Subject Area: Communication Studies

100 Examples of Public Art in America: An Inventory of Locations, Purposes, and Controversies
 Ulloth, Dana
2024 1-4955-1242-8 344 pages
"Because public art enriches the human experience and fosters a sense of community, it is gaining more attention in public and academic circles. This book hopes to contribute to that dialog. ...This book on public art in the United States includes three sections: Ten works of public art of national and international significance; ten portals to virtual art; and 80 works distributed among the 50 states and the District of Columbia." (Dr. Dana Ulloth, "Preface")

Price: $179.95

A Case Study of the Factors in the Development of Spanish Linguistic Accuracy and Oral Communication: Skills. Motivation and Extended Interaction in the Study Abroad Context
 Isabelli-García, Christina L.
2004 0-7734-6348-8 173 pages
This study examines the impact of a one-semester study abroad experience in Argentina on the second language acquisition of five North American university Spanish learners. The goal is three-fold: (1) to measure development of linguistic accuracy of (a) tense selection, (b) aspect selection, (c) subject-verb agreement and (d) adjectival agreement; (2) to measure development of oral skills in performing the functions of narration, description and opinion; and (3) to relate patterns of social contact via analysis of social network logs to development in oral ability as measure by gains in linguistic accuracy and oral communication skills over time. The author submits that the two vital factors that lead to acquisition gains in the study abroad context are motivation and extended significant target language interaction with native speakers in social networks. The study shows through qualitative and quantitative data that those who had high motivation were those that had more extended networks, which correlated with gains in linguistic accuracy and development in performing discourse functions.

Price: $159.95

A COMPARATIVE AND DIALECTICAL LEXICON OF VARIATIONS IN MODERN SPANISH VOCABULARY: Tracking Linguistic Differences Across Cultural, National, and Dialectical Boundaries
 Florián, Lorenzo R.
2010 0-7734-1437-1 388 pages
This is the first linguistic resource of its kind. The innovation of this study is its comparison of the lexicons of all Spanish-speaking countries. It includes English translations and Spanish definitions.

Price: $239.95

 Lyons, Rosemary
2002 0-7734-6971-0 120 pages

Price: $119.95

Alegoría y Ironía Bajo Censura en la Argentina del Proceso (1976-1983)
 Favoretto, Mara
2010 0-7734-1292-1 404 pages
This text offers an analysis of how rhetorical strategies such as allegory, irony and symbolism, were employed by dissenting Argentine writers and singer-songwriters during the military dictatorship that seized power on March 24th 1976.

Author’s Abstract:
During the military coup in Argentina (1976 – 1983) a machinery of censorship was imposed. The state had a systematic plan of cultural repression and manipulation of public opinion. However, the dissident writers and lyricists examined in this study developed strategies of resistance that depended largely on allegory and irony. Some of the regime’s plans created the opposite result to that which was desired originally. In the musical sphere, what the authorities wanted to quash was fostered: through avoiding the diffusion of a certain type of music, what was opened up was a space that was quickly occupied by dissident music. By means of a detailed rhetorical analysis, this study is focused on the functioning of allegory, irony and symbolism under constrains of censorship.

Price: $259.95

Aristotle and Style
 Newman, Sara
2005 0-7734-6194-9 308 pages
This book examines what Aristotle has to say about style, metaphor, the figures of speech, and other less recognized stylistic elements within his corpus. Proceeding from the texts themselves, this study argues that Aristotle's discussion of style in the Rhetoric is conceptually consistent with his treatment of invention in that text. By applying Aristotle's theory to his own intellectual practices in the Nicomachean Ethics, this study also illuminates the way that Aristotle's thinks through his intellectual and rhetorical practices. As such, Aristotle offers to contemporary readers a relatively coherent understanding of what style is and how it contributes to successful and appropriate persuasion in more than the traditional decorative sense. He also demonstrates the range of his own theoretical statements. In these ways, Aristotle provides us with a fresh perspective on ancient and contemporary concerns with language.

Price: $219.95

Aristotle's Organon in Epitome, the Poetics, the Rhetoric, the Analytics.
 Tejera, Victorino
1996 0-7734-8884-7 216 pages
This volume brings together Aristotle's interrelated views of poetry, speech-making, and inference, so that they create the equipment needed by students of the arts and sciences for the pursuit of their inquiries in the disciplines and the study of the histories of these disciplines and their landmark texts. Aristotle's poetics emerge from the book's analytic summaries as responsive to the expressiveness of Greek tragedy, while his rhetoric is brought into a closer relation with the logic of inference, made necessary by the persistence of sophistic reasoning in philosophy, literary criticism, and the discourse of our public sphere.

Price: $179.95

Classical Rhetorical Thought. Selected Highlights
 Geddes, LaDonna
1991 0-7734-9914-8 124 pages
Studies the development of rhetorical theory within the framework of the definitive questions: what is rhetoric; what constitutes a good speaker; how should truth be defined; what is knowledge; and what is involved in audience analysis. Examines the how these questions are treated by Plato, Isocrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, St. Augustine, Peter Ramus, and John Locke. Begins with the preface that man's desire to understand himself and the world in which he lives is founded in a study of history; that it is through an understanding of an era's social organizations and behaviors (which are revealed by its rhetoric and rhetorical theories) that insight can be gained into the manner in which the leaders of that time perceived two concepts: the nature of man, and the interrelationships of man and his world. Contemporary exercises and projects invite the reader to apply the concepts explored to modern issues.

Price: $139.95

Combining Modes Essays for Composition
 Witt, Robert W.
1992 0-7734-9893-1 340 pages
This is a textbook specifically designed to make students aware that various rhetorical modes can and should be combined to produce the most effective results. All the selections in the text combine various strategies while clearly demonstrating one above the others and thus serve as excellent models. The last section includes selections chosen expressly for the purpose of demonstrating combined modes. Headings include "Description/Characterization"; "Narration'; "Process"; "Comparison/Contrast/Analogy"; "Division/Classification"; "Definition"; "Analysis"; "Argument". Essayists range from Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Richard Wright, James Agee to Mary McCarthy, Tom Wolfe, William Golding, and Woody Allen.

Price: $219.95

Contributions of Walter J. Ong to the Study of Rhetoric: History and Metaphor
 Youngkin, Betty R.
1995 0-7734-2277-3 156 pages
This volume examines two of Ong's contributions to the study of rhetoric: history and metaphor. His definitive work on Peter Ramus (1515-1572) filled a large gap in the history of rhetoric and established Ramus' work as a pivotal force in the division of the five parts of classical rhetoric. By using "interfaces of the word" as a metaphor for modern rhetoric, Ong reestablished the discipline of rhetoric as essential in all knowledge and communication. The study examines his work on Peter Ramus and analyzes Ong's book Interfaces of the Word and how the metaphor evolved in Ong's early, middle, and late work. Ong's work culminates in a paradigm of human history and consciousness: primary orality, writing, print, and secondary orality, and how rhetoric operates at each interface of these phenomena.

Price: $139.95

El Discurso Subversivo En La Obra Periodistica De Fernandez De Lizardi
 Lara, Maria del Rosario
2009 0-7734-3906-1 240 pages
This study analyzes the ideological discourse in José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi’s writings, mainly in his articles and periodicals (from El Pensador Mexicano to Conversaciones del Payo y el Sacristán). Until this publication, critical scholarly attention has focused mainly on his novels. In Spanish.

Price: $179.95

Employing the Grotesque as a Communication Strategy: The History of an Artistic Style
 Choi, Myung
2009 0-7734-3844-0 132 pages
This work examines the presence of the grotesque in fiction, plastic arts, and films, to interpret the postmodern artistic phenomenon. The Reader’s Response Theory is utilized in order to examine the relevance of the grotesque to one of the most important factors of postmodernism: the reader. The study analyzes the evolution of the grotesque and reveals different levels of grotesque imagery and its possible meanings in the works of three authors: Machado de Assis, Camilo José Cela, and Alejandra Pizarnik.

Price: $139.95

From the Polarizing Mind Set to Productive Discussion of Public Policy and Intercultural and Interfaith Relations
 Nostrand, Howard Lee
2003 0-7734-6589-8 480 pages
This volume challenges readers to confront constructively the greatest threat to the long-term well-being of society - polarization and fragmentation.

Price: $279.95

Fugitive Slave Law in The Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin: American Society Transforms Its Culture
 Del Guercio, Gerardo
2013 0-7734-4518-8 196 pages
This book shows how abolitionists used rhetoric and discourse, rather than violence, to change opinions about slavery. Books like Uncle Tom’s Cabin incite people to take action and they provoke a sense of urgency about the matter. Less than a decade before an impending civil war the United States enacted the Compromise of 1850, which among other things revived the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 in a more aggravated form. The main stipulation of the law was to impose strict monetary and legal penalties against those who aided the escape or impeded the capture of fugitive slaves. Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe urged Americans to break the Fugitive Slave Law and free blacks across America. These are the most important texts from the American Antebellum Era that dealt with slavery and emancipation. This book explores the implications of the Fugitive Slave Law and the impact that these two figures had during that time period in American history. The argument is that Douglass and Stowe used language instead of violence to convince Americans to break the law, and that not all Americans agreed with the law.

Price: $159.95

Historical Development of Surrealism and the Relationships Between Hemispheric Specializations of the Brain
 Quinn, Shelley
1992 0-7734-9738-2 224 pages
A new procedure for literary analysis of surrealist imagery, using various procedures: a summary of recent developments in hemispheric studies, discussion of the language and communicative properties of the two hemispheres of the brain, analysis of language modes and types of image - memory, dream, imagination, etc. - and examination of poems and poets that have been called surrealist.

Price: $179.95

How Journalists Report on Natural Disasters: A Case Study of a Landslide in Uganda
 Nabuzale, Caroline
2023 1-4955-1069-7 224 pages
This is an "oversized" (8x10), softcover book. "This study sought to address the gap in empirical research related to newspapers and crisis communication for natural disasters in Uganda. Against this backdrop, the objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of print media factors on the crisis communication for natural disasters in Uganda. Specifically, the study: (i) examined the effectiveness of print media consumption patterns by the affected people on crisis communication for natural disaster in Uganda, (ii) assessed the effectiveness of print media management strategies with key publics on crisis communication for natural disaster in Uganda, (iii) evaluated the effectiveness of print media on communicating the key crisis events of natural disasters in Uganda, (iv) analyzed the effectiveness of print media coverage for past natural disasters on the current crisis communication in Uganda. To achieve these objectives, the study employed both quantitative and qualitative research designs." -From the Author's Abstract

Price: $179.95

Islam and Islamophobia: Externalization of Guilt (Softcover)
 Bukay, David
2020 1-4955-0848-X 100 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $19.95

Role of Attorneys in Court Ordered Mediations in North Carolina: The Pilot Phase
 Gordon, Elizabeth Ellen
2009 0-7734-4809-8 164 pages
This book explores the extent to which lawyers’ attitudes and practices have changed with the growth of mediation and whether lawyers have altered mediation to suit their needs. Such information is crucial to a complete understanding of how mandatory mediation operates in the context of legal practice within an adversary court system.

Price: $159.95

Spreading Democracy? A Poetic Requiem
 Pointer, Fritz
2016 1-4955-1099-9 80 pages
In this poem and with the inclusion of powerful images, Fritz Pointer offers a response to the "bloodless narrative." In his words, "one key tool for maintaining perpetual war is the 'bloodless narrative' [used] create the impression that America's wars have few consequences." (Prologue) This is a softcover book.

Price: $39.95

THE JEWISH PHENOMENON IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: The Politics of Contradictory Discourses (Hard Cover)
 Brettschneider, Marla
2015 1-4955-0348-8 280 pages
This work is an exploration of Jewishness, Judaism, Jewish texts, and the history of the Jewish people as it relates to the millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa. It analyzes the phenomenon of Jewish connectedness using a wide-range of conflicting and religious discourses to bring a fresh perspective to this complex paradigm.

Price: $199.95

Why Islam is a Danger to the World: A Scholarly Rebuttal of Muslim Propaganda (Hardcover)
 Bukay, David
2019 978-1-4955-0726-7 672 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $69.95

Why Islam is a Danger to the World: A Scholarly Rebuttal of Muslim Propaganda (Softcover)
 Bukay, David
2019 1-4955-0725-4 672 pages
This research is about deception and propaganda. It deals with some issues where Muslims use Da'wah, a diplomacy of deceit and propaganda for western audiences. It is propaganda used to transform the west's thinking about Islam, its culture and beliefs. Dr. Bukay examines these issues to shed light on the Islam itself.

Price: $39.95