Subject Area: Turkey & Turkish

Anglo-Turkish Relations in the Interwar Era
 Stillwell, Stephen J.
2003 0-7734-6776-9 373 pages
This volume explores the influence wielded by the British Empire in the council chambers of the League of Nations. Using three separate issues (the Mosul Vilayet, the Maritza Delta, and the Sanjak of Alexandretta), all connected to the establishment of the borders of the new republic of Turkey, this study shows the importance of those decisions in the world today. Those borders now respectively represent the borders between Turkey and Iraq, Greece, and Syria. The placement of the boundaries influenced the division of minority groups between countries, the control of oil fields and pipelines, and maritime access and the domination of potential choke-points. The text has many maps and charts, and a substantial bibliography on interwar British imperial policy and the League of Nations.

Price: $239.95

Democratization Around the World: New Insights From South East Asia, Turkey, Kosovo, Taiwan, and Ghana
 Stockemer, Daniel
2011 0-7734-1492-4 212 pages

Price: $179.95

English-Ottoman Relations in the 18th Century
 Bakay, Gönül
2022 1-4955-0973-7 208 pages
"As the exploration of British-Ottoman relations throughout the chapters of this book reveals, the connection between these two major world powers has been multifaceted, fluid and complex from its beginnings in the 16th century. The records of the State Papers as well as several other sources including travelogues, novels, plays and paintings show that the 18th century was a particularly important period in the history of both nations. These sources also provide important insights into how diplomacy was conducted in both Empires in addition to giving information regarding British-Ottoman diplomatic practices and commercial relations." -from the author's Conclusion (pg. 172-173). Includes 19 color plates.

Price: $189.95

Environment of Insecurity in Turkey and the Emigration of Turkish Kurds to Germany
 Sirkeci, Ibrahim
2006 0-7734-5739-9 332 pages
This excellent research, with particular focus on an understudied ethnic group, competently draws linkages between ethnic conflict, international migration, and individual strategies and networks. It triangulates quantitative survey data with narratives collected through in-depth interviews providing insights of Turkey’s Kurds migration experiences. Successfully applying a novel conceptual tool, ‘environment of insecurity,’ the book explains migration and ethnicity nexus in a multidimensional approach benefiting from a variety of models used in migration studies literature. Strongly erasing the borders between typologies of migrants, this study comes up with another conceptual novelty: ‘opportunity frameworks’ which can be applied to many other ethnic conflict involved migration regimes. Readers are attracted to the cunning combination of different types of data and methods: First, identifying a Kurdish place within Turkish international migratory regime; then revealing how migrants position themselves against the ethnic conflict, migration restrictions, socioeconomic and political deprivation in order to move from an absolute environment of insecurity to an environment of relative security. Analysis of Turkish Kurds international migration to Cologne comes with a succinct account of Kurdish ethnic rivalry in Turkey and a concise story of international migration from Turkey to Germany.

Price: $219.95

Essays Interpreting the Writings of Novelist Orhan Pamuk: The Turkish Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
 Anadolu-Okur, Nilgün
2009 0-7734-4754-7 164 pages
This work provides extensive critical analysis of Orhan Pamuk’s work. The contributors establish Pamuk as a universal author whose contributions to the genre of novel have not only enriched our understanding of modern Turkish literature, but have generated discussions on national identity.

Price: $159.95

How 300 Idealistic Young Germans Fought to Liberate the Greeks From 500 Years of Muslim Tyranny: A Novelistic History of the Greek War of Independence (1821-1832)
 Wetzel, Heinz
2018 1-4955-0642-8 580 pages
This historical novel by the University of Toronto German scholar Professor Heinz Wetzel, focuses on the Greek uprising and the War of Independence against the Turkish occupation and on the astonishing degree of European support that is awakened in the cause of freedom.

Price: $319.95

How Istanbul’s Cultural Complexities Have Shaped Eight Contemporary Novelists ( Byalt, Glazebrook, Atasu, Aafak, Tillman, Livaneli, Kristeva, and Pamuk)
 Bulamur, Ayse Naz
2011 0-7734-3950-1 384 pages
I examine representations of Istanbul in the texts of contemporary Turkish and non-Turkish writers such as A. S. Byatt, Philip Glazebrook, Erendiz Atasü, Elif afak, Lynne Tillman, Zülfü Livaneli, Julia Kristeva, and Orhan Pamuk. My project highlights how multiple and even contradictory depictions of Istanbul in contemporary texts engage in cross-genre mergings (of fiction, autobiography and theory) that narrate plural accounts of Istanbul’s imperial past and its present role as Turkey’s largest industrial city. The texts that inform this study underscore the unique location of Istanbul that unites Asia and Europe, and connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. I argue that Istanbul’s liminal position between the two continents becomes the site through which cultural identities are articulated in contemporary fiction on Turkey. I investigate the diverse ways novels of the last three decades produce Istanbul as a Byzantine, Ottoman, Oriental, Islamic, or as a Republican city. The distinctiveness of my project lies in its focus on recent representations of Istanbul which have not been comprehensively studied by literary scholars. This book will contribute to current scholarship on Istanbul by investigating how contemporary texts underline the social and political significances of the city’s geography at the threshold.

Price: $239.95

Marriage Traditions in Turkiye: A Sociological Analysis (Hardcover)
 Bakay, Gönül
2024 1-4955-1255-X 316 pages
(Hardcover Edition) Marriage Traditions in Turkiye calls upon written sources as well as face-to-face interviews with headmen, residents of the various regions, and friends as it describes the rich variety of traditions across various regions in Turkiye as well as changes in marriage practices that have come about with various historical events and eras. (This book is also available in a softcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1264-3 / 1-4955-1264-9)

Price: $159.95

Marriage Traditions in Turkiye: A Sociological Analysis (Softcover)
 Bakay, Gönül
2024 1-4955-1264-9 316 pages
(Softcover Edition) Marriage Traditions in Turkiye calls upon written sources as well as face-to-face interviews with headmen, residents of the various regions, and friends as it describes the rich variety of traditions across various regions in Turkiye as well as changes in marriage practices that have come about with various historical events and eras. (This book is also available in a hardcover edition: ISBN 978-1-4955-1255-1 / 1-4955-1255-X)

Price: $79.95

Migration, Asylum, and Refugees in Turkey: Studies in the Control of Population at the Southeastern Borders of the Eu
 Baklacio'lu, Nurcan Özgür
2014 0-7734-0046-X 440 pages
“Its scope, comprehensiveness and clarity make this book specifically useful for a wide range of readers including students, scholars, advocates and practitioners who want to learn Turkey’s asylum and migration system within both its legal and practical dimensions…The book is relevant in putting forth Turkey-EU partnership in migration control for consideration and hence in evaluating Turkey as an indispensable actor for the amelioration of the EU migration / asylum system.”
-Dr. Nuray Eksi,
Yeditepe University,Istanbul, Turkey

Price: $259.95

Patriarchal Murders of Women: A Sociological Study of Honour- Based Killings in Turkey and in the West
 Sev'er, Aysan
2016 0-7734-4085-2 408 pages
Most studies on honor killing look at it as an extension of Islamic beliefs. This book takes a different approach in that the concept does not arise from any religious text, but rather is a result of a community that is utterly patriarchal in its social orientation. The oppression of women is not mandated by any religion, but rather it is a result of a community where women do not have a viable voice and as a result are treated violently. Over five thousand women are subjected to honor killings each year and this is a moving testament to solving the problem. It shows solutions to the problem of the honor killing of women and argues that the practice is not mandated by Islamic texts, but is a result of a patriarchal social context where women are subjugated.

Price: $259.95

Queen Isabella Sforza Szapolyai of Transylvania and Sultan Suleyman of the Ottoman Empire: A Case of Sixteenth-Century Muslim-Christian Collaboration
 Forsey, Alicia McNary
2009 0-7734-4653-2 200 pages
The book will provide more understanding about the historical relationship between Christians and Muslims in the 16th Century. In addition to Hungarian and Latin texts, many of the documents used are translated from 16th Century Ottoman Turkish. Modern Turkish texts also contribute a significant amount of reference material for this work. This book contains twelve color photographs and seven black and white photographs.

Price: $159.95

Sociological Inquiry Into the History of the Union of Turkish Chambers of Engineers and Architects
 Öncü, Ahmet F.
2003 0-7734-6881-1 232 pages
This study presents a unique case study regarding the radicalization of professionals (engineers), and provides a theoretical framework for unifying the micro and macro levels of social theory. It lays a theoretical foundation in the excursus on Gramsci and Veblen, and presents a short history of modern Turkey focusing on the state/society relation. It then presents a detailed accounting of the Union of Turkish chambers of Engineers and Architects from 1954 to 1980.

Price: $179.95

The Armenian Genocide: A Personal Account (softcover)
 Morgenthau, Henry
2022 1-4955-0966-4 276 pages
This is a reprint of the 1918 book, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story: A Personal Account of the Armenian Genocide. Henry Morgenthau was the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1916. He gave stark witness in 1918 to his knowledge of the German invasion and genocide in Armenia.

From the author's Preface (1918, pg. 6):
"By this time the American people have probably become convinced that the Germans deliberately planned the conquest of the world. Yet they hesitate to convict on circumstantial evidence and for this reason all eye witnesses to this, the greatest crime in history, should volunteer their testimony."

Price: $29.95

The Relations Between Pre-Islamic Turks and Georgians From the Third to the Ninth Century: A History of Byzantine - Persian Politics in the Caucasus
 Alasania, Giuli
2014 0-7734-0058-3 420 pages
Born out of the gap existing in the Georgian historiography, this work brings a new point of view on the history of the pre-Islamic Turks and their influence and relationships with the Georgians over many centuries of cultural, political, and social interaction.

Price: $259.95