Subject Area: Middle East

 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1316-9 274 pages
7 October 2023 II: Perspectives offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and subsequent events in Israel, Gaza, Palestine, and beyond. This is the second of two 7 October 2023 books on the subject published by Mellen Press. The first one I co-edited with Bonita Nathan Sussman: 7 October 2023: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe. Bonita played an important role in finalizing this work as well.

Price: $199.95

 McCallum, Fiona
2010 0-7734-3704-5 316 pages
This study examines the political role of the two main Christian communities in the Middle East, the Copts and the Maronites. Current theoretical debates on the relationship between religion and politics, as well as secularization and the role of religious pluralism in state formation and national integration, are presented.

Price: $219.95

Death and Taxes in the Ancient Near East
 Orel, Sara E.
1992 0-7734-9512-6 256 pages
An understanding of the treatment of the dead enables us to reconstruct the relationship of an individual to other individuals. Taxation helps define one's relationship with the political structure of society. These articles originated in a faculty/graduate student symposium organized by the Graduate Students Association of the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Toronto (March 1991). With illustrations.

Price: $199.95

Development of Intellectual Property Protection in the Arab World
 El Said, Mohammed
2008 0-7734-5045-9 332 pages
This monograph is one of few resources concerned with the rise and expansion of the TRIPS (trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights)phenomenon and the roles played in the process by United States and the European Union.

Price: $219.95

Development of Taliban Factions in Afghanistan and Pakistan: A Geographical Account, February 2010
 Amin, Agha
2010 0-7734-3725-8 160 pages
This work pieces together an understanding of the Afghanistan War, primarily through the principle author’s knowledge and writings, secondarily through relevant books and articles by other authors. The goal is to provide a “primer” that individuals with little understanding of this region can use to educate themselves on the real issues of the War, issues that are rarely spoken about in the filtered politicized Western media. This book will be of value to young soldiers or diplomats being deployed for the first time to this region of the world.

Price: $139.95

Development of the Feminist Idea in Egypt and the Middle East From the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present
 Suwaed, Mohammad
2016 1-4955-0505-7 304 pages
A remarkable book examining the feminist discourse in the Middle East by analyzing selected philosophical texts by both female and male Arab thinkers. It explores the changes that have taken place in the Arab feminist discourse over the years by addressing the social, cultural, and ideological backgrounds of the region’s feminist over two centuries.

Price: $219.95

Development Planning in the Sultanate of Oman
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2006 0-7734-5900-6 304 pages
This book represents an innovative socio-scientific methodology of the study and application of relational epistemology as the field of unity of knowledge to an applied domain of academia and practice – socioeconomic development planning. The Sultanate of Oman, an oil-rich country by the Arabian Gulf, is taken as a case-study using the lens of relational epistemology to analyze the country’s development plans and to quantitatively examine and develop policy recommendations while studying the prevailing ones. The approach of the book overarches interdisciplinary domains of philosophy of science, systems dynamics, mathematical modeling and quantitative analysis. This book should interest a cross-section of informed readers. Most important among these will be scholars of many vintages of interests and practitioners in development planning.

Price: $219.95

Dynamics of Middle East Nuclear Proliferation
 Spiegel, Steven L.
2002 0-7734-7959-7 392 pages
This study examines the political process of nuclear decision-making and explores attitudes toward nuclear proliferation in the Middle East and how they impact the peace process. The major countries in the region are examined from several viewpoints to highlight the most critical issues and problems facing the region.

Price: $239.95

Edward Said’s Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory: Deconstructive Readings of Canonical Literature
 El-Meligi, Eman
2015 1-4955-0290-2 244 pages
This book analyzes how Edward Said’s critical and cultural theory, together with his practical criticism, dismantles the Myth of the Authenticity of canonical, Orientalist and imperialist discourse. Said’s interdisciplinary informs the multiple approaches of this present study. Therefore, the first chapter uses the theoretical and critical, while the second tends to use the textual, biographical and hermeneutical. The third chapter focuses on the historical, as related to phenomenological hermeneutics. Indeed the three chapters, like Said’s work, attempt to employ postcolonial notions and poststructuralist techniques, necessary for “deconstructing” the myth of authenticity of Western discourse and for offering a counter-narrative. The fourth and fifth chapters of this book lend themselves to cultural studies, exactly as Said did in the books discussed in these chapters.

To dismantle the Myth of Authenticity, Edward Said consecutively tackles five interrelated epistemological fields related to imperialism: literary theory and criticism, cultural studies, the media, and ideology and politics. The first two interrelated aspects, researched in the first and second chapters of this book, underline works like The Letters and Shorter Fiction of Joseph Conrad (1964) Beginnings (1975), The World, the Text and the Critic (1983), Culture and Imperialism (1993) and Representations of the Intellectual (1994). Cultural Studies is crystallized in his seminal work Orientalism: Western Conceptions of the Orient (1978), a work accredited by various critics to have inaugurated the whole field of postcolonial studies. His achievement is highlighted in the third chapter of this book. Said extends his search afterwards from critical theory and literary texts and travelogues to the media, as in his Covering Islam (1981), discussed in Chapter Four of this study. This naturally leads Said to focusing on the ideological and political aspects in, for instance, The Question of Palestine (1979), The Politics of Dispossession (1994), The End of the Peace Process (2000) and Culture and Resistance (2003). This aspect is surveyed in Chapter Five, which also links ideology and politics to hybridity and harmony as the only alternative, as is clear in his Parallels and Paradoxes (2002) and Freud and the Non-European (2003).

Price: $179.95

English-Ottoman Relations in the 18th Century
 Bakay, Gönül
2022 1-4955-0973-7 208 pages
"As the exploration of British-Ottoman relations throughout the chapters of this book reveals, the connection between these two major world powers has been multifaceted, fluid and complex from its beginnings in the 16th century. The records of the State Papers as well as several other sources including travelogues, novels, plays and paintings show that the 18th century was a particularly important period in the history of both nations. These sources also provide important insights into how diplomacy was conducted in both Empires in addition to giving information regarding British-Ottoman diplomatic practices and commercial relations." -from the author's Conclusion (pg. 172-173). Includes 19 color plates.

Price: $189.95

European Portrayals of Jerusalem
 Nassar, Issam
2006 0-7734-5669-4 224 pages
This book is about absence. It studies Jerusalem through the centuries as it appeared in the writings, illustrations and photographs of the European visitors. It argues that despite the thousands of volumes written on Jerusalem, the city remained largely unrepresented and its people were largely absent from most accounts.

The book explores the way the three Abrahamic religions constructed an idea of Jerusalem as a holy city. It then discusses how this position of a holy city transformed the city in the minds of its visitors to a timeless place connected with religious history, not with the social reality. This imagination of the holy city contributed to a creating of it, a place that awaits reclaiming by Europe or its clients. In other words, this book is about how Jerusalem was first colonized by imagination before it fell to the control of the colonizers.

Price: $179.95

FROM PERSIAN EMPIRE TO ISLAMIC IRAN: A History of Nationalism in the Middle East
 Towfighi, Parviz S.
2009 0-7734-4779-2 292 pages
This book examines the relationship between Iranian nationalism and Islam, especially Shi ‘ism as the adopted official religion of the country by the founder of the Safavid Dynasty in 1501 A.D. The study covers selected periods in fourteen centuries of Iranian history with greatest emphasis on the last two centuries where secular Western reformist ideas overlap with progressive religious thinking.

Price: $199.95

Fundamentals of Islamic Asymmetric Warfare: A Documentary Analysis of the Principles of Muhammad
 Rodgers, Russ
2008 0-7734-4988-4 404 pages
Written by an expert in modern insurgency doctrine for the United States armed forces, this work skillfully blends issues of contemporary relevance with modern and medieval historical background. The work is unique in bringing Islamic texts to the discussion.

Price: $259.95

Historical Dictionary of Political Parties in the Middle East and North Africa
 Suwaed, Mohammad
2016 1-4955-0410-7 668 pages
This book discusses political parties operating in the various states and regions in the Middle East and North Africa. It examines ideologies, leadership, as well as the unification and or disintegration of parties, and their development and influence on society and the state.

Price: $359.95

Historical Precedents and Legal Principles that Justify Relocation of the Palestinians: A Collection of Documents
 Ulloth, Dana
2024 1-4955-1211-8 236 pages
This is a softcover book. "When Hamas launched a deadly attack on a concert of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, I was shocked by its brutality and the loss of life. What if a member of my family had been at the concert or visiting with friends that day? The pain felt by families who lost a son or daughter, a brother or sister, was very tangible to me. But the day also reminded me how many leaders have vainly sought a solution that would bring peace to the region so that Jews and Arabs and others could pursue productive lives free from fear for their lives, families, or homes. ...The principal vehicle has been a "two-state" one. Yet a deal based on it has not happened. Perhaps the time has arrived to consider other potential paths. Although usually rejected, I found myself considering what the prospects might be if Palestinians were to move to a more welcoming destination. Today's world is vastly different from the one of a generation ago. ...Is such an option one that might be relevant as the world community seeks a way forward for the Israeli-Hamas conflict? I decided to investigate the history and ramifications of a carefully planned and executed relocation program and how it might benefit a host nation, the Palestinians, Israelis, and the world community. This book is a result of that quest." -Dr. Dana Ulloth (from the Preface)

Price: $29.95

How Arab Journalists Translate English-Language Newspaper Headlines: Case Studies in Cross-Cultural Understanding
 Ali, Ghadya A.
2010 0-7734-3838-6 368 pages
This work is a comparative descriptive analysis of seventy English language headlines and their Arabic translations gathered from the Arab national and international press and news agencies over the period of January 1, 2002 through August 1, 2002, a period that happened to include the months leading up to the second Iraq war. The headlines considered in this study are selected for their relevance to Middle East issues and for their importance. While headline translation has received some attention from scholars, there is little or nothing in the literature that deals specifically with the translation of English language headlines into Arabic.

Price: $239.95

How the Internet is Changing the Practice of Politics in the Middle East: Political Protest, New Social Movements, and Electronic Samizdat
 Roberts, Joseph W.
2009 0-7734-4734-2 332 pages
This work examines the socio-economic and socio-political factors that make modern information technology a useful and viable tool for expatriate political and social movements in dealing with the rigid state control of the traditional media in the Middle East.

Price: $219.95

John F. Kennedy and US-Middle East Relations. A History of American Foreign Policy in the 1960s
 Summitt, April R.
2008 0-7734-4942-6 296 pages
The first comprehensive examination of President Kennedy’s policy toward the entire Middle East. This book contains five black and white photographs.

Price: $199.95

Media Censorship in the Middle East
 Al-Obaidi, Jabbar Audah
2007 0-7734-5286-9 144 pages
This book examines, for the first time ever, Middle-Eastern media censorship. By using an analytical and comparative approach this book, explicitly, shows how the censorial culture grew as the media developed in this region. It also illustrates the illusionary and deceptive arguments presented by the authorities citing articles and stipulations from the constitution that speaks for the freedom of the press and free speech. This book also shows the possibility for emerging models of media in the Middle East that highlight a direction toward democracy and the application of laws and regulations.

Price: $139.95

 Hulme, Derick L
2004 0-7734-6571-5 352 pages
This study examines the U.S. response to Palestinian terror in the late 1960s-early 1970s in an effort to offer insights into why governments respond as they do to transnational terror, an issue of particular relevance in the wake of September 11, 2001. This study examines the factors affecting government policy, and particularly the relationship among terrorists’ strategy and tactics, elite decisionmakers’ international strategic perspective, critical features of the domestic political landscape, and policymakers’ efforts to manipulate counter-terror policies to pursue non-terror related objectives. Detailed examination of the archival record surrounding such key terrorist events as Black September, Munich, Khartoum, Ma’alot, and Entebbe, analysis of critical negotiations involving Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S., and consideration of significant domestic developments involving Watergate, the Vietnam War, and Ford’s pardon of Nixon shed light on the interplay among terrorist actions, strategic interests, and political concerns during the Nixon and Ford administrations and point to more general conclusions about the impact of transnational terrorism on government policy.

Price: $239.95

Place of Zoroaster in History ( Two Book Set)
 Estakhr, Mehdi
2012 0-7734-2608-6 908 pages
Europe's fascination with Zoroaster began in the classical period. Celebrated as the embodiment of wisdom and morality, and enjoying the prestige of an unfathomable antiquity, a personality cult, with validating authority, was created around him. This led several western schools of thought to claim him as their precursor and first master; foisting their own ideas under him to give them validity. When Zoroaster was metamorphed into an astrologer, his authority was also sought by those circles for which astrological occurences provided proof for claims they made, such as certain Neo-Platonists and Christians. Zoroaster's popularity culminated in the Renaissance when he was accredited with the so-called 'Zoroaster's Oracles,' - writings which provided the Humanist Platonists with the underpinningto construct their own passages to God independently of the divine revelation. In the post-Reformation religious controversies, Zoroaster was made to vouch for the truth of Christianity against the tide of freethinkers and atheists, and against Christian antagonists in the interdenominational conflict. The Enlightenment saw the Philosophes and their like minds enlist Zoroaster's authority to combat revelation and to advance the cause of 'Natural Religion'. Zoroaster' validating auhority continued to be exploited even after the arrival and the translation of the Avesta in France which shattered the image the West had made of him. Zoroaster's image as witness in the West provides a prime example of the use of the reconstructed imagined 'Other' for self-validation, self-criticism, as well as belaboring the 'Other'.

Price: $499.95

Regional Integration in the Middle East
 Alvi, Hayat
2007 0-7734-5343-1 276 pages
This study analyzes the effects of globalization on the Middle East region, specifically examining inter-Arab relations and affairs and the international, regional, and institutional criteria for Middle East regional integration. By cross-examining similar schemes of regionalism in Latin America and Southeast Asia, certain political, economic, and institutional criteria are established for the process of such integration. This study should appeal to scholars of political science, economics, sociology, and Middle Eastern studies.

Price: $199.95

Rutas Damascenas. The Streets and Buildings of Old Damascus: Las Movilidades En Un Espacio Intra-Muros
 Ribas-Mateos, Natalia
2014 0-7734-0048-6 108 pages
A first ever examination of the neighborhoods within the walls of Old Damascus that challenge our ideas of stereotypical Mediterranean ethnic and social divisions. The doors open to show us the impact of economic and cultural globalization that has led to a reshaping of cross-national economic integration, creating new forms of regionalisation. (written in Spanish)

Price: $119.95

Sirat Antara - The Manuscript From the University Library in Wroclaw, Poland
 Nawolska, Anna
2012 0-7734-2565-1 320 pages
The Sirat Antara was an eighteenth century manuscript discovered by Anna Nawolska in the Manuscripts Department of Wroclaw University, Poland, which Nawolska translated from Arabic into English. Anatara Ibn Shaddad al-Absi was a sixth century pre-Islamic poet, knight, and hero. The Sirat Antara is the fifth incomplete volume of the chivalric epic that details the heroic deeds of Anatara Ibn Shaddad al-Absi. Not only does Nawolska provide a translation of the manuscript, but she also presents a history of the Sirat Antara and the genesis of Arabic chivalric epic. This book will appeal not only to Arbaists and Orienatlists but also to historians, political scientists, anthropologists, art historians, and sociologists.

Price: $219.95

Syntactic and Literary Analysis of Ancient Northwest Semitic Inscriptions
 Schade, Aaron
2006 0-7734-5526-4 344 pages
Northwest Semitic syntax has been explored extensively on word, phrasal, and clausal levels. This has contributed much to our understanding of the languages in this linguistic family. There have also been numerous studies on micro level and isolated occurrences of literary devices within the corpus of texts. This work examines Northwest Semitic inscriptional material from the 10th – 5th centuries BCE and includes writings predominantly from the Phoenician, Moabite, and Hebrew languages. The inscriptions are analyzed based on a text level approach, and it will be demonstrated how clauses and sentences work together to form larger syntactic units. Additionally, the literary structure of the texts will be defined and the function of the macro level literary devices will be explained. As these larger levels of literary devices can only be detected when viewed in combination with the syntax of the compositions as a whole, the two approaches will be explained independently, yet cooperatively. Thus, the syntax and literary structure of the texts will compliment each other, as the syntax is the vehicle that conveys the literary devices within the inscriptions.

Price: $219.95

Teaching the Bible as a Cross Cultural Classic in a Middle Eastern Society
 Fry, C. George
2005 0-7734-6111-6 296 pages
This book will be of vital interest to all those concerned with the Contemporary Middle East, Pahlavi Iran, cross-cultural education, the education of women (especially in a third world context), as well as teaching English language and literature to those for whom English is a second language. As a visiting professor at Damavand College, Tehran, Iran, the author taught a 75 semester hour course on the English Bible as a “global classic” in the World Literatures major at that college for women. In seven chapters, he describes the country, the college, and outlines the challenges and opportunities of communicating a “religious classic” cross-culturally to students, who were predominately Shiite Muslims, and doing so while respecting the “dignity of difference.” Naturally, this is of interest to those who teach the English Bible in both public and private institutions, but it also reflects deeply on the nature of “Literature” and how it may be interpreted.

Price: $199.95

Terrorism and Espionage in the Middle East
 Cooper, H.H.A.
2006 0-7734-5866-2 808 pages
This work represents an ambitious, controversial, revisionist examination of a number of important terroristic events of the past thirty years. It focuses, principally, upon the critical Israeli/Palestinian struggle that has, in many ways, defined thought and action about the terrorist phenomenon. Conventional, partisan explanations of some of these cruel, violent acts, part of what has been called ‘the scourge of our times,’ seem unsatisfactory to those who approach them, on an informerd basis, with a more open mind. Alternatives are explored here as what is suggested has been a well-organized, clandestine struggle by Israel to contain what otherwise might have proven an insupportable burden for that nation to have carried on its own.

What is essayed, in this lengthy review, is a scholarly, non-judgmental exposition of a remarkable, perhaps unique, counter-terrorism strategy. Its success resides in the very strength of the beliefs which this work is designed to challenge. The subject is breathtaking in its scope and potential, and the authors are all too conscious of how much farther their explorations may have taken them. History will judge how much of their thesis is to be accepted at face value. This is a seminal effort destined to cast light upon a dark area of strategic deception. Much is left to be said, but this foundation may serve to persuade others, especially qualified and unprejudiced, to build upon it.

Price: $499.95

The Ethnic Celansing and Genocide of Christians from the Middle East (softcover)
 Bukay, David
2017 1-63313-021-5 134 pages
The research found in this book proves, ethnic cleansing has also many other aspects, like expropriating others' history, scientific knowledge, values, even identity; mass slavery of groups and nationals from the seventh century on; coercing Muslim primitive barbarian values on the Free World by terrorism, intimidation, sophisticated propaganda, sabotaging its infrastructure, and mass-immigration; and removing physical and cultural evidence of the targeted groups by demolishing and desecrating their monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship.

Price: $39.95

The Metaphysics of All-and-None: A Synthesis of Science, Philosophy, and Religion (soft cover)
 Naseri, Amir
2022 1-4955-0893-5 440 pages
From the author's preface: "This book comes with a completely brand-new scientific and spiritual theory that for the very first time try to explaining the universe, existence, the whole being and even the non-being or nought in scientific terms and manner."

Price: $129.95

The Spiritual Disorder of the Jews and the Need for a Zionist Renaissance: A History of the Ongoing Debate
 Lewin, Eyal
2018 1-4955-0643-6 480 pages
Dr. Lewin examines what he believes to be a spiritual disorder at the core of Israel and the many ways that the disorder is expressed. He focuses on a diverse collection of incidents and events that have manifested in modern Israel due to this disorder. The book looks to examine the concerns and offer solutions that would combat the malaise he is diagnosing.

Price: $279.95

Who Are the Yezidis?: The History and Genocide of an Ancient People
 Shammo, Qader Saleem
2017 1-4955-0594-4 60 pages
The subject of this book is the Yezidis, a small group people whose historic and current stronghold is the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, particularly in the area of the Sinjar mountains. The Yezidi have a unique history and religious customs that distinguish them from the other groups living in Iraq. They been gone through periods of marginalization and oppression for these unique beliefs.

Price: $59.95

Yezidis in Iraq: Between Citizenship and Policies of Marginalization (1958-2005)
 Shammo, Qader Saleem
2018 1-4955-0658-4 560 pages
The histories of minorities in the young nation states of the Middle East is one of marginalization, oppression and bloody violence. In the case of the Yezidis, as well as the Armenians in the early twentieth century, there have been events when it is appropriate to use the term "genocide". Research regarding the Yezidis has been hampered by the lack of sources and/or access to official sources. Using original research, this book establishes that from 1958 through 2005, successive Iraqi governments marginalized Yezidis despite formally according them the status of Iraqi citizens. This book includes 13 color photos.

Price: $319.95

Yezidism - Its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition
 Kreyenbroek, Philip G.
1995 0-7734-9004-3 368 pages
The Yezidi faith has fascinated and tantalized Western scholars since the mid-nineteenth centuries, but actual knowledge of the Yezidi tradition has remained limited. Recently a substantial corpus of Yezidi sacred Hymns has come to light, which had always been transmitted orally, and did not exist in written form until the late 1970s. These texts offered a more detailed insight into the beliefs, observances, and background of the faith. The first half of this volume re-examines the findings of earlier works on Yezidism in the light of the author's field-work with the Yezidi community of Northern Iraq, and of novel insights into the history of the religions of Iranian peoples. The second part consists of text and translations of nineteen Yezidi Hymns, with a commentary on points of philological and theological interest.

Price: $239.95