 164 pages
This study presents a clarification and discussion of problematic concepts and arguments related to a pamphlet by John Ashton, who was executed for treason in 1690. The study aims at philosophical clarification of arguments about important political issues and historical events.

Price: $159.95

 Martyn, John R. C.
2008 0-7734-5033-5 252 pages
This work skillfully elucidates a period often misunderstood by historians. The study also explores the use of imitation and the intersections of the political and the religious in medieval times.

Price: $199.95

 Saint-Saens, Alain
1993 0-7734-9804-4 300 pages

Price: $199.95

 Rosales, Gerardo Piña
1999 0-7734-8162-1 186 pages
The Narrative of S. Serrano Poncela, Chronicle of Uprootedness is the first comprehensive work devoted to the study of the literary production of Segundo Serrano Poncela, a writer who found himself in exile after the Spanish Civil War. Poncela's topics are not only about war and exile, but also about his exploration of Latin American, the Caribbean and the United States. His works transcend the topical and temporary and are related more to the private and psychological aspects of individuals than to social reality. In Spanish.

Price: $159.95

 Ardavín, Carlos X.
2006 0-7734-5790-9 372 pages
This book is an analysis of how several contemporary Spanish writers (Francisco Umbral, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel Vicent and Félix de Azúa) view Spain’s transition to democracy in their novels. These authors and their texts offer alternative narratives of the transition that disrupt and contradict the complacent and monological version elaborated by post-Francoist historiography; a version that is, fundamentally, a mythical narrative construction. How does fiction contradict the myth of the democratic restoration? By using – and abusing – memory. In these novels, memory is used as an epistemic instrument to investigate the recent and unresolved political past of Spain, and rebuild a solid collective and personal identity.

Taken together, the novels of this study suggest that there is a gap between memory and history, a sharp opposition between what the author refers to as a politics of forgetting promoted by the historians and politicians, and a poetics of memory fostered by the fiction writers, which establishes a dialogue with the transition’s history in order to apprehend its complexity through imagination.

A more extensive and profound knowledge of Spanish literature related to the issue of the political transition will serve to understand this complex event (the transition to democracy), and the origins and developments of post-Franco’s Spanish culture and society.

Price: $239.95

 Mbah, Emmanuel M.
2008 0-7734-5053-X 288 pages
This work analyzes every aspect of the land and boundary dispute, tracing the conflict from pre-colonial times to the period of decolonization. The manuscript’s interdisciplinary approach combines elements of political science, anthropology and economics.

Price: $199.95

 D’Allemand, Patricia
2000 0-7734-7811-6 208 pages
“This study by Dr. P. D’Allemand is a first-rate analysis of a much neglected area, namely that of Latin American Literary Criticism. As the prologue, by one of the most eminent scholars in the field, Professor William Rowe, of Birkbeck College, University of London, makes clear, Dr. D’Allemand takes us through the work of five of the key practitioners of Latin American Literary Criticism and shows us what can be done with it. She deals with Mariategui, Rama, Losada, Cornejo Polar and Sarlo, achieving a genuinely continental coverage. Dr. D’Allemand’s expertise and her previous publishing experience in this area come together to make this volume an original and important contribution to Latin American critical and cultural studies.” – Professor E. R. P. Vieira, Ministry of Culture Visiting Fellow, Centre for Brazilian Studies, University of Oxford

Price: $179.95

 Frye, John
1992 0-7734-9196-1 128 pages
An account of three men, without whose influence and resources Columbus' enterprise of the Indies would not have occurred. Martín Alonso Pinzón was a shipowner/navigator. His young brother Vicente Yáñez was also a navigator. Juan de la Cosa was owner of the merchantman Marigalante, to be chartered and renamed by Columbus the Santa María. The three of them had adventures, together or separately, poaching in Portuguese preserves of Atlantic Africa as far south as Guinea. These are their stories.

Price: $139.95

 Gilmour, John
1999 0-7734-8029-3 360 pages

Price: $239.95

 Mendinueta, Pedro
2003 0-7734-6566-9 268 pages
This is a major chronicle of the early nineteenth century and provides a firsthand account of the region prior to the Latin American Wars of Independence. This document, which has not appeared before in either English or Spanish, is divided into four major parts: ecclesiastical affairs, administration, Royal Exchequer and finances, and the military.

Price: $199.95

 Mercado, Juan Carlos
2006 0-7734-5760-7 420 pages
In 1565, Menéndez sailed to Florida and fulfilled his duty to Phillip II by recapturing France’s primary settlement, Fort Caroline, and executing the Fort’s commander, Jean Ribault, along with his men. Menéndez continued his duties by establishing two Spanish colonies, one of which, St. Augustine, would become the oldest permanent city of European origin in the United States. Following France’s example, the colonies were instrumental to Spain’s claim and military defense of the territory. This work has been based on the study of the key chroniclers and their writings (primarily Menéndez’ brother-in-law, Gonzalo Solís de Merás, who was with him on the expedition, and Bartolomé Barrientos, Professor at the University of Salamanca, who several years later wrote a second-hand chronicle of the expedition based on eyewitness accounts). This is the first annotated edition of the expeditions’ chronicles and will serve as a sister work to the already-published book by Professor Mercado on the letters.

Price: $259.95

 Fontanet, Hernán
2008 0-7734-4884-5 264 pages
Leónidas Lamborghini is one of the most well known, but least studied, contemporaneous Argentinean poets. This work examines the influence of the poet’s country’s tumultuous past on poetic compositions The study illustrates the mode in which Lamborghini approaches a contrasting conflict: his love for Buenos Aires and the frustrations produced by his exile. This book contains thirty-two black and white photographs and ten color photographs. In Spanish.

Price: $199.95

 Caldwell, Wendy
2004 0-7734-6376-3 219 pages
This book focuses on a series of indigenista novels of Chiapas, Mexico published between 1957 and 1994 and examines these works of fiction as mirrors of important social, political, and economic realities plaguing contemporary Mexican society, in particular Chiapas. From this narrative sequence, a liberationist discourse emerges that reflects the ideas of Liberation Theology and its approach to the plight of the poor. The authors portray a set of obstacles that impede the liberation process and, in doing so, project movement toward the authentic liberation of the native inhabitants of their novels. Through the theoretical framework of liberation thought, this book shows how literature, specifically the novel, can transcend the boundaries of genre and transform itself into a participant in the debate on multiethnic identity in Mexico. With the 1994 uprising led by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, Chiapas has become a global symbol for marginalized voices that struggle to gain a legitimate space in Mexican society. The novels treated in the book outline the context which led to the “¡YA BASTA!” of the EZLN. The content is presented within an interdisciplinary context and, therefore, is attractive to a variety of fields.

Price: $179.95

 Ramcharan, Robin
2007 0-7734-5338-5 392 pages
This work analyzes the way in which the foreign policy in Guyana has fared in protecting its national security, while also analyzing the very concept of “national security” as it applies to a small-state like Guyana. Since its independence in 1966, Guyanese foreign policy has been synonymous with national security. The process of national security in Guyana, like that of other post-colonial small-states, cannot be viewed independently from that of nation-building. Guyana’s struggles with internal insecurity are examined, along with the responses to various external challenges which have resulted in human insecurity and significant external involvement in the micromanagement of Guyana’s domestic affairs.

Price: $239.95

 Craven, David
1989 0-88946-489-8 407 pages
Provides the most definitive assessment so far of the arts in Nicaragua since 1979, with analyses of specific cultural policies and particular artworks associated with them. Demonstrates why the concept of art being advanced is innovative in relation to that of most earlier revolutions and how the ideological pluralism on which it is based is fundamentally at odds with the earlier doctrine of Socialist Realism.

Price: $259.95

 Liddick, Donald
2024 1-4955-1309-2 496 pages
An excerpt: "The problem of organized crime is pernicious; it is an inseparable component of the American political economy. The work of gang bangers, pimps, Cosa Nostra figures, and traffickers in human misery is bad enough. But what are we to do when the custodians of the public weal—those we depend on to preserve our rights and administer justice—are themselves organized criminals? Indeed, a growing body of academic literature demonstrates that the true organizers of crime are not those with illicit guns and extended rap sheets, but powerful players who use badges and gavels. Power. Control. Leverage."

Price: $89.95

 Garcia, Maria J.
2009 0-7734-4833-0 352 pages
This study, using a qualitative process-tracing approach, investigates the reasons that motivated the European Union to conclude an Association Agreement with Chile in 2002.

Price: $239.95

 Puig, Idoya
1999 0-7734-7996-1 280 pages
Lluís Puig Casas was not affiliated to any particular political party but sympathised with the Catalan right. When the uprising began he was caught in the violence unleashed in the first months of the war. The uprising did not succeed in Barcelona but it was followed by an attempt to carry out a social revolution. His brother was killed by anarchist extremists and Casas had to live for several months in hiding. In August 1937 he joined the Republican Army fighting in the Aragon Front, fighting alongside the enemy and against those he would have preferred to win. The diary is a testimony of the complexities and divisions of a society at war. It reflects daily life in Barcelona and the hardships endured by soldiers in the trenches.

Price: $199.95

 Pozada-Burga, Mario A.
2009 0-7734-4651-6 156 pages
This work examines the life and works of the Peruvian essayist Antenor Orrego (1892-1960). It analyzes aspects of his work, such as the beginning of the career of the great poet César Vallejo and his belief in Latin American unification. In Spanish.

Price: $139.95

 Chen, Kevin
1992 0-7734-9833-8 272 pages
Using 1960-1988 cumulative survey data from the National Election Study, this study identifies four basic dimensions of political alienation; uses regression and algebraic decomposition methods to examine the increases in alienation and decline in voter turnout; probes the relationship between the two; examines the sources for the decline in turnout.

Price: $199.95

 Holowchak, Mark Andrew
2022 1-4955-0921-4 172 pages
From the author's Introduction (pg.3): "My memoirs, however, are more than a casual romp down Memory Lane. They are a commentary on the ills, even evils, of politicizing history by the network of revisionists at and around Monticello. What pertains to Jeffersonian scholarship pertains to all scholars involved in American history. Many today have gamified the task of writing American history and the result has been a discretionary interpretation of the life and mind of key figures like Thomas Jefferson and key events like the American Revolution. Any country that cares nothing about the truth of its past cannot have much of a future."

Price: $159.95

 Monfries, John
2011 0-7734-1584-X 332 pages
This book is a collection of works by the late Geoffrey Forrester, an Australian analyst who spent over 40 years closely observing the end of Indonesia’s first presidency.

Price: $219.95

 Cassella-Blackburn, Michael
2018 1-4955-0675-4 180 pages
This book looks the career of William C. Bullitt and his campaign to save Nationalist China from Communism in the aftermath of the Second World War. William C. Bullitt put together a complete media campaign to convince the American public and American politicians to support Nationalist China against Communist. Dr. Cassella-Blackburn notes that this campaign was the earliest to use fear as a tool in foreign policy.

Price: $159.95

 Janiga-Perkins, Constance G.
2007 0-7734-5380-6 136 pages
This critical study examines various readings of Ramón Pané’s Relación acerca de las antigüedades de los indios (c. 1498), telling the story of the multiple layered readings of the 1974 version of the text put together by José Juan Arrom. The original, written by Fray Ramón Pané, a young brother from the Convent of Saint Jerome de la Murta in Badalona, Spain who sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World, offers a glimpse into the earliest moments of Europe’s encounter with the New World. The centuries of reading to which this work has been subjected have shaped its interpretation and translation as individuals from different times, places, and cultures have tried to associate with those things described in the text while also reflecting on themselves, producing an autoethnography.

Price: $139.95

 Cooper, Barry
1990 0-88946-106-6 320 pages
Brings together in three sections a collection of old and new papers in political philosophy focusing on the problem of understanding modern political reality. Section One is an analysis of the crisis of interpretation that has been in effect since the founding of social science (but has recently become acute). Section Two, informed with current questions in interpretation, is an analysis of the crisis of modernity itself. Section Three deals with the restoration of political philosophy, understood in part as a response to the crises analyzed in the previous two sections.

Price: $219.95

 Luzkow, Jack Lawrence
2004 0-7734-6502-2 288 pages
This interpretive essay was originally born as a response to Francis Fukuyama’s essay, The End of History. It asserts that the major development of the 20th century was, and is, the World Revolution of Westernization. It asserts that many parts of the globe are successfully Westernizing (modernizing), but even more parts of the globe are saying ‘modernization wherever possible, yes, but according to non-Western values such as Islam.’ The study is divided into three sections: Europe, Russia, and much of the developing world outside the West.

Price: $199.95

 Hendrix, Scott E.
2012 0-7734-3915-3 176 pages
This text offers new insight into the political unrest in East Britain between 1646 and 1650. New information is provided regarding the “Winter Insurrection” of 1650. New analysis connects these events to future uprisings in Britain and the United States.

Price: $159.95

 Redgate, A.E.
2022 1-4955-1027-1 544 pages
Very few early medieval Christian monarchs have left us evidence that gives us a personal impression of them: their ambitions, aspirations and policies, their characters, and, especially, how they wanted to be perceived and remembered. Four that have done are near-contemporaries. Three are, relatively, quite famous: Emperor Leo VI of Byzantium (reigned 886-912), his neighbor Tsar Symeon of Bulgaria (reigned 893-927), and King Alfred of Wessex (in southern England, in the island of Britain) (reigned 871-899). The fourth is Gagik Artsruni, prince of Vaspurakan, in the south of historic Armenia, which was part of the Arab Caliphate's province of Arminiyya. ...All four of these monarchs are perceptible through contemporary texts, and all of them engaged in artistic patronage, including building. In three cases (Leo's Alfred's, and Gagik's) a remarkable work of art survives that is personally associated with them. They thus provide a case study for comparative history, a discipline which has the potential to identify commonalities and differences, and to illuminate sources of, and influences upon, policies and ideas. In this particular case study, the evidence allows us to explore rulers' concepts of good rulership and how it should be expressed and advertised.

Price: $299.95

 Van Broekhoven, Laura N.K.
2006 0-7734-5639-2 308 pages
This book brings together ten essays relating to the manner in which postcolonial research is conducted and information put forth on the representation of indigenous cultures in the Americas. Divided into three parts, Part One describes the current state of affairs of postcolonial studies in the North American region; Part Two explores Mesoamerican culture, and Ñuu Savi and Zapotec studies in particular; and Part Three looks at the Andean region.

Price: $219.95

 Vilanova, Núria
1999 0-7734-8199-0 244 pages
This volume studies the relationship between social change and literature in present-day Peru, arguing that the emergence in the 1970s and 80s of new fiction writers and poets from large social sectors historically excluded from Peruvian public life – lower classes, migrants, and women - was part of a dramatic process of social change by which those sectors were gaining an important role in the transformation of society. “this is an authoritative study, balancing a thoroughly researched presentation of the social and political background with detailed analysis of individual writers, specific works and textual extracts. One of its many merits is the fact that Vilanova demonstrates an infectious enthusiasm for the subject while retaining a critical distance. She is frank in acknowledging reservations about the quality of poetry during the 1970s, and willingly criticizes Jara’s novel Patíbulo para un caballo for simplifying complex social issues as a consequence of its commitment to the social group that it describes. However, the overall impression that the reader draws is of a dynamic literary scene, in which the social change is not only reflected in the literature but also produced by it.” – Bulletin of Hispanic Studies

Price: $179.95

 Addinall, Nigel
2004 0-7734-6529-4 196 pages
The subject of this book is the development of political ideas in France, examining the justification of Absolute Monarchy in the Seventeenth century, its rebuttal by the Eighteenth century “philosophes” in the name of the freedom of the individual, the reaction in turn by the nineteenth century “liberals” against their ideas which they considered led not to freedom but to oppression, the development in turn of socialism which perceived “liberalism” as promoting the freedom only of the rich and powerful few and finally a return to Monarchist ideas in the early Twentieth century as the only solution to the problems caused by the so-called sovereignty of the people. The Conclusion illustrates how many of these ideas are still echoed by French politicians in the present era of the Fifth Republic.

Price: $159.95

 Liu, Leo Y.
2004 0-7734-6414-X 251 pages
This book offers an understanding of the background – both the deep historical background and the more recent political, economic, and cultural background – to the events of the last four years in Taiwan. It also offers an understanding of the unfolding of relations between Taiwan, China and the United States for many years to come. One of the most important points of this book is the range and depth of its coverage. The essays are not simply concerned with political and economic policy issues, but also cultural and lifestyle issues on a macro and micro level as well as matters of a comparative legal and historical nature. The collective analyses of the issues raised in these essays should provide long-term guidance for an understanding of the many ramifications of the Taiwan experience and Taiwan’s relations with the world.

Price: $199.95

 Ulloth, Dana
2022 1-4955-0938-9 100 pages
From Chapter 1:
"The nomination of Barrett provided a need to again examine how judges go about their interpretation of the Constitution. Prospective justices, have usually said that they read the Constitution through one (or sometimes more) lens. Many have adopted multiple techniques as a means for seeking the most precise meaning of a provision in the Constitution. Any treatment of a Justice’s practices must consider all of the methods adopted in his or her opinions and dissents.
The following provides a brief explanation of each of the four of the eight dominant theories that have guided recent justices in their approach to reading the founding documents of the nation.

Price: $99.95

 Knapton, Michael Wing Commander
2024 1-4955-1311-4 74 pages
This study identifies the indicators of Japanese intent available preceding their attack, analyzes the preparedness of the Allies, and draws parallels to the contemporary world. China's ambitions are dismantling the bedrock of the democratic world order, threatening the long-standing peace among major powers. The implications of the U.S. and its Allies not achieving information advantage, being unable to interpret conflict indicators, and not having a coordinated and integrated coalition response are stark. Whether war with China is inevitable or not, the U.S. and its Allies must understand that a lack of a coordinated and immediate response would likely cause it to concede the great power competition to China. While deterrence through a credible coalition remains the priority, the U.S. and its Allies need to be in a “Fight Tonight” mindset.Key lessons from the WWII Indo-Pacific theater remain relevant today and are crucial to the U.S. and its Allies.

Price: $39.95

 Castro, Donald S.
1991 0-7734-9923-7 274 pages
Discusses lunfardo (the language of the tango) and lunfardo poets, the tango in the era of the Guardia Vieja, Carlos Gardel, the Epoca de oro of the tango (1917-1943), and the tango under Perón, (1943-1955). With a selected bibliography on the Argentine tango.

Price: $199.95

 Porter, Robert M.
2002 0-7734-7197-9 218 pages
In this volume, Dr. Robert M. Porter discusses the reaction of Coffee farmers in Rural Mexico to the globalizing economy of the 1980s and 1990s and the rise of free trade agreements in North America. Dr. Porter considers the changing agricultural and economic conditions that the farmers to revolt against the new economic conditions.

Price: $179.95

 Imran, Muhammad
2024 1-4955-1300-9 472 pages
This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the geopolitical strategies and visions of China, Russia, the United States, and the European Union. By delving into the historical contexts, economic policies, military strategies, and cultural influences of each entity, we seek to illuminate the motivations and implications of their actions on the global stage. Through a lens that combines Realist, Liberal, and Constructivist perspectives, we explore how these visions shape international relations and influence global stability.

Price: $259.95

 Itzkoff, Seymour
2022 1-4955-0964-8 268 pages
This paperback edition is a retitled re-issue of a 2009 volume:
The End of Economic Growth: What Does It Mean for American Society?
by Seymour Itzkoff

Price: $39.95

 Scott, Malcolm
2010 0-7734-1444-4 424 pages

Price: $259.95

 Holmes, Michael
2006 0-7734-5729-1 276 pages
The story of the Irish Labour Party’s transition from opposition to support for European integration is a fascinating one. Labour has gone from leading the campaign against membership in 1972 to leading the campaign to rescue the Treaty of Nice in 2002, a thirty-year political odyssey which sheds light on a number of important political questions. This book explores the key role played by political parties in connecting citizens to the European Union (EU), and as the EU tries to strengthen its democratic credentials, that role is going to become even more important.

It explores the complex relationship between Ireland and the EU, as the country moves from being outside the EU to one of its strongest supporters to surprisingly rejecting the Treaty of Nice. It examines the links between social democracy and European integration, as the Labour Party’s transition mirrors the path taken by many other European social democratic parties.

Above all, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the Labour Party, examining its role in government and in opposition, assessing it at national and European levels, and evaluating its principles and policies. The result is an engaging and insightful treatment of an important and thought-provoking topic.

Price: $199.95

 Coscio, Elizabeth A.
2006 0-7734-5582-5 256 pages
The fiery Spanish liberal journalist Félix Mexía authored two dramas not previously analyzed: No hay union con los tiranos morirá quien lo pretenda o sea la muerte de Riego y España entre cadenas and La Fayette en Monte Vernon. Their analysis provides an understanding of Mexía’s political exile in the United States, employing the context of their historical setting. The application of new Romantic theory to his works published during his American exile due to censorship reveals his hidden political allegory.

Political allegory mediated the return, not only to a chaotic nineteenth-century political period in Spain, but also to an idealized Spanish medieval felicity and to the heroic Greek and Roman Age by way of the American Revolution. Readers here have traditionally ignored the allegory by remaining on the historical surface of both plays. Mexía dedicated the first dramatic work as a historical tragedy to Guadalupe Victoria, the first president of Mexico, to elevate the martyr’s death of his Spanish hero, the revolutionary Rafael de Reigo y Nuñez, by detailing the final moments of Riego’s imprisonment. Writing La Fayette en Monte Vernon in the republican tradition of a Greco-Roman epic, Mexía refigured the Spanish guerilla fighter Francisco Javier Espoz y Mina as the patriot farmer George Washington. These dedications resulted from his denunciation of specific Spanish laws that shut down patriotic societies, disbanded the revolutionary national militia, and imprisoned popular heroes like Riego.

While Benito Pérez Galdós used Mexía as a fictional fanatical caricature of a whole generation of liberals in El terror de 1824 of the Episodios nacionales, Mexía himself anticipated that usage of his persona fifty years earlier in the nineteenth century by entering his own performances as a fictional friend to his historical protagonist heroes, Riego in one drama and La Fayette in the other drama. Both dramas feature a romantic first: an allegorized female as a political constitution. These readings make public Mexía’s political issues mediated through allegorical syntagmatic historical correspondences, referencing back to his own particular exile identity in neoclassic political discourse, thus qualifying the two dramas as part of a transnational revolutionary utopist genre, but not Romantic theatre.

Price: $199.95

 Lelchook, Judith
2022 1-4955-1023-9 324 pages
This book offers an informative history of specific issues complicating attempts to escape Nazi Germany. "[I]t was understood that the Nazis were specifically targeting Jews. State terror had turned Jews into a convenient political scapegoat, and confiscating Jewish property had become a lucrative business. But in the Unites States, as elsewhere, anti-Semitism was on the ascent. ...Roosevelt took the position that to increase American "immigration quotas or appropriations of loans from public funds...[would] occasion public dispute." -Lawrence H. Feldman

Price: $219.95

 Jacob, Alexander
2019 1-4955-0756-4 72 pages
This short monograph details the ideas of Jean-Francois Thiriart, (1922-92), and his political theory concerning the post-Cold War world. Jean-Francois Thiriart argued that the creation of unitary state containing Europe, Russia, and Central Asia would be a second player in competition with the United States. The introduction is written by Dr. Alexander Jacob.

Price: $79.95

 de Lange, Adriaan M.
1992 0-7734-9541-X 160 pages
The aim of this study is to determine in what ways and to what extent Orwell's political bias influenced the technique and approach of certain key essays. Places Orwell's development in historical perspective and compares his commitment with that of his contemporaries. His major political essays are analyzed to provide the parameters for the major autobiographical, literary, cultural and sociological essays. Concludes that Orwell succeeds in making `political writing into an art'. His essays not only form the key to his thought, but also show how artful a propagandist he is, consciously `perverting words' and manipulating his technique to further his cause.

Price: $139.95

 Razavi, Reza
2011 0-7734-1439-8 388 pages
An examination of Iran’s post-revolutionary political system. In particular, the study analyzes contemporary Iranian history and the composition of competing political factions. The tension between the central authority of the Supreme Leader and these factions continues to be a major source of instability in the country.

Price: $239.95

 Oko, Okechukwu
2022 1-4955-1012-3 304 pages
"This book represents a theory of civil-military relations in Nigeria from 1999, when the country returned to democratic or more appropriately to civil rule, after several years of military rule which began on 15 January, 1966. ...It describes the relation between the military establishment and the political institutions, including the civil society, media, industry and other groups. ...[W]ith the return to civil rule in 1999, efforts were made to reform the armed forces...on how to conduct their affairs under positive control of the democratic authority. One of the profound virtues of Democracy is that it aspires to subordinate the military to civilian authority and vests control of the military in civilian leaders. Thus, the military is an agent of the State, to protect the nation's territorial integrity against internal and external aggression. However, in all matters involving the security of the state, civilian leaders must have the last word." -From the author's forward

Price: $219.95

 Tarver, H. Micheal
2001 0-7734-7377-7 164 pages
Biographical study of two-time President Carlos Andrés Pérez, one of the architects of contemporary Venezuelan history.

Price: $159.95

 Tarver, H. Micheal
2005 0-7734-6246-5 156 pages
This current volume details the later political career of Carlos Andres Perez, focusing on his two presidential administrations and his fall from political power. This work builds upon the early political foundations of Perez which have been detailed in Volume One. During his first administration (1974- 79), President Perez introduced Venezuela into the economic and political realities of a new and ever-changing world order, as a result of the revenue generated by the nation's petroleum exports. For his part, Perez sought to modernize Venezuela's democracy and to bring Venezuela to a level of development which would enable it to compete successfully within the New Economic World Order. Not long after beginning his second term as president (1989-1993), Carlos Andres Perez was faced with economic and social crises. Consequently, in the early days of his administration, events transpired which considerably weakened the political foundation of his government. By late 1992, two coup d'etat attempts had been made against the President, and by Spring 1993 the Supreme Court ruled that there were sufficient grounds for an indictment on charges of corruption. This ruling resulted in the decision by the National Congress to remove President Perez from office so that he could be brought to trial. Following his trial, the Supreme Court sentenced Carlos Andres Perez to 2 years and 4 months of house arrest for the crime of aggravated generic embezzlement.

Price: $139.95

 Hill, Christopher
2007 0-7734-5395-4 232 pages
This book seeks to analyze the specific role elite actors played in the process of Spain’s democratic transition, thereby demonstrating the influence of individuals in creating political change. Though utilizing Spain as a case study, the nature of the analysis allows for the findings to be applied to democratic transitions as a general political process and not simply constrained to the example in question. This work does not purport to have created nor established a paradigm with which to fully comprehend democratic transitions, but an attempt has been made to produce a theoretical approach capable of addressing questions previously unanswered. The work also offers an historical overview of Spain’s democratic transition.

Price: $179.95

 Haynes, Jeffrey
2018 1-4955-0634-7 196 pages
UNAOC's (The United Nations Alliance of Civilisations) raison d'etre is to link both elite and non-elite people with an interest to its concerns, including senior politicians and diplomats, as well as representatives of civil society. The overall purpose is to create, embed and develop a durable and evolving network of state and non-state, secular and faith-based, entities in order to enhance civilisational dialogue and thereby undermine chances of inter-civilisational conflict.

Price: $159.95

 Jay, Felix
2002 0-7734-7170-7 86 pages

Price: $99.95

 Steinfeldt, Andrew
2012 0-7734-3066-0 180 pages
The book argues that the imperial presidency began, not with Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but rather with Grover Cleveland. The role of the president was enlarged, and the role of congress diminished during his time in office.

Once the concept of the modern presidency is clearly defined according to its attributes, it becomes clear that it has evolutionary roots that extend to the late 19th century. An examination of Grover Cleveland’s presidencies shows that he laid the foundation for what has become the modern presidency by actions that took place during his two separated terms. He implemented civil service reform and scaled back the number of patronage appointments significantly, took steps towards building a professional bureaucracy. He also regained the independence of the presidency by pressuring Congress to repeal the Tenure of Office Act, and pioneered the form of political leadership that presidents exhibit today.

Price: $159.95

 Glasgow, Roy Arthur
1989 0-88946-471-5 348 pages
A collection of essays addressing: the nature and extent of issues facing contemporary Caribbean societies, the character of strategies employed by current leaders dealing with those issues, and the consequences of those attempts.

Price: $219.95

 Flusche, Della
1989 0-88946-491-X 264 pages
A longitudinal history using a biographical approach to analyze the upper and middle levels of society in colonial Santiago, providing a more concrete understanding of social evolution in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Price: $199.95

 Opatrny, Josef
1993 0-7734-2308-7 324 pages
This study examines the highlights of annexationism in the 1850s when Cuban Annexationists found strong support from some American groups after the Texas annexation and the Mexican American war. Cuban annexationists and American expansionists both feared social disorder, racial strife, and political and economical instability. The significance of annexation lies in three areas: it represented one step beyond early Creole reformism; it introduced the idea of the acceptability of armed struggle; and finally, it added to a sense of separate Cuban community and identity.

Price: $219.95

 Bukay, David
2019 978-1-4955-0726-7 672 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $69.95

 Bukay, David
2019 1-4955-0725-4 672 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $39.95

 Petersson, Fredrik
2014 0-7734-4298-7 1152 pages
A monumental study filled with ‘never before’ revealed information and facts from the archives in Moscow, Berlin, Amsterdam, London and Stockholm uncovering why the Comintern established and supported the League against Imperialism and for National Independence (LAI, 1927-37) and its anti-imperialist agenda. A riveting study of intrigue, power struggles, and personal ambitions deftly defined by communist ideology and strategy with eminent activists like Münzenberg, Nehru and Albert Einstein this is a ‘must have’ resource reference.

This book represents the product of a very substantial amount of original research which transforms our understanding of the history of the League against Imperialism. Until Petersson availed himself of the opportunities afforded by the opening of the Russian archives comparatively little was known about the LAI, its organization, its relations with the Comintern, or the role of its principal players, particularly that of Willi Munzenberg.

Price: $495.95

 Shin, Youngtae
2004 0-7734-6374-7 208 pages
This book is about the role of women in Korean and Japanese politics over the past century. It is exceedingly rare to have a comparative analysis of politics in Japan and the Republic of Korea, which gives this book a special status. At the same time these are countries with remarkably low levels of political participation by women, so it is very important to have an analysis of the reasons for this outcome. In the 1970s women accounted for less than two percent of legislative representatives in Japan, and less than one percent in Korea; today women constitute about seven percent of the members in each legislature, but these levels are still comparatively low in the developed world: about forty-three percent of Sweden’s legislators are women, and women constitute more than 30 percent of Germany’s Bundestag; the level in the U.S. Congress is about thirteen per cent.

The explanation for this phenomenon is by no means simple, and the author traverses a complex argument beginning with the “late” industrialization of both countries, followed by long periods of military rule and excesses of nationalism in both that until relatively recently subordinated women to state-sponsored goals of rapid development and national unity, to the situation today where, at least in Korea, the role of women in politics is growing rapidly. Her account is based on numerous interviews in Korea and Japan, a deft use of public opinion polls, and a wide comparative reading in the literature on the history and politics of both countries. After examining a host of theoretical and conceptual approaches to understanding the role of women in politics, she combines an historical analysis with an examination of patriarchal culture in Japan and Korea, and then scrutinizes the way in which the two respective political systems have both formal and informal mechanisms that militate against women’s participation. Furthermore at many points in the text she makes comparative judgments concerning women’s participation in Europe and the United States.

Both Korean and Japanese history in the early 20th century were marked by women who fought multiple battles on several fronts: to get any recognition at all outside the demands of the home, to fight discrimination against any woman who would dare challenge the suffocating society-wide support for family-based patriarchy, to suffer ostracism for joining socialist groups (which tended to more open to women) or for living lives independent of men (for which they were labeled promiscuous and even a threat to national unity). Ichikawa Fusae, the founder of Japan’s Women’s Suffrage League in 1924, suffered much ridicule from the society for decades, only to be forced into supporting Japan’s wars in Asia. Korea was then a colony, not a nation, but from the early point of the massive March First Movement in 1919 right down to the present, when thousands of civic groups and NGOs co-exist in Korea’s strong civil society, women have often been the leaders of protests. This sharp contrast with Japan makes for one of the most interesting aspects of this book.

Her discussion of how the postwar Japanese political system excludes women (without necessarily intending to do so) is also particularly illuminating. The Liberal Democratic Party, in power continuously since 1955 (with one brief interruption in 1993), is made up of factions which resemble one-man political machines or groups, with strong ties of patronage and favoritism in the local areas. These virtually all-male informal networks of patron-client ties, reinforced by male bonding rituals in drinking houses all over Japan, represent a formidable barrier to the entry of women into political careers. Even civic and grass-roots organizations seeking progressive goals tend to be run by men in Japan.

On the other hand, the largest number of women representatives in the history of the Republic of Korea is seen under the system of the Revitalization Congress. However, given the nature of the Congress at the time, one can hardly say their representation had much to do with the peoples’ will. Ironically though, the long history of the dictatorial military regimes gave Korean women the opportunity to hear their own political voices, and through their participations in anti-dictatorial protest movements they gained political experiences necessary to engage in politics in the future. She interviewed and observed many women involved in grassroots political organizing; their future seems to be a comparatively bright one compared to women in Japan, who still have not found a route to significant participation in the world’s second-largest economy.

Price: $179.95