Subject Area: Africa-Nigeria

 Daramola, Ifedayo
2015 1-4955-0324-0 280 pages
This study contends that democracy and political change is deeply rooted in the mass media’s ability to become a major agent of political socialization that was capable of mobilizing local populations into changing longstanding African attitudes about politics and election outcome behaviors.

Price: $199.95

African Art Music: Political, Social, and Cultural Factors Behind Its Development and Practice in Nigeria
 Konye, Paul
2007 0-7734-5253-2 268 pages
This study makes a distinction between modern Nigerian art music, which evolved in the twentieth century and emphasizes Western music notation, and the previously existing art music tradition in Nigeria before the advent of missionaries in the nineteenth century. Specifically, this research examines the social, political, and cultural factors involved in the evolution and practice of art music in Nigeria. This book contains 4 color photographs.

Price: $199.95

Art and Islamic Literacy Among the Hausa of Northern Nigeria
 Hassan, Salah M.
1992 0-7734-9581-9 400 pages
Using a folkloric perspective, this book is an ethnographic study of the tools, artifacts, and other expressions of the material culture of literacy as it is found in the clerics' diverse activities within the context of the Hausa society in northern Nigeria. This study fills a gap in African data by addressing how informational, magical, as well as aesthetic potentials of the written word have been adapted in local contexts. Explores the origins of the diverse roles and types of malams (represented primarily by malaman Qur'ani and malaman ilmi). The history and origin of the current calligraphic styles adapted and developed by the Hausa malams are investigated as a guide to understanding calligraphic designs and writings on manuscripts, charms, amulets, Qur'anic boards, architectural decorations, and other artifacts. Field research was conducted primarily in Kano, but also in Zaria, Sokoto, and other cities and rural areas in northern Nigeria. Archival, museum, and library research was conducted in Nigeria, England , and the United States.

Price: $239.95

Corruption and the Crisis of Institutional Reforms in Africa
 Mbaku, John Mukum
1998 0-7734-8351-9 360 pages
This study contains a rich mixture of analytical ideas and views, and recommends reconstruction of the neo-colonial state as an effective way to deal with this pervasive institution. It examines corruption from a public choice perspective, providing policy-makers with more effective ways to deal with this important development obstacle. Part of the book deals with corruption in colonial Africa (specific emphasis on Nigeria), a neglected area in the literature.

Price: $239.95

Critical Study of Bini and Yoruba Value Systems of Nigeria in Change Culture, Religion, and the Self
 Babatunde, Emmanuel Debo
1992 0-7734-9501-1 308 pages
This study makes the point that foreigners who have come in contact with Africans, whether as missionary, teacher, colonial administrator, or trader have often underestimated the extent to which the African cultural ethos rules the African mind. Modernizing efforts in Africa are based on assumptions which seek rapid transformations into the ways of another cultural ethos. An examination into the content, structure and symbolic notions of the African ethos will unearth those aspects which are in conflict with, and those which are in favour of, modernizing tendencies. This orientation sheds light on the problems that inhibit stability and development in Africa.

Price: $219.95

Cultural Reflections and the Role of Advertising in the Socio-Economic and National Development of Nigeria
 Alozie, Emmanuel C.
2005 0-7734-6162-0 328 pages
Few studies have examined the cultural reflections and the role of advertising in the national development of Nigerian or other African countries. This study, which explored the meaning of development, the debate on the role of culture and mass media on social modernization, African political economy as well as Nigerian history, politics, economic and communication development efforts, serves as an attempt to bridge that gulf. The study focused on the role of advertising in the process of social mobilization and modernization in Nigeria by examining the cultural reflections, the nature and characteristics of the messages, and the values and symbols conveyed in Nigerian mass media advertisements. In order to accomplish the task, the study used content and ideological analyses to analyze 500-plus advertisements published or aired in the last quarter of 1998 and the first quarter of 1999. .

Price: $219.95

Domination and Reaction in Nupeland, Central Nigeria the Kyadya Revolt, 1857-1905
 Idress, Aliyu Alhaji
1996 0-7734-8833-2 88 pages
This volume describes the political organization of the Kyadya state as it existed in 1857, then examines the subjugation of the Kyadya by the Fulani-controlled administration of Bida Emirate. It covers the reaction of Kyadya to the new political order - the Kyadyan resistance which led to the Ganigan war in which the Kyadya were defeated. This led to their later support of the RNC forces and subsequent defeat of Bida. Though the Kyadya were made independent of Bida, they were brought under the authority of the RNC, which marked the final stage of the collapse of the Kyadya state. It then deals with the era of colonial administration which reduced Kyadya to a mere district of Bida Emirate. This is one of the few works available on this under-researched area of Nigeria.

Price: $99.95

Economic Development and Nigerian Foreign Policy
 Kalu, Kelechi Amihe
2000 0-7734-7881-7 236 pages
This study examines the constraints of the international system’s structure on the domestic and international behavior of less-developed states in general and Nigeria in particular. Contributes to the debates on the relationships between domestic and external sources of foreign policy. Focusing on economic diplomacy, it explicates the nature of political economy on foreign policy processes.

Price: $179.95

Historical Development of Science and Technology in Nigeria
 Thomas-Emeagwali, Gloria
1992 0-7734-9214-3 192 pages
The areas of focus include traditional methods of food processing, cassava-processing technology in the contemporary period, textile technology, and pedagogy and science teaching in Nigeria. There is also a specific focus on gender and technology. The text concentrates on the historical dimension but approaches the subject in the context of multidisciplinary interpretation.

Price: $159.95

Igbos of Nigeria Ancient Rites, Changes, and Survival
 Njoku, John E. Eberegbulam
1990 0-88946-173-2 250 pages

Price: $179.95

Islam, Medicine, and Practitioners in Northern Nigeria
 Abdalla, Ismail H.
1997 0-7734-8655-0 192 pages
Many ethnographers and anthropologists have written about traditional medicine in Africa as if it were one coherent system. This volume argues that though the Islamic and the pre-Islamic Hausa medical systems have by now many things in common, their theoretical and conceptual frameworks are different. They operate from different understandings of the causes of disease and misfortune, and the appropriate methods to be employed to restore health or alleviate suffering. It also discusses another significant difference between the Islamic and non-Islamic Hausa medical systems: the mode of preserving and communicating medical knowledge. For a thorough understanding of the interaction between these two medical traditions in Hausaland, the early history of Islamic medicine is described, and its theories, concepts, and developments through the centuries are explored.

Price: $159.95

Issues in Nigerian Politics Since the Fall of the Second Republic 1984-1990
 Ekwe-Ekwe, Herbert
1992 0-7734-9457-X 112 pages
Beginning with a general survey of the politics of Nigeria's Second Republic which was overthrown by the military in December 1984, this volume undertakes a rigorous examination of the socio-economic and political programmes of the two military administrations: the Buhari and Babangida regimes. The text contends that the Babangida regime's International Monetary Fund-sponsored `Structural Adjustment Economic Programme' has had a devastating effect on the Nigerian economy. Contends that it has radically increased the levels of the country's net-capital transfers to the West, fuelled spiralling inflation, depressed local production particularly in industrial enterprises, and created mass unemployment. Finally, the book casts doubt on the democratic character of the military regime's `transitional' process to the restoration of civilian government in 1992, which has been a crucial arena of regime diktat and subterfuge.

Price: $119.95

Jewish Africans Describe Their Lives: Evidence of an Unrecognized Indigenous People--Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe (Hard Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2023 1-4955-1067-0 344 pages
"The Jewish phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa continues to be rich and diverse. While the world has long known about the prestigious and often ancient Jewish world in North Africa, dynamic Jewish engagements below the Sahara are news to many. ...This work brings to the world stage indigenous Africans involved in Jewish communities in the region speaking for themselves. The bulk of the book consists of adaptions from recorded and transcribed conversations and interviews conducted throughout the region over nearly a decade." -Dr. Marla Brettschneider, Introduction I "All of the testimonies in this book are unique in their own ways. At the same time, however, we can detect several recurring themes running through most or all of them. To my surprise, many of the issues that they discuss are the same ones that more established Jewish communities face all over the world: the struggles to build community, to have a place to pray, to learn how pray and read from the Torah, to educate themselves and their communities, to access information, and to address economic and financial needs. Some confronted antisemitic attitudes and family rejection; others discussed the problems of community continuity, whom to marry, and how to attract new members." Dr. Bonita Nathan Sussman, Introduction II

Price: $199.95

Jewish Africans Describe Their Lives: Evidence of an Unrecognized Indigenous People--Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe (Soft Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2023 1-4955-1278-9 344 pages
(SOFTCOVER EDITION) "The Jewish phenomenon in sub-Saharan Africa continues to be rich and diverse. While the world has long known about the prestigious and often ancient Jewish world in North Africa, dynamic Jewish engagements below the Sahara are news to many. ...This work brings to the world stage indigenous Africans involved in Jewish communities in the region speaking for themselves. The bulk of the book consists of adaptions from recorded and transcribed conversations and interviews conducted throughout the region over nearly a decade." -Dr. Marla Brettschneider, Introduction I "All of the testimonies in this book are unique in their own ways. At the same time, however, we can detect several recurring themes running through most or all of them. To my surprise, many of the issues that they discuss are the same ones that more established Jewish communities face all over the world: the struggles to build community, to have a place to pray, to learn how pray and read from the Torah, to educate themselves and their communities, to access information, and to address economic and financial needs. Some confronted antisemitic attitudes and family rejection; others discussed the problems of community continuity, whom to marry, and how to attract new members." Dr. Bonita Nathan Sussman, Introduction II

Price: $79.95

Journals of Church Missionary Society Agent, James Thomas in Mid-Nineteenth Century Nigeria: Introduction and Notes by Femi J. Kolapo
 Kolapo, Femi James
2012 0-7734-2935-2 316 pages
Consists of the complete compiled transcriptions of a nineteenth-century Christian missionary in Nigeria. James Thomas was born into slavery, and then converted to Christianity. Later in his adult life he was transformed was rescued from slavery by a British anti-slave trade squadron. He was then turned into a Christian missionary who converted people and built churches in Nigeria. This book not only gives a rich history of certain regions of Nigeria in the nineteenth-century, it also shows how Christianity and the slave trade molded its history as well.

Price: $219.95

Key Problems for Democracy in Nigeria: Credible Elections, Corruption, Security, Governance, and Political Parties
 Oko, Okechukwu
2010 0-7734-3591-3 684 pages
This work is a detailed study of the issues plaguing good governance in Nigeria. In addition to its analysis, the book offers prescriptions for establishing and sustaining effective state leadership.

Price: $359.95

Labor, State and Capital in Nigeria's Oil Industry
 Ihonvbere, Julius O.
1998 0-7734-9842-7 220 pages
This study brings us into the distinctive world of Nigerian oil workers in their daily confrontations with the neo-Colonial state and foreign capital. It reveals how oil workers devise and execute survival strategies against a very formidable alliance of a state which is almost totally dependent on oil rents, and oil corporations whose main operational motivation is the maximization of profits and control of the market.

Price: $179.95

Legal Inequality of Muslim and Christian Marriages in Nigeria: Constitutionally Established Judicial Discrimination
 Ezeanokwasa, Jude Oseloka
2011 0-7734-1506-8 476 pages
This book examines religious liberty and characteristics of Christian (canonical), Islamic and Traditional marriages together with those of the Nigerian statutory marriage. The author establishes religious liberty and equality as being beneficial to both individuals and the state.

Price: $279.95

Media and Communications Industries in Nigeria: Impacts of Neoliberal Reforms Between 1999 and 2007
 Olorunnisola, Anthony A.
2009 0-7734-4699-0 296 pages
This book is a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of neoliberal reforms on the media and communications industries in Nigeria between 1999 and 2007, with the return of democratic governance to the country. It is the first book-length assessment of impacts of economic policy on media and communications industries in Nigeria.

Price: $199.95

Military Factor in Nigeria 1966-1985
 Falola, Toyin
1994 0-7734-9130-9 252 pages

Price: $199.95

Missionary Rivalry and Educational Expansion in Nigeria, 1885-1945
 Bassey, Magnus O.
1999 0-7734-8153-2 204 pages
Evidence abounds in the research literature to show that wherever the Protestant and Catholic missionaries met in Africa, opposition, antagonism and rivalry flared between them. In Nigeria, missionary rivalry was even more intense. Education was an essential part of their ‘civilizing' mission because it was a way of winning converts, training Nigerian workers and catechists, and creating a Nigerian middle class. However, the rapid expansion of education, particularly in southern Nigeria, was actually the accidental outcome of missionary rivalry rather than the result of an altruistic policy to provide expanded educational opportunities for the Nigerian populace.

Price: $179.95

New Religious Movements in Nigeria
 Hackett, Rosalind J.
1987 0-88946-180-5 245 pages
Essays focusing particularly on new religions in the period of diversification and change that has elapsed since the civil war of 1967-1970. ". . . achieves a coherence that is not too common in a collection of its type." - West Africa

Price: $179.95

Nigeria and the Politics of Survival as a Nation State
 Udogu, E. Ike
1997 0-7734-8785-9 304 pages
This work addresses the struggles and strategies applied by the civilian and military administrations to resolve the issue of political instability in Africa's most populous nation. It examines its political history as an entity before Britain colonized the area, and the constitutional developments since 1914 when Britain amalgamated the northern and southern regions to form modern Nigeria. In over three decades of sovereignty, the government has changed from civilian to military two times. It has experimented with the Westminster model and the American presidential system. They have not worked, and the military has been in power for over twenty-five years as a result of the failure of the political class to govern effectively. This book not only chronicles Nigeria's political saga since independence in 1960, but also provides possible solutions for the attainment of political stability.

Price: $219.95

Nigeria Since Independence and the Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations on Democratization
 Bradley, Matthew Todd
2003 0-7734-6688-6 224 pages

Price: $179.95

Nigeria's Foreign Policy Under Two Military Governments, 1966-1979. An Analysis of the Gowon and Muhammed - Obasanjo Regimes
 Eke, Kenoye K.
1990 0-88946-171-6 216 pages
A book that arose from debates in Nigeria's academic circles in the late 1970s on Nigeria's foreign policy under the two military regimes that preceded the second republic, with special emphasis on the question of whether Nigeria's foreign policy under the Muhammed/Obasanjo regime represented a continuation of or change from that of its predecessor, the Gowon regime.

Price: $179.95

Nigerian Civil War Literature Seeking an `Imagined Community'
 McLuckie, Craig
1990 0-88946-727-7 172 pages
The first close reading of several fictive works that center on the period of the Nigerian Civil War. Critically examines the ideas of community identity through a stylistic and thematic interpretation of selected civil war writings, both fictional and non-fictional. The implicit structure of this three-part critique reflects a class-oriented social hierarchy. Theorizes that literature can, and in fact does, provide a strong vehicle for social thought.

Price: $159.95

Nigerian Peacekeeping Policy: The Application of Peacekeeping as a Foreign Policy Tool 1960-1990
 Mays, Terry M.
2010 0-7734-3588-3 212 pages
This study demonstrates that from 1960-1990 Nigerian foreign policy goals were to a large degree based on the country’s participation in peacekeeping operations. This book contains four black and white photographs.

Price: $179.95

Nigerian Press, Hegemony, and the Social Construction of Legitimacy, 1960-1983
 Agbaje, Adigun A. B.
1992 0-7734-9555-X 352 pages
This study, a blend of theoretical and empirical scholarship, gives insight not only into Nigeria's recent political history but also into state/society relations, politics of press law, press history, and the sectional dimensions of press communication flow. A descriptive account of the Nigerian newspaper press as theatre and actor in the struggle for legitimated power in state and society from independence in 1960 to the fall of the Second Republic in 1983. Special emphasis is placed on the largely unreported and subterranean dimensions of press communication.

Price: $239.95

Occupational Commitment and the Mystique of Self-Employment Among Lagos ( Nigeria ) Port and Dock Workers
 Affinnih, Yahya H.
1992 0-7734-9951-2 228 pages
Begins with a sketch of precolonial Nigerian social structure and its accompanying labor relations to provide a basis for assessing the ways in which colonialism gave rise to new social, economic and political institutions as the industrialization processes unfolded. The post-independence social institutions reflect the persistence of colonial patterns. It is also in this context that the contemporary Nigerian port and dock workers' orientation to life, attitudes toward work, accumulation of wealth, independence, dependence, leisure, and aspirations, etc., are informed and shaped. The concept of work alienation faced by both worker groups enhances our understanding of some of the problems that confront the modern Nigerian working class.

Price: $179.95

Oil and Socio-economic Crisis in Nigeria a Regional Perspective to the Nigerian Disease and the Rural Sector
 Nnadozie, Emmanuel U.
1995 0-7734-4240-5 201 pages
This volume explains Nigeria's rural devastation, agricultural production instability, and perverse food supply responses in terms of the country's destabilizing oil drama. It is based on a study which explores how the sequence of events that started in the early 1970s and stretch up to the present day transformed the rural agrarian society, especially in the area of Egbema. It discusses the rural ramifications of the oil industry, the spectacular Nigerian boom, and the Nigerian Disease in the rural oil-producing society.

Price: $179.95

Police Corruption and Community Policing in Nigeria: A Sociological Case Study
 Audu, Aminu Musa
2018 1-4955-0689-4 408 pages
This book proposes that Nigeria embrace the Ochamalienwu theory of community policing. This theory offers evidence-based explanations on the nature and dynamics of community policing, the risk factors and suggestions for prevention and control of crime problem and threat of global terrorism.

Price: $259.95

 Kargbo, Joseph M.
2011 0-7734-1597-1 1052 pages
The civil war in Sierra Leone (1991-2002) killed hundreds of thousands of people and left Sierra Leone devastated economically. By examining the political economy of Sierra Leone, this book studies the causes of the civil war and offers economic solutions on how to prevent a future outbreak of violence. Significantly, the book takes on several controversial issues which many scholars tend to shy away from, including: ethnic rivalry, corruption, smuggling, drug trafficking, and most importantly the influence of political parties upon socio-economic policymaking. The book is of interest to graduate and undergraduate students interested in politics and economic development in Sierra Leone since its independence in 1961.

Price: $549.95

Politicization of Society During Nigeria's Second Republic 1979-83
 Gbadegesin, Segun
1991 0-7734-9676-9 206 pages
An in-depth assessment of the nature of partisan politics in Nigeria. Placing particular emphasis on the period generally referred to as the Second Republic, the book underscores the interaction between socio-political and economic forces in the country. It sets out to demonstrate how virtually all facets of Nigerian society have become highly politicized.

Price: $179.95

Politics of Wealth in Southwestern Nigeria. Why Ondo's Women Went to War
 Eames, Elizabeth Anne
2013 0-7734-4308-8 268 pages
This fascinating ethnographic study investigates gendered power in contemporary Nigeria in order to provide an understanding of The Ondo Women’s War of 1985. Sanctioned by Ondo’s female chiefs in the name of their female king, this tax protest escalated into rebellion when ordinary women threatened the use of their ultimate weapon –their own nakedness. Focusing on a specific Yoruba case history, this book challenges many western feminist assumptions about women’s lack of status in Africa.

Price: $199.95

Press Under Military Rule in Nigeria (1966-1993): An Historical and Legal Narrative
 Oloyede, Isikilu Bayo
2004 0-7734-6259-7 196 pages
This book investigates the relationship between Nigerian military governments and the Nigerian press in the context of press freedom over a period of twenty-three years. The largely historical legal study focuses on four objectives to wit: to examine the laws (decrees and edicts) which defined the limits of press freedom during military rule in Nigeria; to draw together in one document the pertinent Nigerian case law in the area of press freedom during military rule; to identify and analyze the institutional, legal and non-legal measures and mechanisms utilized by Nigerian military regimes in controlling the press; and to identify and analyze the socio-political factors that influenced or affected press freedom during military rule in Nigeria.

Price: $159.95

Proposal for the Re-Founding of Nigeria
 Nwagwu, `Emeka O.C.
2007 0-7734-5556-6 312 pages
This book covers the modalities and strategies of the “re-founding” of Nigeria, relative to the political, socioeconomic and leadership challenges facing Nigeria and its prospects for rebirth in the twenty-first century. The book explores the idea that the African state can be re-founded, conditional on its ability to learn from its history, and that changes to the state are made before significant political, economic, and social development can take place.

Price: $219.95

Protest Movements in Lagos, 1908-1930
 Okonkwo, Rina
1995 0-7734-9049-3 134 pages
PROTEST MOVEMENTS IN LAGOS, 1908-1930 This volume contains much new research, using new sources. The author has reconstructed the historical events of eight major protest movements in Lagos in the early nationalist period, illuminating many aspects of the conflicts between the different factions of the Lagos educated elite. The work includes a study of one protest led by the elite women with previously unreported women's groups. There is much biographical information about many lesser-known figures in Lagos politics. The book also draws parallels between the colonial period and the military governments of post-independence Nigeria.

Price: $139.95

Radicalism, Political Power and Foreign Policy in Nigeria
 Oke, Tayo
1999 0-7734-8034-X 247 pages
This volume thoroughly and systematically investigates the relationship between radicalism and foreign policy in Nigeria, The argument is anchored in two interlocking and multifaceted angles: philosophical and policy. It brings into sharp focus the thinking and behavior of political groups (students and political parties) and of institutions (the military, the Ministry of External Affairs, intellectual elites and the press/public opinion). Part One focuses on theoretical discourse and analysis of the term ‘radicalism; Part two is concerned with practice and an examination of the impact of radicalism on the political process, on external relations and the institutions of foreign policy. Part Three focuses on policy more generally and specifically on periodic analysis and radical expectation, language and action. The concluding chapter reappraises the basis of foreign policy-making in Nigeria in view of the challenge to her corporate existence as a nation.

Price: $179.95

Reform and Adaptation in Nigerian University Curricula, 1960-1992
 Adamu, Abdalla Uba
1994 0-7734-9422-7 304 pages
This book analyses the mechanism of the adaptation process, as well as the management of reform in Nigerian university curriculum from 1960-1992. In particular, it examines how Nigerian universities adopted the American university undergraduate curricular structure, and explores the parameters needed for effective management of such institutional transfer in developing countries. The National Policy on Education provided for a total reconstitution of Nigerian education, and a virtually complete departure from its British roots (argued as being inadequate in preparing graduates for effective employment in an increasingly diversified economy, and lacking in correlation between curricula and social reality).

Price: $219.95

Role of M. J. P. Koledade in Pioneering Nigerian Education Personality and Change in Yagbaland
 Ijagbemi, E. Adeleye
1992 0-7734-9724-2 320 pages
Discusses the theme of change in Nigeria, constructed around the personality of MJP Koledade. A socio-historical study anchored within the conceptual frame of an incorporation process. First of its kind on any of the large communities in the Niger/Benue confluence area of Nigeria. It is the story of a self-made man who stamped his indelible imprint on the course of his people's history during a crucial period of transition; of a mission/church organization (SIM/ECWA) hitherto ignored by church historians; and of the little-known O'kun Yoruba people of the Niger/Benue confluence area.

Price: $219.95

Role of the Ombudsman in Nigeria
 Odunsi, Bennett A.
2007 0-7734-5336-9 192 pages
This study reviews the Nigerian legal tradition before and after the advent of the British colonial administration. After gaining independence from British colonial rule, the government did not deviate from the established practice of the colonial administration in relation to the protection of the rights of the citizens. The only available channel for citizens to challenge arbitrary and capricious action of administrative officials is the ordinary courts of law. Justice in administrative areas under this arrangement often seems slow and wanting. Therefore, the military government instituted a commission of enquiry to analyze and find ways to improve the situation which recommended the establishment of the institution of the Ombudsman. In 1975, the Murtala military administration established the Public Complaints Commission as a supplement to the court system to correct flagrant disregard of basic standards of human rights by administrative officials

Price: $159.95

 Thomas-Emeagwali, Gloria
1992 0-7734-9557-6 216 pages
In science the areas of focus include mathematics, medicine, and the sociology of medicine as well as biologically-based warfare. In technology, iron, gold, diamond, and glass-making technologies dominate. Three of the cases of metallurgical development are centered on the pre-colonial periods. Chapters examine deficiencies and offer critical analysis of contemporary state policies in the areas of Nigeria and Zambia.

Price: $179.95

Scottish Missionaries in Nigeria: Foundation, Transformation and Development Among the Amasiri (1927-1944)
 Obinna, Elijah
2013 0-7734-3041-5 280 pages
A fresh insight into the relationship between Scottish missionaries and the indigenous peoples in Africa which focuses on the outcomes of missionary activities in the process of imperial conquest and colonization among the Amasiri, of Ebonyi state in southeastern Nigeria.

Price: $199.95

SHEMA JEWISH VOICES ACROSS AFRICA: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe (Soft Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1282-7 216 pages
The first modern confederation of Hebrew republics was founded in Africa in the 1800s. Israel could be in Uganda right now. The Nigerian father of Pan Africanism was a Zionist. Pre-state mainstream Zionism was part of a global anti-colonial, secular, and socialist revolutionary movement. A young State of Israel worked closely on development projects with numerous Sub-Saharan African, also newly independent, countries. Since 7 October 2023, thousands of indigenous Africans who are Jewish publicly expressed their solidarity with Israel’s victims and have bravely stood up to the sharply increased anti-Jewishness they have been facing. If any of this information is new to you, or you simply forgot, then you are reading the right book.

Price: $89.95

Short Stories of the Traditional People of Nigeria African Folks: Back Home
 Njoku, John E. Eberegbulam
1991 0-7734-9631-9 172 pages
The short stories in this volume are original and deal entirely with the culture of the traditional people of Nigeria. They include folkloric tales that have never been written down. Some are expressed in idioms, proverbs, and slang. It offers a rich legacy of the Nigerian people's culture

Price: $159.95

 Aideyan, Osaore
2012 0-7734-4086-0 180 pages
There have been many books written about the issue of poverty in Africa. Most of them look at failed policies and criticize what does not work. This text looks at what does work, and outlines how to implement these effective policies. The question of credibility and strategic behaviors in institutions of poverty reduction is an area that needs to be addressed adequately and the author attempts to deal with it in a pragmatic way.

In the academic literature on designating effective institutions of poverty alleviation programs and policies in sub-Saharan Africa, it is rare to find direct assessments of the success of particular social policies and programs. In country after country, one is much more likely to see research on the failure of poverty reduction programs. Very often, contributors to the literature gravitate towards the presentation of raw numbers and figurers indicating that these policies and programs have failed and thus call for the discontinuation of such policies. Curiously, the most straightforward questions that many people outside of the development circle seem to want answered – such as, on what criteria are these conclusions reached, or what particular policies and programs have made a dent in poverty, are less popular in the discipline. This study focuses on the preconditions for success in poverty reduction programs. It proposes a framework which incorporates a mixture of social and political, as well as economic relationships, which these programs embody. Using evidence from original surveys of two micro-finance programs in Southern Nigeria, this policy evaluation study attempts from the standpoint of institutional and social capital theories to accomplish two goals: first, to fill the gaps in the literature by developing an evaluation framework emphasizing institutional design features and a strong network of relationships which lower costs for beneficiaries and providers; and second, to provide critical input for the policy task of designing effective institutions of poverty reduction programs.

Price: $159.95

Socio-Political Theatre in Nigeria
 Ukpokodu, I. Peter
1992 0-7734-9963-6 328 pages
This work is a study of Nigerian drama from the eve of independence to the 80s with supportive materials from Nigeria's socio-political history. It examines the appropriateness and usage of the term "Nigerian Drama" and sets limits on its meaning. It also looks at what influences the Negritude movement and independence had on Nigerian drama, and why it is important to study Nigerian drama of socio-political concern. Examines pre-Colonial Nigeria, the style of politics and electioneering that marked the first Republic, the Marxist phenomenon in drama, the effects of the civil war, and the drama that resulted. Includes play synopses, biographies of playwrights, and glossary.

Price: $219.95

Structure, Policies and Growth Prospects of Nigeria
 Arya, Pyare L.
1993 0-7734-9252-6 164 pages
This study establishes a link between structure, policies and growth. Based on the structure of Nigeria, the book suggests economic policies suitable to the growth needs of the country. The policies are based on using the internal resources of the country for increasing growth of national income and employment. It also deals with political and social problems which may have impact on the economic development. Bribery and its effects on development are examined in detail, as are the political and economic factors responsible for creating problems in the Nigerian census of population.

Price: $159.95

The Biafra War: Nigeria and the Aftermath
 Ekwe-Ekwe, Herbert
1991 0-88946-235-6 156 pages
This study examines the complexity of the nature and outcome of the Biafra War. This is a wide-ranging rigorous discourse which demonstrates the alienation imperative of the Western-created post-Colonial state. The author argues that this state is historically flawed and does not serve the interests of the African peoples. He contends instead that a post-post-Colonial state evolving from internal African conditions and priorities offers Africa the way forward to avoid horrendous conflicts such as Biafra.

Price: $139.95

The Experience of the Israelite Exiles in Psalm 137 Compared with the Displaced Persons in Nigeria Today. A Presentist Interpretation of the Bible
 Umoren, Gerald Emem
2017 1-4955-0557-7 56 pages
Displacement from home as a refugee easily creates hopelessness for the victims. The recent history of Nigeria reflects this paradigm. Utilizing exegetical methods in the study of the lamentations of the Old Testament exiles contained in Psalm 137 within this the author examines the feelings of hope and despair. From a Presentist perspective a comparative evaluation of victims' attitudes and hopes for restoration are considered.

Price: $59.95

THE USE OF MASKS IN IGBO THEATRE IN NIGERIA: The Aesthetic Flexibility of Performance Traditions
 Ukaegbu, Victor
2007 0-7734-5175-7 424 pages
This study examines the aesthetics of Igbo mask theatre in South-Eastern Nigeria. The author contextualizes this art in contemporary Igbo society, at a time of renewed global interest in the theater of masks. The implications of the theater’s association with new religions (Islam and Christianity) and the extant vestiges of a traditional religion that has changed beyond recognition.

Price: $259.95

Yoruba Drama in English Interpretation and Production
 Alston, J. B.
1989 0-88946-726-9 192 pages
The first important work to analyze Nigeria's Yoruba drama, which has grown steadily in popularity in the United States, and clarify its mysteries. Also serves as a reference work for staging Yoruba drama.

Price: $159.95