Subject Area: Labor Studies

A Comparative Study of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Work Values of Employees in the United States and Japan
 Wang, Gabe T.
1996 0-7734-8759-X 220 pages
Research carried beyond the traditional item to item comparison or simple descriptive statistical analysis, developing a comprehensive and systematic theoretical framework and utilizing a comprehensive statistical method to study work values and comparison of employees in the two countries. Pays attention not only to qualitative theory building but also to the use of quantitative computerized research methods. This book is designed for those interested in American and Japanese employees and management, in American and Japanese cultures, in cross-cultural comparative studies, in LISREL models. Managers, organizational theorists, sociologists, psychologists, and researchers interested in quantitative computer usage should also find this book useful.

Price: $179.95

 Visser, Wessel
2016 1-4955-0460-3 368 pages
An abridged and updated English version of the original Afrikaans text 'Van MWU tot Solidariteit. Geskiedenis van die Mynwerkersunie, 1902-2002.'

Price: $239.95

A Social History of the Jewish East End in London, 1914 - 1939: A Study of Life, Labour and Liturgy
 Green, Joseph
1992 0-7734-9770-6 540 pages
The first detailed and comprehensive study of the classic period of London's Jewish East End. Describes the circumstances of its formation, its geographical and social boundaries, and such organizations as the remarkable Jewish trade unions, the myriad of friendly societies, burial societies, charities, schools, and various religious and political groups. It analyses the economic basis of the community, its doctrinal and liturgical aspects, festivals, entertainments, housing and food, shops and businesses. Discusses in some depth the external factors: anti-Semitism, Socialism and Zionism. Finally, it places in perspective its effects on the major political and cultural aspects of the history of world Jewry and Britain.

Price: $299.95

American Labour, France and the Politics of Intervention, 1945-52 Workers and the Cold War
 Burwood, Stephen
1999 0-7734-8232-6 296 pages
From 1945, American labor unions actively sought to influence and alter the internal affairs of union organizations in other countries. France was of particular concern. The election of a Communist government looked quite likely. American labor actively intervened in the French labor movement to prevent such an eventuality and to remake it in its own image. This book asks the question why, given its incredible power, American efforts were not more successful. It explores the differing political cultures in which workers in France and the USA were steeped and which guided their outlooks and actions. The French workers' movement was devastated in this period. How culpable was American intervention? . The study uses archival material not previously examined, including personal papers, internal union letters and memos, contemporary union documents, journals, convention proceedings, memoirs, autobiographies, newspaper reportage and contemporary analyses.

Price: $199.95

B Films as a Record of British Working-Class Preoccupations in the 1950s. The Historical Importance of a Genre that Has Disappeared
 Quinn, Paul
2009 0-7734-4788-1 276 pages
The first extensive study of the British B film in the post-war period. The B film was, in the 1950s and 1960s, part of the staple fare of a cinema-going public although, even in their heyday, these films were undervalued even by the people who made them. Once the ‘full supporting programme’ disappeared from local cinema screens these films also apparently disappeared from the consciousness of all but a very few. This book contains ten black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

Biography of Florida Union Organizer Frank E’dalgo
 Bogumil, Walter
2000 0-7734-7751-9 104 pages
This is a full-length study of one of Florida’s most vital union organizers. Bogumil examines E’Dalgo’s impact on the formation of labor unions in the sugarcane, citrus and early aerospace industries within Florida. He probes personality, motivations, and the extent of his accomplishments. It includes William J. Usery’s (former Secretary of labor under the Ford administration) candid recollections of their working relationship. With many photographs.

Price: $119.95

Bristol Riots of 1831 and Social Reform in Britain
 Caple, Jeremy
1991 0-88946-224-0 308 pages
Examines the riots in England of 1831, with special focus on the workers attempting to arrest the decline in wages and jobs through strikes and riotous behaviour. Clarifies specific social, economic, and political structures which created the possibility of such events.

Price: $219.95

Brookwood Labor College and the Struggle for Peace and Social Justice in America
 Howlett, Charles F.
1993 0-7734-9163-5 420 pages
This is the only single volume history on Brookwood's contributions to peace and social reform in early twentieth-century America. It is based on extensive use of the Brookwood Labor College Papers and numerous other primary source collections. The college was led by America's most famous 20th-century pacifist, Abraham J. Muste. It trained not only capable labor organizers but also established the progressive organization, conference for Progressive Labor Action. The college's workers' education program stressed industrial justice and world peace as the key to a better society.

Price: $259.95

Building Industry in the Upper Swansea Valley and Its Economic and Social Ramifications, C. 1750-1975
 Roberts, R.O.
2000 0-7734-7788-8 200 pages
This study starts with the economic history of the Upper Swansea Valley, including an account of the provision of the canal, tramroads and railways which made possible the extensive exploitation of the mineral resources of the district by firms large and small. It then gives an account of the building industry whose story was linked in many ways to all other aspects of the economic and social life of the district. The reports of the Medical Officers of Health were valuable source of information for the study. A final chapter traces the hundred-year history of a distinguished building firm, Davies and Son, Allt-wen. With illustrations.

Price: $159.95

Case Studies of the Use of Drug Testing in Corporations. Deviance in Large Organizations
 Irwin, Darrell D.
1991 0-7734-9844-3 122 pages
In exploring the subject of drug testing in the workplace, the author finds two separate classifications of corporate Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) -- the "controller" and "helper" models. The "controller" EAP subjects employees to drug tests in order to provide a missing internal structure -- yet the structure of the corporation is where this study finds the problem to be. Yet, employees continue to have no reasonable standards of privacy or civil rights when faced with drug testing. Despite expectations to the contrary, unions often support the drug testing. This research proposes corporations initiate "helper" EAPs which maintain a program of referral services, confidential counseling and the opportunity to return to work.

Price: $139.95

Catholicism and the San Francisco Labor Movement, 1896-1921
 Gribble, Richard
1993 0-7734-2232-3 200 pages
This study examines the complicated story of San Francisco labor in the first twenty years of this century, and how Roman Catholic social teaching was applied. It looks specifically at the period of time in which Yorke and Hanna (an Irish immigrant priest and an Archbishop, respectively) were active on labor's behalf.

Price: $159.95

Christian Approach to Work and Industry
 Matejko, Alexander J.
1989 0-88946-156-2 450 pages
Provides data and insight to enable business to relate the organizational reality and the socio-economic phenomenon of work/duty to the Christian moral tradition.

Price: $259.95

Class Conflict and Class Coalition in the California Woman Suffrage Movement, 1907-1912. The San Francisco Wage Earners' Suffrage League
 Englander, Susan
1992 0-7734-9845-1 208 pages
Chronicles the brief existence of the League, describing the situation of San Francisco's female work force and unions, the historical circumstances which produced the WESL'S union activists, the split between union and reform suffragists, and WESL's history as an organization and contribution to the 1911 victorious campaign for woman suffrage.

Price: $179.95

Closing Down the American Base at Adak, Alaska the Social and Psychological Trauma of Relocating Military Families
 Gilley, Shirley A.
1997 0-7734-8557-0 328 pages
Memories and experiences of the author on Adak between 1989-1994. Life on the isolated island foced the inhabitants - civilian, militry, dependent, employee, and Aleuts - to bond like family the experience of survival. With photographs.

Price: $219.95

Comparative Study of Occupational Stress in African American and White University Faculty
 Smith, Earl
1992 0-7734-9859-1 144 pages
A detailed comparative examination of occupational stress among African American and White faculty at predominantly white institutions. It is an empirical analysis of an empirical issue: the significant number of African American junior faculty who are unable to make it through the tough tenure and promotion reviews. As the survey shows, many in fact leave the area of instruction for administration early in their careers. No previous research that examines occupational stress in higher education treats in a systematic manner the question of minority/non-minority differences.

Price: $39.95

Correctional Officers in America
 Walters, Stephen
2006 0-7734-5717-8 256 pages
Examines the social science research which describes the occupational environment of correctional officers. Abandoning common popular misconceptions of “prison guards”, the authors analyze who correctional officers are, how they are trained, and the common problems that they share while maintaining security in America’s prisons.

Price: $199.95

Demise of Slavery in Southwestern Morocco, 1860-2000: Economic Modernization and Transformation of Social Hierarchy
 Thomson, Madia
2011 0-7734-1460-6 316 pages
This book examines the changes that occurred in the Moroccan social hierarchy from the pre-Protectorate to the post-Independence period (1860 -2000). It argues that the actions of slaves encouraged changes in the institution of slavery. These changes combined with the forces of economic modernization to reshape social configurations in nineteenth century Morocco. The study draws heavily on Arabic, Berber and French archival and oral data collected in France and Morocco. This book contains 12 color photographs.

Price: $219.95

Deviant Nurses and Improper Patient Care
 Falk, Ursula A.
2006 0-7734-5967-7 200 pages
Describes that segment of the nursing profession who deviate from the expectations of the public in the performance of their duties. The concept of “cognitive dissonance” is explored in connection with male nurses but fits the entire study here because the very word “nurse” implies a concern for the sick and needy, which some nurses negate by their actions.

Price: $159.95

ECONOMIC REFORM IN CHINA, 1979-2003: The Marketization of Labor and State Enterprises
 Larus, Elizabeth Freund
2005 0-7734-6145-0 304 pages
This book examines China’s policy of gradualism in reforming its state-owned enterprises (SOEs). It argues that political constraints forced China’s leaders to opt for a go-slow approach, rather than the “shock therapy” approach used by most Eastern European economies in transition. The book’s contribution to the literature on SOE reform is its focus on the impact of reforms on SOE employees. It examines how SOE obligations to provide employment and welfare (housing distribution and allocation, health care, and social security) for employees were reduced in the reform era, sparking worker protests. The book looks at the impact of reforms on workers, and argues that SOE reform will continue, but at a pace determined by labor’s response to the reforms. The book argues that labor’s response to the reforms forced China’s leaders in the late 1990s to resist privatization of large industrial SOEs, and opt instead for marketization and corporatization. The book is based on archival and field research in China and Hong Kong, and uses the Baoshan Iron and Steel Works (Baogang) and the Anshan Iron and Steel Works (Angang) as case studies of industrial SOE reform.

Price: $219.95

Entrapment of the Poor Into Involuntary Labor: Understanding the Worldwide Practice of Modern-Day Slavery
 Abadeer, Adel S.
2008 0-7734-5046-2 208 pages
Examines the factors which facilitate modern-day slavery (MDS) and prescribes a realistic intervention strategy to counter its practice at all levels of government and society.

Price: $179.95

Envy of Excellence
 Westhues, Kenneth
2006 0-7734-5979-0 516 pages
This is the full report of a decade of research: the conceptual frame for the study of workplace mobbing plus detailed examination of one extraordinary case, to which fifty others are contrasted and compared. This edition includes an appendix of critical commentaries by ten scholars in varied disciplines.

Price: $299.95

George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906) and the Development of the British Cooperative Movement
 Blaszak, Barbara J.
1989 0-88946-454-5 228 pages
The only biography detailing Holyoake's contributions to the Cooperative Movement and his connection to the workers' movement.

Price: $179.95

Henry Ford’s Project in Human Engineering: The Sociological Department of the Ford Motor Company (1913-1941)
 Loizides, Georgios P.
2015 0-7734-0911-4 264 pages
A clear and well documented work that studies the influence of a corporation’s attempt to transform the social and cultural identities of its newly arriving immigrant workforce in order to create an homogenized American working-class through the practice of ‘social / human engineering’. These corporate policies had far reaching implications in the development of class, race, ethnic and gender relations in America.

Price: $199.95

How Career Ladder Jobs Increase Employment Prospects: Redeeming Lives From the Consequences of Youth Delinquency
 Wang, Shun-Yung Kevin
2013 0-7734-4330-4 152 pages
The monograph is a quantitative investigation of the connection between youth employment, career-ladder positions, job stability and delinquency. Based on the empirical evidence, the findings suggest that career-ladder jobs reduce crime and delinquency by providing an environment in which youths holding future-oriented career jobs commit more in their long-term goals and may tend to associate with more pro-social associates in the workplace.

A brilliant contribution to the existing literature on adolescent employment and crime. It connects theory and research with public policy in a balanced manner and introduces the concept of career-ladder jobs as a guide to reduce crime and delinquency by looking at public policy and adolescent employment in a new way.

Price: $139.95

How the Modern System of Imprisonment and Punishment was Created: A History of the First Penitentiary: 1553-1865
 Garvey, Susan Schafer
2022 1-4955-1003-4 572 pages
Authors' Description: "The social and economic conditions of the Tudor age...led to reform of the existing system of justice, such as it was, in 16th century England. This was achieved through the institution of 'a proper system of Poor Relief,' based upon compulsory rates and differentiation between the various classes of the indigent. ...Working Houses or Houses of Correction were set up. The first of these Houses appeared in the former Royal Palace of Bridewell, given by King Edward VI to the City of London in 1553. From that came the popular name "Bridewell" for these institutions, a name that lingered for hundreds of years. ...Bridewell's history as a workhouse for petty offenders has monopolized the attention of historians so that the truly pioneering work of the Royal Hospital has been overshadowed. This book attempts to correct that omission."

Price: $319.95

How the Modern System of Imprisonment and Punishment was Created: A History of the First Penitentiary: 1553-1865
 Hinkle, William G.
2022 1-4955-1003-4 572 pages
Authors' Description: "The social and economic conditions of the Tudor age...led to reform of the existing system of justice, such as it was, in 16th century England. This was achieved through the institution of 'a proper system of Poor Relief,' based upon compulsory rates and differentiation between the various classes of the indigent. ...Working Houses or Houses of Correction were set up. The first of these Houses appeared in the former Royal Palace of Bridewell, given by King Edward VI to the City of London in 1553. From that came the popular name "Bridewell" for these institutions, a name that lingered for hundreds of years. ...Bridewell's history as a workhouse for petty offenders has monopolized the attention of historians so that the truly pioneering work of the Royal Hospital has been overshadowed. This book attempts to correct that omission."

Price: $319.95

Job Accidents and the Law in England's Early Railway Age Origins of Employer Liability and Workmen's Compensation
 Cawthon, Elisabeth A.
1997 0-7734-8735-2 240 pages
This research chronicles the actions of coroners' courts in the 1830's and 40's, in order to illustrate the competition and, quite literally, the bargaining which could occur in a legal arena when a divisive set of forces changed English workplaces. This study argues that the strictness of judge-made and legislated law toward occupational accident victims may be understood within two contexts from that time: lawmakers' anger at the actions of "medical" coroners - notably Thomas Wakley of Middlesex - and their resentment of the actions of coroners' courts. Chapters 1-3 discuss information revealed about particular workplaces, and their changing nature. When coroners' courts heard occupational accident cases, they discussed many topics which are currently of interest to social historians, such as the structure of households, the status of children and domestic servants, the allocation of power within the workplace, the degree of mechanization, the provision of medical care in local communities, availability of self-insurance, the running of workhouses, and the staffing of hospitals and teaching of doctors. Beyond providing information about legal responses to social change, this study also emphasizes that alternative visions of the law of occupational accidents did exist, in complex and contentious form, in the years prior to 1846. The study occupies new ground in discussing the mechanics of the important shift away from the principle of "letting the master answer" for accidents, to the harsher mid-century principles such as the fellow-servant rule.

Price: $179.95

Job Satisfaction and Alienation Among Medical Imaging Specialists
 Donahue, Karen A.
2006 0-7734-5730-5 196 pages
Although the work of medical imaging specialists is continuing to change with the introduction of increasingly sophisticated and complex technologies, such as diagnostic ultrasound, computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, the skills of the specialist are being degraded, leading to alienation among the workforce. Additionally, it was found that the medical imaging specialists are not passive objects in the workforce but are actively engaged in making their work environment less alienating.

Price: $159.95

Labor, State and Capital in Nigeria's Oil Industry
 Ihonvbere, Julius O.
1998 0-7734-9842-7 220 pages
This study brings us into the distinctive world of Nigerian oil workers in their daily confrontations with the neo-Colonial state and foreign capital. It reveals how oil workers devise and execute survival strategies against a very formidable alliance of a state which is almost totally dependent on oil rents, and oil corporations whose main operational motivation is the maximization of profits and control of the market.

Price: $179.95

 Comack, Martin
2015 1-4955-0397-6 156 pages
This study considers two contemporary movements of militant labor and their effect upon the democratization of their respective societies – Solidarnosc, the Polish Solidarity union, and the Frente Autentico de Trabajo, the Authentic Labor Front of Mexico. It provides illustrative examples of the leading role of workers organizations in the development and establishment of a democratic society.

Price: $139.95

Models of Workplace Training Lessons From the Employees Retraining Scheme in Hong Kong
 Cheung, Jacqueline Tak-York
1997 0-7734-8544-9 140 pages
This volume examines the learning models of workplace training. The dominant model in North America is the behavioral approach, with strong emphasis on classroom-based and formal group activities. Three emerging alternatives to this model are examined: action regulation theory, critical reflectivity model, and "working-class adult education" approach. This analysis provides an overview of these models, examines the retraining scheme adopted in Hong Kong in 1992, its origin and evolution, model of training, an appraisal of its results, and provides recommendations and criticisms. It includes a bibliography of recent reports, press releases, studies and speeches on the subject.

Price: $139.95

Occupational Commitment and the Mystique of Self-Employment Among Lagos ( Nigeria ) Port and Dock Workers
 Affinnih, Yahya H.
1992 0-7734-9951-2 228 pages
Begins with a sketch of precolonial Nigerian social structure and its accompanying labor relations to provide a basis for assessing the ways in which colonialism gave rise to new social, economic and political institutions as the industrialization processes unfolded. The post-independence social institutions reflect the persistence of colonial patterns. It is also in this context that the contemporary Nigerian port and dock workers' orientation to life, attitudes toward work, accumulation of wealth, independence, dependence, leisure, and aspirations, etc., are informed and shaped. The concept of work alienation faced by both worker groups enhances our understanding of some of the problems that confront the modern Nigerian working class.

Price: $179.95

Patterns and Processes of Religious Change in Modern Industrial Societies. Europe and the United States
 Crockett, Alasdair
2004 0-7734-6431-X 307 pages
This book addresses the central debates about religious change in advanced industrial societies. The contributors, among them some of the best known sociologists of religion in Britain, the United States and continental Europe, present a wide range of opinions on the central question of whether the overriding characteristic of religious change in modern industrial societies is decline, persistence or transformation. It includes proponents of the two main paradigms in the sociology of religion: the traditional paradigm of secularization theory, and the ‘new’ paradigm of ‘rational choice’ and ‘supply-side’ theory. Many of the chapters contain highly sophisticated, yet simply presented, analyses of the best available empirical data from current and historical social surveys in western and eastern Europe (including Russia) and the United States.

Price: $219.95

Political Life of a Public Employee Labor Union Regional Union Democracy
 Sisya, Frank D.
2001 0-7734-7672-5 220 pages
This study examines the effects of the internal organizational structure on the actual process of decision-making on such issues as the raising of the per-capita tax, political endorsement of candidates running for public office, and the hiring and direction of permanent staff; the electoral process; the relationship between the regional union and its local unions and the national union. This work not only fills the void in scholarly publications on union political lives, but also contributes to our understanding of the effects of structure on process.

Price: $179.95

 Westhues, Kenneth
2006 0-7734-5720-8 260 pages
Therese Warden and Uhuru Watson, tenured professors at Medaille College (New York), were dismissed for turpitude in 2002. Herbert Richardson, tenured professor at St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, was dismissed for gross misconduct in 1994. Rigorous comparative study of these cases yields rich insight, especially because the Medaille mobbings, unlike the one at Toronto, have been corrected. This book spells out a pragmatist, dialogic method for the study of mobbing: analyses of the Medaille cases by Dr. Westhues and AAUP, and scholarly conversation on the Toronto case between Dr. Westhues and seven colleagues in varied disciplines: James Van Patten, Education, Florida Atlantic; Stan C. Weeber, Sociology, McNeese State; Jo A. Baldwin, English, Mississippi Valley State; Anson Shupe, Sociology, Indiana/Purdue; Barry W. Birnbaum, Education, Northeastern Illinois; James Gollnick, Religious Studies, Waterloo.

Price: $199.95

Rev. William Carwardine and the Pullman Strike of 1894. The Christian Gospel and Social Justice
 Cobb, Stephen G.
1992 0-7734-9508-8 248 pages
Of particular concern in this study is the transition in values in the late 1800s as manifested in the relations between labor and management. Discusses the context within which the Pullman Strike of 1894 took place, the predominant values to which it was reacting, the activities of Carwardine, and the rationale for his defense of labor when it was extremely unpopular to do so. This book is based upon primary source material, much of which has never before been presented. The book is a valuable contribution to labor, church and U.S. social history, and also sheds light on contemporary American dynamics.

Price: $179.95

Revolution by Reason and Other Essays
 Quill, Michael
1997 0-7734-8429-9 320 pages
This book examines the ideas of the late Sir Oswald Mosley: British politician and philosopher who became the youngest Member of Parliament and the only Minister ever to resign from office over the question of unemployment. Mosley spent a lifetime advocating systems based on enterprise, initiative and incentive as the best way to create wealth. But he always stressed the necessity for social controls to ensure the bounds of fairness were not breached, and he opposed large-scale international trade. This latter, he believed, led always to mass unemployment in the West as financiers switched investment to cheap-labor Third World countries in order to undercut the markets of advanced nations. For six decades Mosley argued for alternative policies. British Cabinet Minister Richard Crossman wrote: 'Mosley was spurned by Whitehall, Fleet Street . . . and Westminster simply and solely because he was right.' This book of Mosley's essays contains ideas that challenge the accepted wisdom of contemporary economic thought and form the basis of new systems for the future.

Price: $219.95

Robotic Technologies in Japan: Narratives of Use of Technologies for Manpower Enhancement, Not Replacement
 Lim, Tai-Wei
0 1-4955-0301-1 136 pages
Studiesthe way in which robotics and the re-deployment of the aged labor pool in Japan could increase economic productivity in order to cope with the demographic challenges facing that country. It provides options for advocates and policy-makers to select arguments most relevant to their interests for deployment in public intellectual discourse and debate.

Price: $139.95

Social Reflections on Work
 Will, Frederic
2002 0-7734-6898-6 164 pages
This work includes seventeen interviews with workers of varying backgrounds, gender, race, and financial levels. They work in cornfields, brass works, hog barns, jukebox truckstops, and university conference rooms. It blends anthropology with current social critique and occasional lyric-meditative outbursts.

Price: $159.95

Sociological Inquiry Into the History of the Union of Turkish Chambers of Engineers and Architects
 Öncü, Ahmet F.
2003 0-7734-6881-1 232 pages
This study presents a unique case study regarding the radicalization of professionals (engineers), and provides a theoretical framework for unifying the micro and macro levels of social theory. It lays a theoretical foundation in the excursus on Gramsci and Veblen, and presents a short history of modern Turkey focusing on the state/society relation. It then presents a detailed accounting of the Union of Turkish chambers of Engineers and Architects from 1954 to 1980.

Price: $179.95

Spartakusbund and the German Working Class Movement, 1914-1919
 Pelz, William A.
1987 0-88946-355-7 423 pages
Attempts to put the Spartakusbund into an objective context by examining its activities during the years of 1914-1919.

Price: $259.95

The Americanzation of Lay Catholics on Organized Labor: The American Catholic Labor Schools
 Lubienecki, Paul
2023 1-4955-1111-1 576 pages
"In response to Americanism, lay Catholics utilized a "via media" strategy through labor education. The pragmatic American culture conflicted with the Church's orientation of social goals above individual practice. However, the labor schools blended both Catholic dogmas with American values into a collaborative assimilation.... The principles of individualism, democratization and egalitarianism embedded into the American consciousness were systematically conducted by the laity into the character of the American Catholic Church through the paradigm of labor education. These values were not disparaged but enhanced when aligned with the principles contained within the social encyclicals." -Paul Lubienecki

Price: $319.95

The Heroic Priesthood of Father William B. Farrell, 1867-1930: Fighting Anti-Catholicism, Government Corruption and Waterfront Gangsters in New York.
 Jordan, Brian
2017 1-4955-0549-9 204 pages
This previously unknown New York City Roman Catholic priest of the early 20th century is introduced to scholars of religion, labor and social justice causes. His work as a pastor in Brooklyn and in Williamsburg is only part of his biography. Fr. Farrell stood up to the social and political issues of his time: anti-Catholic bigotry, labor rights, organized crime and corruption in the New York City government. This book contains 7 black and white photos.

Price: $179.95

 Jordan, Thomas E.
2022 1-4955-0989-3 120 pages
Dr. Thomas E. Jordan identifies a range of practices and policies by which prisoners, indentured servants, and others were relocated to the American colonies. He discusses what some of the motivations for such practices were as well as aspects of the cultural context supporting them. "Transporting prisoners to the colonies provided domestic relief for local authorities while, nominally, increasing the population base for the colonies."... "In the era, the noun transport meant a convict, and also a ship."

Price: $119.95

Trade Union Sponsorship of UK Labour Migration to the United States 1850s to 1880s
 Murray, Stephen James
2015 1-4955-0363-1 524 pages
A new and contemporary examination of the emigration schemes utilized by the UK Trade/Craft Unions of the late 19th century to supply and channel workers to the USA. This fresh analysis on the subject fills a gap in the existing literature that has not been visited in scholarship for over fifty years.

Price: $299.95

Unemployment and Employment Policies Concerning Women in Britain 1900-1951
 Laybourn, Keith
2002 0-7734-7085-9 262 pages
This study addresses the three major aspects of Britain's discriminatory approach to women's employment laws which were domestic service, broad unemployment and the links between voluntary bodies and the British state

Price: $199.95

What Gives Work its Value? The Human Worth of a Physical Product
 Wilson, David
2006 0-7734-5772-0 216 pages
Marx’s value theory has long been recognized as the station at which his intellectual formation in continental philosophy and political thought meets his protracted engagement with the political economists. This book explores the understanding of Marx’s engagement with value-modernity in a variety of ways.

Price: $179.95

What is Wrong with Academia Today? Essays on the Politicization of American Education
 Wirth, Rex S.
2008 0-7734-4974-4 348 pages
This work explores the consequences of bureaucratization and corporatization for not only academe, but for education across all levels of American society. Includes essays chronicling the contest between faculty rights and those of other parties to govern a university.

Price: $219.95

Why British Black Women Have Difficulty Finding Employment. A Sociological Analysis
 Showunmi, Victoria
2012 0-7734-2943-3 216 pages
Utilizes first-hand interviews with unemployed black women in Britain to ascertain reasons why they cannot find work. The author studies the various barriers that impede Black Women from succeeding in employment and in education. Her conclusions are that racial discrimination along with their subjective racial and gendered identity hinders their forward progress in employment situations, and in educational settings.

Price: $179.95

Why Nurses Commit Suicide. Mobbing in Health Care Institutions
 Leymann, Heinz
2014 0-7734-0068-0 280 pages
The first English translation of the seminal work of Dr. Heinz Leymann. The term workplace mobbing, or the ganging up of peers and managers against a workmate, was conceptualized by a single scientist, Heinz Leymann in his research to identify a distinct form of collective workplace aggression that has now opened the door to specialization in the field of mobbing and laid the groundwork for its subsequent policies and laws governing human resource management departments globally.

Price: $249.95

Women at Work in the Victorian Novel
 Rivers, Bronwyn
2005 0-7734-5903-0 252 pages
Although middle-class women’s work was one of the major social and feminist issues of the mid-Victorian period, literary critics have yet to give extended consideration to the way women novelists treated this topic. This book examines the form and ideologies of mid-Victorian novels that represent middle-class women at work.

The study locates women’s novels of the period within a discourse of women’s work that included writing by the Langham Place feminists, Sarah Ellis, Sarah Lewis, and Harriett Martineau. Focusing on novels by Elizabeth Gaskell, the Brontë sisters, and Mary Elizabeth Braddon, but also examining the work of lesser-known writers such as Amelia B. Edwards, Louise Costello and Ouida, this work examines how both ideologies and rhetorical forms circulated within fictional and non-fictional writing.

The work debate fundamentally challenged social beliefs about women’s sexual and class status, their economic and marital positions, and their educational and occupational opportunities. The demands of work reformers conflicted with the domestic ideology of womanhood, which assumed that middle-class women would remain as the moral centre of the domestic sphere, supported by their husbands or fathers.

By examining the way that novels both influenced and were influenced by this ideology, this book demonstrates how Victorian novels contributed to the imaginative and ideological changes of that most important aspect of female emancipation, women’s work.

Price: $199.95

Women Journalists and the Municipal Housekeeping Movement 1868-1914
 Gottlieb, Agnes Hooper
2001 0-7734-7485-4 228 pages
‘Municipal housekeepers’ were militant women who believed that a woman’s place was in the home, but that the home was larger than just four walls. They believed a woman’s home was her city and that it was the responsibility of women to keep their cities safe and clean. This study traces the beginnings of municipal housekeeping journalism to the early days of the women’s club movement in America and describes its development in newspapers, club publications, general interest magazines and popular women’s magazines. It is the first study to concentrate on the work of women journalists during the movement, explores the different ways women promoted reform activities in newspapers and magazines, and links the work of the earlier women journalists to the 19th century themes of domesticity and municipal housekeeping.

Price: $179.95

Women’s Groups & Equality in British Trade Unions
 Parker, Jane
2003 0-7734-6710-6 324 pages
Within industrial relations, the mainstream literature has not shown much interest in women as the subjects or shapers of research. This study shows the centrality of women’s organizing to unionism and women’s experience of unions, and provides insights into the circumstances necessary for women’s sustained activism. It examines union operations and how women’s groups influence, and are influenced by, them. It contributes an original analysis of the organizational ‘identity’ of individual unions and women’s groups. It also examines the complex relations between unions and their women’s groups within particular institutions, including the little-examined area of women’s engagement in less formal as well as mainstream union activity.

Price: $219.95

Work Roles, Gender Roles, and Asian Indian Immigrant Women in the United States
 Sircar, Arpana
2000 0-7734-7848-5 288 pages
This study addresses the way gender mediates the lives of employed immigrant women in an ethnic minority community. It sheds light on the interplay of race-ethnicity, social class, and history generates multiple contexts within which individual and collective gender attitudes and norms are situated. This empirical study has tapped firsthand into the isolated behind-closed-doors subplots of how individuals negotiate old and new gender concepts in contested social and familial terrains.

Price: $199.95

Work-Famly Debate in Popular Culture: Can Women and Men Have It All?
 Lem, Ellyn A.
2015 0-7734-3529-8 216 pages
An insightful examination of gender roles in the workplace and how the competing demands of family-work life can be balanced. As a pop culture starting point, the study begins with an examination of the ensuing media frenzy and passionate discussions resulting from the Atlantic Magazine cover story, “Why Women Can’t Have it All” by former Princeton Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter and widens its scope into popular films and television.

Price: $179.95

WORKPLACE MOBBING IN ACADEME : Reports from Twenty Universities
 Westhues, Kenneth
2005 0-7734-5977-4 410 pages
A comprehensive introduction to workplace mobbing in today’s colleges and universities, this easy-to-read volume defines and explains the devastating process of being ganged up on by colleagues and administrators, and eliminated from even a tenured professorship. It begins with the editor’s summary of his ground-breaking research, begun in 1992 and set forth in two earlier and widely praised Mellen titles, Eliminating Professors and The Envy of Excellence. The sections of the present book consist of original essays written in response to Dr. Westhues’ work, reporting and analyzing cases of mobbing in both scientific and humanistic fields. Editorial introductions to successive sections show how each chapter helps answer basic questions about mobbing in the academic workplace: what it is, how the process unfolds, what kind of professors join in and what kind get targeted, by what methods professors are attacked and how they fight back, and finally, how the incidence of mobbing can be reduced.

The authors approach mobbing from diverse disciplinary viewpoints, from anthropology and law to psychology and sociology. Contributors: Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Bristol; Hugo Meynell, Calgary; Enrico Cavina, Pisa; Daryl White, Spelman College; O. Kendall White, Washington & Lee; Jo and Joseph Blase, Georgia; Melvin Williams, Michigan; Carey Stronach, Virginia State; Martin Loney, journalist, Ottawa; Irving Hexham, Calgary; Nathan Young, British Columbia; Joan E. Friedenberg, Southern Illinois: John Mueller, Calgary; Brian Martin, Wollongong; Kathleen Kufeldt, Memorial of Newfoundland: Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Wales; Roman Dubinski, Waterloo; Charmian Bondi, consultant, Oslo; Jan Gregersen, consultant, Jar; David Yamada, Suffolk.

Price: $259.95

WORKPLACE MOBBING IN ACADEME : Reports from Twenty Universities (softcover edition)
 Westhues, Kenneth
2005 1-4955-1141-3 410 pages
A comprehensive introduction to workplace mobbing in today’s colleges and universities, this easy-to-read volume defines and explains the devastating process of being ganged up on by colleagues and administrators, and eliminated from even a tenured professorship. It begins with the editor’s summary of his ground-breaking research, begun in 1992 and set forth in two earlier and widely praised Mellen titles, Eliminating Professors and The Envy of Excellence. The sections of the present book consist of original essays written in response to Dr. Westhues’ work, reporting and analyzing cases of mobbing in both scientific and humanistic fields. Editorial introductions to successive sections show how each chapter helps answer basic questions about mobbing in the academic workplace: what it is, how the process unfolds, what kind of professors join in and what kind get targeted, by what methods professors are attacked and how they fight back, and finally, how the incidence of mobbing can be reduced.

The authors approach mobbing from diverse disciplinary viewpoints, from anthropology and law to psychology and sociology. Contributors: Dhiraj K. Pradhan, Bristol; Hugo Meynell, Calgary; Enrico Cavina, Pisa; Daryl White, Spelman College; O. Kendall White, Washington & Lee; Jo and Joseph Blase, Georgia; Melvin Williams, Michigan; Carey Stronach, Virginia State; Martin Loney, journalist, Ottawa; Irving Hexham, Calgary; Nathan Young, British Columbia; Joan E. Friedenberg, Southern Illinois: John Mueller, Calgary; Brian Martin, Wollongong; Kathleen Kufeldt, Memorial of Newfoundland: Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Wales; Roman Dubinski, Waterloo; Charmian Bondi, consultant, Oslo; Jan Gregersen, consultant, Jar; David Yamada, Suffolk.

Price: $39.95