An Encyclopedia of German Women Writers 1900-1933 Biographies, Bibliographies and Exemplary Readings Volume Three

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Anthology with biographical and bibliographical notes, and portraits where obtainable. Writers have been represented by works that either reveal their development in one genre, or by a cross-section of works from different genres, or by a group of works on one topic. Occasionally a much longer work is included to highlight neglected or unknown areas. Notes and biographies in English, original texts in German.

Table of Contents

Volume Three:
Hedwig Courths-Mahler - Ess irrt der Mensch; Opfer der Liebe (novel extracts)
Elisabeth Dauthendey - Von den Gärten der Erde (3 prose extracts); Der Fremdling (novelle)
Hedwig Dohm - Feindliche Schwestern (dialogue); Die Idealisten des Antifeminismus; Frau Lou Andreas-Salomé (essay); Memoirs from Kindheitserinnerungen
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach - Aphorisms
Veronica Erdmann - 10 poems
Marie Luise Fleißer - Die arme Louise (story); Heinrich Kleist der Novellen (essay); Das dramatische Empfinden bei den Frauen (essay)
Irene Forbes-Mosse - 3 poems; 2 short prose texts
Adele Gerhard - Pflüger (novel extracts)
Catharina Godwin - 4 short prose texts; Hochzeitsreise; Der Nebentisch; Des alten Lebens zweiter Tag; Das neuen Lebes 1.Spiel (short stories)
Claire Goll - Porträt des Dichters Iwan Goll (appreciation); Die Wachshand (novelle); 9 poems

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