Subject Area: Animals and Society

Animal Creation (1839) Its Claims on Our Humanity Stated and Enforced with a New Foreword by Gary Comstock
 Styles, John
1996 0-7734-8710-7 248 pages
Written in 1839, winner of the RSPCA prize for the best essay on 'the obligations of humanity as due to the brute creation', The Animal Creation is one of the pioneering statements of the animal welfare position, and will interest historians, theologians, and all who care about animals. Styles argues that the claims of animals are based on natural religion and morality. The obligation to avoid humanly inflicted suffering should be paramount. Dedicated to Queen Victoria who took up the cause of animal protection by becoming a Patron of the RSPCA and who appears to have sanctioned the publication of the book itself.

Price: $179.95

Book of African Fables
 Knappert, Jan
1999 0-7734-7544-3 356 pages
This book of African fables gives examples of the interplay of animals and human beings in the folk tale. The aspects of behavior of the animals represents the character of a human being. These tales are those specifically for children, and can be classified on the basis of their purpose, e.g. whether they are for young chiefs, girls, or ‘underdogs’. A long introduction puts the work into literary and historical context.

Price: $239.95

British American Loyalists in Canada and U.S. Southern Confederates in Brazil. Exiles From the United States
 Iwanska, Alicja
1993 0-7734-9384-0 168 pages
The first sociological study (using social anthropology techniques) of the descendants of British American Loyalists in Canada (Fredericton, Montreal, Toronto, et al.), and of the Southern Confederates in their capital Americana in Brazil. It examines the way political exiles who left their country (persuaded that their political causes were lost) decided to concentrate their efforts in the host countries on the survival of their cultures only. It documents the techniques through which the two groups (original exiles and their descendants) achieved that cultural survival and prominent places in their host-countries.

Price: $159.95

Civil War Letters (1862-1865) of Private Henry Kauffman
 McCordick, David
1991 0-7734-9684-X 124 pages
These letters will be of interest to any Civil War enthusiast. Though registered as "Blacksmith" in the Company Descriptive Book of the 110th Reg't of the Ohio Infantry, Kaufmann insisted upon serving as a front-line infantryman throughout the war. His unit was involved in some of the more intense fighting in the war, particularly in the Shenandoah Valley. He was captured by the Confederates at one point and "paroled'. He deserted, was apprehended, and returned to duty. Later he was wounded and finally mustered out of a military hospital. The book also contains maps and photographs.

Price: $139.95

Civil War Letters of Joseph K. Taylor of the 37th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
 Murphy, Kevin C.
1998 0-7734-8449-3 248 pages
These letters, written mostly to Taylor's father, illustrate many specific attitudes of Union soldiers. They reflect army morale, attitudes toward stay-at-homes, "copperheads" and commanding generals. They add new texture to the burgeoning social history of the American Civil War. Well educated and quite literate, Taylor gives expression to the values of many soldiers, defining 19th-century ideas of manhood, duty, courage and community, and confirm some themes in the new scholarship while contradicting others. Taylor volunteered in August, 1862 and served in the Army of the Potomac until August, 1864, when he died of wounds sustained in a skirmish near Charlestown, WV. He left the sophomore class at Amherst College to enlist, was promoted to sergeant in the 37th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which participated at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and the 1864 Shenendoah Valley campaign.

Price: $179.95

Civil War Professional Soldiers, Citizen Soldiers, and Native American Soldiers of Genesee County, New York
 Hedtke, James R.
2006 0-7734-5718-6 152 pages
There are probably more books published on the Civil War than any other event in American history. Many volumes focus on the heroic efforts of a single individual or a single unit. The authors portray the individual or unit in Homeric prose as they explain how these extraordinary men preserved the Republic. The truth is, however, that over 2,100,000 ordinary individuals in thousands of ordinary regiments from hundreds of ordinary counties accomplished the extraordinary task of preserving the United States and liberating millions of enslaved persons. This work captures the trials, tribulations and triumphs of these ordinary soldiers by examining the role played by the citizen-soldiers of Genesee County, New York. The citizen-soldiers from Genesee County were ordinary individuals. They were farmers, mechanics, merchants and workers who were moved by their civic responsibility and faithfully performed their duty. This is the first work that examines the contribution of soldiers of Genesee County to the preservation of the union. The work examines the roles played by two Genesee County residents (Emory Upton and Ely Parker) along with three regiments with large contingents of Genesee County residents (12th NY Infantry, 15th NY Cavalry and 8th NY Heavy Artillery) in the Civil War. The well being and security of any republic depends on the commitment of its citizen-soldiers to both cause and comrade. The men of Genesee County exemplified this commitment.

Price: $139.95

Climate Change as a Crisis in World Civilization
 Smith, Joseph Wayne
2008 0-7734-5162-5 372 pages
This study examines the scientific evidence relating to “abrupt” or “dangerous” climate change and explores the social, political, legal and philosophical significance of this evidence. The authors locate the “climate crisis” within the context of a wider crisis of civilization, consisting of a series of converging threats to human survival. There will need to be major changes to human living and thinking, including an abandonment of the idea that unending economic growth and a philosophy of consumer hedonism are compatible with the idea of an ecologically sustainable society.

Price: $239.95

Contraception in Wildlife Book One
 Cohn, Priscilla N.
1996 0-7734-8827-8 368 pages
This volume presents the first comprehensive look at fertility contol in wildlife. It also has historical interest, because these essays are among the first to reveal some of the ptoblems associated with hormonal contraception. In addition these essays detail botht he first attempts at immunocontraception as well as the first attempts to deliver contraceptives remotely. It represents the work of the most important scientists working in this field.

Price: $239.95

Cry of Nature or an Appeal to Mercy and to Justice on Behalf of the Persecuted Animals Edited and with an Introduction by Jason Hribal
 Oswald, John
2001 0-7734-7668-7 82 pages
Originally published in 1791, John Oswald’s seminal work is a cry itself, its grammar often in the vocative case, its language sometimes bursting into poetic meter. Oswald was a journalist, a revolutionary, a soldier, a world-wide traveler. He links the destruction of animals to the economic expansion of Europe. The chapters focus on John and the resistance movement to nascent land, the rise of commercial agriculture, and the growth of industrialization during the 17th and 18th centuries in England

Price: $99.95

Death of Communism and the Rebirth of Original Marxism
 Mongar, Thomas
1994 0-7734-9074-4 398 pages

Price: $239.95

Debating Marx
 Patsouras, Louis
1994 0-7734-1934-9 280 pages
This volume of five articles continues the endless debate on the virtues and faults of Marx. It presents an appropriate background of Marx's socialist activity and thought, but also focuses on the degree to which Marx was a democrat, civil libertarian, egalitarian and enemy of bureaucracy on the one hand, and authoritarian/totalitarian on the other. Includes articles by Loyd D. Easton, Morris Slavin, James Lawler, Paul Kurtz, and Louis Patsouras.

Price: $199.95

Dictionary of Animal Names and Expressions Used Figuratively by Modern Francophone Authors: The French Bestiary
 Foley, Keith
2005 0-7734-6195-7 380 pages
The French language abounds in animal imagery and symbolism. No student of French vocabulary can fail to be struck by the extent to which animal names occur in its idioms, metaphors, proverbs and designations of entities belonging to other conceptual fields. From the leviathan whale to the humble earthworm and the majestic eagle to the irritant louse, a broad spectrum of creatures are pressed into service to lend expressiveness and colour to French written and spoken. A French Bestiary provides in an easily accessible dictionary format an exhaustive repertory of the figurative use of French animal names and exemplifies the expressions inventoried by quoting French and Francophone authors. The body of the text provides a conspectus of 325 headwords and 2255 meanings and expressions, arranged according to rigorous lexicographical principles and illustrated by nearly 4,500 citations. Each animal name forms the basis of an article. The headword is followed by a number of subdivisions, starting with zoological designation and ending with etymology. Some of all of the following intermediate subdivisions also appear: product and colour, human reference, non-human reference, idiom, proverb, compound. An index in English and scientific animal names is provided to facilitate cross reference.

Price: $239.95

Discovery of the Materialist Conception of History in the Writings of the Young Karl Marx
 Thomson, Ernie
2004 0-7734-6426-3 235 pages
The debate over the continuity between Marx's early and later writings is now more than fifty years old and final resolution of the debate seems as remote as ever. Since the early 1970's the "continuity view" proposed by Shlomo Avineri and Istvan Meszaros has been generally regarded as the most plausible account of the linkage between these writings, while the most prominent alternative to this view has been the widely-criticized "epistemological break" thesis proposed by French philosopher Louis Althusser in the 1960’s.

A review of the literature since the late 1970's indicates that the main arguments upon which the continuity view was based have been increasingly undermined as new knowledge of the circumstances of Marx's work in the 1840's has been developed. Marx's relationship to two "Young Hegelian" philosophers, Ludwig Feuerbach and Max Stirner, has emerged as an especially important aspect of the issue.

This study, drawing on the recent literature as well as additional original research in areas suggested by Althusser's discussion in his book For Marx, outlines a modified epistemological break thesis. In addition to showing that Marx was a "Feuerbachian" in 1843/44 and documenting his break with Feuerbach in 1845, the study will also explain why Marx broke with Feuerbach when he did and in the way he did, an explanation that is lacking in Althusser's discussion of Marx’s epistemological break. The explanation developed here is based on a study of the impact on Marx and Engels and the other Young Hegelians of Stirner's book The Ego and His Own, published in Germany in late 1844. The study concludes with a discussion of Marx's general intellectual development from 1843 through 1845.

Price: $179.95

Dix Harwood’s Love for Animals and How It Developed in Great Britain (1928)
 Harwood, Dix
2002 0-7734-7021-2 468 pages

Price: $279.95

Domestic Cat in Roman Civilization
 Donalson, Malcolm Drew
1999 0-7734-8160-5 206 pages
This study enhances scholarship on animals in the classical world by focusing on the domestic cat in Roman civilization. Beginning with material rudimentary to the Romans' early acquaintance with the cat, is discusses a diverse range of sources for the cat in the Roman period, supported by a number of illustrations. It is a compendium of the available literary sources, drawn from the spheres of religion, mythology, the fable tradition, miscellanea, natural observations, agricultural tracts, etc.. The final chapters include an examination of artistic representations demonstrating a variety of perceptions of the cat, a survey of archaeological discoveries of feline remains, and observations on the cat in Roman life.

Price: $179.95

E. D. Buckner’s the Immortality of Animals (1903)
 Preece, Rod
2004 0-7734-8726-3 248 pages
Buckner’s 1903 treatise argues for the moral necessity of reparation for animal suffering, and emphasizes the evil of cruelty. Dedicated to various American animal protection societies, it provides a unique insight into the discussion of the status of animals at the turn of the century.

Price: $179.95

Eighteenth Century Influences on Jane Austen's Early Fiction
 Chishty-Mujahid, Nadya Q.
2012 0-7734-4053-4 120 pages
This text examines how the Gothic writing of Ann Radcliffe and the eighteenth-century novels of Fanny Barney helped to shape and hone Jane Austen’s own eighteenth century literary endeavors. It specifically focuses on Austen’s early works Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, and Sense and Sensibility, all of which were conceived and shaped during the last decade of the 1700’s. It closely follows the manner in which Austen eschewed the popular epistolary genre in favour of the novel-form, how she mastered the parodic-Gothic form, and created characters that while uniquely hers owed a great deal to the late-eighteenth century English milieu of which they have become major cultural elements.

Price: $119.95

Empathetic Literary Analysis of Jack London's the Call of the Wild: Understanding Life From an Animal's Point of View
 Beierl, Barbara Hardy
2012 0-7734-2934-4 240 pages
Numerous tomes have been written about Jack London’s The Call of the Wild. This is the first one to talk about the dog Buck’s perspective in the novel. Beierl takes an empathetic approach to discussing the domestication of Buck in the story to use this novel as a platform for building empathetic relationships with animals. Very few scholarly works discuss literature from the perspective of an animal, and this one attempts to bring a fresh perspective at an old novel by theorizing empathetically with the characters, which plays a critical role in narrative-based responses to the novel. If characters can gain empathy from their audience there is a higher likelihood that the readers will have a positive response to the story. This book discusses how Jack London creates animal characters that form an empathetic bond with his readers. When readers can understand the inner, mental states of characters, they become motivated to form emotional attachments with them.

Price: $179.95

Esoteric-Orientalist Elements in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. The Nexus of Gothic and Cultural Studies
 Chishty-Mujahid, Nadya Q.
2015 1-4955-0318-8 116 pages
A significant work that directs readers to re-examine the classic texts and tropes of Austen’s novel, Northanger Abbey, Orientalist sub-fields of Cultural studies, and intriguing aspects of the Tarot in a postmodern context. The author directs students and scholars to examine neglected aspects of academia.

Price: $119.95

Essays in Philosophical Zoology. The Living Form and the Seeing Eye
 Carter, Richard B.
1991 0-88946-323-9 312 pages
This manuscript is of interest not only to philosophers but also to marine biologists, students of natural history, those involved in the life sciences, zoologists, zoo managers, wildlife preservationists, and ethicists. With interpretive essay.

Price: $219.95

Ethics and Wildlife Book Two
 Cohn, Priscilla N.
1999 0-7734-8712-3 276 pages
This volume analyzes some of our attitudes concerning wildlife, and discusses problems facing wildlife. It is a spirit of concern for, and recognition of the value of, wild creatures that unifies the essays in this volume.

Price: $199.95

George Nicholson’s on the Primeval Diet of Man (1801) - Vegetarianism and Human Conduct Toward Animals
 Preece, Rod
2000 0-7734-7947-3 320 pages
This book is a seminal contribution to the development of Enlightenment values concerning our responsibilities toward nature and toward other species. Rod Preece’s introduction provides an analysis of the historical context of Nicholson’s thought, its relationship to previous and contemporary literature, and its influence. Preece’s notes offer a detailed elucidation of Nicholson’s references, quotations and commentary. This examination of Nicholson’s work, in conjunction with Preece’s introduction and notes, allows the modern reader an unparalleled insight into the ideas that occasioned the early 19th century animal welfare legislation that promoted and protected the interests of non-human species.

Price: $219.95

Hellenistic Treatise on Poisonous Animals (the Theriaca of Nicander of Colophon) a Contribution to the History of Toxicology
 Knoefel, Peter K.
1991 0-7734-9674-2 188 pages
Evidence is given here that Nicander was artist-poet-naturalist-physician, that he was libelled as merely a versifier and metaphrast, that his depiction of poisonous serpents and the effects of their venom on man was original and veracious: that his work has had recognition from and influence on writers about serpents for centuries.

Price: $159.95

History of the 134th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the American Civil War
 Cosgrove, Charles H.
1997 0-7734-8551-1 512 pages
The NYSV was one of the few regiments to serve in both the eastern and western theatres of the war. It also had the misfortune to be, for a good deal of its tenure, attached to the ill-fated Eleventh Corps. Highlights of the regiment's service were its near-annihilation at Gettysburg; action around Chattanooga; the brutal march to and from Knoxville; its almost daily action during the Atlanta Campaign, followed by the March to the Sea; and the Campaign of the Carolinas. It contains excerpts from primary source documents, including diaries, memoirs, letters, local newspapers, Company order books, and medical records from the National Archives never before researched, capsule biographies of all 1100 who served, maps and statistical data, and photographs.

Price: $299.95

History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Colored Infantry in the Civil War. The Real Story Behind the Movie Glory
 Junne, George
2012 0-7734-2629-9 660 pages
Junne describes the history behind the African Americans who fought in the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of the Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War. His contention is that there are very few resources for scholars and laypeople to fully understand the impact that African-Americans had on American military history, and that this book will fill in that gap. In documenting a historiography of black oppression prior to the Civil War, Junne shows why African-Americans have been left out of the discussion, and then argues why they must be included to understand the war’s entire story. His claim, and it is provocatively argued, is that African-American soldiers played such an important role in the Union Army that the outcome of the war would have been tipped in favor of the Confederacy had they been forbidden from fighting. What is lost in contemporary discussion of the war is that this was a hotly debated question at the time, with Lincoln deciding in favor of letting them fight which secured thousands of men (and their wives who cooked and did laundry for soldiers) which had an immeasurable impact on the war, and forever changed the future of America.

Price: $359.95

How Confederate Women Created New Self-Identities as the Civil War Progressed. The Study of Their Diaries
 McMichael, Dana W.
2008 0-7734-5148-X 276 pages
This study explores the connection between periodic life writing and the formation of ethnic identity, and argues that the practice of keeping a diary enabled Confederate women to actively maintain and build power structures which privileged “white” Southerners.

Price: $199.95

Immigration in the American South 1864-1895
 Silverman, Jason H.
2006 0-7734-5725-9 532 pages
After the Civil War, the southern states experienced a decline in the labor force, particularly those needed to work the fields. Consequently, the South gathered together to recruit immigrants, both foreign as well as domestic. This book examines these efforts, focusing on major southern immigration conventions and their objectives and accomplishments.

During the last years of the 1860s, the individual southern states were occupied publishing descriptive handbooks expounding the reasons to relocate to their state. In 1876, 14 states gathered at a convention in New Orleans to address the issue of immigration. In 1883, the Southern Immigration Association of America was formed under the leadership of A.J. McWhirter. The following year, this organization held a three-day convention in Nashville. In 1888, the Southern Interstate Immigration Association held the first of at least three conventions in the town of Montgomery, followed in 1890 at Asheville and again in 1894 at Augusta.

Included in this book are proceedings of the Southern Immigration Association Convention and the first convention of the Southern Interstate Immigration Association. Newspaper coverage of these major conventions and other smaller conventions is included. As the southern railroads played a major part in immigration efforts, this book also includes information on their role and activities in encouraging immigrants to relocate to southern states. In the concluding chapter, state-by-state charts analyze the state population statistics from 1870 to 1900.

Price: $299.95

Immortal Animal Souls
 Preece, Rod
2005 0-7734-6069-1 296 pages
Whether animals possessed immortal souls was a controversial topic in the nineteenth century. Answers to the question constituted an important manner of addressing the status of animals. While relatively little was written on the theme, the issue was a common topic of conversation, as it had also been in the prior centuries. The contributions to the subject presented in this volume were among the most significant of the Victorian era, coming from members of the newly established veterinary profession and from an author with a general interest in theological questions. These essays demonstrate Victorian patterns of thought on the human-animal relationship and help modern scholars understand the complexities of the contemporary approach to the status of animals. In addition to the essays, the editor provides a substantial introduction and detailed annotation which allow the modern scholar to both place Victorian ideas on this topic in the context of the thought of prior and later centuries, and also to understand the context of Victorian society in which these matters were addressed.

Price: $199.95

Jane Austen's Emma Embodied Metaphor as a Cognitive Construct
 Wye, Margaret
1997 0-7734-1247-6 140 pages
The first sustained analysis of a major literary work under the theory of cognitive metaphor. It demonstrates that the novel's dominant image-schema is that of the circle, a subset of the container schema. The circle schema is projected not only into abstractions in the text but into such larger structural entities as physical and social settings, character, relationships, and the narrative unit of the volume.

Price: $139.95

Leisure and Lifestyle in Selected Writings of Karl Marx
 Eker, Glen
1991 0-7734-9866-4 140 pages
This book is the first scholarly work to bring together for analysis and discussion a large number of the collected statements on free time and leisure in Marx's writings. Marx's theory of liberation discusses the `homo ludens'. This text shows that Marx had a distinctive and specific theory of leisure and that it is possible to formulate from his writings an outline for an early Marxist theory of free time and leisure.

Price: $139.95

Macrosociology- The Study of Sociocultural Systems
 Elwell, Frank W.
2009 0-7734-4900-0 492 pages
Examines the relevance of the classical social theory of Marx, Durkheim, Weber, and Spencer in understanding sociocultural systems today.

Price: $279.95

Marxism- Leninism as the Civil Religion of Soviet Society: God's Commissar
 Thrower, James
1992 0-7734-9180-5 216 pages
Examines the phenomenon of Marxism-Leninism from a perspective of the history of religions, in order to cull the lessons that students of both religion and society might draw from the collapse of that once seemingly impregnable ideology. After considering the reasons advanced by a variety of scholars for calling Marxism-Leninism a religion, as well as at Marxism-Leninism's own claim to be a science, the author suggests that a more fruitful way of looking at is would be as a form of civil religion. It examines the way Marxism-Leninism sought to supplant the historic religions and develop its own ritual system, as well as those features which are not only mythological, but also ideological in precisely the same sense in which Marx himself saw religions as ideological phenomena.

Price: $179.95

Medieval Animal Trial: Justice for All
 Phillips, Patrick J.J.
2012 0-7734-3081-4 144 pages
In Europe as early as the thirteenth century and as late as the sixteenth century, non-human animals including rats, pigs, horses, and dogs were tried for criminal activities. Such trials were not sacrificial in nature; neither were they mock trials for entertainment. Rather, such trials were undertaken with great seriousness with appointed legal counsel for prosecution and defense, at some times before a judge and at other times before a judge and jury. This phenomenon would strike modern sensibilities are being somewhere between eccentric and completely mad, and no one today believes that animals are capable of forming criminal intentions. This book answers the question of how this rather arcane practice is to be understood because it is true that today no animals are formally prosecuted for crimes in courts of law.

Price: $139.95

Memoirs of Thaddeus S.C. Lowe, Chief of the Aeronautic Corps of the Army of the United States During the Civil War
 Lowe, Thaddeus S.C.
2004 0-7734-6522-7 272 pages
Although Thaddeus Lowe is a known figure to some historians, his scientific contributions such as the portable gas generators that filled his balloons and the compression ice machine that introduced “artificial” ice to the world, remain largely hidden. Ironically, it is very possible to find literature that references his work and his Civil War experiences, yet it is nearly impossible to read the book that this related literature is based upon – Lowe’s autobiography. This book has been painstakingly prepared from one of the only known copies of Lowe’s difficult-to-decipher text. This amplified autobiography includes photographs of the inventor and his balloons as well as photos of artifacts such as correspondences (including a handwritten note from President Lincoln) and receipts. It also contains relevant maps and supplementary information to enhance understanding of Lowe’s journeys and the battles he participated in.

Price: $199.95

Modern Bestiary - Animals in English Fiction 1880-1945
 Asker, D. B. D.
1996 0-7734-8908-8 212 pages
Taking Darwin's publication of Origin of Species as a significant point of departure, it discusses such key authors as Hardy, Lawrence, Kipling, Wells, Orwell, and others, arguing that the variety and richness of this literature represents a revival in the fortunes of Bestiary literature. In the Middle Ages, much animal literature was written and its burden was instruction of a moral kind. This study shows that modern British writers have turned to the world of animal nature, realistically, figuratively or fantastically, to find an alternative orientation to the world -- to find a more satisfactory view of man's place in nature. The modern Bestiarists represent a wide variety of fictional technique and an equally extensive range of thematic interest.

Price: $179.95

Money Inflation and Recession in the U. K. and U. S. A. The Fallacies of Monetarism. A Marxist View
 Ayianoglou, Pantelis
1993 0-7734-9373-5 280 pages
This book highlights the profound effects that Credit has always had on economic developments in capitalism. The role and significance of Credit is distinctly missing in all major tradition schools of thought in economics (classical, neo-classical, Keynesian, and monetarist). The incorporation of Credit into economic theory promptly reveals the underlying forces behind important phenomena such as inflation and recession. This study is a radical attempt to expose the flaws of monetarist doctrines by following the evolution of economic history in parallel with the development of economic theory.

Price: $199.95

Moral Inquiries of the Situation of Man and Brutes (1824)
 Magel, Charles
1997 0-7734-8722-0 201 pages
Gompertz was one of the pioneers of animal protection in England and key figure in the early history of the RSPCA. His work is an early attempt to lay out the rational foundations for non-injury to animals. Gompertz was a vegetarian who argued that 'Every animal has more right to the use of its own body than others have to use it.'

Price: $179.95

New Way of Thinking About Our Climate Crisis: The Rational-Comprehensive Approach
 Smith, Joseph Wayne
2009 0-7734-4808-X 320 pages
This work provides an examination of the scientific evidence of rapid climate change, offering suggestions on combating the crisis to policy makers. The authors show how our thinking must be transformed in order to avert catastrophe.

Price: $219.95

Obligation and Extent of Humanity to Brutes, Principally Considered with Reference to the Domesticated Animals (1839)
 Youatt, William
2003 0-7734-6838-2 336 pages

Price: $219.95

Personal and Political Transformation in the Texts of Jane Austen
 Giardetti, Melora
2003 0-7734-6651-7 160 pages
Addresses the rich array of past and current scholarship and explores a new angle: Jane Austen’s idea of personal reform precipitating societal transformation. It presents the ways in which she explores the complex nature of transformation through her inversion of the commonly held definitions of masks, mirrors and mirages – a trio not explored by other scholars and critics. As a subversive conservative, Austen seems most interested in examining the middle space existent in the nature of transformation.

Price: $139.95

Photographic History of the Civil War
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-5585-X
The Civil War photographs by Mathew Brady hold a canonical place in American history. This complete collection was published in 1912. It has been unavailable for nearly 100 years.

An extremely valuable resource for students and scholars.

Price: $995.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 1
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4717-2
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 2
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4719-9
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 3
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4721-0
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 4
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4723-7
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view.

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 5
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4735-0
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 6
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4725-3
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 7
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4729-6
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 8
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4731-8
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume 9
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4733-4
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view.

Price: $169.95

Photographic History of the Civil War: Volume10
 Rupnow, John E.
2009 0-7734-4737-7
Today Americans remember their Civil War in a romantic way. The battle heroes have been glamorized and the political leaders have been mythologized. But the truth is that the Civil War wreaked more death and destruction than any previous war.

The Civil War was the first industrialized war. The destruction to cities, homes, and roads was enormous. The numbers of dead exceeded anything known before. But after the war was over, the cities were rebuilt, the dead were buried, and these horrors of war were hidden from our view

Price: $169.95

Portrayal of Birds in Selected Nineteenth and Twentieth Century French Fiction
 Walling, James Jonas
2002 0-7734-7079-4 148 pages

Price: $139.95

Power Politics, Diplomacy, and the Avoidance of Hostilities Between England and the United States in Wake of the Civil War
 Bertozzi, Elena
1998 0-7734-8398-5 324 pages
Using archival sources, this study documents the delicate diplomatic negotiations between England and the United States during a period of great of tensions and threat of war.

Price: $219.95

Rethinking Jane Austen’s lady Susan. The Case for Her Failed Epistolary Novella
 Owen, David
2010 0-7734-3646-4 208 pages
A full-length study of Lady Susan. The work refutes the long-accepted, unchallenged critical view of the novella put forward by Austen scholars that largely deems the work to be unsatisfactory and marginal. Eschewing the idea that this novella is stylistically regressive, the study argues that Lady Susan was left unfinished for political and commercial reasons.

Price: $179.95

Rights of Animals and Man’s Obligation to Treat Them with Humanity (1838)
 Drummond, William H.
2005 0-7734-6212-0 396 pages
William Drummond's The Rights of Animals is one of several early nineteenth century volumes dedicated to arousing a recognition of the importance of the well-being and protection of animals. Ljke a number of contemporary works, this book was written at the behest of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, to which the prefix 'Royal' was soon to be added. Of these volumes The Rights of Animals is the most learned and, along with that of the veterinarian William Youatt (volume 11 in this Series), the most significant in stating the animal cause as seen from the perspective of the pre-Darwinian nineteenth century. This 1838 book was authored by William Hamilton an Irish Unitarian Minister of Scottish extraction. By adding a contextual Introduction and copious explanatory Editorial Notes, Drs. Preece and Li have put this work into its historical and literary setting, thus rendering the work much more readily comprehensible to the scholar of the twenty-first century.

Price: $239.95

Role of Southern Free Blacks During the Civil War Era: The Life of Free African Americans in Richmond, Virginia 1850-1876
 Latimore, Carey H.
2015 1-4955-0278-3 252 pages
This book will appeal to a broad audience of professional historians, undergraduates, and local historians interested in African America, Civil War, Antebellum, and Reconstruction History. It examines the impact of the Civil War on free blacks in and around Richmond, VA., by drawing on private, public, court, church, military, and government documents thus offering a unique perspective on the lives of both urban and rural free blacks.

The argument is that free blacks adapted to the reality of living in a slave society by developing communities and alliances in the antebellum years that served to protect and advance their interests. These communities and alliances were predicated on a number of variables including a person’s professional skills, family connections, criminal record, and place of residence. While free blacks were ostensibly pushed toward slave status and membership in a monolithic black community, the reality was that in the Richmond area, internal divisions among blacks, combined with the benefits that came from benevolent despotism granted to individual blacks, made it preferable for free blacks to form networks of alliances based on shared interests rather than unite as one community.

The Civil War rendered these social groups obsolete forcing former antebellum free blacks and slaves to adapt to new conditions. While some free blacks sought to maintain prewar communal relationships based on class, most free blacks recognized the importance of political and community unity as necessary in order to respond effectively to the horrors of Reconstruction.

Price: $199.95

Role of the Parrot in Selected Texts From Ovid to Jean Rhys
 Courtney, Julia
2006 0-7734-5574-4 268 pages
This book features the efforts of a group of academics from diverse disciplines that have been working together to highlight the presence of the parrot in selected texts across the centuries. Their common purpose is to demonstrate that fictional parrots invariably function as more than decoration, comedy or badges denoting the eccentricity of their human owners. These versatile and talented birds function as markers for subtle literary techniques. Using the parrot as an interpretative tool the focus is on a range of narrative strategies and metaphorical meanings employed by the authors in question and argue that these are embodied in the attributes of the speaking bird who figures significantly in each work.

Price: $199.95

Sane Society in Modern Utopianism. A Study in Ideology
 Walters, Kerry S.
1989 0-88946-331-X 350 pages
Traces the birth and development of a modern ideological goal: the "sane" society. Posits that utopian visions of the "perfect society" are ideological in nature, reflecting Western capitalism's exaltation of scientism and instrumental reason. Deals with Mannheim and Marx on sociology of knowledge, Bacon's influence on scientific and sociological theoretical frameworks, and particular utopian models, e.g., Bellamy's "Looking Backwards."

Price: $219.95

Selected Papers and Biography of Charles Henry Turner (1867-1923), Pioneer in the Comparative Animal Behavior Movement
 Abramson, Charles I.
2002 0-7734-6942-7 656 pages
Dr. Charles Henry Turner uncovered new species; contributed several of the early anatomical studies of crayfish and bird brains; developed new methodologies (several of which are still used today); contributed literature reviews; clarified several behavioral and methodological issues in the areas of tropisms, memory, and behavioral ecology; and was the first to provide experimental evidence that certain insects can hear airborne sounds. He was also a leader in the early struggle for civil rights where he repeatedly stressed the view that equality can only occur through a sustained and rigorous program of education. This volume will not only be useful to students of behavioral science, but also to historians of psychology, zoology, entomology, and African-American history. The volume contains biographic information and illustrations, a broad selection of Turner’s papers, both on behavioral science and race relations, and bibliographic information.

Price: $359.95

Should Halal Animal Slaughter, Child Marriage, Circumcision, and the Burqa be Legally Prohibited?
 Cliteur, Paul
2018 1-4955-0710-6 164 pages
This book is about the question of what to do with immoral religious practices in a legal context. There are some (so-called) religious practices that many or at least some people consider immoral such as withholding inoculation to children, male and female circumcision, and unstunned ritual slaughter of animals. Dr. Cliteur looks into ways to redefine freedom of religion with its abolition to make use practices illegal. Published in softcover only.

Price: $29.95

Systematics and Biology of the New World Thief Ants of the Genus Solenopsis (hymenoptera: Formicidae)
 Mackay, William P.
2013 0-7734-4342-8 508 pages
The New World species of the thief ant genus Solenopsis is revised. Thief ants are among the most common ants in nearly all terrestrial habitats. In this book a new scheme of well-defined species complexes is outlined, doing away with the ambiguities of previous schemes. Well-illustrated keys, in Spanish and English offer recognition of slightly over 80 species, all diagnosed, described, and illustrated, including gynes and males when possible.

Price: $299.95