Subject Area: Theology

A Systemic Study of the Theology of Guerric of Igny: Selected Philosophical and Theological Topics
 Lockey, Paul E.
2023 1-4955-1180-4 326 pages
"Guerric of Igny (c. 1080-1157) is the least-known of "the four Cistercian Fathers. ...Within the Cistercian order...Guerric's corpus of sermons are foundational to Cistercian thought. Born in Tournai (now in Belgium), he was trained in the cathedral school in philosophy and theology, under the influence of Odo of Cambrai. ...Guerric became Abbot of Igny, and he composed a series of carefully-worded sermons which were arranged to the order of the liturgical year. These sermons are not sermons in the usual sense, but are expositions on the monastic life throughout the liturgical year. ...This present volume...strives to expand and enlarge Guerric scholarship by categorizing the major aspects of theology addressed in Guerric's sermons. ... The advantage of systemizing Guerric's thoughts is to better comprehend his overall understanding of Christology, soteriology, morality, anthropology, et.

Price: $179.95

A Theological Analysis of Herman Bavinck's Two Essays on the Imitatio Christi: Between Pietism and Modernism
 Bavinck, Herman
2013 0-7734-4484-X 484 pages
This is an exploration into the mind of Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) whose name is still revered as one of the prominent leaders in the revival of Dutch Neo-Calvinism in the Netherlands that profoundly affected not only theology and the church but also education, politics and society more broadly. A new world of Bavinck thoughts have opened up with this first ever English translation of his two articles on the Imitation of Christ.

Price: $279.95

Berthold Von Schenk (1895-1974) - Pioneer of Lutheran Liturgical Renewal
 Fry, C. George
2004 0-7734-6550-2 140 pages
Berthold von Schenk defies easy analysis. Scion of an ancient German aristocratic family, he served as an inner-city minister, was a pioneer twentieth-century ecumenist, a dedicated parish pastor, and an internationally renowned author and scholar. Trained in St. Louis by the noted Missouri Synod dogmatist Franz Pieper, he was later summoned by Pope John XXIII to participate in the first of Protestant-Roman Catholic consultations prior to Vatican II. This study begins with a biography and overview of his times, and then concentrates on his philosophy and theology, groundbreaking for its time.

Price: $139.95

Biblical Criticism, Jewish Faith and the Encounter with Mysticism and Christianity (Hard Cover)
 Gluck, Andrew L.
2025 1-4955-1324-6 516 pages
This book is a remarkable look into Jewish theology. Gluck discusses and evaluates many different narratives on Jewish theology. Here he presents the views of leading theologians from a number of faith traditions. Gluck is well versed in the many different approaches to Jewish theology and draws well constructed conclusions about Jewish theology and its many different facets. His understanding and creative understanding of Jewish theology is a rare tapestry of thought.

Price: $299.95

Christian Warrior in the Twentieth Century
 Davies, Jon
1995 0-7734-9034-5 182 pages
This study traces the long evolution of the male military-heroic tradition of the West and its reinvigoration by Christian theology and ecclesiology. It shows how this heroic tradition lies behind notions of national and gender identity, and how, with the shared symbolism of war remembrance and war memorials, this century comes to an end in an elaboration of a common, sacralised bellicognisant Eurochristian culture. It concludes with an analysis of the working out of this culture in debates about 'War Crimes', masculine concepts of 'Duty' and a war (The Gulf War) on Eurochristianity's frontier with Islam.

Price: $159.95

Essays on C. S. Lewis and George Macdonald - Truth, Fiction, and the Power of Imagination
 Marshall, Cynthia
1991 0-88946-494-4 122 pages
Studies that go beyond observations noting thematic connections between C. S. Lewis' theological writings and his imaginative fictions to probe the basic foundation of Lewis' conception of fiction and advance our understanding of the importance Lewis granted to the imagination in perceiving truth. Also, explores the role George MacDonald (who Lewis said "baptized [his] imagination") played in the development of his theory of fiction. Walter Hooper and Ann Loades offer essays on questions of autobiography raised by A Grief Observed; Robert Holyer writes on the epistemology of Till We Have Faces; Frank Riga discusses dreams as conduits for the imagination; and Waldo Knickerbocker discusses Lewis' sense of Christianity as "a true fairy tale."

Price: $139.95

Four Calvinist Thinkers: John Calvin, William Ames, Richard Hooker, and Charles Chauncy
 Gibbs, Lee W.
2024 1-4955-1191- x 256 pages
"It may be discerned through the proceeding parts of this book my own spiritual pilgrimage from hard line double predestination to potential universal salvation through the metamorphoses of Calfinist thinking as reflected in my life-long research into the writings of Calvin, and three other great theologians--William Ames, Richard Hooker, and Charles Chauncy--who were all heavily influence by Calvin. The discussion of each of these figures addresses each of the following questions: (1) How much of Calvin did they change? (2) How much of Calvin did they retain? (3) What difference did it make?" -from The Author's "Preface"

Price: $159.95

How Preferential Option for the Poor (POP) Became the Chief Doctrine of Christianity
 Coe, John R.
2024 1-4955-1258-4 196 pages
This book describes the history of and behind the preferential option for the poor, especially through an exploration of the history and development of Liberation Theology. "Since traditional Christianity, and especially Catholicism, were not revolution-minded, Liberation Theology would have to fabricate a new theology which not only allowed, but assisted, in the destruction of the old society and creation of the new." -James Biser Whisker and John R. Coe

Price: $159.95

Isaac Newton's Philosophy of Sacred Space and Sacred Time
 Gillette, Gregory
2007 0-7734-5406-3 136 pages
This book provides an analysis of the concepts of space and time in the thought and writings of Sir Isaac Newton, attempting to illustrate his portrayal of both of these as sacred, not merely material entities. This book offers an interesting contribution to current debates concerning the relationship between science and religion, and will appeal to those who study the philosophy of religion, theology, and the history of science.

Price: $139.95

Language of Poetry as a Form of Prayer: The Theo-Poetic Aesthetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins
 McAloon, Francis X.
2008 0-7734-5022-X 264 pages
Grounded in the investigative tools of interpretation theory, theo-poetic aesthetics, and literary criticism, this book proposes and employs an interdisciplinary methodology for the analysis of poetic prayer tests, focusing upon the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Interspersed throughout the text are brief interchapters, which offer practical illustrations of the sort of transformative reading this work proposes.

Price: $199.95

Luther and Calvin on Old Testament Narratives: Reformation Thought and Narrative Text
 Parsons, Michael
2004 0-7734-6525-1 342 pages

Price: $219.95

Noetical Theory of Gabriel Vasquez, Jesuit Philosopher and Theologian (1549-1604)
 Lapierre, Michael J.
1999 0-7734-7888-4 132 pages
This study deals with the place Vasquez gives to the objective concept in its relation to the external word (speech), to truth (judgment), to knowledge (human cognition), and to being (reality). The crux of the matter lies in the relation which the objective concept of a thing has to the thing in itself. His teaching of the objective concept was opposed by his contemporary, John of St. Thomas. In this century, Jacques Maritain in his work Reflexions sur l’intelligence et sa vie propre, sees it as the source of the idealism of succeeding eras. “There are hardly any English publications on Vasquez to date. Prof. Lapierre’s work is filling a gap; therefore, it is a must for any library in the English speaking world interested in medieval studies.” – Tibor Horvath

Price: $139.95

SHEMA JEWISH VOICES ACROSS AFRICA: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe (Hard Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2025 1-4955-1281-9 216 pages
The first modern confederation of Hebrew republics was founded in Africa in the 1800s. Israel could be in Uganda right now. The Nigerian father of Pan Africanism was a Zionist. Pre-state mainstream Zionism was part of a global anti-colonial, secular, and socialist revolutionary movement. A young State of Israel worked closely on development projects with numerous Sub-Saharan African, also newly independent, countries. Since 7 October 2023, thousands of indigenous Africans who are Jewish publicly expressed their solidarity with Israel’s victims and have bravely stood up to the sharply increased anti-Jewishness they have been facing. If any of this information is new to you, or you simply forgot, then you are reading the right book.

Price: $179.95

 Hinton, Samuel
2009 0-7734-4955-8 184 pages
The study examines multidimensional issues relating to cruelty and forgiveness, specifically following the ten-year civil war in Sierra Leone. It discussed some experiences of children in Biblical times, and connections between the work of street children personnel and practical theology.

Price: $159.95

The Antichrist from Earliest Times Through the Reformation: The History of a Theological Idea
 Coe, John R.
2024 1-4955-1232-0 288 pages
This book is a thematic study offering a history of representations of the antichrist in religious thought and literature. "The malevolent figure of the Antichrist has endured for more than two millennia as both a religious and secular character. Its spectral figure has cast a powerful shadow over events during these ages. For two thousand years the Antichrist has appeared as the evil antagonist against Jesus Christ in the cosmic dual between good and evil." -The Authors

Price: $159.95

The Enigma of the Marys: Disentangling the Marys of the New Testament
 Donalson, Malcolm Drew
2024 1-4955-1194-4 60 pages
"In this intriguing book, Donalson sorts out the traditions associated with the various Marys and the unnamed women linked to them. Although it is impossible to solve the puzzle completely, the book discusses the options offered by the tradition and shows how the Marys, especially the Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalena, and Mary of Bethany contribute to Christian piety, spirituality, legend, and theology." -Dr. Scott Goins (Preface)

Price: $79.95

The Interpretation of History
 Tillich, Paul
2022 1-4955-1037-9 300 pages
"This book gives a summary of the problems and categories of the interpretation of history developed in German Religious Socialism, and at the same time explains the basic ideas of my own philosophy and theology including their application to the present world-situation. Since my interpretation of history embraces philosophical, political, and theological elements, the book contains three parts dealing with the categories of an interpretation of history from these three points of view. " -From the Author's Preface

Price: $295.95

The Theology of the Ascension of Isaiah : A First New Synthesis
 Knight, Jonathan
2019 0-7734-4363-0 168 pages
Dr. Knight contributes to the study of both the theology of the earliest Christian literature and the New Testament by examining the neglected early second century apocalypse known as The Ascension of Isaiah. The goal is to allow scholars to examine all the evidence that exists.

Price: $159.95

Theological Essays
 Michael, Aloysius
2024 1-4955-1259-2 96 pages
This is a softcover book. "There are many simple things we can do as we care for the soul and body: simple recollection and focus, living in the moment, silence as opposed to constant distraction without texting. Simple but seemingly challenging." -Dr. Aloysius Michael

Price: $29.95

Translation of William of Ockham’s Work of Ninety Days Vol. 2
 Kilcullen, John
2001 0-7734-7530-3 480 pages
This was Ockham’s first major work in a twenty-year campaign against Pope John XXII. It is a critical commentary on the Pope’s document Quia vir reprobus. It includes a thorough discussion of the place of voluntary poverty in religious life, the place of property in civil life, and its relation to natural rights and human law.

Price: $279.95

Translation of William of Ockham’s Work of Ninety Days. Vol. 1
 Kilcullen, John
2001 0-7734-7528-1 496 pages
This was Ockham’s first major work in a twenty-year campaign against Pope John XXII. It is a critical commentary on the Pope’s document Quia vir reprobus. It includes a thorough discussion of the place of voluntary poverty in religious life, the place of property in civil life, and its relation to natural rights and human law.

Price: $279.95