Bartelt, Guillermo 2025 1-4955-1323-8 96 pages "The oral narratives, which Walker recorded during his tenure as government physician on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota between 1896 and 1914, resemble "speculative fragments," which are occasionally at variance with each other, rather than a connected, authoritative text sanctioned by a consensus of the native speakers (Jahner 1984, 46)."
Sokolow, Jayme A. 2024 1-4955-1199-5 536 pages "This book examines the Nanticoke Indians from their origins to the English invasion of the Chespeake to the building of a new community in Delaware that is now over two centuries old. My purpose is to depict the Nanticokes as people with complex lives and intentions of their own within the context of their own history and American history." -Jayme Sokolow (Preface)
Banks, Cyndi 2009 0-7734-4802-0 272 pages This in-depth study of a juvenile institution in Alaska explores the issues of power, resistance, treatment, and culture. Based on original research it seeks to establish the mediated place of culture, in this case of Alaska Native cultures, within the examination and assessment of the workings of the institution
Hanson, Elizabeth I. 1989 0-88946-168-6 136 pages A critical study of the metaphorical Indian in American literature and of the Indian metaphor as created by some of the master writers of American fiction.
Morrow, John A. 2010 0-7734-3660-X 364 pages This study explores the Amerindian elements in the works of Ernesto Cardenal, the
revolutionary poet-priest from Nicaragua. The work examines the three main currents which flow through Cardenal’s poetry: the socio-political current, the religious current, and the indigenous current.
Morrow, John A. 2008 0-7734-5119-6 332 pages This study explores the indigenous presence in the works of Rubén Darío, one of the most important and influential literary figures in the Spanish-speaking world. The work uncovers indigenous thematic, symbolic, mythological, and stylistic influences in Darío’s poetry, and reveals his deep social concerns along with the duality of his poetic inspiration, both European and Amerindian.
Powers, William Douglas 2003 0-7734-6620-7 142 pages This study considers the Cherokee Booger Dance as a purely religious phenomenon by reinterpreting anthropologist Frank G. Speck’s observations through the lens of Mircea Eliade’s theory of religion. This investigation presents the ritual as a means of acquiring spiritual transcendence, held by Eliade to be a universal human longing. This perspective differs from the assertion posited by Speck that the Booger Dance is little more than a manifestation of sociological or psychological conditions exasperated by historical Cherokee-white relations.
White, Frederick H. 2008 0-7734-5064-5 232 pages This work addresses Native American students’ learning and participation styles with regard to second language acquisition in such a context: The Haidas of British Columbia learning their ancestral language in an elementary school classroom. The study also elucidates the problems encountered during the transition from informal learning to formal education.
McDade, Jeffrey R. 2009 0-7734-4845-4 200 pages This book argues that the roots of the manual labor boarding school for American Indian youth and the explanation for its development and spread are to be found in the ideology that gave also birth to the penitentiary.
Britten, Thomas A. 1999 0-7734-7963-5 140 pages This volume provides an excellent examination of the Black Seminoles: their history in Florida, the Indian Territory, Mexico, and Texas, and their important contribution to the pacification of the Rio Grande frontier. The study places them against the backdrops of African slavery, Indian wars, and frontier violence, and, using a host of archival and secondary sources, provides an up-to-date synthesis of these largely unknown people. In addition, the book provides new information, particularly about the scouts’ activities in the Big Bend. Working closely with historians employed at the Ft. Clark Historical Society, Britten retraced the scouts’ steps along the Rio Grande frontier. It is a major resource for those in frontier-western history, military history, and the complex interaction of minority peoples in the west.
Shillinger, Sarah 2008 0-7734-5015-7 160 pages This work examines the successes and failures of one boarding school, Saint Joseph’s Indian Industrial School, located in Keshena, Wisconsin, and provides a deeper understanding of one of the greatest tragedies of federal American Indian policy.
Johnson, Troy R. 2012 0-7734-1587-4 240 pages This is the first historical study of the Fredonia Revolution and its impact on Texan history. While providing an overview of the history of Texas, the book examines the relationship of the Cherokee Indians with the competing forces of Spanish, French, Mexican, and American settlers in Texas. While examining their lifestyle, inter-tribal conflicts, as well as their adaptation to the horse, Johnson provides the reader with a history of Texas from the Cherokee perspective. The book highlights the Edwards brother’s Fredonia Revolution of 1826, the Cherokee’s temporary decision to side with them, and the long-term ramifications of doing so.
Stonham, John 2005 0-7734-6138-8 564 pages This is the first published dictionary of the Nuuchahnulth language of Vancouver Island, based primarily upon the Tsishaath variety and supplemented by material from a number of other dialects of the language. The main body of the dictionary consists of a collection of over 7,000 headwords of Nuuchahnulth, accompanied by English equivalents, and examples illustrating the use of the headword. In addition to this there are markers for part of speech and additional information concerning dialectal variation, usage, further information about the entry, and various grammatical details, including classifiers associated with nouns, irregular plurals and bound forms. This is followed by an English-Nuuchahnulth glossary of some 7,500 entries, an appendix on grammatical forms and another on placenames, and a list of references.
Lee, Nella 2000 0-7734-7801-9 176 pages Explores the social disorganization of the Yup’ik community in Western Alaska, examining the degree to which they had been absorbed into the so-called Western legal traditions. With illustrations.
Bartelt, Guillermo 2023 1-4955-1097-2 164 pages "[I]t will be argued in the present study that Sandoz's so-called "Indian voice" should indeed be regarded primarily as a stylistic device which employs lexicalization, calquing, figurative language, and clause chaining to indulge in the creative impulse called "defamiliarization." This technique emboldens an author to select language structures to intentionally disrupt conventionalized or habitualized meanings and thus restore freshness to textual perception. First coined by Viktor Shklovsky, a critic of the Russian formalist tradition, defamiliarization was understood as the main goal in art and poetry that intended to transform the familiar or mundane into the unfamiliar and strange in order to offer new perspectives." -Guillermo Bartelt (Introduction)
Berner, Robert L. 1999 0-7734-8039-0 164 pages The study of contemporary American Indian writers is complicated by problems in definitions which critics, scholars, teachers and editors so far have not addressed adequately. The subject of this study is not the traditional mythology, folklore, and song of particular tribes, but the literary uses of this material, particularly in the latter half of this century and particularly by Indian writers. The questions are basic: 1) What is an Indian writer? 2) What are the legitimate literary uses of Indians and their culture? 3) Can an American Indian literary tradition be defined? And 4) What is the relation of writing by Indians to American literature as a whole? Beside several non-Indian writers (Edwin Corle, Frank Hamilton Cushing, Charles L. McNichols, Jerome Rothenberg) the book deals with several representative Indian writers (Lance Henson, Maurice Kenny, Thomas King, Adrian C. Louis, N. Scott Momaday, Leslie Marmon Silko, Gerald Vizenor, James Welch) and also cites Paula Gunn Allen, Jim Barnes, Peter Blue Cloud, Diane Glancy, Joy Harjo, Geary Hobson, Linda Hogan, Duane Niatum, Simon Ortiz, Carter Revard, and Wendy Rose.
Schlup, Leonard 2008 0-7734-5089-0 742 pages This work, with its boundless assortment of valuable primary source documents, offers both insights and challenges to understanding the complexities of Native American life. Among the issues addressed in this volume are treaty negotiations, court cases, Western Indian uprisings, the passage of the General Allotment (Dawes) Act, Christian Missionary activity, and the formation of the Indian Rights Association.
Bartelt, Guillermo 2022 1-4955-0993-1 132 pages Dr. Guillermo Bartelt uses sociolinguistic analysis in his study of American Indian English. In this book, he focuses specifically on the powwow: "As a participant observer, I found powwows to offer fascinating discourse data for ethnographic and linguistic interpretations." He proceeds by, "analyzing the cognitive and social functions of discourse and semiotics in the context of powwow events in rural Oregon and Washington as well as urban Southern California."
Pomedli, Michael 1991 0-7734-9618-1 196 pages Since the Hurons left no written documents on their beliefs, the author relies on evidence provided largely by the French in both published and unpublished sources. Examines the sources in which the Huron conception is contained, namely European philosophy and theology, and analyzes the nature of these cultural forms to reveal the Huron ones hidden underneath: conceptions of the soul which disclose an enriched understanding of human-corporate beings in a cosmic matrix.
Westmeier, Karl-Wilhelm 1995 0-7734-9141-4 468 pages Based on extensive handwritten Moravian sources, but also using ethno-historical methods, this study evaluates the approach of the missionaries and the Native Americans' response in light of the reactions of the colonial whites who desired the destruction of the mission. It is an important contribution to the contemporary missiological debate on contextualization. It also explores the conflict between Church/mission and State/society in view of Americanization processes, examining early American racism and its effects beyond the closing of Shekomeko to the Native American communities at large, especially with regard to their growing resistance to the Christian message. It contributes not only to missiology but also to the ethnohistory of America and anthropology and sociology, especially in the narrower fields of peace and racial studies.
Ingham, Bruce 2009 0-7734-4767-9 308 pages The work is the first fully bilingual (Lakota-English) collection of texts of Lakota religion. It is also the first concentrating on spirituality.
Whitehill, Sharon 2005 0-7734-5942-1 420 pages A literary biography of one of the first women to travel alone through the Southwest and to record firsthand traditional stories of the Aztec and Navajo.
Rivera, Jason D. 2010 0-7734-3644-8 432 pages This edited volume explores the experiences of minority groups within American society in the aftermath of disaster. Focusing on four minority groups, Native Americans, Asian Americans, African Americans and Latinos, contributing authors discuss the various strategies used by these groups to recover from natural and technological disasters in the midst of their heightened social vulnerability.
Steckley, John 2007 0-7734-5258-3 404 pages This work is the first comprehensive dictionary of the Huron or Wendat language written in over 250 years. It is fundamentally derived from the lexicographic work of French Jesuits during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It follows these dictionaries in having the verb and noun roots of the Huron-English section ordered through the five conjugations of pronominal prefixes characteristic of Northern Iroquoian languages.
Ledgerwood, Mikle Dave 1997 0-7734-8462-0 232 pages This study deals with the development of different 19th and 20th century views of the Western-Hemisphere "Indian". Pays special attention is paid to Brazilian, Peruvian, French, and English Canadian literatures, and the genre of the novel as well as the historical background of these myths. It includes a discussion of what a literary myth is, how it may be derived from a series of microtexts, and how these texts may be compared by the creation of tables detailing semiotically certain semantic attributes of the native New-World inhabitant.
Bartelt, Guillermo 2022 1-4955-0992-3 166 pages Using discourse analysis with a focus on literary style, Dr. Guillermo Bartelt offers an examination and discussion of N. Scott Momaday's literary works. "The examination of literary style presents a unique opportunity for the interdisciplinary exploration of the intersection of language and culture." In the course of his discussion, Bartelt shows that, "instead of deliberate obfuscation, of which Momaday has often been accused in the critical literature...[there is] a conscious decision on his part to offer an enhanced ability to present a native perspective."
James, Meredith K. 2005 0-7734-6198-1 116 pages This study explores the importance of the literary “reservation of the mind” in twentieth century native American literature. The book examines the contradictory nature of what the literary reservation space means primarily in the works of Sherman Alexie, but also includes discussions of works by N. Scott Momaday, Leslie Marmon Silko, and Louise Erdrich. Authors often recreate reservation space in positive ways, so their characters are able to survive colonial imposition and administration. The book deals with how Native authors reconcile fragmented identities with the landscape, and how damaging perceptions and policies regarding Native peoples have contributed to the “reservation of the mind.”
Harness, Susan Devan 2009 0-7734-4885-3 204 pages This book examines the ethnic boundaries, social hierarchies within the ethnic boundaries and the accumulation, transaction and conversion of social and symbolic capital used to change group membership that allow or prohibit perceptions of belonging and not belonging for American Indian adoptees.
Chavers, Dean 2007 0-7734-5408-X 792 pages This book tells the story of the lives and works of a sample of Native American leaders who have succeeded in changing the course of history and yet have not received recognition for their achievements. In the face of the many trials that the Native American people have struggled through in the last few centuries, a surprising number of Native American leaders have still been able to emerge, excelling in business, tribal leadership, sports, literature, theater and academics. There are 40 black and white photos in this book.
Silvey, Le Anne E. 2004 0-7734-6400-X 216 pages This book is based on an exploratory study whose purpose was to explore the variables that influenced and contributed to the role development of firstborn middle-aged American Indian daughters within their families of origin. It is the first research of its kind that explores the role development of the firstborn American Indian daughter within the context of her family of origin that was conducted by, for, and on behalf of, American Indian women. While there is a dearth of literature written about American Indian women, what has been written has been by Anglo men, based on studies of men, and whose findings are generally superimposed on women. This research is groundbreaking in that it gives voice to the middle-aged firstborn American Indian daughters studied within the context of ecological theory and in combination with self-in-relation and feminist theoretical perspectives.
This ethnographic study illuminates the everyday lives of the firstborn daughters whose role development was shaped and influenced by the experiences of their parents and grandparents, steeped in forced assimilation by U.S. government policies, who were removed from their own parents and sent to boarding schools. These ethnographic presentations of the women’s lives and families are moving the study of American Indians in new directions of viewing cultural history from an intimate feminist point of view. This book contributes to the historic writings of the American Indian cultural experience in America, as well as provides a new foundational insight into the role development of firstborn American Indian daughters within the context of their families, for deeper understanding by scholars and practice interventions for helping professionals across disciplines.
Mariani, Giorgio 1996 0-7734-8936-3 280 pages This volume analyses some of the most important and influential Native American novels published between 1969 and 1992 (Momaday's House Made of Dawn; Silko's Ceremony and Almanac of the Dead; Welch's Winter in the Blood and The Death of Jim Loney; Vizenor's Bearheart; etc.), examining them as post-tribal epics. It frames current discussions of the importance and originality of Native American literature, and especially of the American Indian Novel, within the context of classical debate over distinction between epic and novel, conducted early in the century by Lukacs, Baktin, and Benjamin.
Ortiz, Leonard D. 2008 0-7734-5160-9 256 pages Examines the processes by which heterogeneous communities of Native American people negotiate their identities in the institutional context of the United Methodist Church and the varied responses of the Church to these communities.
French, Laurence Armand 1998 0-7734-8308-X 252 pages This volume addresses the complex identity relationships to the real and imaginary Cherokee images presented among Qualla Cherokee, taking into consideration the rich, unique traditional culture and history, commercial stereotypical Indian images, and the influences of the dominant Anglo-American society.
Janiga-Perkins, Constance G. 2007 0-7734-5380-6 136 pages This critical study examines various readings of Ramón Pané’s Relación acerca de las antigüedades de los indios (c. 1498), telling the story of the multiple layered readings of the 1974 version of the text put together by José Juan Arrom. The original, written by Fray Ramón Pané, a young brother from the Convent of Saint Jerome de la Murta in Badalona, Spain who sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World, offers a glimpse into the earliest moments of Europe’s encounter with the New World. The centuries of reading to which this work has been subjected have shaped its interpretation and translation as individuals from different times, places, and cultures have tried to associate with those things described in the text while also reflecting on themselves, producing an autoethnography.
Meredith, Mary Ellen 2003 0-7734-6763-7 132 pages This study is an effort to explain the nature of Cherokee writers’ expression and the readers’ responses to Cherokee literary works. The first part illustrates a sense of Western literary theory and examples of established forms. The second part outlines the nature of Cherokee literary assessment. It examines works in Cherokee written in the Sequoyan syllabary, in Cherokee written in the Roman alphabet, and in English written in the Roman alphabet. With illustrations.
Fortier, Theodore N. 2002 0-7734-6926-5 196 pages For scholars of anthropology there is a serious gap in works on Indian peoples of the Northwest, and the Columbia Plateau in particular. This study of the Coeur d’Alene people’s religion and spirituality, and its relationship to Jesuit/Catholic spirituality from the mid 19th century on is unique in the field. An important element is the examination of the Jesuit Spiritual Exercises and their place in mission identity.
Forsyth, Susan 2003 0-7734-6707-6 292 pages At Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota in 1890, the majority of Big Foot’s band of Miniconjou Lakotas was massacred by the Seventh Cavalry of the United States Army. Wounded Knee has gained great symbolic significance over the years. It is often linked with the end of the frontier and the Lakota nation, and as symbolic of broken treaties, US military aggression, and subsequent injustice toward Native Americans. This study examines 110 years of representations, including conflicting newspaper and journal reports, survivors’ testimonies, official reports, compensation hearing claims, history texts, autobiographies, fiction, Oscar Howe’s painting, Wounded Knee Massacre, the film Thunderheart, and displays in museums of artifacts. The text confronts the many problems relating to the representations: the ease with which stereotypes are adopted and accepted, the assumption of objectivity in historical texts, the complexities involved in collecting Lakota stories, the tension between the freedom encountered and limits imposed on writing historical fiction, and the ethical issues confronted in the memorialization and display of the Wounded Knee site and artifacts.
Cappel, Constance 2007 0-7734-5220-6 200 pages This is the first contemporary study of the smallpox genocide directed against the Odawa by the British during the French and Indian War. This incident of bioterrorism is set within the history of the Odawa people from before 1763 to the present. This book contains five color photographs.
Van Broekhoven, Laura N.K. 2006 0-7734-5639-2 308 pages This book brings together ten essays relating to the manner in which postcolonial research is conducted and information put forth on the representation of indigenous cultures in the Americas. Divided into three parts, Part One describes the current state of affairs of postcolonial studies in the North American region; Part Two explores Mesoamerican culture, and Ñuu Savi and Zapotec studies in particular; and Part Three looks at the Andean region.
Watts, Linda K. 2001 0-7734-7660-1 244 pages The author conducted ethnolinguistic fieldwork at Zuni Pueblo, New Mexico, focussed on the folk semantics, linguistic composition and reported situational use of Zuni relational terminology. A social semiotic analysis relates these ethnolinguistic data to a revisionist, cultural model of Zuni social organization. Rather than a situation of wholesale cultural and linguistic loss due to acculturative influences such as Kroeber had asserted in 1917, this study finds a high degree of persistence in traditional patterns of Zuni social integration as reflected in the contemporary meanings and use of Zuni relational terminology.
Bartelt, Guillermo 2001 0-7734-7346-7 176 pages The emerging theme is the (re)construction of American Indian tribal identities in terms of a newly created intertribal consciousness in an urban setting. The work introduces an ethnography of writing approach not only as a contribution to the intersection of linguistics and literature in general but as a valid approach to American Indian texts in particular.
Cox, Gerry R. 2015 1-4955-0319-4 668 pages The Sociology of the American Indian is a study of the survival of culture in the face of destruction, genocide, and pillaging. This book is designed to be a supplemental resource book rather than a textbook for courses in Native American Studies.
Sawhney, Brajesh 2009 0-7734-4911-6 312 pages The fifteen essays gathered in this volume, written by leading scholars of Native American literature, explore Native American and German-American Louis Erdrich’s fiction from multiple perspectives, offering creative and cultural contexts, thematic considerations and close reading of some of her recent novels.
Lavonis, William J. 2004 0-7734-6274-0 72 pages This is the first study wholly devoted to the subject of vocal production. It brings together the collective knowledge of generations of ethnomusicologists, including the author’s firsthand experiences while on a year’s sabbatical in New Mexico.
Irvine, Kathryn 2011 0-7734-1595-5 312 pages This study explores the lived experiences of Indigenous peoples who formerly used
solvents and identifies the factors that helped them to stop using. Working from a strengths perspective, this study challenges the how of modern racism in the discourse of the academy and media to develop a compassionate response.
Steckley, John 2024 1-4955-1214-2 224 pages This is an 8 x 10-inch, softcover book.
"Cantiques are hymns with a long-held tradition behind them. They were already long-established in the Catholic church before the cantiques studied here were translated into Wendat. The Jesuits who did missionary work with the Wendat and the Wyandot from the 1630s to the late 1700s set a high standard for learning an indigenous language and writing in that language. This is true both in terms of dictionaries and grammars, as well as religious works. Their linguistic work with an indigenous language can be considered to be unmatched in North America during this period." -Dr. John Steckley
Bartelt, Guillermo 2024 1-4955-1272-X 140 pages "After surveying selected animistic breath-wind constructs in Native America, this study focuses on the variant articulated by the Lakota, many of whom continue to participate in traditional religious observances such as the Sweat Lodge, a purification ceremony, the Sun Dance, a world renewal celebration, and the yuwipi, a shamanic curing ritual." -Dr. Guillermo Bartelt, "Introduction"
Bartelt, Guillermo 2024 1-4955-1313-0 132 pages Fear and fright are the progenitors of monsters and witches. In confronting overwhelming natural or social convulsions, pre-industrial man attempted to make sense of them by projecting his trepidations onto comprehensible categories of entropy. In his study on the witch hysteria in sixteenth- and seventeen-century Europe, the historian Hugh Trevor-Roper contended that beliefs in sorcery were essentially inseparable from the ideology of the time (1956). For the illiterate peasantry, the fear of the existence of witches as embodiments of Satan worship had the coercive force of a social fact. Such convictions may have reflected the remnant of a pre-Christian animistic substrate that held on stubbornly in European folk culture. In any case, biblical admonitions against black magic were clear. The Old Testament, in Deuteronomy 18:11, in no uncertain terms prohibits casting spells, acting as a medium or spiritist, or consulting the dead, and the directive in Exodus 22:18, "[t]hou shalt not suffer a witch to live," was widely interpreted by mobs as a mandate for the execution of suspected practitioners.
Also rooted in sacred texts, traditional American Indian notions of sorcery seem to have been, however, less concerned with sanctions than with explanations of misfortunes and catastrophes, especially in the form of illness. As recorded by ethnographers of the turn of the twentieth century, traditional Lakota affirmed that
Steckley, John 2017 1-4955-0600-2 264 pages This work focuses on the first Catholic Catechism written by Jesuit Father Jean de Brebeuf in the Wendat (Huron) language. This work focuses on the translating successes, mistakes, and cultural challenges that went into the creation of this important piece of religious and cultural history. Dr. Steckley seeks to show how Jesuit missionaries introduced Catholicism to the Wendat tribes of New France.
Steckley, John 2021 1-4955-0919-2 244 pages Dr. John Steckley teaches at Humber College and has been studying the Huron language for over thirty years. He received his doctorate in Education from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.
Dugan, Kathleen Margaret 1985 0-88946-659-9 276 pages An introduction to Plains Indians history and a general overview of Sioux/Cheyenne religious thought, with a description of their major ceremonies. Shows how the vision quest was as essential to the relatively simple, peaceful Cheyenne as it was to the more systematized, sacrificially violent Sioux.
Pomedli, Michael 1991 0-7734-9731-5 196 pages Presents a biographical synopsis of Kurelek's life and work, to better place each of the 21 paintings in the perspective of the artist's temperament. Each reproduction is followed by a commentary that is a highly informative blend of aesthetics, history, theology, linguistics, geography, and ethnography. The result is a sustained meditation on what actually transpired between the Hurons, Iroquois, and the eight French missionaries who were destined for martyrdom. This volume provides a valuable effort to enter into the vision of Christianity which animates the pictures themselves, and to account for what Kurelek was able to portray about the daily life and spiritual vision of the Jesuits and their companions, about the Hurons and the Iroquois. This book will be a useful introduction to the Christian experiment that was Huronia, and an initial interpretation of Kurelek's paintings. This volume combines an historian's objectivity, a scholar's criticism, and an art lover's enthusiasm.