Subject Area: Islamic Studies

 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1322-x 274 pages
7 October 2023 II: Perspectives offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and subsequent events in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, and beyond. This is the second of two 7 October 2023 books on the subject published by Mellen Press. The first one I co-edited with Bonita Nathan Sussman: 7 October 2023: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe. Bonita played an important role in finalizing this work as well.

Price: $99.95

A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of the Story of Joseph, the Son of Jacob: A Study in Comparative Culture, Ethics, and Spirituality
 Nouryeh, Christopher
2015 1-4955-0385-2 236 pages
This is a new and different psychoanalytic interpretation of the Old Testament Joseph Story which examines different cultural perspectives including the Christian, Hebraic and Qur’anic versions of this familiar religious story.

Price: $179.95

A Translation and Critical Study of Ten Pre-Islamic Odes: Traces in the Sand
 Nouryeh, Christopher
1993 0-7734-9319-0 264 pages
This book unveils the unique event of pre-Islamic poetry. It shows how personal ethics which is also an esthetics inaugurate Arabic cultural heritage free of outside moral authority or discipline. Here, among a group of poets, one discovers the roots of that heritage.

Price: $199.95

Al-Tabari's Book of Jihad
 Ibrahim, Yasir S.
2007 0-7734-5458-6 428 pages
The Book of Jihad (Kitab al-Jihad) is part of the fragmentary Book of the Disagreement among Muslim Jurists (Kitab Ikhtilaf al Fuqah’) by Muhammad ibn Jarar al-Tabar (ca. 839 – ca. 923 C.E.), the famous Muslim historian and Qur’anic commentator. It consists of several sections that deal with different issues related to jihad in classical Islam such as the rules of declaring and conducting war against enemy states and the rules of making peace with the enemy. Regarding each of these issues, the author expounds the opinions (or, “legal decisions”) of the founders of the three major Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence (d. 767 C.E.) and disciples, al-Shifi (d. 820 C.E.) and Malik Anas (d. 795 C.E.) in addition to the other jurists. The present annotated translation of the Book of Jihad is based on the original manuscript located in Istanbul, Turkey. The translator has provided a description of the structure and content of the translated text which concludes that al-Tabar’s Book of Jihad presents a clear model for the relations between the Islamic state and other states. This work will appeal to scholars of Islamic Studies as well as Religion, History and Political Science.

Price: $259.95

An Advanced Exposition of Islamic Economics and Finance
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2004 0-7734-6339-9 318 pages
This book is a challenging inquiry using the foundational epistemology that establishes the Islamic worldview and its applications to all socio-scientific theory, issues and problems. This foundational premise of all socio-scientific inquiry is the epistemology of unity of knowledge in the Qur’an combined with the Guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah) and extensive discourse in scientific reasoning. Such a foundational epistemology called Tawhid, the Oneness of Allah in the Qur’an, is challenging and quite a different worldview of socio-scientific inquiry than the existing thinking and practice that came to be known as ‘Islamic Economics and Finance’. The latter literature is embedded in mainstream economic theory and practice. It contributes to the understanding of the methodology emanating from the fundamental epistemology of Tawhid in socio-scientific reasoning. No particular demand is placed on such a development as an offshoot of mainstream economic, financial and more widely of socio-scientific thinking and practice. Thus, not only ‘Islamic Economics and Finance’ but also mainstream socio-scientific thinking await a new epistemology and worldview that can be quite distinct and more holistic for the benefit of mankind than the confined and narrow vision of both mainstream and ‘Islamic’ economics and finance in particular and socio-scientific thinking and practice in general. This book is a bold inquiry in the new and challenging direction of unity knowledge as the spring of new epistemological thinking and its application.

Price: $219.95

ANTI-ARAB AND ANTI-MUSLIM BIAS IN AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS: How They Reported the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah and Israeli-Hamas Wars
 Tischauser, Jeffrey
2010 0-7734-3901-3 208 pages
This research compares the New York Times news coverage of the Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006 (July War) and the Israeli-Gaza conflict of 2006 (Operation Summer Rain) with war coverage as reported by the Chicago Tribune and theWashington Times,. Using Herman and Chomsky’s (1988) Propaganda Model and Edward Said’s (1994) notion of Orientalism, this research investigates the range of permitted opinion and the representations of Arabs and Muslims in news articles.

Price: $179.95

Arab-Muslim Development of Muhammad’s Teaching. From Acts of “madness” to the Arts of Spirituality and shura
 Nouryeh, Christopher
2012 0-7734-3669-3 328 pages
This book investigates the presuppositions, namely ethics, spirituality and psychoanalysis, of the concept of shura, and how they can be applied in the art of governmentality.

Price: $219.95

Arab-Muslim Views of the West From the Ninth Century to the Twentieth
 Nouryeh, Christopher
2005 0-7734-5958-8 324 pages
This book discusses Arab-Muslim views of the West in the past twelve centuries, a huge period of time full of varying events. A distinctive mark of this study is that it provides the English-speaking reader with the original Arab-Muslim arguments, relying on a wide range of Arabic primary and secondary sources. It is an authentic source of thoughts that improves the literature and bridges gaps between the two distinct civilizations.

Price: $219.95

Arabic, Islam, and the Allah Lexicon
 Morrow, John A.
2006 0-7734-5726-7 340 pages
The Arabic language possesses a unique language feature, the Allah Lexicon, a rich and varied body of religious expressions invoking the Almighty. Despite the pervasive presence of Allah in the Arabic language, this linguistic phenomenon has been largely unexplored. This book investigates the impact of Islam on the Arabic language by examining key cultural concepts, the frequency of the word “God” in Arabic and other languages, and the philosophical and theological foundation of Allah expressions.

Price: $219.95

Architecture of the Adina Mosque in Pandua, India Medieval Tradition and Innovation
 Banerji, Naseem Ahmed
2002 0-7734-7209-6 248 pages

Price: $179.95

Art and Islamic Literacy Among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria
 Hassan, Salah M.
1992 0-7734-9581-9 400 pages
Using a folkloric perspective, this book is an ethnographic study of the tools, artifacts, and other expressions of the material culture of literacy as it is found in the clerics' diverse activities within the context of the Hausa society in northern Nigeria. This study fills a gap in African data by addressing how informational, magical, as well as aesthetic potentials of the written word have been adapted in local contexts. Explores the origins of the diverse roles and types of malams (represented primarily by malaman Qur'ani and malaman ilmi). The history and origin of the current calligraphic styles adapted and developed by the Hausa malams are investigated as a guide to understanding calligraphic designs and writings on manuscripts, charms, amulets, Qur'anic boards, architectural decorations, and other artifacts. Field research was conducted primarily in Kano, but also in Zaria, Sokoto, and other cities and rural areas in northern Nigeria. Archival, museum, and library research was conducted in Nigeria, England , and the United States.

Price: $239.95

Art of Narrative in the Holy Qur’?n: A Literary Appreciation of a Sacred Text
 Nouryeh, Christopher
2008 0-7734-5179-X 420 pages
This work attempts to recapture the fluid relationship between ethics and such institutions as faith, politics and literary art not seen, according to the author, since the time of Muhammad. By exploring the narrative that Muhammad employs in the Qur’?n , the author works to reestablish the relationship and prove that if today’s Arab-Muslims still deem Muhammad the ethico-political and religio-artistic model to emulate, as he has been in the past, it is because he relates art to life.

Price: $259.95

Attempt to Understand the Muslim Reaction to the Satanic Verses
 La’Porte, Victoria
1999 0-7734-8031-5 320 pages
This volume deals with all the major issues surrounding The Satanic Verses controversy. It explores Muslim reasons for wanting the novel banned and places their arguments in context with the history of the West and the Islamic world. It shows how Muslim hurt and anger toward the publication cannot by reduced solely to sociological or anthropological factors, but rather locates the reason for offence in the manner Rushdie chose in writing the novel. The book also seeks to illuminate how liberal reaction widened the gap between the author and the Muslim community in Britain. A large section of the book challenges the liberal arguments against censorship. It reveals the mistake liberals make in imposing their own belief system on the Muslim community. It explores the reaction from Christian circles, focusing explicitly on the Church of England. Finally, the study examines all the issues surrounding Law. It shows how the fatwa issued by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, though religiously motivated, is contrary to the law and spirit of Islam and must be condemned. It provides a unique discussion of the blasphemy law in relation to The Satanic Verses.

Price: $219.95

Basic Ideas and Institutions of Islam: A Comparative Introduction
 Al-Allaf, Mashhad
2008 0-7734-5034-3 400 pages
This work is an excellent resource for better understanding the Islamic faith. The study incorporates short stories, tables, and charts into this comprehensive introduction to the complexities of Islam.

Price: $239.95

Binding [Aqedah] and its Transformations in Judaism and Islam. The Lambs of God
 Cohen, Sascha Benjamin
1995 0-7734-2389-3 188 pages
Little serious research has been undertaken to examine the story of the binding as it appears in Jewish and Islamic traditions, to see whether the parallel components could be found in the binding of Isaac vis a vis the binding of Ishmael. This volume presents a comprehensive examination of the two traditions and analyzes the process of how the colorful tapestry of oral tradition transformed into more rigid religious doctrine, showing the interactions and transformations of the tale as it grows within the constraints, and across the bounds, of these differing traditions. This research will be useful to all students of the Bible, encouraging them to view the Aqedah through the fascinating and fluid aesthetic of the oral tradition in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Price: $159.95

Can Muslims and Christians Resolve Their Religious and Social Conflicts? Cases From Africa and the United States
 Iwuchukwu, Marinus
2012 0-7734-3071-7 320 pages
This is a collection of essays that address inter-faith dialogue between Muslims and Christians in America and Africa. It addresses the issues dealing with how some Christians depict America as founded on Christian principles, and how this might deter dialogue across different religions. The goal is to get people to converse, not as formulaic Muslims or Christians, but as people with complex, plural, and ever-changing identities that defuse religious antagonism.

Price: $219.95

Childhood of a Muslim Girl Growing Up in Pre-Independent Tunisia: by Souad Guellouz a Translation From French Into English of les Jardins Du Nord by Lora Lunt
 Lunt, Lora G.
2016 245 pages
Through the devise of a literary autobiography the author describes the experience of contemporary women in North Africa. This book is one of the best examples of the women’s literary movement in the Arab Maghreb.

Price: $179.95

Criminology and Penology in Islamic Jurisprudence
 Mahmoud, Mahgoub El-Tigani
2015 1-4955-0273-2 296 pages
This work examines major aspects of criminology and penology in Islamic jurisprudence in the light of the Shari’a classical heritage. Based on the mental construction and spiritual functions of the Muslim classical principles for crime prevention and the treatment of offenders, legal provisions are analyzed in comparison with international human rights norms, as well as American constitutional law, the Saudi and Egyptian criminal procedures, and the Sudanese and Emirates’ penal legislations.

Price: $199.95

Critical Study of the Works of Nawal El Saadawi, Egyptian Writer and Activist
 Royer, Diana
2001 0-7734-7538-9 202 pages
This volume sets El Saadawi’s literary work within the context of her activism, in particular showing how her ideas for the renewal of society run through her writing. As a companion for reading her fiction and nonfiction, this volume contextualizes her work by taking into consideration the complexities of Egyptian society today – in particular, Islamic fundamentalism and women’s status. It also introduces the current scholarly debate on ancient women’s status. Chapters on individual novels look both at technique (oral literary traditions, woman’s narrative, imagery) and topic (female circumcision, gender roles, prostitution, honor killing). Novels examined are Two Women in One; The Circling Song; Woman at Point Zero; God Dies By the Nile.

Price: $179.95

Development of the Feminist Idea in Egypt and the Middle East From the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present
 Suwaed, Mohammad
2016 1-4955-0505-7 304 pages
A remarkable book examining the feminist discourse in the Middle East by analyzing selected philosophical texts by both female and male Arab thinkers. It explores the changes that have taken place in the Arab feminist discourse over the years by addressing the social, cultural, and ideological backgrounds of the region’s feminist over two centuries.

Price: $219.95

Essential Ideas of Islamic Philosophy
 Al-Allaf, Mashhad
2006 0-7734-5848-4 360 pages
This book presents Islamic philosophy from within the Islamic tradition and on its own terms. The ideas of the Muslim philosophers based on the primary texts are analyzed, and then the arguments are structured, rather than just tracking their ideas in a traditional historical method. This presentation is necessary and helpful not only to the understanding of Islamic civilization, but also to the very understanding of the roots of modern western philosophy.

Price: $239.95

Eve in Three Traditions and Literatures - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
 Caspi, Mishael
2004 0-7734-6490-5 396 pages
This book revives the tradition of Eve in three traditions and literatures. The discussion of Islamic material is particularly valuable, since it examines the exchanges of ideas between early Islam and Judaism. It displays an amazing ability to uncover irony and sarcasm in ancient writings that have a profound implication for understanding ancient religion, and also examines contemporary references to Eve.

Price: $239.95

Explaining the Qur’an. A Socio-Scientific Inquiry. Vol. 2
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2002 0-7734-6878-1 456 pages
This important work presents a technical study of the Qur’an in light of the epistemology of oneness of God, referred to as tawhid. A unique methodology premised on the unity of knowledge is derived in terms of an interactive, integrative and evolutionary model. To bring out this significant feature, the study encompasses many interdisciplinary fields, including Islamic studies, philosophy of science, mathematical systems, political economy, social contractarianism and the world-system. It includes an extensive comparative approach with Western sciences in these fields.

Price: $279.95

Explaining the Qur’an. A Socio-Scientific Inquiry. Vol. 1
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2002 0-7734-6876-5 432 pages
This important work presents a technical study of the Qur’an in light of the epistemology of oneness of God, referred to as tawhid. A unique methodology premised on the unity of knowledge is derived in terms of an interactive, integrative and evolutionary model. To bring out this significant feature, the study encompasses many interdisciplinary fields, including Islamic studies, philosophy of science, mathematical systems, political economy, social contractarianism and the world-system. It includes an extensive comparative approach with Western sciences in these fields.

Price: $259.95

Folklore of China’s Islamic Salar Nationality
 Ma, Wei
2001 0-7734-7675-X 260 pages
This volume contains folklore selections written first in the Salar written system, the same selection rendered in the International Phonetic Alphabet, followed by an English translation. This is the first time such an extensive collection of Salar literature has been written in the Salar’s own writing system and it is the first anthology of the folklore translated into English with Salar and IPA counterparts. The preface was written by the West’s leading Salar scholar. This is a must for all Chinese, Islam, folklore, and minority collections. With Illustrations

Price: $199.95

Freedom of Intellect Movement ( Buddhir Mukti Andolan) in Bengali Muslim Thought, 1926-1938
 Khan, Shahadat
2007 0-7734-5423-3 484 pages
This book offers an original examination of the origin and development of a rational humanist movement, the Freedom of Intellect Movement (Buddhir Mukti Andolan), which arose among a group of Bengali-speaking and -writing Muslim intelligentsia in the 1920s and 1930s.

Price: $279.95

FROM PERSIAN EMPIRE TO ISLAMIC IRAN: A History of Nationalism in the Middle East
 Towfighi, Parviz S.
2009 0-7734-4779-2 292 pages
This book examines the relationship between Iranian nationalism and Islam, especially Shi ‘ism as the adopted official religion of the country by the founder of the Safavid Dynasty in 1501 A.D. The study covers selected periods in fourteen centuries of Iranian history with greatest emphasis on the last two centuries where secular Western reformist ideas overlap with progressive religious thinking.

Price: $199.95

Function of Orality in Islamic Law and Practices
 Souaiaia, Ahmed E.
2006 0-7734-5567-1 400 pages
Through the examination of primary and secondary literature, this work establishes that Islamic law is a corpus of accretive ascription fundamentally informed by authoritative precedents and practically preserved in the adaptive oral discourse. In a first phase, Islamic law developed in the exclusivity of the oral environment that characterized the Qur’anic, Hadathic, and Hermeneutic discourses. It is argued that for more than a century of the life of the emerging Muslim community, these three discourses were exclusively preserved and transmitted orally. In a second phase (2nd to 4th Islamic centuries), the dialectic and casuistic nature of disciplines as provided Muslim religious authorities with the priviledged oral declarations that enabled and empowered their decrees and opinions. Finally, once the theological and legal schools of thought emerged (5th to 21st centuries), orality became even more prominent in delineating the boundaries between that which is in conformity with Islamic legal rules and that which is not. The transformed legal tradition, while aspiring to keep the connection between the past (Qur’an and Sunnah) and present has remained dependant on orality which ascertained the preservation of the singularly specific and characteristics traits of each school of thought.

Price: $239.95

Fundamentals of Islamic Asymmetric Warfare: A Documentary Analysis of the Principles of Muhammad
 Rodgers, Russ
2008 0-7734-4988-4 404 pages
Written by an expert in modern insurgency doctrine for the United States armed forces, this work skillfully blends issues of contemporary relevance with modern and medieval historical background. The work is unique in bringing Islamic texts to the discussion.

Price: $259.95

Gender Equality in Iranian History: From Pre-Islamic Times to the Present
 Derayeh, Minoo
2006 0-7734-5813-1 260 pages
The changes that affected Iranian women’s lives after the coming of Islam in the seventh century were similar to the changes that occurred in their lives after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. In both cases these changes were largely wrought by men.

Iranian women have been actively involved and have participated fully in diverse religious, political, and social contexts since the eighteenth century, but frequently without recognition. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the belief that education was a pillar of freedom began to gain popularity among Iranian women. Their efforts to secure an equal place with men in the nation’s educational institutions received support from a number of women writers and poets in the form of protests and petitions. The twentieth century, however, witnessed the destruction of most of Iranian women’s hopes and quests. Different Iranian governments enacted a series of important laws and regulations touching on “women’s issues” without allowing any input from women.

In the last two decades, under the Islamic Republic, laws and regulations affecting the status of Iranian women came in the form of different religious decrees that were justified by the argument that they all complied with the Quran and the shariah. Iranian women have refused to abandon their quests for an equal status. This is their story.

Price: $199.95

History of Arabian Literature Vol. 1
 Filshtinskii, I. M.
2001 0-7734-3214-0 612 pages

Price: $339.95

History of Arabian Literature Vol. 2
 Filshtinskii, I. M.
2001 0-7734-3151-9 388 pages

Price: $239.95

History of Arabian Literature Vol. 3
 Filshtinskii, I. M.
2001 0-7734-3153-5 484 pages

Price: $279.95

Holy Scriptures as Justifications for War
 Randall, Albert B.
2007 0-7734-5217-6 280 pages
This study explores in literalism and inerrancy as the interpretive basis of some Jewish, Christian and Muslim justifications of acts of violence. In the end, an argument is made, on historical, scriptural, moral and theological grounds, rejecting Holy War as a perversion of God’s creation.

Price: $199.95

Holy War
 Ruelland, Jacques G.
2007 0-7734-5548-5 132 pages
Though the wise know that history will inevitably repeat itself, mankind keeps on making the same mistakes. It is never an easy task to write about war and religion, and Dr. Jacques G. Ruelland has managed to do so clearly and without prejudice. Through his exposé of the holy wars, this philosopher-historian traces a not-so-holy picture of civilization by analyzing the semantics of “sacredness” inherent to monotheistic religions. With the compassionate eye of the humanist, he helps us understand the origins of the justifications of wars waged in the name of the Almighty. Will we ever learn to eradicate this ancient practice? Not really, the historian believes, unless humanity can succeed in redefining the very notion of peace by assigning a new mission to science which would, ultimately, be dedicated to its real and ever-lasting pursuit.

Price: $139.95

How Early Muslim Scholars Assimilated Aristotle and made Iran the Intellectual Center of the Islamic World. A Study of Falsafah
 Sadri, Farshad
2010 0-7734-3716-9 236 pages
The author demonstrates how Falsafah(which linguistically refers to a group of commentaries by Muslim scholars associated with their readings of the Corpus Aristotelicum) in Iran has been always closely linked with religion. It also shows that after the introduction of Islamic falsafah (and the onset of the Corpus Aristotelicum in Baghdad in 899 AD), the blending of the new natural theology and the vibrant Iranian culture gave birth to a new making of intellectual sway which soon made Iran the center of falsafah (and sciences) in the Medieval world.

Price: $179.95

How Jonah is Interpreted in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: Essays on the Authenticity and Influence of the Biblical Prophet
 Caspi, Mishael
2011 0-7734-3931-6 380 pages
This collection of essays is the first to examine the role of Jonah within the broader context of Nevi’im as interpreted by scholars of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The book provides multiple interpretations from a variety angles on the parable of Jonah. Such analyses include examining the tale from the perspectives of sin, drama, animal rights, education, and visual representations. At the same time, the book engages other biblical and prophetic texts. Despite the sheer depth and breadth of the subject, the book remains accessible to academics and non-academics alike.

Price: $239.95

Hybrid Identity Construction of a Sufi Muslim and Arab Immigrant to the United States
 Ayoub, Omaima M.
2007 0-7734-5284-2 120 pages
This study examines the relationship between language and culture in the case of a college instructor whose identity is a blend of three different backgrounds (Sufi Muslim, Arab, and American); each of which is unique in the way it informs other parts of the individual’s identity, as well as the informant’s worldviews. By analyzing and interpreting data gathered from lectures, town-hall meetings, and interviews with the informant, the author seeks to illustrate how an immigrant’s native language and culture influence the construction of his hybrid identity as he function in different social arenas.

Price: $119.95

Impact of Religious Factors on Educational Change in Iran: Islam in Policy and Islam in Practice
 Godazgar, Hossein
2008 0-7734-5231-1 292 pages
This book attempts to make sociological sense of the implications of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 for education in Iran in terms of ideological influences. Adapting Max Weber’s interpretive approach, it focuses on changing patterns of shared meanings and social relations in schools in one area of North West Iran.

Price: $199.95

Integration of Philosophy, Politics, and Conservative Islam in the Thought of Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938):the Restoration of Muslim Dignity Against the Tide of Westernization
 Nix, Dayne E.
2011 0-7734-1494-0 276 pages
Known as the "Spiritual Father" of Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal lived at multiple human crossroads: of history as British colonial power waned in India, of the human relationship with technology during the crisis of Modernism, and of the awakening of political Islam to its cultural conflict with the West. Iqbal perceived an attack on the human dignity of Muslims due to the world-wide influence of Western culture, specifically through the ubiquitous prescence of British Imperialism. This study represents an inter-disciplinary history of ideas approach to Iqbal's prescription for the restoration of Muslim dignity: The Perfect Man. It discusses Iqbal's contributions to philosophy, poetic art, and how he integrated his conservative Muslim faith with his political ideals.

Price: $199.95

Iranian History (1921-2021): A Century of Repression and Resistance
 Razavi, Reza
2023 1-4955-1157-X 648 pages
"The relationship between state and society in Iran has evolved in the last hundred years and the state's grip on power has increased. ...State repression and public resistance have developed hand-in-hand and have formed a major part of Iran's contemporary history. Iran has experienced reform, revolution and military coups in the last century. ...The aim [of this book is] to concentrate on the certain aspects of Iranian history that have contributed to the state's repressive policy and public resistance." -Reza Razavi (Preface)

Price: $339.95

Islam and Modernity Through the Writings of Islamic Modernist Fazlur Rahman
 Berry, Donald
2003 0-7734-6692-4 248 pages
Fazlur Rahman was one of the great 20th-century Muslim modernists, whose prolific writing and sheer number of students who make up a who’s who of Islamic studies throughout North America reveal the impact that he has had on both academe and on Muslim communities throughout the world. The modernist approach is contrasted with the radical approach of Mawlana Mawdudi of Pakistan. The comparison is made richer by the fact that the two men knew each other personally. The need to contrast the Islamic views presented by Fazlur Rahman with those espoused by Al-Quaida are critical to avoid stereotyping the worldwide Muslim community.

Price: $179.95

Islam and Secularism in Muslim Thought: Essays on Muslim Faith and Western Secularism
 Mahmoud, Mahgoub El-Tigani
2023 1-4955-1100-6 348 pages
"This work stands on complex contributions of thought intersecting the faith of Muslim writers with other non-Muslim authors in a few secular theses, each from their own perspective. Amongst several distinguished thinkers, the book focuses closely on the Sudanese martyrs of thought, the spiritual philosopher Mahmoud Mohamed Taha and the socialist scholar 'Abd al-Khaliq Mahgoub, both popular political leaders who advanced religious and secular thinking in the Sudanese society, in particular, and the Arab and African regions, in general. ...This work adopted a general meaning of secularism to allow understanding worldly, as well as religious concepts of thought...regarding complex inter-related topics by the analysis and induction of facts and themes, irrespective of consensual or differential ideologies of faith, to lay down the meanings and to clarify implications." -from the Editor's "Preface"

Price: $319.95

Islam and War. The Disparity between the Technological Normative Evolution of Modern War and the doctrine of Jihad
 Dizboni, A. G.
2011 0-7734-1513-0 368 pages
The author examines jihad from an historical discursive perspective, taking account of the economic and cultural contexts in which the doctrine first developed in Islamic law, as well as the doctrine’s applicability to international law and relations.

Named for the Law and Society Association's 2012 Herbert Jacob Book Prize.

Price: $239.95

Islam, Medicine, and Practitioners in Northern Nigeria
 Abdalla, Ismail H.
1997 0-7734-8655-0 192 pages
Many ethnographers and anthropologists have written about traditional medicine in Africa as if it were one coherent system. This volume argues that though the Islamic and the pre-Islamic Hausa medical systems have by now many things in common, their theoretical and conceptual frameworks are different. They operate from different understandings of the causes of disease and misfortune, and the appropriate methods to be employed to restore health or alleviate suffering. It also discusses another significant difference between the Islamic and non-Islamic Hausa medical systems: the mode of preserving and communicating medical knowledge. For a thorough understanding of the interaction between these two medical traditions in Hausaland, the early history of Islamic medicine is described, and its theories, concepts, and developments through the centuries are explored.

Price: $159.95

Islamic Institutions of Ottoman Egypt in the 18th and First Three Decades of the 19th Century
 Kirillina, S. A.
1999 0-7734-3195-0 472 pages

Price: $279.95

 Owusu-Ansah, David
1991 0-7734-9726-9 268 pages
A study of the three bundles of Arabic Manuscripts from the Guinea Coast found in 1963 at the Royal Library in Copenhagen. The first part focuses on the examination of the instructions for making charms and amulets. The second part reviews factors that explain the popularity of Muslim charms in Asante. Pays particular attention to specific historical events in Asante from 1804 to 1867.

Price: $199.95

Islamic, Hindu, and Christian Fundamentalism Compared - Public Policy in Global Perspective
 Saha, Santosh C.
2003 0-7734-6769-6 340 pages
These essays examine the extent of religious influence on governmental and public policies, covering recent issues and many countries. The authors are highly-recognized scholars in religious, historical and political science disciplines.

Price: $219.95

Jabir ibn Hayyan's Corpus: An Exhaustive Analysis of Original Arabic Texts and Extant Manuscripts of one of the Earliest Muslim Scientists 103-200 AH / 721-815 AD
 Al-Allaf, Mashhad
2023 1-4955-1134-0 216 pages
"I present a detailed and analytical study of Jabir's corpus, first by classifying his books and treatises into specific categories based on how Jabir himself indexed his books and based on how Ibn al-Nadim classified the books of Jabir. ...This book covers Jabir's corpus and topics with details by analyzing the original writings of Jabir including many of his manuscripts that are not published yet." -Mashhad Al-Allaf (Preface)

Price: $179.95

Koranic Principle of Complementarities Applied to Social and Scientific Themes
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2006 0-7734-6030-6 484 pages
The magnum opus will prove to be an indispensable companion of serious researchers and scholars in the area of original thinking on the epistemology of science and God.

Price: $279.95

Legal Inequality of Muslim and Christian Marriages in Nigeria: Constitutionally Established Judicial Discrimination
 Ezeanokwasa, Jude Oseloka
2011 0-7734-1506-8 476 pages
This book examines religious liberty and characteristics of Christian (canonical), Islamic and Traditional marriages together with those of the Nigerian statutory marriage. The author establishes religious liberty and equality as being beneficial to both individuals and the state.

Price: $279.95

Legitimizing Modernity in Islam: Muslim Modus Vivendi and Western Modernity
 Kassim, Husain
2005 0-7734-6235-X 196 pages
This present study constructs modernity in Islam. Its value lies in its approach towards finding categories from within the shari' a law to create a space for an alternative possibility of modernity in the Muslim modus vivendi without changing its religious orientation. This unique approach remains within the Muslim tradition yet finding room for modernity in the Muslim world that is compatible with Western modernity. The author is remarkably successful in employing the ideas of Western modernity from Kant through Habermas and recent French theory (Levinas, Derrida etc.) in all its fundamental features such as the concepts of justice, human rights, secularization, individual freedom and society, democracy, gender relations, banking and financial transactions etc. that can be accommodated in the Muslim ethos.

Price: $159.95

Limits of Democracy and the Post-colonial Nation State: Mali’s Democratic Experiment Falters, While Jihad and Terrorism Grow in the Sahara
 Poulton, Robin Edward
2016 1-4955-0475-1 408 pages
This book analyzes international politics in the Sahara, describing the Mali crisis and the coup d’état of March 2012 that lead to the collapse of the State. Themes include the weaknesses of African States, democratic governance, decentralization and political legitimacy: terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism; corporate competition for cocaine, hashish, weapons, oil, gas, and uranium; droughts and demography; and poverty of Mali’s vulnerable women, children and refugees - victims of political instability.

Price: $259.95

Methodological Issues and Themes in the Koran
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2006 0-7734-6026-8 572 pages
Note: As accommodation to widespread usage, the word Qur’an has been transliterated to Koran in the title. The precise transliteration, however, is Qur’an, and that usage is followed in this book.

The nature of this kind of study is such that it has to go on for a longtime until a clear vision of Islamic epistemology becomes identifiable through a host of writings emerging out of an extensive and intensive academic labor. This work will greatly contribute to a further crystallization of an authentic Islamic point of view premised on Tawhid on the age-old problem of human knowledge.

Price: $319.95

Muhammad-The Hadith Jurisprudence: The Development of Islamic Law after the Qur'an
 Mahmoud, Mahgoub El-Tigani
2018 1-4955-0690-8 548 pages
This book explores the interrelationship of Muslim religion and institutions of law, family, government, education, military, and economics across many Muslim countries. This treatise recognizes the complexity of Islamic and Christian influence in the culture of African countries and their interrelationship. It propels the reader to increase their understanding of religion and ideology by first becoming familiar with an ancient culture and the development of Muslim culture.

Price: $299.95

Muslims in Dialogue: The Evolution of a Dialogue
 Swidler, Leonard
1992 0-88946-499-5 564 pages
This volume presents in empirical fashion the development of the entrance of Islam into dialogue. `Dialogue' is defined as the approach to encounters with other religions and ideologies not primarily in the teaching mode -- as holding alone the secret of life-- but primarily in the learning mode -- seeking to find more of the secret of the meaning of life. Gathered here are almost all the articles dealing with Islam that appeared in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies or books spun off it from over the past generation, tracing Islam's slow, painful, at times quite reluctant move to dialogue.

Price: $319.95

Mystical Vision and Thought in Medieval Sufism
 Bhatnagar, R.S.
2005 0-7734-6227-9 284 pages
Philosophical assessment of abstract and symbolic notions underlying the spiritual visions of the saints is not an easy task. Professor Bhatnagar has admirably done this work. In ten chapters of this treatise he clarifies the mystical experiences and sayings of medieval Muslim saints and examines them from philosophical standpoint. This monograph has its groundings in intensive study of the primary sources in the original like Kashf al-Mah?j?b of Al-Hujw?r?, Ris?la of Al-Qushayr?, Kit?b al-luma’ of Al-Sarr?j, Kit?b al-ta’ arruf of Kal?b?dh? and Tadhikirat al-awliy?’ of ‘At?t??r. Quotations of the saints have been given in original language.

Professor Bhatnagar feels that the teachings of the prophet of Islam are best understood by the S??f?s on account of their mystical experiences gained on the Path of God. According to the author, the chief tenets of medieval Sufism are mah?abbat (love for God), ma’rifa (knowledge of God) and al-tawh??d (soul’s unification with God). Besides, this work is an impartial assessment of divergent tar?q (S??f? sects) and schools of S??f? thought. In addition, the author has examined the philosophical doctrines of the eminent S??f?s of India.

This substantial treatise on theory and practice of medieval S??fism written by an Indian scholar of Philosophy and Islamic mysticism is an excellent addition to the existing knowledge of S?fi thought.

Price: $199.95

Nature of Monotheism in Koranic Thought
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2006 0-7734-6027-6 504 pages
In our western systems there is opposition between the good for the self and the good for the other. In a parallel way, the good of one nation involves losses by another nation. This book shows how the Qur’an can overcome these oppositions.

Price: $299.95

Patriarchal Murders of Women: A Sociological Study of Honour- Based Killings in Turkey and in the West
 Sev'er, Aysan
2016 0-7734-4085-2 408 pages
Most studies on honor killing look at it as an extension of Islamic beliefs. This book takes a different approach in that the concept does not arise from any religious text, but rather is a result of a community that is utterly patriarchal in its social orientation. The oppression of women is not mandated by any religion, but rather it is a result of a community where women do not have a viable voice and as a result are treated violently. Over five thousand women are subjected to honor killings each year and this is a moving testament to solving the problem. It shows solutions to the problem of the honor killing of women and argues that the practice is not mandated by Islamic texts, but is a result of a patriarchal social context where women are subjugated.

Price: $259.95

Pilgrim Experiences the World's Religions: Discovering the Human Faces of the Hidden God
 Milavec, Aaron
1983 0-88946-010-8 87 pages
Covers the spiritual pilgrimage to the holy sites of six major world religions undertaken by the Youth Seminar on World Religions, an event during which 150 young people and professors from 31 nations traveled around the world together to view the historical settings of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

Price: $99.95

Place, Meaning, and Form in the Architecture and Urban Structure of Eastern Islamic Cities
 Kazimee, Bashir A.
2003 0-7734-6669-X 280 pages
This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the unique meaning of Place (“Makan”) in the traditional context of the Eastern Islamic region, focusing mostly on the area defined by Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. The book often replaces the term cities (as referring to oversized bureaucratic apparatus) with such terms as places and dwellings – meaning developed settlements that have retained a strong trace of social coherence and physical unity, which are the true focus. The study examines the way in which making and thinking, object and subject, are inextricably linked in Islamic places and reflect Man’s inner search for truth, and the role that place plays in helping the Muslim stay true to his faith and lead a life of meaning and spirituality. With illustrations.

Price: $199.95

Politics and Aesthetics of Kateb Yacine from Francophone Literature to Popular Theatre in Algeria and Outside
 Salhi, Kamal
1999 0-7734-7871-X 448 pages
A review of Kateb Yacine’s writing throughout his career. It illustrates Yacine’s intellectual journal from the literary novel through the conventional forms of drama to the creation of the authentic, popular style of performance that he took to the people. His quest for identity became comprehensible in Nedjma and was constantly being renewed and reborn throughout his works in a way that reflected the changing social conditions of Algeria as it gained independence and sought to establish itself as a nation state. The contrast between pre- and post- Independence Algeria runs through the whole book and helps the reader gain new insight into the consistency and evolution of Kateb Yacine’s work.

Price: $259.95

Reshaping of Iran From Zoroastrian to Muslim: A History of Cultural Transformation
 Writer, Rashna
2013 0-7734-4492-0 532 pages
The conquest of Sasanian Iran by the Arabs, newly galvanized by Islam, brought to a close Zoroastrian Iran which would henceforth become an integral part of the Islamic world. This book examines the transformation of the country and its impact on the diminished Zoroastrian community; and investigates Zoroastrian-Muslim relations in Iran, from the early post-conquest era to the present time.

Price: $299.95

Rise of the Islamic Movement in Sudan (1945-1989)
 Abdelwahid, Mustafa A.
2008 0-7734-5031-9 244 pages
This work applies Social Movement Theory (SMT) to the study of the Islamic Movement of Sudan, paying particular attention to understudied mechanisms of contention and successful expansion, and the factors which facilitated the Movement’s rise in influence.

Price: $179.95

Samuel Johnson’s Attitude Toward Islam: A Study of His Oriental Readings and Writings
 Nassir, Ghazi Q
2012 0-7734-3917-X 232 pages
This volume is the first to juxtapose pre-existing texts with Samuel Johnson’s portrayal of the Orient, particularly Islam and Arab culture. Nassir asserts that Johnson’s observations of Islam in both his writings and conversations prove that he did not look at it objectively and was highly biased against Islam and Arab culture in his assessment. The book seeks to furnish the students of eighteenth century English literature, Johnsonian scholars, and orientalists with useful observations of his orientalism as a whole in light of Johnson’s life, personality, and period in which he wrote.

Price: $179.95

Sa’di’s Rose Garden as Political Literature: A Thirteenth-Century Persian Poem (8 x 10 Softcover)
 Ahmadian Cherkawani (Iman), Mohamed
2020 1-4955-0886-8 116 pages
The core purpose of this monograph has been to investigate the reconciliatory thought of a 13th century Persian poet named Sa’di Shirazi. Although Sa’di’s prose poetry is not set out in the systematic form of a comprehensive political theory, profound insights were extracted from it that convey a powerful message regarding the necessities of harmonious behaviour as a precondition for a healthy society, and the dangers of not adhering to it.

Price: $119.95

Science of Human Social Organization: Conflicting Views on Ibn Khaldun’s (1332-1406) Ilm Al-Umran
 Baali, Fuad
2005 0-7734-6279-1 168 pages
The purpose of this study is to present the different views as to why and how the Arab-Muslim Ibn Khaldun is given the credit of being the “first”, “the father”, and “the one” who laid down the foundation of social sciences. The prime reason for this unsettled issue is the different interpretations of the subject matter of al-umran.

Price: $159.95

Social and Economic Aspects of the Islam of Mohammad
 Ali, S. A.
1993 0-7734-9279-8 184 pages
This study first briefly examines the advent and purpose of Islam, indicating the basic principles for the management of the economy and society. There is also an examination of the ethical basis of trade, land management, education. It lays down principles on which the structure of a sensible economy can be raised.

Price: $159.95

Sounds of Qur’anic Recitation in Egypt: A Phonetic Analysis
 Elashiry, Mohammed R.
2008 0-7734-4836-5 380 pages
This work reports the results of an instrumental investigation into some phonetic aspects of Qur’anic recitation as performed in Egypt today. Particular attention is given to comparisons between styles, voice registers and trained and untrained performers. Seven reciters, four non-professional and three professional, served as subjects.

Price: $239.95

Sources of Islamic Jurisprudence: Justice and Law in Islam
 Mahmoud, Mahgoub El-Tigani
2013 0-7734-4481-5 436 pages
Islamic jurisprudence and its sources are brilliantly explained in this compelling and instructive book. The reader comes away with a clearer sense of the meaning of Shari’a principles and jihad, and how social justice theories translate into practical actions and practical reality in today’s global community.

Price: $259.95

Spread of Islam in West Africa
 Badru, Pade
2006 0-7734-5535-3 240 pages
This book on Islam and Islamic cultures focuses on the practice of Islam among indigenous people of West Africa. The author shows the importance of the sub-region in the development of Islam by documenting the long history of the religion in Black Africa. New ground is broken by analyzing the increasing impact of globalization and economic underdevelopment on the Islamic experience in West Africa. The author further contends that the worsening economic crisis and the total destruction of traditional systems of social and economic support by globalization in the developing world have led to a search for alternative spiritual meanings. He concludes that the prevailing image of Islam now portrayed in the West, is one that is not geared toward informing the public about the religion of Islam, but one certain to generate further hatred towards the religion and people of Arabic heritage.

Price: $179.95

Study of Audience Responses to the Media Discourse About the “Other”: The Fear of Terrorism Between Australian Muslims and the Broader Community
 Aly, Anne
2010 0-7734-3770-3 444 pages
This book examines the fear of terrorism and its impact on community well being and public perception of government counter terrorism strategies. The author’s discussion of the audience and their role in encoding/ decoding raises questions about the relationship between the audience and the media in an era of new technologies.

Price: $259.95

Study of Religious Fanaticism and Responses to it as adversary identity
 French, Hal W.
1990 0-88946-238-0 184 pages
Explores the phenomenon of religious fanaticism as it arises from attitudes generated by "adversary identity," a term that describes the existence of religious groups which see themselves as possessors of dogmatic "truth packages," received through revelatory channels, which deny the validity of the channels and traditions of other religions.

Price: $159.95

The Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide of Christians from the Middle East: The Islamic War Against Christianity (hardcover)
 Bukay, David
2017 1-4955-0611-8 136 pages
The research found in this book proves, ethnic cleansing has also many other aspects, like expropriating others' history, scientific knowledge, values, even identity; mass slavery of groups and nationals from the seventh century on; coercing Muslim primitive barbarian values on the Free World by terrorism, intimidation, sophisticated propaganda, sabotaging its infrastructure, and mass-immigration; and removing physical and cultural evidence of the targeted groups by demolishing and desecrating their monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.

Price: $79.95

The Figure of Samson in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions: The Myth and the Man
 Caspi, Mishael
2014 0-7734-4278-2 424 pages
This remarkable literary journey of the enigmatic ‘Samson’ titillates the reader’s curiosity. Blessed with a handsome and spectacular physique, and a naughty thirst for la dolce vita, Samson has served as a paradigm for many a well-meaning person who failed to teach himself self-restraint. Caspi and Greene chronicle the fascinating literary-historical development of the Samson figure and his significance through Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions, and during ancient, medieval, and modern times.

Price: $259.95

 Caspi, Mishael
2009 0-7734-4726-1 324 pages
This work examines interpretations of Elijah in as an immortal being teaching the Law to the chosen ones.

Price: $219.95

The Original Texts of Islamic Philosophy From Al-Kindi to Muhammad Iqbal
 Al-Allaf, Mashhad
2021 1-4955-0892-7 724 pages
Dr. Mashbad Al-Allaf presents and interprets the ideas and philosophy of the major figures of Islamic philosophy, interpreted by Dr. Al-Allaf.

Price: $379.95

The Relations Between Pre-Islamic Turks and Georgians From the Third to the Ninth Century: A History of Byzantine - Persian Politics in the Caucasus
 Alasania, Giuli
2014 0-7734-0058-3 420 pages
Born out of the gap existing in the Georgian historiography, this work brings a new point of view on the history of the pre-Islamic Turks and their influence and relationships with the Georgians over many centuries of cultural, political, and social interaction.

Price: $259.95

 Bahkou, Abjar
2016 1-4955-0469-7 112 pages
This valuable work an exceptional guide to our understanding of Islamic origins and early Islamic-Christian relations. Few scholars have the expertise to translate the relevant texts contributing to this material. Dr. Bahkou’s analysis and commentary is impeccably acute in broadening our understanding of where the long oral traditions of this story correspond with the written evidence found in the Syriac Manuscript. This is a clearly articulated and masterful piece of research.

Price: $119.95

The Tunisian Transition, 2011-2014: How an Islamist Party Helped Save Democracy
 Lang, Johannes
2022 1-4955-0957-5 174 pages
From the Introduction:
"As coups go, this was a very quiet one. On July 25, 2021, Tunisian President Kais Saied spoke to the Tunisian people in what sounded like a legal lecture rather than a rousing speech. In his signature monotone cadence and archaic manner of speech, the former constitutional law professor announced his intention to dismiss the prime minister and rule by executive decree. Parliament was suspended until December 2022. Saied's government revoked the immunity of Tunisia's lawmakers, placed various officials under house arrest, and ordered the arrest of ex-president Moncef Marzouki. As jubilant Tunisians gathered to celebrate the president's decisive action, others mourned what seemed like the beginning of the end of the only remaining democracy to have emerged from the Arab Spring." (Pg. 1)

Price: $159.95

Traditional Women on the Mediterranean Island of Djerba ( North Africa): A Narrative Anthropology
 Mrabet-Robana, Zakia
2011 0-7734-1307-3 432 pages
This study is a holistic analysis of Djerha's female culture and customs, from agricultural practices and dietary traditions to rites of marriage and widowhood. Included in this work are oral testimonies of the oldest women in Midoun community, as well as documentation of folksongs, ceremonies and traditions. A CD with full color pictures and descriptions of material culture is included. This book contains eleven color photographs and sixteen black and white photographs.

Price: $259.95

Tres Civilizaciones del Mundo Medieval Crítica, Análisis y Crónicas de las Primeras Cruzadas
 Vento, Arnoldo Carlos
1998 0-7734-8494-9 362 pages
Examines the socio-economic, political and religious impact on society of the first Christian crusades, as seen by three civilizations: Latin, Byzantine, and Islamic. This text can be used by researchers in the Middle Ages in history, comparative religions, Spanish literature and civilization, comparative cultures, Latin-American studies, multicultural education, and Mexican-American studies. Part II consists of the translations into Spanish of the Latin, Greek, and Arabic Chronicles, each of which provide a different perspective to the question of the Middle Eastern conflict circa 1095-1099. The Appendix includes an historical Chronology covering the periods from 610 A.D. to 11 A. D., and one of the most extensive bibliographies on the Middle Ages and Crusades. In Spanish.

Price: $239.95

Values of Moslem Culture and the Experience of History
 Kirabaev, N.S.
1999 0-7734-3253-1 356 pages
The book is devoted to the analysis of the Moslem culture, its nature, basic notions and problems. The consideration of social-historic prerequisites of the origin and development of the classic Arab-Moslem culture is connected with the analysis of the antique influence in the philosophy of khalam, political and law culture of the Middle Ages Islam and the humanistic ideals of the Moslem Middle Ages. Exposed are the basic features and tendencies of the process of formation and development of the secular and religious knowledge, which made it possible to evaluate the Moslem culture as the phenomenon of the cross-cultural interaction of the Western and Eastern traditions.

Price: $239.95

Women and the Qur'an: A Study in Islamic Hermeneutics
 Davary, Bahar
2009 0-7734-3858-0 192 pages
This work argues that a link between the modern consciousness of woman and the Qur’anic discourse can be established only by revealing the historical continuity in the language formation in the image of woman. A resource for addressing this issue can be found in the discussion of modern hermeneutics. The central theme of modern hermeneutics is to examine the historical continuity between the text and its interpretations. The work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, a contemporary German philosopher who is influential in the hermeneutical ontology of language in both North America and Europe, provides the framework for this discussion.

Price: $159.95

World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
 Korotayev, Andrey
2004 0-7734-6310-0 276 pages
This book provides a cross-cultural analysis of traditional social organization of the Old World Oikumene civilizations, which suggest that the world religions were its major determinant. The role of Christianity and Islam as determinants of social evolution is analyzed in more detail. Formal analysis performed in this book shows that though such factors as political centralization and class stratification were also important determinants, the difference in traditional social organization between Christian and Islamic cultures were mostly shaped by the respective world religions. This study also analyzes such topics as influence of Islam on social patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, or Hinayana Buddhism influence on the evolution of kinship organization. This cross-cultural analysis makes it possible to provide an entirely new assessment of the old controversy between Materialism and Idealism, to move beyond both of these approaches.

Price: $199.95