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Once in Royal David's City
Rogal, Samuel J.
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Political Career of Sir Adolphe Chapleau, Premier of Québec 1879-1882
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Soka Gakkai Buddhist Movement in Québec. The Lotus and the Fleur de Lys
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Stable- Lamp is Lighted
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More Books by this Author
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Edward Everett's Gettysburg Address: An Annotated Edition
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The Lives and Works of Six Wesleyan Methodist Scholars: Thomas Jackson, Nehemiah Curnock, John Telford, Albert Cook Outler, Frank Baker, William Reginald Ward
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Relations Among Families in Eighteenth-Century England: The Interaction Between the Wesley and Perronet Families
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What the English Ate and Drank, 1660-1686: A Study in Food History Based on the Diaries of Samuel Pepys
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The Literary Career of a Middle Class English Woman: Mary Anne Galton Shimmelpenninck (1778-1856)
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The Schools of College Hill, Cincinnati, 1833-1958: Pleasant Hill Academy, Farmer's College, Ohio Female College, Belmont College, Ohio Military Institute
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The Harford Family (1372-1900) by Alice Harford: A New Edition with Scholarly Annotations and an Introduction by Samuel J. Rogal
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An Annotated Bibliographical Compilation of Selected Authors and Titles on British and American Military and Naval History, 1700-1900 (hardcover)
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The Beginnings of Modern Military Medicine During the Crimean War (1855-1856): Scutari and Its Hospitals by Sidney Godolphin Osborne (1808-1889)
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A Survey of the Development of Anti-Slavery Sentiment, by Samuel J. Rogal & Thoughts Upon Slavery (1774), by John Wesley (hardcover)
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The 1909 Historical Edition of Hymns Ancient and Modern: The Hymnal as a Major Reference Work with Biographical and Historical Notes
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Shakespeare's Church and It's Churchmen
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John Wesley's Vegetarianism: Should a Spirit-Filled Christian Abstain from Eating Animals?
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The 1783 Shipwreck of the Antelope in the Western Pacific. The Journal of Captain Henry Wilson / A Neglected Event in British Maritime History
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Julia Ward Howe's Battle-Hymn of the Republic
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Montefiore: The History of a Jewish Family
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Music and Poetry of Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken (1779): A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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Music and Poetry of Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (1826): A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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Diary of George Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis ( 1691 - 1762 )
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Wesleys in North America. The Mission that Failed ( February 1736- December 1737 )
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Detailed and Annotated Collection of John Wesley's Book Reviews, Readings, and Commentaries: Three Volume Set Edited, with Notes, Background and Commentary by Samuel J. Rogal
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Sabine Baring- Gould (1834-1924) Beyond the Christian Soldier: A Critical Biography
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How Biographers Ignore the Influence of Mothers in the Lives of Great Men: The Patriarchal Suppression of the Role of Women in World History (85 Case Studies)
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Jane Marie Grant- Strachey (1840-1928) and Her Eminent Children: A Study of Influence of a Mother on Her Sons
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Lost Mother and the Replacement Mother Figures in the Life of William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965): A Study of a Failed Mother-Son Dyad
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Biographical Summaries, Historical Backgrounds, and Annotated Bibliographical Checklists of the Literary and Artistic Stracheys (1550-2000)
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The Music and Poetry of Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (1844): A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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Magazine Illustrators of Sinclair Lewis's Short Fiction. A Case History of Early 20th Century Popular Art
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Music and Poetry of the Church's One Foundation (1866): A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn's the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872): with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information ( Volume XIII, Parts 1 & 2)
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn's the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information Volume XII, Parts 1 and 2
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn's the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872) Volume XI Parts 1 and 2
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn's the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information (Volume 10)
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), Volume VIII,with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), volume IX, with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information (Vol. VI, Part 1)
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), volume 5,, with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information (Vol. V, Part 2)
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), Volume 3, with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information
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Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me (1775-1776): A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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Recessional: A Victorian Ode (1897) ( God of Our Fathers, Known of Old): A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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Onward Christian Soldiers (1864) : A Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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Eternal Father, Strong to Save (1860)a Sung Prayer of the Christian Tradition
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information
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A New and Critical Edition of George Osborn’s the Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), Volume I, with the Addition of Notes, Annotations, Biographical and Background Information - Volume 1
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Commentary, Notes, and Introductions to the 1858 Sabbath Hymn Book: The Musicalized Theology of Popular Belief Just Before the Civil War Four Volume Set
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Commentary, Notes, and Introductions to the 1858 Sabbath Hymn Book: The Musicalized Theology of Popular Belief Just Before the Civil War Volume Four
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Commentary, Notes, and Introductions to the 1858 Sabbath Hymn Book: The Musicalized Theology of Popular Belief Just Before the Civil War Volume Two
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COMMENTARY, NOTES, AND INTRODUCTIONS TO THE 1858 SABBATH HYMN BOOK The Musicalized Theology of Popular Belief Just Before the Civil War Volume One
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Bibliographical Survey of the Published Works of the Eighteenth-Century Wesleys (samuel the Elder, Samuel the Younger, Mehetabel, John, and Charles)
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THE SHORT STORIES OF SINCLAIR LEWIS (1904-1949): Volume 7: 1941-1949
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THE SHORT STORIES OF SINCLAIR LEWIS (1904-1949): Volume 6: 1931-1941
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THE SHORT STORIES OF SINCLAIR LEWIS (1904-1949): Volume 5: 1923-1931
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THE SHORT STORIES OF SINCLAIR LEWIS (1904-1949): Volume 3: 1918-1919
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THE SHORT STORIES OF SINCLAIR LEWIS (1904-1949): Volume 1: 1904-1916
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Record of Samuel Pepys' Financial Accounts, 1660-1669
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Guide to the Characters in the Novels, Short Stories, and Plays of Sinclair Lewis ( S-Z)
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Guide to the Characters in the Novels, Short Stories, and Plays of Sinclair Lewis ( A-G)
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Methodism Through Victorian Eyes. Volume 2
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Methodism Through Victorian Eyes. Volume 1
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Daily Calendar of John Wesley’s Evangelical Travels in Georgia, the British Isles, Holland and Germany
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Daily Calendar of John Wesley’s Evangelical Travels in Georgia, the British Isles, Holland and Germany
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Daily Calendar of John Wesley’s Evangelical Travels in Georgia, the British Isles, Holland and Germany
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Financial Aspects of John Wesley’s British Methodism (1720-1791)
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Rushton M. Dorman, Esq. Library Sale Catalogue (1886) a Study of the Dispersal of a Nineteenth-Century American Private Library (volume Two)
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Rushton M. Dorman, Esq. Library Sale Catalogue (1886) A Study of the Dispersal of a Nineteenth-Century American Private Library (Volume One)
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Wesleyan Connection in Shelburne and Birchtown, Nova Scotia: Saving Souls or Catching Whales
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol.10: X - Z & Appendices
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 8: T-V
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 7: Smo-Sym
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 6: R-Smi
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 9: W
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 5: P-Q
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 4: M - O
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 3: I - L
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 2: E - H
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism, Vol. 1: A - D
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Biographical Dictionary of 18th Century Methodism Ten Volume Set
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Educational and Evangelical Missions of Mary Emilie Holmes (1859-1906) Not to Seem, But to Be.
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John Wesley in Wales, 1739-1790. Lions and Lambs
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Index to the Biblical References, Parallels, and Allusions in the Poetry and Prose of John Milton
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Education of the British Literati. A Guide to Their Schools, Colleges, and Universities
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John Wesley in Ireland, 1747-1789 Vol. 2
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John Wesley in Ireland, 1747-1789 Vol. 1
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John Wesley's Mission to Scotland, 1751-1790
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John Wesley's London a Guidebook 1738-1791