From Hagedorn to SÜskind - Essays on German Literature

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This volume brings together contributions to research written during nearly forty years of service to Bristol University. Brian Coghlan writes an appreciative foreword, and the author narrates the background to his work. The broad scope of the essays is emphasized by a rich variety of illustrations.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Brian Coghlan
· Friedrich von Hagedorn
· The Chatterton Theme in Modern German Literature
· Friederike Brun and Madame de Staël
· Friedrike Brun and her Contemporaries
· Heinrich von Kleist’s ‘Über das Marionettentheater’ – Coincidence of Opposites or Dialectical Structure?
· Georg Büchner and Kasimir Edschmid
· The Reception of Georg Büchner in Lyric Poetry
· Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s ‘Weltgeheimnis’ and the Theme of Love Reinterpreted with the Help of Manuscript Material
· ‘Muss der Titel einer Thatsache entsprechen?’ Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s ‘Prolog zu dem Buch ANATOL’
· Der Mondseer ‘Jedermann’
· Rilke and German Women Expressionists
· Frida Bettingen and Bess Brenck-Kalischer
· Austrian Expressionism in Periodicals and Anthologies
· The Concept of ‘Gemeinschaft’ in the Works of Franz Werfel and Lothar Schreyer
· Wer War Lother Schreyer?
· Die Rezeption des Mittelalters, insbesondere der Deutschen Mystik im Werk von Lothar Schreyer
· Lothar Schreyer’s Theatre Works and the Use of Masks
· Lothar Schreyer – Bauhausmeister
· Der Nachalß von P. Theodor Bogler in Maria Laach
· Johannes Bobrowski and the Romantics
· ‘Das lebendige Erzählen’ Johannes Bobrowski, Dichter der Erinnerung und Erneuerung
· Bobrowskis Poetic Nachalß – Icons of Hope
· The German Academic Novel of the 1980s, or a Tale of Four Hetero–Academic Novels
· ‘Little Magazines’ from the former German Democratic Republic – Survey
· Little Magazines in the former GDR since 1989
· ‘Leiden als unvollständiger Akt der Rebellion’: The Literature and Critical Analysis of Waltraud Anna Mitgutsch
· Patrick Süskind – Das Parfum

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