Subject Area: British Studies

 Boddice, Rob
2009 0-7734-4903-5 400 pages
This book argues that as the movement to protect animals from cruelty gathered pace, it never lost its essentially anthropocentric outlook. The study comprehensively documents the changing place of animals in human life.

Price: $239.95

 Phillips, Michael James
2014 0-7734-4294-4 84 pages
Describes the working of the electoral process enshrined in the 1999 Act for the Hereditary Peerage over the last decade. A description is given of the original 1999 election and the subsequent by-elections, which have occurred to replace hereditary peers who have died. These elections are put into the historical context of the election of Scottish and Irish Representative Peers to the House of Lords over a period of nearly three hundred years.

Price: $99.95

A REPUTATION HISTORY OF JOHN DEE, 1527-1609 The Life of an Elizabethan Intellectual
 Barone, Robert
2009 0-7734-4667-2 212 pages
Argues that the Elizabethan polymath John Dee was not the influential intellectual he purported himself to be. Dee’s scientific works were anachronistic and in no way heralded the new age of experimental science. This book traces the course of Dee’s life showing how he was a marginal figure and his works had little lasting value. It also provides a useful historiographical summation of Dee’s life and career.

Price: $179.95

African Institution (1807-1827) and the Anti-slavery Movement in Great Britain
 Ackerson, Wayne
2005 0-7734-6129-9 264 pages
The African Institution was a pivotal abolitionist and antislavery group in Britain during the early nineteenth century, and its members included royalty, prominent lawyers, Members of Parliament, and noted reformers such as William Wilberforce, Thomas Clarkson, and Zachary Macaulay. Focusing on the spread of Western civilization to Africa, the abolition of the foreign slave trade, and improving the lives of slaves in British colonies, the group's influence extended far into Britain's diplomatic relations in addition to the government's domestic affairs. The African Institution carried the torch for antislavery reform for twenty years and paved the way for later humanitarian efforts in Great Britain. This book is the only monograph on the African Institution, and thus the only specific book length analysis of its successes and failures. The 20-year period of its existence was a crucial transitional period for the antislavery movement, and the book adds to a relatively sparse body of research on that particular time period.

Price: $199.95

ALMEIDA GARRETT (1799-1854), FOUNDER OF PORTUGUESE ROMANTICISM: A Study in Anglo-Portuguese Cultural Interaction
 Sousa, Jose Baptista de
2012 0-7734-1319-7 292 pages
This book examines the ideological, cultural and social aspects of the fascinating relationship between Portuguese Romanticism and British Culture.

Price: $199.95

Andrew P. Wilson and the Early Irish and Scottish National Theatres, 1911-1950
 Burch, Steven Dedalus
2008 0-7734-5084-X 252 pages
This work examines the contributions to two British theatre traditions of Andrew P. Wilson and the birth pangs accompanying the idea and the reality of a national theatre in Ireland and Scotland. The only book of its kind, it is a critical biography of one man’s work and a call to recognize important persons whom scholars have deemed as canonically dispensable.

Price: $199.95

Atlantic Archipelago: A Political History of the British Isles
 Tompson, Richard S.
1996 0-88946-455-3 433 pages
Presents a comprehensive political history of what are usually known as the British Isles without taking an Anglocentric point of view.

Price: $259.95

B Films as a Record of British Working-Class Preoccupations in the 1950s. The Historical Importance of a Genre that Has Disappeared
 Quinn, Paul
2009 0-7734-4788-1 276 pages
The first extensive study of the British B film in the post-war period. The B film was, in the 1950s and 1960s, part of the staple fare of a cinema-going public although, even in their heyday, these films were undervalued even by the people who made them. Once the ‘full supporting programme’ disappeared from local cinema screens these films also apparently disappeared from the consciousness of all but a very few. This book contains ten black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

Beowulf and Four Related Old English Poems
 Lee, Sung-Il
2010 0-7734-1396-0 196 pages
These modern verse translations manage to retain the verse rhythm of the originals. This volume includes explanatory notes and new interpretations of the original text.

Price: $159.95

Bilingual Roman/Ogham Inscribed Standing Stones in Britain and Ireland: Evidence of Cultural Exchanges Across the Irish Sea in Late Antiquity
 Santos, Dominique
2024 1-4955-1243-6 228 pages
*This is an 8 x 10 softcover book.* "To take Ogham inscriptions as 'historical sources in their own right' is to admit that, despite the challenges that a complex subject like this represents to any research, they have a huge potential to elucidate many themes related to the history of the Irish Sea region in late antiquity. A few hundreds of Ogham stones have been located in Ireland, Isle of Man, Scotland, Wales and England. Among all of them, only a small quantity have been carved with two scripts, mainly using Roman letters and Ogham. Monuments with these characteristics are denominated here as 'Bilingual/Biliteral Ogham-and-Roman inscribed stones'. In total this small group represents thirty-three stones from Wales, Devon, Cornwall, and the Isle of Man and it is precisely this set of documents that is addressed in this book." -Dominique Santos ("Introduction")

Price: $179.95

Britain and the West New Guinea Dispute, 1949-1962
 Tarling, Nicholas
2008 0-7734-5097-1 572 pages
Considers British policy during the dispute over “West Papua” between Indonesia and the Netherlands following the collapse of the Suharto regime. Although there are books and theses on American, Australian and Dutch policies, those of the British have remained unexplored. The work looks at the factors that conditioned Britain’s response to the unrest from accommodating its allies to navigating Cold War pressures and the emphasis on decolonization, particularly from the United Nations.

Price: $319.95

British Military Expeditions and the Conquest of Africa, 1824-1920
 Mbogoni, Lawrence
2024 1-4955-1247-9 480 pages
"In the invasion of Africa, British and other European military expeditions employed tactics and means that caused enormous loss of lives and destruction of property. ...Africa's defeat revealed not only nineteenth century weaknesses in African military capability and organization, but going into the twenty first century Africa remains as militarily weak and unable to repel external military aggression as it was unable to at the end of the nineteenth century." -Dr. Lawrence Mbogoni (Preface) This book received the Professor D. Simon Evans Prize for its distinguished contribution to scholarship.

Price: $299.95

British Royal Messengers Service 1568-1750. An Institutional Study
 Cady, Priscilla Scott
1999 0-7734-7977-5 168 pages
This monograph on the Royal Messengers of the Great Chamber in early modern Britain explores the rules and regulations, privileges and duties and, ultimately, the enduring structure of the Messengers' establishment.

Price: $159.95

British Strategic Bombing Policy From World War I Through 1940. Politics, Attitudes, and the Formation of a Lasting Pattern
 Tress, Harvey B.
1989 0-88946-464-2 450 pages
Traces British governmental thought, policy, and action regarding strategic bombing from World War I to the end of 1940, the year in which the relatively unprofitable area-bombing campaign began. Policy-making at both the cabinet level and top level of the RAF is examined.

Price: $259.95

British Travel Writers in China - Writing Home to a British Public, 1890-1914
 Dupée, Jeffrey N.
2004 0-7734-6497-2 364 pages
The travel writers, or travel savants, as they are characterized in the work, rarely traveled alone but typically promoted a travel persona of the idealized solitary traveler derived from deeply engrained traditions in Western travel literature. Such solitary projections were mitigated by a narrative device that envisioned traveling companions in the form of an imaginary British readership. They sought to bring to their readers parts and elements of China not yet visited or profiled by Western writers. A critical component of the study engages travel encounters, namely the crowds, servants, official, transportations forms, inns, foods, dangers, and hardships of the road. Such encounters invoked fascination and wonder, but also engendered fear, aversion, and irritation – responses central to the norms of travel writing and the travel savant’s identity that invariably colored the representational process, reinforcing existent stereotypes about China and the Chinese

Price: $239.95

Changes in Educational Policies in Britain, 1800-1920: How Gender Inequalities Reshaped the Teaching Profession
 Corr, Helen
2009 0-7734-4913-2 304 pages
Historically, education in Scotland lies at the heart of national pride and has been widely acclaimed as a more democratic and meritocratic system in terms of wider access to schools and universities when compared with England. One of the main paradoxes which this book unpacks is the that under the Scottish public co-education structure, schoolmasters did overall benefit more favorably within this distinctive tradition whereas the treatment of women teachers as an occupational group in relative terms was more ideologically undemocratic and patriarchal in relation to their female counterparts under the English system. This book sets out on a historical journey and embarks on the reconstruction of policy formation on gender and occupational segregation in the elementary (now called primary) school teaching and it shows that there was nothing ‘natural’ about that process.

Price: $219.95

Churchmanship and Education Reform in Victorian Britain: The Case of A.J. Beresford Hope
 Turner, Michael J.
2017 1-4955-0609-6 144 pages
The subject of this book is Alexander James Beresford Hope (1820-1887), a staunch Anglican of High Church proclivities, very wealthy, a champion of the Gothic revival and member of several cultural and learned societies, a writer, collector, philanthropist, patron of the arts, and a respected if somewhat idiosyncratic force in the Conservative Party. Hope’s ideas and activity offer useful and even unrivaled insights into the educational agencies of the Church and the manner in which they were described and defended.

Price: $139.95

City Tragedy on the Renaissance Stage in France, Spain, and England
 King, Sharon D.
2003 0-7734-6722-X 304 pages
Analyzing dramas that depict the fall of, or civic upheaval in, urban centers (both historical and legendary), this book establishes the author’s concept of “city tragedy” as a subgenre of tragedy in Renaissance theatrical practice. Using some two dozen texts (some by obscure authors, some by well-known playwrights such as Shakespeare and Calderón) from about 1560 to 1650, the book traces the different modes of creation of the city as principal character of the tragedy, then examines how an expanded notion of civic sin becomes its “fatal flaw.” This study is groundbreaking not only in its definition of the term “city tragedy” but in its examination of some of the sociological themes city tragedy presents – the city’s frequent depiction as a victimized woman, individual passion’s culpability in bringing death to the masses, the use of the notion of divine favor and divine wrath in the fate of a city for propagandistic ends. Finally, this study is timely in its discussion of recent dramatized portrayals of the events of 9/11, as it demonstrates that the patterns and conventions of city tragedies of 400 years ago are the very ones we use today.

Price: $219.95

Comparative Study of the Political Communication Styles of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair
 Ayeni, Chris Olugbenga
2005 0-7734-5976-6 208 pages
This research expands the data base in comparative cross-national political communication. It thereby establishes the basis for generalizations about, and comparisons of, the campaign styles of Blair and Clinton. Throughout, the larger question is to what extent Great Britain has imported American communication methods.

Price: $179.95

Conservative Party Leadership of John Major 1992 to 1997
 Heppell, Timothy
2006 0-7734-5581-7 352 pages
This book offers an innovative and distinctive analysis of the Conservative Party Leadership of John Major. Based on original research, this book addresses the absence of an in depth exploration of the much maligned, but largely misunderstood, Conservative Party Leadership tenure of John Major. The majority of academic publications of the Major era have been located within a broader analysis of the ideology of Thatcherism and the politics and policies of the Thatcher governments. By examining the Major era from an intra-party management perspective, this book examines the constraints imposed upon post-Thatcherite Conservative Party leadership. It argues that the collapse of the Conservative Party in the post-Thatcherite era should be attributed to an insoluble ideological schism over European integration and a diminishing parliamentary majority, as opposed to the inadequacies of John Major as leader of the Conservative Party. Constituting a comprehensive yet accessible evaluation of the complexity of managing the tensions of the post-Thatcherite Conservative Party, this book breaks new ground in an area that has been largely neglected. It provides a compelling insight into the crisis of contemporary British Conservatism.

Price: $239.95

Damaging Effect of Recent British Educational Reforms on Secondary School Teachers. An Empirical Study
 Woodfield, Ian
2008 0-7734-4786-5 180 pages
Examines the political context of recent educational policies and the replacement of tracing a broadly social democratic consensus view on the purpose of state education with the radical market-led neo-liberal policies of successive Conservative and New Labour governments. The study establishes a phenomenological methodology for exploring the world view of senior professionals engaged in the process of managing a specialist secondary school in England.

Price: $159.95

Dorothy L. Sayers' Wimsey and Interwar British Society
 Lewis, Terrance
1995 0-7734-9102-3 200 pages
Looks at interwar British society as Sayers portrayed it in the eleven novels and twenty-one short stories concerning her famous creation, detective Lord Peter Wimsey. These works accurately represent the period and society the author was living in and really understood and as such are primary evidence of the period. It examines details of interest to both the historian and the culturalist of the period, as well as being of interest to a general audience. The work includes a short biography of Dorothy L. Sayers.

Price: $159.95

Early Education of the Blind in Britain 1790 - 1900
 Oliphant, John
2007 0-7734-5247-8 204 pages
Illustrates the educational experience of the blind in Victorian Britain, and examines critically the origins, nature, achievements and shortcomings of the voluntary institutions responsible in the State’s absence. The work discusses early unheeded criticisms of utilitarian education in confinement, the influential reports of the Charity Organisation Society (1876) and the Royal Commission (1899) on the condition of the disabled, and compares the role of the British state with more active governments elsewhere. Overall, Britain’s institutions offered inferior industrial training and less cultural stimulation than their counterparts in Saxony, France or the United States.

Price: $179.95

Education of the British Literati. A Guide to Their Schools, Colleges, and Universities
 Rogal, Samuel J.
1993 0-7734-9232-1 432 pages
Manuscript serves as a useful and convenient catalogue of major and minor prose writers, poets, and dramatists of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, arranged (with the dates of their births and deaths) under the schools that they attended -- public grammar school, village school, national school, college, and/or university. In addition, the volume includes a category for those writers who never attended educational institutions, but received their learning at home, by private tutors, parents, or through their own devices.

Price: $259.95

Effort to Create a National System of Higher Education in Great Britain, 1850-2010. The Conflict of State Regulation and Academic Autonomy
 Evans, G.R.
2009 0-7734-3786-X 488 pages
Unique in its examination of the development of state regulation of higher education in the United Kingdom during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, with reference to the interplay of policy-strands and government initiatives involving the use of public funding to ‘drive change’, and the struggle to protect university autonomy and academic freedom. It analyzes the progress of the struggle between state control and academic institutional autonomy with its concomitant traditions of academic freedom. The reference work relies directly on the documents and discussions which have underpinned this process.

Price: $279.95

Elizabeth I’s Use of Virginity to Enhance Her Sovereignty: Managing the Image of a Sixteenth-Century Queen
 Kendrick, Susan
2009 0-7734-4705-9 212 pages
This work demonstrates that earlier Christian perceptions of virginity, once dominant in Catholic England, although suppressed by Protestantism, maintained enough influence to transform an unmated queen with no successor into a divine virgin goddess

Price: $179.95

English-Ottoman Relations in the 18th Century
 Bakay, Gönül
2022 1-4955-0973-7 208 pages
"As the exploration of British-Ottoman relations throughout the chapters of this book reveals, the connection between these two major world powers has been multifaceted, fluid and complex from its beginnings in the 16th century. The records of the State Papers as well as several other sources including travelogues, novels, plays and paintings show that the 18th century was a particularly important period in the history of both nations. These sources also provide important insights into how diplomacy was conducted in both Empires in addition to giving information regarding British-Ottoman diplomatic practices and commercial relations." -from the author's Conclusion (pg. 172-173). Includes 19 color plates.

Price: $189.95

Evaluating the Political Achievement of New Labour Since 1997. Social Policy and the Public Trust
 Johns, Nick
2009 0-7734-4695-8 340 pages
Explores the issue of trust in relation to the British state under New Labour. The issue of trust was raised most vividly around foreign policy matters, particularly Britain’s role in the invasion of Iraq and the subsequent debate about the validity or otherwise of the intelligence material. From this starting point the stewardship of New Labour is evaluated in terms of the notion of active citizenship and from the perspective of writers working in a range of agencies and policy areas, including health, community development, social security and criminal justice.

Price: $219.95

Feminist Campaigns for Birth Control and Abortion Rights in Britain
 Hoggart, Lesley
2003 0-7734-6868-4 292 pages
Book has important implications for contemporary feminist politics. It contributes to a growing body of work on the relationship between feminist theory, feminist campaigning activity and policy change.

Price: $199.95

Foundational Problems in Philosophy: Politics, Ethics, Aesthetics, and Religion by Arthur Ritchie Lord
 Sweet, William
2006 0-7734-5587-6 440 pages
These volumes collect and introduce the major writings of the British/South African philosopher Arthur Ritchie Lord (1880-1941). Regarded as one of the finest minds in South African philosophy in the early twentieth century, Lord nevertheless published little during his lifetime part from his The Principles of Politics (1921) and a few short essays. The editors of these volumes bring together not only Lord’s published work, but almost all of his previously-unpublished lectures and essays.

Price: $259.95

Globe Theatre Project
 Conkie, Rob
2006 0-7734-5724-0 296 pages
Analyzes performances at the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London between 1996 and 2004 through a focus on the new Globe’s most defining characteristic: authenticity. In that this concept of authenticity reverberates so urgently with debates about identity – from national to personal, heritage-centered to technologically-mediated – the book addresses both the question of why authenticity has become so crucial in late twentieth and early twenty-first century Britain and it further considers what productions of the ‘authentic Shakespeare’ at the new Globe have to say about contemporary identities.

Price: $199.95

Glossary to Culhwch Ac Olwen
 Bromwich, Rachel
1992 0-7734-9455-3 98 pages
This work provides a full glossary for the most important and perhaps the earliest of the medieval Welsh tales: Culhwch ac Olwen.

Price: $99.95

Government and Institutions in the Post-1832 United Kingdom
 O'Day, Alan
1995 0-7734-8980-0 420 pages
This volume of twelve original essays explores the strengths of British institutions at local, national and informal levels. A particular feature of the volume is the stress upon how formal and informal agencies of governing reinforced one another and were linked to the world of popular politics through networks of communication. Four essays assess aspects of local institutions, examining their efficiency and utility over a period of more than a century. A second section pays particular attention to the British Parliament. A theme running through the essays is the central importance of government and institutions as a social cement in modern British society.

Price: $259.95

Growth of the Tristan and Iseut Legend in Wales, England, France and Germany
 Hardman, Phillipa
2003 0-7734-6835-8 236 pages
These essays examine the links among the four main areas where the Tristan legend flourished. It examines how the legend adapted to each new period and assimilated the new ideas and fashions of the societies for which the authors were writing, over a period of seven centuries.

Price: $179.95

How British Women Writers Transformed the Campus Novel
 McClellan, Ann K
2012 0-7734-2533-0 312 pages
A study that critically examines the representation of female intellectuals in twentieth century British literature “campus novel”.

Price: $219.95

How the British National Health Service Deals with Ethnic Diversity
 Johns, Nick
2006 0-7734-5733-X 412 pages
Provides a valuable insight into the experiences of minority ethnic communities both as patients and staff members in the NHS. It charts the nature of the problems they face, from language barriers to cultural misunderstandings. Issues of discrimination are explored and a unique insight is provided into the perceptions of a range of NHS staff in relation to the political climate in the wake of the Macpherson Report (1999). A fresh perspective is offered from the point of view of users into the concept of institutional racism, which questions the unwitting nature of prejudice as defined in the Report.

Price: $259.95

How Their Medical Knowledge Shaped the Poetry of Two Physician Poets: John Keats and William Carlos Williams
 Petruzzi, Paul Anthony
2017 1-4955-0593-6 124 pages
There is an influence of medical training and practice on the perspective and voice in the poetry written by physicians, " a medical perspective." This medical perspective requires keen skills of observation and synthesis, and, like poetry, results in the creation of new concepts from seemingly unrelated elements. This is the case with John Keats, William Carlos Williams, and a host of contemporary physician poets.

This work examines the poets and poetry through the lens of the medical perspective, the synthesizing element between medical practice and poetic imagination.

Price: $139.95

International Register of Research on British Politics 7th Edition (1991)
 Muller, William D.
1991 89-640687 468 pages
Directory of scholars doing research on British politics.

Price: $279.95

Labour League of Youth. An Account of the Failure of the Labour Party to Sustain a Successful Youth Organisation
 Webb, Michelle
2010 0-7734-3737-1 304 pages
Chronicles, for the first time, the full history of the Labour Party’s youth movement from the LOY, established 1924, to the present organisation, Young Labour, established 1994. Previously unpublished primary source material, including oral interviews, provides a narrative that illuminates the culture, organisation and political activism of the youth sections and highlights the similarities and differences between them as well as their relationship with the party leadership at local and national level.

Price: $219.95

Landscape, Writing and ‘The Condition of England’ - 1878-1917. From Ruskin to Modernism
 Grimble, Simon
2004 0-7734-6527-8 246 pages
This book contributes to a number of areas of current scholarship: the literary and cultural history of English national identity, both the origins of literary modernism and the countervailing resistance to modernism, the sources of modern environmental thought, the history of social criticism, and the literary history of London.

Price: $179.95

 Hart, Cyril
2002 0-7734-6888-9 376 pages
This massive 3-volume work describes the origin, flowering and decline of one particular monastic school during the fifty years which followed the reception into England of the Benedictine reformation which had swept Northern Europe during the middle years of the tenth century. Ramsey was endowed and established in 964, with a magnificent library, school and scriptorium. It was backed by powerful patrons, and Byrhtferth, its schoolmaster, was entrusted to cultivate in England the new learning that had become the driving force of the Continental reform. Starting with Bede’s historical and scientific works, he resuscitated the national vernacular chronicles and assembled for the first time materials for both regional and national chronicles in Latin. He also produced a number of saints’ lives. Abbo of Fleury, the most renowned Continental scholar of his day, visited Ramsey from 985 to 987, bringing with him many computistical and scientific tracts and teaching in its school. Ramsey was also at the forefront of an artistic revival, introducing important new features into book illumination. This radical and intensive study of the School of Ramsey brings all this together for the first time, shedding fresh light on the intellectual climate in late Anglo-Saxon England, with special attention to its indebtedness to Continental scholarship. The first volume is concerned mainly with the new curriculum in monastic schools and Byrhtferth’s important historical works. The second volume (divided into two books) includes a wide-ranging survey of the development of mathematical, medical and scientific studies in England before the Norman Conquest. Many basic texts are edited and translated in a series of appendices, and illustrated by 100 line drawings. Each volume has its own introduction and extensive bibliography and is fully indexed.

Price: $239.95

Letters to Mr. Urban of the Gentleman's Magazine, 1751-1811
 Sherbo, Arthur
1997 0-7734-8427-2 260 pages
Gentleman's Magazine, begun in 1731, soon featured a section devoted to letters from various correspondents on many subjects, from all parts of Britain and abroad. Many of the letter-writers were clergymen, many were antiquaries. Some accompanied their letters with drawings, inscriptions, and sketches. There was virtually no subject left untouched, and there is information of one kind or another, neglected by scholars in many branches of learning. Readers of this volume will find biographical information, literary criticism, Shakespeare criticism, theatrical data, and bibliographic material. Table of Contents: Richard Greene, Curator of His Own Museum; William Bickerstaffe, An Active Curate; Theophilus Lobb, Pii hominis; Samuel Watson, Another Quiet Life; Thomas Holt White, Brother of Gilbert White of Selborne; John Kynaston, A Neglected Shakespearean; Joseph Boerhadem, Old-Fashined Clergyman; The Reverend Mr. Samuel Badcock, Reviewer for the Monthly Review; H. N., Unidentified Scholar; Samuel Ayscough of the British Museum, Prince of Index-Makers; Henry Lemoine, Hack of all Trades; John Elderton, Chaplain to the Earl of Cork and Orrery

Price: $199.95

Life and Works of Lancashire Novelist William Harrison Ainsworth, 1805-1882
 Carver, Stephen
2003 0-7734-6633-9 490 pages
William Harrison Ainsworth, a prolific writer now as obscure as he once was famous, reinvented the gothic novel in an English setting, a radical re-write of Scott’s model of the historical romance and an antecedent of the contemporary urban gothic of Dickens and Reynolds. This study examines Ainsworth’s literary career from a writer of magazine tales of terror in the 1820s to the massive influence of his gothic/Newgate romance of 1834, Rookwood; his friendships with Lamb, Lockhart, and Dickens; his fall from literary grace during the Newgate controversy (a moral panic engendered by the supposedly pernicious effects of cheap, theatrical adaptations of Ainsworth’s underworld romance Jack Sheppard). The second half of the book examines the later ‘Lancashire novels’ and the legacy of Ainsworth’s subsequent historical novels, taking The Lancashire Witches to be his final, major work and the last of the ‘original’ gothic novels. The novels The Tower of London, Guy Fawkes, Old St. Paul’s, and Windsor Castle are read as epic tragedy rather than simply as bad romance. The study re-examines Ainsworth’s singular vision of the outlaw, English history and religious intolerance as being at political odds with the new Victorian value system, particularly with regard to Catholics and the urban poor. A final chapter explores Ainsworth’s later life and fiction and his adoption by his native Mancunians as ‘The Lancashire Novelist.’ The book includes extracts from Ainsworth’s correspondence and journalism, detailing his close relationships with, among others, Scott, Dickens, Forster, Thackeray, Cruikshank, Bulwer-Lytton, and G. P. R. James.

Price: $279.95

Life of the English Poet Leonard Welsted (1688-1747) the Culture and Politics of Britain's Eighteenth-Century Literary Wars
 Sambrook, James
2014 0-7734-0049-4 192 pages
The first study on poet Leonard Welsted since Daniel Fineman’s work written in 1950. The book seeks to offer a more balanced account of Welsted’s career and his worth in light of new material that has come to light since Fineman wrote. A wonderfully written brief account of Welsted’s life that will capture the interest of eighteenth-century literary students and those interested in cultural politics.

Price: $159.95

Literary Products of the Lewis Carroll-George Macdonald Friendship. Revised Second Edition
 Docherty, John
1997 0-7734-9038-8 444 pages
This revised volume is the most extensive and wide-ranging study get published of MacDonald's two great mythopoeic romances, Phantastes and Lilith. It is similarly the most extensive and wide-ranging yet published on Carroll's Alice books. The most important aspects of the study are the demonstration that Wonderland is an exploration by Alice of the different regions of her soul (a traditional Imitation of Christ drawing equally on Dante's Inferno and Spenser's House of Alma in The Fairie Queen); and the demonstration that in Looking-Glass Alice explores the three principal regions of the adult world - the religious, economic, and political, in the course of an imaginative, doubly spiraling journey through Oxford. This revision of the 1995 publication has affected most of the book. The chapter on Lilith has been completely re-written, with the incommensurable nature of Lilith demonstrated for the first time, along with the extent of MacDonald's debt to Wm Blake, Goethe, and Schlegel. The extent to which Lilith is addressed to the 'one reader', Lewis Carroll, is now seen to be vastly greater than was realized in the first edition. The chapter on Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno has been rewritten to emphasize its nature as imaginative biography - of Carroll's relationship, over many years, with MacDonald. Its framework is now shown to be a parody of MacDonald's Adela Cathcart. That work demonstrates the therapeutic value of fairy tales, and the Sylvie and Bruno books portray MacDonald's escape from the tyranny of textuality.

Price: $259.95

Literature, Culture and Society in Postwar England, 1945-1965
 Brannigan, John
2002 0-7734-7169-3 320 pages
Literature, Culture and Society in Postwar England, 1945-1965 is a study of how writers from very different backgrounds represented the changes taking place in English society after the Second World War. Originally published in 2002, this book gives original, detailed readings of neglected traditions of working-class writing, women's writing, and black writing in England, and explores how these writers dealt with the contentious issues of class, gender, sexuality, and race which began to become visible as fissures in a society slowly recovering from war.

Price: $219.95

Manchester Boyhood in the Thirties and Forties - Growing Up in War and Peace
 Read, Donald
2003 0-7734-6741-6 216 pages
This is an autobiography with an extra dimension. It tells the story of a boy who began life in the 1930s on one of the big-city council estates built between the wars. The families who lived on these estates have been called a ‘new working class.’ While much has been written about the Victorian and Edwardian working classes, less has been heard about these new families, either from themselves or from historians. They coped with a succession of disruptive outside pressures: pre-war unemployment, wartime bombing, post-war restrictions. Donald Read, who won a scholarship to a grammar school and then went on to Oxford and became a professor of history, uses his skills as a professional historian to link his boyhood progress with the history of the time. As a result, this autobiography goes beyond the individual, combining frank personal detail with a wider and sometimes provocative historical awareness.

Price: $179.95

Matricentric Narratives Recent British Women's Fiction in a Postmodern Mode
 Dervin, Dan
1997 0-7734-8644-5 296 pages
Three chapters explore representative works of British women authors from the 1950's to the present. Further chapters trace how women's writing is historically produced, through social conditions and economic forces, as matricentric works and material culture interact; how various feminist criticisms problematize the matricentric and vice versa; a positive psychoanalytic discourse on female development confirms the centrality of matrix in women's writing and demonstrates the relative degrees of agency in their works. Writers examined also include lesser-known (in the US) authors Maureen Duffy, Wendy Perriam, Pat Barker, Elizabeth North, and Sara Maitland. An Appendix includes a conversation with Margaret Drabble.

Price: $199.95

Mentoring Relationships in the Life and Writings of Samuel Johnson. A Study in the Dynamics of Eighteenth-Century Literary Mentoring
 Lee, Anthony W.
2005 0-7734-6085-3 304 pages
Explores the phenomenon of literary mentoring and the role that it played in Samuel Johnson’s literary and personal life. Synthesizing this model with Levinsonian psychosocial theories of adult development, it explores Johnson’s relationships with Cornelius Ford, Richard Savage, Oliver Goldsmith, Hester Thrale, Frances Burney, and James Boswell, tracing how each relationship interweaves with stages in Johnson’s psychological development. It also examines mentoring themes in Johnson’s early poetry.

Price: $219.95

Middle English Hagiography and Romance in Fifteenth-Century England
 Smith, Elizabeth Leigh
2002 0-7734-6951-6 248 pages

Price: $179.95

Mutiny in United States and British Armed Forces in the Twentieth Century
 Wolfe, James
2011 0-7734-1447-9 264 pages
examines the ways in which existing leadership models and related concepts can be better integrated in order to provide a more developed explanation of leadership failure. The concept of the emotional tone of the group provides an integrative concept for understanding the impact of the leader at the group level. The narratives also emphasize the importance of understanding leadership and followership within a wider social context.

Price: $199.95

Names, Titles, and Characters by Literary Writers - Shakespeare, 19th and 20th Century Authors
 Fleissner, Robert F.
2001 0-7734-7524-9 244 pages
This volume is part of an honorable tradition in the examination of influences on authors in naming characters, choosing titles, setting locale. The book’s coverage is broad: literary names are examined for the Early Modern Period in England; 19th century in America ; and the 20th century America, and some European influences.

Price: $179.95

Neville Chamberlain’s Domestic Policies. Social Reform, Tariffs and Financial Orthodoxy
 James, Michael F.
2010 0-7734-3642-1 304 pages
This work redresses the imbalance in existing scholarship on Neville Chamberlain’s domestic political career. Most work on Chamberlain focuses on the three years of his Premiership from 1937 to 1940, neglecting the remainder of his career.

Price: $219.95

Oldest British Prose Literature: The Compilation of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi
 Tolstoy, Nikolai
2009 0-7734-4710-5 592 pages
Establishes the chronology and provenance of the early mediæval tales known today as the Four Branches of the Mabinogi. Although they have been justly described as ‘fundamentally the stories of the old Brittonic gods from whom the leading Welsh dynasties claimed descent’, which makes their principal subject-matter archaic and in principle timeless, Tolstoy shows that often seemingly incongruous and contradictory passages reflect details of historical events in Britain and Ireland during the first two decades of the eleventh century.

Price: $319.95

Oligarchy, Dissent and the Culture of Print in Georgian Britain. Essays, Reviews, and Documents
 Schweizer, Karl W.
2015 1-4955-0346-1 480 pages
The essays and reviews in this volume illuminate some of the still obscure, fragmented, paradoxical yet fascinating aspects of Britain’s complex progress towards modernity. Drawing on a vast array of manuscript sources, many previously neglected or unknown, the narratives explore new linkages between personalities, the dynamics and rhetoric of formalized politics, press activity and the patterns of compliance and dissent that interactively defined and shaped the growth of national unity.

Price: $279.95

Origins and Rise of the British Distillery
 Harper, William T.
1999 0-7734-8007-2 320 pages
This highly original monograph substantiates the industry's rise and contributions in an age when distilled beverages had much good to contribute to mankind and added to the power of the West to explore, to trade, and to conquer where others sickened and failed. Contains rich anecdotal material and contemporary observations that illuminate the subject from Tudor times to the mid-18th century. With illustrations.

Price: $219.95

Origins of the British Israelites: The Lost Tribes
 Friedman, O. Michael
1993 0-7734-2306-0 184 pages
An exhaustive and comprehensive work uses in-depth research in the fields of philology, British history, hermeneutics, scientific principles, and geological and archeological studies to refute the claims of British Israelism that they are the Lost Tribes. The writer shows the many groups that fall into the British Israelism camp. The book also contains maps of the Holy Land and the land grants of the various tribes, as well as letters from leading institutions of higher education refuting the claims of British Israelism.

Price: $159.95

Parliamentary Career of Charles De Laet Waldo Sibthorp, 1826-1855. Ultra-Tory Opposition to Reform in Nineteenth Century Britain
 Roberts, Stephen
2010 0-7734-1359-6 156 pages
This book adds to our knowledge of British politics in the period from Catholic Emancipation (1829) to the Great Exhibition (1851). It includes a biographical introduction on Sibthorp, an analytical essay on his ultra-Tory political opinions and extracts with annotations from his very readable and lively speeches in the House of Commons on such issues as Catholic Emancipation, the Maynooth Grant, parliamentary reform, retrenchment, government secrecy, military matters, railways, agricultural protection and the Great Exhibition. This book contains five color photographs.

Price: $139.95

Perspective as a Problem in the Art, History and Literature of Early Modern England
 Lussier, Mark
1992 0-7734-9620-3 168 pages
The thrust of these symposium papers engaged the development of perspective in early modern England, an evolution in thought and practice that crossed disciplinary lines to be felt in the art, literature, and history of England. Individual papers explore perspectives on representation (e.g., history in fiction and fiction in history); development of frames for historical and literary narratives and their impact on point of view; implications of co-ordinate developments in painting and narrative, such as simultaneous introduction of fixed-point perspective and third person narrative; and the relationship between fact and fiction as they were defined in early modern England. The essays seek to alter current perspectives on the origins of the early modern period, connecting insights into intellectual developments to their embodiment in the art, literature, and history of the period.

Price: $159.95

Piagetian Epistemology of William Wordsworth. A Reconsideration of the Poet's Genius
 Terranella, Ronald L.
1998 0-7734-8294-6 112 pages
The purpose is to resolve long-standing questions regarding Wordsworth's claim to philosophic consideration. It turns to the modern theoretical premises of empirical psychologist Jean Piaget for clues to a more cogent interpretation. The remarkable parallels between Wordsworth's insights and Piaget's empirical observations give fresh indication of the poet's genius. Piagetian relativism provides a theoretical framework for appreciating elements in his works which have hitherto seemed irreconcilable philosophically: it reveals the presence of system in the poet's thought.

Price: $119.95

Power and Masculine Anxiety in Late Eighteenth-Century British Narratives: How British Men Reconstructed Their Roles
 Reed, Brian D.
2014 0-7734-4353-3 144 pages
A new scholarly contribution to eighteenth century British literature and studies reflecting changing gender roles through examination of the behavior of male characters and their social evolution in British Society before and during the Age of Reason.

Price: $139.95

Practice and Prospects of the Ombudsmen in the United Kingdom
 Gregory, Roy
1995 0-7734-9081-7 240 pages
In the last two decades, the Ombudsman concept has been adopted for many areas of administration in the United Kingdom. Among the distinguished contributors to this volume are Ombudsmen themselves (the Parliamentary Commissioner, William Reid; his local government equivalent, Dr. David Yardley; and the Insurance, Building Societies and Banking Ombudsmen); representatives of consumer groups (Lady Wilcox, Chairman of the National Consumer Council, and Jeremy Mitchell, Director of the International Consumer Policy Bureau); 'victims' (Sir Derek Andrews, then Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Roger Jefferies, Chief Executive of a London Borough); academic commentators (Professor Carol Harlow and Gavin Drewry); and Sir Anthony Durant, M.P. Together they debated how visible and accessible are the different Ombudsman systems to ordinary members of the public, whether they achieve the results which aggrieved citizens and consumers desire, and how they can be made more effective in the future.

Price: $179.95

Radio Patent Lists and Index, 1830-1980
 Kraeuter, David W.
2001 0-7734-7520-6 632 pages
This work opens and organizes the patent literature for a hundred US and British radio inventors who worked between 1830 and 1980. The bibliography provides a list of each inventor’s US or British patents in chronological order, providing an indication of the inventor’s technical development. A keyword index locates patents by general subject. Since all entries in the bibliography and index are complete, either can be used as a stand-alone document (to verify patent dates or numbers, for example) or as a tool which can provide rapid entry into the numerous patent volumes themselves.

Price: $339.95

Readers’ Response to Isabel Allende’s Fiction: A Critical Study of Her Cross-Cultural Popularity in Britain and Spain
 Fanjul Fanjul, María C.
2014 1-4955-0280-5 256 pages
Aim of this research is to explore and critically interrogate Isabel Allende's popularity cross-culturally in Britain and Spain. It analyses readers' responses to Allende's works as well as the discourses surrounding her public representation, an approach that is 'readerly' but must also take account of production and text. This approach is intended to further the understanding of Allende's work which so far has always been analysed from a textual perspective. However, the relationship between Allende's popularity, her texts, public representation and readers has not yet been analysed in detail.

Price: $199.95

Religion, State, and Society in Modern Britain
 Badham, Paul
1989 0-88946-832-X 400 pages
Twenty essays comprising a unique work, the first survey of the state of religion in today's Britain which seeks to be fully comprehensive, focusing on Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as well as on England. Takes into account not only the mainstream Christian traditions but also the dynamic black-led churches, the folk-religionists, the minor sects, and the controversial New Religious Movements. Also recognizes the multi-faith dimension of modern Britain and includes chapters on the Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist communities. Takes an overall perspective on issues of Church and State, the "troubles" of Northern Ireland, attitudes toward women, permissive society, and secularization.

Price: $239.95

Representation of Masculinity in British Cinema of the 1960s: Lawrence of Arabia, the Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, and the Hill
 Claydon, E. Anna
2005 0-7734-5972-3 348 pages
This book challenges the received wisdom of approaches to both a “crisis” in masculinity and British cinema. Taking four key case study films which can be said to typify areas of British film production during the 1960’s, this book opens out how widely difference methodologies can be used to analyse the British film as text in contrast to the primarily contextual analyses of British cinema of the period found elsewhere. In addition, she argues that the dominant mode of analyzing masculinity, via a “crisis” needs to be re-examined and the terminology returned to its original sense rather than the pop psychological comprehension which places the blames for any problem with masculinity upon feminism. As such, she seeks to reframe a “crisis” of masculinity (the psycho-sexual) as a crisis of masculinism (the socio-political) whilst concurrently examining individual masculinities as an abjected relationship based upon the social and the Other rather than the feminist and the emasculated.

Price: $219.95

Representing Rape in the English Early Modern Period
 Baines, Barbara J.
2003 0-7734-6861-7 324 pages
This study makes an important contribution with its interdisciplinary scope, with chapters on Old Testament rape narratives, medieval and early modern English law and legal practices pertaining to rape, elitist poetry concerning rape as well as popular prose narratives, and pictorial representations of Lucrece, as well as chapters on the drama of the period. It delineates a congruence between rape and pornography, and traces the ways rape becomes effaced as a brutal crime to become an occasion in the service of men, as the context for heroic rivalry among men, or as an act that women secretly desire.

Price: $219.95

Reprint Edition of the Principles of Politics by Arthur Ritchie Lord Together with a Critical Assessment
 Sweet, William
2006 0-7734-5591-4 332 pages
These volumes collect and introduce the major writings of the British/South African philosopher Arthur Ritchie Lord (1880-1941). Regarded as one of the finest minds in South African philosophy in the early twentieth century, Lord nevertheless published little during his lifetime part from his The Principles of Politics (1921) and a few short essays. The editors of these volumes bring together not only Lord’s published work, but almost all of his previously-unpublished lectures and essays.

Price: $219.95

Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Britain's School for Scandal
 Browne, Kevin Thomas
2007 0-7734-5494-2 216 pages
Examines the life and work of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816) and his significant and unique place in the theatrical and political life of Great Britain. A man of middling background, he was simultaneously a leading Whig politician and, because of the success of his two plays, The Rivals (1775) and The School for Scandal (1777), the most dominant figure in the British theatre during the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Theatre historians have tended to view these works as manners comedies which are long on style but appropriately short on substance. Therefore, previous criticism of the plays has concerned itself mainly with questions of genre classification, leading to an under appreciation of Sheridan’s historical context. This book argues that, given the fact that the British theatre was central to the discussion and formation of the nation’s evolving ideology, Sheridan’s dramaturgy, far from being empty of content, offers snapshots of the state of negotiations between the classes over the nature of British identity centering on issues of money, gender, class, morality, and language.

Price: $179.95

Samuel Johnson’s Attitude Toward Islam: A Study of His Oriental Readings and Writings
 Nassir, Ghazi Q
2012 0-7734-3917-X 232 pages
This volume is the first to juxtapose pre-existing texts with Samuel Johnson’s portrayal of the Orient, particularly Islam and Arab culture. Nassir asserts that Johnson’s observations of Islam in both his writings and conversations prove that he did not look at it objectively and was highly biased against Islam and Arab culture in his assessment. The book seeks to furnish the students of eighteenth century English literature, Johnsonian scholars, and orientalists with useful observations of his orientalism as a whole in light of Johnson’s life, personality, and period in which he wrote.

Price: $179.95

Scholarly Edition of a Seventeenth-Century Anonymous Commonplace Book in the British Library. How People Received and Responded to the Books They Read
 Armstrong, Catherine Mary
2014 0-7734-0084-2 196 pages
The study of commonplace books offers an important means for scholars to gather evidence on the history of reading practices in early modern England. A cross between a diary and a notebook, a commonplace book is usually a collection of handwritten notes in which a reader recorded items of particular interest from printed books, manuscripts or from conversations or sermons. A remarkable work that brings to life the reader-reception practices of early modern England.

Price: $159.95

Shelley and the Development of English Imperialism: British India and England
 Harrington-Austin, Eleanor J.
1999 0-7734-7932-5 364 pages
This postcolonialist work locates Shelley in the context of England’s colonial venture in British India. It also ties together several major, seemingly disparate – and even competing - late-18th/early 19th-century discourses on British India, and illustrates how those discourses were later enlisted to serve the Imperialism of the English Raj. Shelley’s A Philosophical View of Reform, the guiding document of this study, demonstrates his knowledge of these debates and his own internalized contradictions concerning both English workers at home and Indian subjects abroad. Chapters include surveys of period issues of class, gender, race, and nationalism, their relationship to British India, and Shelley’s personal and literary treatment of them; English Orientalism concerning India and Indic elements in Shelley’s poetry; Utilitarian projects in India and England and Shelley’s reaction; Evangelical projects in India and England; Victorian imperialism.

Price: $239.95

Shipping Freight by Water in Britain and Ireland. Calculating Economic Cost and Environmental Opportunities
 Rowlinson, Mervyn
2010 0-7734-4850-0 604 pages
Examines the prospects of increased participation of Britain and Ireland in freight trade shipping. The dependence of both island nations on road haulage has led to environmental concerns over congestion, pollution, road damage and heavy fuel consumption. This book contains twelve color photographs.

Price: $339.95

Sir William Wilde, 1815-1876: Surgeon, Scholar, and Father of Oscar Wilde Two Volumes
 Tipper, Karen Sasha Anthony
2020 1-4955-0804-2 744 pages
Sir William Wilde’s intellectual achievements in many fields were forced into obscurity by the sensation generated by two trials, that of a trial for slander brought against Lady Jane Wilde in December 1864 by a young patient of her husband and the trial of Oscar Wilde in 1895. I have sought to avoid prejudice by presenting and examining his own writings for the contributions he made to research and progress in all his undertakings in science and medicine, particularly aural medicine.

Price: $379.95

Social Democratic Politics in Britain 1881-1911
 Johnson, Graham
2002 0-7734-6947-8 264 pages
The late twentieth century saw a precipitous decline in the appeal of socialism, both as a political ideology and a subject of historical enquiry. Within this context of growing criticism this work is a useful part in further developing interest in the past history and claims of the social and cooperative teachings of socialism against the private and competitive tenets of capitalism.

Price: $199.95

Studies in the Quality of Life and Human Development in Ireland and Britain Since the Sixteenth Century
 Jordan, Thomas E.
2010 0-7734-1371-5 592 pages
Traces the historical, medical and sociological progression of society and the individual over the last several centuries.

Price: $319.95

Study of Cultural Centres and Margins in British Poetry Since 1950 Poets and Publishers
 Jackaman, Rob
1995 0-7734-2275-7 344 pages
Drawing on the author's experience both inside and outside the British literary milieu, this volume gives a unique and often contentious view of the late-twentieth-century poetry canon, and the way that this canon has been established. As well as offering an interpretive overview, the book is valuable in suggesting different perspectives on the poetry of several specific key figures writing in Britain, such as Philip Larkin and Seamus Heaney. But it does not neglect other writers who have been forced onto the periphery of the poetry-publishing world, such as representatives of various ethnic and gender groups working in Britain during this period (e.g., the Northern Ireland frontier, West Indian poets, feminist poets). It adds up to a stimulating and provocative account of what's been happening in British poetry in recent years.

Price: $219.95

Summarie of the Chronicles of England, Diligently Collected, Abridged and Continued Unto This Present Yeare of Christ, 1604, by John Stow
 Beer, Barrett
2008 0-7734-5267-2 496 pages
This book is an annotated edition of John Stow’s Summarie of the Chronicles of England (1604). Stow (1524/5–1605) was a citizen historian who offers a concise, narrative history of England from the earliest time to the reign of James I, who succeeded Elizabeth in 1603. This abridged chronicle offered readers of lower social and economic status an accessible national history than was available in his own larger works or those of other writers of his time.

Price: $279.95

T. S. Eliot on Shakespeare
 Warren, Charles
1991 0-7734-0992-6 140 pages
This is the first book to survey all of Eliot's writing about Shakespeare. In addition to the well-known essays, it includes unreprinted articles for periodicals, talks for the BBC, contributions to books that are now out of print, and most importantly, a set of lectures given in 1937 and 1941 which were never published and exist only in typescript. It shows the unfolding of Eliot's ideas on Shakespeare and their relation to important general issues in Eliot's literary criticism. It also deals with the issue of Shakespeare in Eliot's poetry. Includes an appendix describing the Shakespeare-related articles and reviews by other writers which Eliot published as editor of the Criterion; a complete bibliography; and an index of names and critical topics.

Price: $139.95

Ten Remarkable Women of the Tudor Courts and Their Influence in Founding of the New World, 1530-1630
 Wheeler, Elizabeth Darracott
2000 0-7734-7717-9 200 pages
The remarkable women studied in this work include: Lady Jane Grey; Mary Queen of Scots; Margaret, Countess of Cumberland; Bess Throckmorton Raleigh; and Eleanor White Dare.

Price: $159.95

The 1783 Shipwreck of the Antelope in the Western Pacific. The Journal of Captain Henry Wilson / A Neglected Event in British Maritime History
 Rogal, Samuel J.
2017 1-4955-0552-9 180 pages
This is a new edition of the account of the shipwreck of the British East India Company Antelope that was written by Captain Henry Wilson and Editor George Keate brings to attention of modern readers a detailed record of life among a remote and so-called "uncivilized" people. It details the attempt of Pelew natives to comprehend the thoughts and view the practices of a group of young, sea-faring men who represent the so-called "enlightened " part of the world.

Price: $159.95

The Beheading Game, It's Sources and Transmissions: From Early Irish Literature to Arthurian Romance (8 X 10 Oversized soft cover)
 Carneiro, Carlos
2022 1-4955-1010-7 360 pages
This is an oversized (8 x 10), softcover book. "There has not been a recent full-scale scholarly work concerned with the transmission of the beheading-game motif from Irish to Arthurian traditions.... [The present work] is focused on three main points of research: (1) The comparison of the several beheading-game narratives in order to assert their points of connection along with their differences; (2) The analysis of the possibility that Wales functioned as the intermediary between Irish tradition and the English and Continental milieus; (3) The tracing of subsequent channels of transmission of Irish motifs from the possible intermediary to England and the Continent." -from the author's Introduction

Price: $249.95

The Celtic Head Cult in Arthurian Literature (8 X 10 Oversized soft cover)
 Carneiro, Carlos
2022 1-4955-1011-5 348 pages
This is an oversized (8x10), softcover book. The author: "The development of the churlish headless challenger and his variations does ...seem indeed to be a process about which we have quite clear indications due to the literary evidences. Headless figures which retain their conscience post-decapitation are not exclusive to the beheading-game narratives or other medieval narratives involving some form of decapitation, however. Even in hagiographic tradition we have a similar figure in the form of the cephalophore, a headless saint, and to this day there are creatures sound in Irish folk traditions such as the Dullahan: a headless horseman sharing many characteristics with the churlish challengers we have focused on."

Price: $249.95

The Development of the PhD Degree in Britain, 1917-1959 and Since: An Evolutionary and Statistical History in Higher Education
 Simpson, Renate
2009 0-7734-4827-6 760 pages
Examines the first half-century of the British PhD. The work begins with a study of the development of the new degree from the point of view of the decision-making bodies of the Universities - Senates, Faculty Boards, the teaching staff and the administrators. The second part provides detailed statistics and analysis on Faculties, Departments, overseas students, year of admission, gender, age, completion rates and duration of studies, part-time study and staff candidates, with more than 200 Tables and Figures.

Price: $399.95

 Thomas, James H.
2007 0-7734-5270-1 516 pages
This volume is the first attempt to examine the East India Company’s activities and importance at a provincial level in the eighteenth century through the lives and experiences of those who were employed by this powerful and multi-faceted business concern. Drawing on manuscript from 27 different archive repositories and an array of printed primary and secondary sources, it sets out to fill a major gap in the knowledge of the East India Company and its multifarious activities. This book contains 3 color photographs.

Price: $299.95

 Thomas, James H.
1999 0-7734-8201-6 532 pages
The volumes draw on exhaustive study of the Company’s voluminous archive and upon the holdings of two dozen other repositories. Archives throughout England, the Orkney Islands, the Channel Islands, the Netherlands, the Isle of Man, Denmark, Sweden and the USA were consulted. For the first time, the provincial impact of England’s largest, most powerful, caring and successful of commercial undertakings will be assessed in full context. This volume, the first in a trilogy, fills a gap of information by examining the East India Company’s relationship with, and impact upon the mighty military and naval town of Portsmouth, considering local, regional, national and international developments during the crucial period 1700-1815.

Price: $299.95

The Free Trade Area and the Construction of Great Britain’s European Policy, 1952-1958
 Good, Todd Alan
2003 0-7734-6875-7 328 pages
Great Britain’s European policy during the 1950s was not the abject failure as other scholars have portrayed it. Britain needed to re-evaluate its relationship with the Commonwealth, Europe, and Atlantic circles in the 1950s to reach the point where it could apply for EEC membership in the following decade. The 1950s were important in providing the impetus to revise Britain’s external priorities. In sum, beginning with the WEU plan and concluding with the FTA proposal, this period signaled a ‘historical departure’ for Britain and for Europe and was not a reaffirmation of the status quo.

Price: $219.95

 Hopkins, Peter
2008 0-7734-4952-3 236 pages
Charts the life of young Muslim men in Scotland by exploring local issues connected with family life, residential segregation and everyday experiences; national concerns around Scottishness and Scottish politics; and responses to global events such as those of 11th September 2001.

Price: $179.95

The Literary Career of a Middle Class English Woman: Mary Anne Galton Shimmelpenninck (1778-1856)
 Rogal, Samuel J.
2022 1-4955-0984-2 296 pages
From the author's Prefatory Note (pgs.1-2):

"The subject of this biography concerns a woman of centuries past, and while the pages of the chapters that folow turn and the thoughts and actions of the subject unfold, the reader will be asked to judge the overall value of the labors of this biographer. This writer had never come across the name of Mary Anne Galton Schimmelpenninck until, while at work on another project, she abruptly appeared for two or three sentences, then as quickly faded from further sight. Nothing beyond pure curiosity and a wish to share this exercise in self-education with others motivated and then produced this volume."

Price: $199.95

 Webster-Garrett, Erin L.
2007 0-7734-5564-7 260 pages
This book focuses on Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s literary career after 1822, and Dr. Webster-Garrett explores the neglected end of the “Mary Shelley Story” and questions inherited images of her as a bourgeois satellite of masculine genius and as a child prodigy whose genius faded after The Last Man. The study contextualizes Shelley’s later career in terms of the rise of discourses of influence to describe sociopolitical, cultural, spiritual, and sexual relationships, and in terms of the rise of Romantic cultural anxieties regarding the ascendance of the popular novel and romance to positions of cultural influence. Shelley’s late novels each showcase a female principal who exerts a fully conscious and fully cognizant force on her textual world. In 1830, this deviation gained more significance as Shelley, for the first time, created a narrative in which a beautiful woman, Katherine Gordon, survives a masculine narrative in order to tell her own alternative tale. Her post-1830 novels trace the ultimate subversive act for a woman in the nineteenth-century: continued existence. As such, they demonstrate a dramatic reversal of Shelley’s approach to romantic prose fiction and suggest her need to separate herself from romance as a masculinist tradition that compulsively celebrates the death of a beautiful woman.

Price: $199.95

The Mirror Metaphor and Coleridge’s Mysticism Poetics: Metaphysics and the Formation of the Pentad
 Tsuchiya, Kiyoshi
2000 0-7734-7548-6 384 pages
This study treats Coleridge’s thinking as an integral whole and follows in detail the chronological development of Coleridge’s quest. It begins with placing modern subjectivity within the history of the mirror metaphor, that here represents mysticism in the West from antiquity to modernity, then analyses Coleridge’s encounter with the metaphor and traces his lifelong engagement with it that culminates in the formation of the Pentad. It discusses his early poems and poetics, his reading and rewriting of Kant, his own transcendentalism seen in Biographia Literaria and Aids to Reflection. It them briefly compares Coleridge’s mirror metaphor with two contemporary mirror metaphors by Lacan and Rorty.

Price: $239.95

 Yoder, R. Paul
2010 0-7734-3640-5 204 pages
Argues that William Blake’s last major poem, Jerusalem, possesses a narrative structure. This argument runs contrary to the critical consensus that sees the poem as possessing a “synchronic” structure in which the events of the poem all occur simultaneously rather than sequentially. This book contains three color photographs.

Price: $179.95

 Reid, Hugh
2010 0-7734-3757-6 84 pages
Examines the nature of eighteenth-century book subscription lists: how they worked and the role they played in the eighteenth century book trade. It also analyzes specific lists and how they may be used as exemplars for those wishing to investigate and analyse other lists

Price: $99.95

The Poetic Achievements of Donald Davie and Charles Tomlinson: Expanding Vision, Voice and Rhythm in Late Twentieth-Century English Poetry
 Stannard, Julian
2010 0-7734-3783-5 356 pages
Donald Davie and Charles Tomlinson are both poets have sought to explore the wider possibilities of an English poetic. This work demonstrates how, in opposition to the Movement's perceived inwardness, Davie and Tomlinson have continued to explore the legacies of international modernism.

Price: $239.95

 Wasson, Ellis
2010 0-7734-1464-9 328 pages
Details how the landed elite openly absorbed a regular flow of new members to the ruling class. It examines the transition of Britain from aristocratic rule to democracy through a study of the Whig Party.

Price: $219.95

The Secret of Secrets (Secreta Secretorum): A Modern Translation, with Introduction of the Governance of Princes
 Kerns, Lin
2008 0-7734-5118-8 176 pages
This work is a modern translation of James Yonge’s manuscript, The Gouernaunce of Prynces, which was originally completed by a Dominican scholar in 1422. Yonge’s text has been noted as one of the primary documents written during the English occupation of Ireland, but until now, his work was only available to scholars literate in Middle English. This book facilitates additional information and a better understanding of the work.

Price: $159.95

The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One: A Newly Authenticated Play by Shakespeare, Vol. 1
 Egan, Michael
2006 0-7734-6078-0 664 pages
Awarded the Adele Mellen Prize for Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship

This new multi-volume edition of an anonymous Elizabethan history play that has intrigued Shakespeare scholars for more than a century. Using modern computer softwares to degrain and magnify the text, Michael Egan resolves many of the transcription difficulties presented by the handwritten manuscript to produce the most authoritative edition yet available. A set of Text and Variorum Notes meticulously records the variant readings of previous editors and provides relevant citations from contemporary sources and other analytic comments to clarify the play's meanings, concerns and thematic preoccupations. Among other features of this edition are an original conclusion in the Elizabethan manner (some lines of the manuscript's final scene are missing), a book-length Introduction proving that Shakespeare wrote the play, and a l00-page supplement detailing over 1,600 echoes and parallels with the Collected Works. Other sections examine 1 Richard II 's textual history from 1870–present, outline its historical background and include selections from the writings of those critics who have discussed the work in detail. This work is a must for every Shakespearean collection.

Price: $359.95

The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One: A Newly Authenticated Play by Shakespeare, Vol. 2
 Egan, Michael
2006 0-7734-6084-5 396 pages
This is a new multi- volume edition of an anonymous Elizabethan history play that has intrigued Shakespeare scholars for more than a century. Using modern computer softwares to degrain and magnify the text, Michael Egan resolves many of the transcription difficulties presented by the handwritten MS to produce the most authoritative edition yet available. A set of Text and Variorum Notes meticulously records the variant readings of previous editors and provides relevant citations from contemporary sources and other analytic comments to clarify the play's meanings, concerns and thematic preoccupations. Among other features of this edition are an original conclusion in the Elizabethan manner (some lines of the MS's final scene are missing), a book-length Introduction proving that Shakespeare wrote the play, and a l00-page supplement detailing over 1,600 echoes and parallels with the Collected Works. Other sections examine 1 Richard II 's textual history from 1870–present, outline its historical background and include selections from the writings of those critics who have discussed the work in detail. This work is a must for every Shakespearean collection.

Price: $239.95

The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One: A Newly Authenticated Play by Shakespeare, Vol. 3
 Egan, Michael
2006 0-7734-6080-2 576 pages
This new multi-volume edition of an anonymous Elizabethan history play that has intrigued Shakespeare scholars for more than a century. Using modern computer softwares to degrain and magnify the text, Michael Egan resolves many of the transcription difficulties presented by the handwritten MS to produce the most authoritative edition yet available. A set of Text and Variorum Notes meticulously records the variant readings of previous editors and provides relevant citations from contemporary sources and other analytic comments to clarify the play's meanings, concerns and thematic preoccupations. Among other features of this edition are an original conclusion in the Elizabethan manner (some lines of the MS's final scene are missing), a book-length Introduction proving that Shakespeare wrote the play, and a l00-page supplement detailing over 1,600 echoes and parallels with the Collected Works. Other sections examine 1 Richard II 's textual history from 1870–present, outline its historical background and include selections from the writings of those critics who have discussed the work in detail. This work is a must for every Shakespearean collection.

Price: $319.95

The Tragedy of Richard II, Part One: A Newly Authenticated Play by Shakespeare, Vol. 4
 Egan, Michael
2006 0-7734-6082-9 488 pages
This new multi-volume edition of an anonymous Elizabethan history play that has intrigued Shakespeare scholars for more than a century. Using modern computer softwares to degrain and magnify the text, Michael Egan resolves many of the transcription difficulties presented by the handwritten MS to produce the most authoritative edition yet available. A set of Text and Variorum Notes meticulously records the variant readings of previous editors and provides relevant citations from contemporary sources and other analytic comments to clarify the play's meanings, concerns and thematic preoccupations. Among other features of this edition are an original conclusion in the Elizabethan manner (some lines of the MS's final scene are missing), a book-length Introduction proving that Shakespeare wrote the play, and a l00-page supplement detailing over 1,600 echoes and parallels with the Collected Works. Other sections examine 1 Richard II 's textual history from 1870–present, outline its historical background and include selections from the writings of those critics who have discussed the work in detail. This work is a must for every Shakespearean collection.

Price: $279.95

Thomas Becket and Boniface of Savoy Resisting the English Kings. The Condemnations of 1270-1277, Opposing the Faculty at the Universities of Paris and Oxford
 Wilshire, Leland Edward
2013 0-7734-4065-8 160 pages
Studies the register, curriculum, the students and faculty life of medieval universities from 1200-1450. The author’s primary concern is to explain how these universities played a role in condemning, and later accepting the theology of Thomas Aquinas.

Price: $139.95

Thorney Annals 963-1412 A. D. An Edition and Translation
 Hart, Cyril
1997 0-7734-8535-X 80 pages
Thorney Abbey lies in the Cambridgeshire Fenlands. It was founded in 971 and survived until the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1540, and ranked as one of the most important religious houses in the Eastern fenlands. The early annals are all in a hand datable to 1110, and were therefore entered retrospectively, but for the next three centuries the annals appear to have been added contemporaneously year by year. In this first complete edition, Latin text and English translation on opposing pages, and a full introduction, critical notes and indexes are provided. Individual annals recorded events of both local and national importance. Besides the succession of abbots and bishops, they covered such topics as the price of wheat, floods, fires, epidemics, and royal successions. Occasional entries cover a range of unexpected subjects sch as the sinking of the White Ship, the beheading of Piers Gaveston, the suppression of the Templars, the writings and trial of John Wycliffe, and the Black Death.

Price: $79.95

Trade Union Sponsorship of UK Labour Migration to the United States 1850s to 1880s
 Murray, Stephen James
2015 1-4955-0363-1 524 pages
A new and contemporary examination of the emigration schemes utilized by the UK Trade/Craft Unions of the late 19th century to supply and channel workers to the USA. This fresh analysis on the subject fills a gap in the existing literature that has not been visited in scholarship for over fifty years.

Price: $299.95

Twelve Years of Commonwealth Diplomatic History. Commonwealth Summit Meetings 1979-1991
 Chan, Stephen
1992 0-7734-9498-7 168 pages
The Commonwealth Secretariat was established in 1965 as a means of displacing Britain's central role in the association of her former colonies. Since then it has spearheaded resistance to British policy particularly over Southern Africa. Disagreements between the Commonwealth body and Britain came to a head during Mrs. Thatcher's tenure as British Prime Minister. This book chronicles, summit by summit, the tumultuous confrontations of her era and their importance in the diplomatic history of the Commonwealth.

Price: $159.95

Unemployment and Employment Policies Concerning Women in Britain 1900-1951
 Laybourn, Keith
2002 0-7734-7085-9 262 pages
This study addresses the three major aspects of Britain's discriminatory approach to women's employment laws which were domestic service, broad unemployment and the links between voluntary bodies and the British state

Price: $199.95

Walsh Colville: Or A Young Man’s First Entrance Into Life a Novella by Anna Maria Porter
 Owen, David
2015 1-4955-0382-8 224 pages
This critical edition coincides with the broader critical movement towards promoting a better understanding of the development of British literary fiction through women’s writing, an understanding that breaks free of the old story of ‘canonical writers and grand texts’. It contains an introductory study (biographical, wider historical and literary contexts), a short re-assessment of Porter’s writing and a more fully engaged re-assessment of the literary value of Walsh Colville.

Price: $179.95

Was Shakespeare a Jew? Uncovering the Marrano Influences in His Life and Writing
 Muller, Ghislain
2011 0-7734-3939-0 376 pages
This biography of Shakespeare presents a new perspective on the debate surrounding the real identity of William Shakespeare. Muller suggests that Shakespeare took care to hide his Jewish origins and that Elizabethan authorities, who were aware of this fact, attempted to eliminate any trace of his Jewish origins by making him an Anglo-Saxon hero. Using official documents that have not been employed by other scholars, Muller brings forth evidence that Shakespeare’s father was a Jew living in an England where Jews had been banned since the time of Edward I and the Act of Expulsion in 1290. Muller demonstrates that Shakespeare was brought up in the Jewish faith and that many of his closest connections were from Jewish circles. In addition, Shakespeare’s coat of arms, his retirement to Stratford, and his last will and testament, are further used as evidence that Shakespeare was a Jew. Anyone interested in the works of William Shakespeare, his life, and his true identity, will enjoy this well-researched and written book.

Price: $239.95

What the English Ate and Drank, 1660-1686: A Study in Food History Based on the Diaries of Samuel Pepys
 Rogal, Samuel J.
2022 1-4955-1009-3 216 pages
"[A]s eater and drinker, Samuel Pepys represents a large segment of late seventeenth-century society...his fellow diners and drinkers generally eat the same foods as he; they drink the same beverages as he. The diary of Samuel Pepys, then--although he never intended for it to do so--reaches forth from the actuality of an important aspect of seventeenth-century life to touch the vision and the imagination of twenty-first-century readers." -Samuel J. Rogal

Price: $179.95

Why British Black Women Have Difficulty Finding Employment. A Sociological Analysis
 Showunmi, Victoria
2012 0-7734-2943-3 216 pages
Utilizes first-hand interviews with unemployed black women in Britain to ascertain reasons why they cannot find work. The author studies the various barriers that impede Black Women from succeeding in employment and in education. Her conclusions are that racial discrimination along with their subjective racial and gendered identity hinders their forward progress in employment situations, and in educational settings.

Price: $179.95

Women’s Groups & Equality in British Trade Unions
 Parker, Jane
2003 0-7734-6710-6 324 pages
Within industrial relations, the mainstream literature has not shown much interest in women as the subjects or shapers of research. This study shows the centrality of women’s organizing to unionism and women’s experience of unions, and provides insights into the circumstances necessary for women’s sustained activism. It examines union operations and how women’s groups influence, and are influenced by, them. It contributes an original analysis of the organizational ‘identity’ of individual unions and women’s groups. It also examines the complex relations between unions and their women’s groups within particular institutions, including the little-examined area of women’s engagement in less formal as well as mainstream union activity.

Price: $219.95

Word-Order of Aelfric
 Davis, Graeme
1997 0-7734-8649-6 312 pages
One of the most interesting issues in Old English syntax is word-order or element-order. This volume provides a descriptive study of word-order (or element-order) within specified clause types in a corpus drawn from Ælfric's Catholic Homilies and Supplementary Homilies. A sample of 11,543 clauses has been analyzed, divided into fourteen clause categories. A survey of the element-order within each category is presented, with copious examples and full statistics. Attention is paid both to the order of single elements in relation to the verb phrase, and to patterns of element-order within clauses. An extensive description of the position of the adverbial element is included. The rhythmic and non-rhythmic prose of Ælfric is contrasted, showing that although there is a broad similarity between the two styles, significant differences do nonetheless exist. The results show both that there are marked tendencies within element-order which approach the status of rules, and also that there is a substantial measure of stylistic freedom.

Price: $219.95

Working Class Gambling in Britain c. 1906-1960s
 Laybourn, Keith
2007 0-7734-5374-1 356 pages
Examines the class nature of gambling in Britain which made the off-course ready-money gambling of the working-class illegal while permitting the middle-class off-course credit gambling. It rejects the views of the National Anti-Gambling League that working-class gambling was an excessive waste of money and suggests that it was, by and large, ‘a bit of a flutter’ by the working classes. Using rarely used Home Office and police evidence, it suggests that both the police and the Home Office would have liked the Street Betting Act of 1906, and other restrictive legislation, removed since it was an impediment to good relations with the working classes upon which the police relied for evidence of serious crimes.

Price: $239.95