Why We Should Pay Women to Have Children: The Primary Condition of Ensuring the Survival of Our Culture and Economy

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"Now that the birth rate or fertility rate in the United States has begun a downward trajectory, we must step up. We must first understand that a child is an economic unit as well as the perfect reproduction of its parents. We must understand that children have changed from being an economic asset to an economic liability, making cost a major factor for the drop in fertility. We must consider the hard economic realities of childbearing and the consequences of allowing the nation's population to disintegrate. Finally, we must realize that adjusting our capitalistic system to compensate for the forthcoming crisis is not a socialistic impulse but a hardheaded attempt to preserve the private enterprise system and the democratic republic we all love by ensuring that customers and employees are available to meet forthcoming demands." -Dr. Dana Ulloth ("Preface")

Table of Contents

The Threat of Unrestrained Growth
Declining Fertility and Birth Rate Trajectories: Is There a New Problem?
Economics of Rapidly Shrinking Populations
Why the Ancients Had Practices to Encourage Having Children
The Future: What Do We Expect
A Modest Proposal: Children as Economic Units
Market Development Association: Addressing Concerns Related to Declining Fertility
Proposal: Establish a Market Development Agency

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