Subject Area: Religion-Islam

1400 Year War Between Islam and the West: The Paradigm for Understanding and Overcoming Enmity Among Civilizations
 Towfighi, Parviz S.
2015 0-7734-0917-3 448 pages
Searches the development of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to provide reasons for the hatred of a faction of the Islamic world toward the West in general, and the United States in particular. It examines the possibility that the roots of this animosity are the result of the historical interactions between these three Abrahamic religions and more fundamentally the result of corruption of the original message of each religion.

Price: $259.95

7 October 2023 Book I: Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe (Soft Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2024 1-4599-1284-3 332 pages
Jewish Reflections from Around the Globe offers a glimpse into some of the many perspectives on the horrors of Hamas’ 7 October massacre in Israel and events in Israel, Gaza, and Palestine since. This book is intended to reflect an historical moment of “the year of” 7 October 2023. The contributors in this book were drafting their pieces between 7 October 2023 and May 2024. We hope that this book will be helpful to people— including ordinary and suffering people, scholars, peacemakers, policy influencers, haters, empathizers, and all combinations of people—as the “now-ish” timing of the first six months after 7 October 2023 passes and particularly as more people, groups, institutes, movements, and governments claim that they have correctly assessed the period.

Price: $79.95

A History of Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim, Perspectives on War and Peace: Volume I The Bible to 1914
 Frost, J. William
2004 0-7734-6561-8 520 pages
This massive, two-volume work is an extensive survey of the interactions between organized religions and war from the Exodus to Gulf War II. The major emphases are on Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with additional chapters on Hinduism, Buddhism, and sections on Shinto, Quakerism, and others. It will attract scholars in a variety of disciplines: peace studies, religion, history, and political science.

Price: $299.95

ANTI-ARAB AND ANTI-MUSLIM BIAS IN AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS: How They Reported the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah and Israeli-Hamas Wars
 Tischauser, Jeffrey
2010 0-7734-3901-3 208 pages
This research compares the New York Times news coverage of the Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006 (July War) and the Israeli-Gaza conflict of 2006 (Operation Summer Rain) with war coverage as reported by the Chicago Tribune and theWashington Times,. Using Herman and Chomsky’s (1988) Propaganda Model and Edward Said’s (1994) notion of Orientalism, this research investigates the range of permitted opinion and the representations of Arabs and Muslims in news articles.

Price: $179.95

Arab-Muslim Development of Muhammad’s Teaching. From Acts of “madness” to the Arts of Spirituality and shura
 Nouryeh, Christopher
2012 0-7734-3669-3 328 pages
This book investigates the presuppositions, namely ethics, spirituality and psychoanalysis, of the concept of shura, and how they can be applied in the art of governmentality.

Price: $219.95

Arab-Muslim Views of the West From the Ninth Century to the Twentieth
 Nouryeh, Christopher
2005 0-7734-5958-8 324 pages
This book discusses Arab-Muslim views of the West in the past twelve centuries, a huge period of time full of varying events. A distinctive mark of this study is that it provides the English-speaking reader with the original Arab-Muslim arguments, relying on a wide range of Arabic primary and secondary sources. It is an authentic source of thoughts that improves the literature and bridges gaps between the two distinct civilizations.

Price: $219.95

Attempt to Understand the Muslim Reaction to the Satanic Verses
 La’Porte, Victoria
1999 0-7734-8031-5 320 pages
This volume deals with all the major issues surrounding The Satanic Verses controversy. It explores Muslim reasons for wanting the novel banned and places their arguments in context with the history of the West and the Islamic world. It shows how Muslim hurt and anger toward the publication cannot by reduced solely to sociological or anthropological factors, but rather locates the reason for offence in the manner Rushdie chose in writing the novel. The book also seeks to illuminate how liberal reaction widened the gap between the author and the Muslim community in Britain. A large section of the book challenges the liberal arguments against censorship. It reveals the mistake liberals make in imposing their own belief system on the Muslim community. It explores the reaction from Christian circles, focusing explicitly on the Church of England. Finally, the study examines all the issues surrounding Law. It shows how the fatwa issued by the late Ayatollah Khomeini, though religiously motivated, is contrary to the law and spirit of Islam and must be condemned. It provides a unique discussion of the blasphemy law in relation to The Satanic Verses.

Price: $219.95

Can Muslims and Christians Resolve Their Religious and Social Conflicts? Cases From Africa and the United States
 Iwuchukwu, Marinus
2012 0-7734-3071-7 320 pages
This is a collection of essays that address inter-faith dialogue between Muslims and Christians in America and Africa. It addresses the issues dealing with how some Christians depict America as founded on Christian principles, and how this might deter dialogue across different religions. The goal is to get people to converse, not as formulaic Muslims or Christians, but as people with complex, plural, and ever-changing identities that defuse religious antagonism.

Price: $219.95

Classics of Arab Moslem Philosophy. Volume One
 Sagadeev, A.V.
1999 0-7734-3206-X 408 pages
For the first time this unique two-volume set collects together the translations of the outstanding Russian philosopher-Arabist and brilliant translator A.V. Sagadeev. Presented are the works of the following well-known Arab-Moslem thinkers of the Middle Ages : Al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina (Avicenna), Al-Kindi, Ibn-Badji (Avempace), Ibn-Rushd (Averoes), Ibn-Rushd, Ibn-Tufeil, As-Suhravardi. Being one of the top achievements in the translation of the complicated philosophical texts, this book provides the most complete access to the scientific interests and theories of the mentioned medieval philosophers.

Price: $259.95

Classics of Arab Moslem Philosophy. Volume Two
 Sagadeev, A.V.
1999 0-7734-3192-6 280 pages
For the first time this unique two-volume set collects together the translations of the outstanding Russian philosopher-Arabist and brilliant translator A.V. Sagadeev. Presented are the works of the following well-known Arab-Moslem thinkers of the Middle Ages : Al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina (Avicenna), Al-Kindi, Ibn-Badji (Avempace), Ibn-Rushd (Averoes), Ibn-Rushd, Ibn-Tufeil, As-Suhravardi. Being one of the top achievements in the translation of the complicated philosophical texts, this book provides the most complete access to the scientific interests and theories of the mentioned medieval philosophers.

Price: $199.95

Eastern Peripathetism
 Sagadeev, A.V.
1999 0-7734-3227-2 452 pages
Presents original conceptions of formation and development of eastern Aristotelianism, which developed the philosophical traditions of antiquity in the medieval ‘theology-oriented” society of the Moslem East. The author gives a conceptual analysis of the philosophical doctrines of the prominent Arab thinkers: Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Ibn-Sina (Avicenna), Ibn-Badji (Avempace), Ibn-Rushd (Averoes).

In Russian.

Price: $279.95

Explaining the Qur’an. A Socio-Scientific Inquiry. Vol. 2
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2002 0-7734-6878-1 456 pages
This important work presents a technical study of the Qur’an in light of the epistemology of oneness of God, referred to as tawhid. A unique methodology premised on the unity of knowledge is derived in terms of an interactive, integrative and evolutionary model. To bring out this significant feature, the study encompasses many interdisciplinary fields, including Islamic studies, philosophy of science, mathematical systems, political economy, social contractarianism and the world-system. It includes an extensive comparative approach with Western sciences in these fields.

Price: $279.95

Explaining the Qur’an. A Socio-Scientific Inquiry. Vol. 1
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2002 0-7734-6876-5 432 pages
This important work presents a technical study of the Qur’an in light of the epistemology of oneness of God, referred to as tawhid. A unique methodology premised on the unity of knowledge is derived in terms of an interactive, integrative and evolutionary model. To bring out this significant feature, the study encompasses many interdisciplinary fields, including Islamic studies, philosophy of science, mathematical systems, political economy, social contractarianism and the world-system. It includes an extensive comparative approach with Western sciences in these fields.

Price: $259.95

Freedom of Intellect Movement ( Buddhir Mukti Andolan) in Bengali Muslim Thought, 1926-1938
 Khan, Shahadat
2007 0-7734-5423-3 484 pages
This book offers an original examination of the origin and development of a rational humanist movement, the Freedom of Intellect Movement (Buddhir Mukti Andolan), which arose among a group of Bengali-speaking and -writing Muslim intelligentsia in the 1920s and 1930s.

Price: $279.95

Function of Orality in Islamic Law and Practices
 Souaiaia, Ahmed E.
2006 0-7734-5567-1 400 pages
Through the examination of primary and secondary literature, this work establishes that Islamic law is a corpus of accretive ascription fundamentally informed by authoritative precedents and practically preserved in the adaptive oral discourse. In a first phase, Islamic law developed in the exclusivity of the oral environment that characterized the Qur’anic, Hadathic, and Hermeneutic discourses. It is argued that for more than a century of the life of the emerging Muslim community, these three discourses were exclusively preserved and transmitted orally. In a second phase (2nd to 4th Islamic centuries), the dialectic and casuistic nature of disciplines as provided Muslim religious authorities with the priviledged oral declarations that enabled and empowered their decrees and opinions. Finally, once the theological and legal schools of thought emerged (5th to 21st centuries), orality became even more prominent in delineating the boundaries between that which is in conformity with Islamic legal rules and that which is not. The transformed legal tradition, while aspiring to keep the connection between the past (Qur’an and Sunnah) and present has remained dependant on orality which ascertained the preservation of the singularly specific and characteristics traits of each school of thought.

Price: $239.95

Hindu and Muslim Inter-Religious Relations in Malaysia
 Gabriel, Theodore
2000 0-7734-7713-6 192 pages
This study focuses on the minority Hindus and their interaction with the majority Malay-Muslim community. The Hindus of Malaysia since independence from colonial rule have been seriously marginalized owing to their lack of demographic, economic and political power. Current Islamic resurgence and strident calls for Islamicization of the state have adversely affected the Hindus and created apprehension in the community. This has resulted in augmenting Hindu religiosity and sense of identity. The alienation, ghettoization and economic decline of the Hindus are pressing problems that the Malaysian nation has to tackle.

Price: $159.95

Hindu-Muslim Relations in North Malabar, 1498-1947
 Gabriel, Theodore
1996 0-7734-8961-4 396 pages
This volume studies the dynamics of Hindu-Muslim relations in a hitherto little-known part of the province in India, North Malabar, paying special attention to the impact of external political powers on the communal situation. Besides the political history, it also examines social organization, habits of communality, intermarriage, mutual adaptations in literature, music, architecture, and other indications of cultural osmosis. Previously unused sources in the regional language, Malayalam, and the Alexander Bowland Papers on Malabar held by the National Library of Scotland provide important information of use to historians, sociologists, anthropologists, scholars of comparative religion, and political science.

Price: $239.95

How Early Muslim Scholars Assimilated Aristotle and made Iran the Intellectual Center of the Islamic World. A Study of Falsafah
 Sadri, Farshad
2010 0-7734-3716-9 236 pages
The author demonstrates how Falsafah(which linguistically refers to a group of commentaries by Muslim scholars associated with their readings of the Corpus Aristotelicum) in Iran has been always closely linked with religion. It also shows that after the introduction of Islamic falsafah (and the onset of the Corpus Aristotelicum in Baghdad in 899 AD), the blending of the new natural theology and the vibrant Iranian culture gave birth to a new making of intellectual sway which soon made Iran the center of falsafah (and sciences) in the Medieval world.

Price: $179.95

Hybrid Identity Construction of a Sufi Muslim and Arab Immigrant to the United States
 Ayoub, Omaima M.
2007 0-7734-5284-2 120 pages
This study examines the relationship between language and culture in the case of a college instructor whose identity is a blend of three different backgrounds (Sufi Muslim, Arab, and American); each of which is unique in the way it informs other parts of the individual’s identity, as well as the informant’s worldviews. By analyzing and interpreting data gathered from lectures, town-hall meetings, and interviews with the informant, the author seeks to illustrate how an immigrant’s native language and culture influence the construction of his hybrid identity as he function in different social arenas.

Price: $119.95

Integration of Philosophy, Politics, and Conservative Islam in the Thought of Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938):the Restoration of Muslim Dignity Against the Tide of Westernization
 Nix, Dayne E.
2011 0-7734-1494-0 276 pages
Known as the "Spiritual Father" of Pakistan, Muhammad Iqbal lived at multiple human crossroads: of history as British colonial power waned in India, of the human relationship with technology during the crisis of Modernism, and of the awakening of political Islam to its cultural conflict with the West. Iqbal perceived an attack on the human dignity of Muslims due to the world-wide influence of Western culture, specifically through the ubiquitous prescence of British Imperialism. This study represents an inter-disciplinary history of ideas approach to Iqbal's prescription for the restoration of Muslim dignity: The Perfect Man. It discusses Iqbal's contributions to philosophy, poetic art, and how he integrated his conservative Muslim faith with his political ideals.

Price: $199.95

Islam and Islamophobia: Externalization of Guilt (Softcover)
 Bukay, David
2020 1-4955-0848-X 100 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $19.95

Islam's Justification and Promotion of Slavery: From Muhammad to the Present
 Bukay, David
2017 1-4955-0605-3 64 pages
Dr. Bukay’s monograph looks at Islam’s historical and theological relationship with the practice of slavery.

Price: $79.95

Legitimizing Modernity in Islam: Muslim Modus Vivendi and Western Modernity
 Kassim, Husain
2005 0-7734-6235-X 196 pages
This present study constructs modernity in Islam. Its value lies in its approach towards finding categories from within the shari' a law to create a space for an alternative possibility of modernity in the Muslim modus vivendi without changing its religious orientation. This unique approach remains within the Muslim tradition yet finding room for modernity in the Muslim world that is compatible with Western modernity. The author is remarkably successful in employing the ideas of Western modernity from Kant through Habermas and recent French theory (Levinas, Derrida etc.) in all its fundamental features such as the concepts of justice, human rights, secularization, individual freedom and society, democracy, gender relations, banking and financial transactions etc. that can be accommodated in the Muslim ethos.

Price: $159.95

Muslims in Dialogue: The Evolution of a Dialogue
 Swidler, Leonard
1992 0-88946-499-5 564 pages
This volume presents in empirical fashion the development of the entrance of Islam into dialogue. `Dialogue' is defined as the approach to encounters with other religions and ideologies not primarily in the teaching mode -- as holding alone the secret of life-- but primarily in the learning mode -- seeking to find more of the secret of the meaning of life. Gathered here are almost all the articles dealing with Islam that appeared in the Journal of Ecumenical Studies or books spun off it from over the past generation, tracing Islam's slow, painful, at times quite reluctant move to dialogue.

Price: $319.95

POLICING MUSLIM AMERICAN COMMUNITIES: A Compendium of Post 9/11 Interviews
 Gaskew, Tony
2008 0-7734-4812-8 256 pages
This book examines the experiences and social conflicts facing Muslim Americans in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, providing insight on how the highly politicized and tense atmosphere which followed the events of 9/11 impacted the relationship between law enforcement agencies and Muslim American communities. This work also provides several polyvalent themes for improving domestic counterterrorism strategies, including the need for law enforcement agencies to make a concerted effort to educate themselves on the basic tenets of Islam, along with its diverse customs and culture; to establish an open and honest active dialogue with Muslim community members; and to create and sustain a relationship with the Muslim American community based on the foundational concepts of mutual participation, respect, dignity, honor, and social justice.

Price: $199.95

Reshaping of Iran From Zoroastrian to Muslim: A History of Cultural Transformation
 Writer, Rashna
2013 0-7734-4492-0 532 pages
The conquest of Sasanian Iran by the Arabs, newly galvanized by Islam, brought to a close Zoroastrian Iran which would henceforth become an integral part of the Islamic world. This book examines the transformation of the country and its impact on the diminished Zoroastrian community; and investigates Zoroastrian-Muslim relations in Iran, from the early post-conquest era to the present time.

Price: $299.95

Social and Economic Aspects of the Islam of Mohammad
 Ali, S. A.
1993 0-7734-9279-8 184 pages
This study first briefly examines the advent and purpose of Islam, indicating the basic principles for the management of the economy and society. There is also an examination of the ethical basis of trade, land management, education. It lays down principles on which the structure of a sensible economy can be raised.

Price: $159.95

Study of Audience Responses to the Media Discourse About the “Other”: The Fear of Terrorism Between Australian Muslims and the Broader Community
 Aly, Anne
2010 0-7734-3770-3 444 pages
This book examines the fear of terrorism and its impact on community well being and public perception of government counter terrorism strategies. The author’s discussion of the audience and their role in encoding/ decoding raises questions about the relationship between the audience and the media in an era of new technologies.

Price: $259.95

Ten Reformist Movements Within Islam: al-Ghazali to Khomeini (Softcover)
 Towfighi, Parviz S.
2021 1-4955-0902-8 236 pages
(softcover) "[There are two] areas of inquiry of this book: historical and political. They are used in: (1) the interpretation of past relationships between the West and the world of Islam; (2) the analysis of the complexity of this relationship at present; and (3) the plausibility of development of a new paradigm based on respect for all civilizations co-existing side-by-side, thus avoiding catastrophic consequences for humanity. ...This retrospective historical and political study is based on the premise that the knowledge of historical facts is important to the understanding of present world conflicts and those that might be developed in the future, and is capable of offering solutions for the resolutions of those conflicts. Since Islam as a religion has been the target of criticism as the main cause of terrorism around the world, I have paid more attention to the history of development of that religion (its past as well as its reform movements), and less attention to the other two main world religions since Western readers should be more familiar with them." -From the Author's introduction

Price: $69.95

The 1500 Year War Between Christianity and Islam: Conquest, Crusaders, and Jihad
 Towfighi, Parviz S.
2021 1-4955-0901-X 236 pages
(softcover) "This retrospective historical and political study is based on the premise that the knowledge of historical facts is important to understanding of the present world conflicts and those that might be developed in the future, and is capable of offering solutions for the resolutions of those conflicts. Since Islam as a religion has been the target of criticism as the supposed main cause of the spread of terrorism around the world, I have paid more attention to the history of development of that religion." -From the Author's Introduction

Price: $89.95

 Hopkins, Peter
2008 0-7734-4952-3 236 pages
Charts the life of young Muslim men in Scotland by exploring local issues connected with family life, residential segregation and everyday experiences; national concerns around Scottishness and Scottish politics; and responses to global events such as those of 11th September 2001.

Price: $179.95

Theologies of War and Peace Among Jews, Christians, and Muslims
 Randall, Albert B.
1998 0-7734-8254-7 500 pages

Price: $279.95

Why Islam is a Danger to the World: A Scholarly Rebuttal of Muslim Propaganda (Hardcover)
 Bukay, David
2019 978-1-4955-0726-7 672 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $69.95

Why Islam is a Danger to the World: A Scholarly Rebuttal of Muslim Propaganda (Softcover)
 Bukay, David
2019 1-4955-0725-4 672 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $39.95