Subject Area: Philosophy-Kant, Immanuel

Development of Cognitive Synthesis in Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl
 Snyder, Lee R.
1995 0-7734-9127-9 332 pages
Presents a close textual examination and critical analysis of the major works in which the concept of synthesis is presented. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and the Inaugural Dissertation, and Husserl's Experience and Judgment, Ding und Raum and The Phenomenology of Internal Time Consciousness are examined. It demonstrates the manner in which Husserl formulated his theory of passive synthesis through his analysis of Kant's discussions of synthesis. It advances the understanding of two major philosophical figures and provides a ground for understanding the development of the theory of consciousness and cognitive theory.

Price: $219.95

Development of German Aesthetic Theory From Kant to Schiller: A Philosophical Commentary on Schiller's Aesthetic Education of Man (1795)
 Murray, Patrick T.
1995 0-7734-9511-8 444 pages
This book is the first in English to provide a detailed philosophical study of Schiller's major work in aesthetics, the Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795). The introduction surveys those books in English with chapters on the treatise and concludes with an outline of Kant's critical system and a summary of this theories of aesthetic judgment, art and beauty. The main body of the work consists of an exegesis of Schiller's text. In part one (Letters 1-9), we follow Schiller as he describes the afflictions of civilization and their cure. In part two (Letters 10-17), we follow Schiller as he considers the essential nature of man and beauty. In part three (Letters 18-27), we follow Schiller as he describes the psychological development of the individual and species from a sensuous to a rational condition, through the mediation of the aesthetic.The exposition is accompanied by assessment and criticism. The conclusion commences with a recapitulation of the main arguments in each Letter. This is followed by an evaluation of the Aesthetic Letters, identifying those specific theories of contemporary relevance, and with the potential for further theoretical development.

Price: $259.95

Discussion and Commentary on Kant's Critiques
 Harper, Albert W. J.
1996 0-7734-8905-3 208 pages
These four essays focus on various aspects of Kant's philosophical writings: first an explication of important features of the first Critique; a critical discussion of the relationship established between substance and time in the First Analogy; Kant's theory of morals and deontological ethics, its merits and demerits; and the final essay claims that in the Critique of Judgment, the concepts of imagination and judgment have been enlarged and altered in meaning to accommodate a new synthesis that must now be acknowledged in Kant's epistemology to account for human experience in its entirety.

Price: $179.95

From Radical Empiricism to Kant's Critical Idealism
 Hartnack, Justus
1986 0-88946-304-2 214 pages
The history of epistemology from Hume to Kant, written by Justus Hartnack, who is universally recognized as one of the most distinguished philosophers of our time.

Price: $179.95

How Kant's Conception of Reason Implies a Liberal Politics
 Patrone, Tatiana
2008 0-7734-5234-6 308 pages
This work examines the relation that exists between Kant’s critical philosophy and his mature political doctrine. The author argues that Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason contains an account of the faculty of reason and the way it shaped his liberal political theory of The Metaphysics of Morals and of his later essays on politics. In so doing, this study fills a gap in the current secondary literature on Kant – the relationship between Kant’s first Critique and his political philosophy is rarely explored by contemporary Kant scholars and by political philosophers.

Price: $219.95

Influence of the French Revolution on the Lives and Thought of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Immanuel Kant, and Pius VI. The End of Conservatism
 Langan, Jeffrey
2012 0-7734-2645-0 180 pages
Langan discusses the French Revolution from a variety of perspectives given by influential thinkers of the late 18th century. His thesis is that conservatism was forever changed by the French Revolution, and that conservatism’s modern origins are in direct response to the revolution and its ideals as they were critically examined by Edmund Burke. As Langan argues, conservatives tend to adopt intellectual categories which if taken to their natural conclusions lead to liberal results.

Price: $159.95

IS THERE A GLOBAL RIGHT TO DEMOCRACY? A Philosophical Analysis of Peacekeeping and Nation Building
 Pubantz, Jerry
2012 0-7734-2593-4 340 pages
This is an expansive study of what we call “The Global Right to Democracy.” The idea gestates from a late 20th century reading of Immanuel Kant. This book is the first comprehensive look at the intersection of neo-Kantian theory and democratization programs undertaken by international organizations and non-governmental bodies in post-conflict and fragile states. The features of this new, assumed right, seem to graft onto international law---and thus hand over to international agencies—methods of protecting and effecting ‘democracy’ in its broadest definition. The consequence seems to be an alteration of traditional notions of international behavior and a challenge to the primacy of state sovereignty.

Price: $219.95

Josiah Royce's Proposal How to Establish World Peace Using Business Rather Than International Law. An Alternative to Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace
 Hall, Richard
2017 1-4955-0553-7 136 pages
The focus of this monograph is Josiah Royce's imaginative proposal to preserve world peace by the virtue of international insurance. It offers possible reasons for his choice of insurance as an instrument of peace. Using World War One as a catalyst, Josiah Royce attempted to combine the art of statistics with the precepts of insurance to craft a scheme for international peace.

Price: $139.95

Kant and Mathematics Today: Between Epistemology and Exact Sciences
 Fang, J.
1997 0-7734-8511-2 392 pages
This study will lead to a picture of Kant and his first Critique quite different from most if not all earlier versions. It examines the first Critique as a whole, without becoming stuck in a quagmire of microscopic topics, and limits the study strictly relative to mathematics. The greatest emphasis is on the relevance and compatibility between Kant's epistemology and mathematics proper in the mainstream, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This study draws the boldest line of demarcation between mathematics and meta-mathematics.

Price: $239.95

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason an Abridged Translation for College Students
 Palmer, Humphrey
1992 0-7734-9167-8 152 pages
This readable new version of this classic work is now reduced for the first time to a manageable size. Kant's own words, but without the qualifications and repetitions. The text is meant for readers and students who wish to discover what Kant has to say without attending lectures on it first. Presents a general overview of the entire text, enabling the student to go on to more detailed study of particular points and passages. Also available at a special textbook price.

Price: $139.95

Kant's Critique of Teleology in Biological Explanation Antimony and Teleology
 McLaughlin, Peter
1990 0-88946-275-5 204 pages
Presents an example of the interconnections between philosophy and the history of science. Kant's "Critique of Teleological Judgment" is read as a reflection on philosophical methodological problems that arose through the constitution of an independent science of life, biology.

Price: $179.95

Kant's Philosophy of Language: Chomskyan Linguistics and its Kantian Roots
 Williams, T.C.
1993 0-7734-9366-2 240 pages
This volume demonstrates the incontestability of the historical, as well as conceptual, linkage between (a) the theory of generative/transformational/universal grammar associated with Noam Chomsky and (b) the philosophical synthesis achieved by Immanual Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason. Specifically, it also traces a clear line of theoretical development regarding that topic from (1) the Essay on Language by J.G. Herder; through (2) the massive contribution of Kant in the Critique to (3) the pioneering terms of W. von Humboldt in On the Structural Difference of Human Language and, hence, to (4) its computer-age culmination at the hands of Chomsky.

Price: $179.95

Kantianism of Hegel and Nietzsche
 Zimmerman, Robert L.
2005 0-7734-5996-0 1992 pages
The present study renovates the standard narrative of how German philosophy progressed from Kant to Hegel to Nietzsche. It rejects the long-held assumption that Hegel and Nietzsche overturn Kantian metaphysics and aesthetics. It instead demonstrates, through clear and insightful discussions, the very particular manners in which Hegel and Nietzsche, in regard to questions of truth, value, and beauty, renovate and bring to fruition these three key aspects of Kant’s Critical Philosophy.

Price: $119.95

Liberal Democracy and the Bible
 Parker, Kim Ian
1992 0-7734-9154-6 196 pages
This bold and innovative series of essays addresses the encounter between the biblical exegesis and liberal democratic thought. Explores how early modern liberal democratic thinkers such as Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, and Kant employ the Bible in the development of their political theories. The introductory essay focuses on the tension between Reason, Revelation, and liberal democracy, and a concluding essay proposes a substantive method for serious reflection about the issues.

Price: $159.95

Origins and Implications of Kant's Critical Philosophy
 Glouberman, Mark
1991 0-88946-732-3 312 pages
Examines Kant's critical philosophy, focussing on its dialectical constitution and gauging its implications. Attempts to determine the meaning of the critical system more by determining the dialectical and rhetorical influences on Kant than by focussing on its manifest reasoning. Begins by taking stock of meta-physical and meta-interpretive materials; then examines the major doctrines of the first Critique; and finally draws wider morals for Kant specifically and for philosophy generally.

Price: $219.95

Self in the Theoretical Writings of Sartre and Kant
 Darnell, Michelle R.
2005 0-7734-6012-8 168 pages
This book argues that Kant and Sartre share a significant number of fundamental philosophical theses by exploring Sartre’s critiques against Kant. Beginning with The Transcendence of the Ego, it is shown that Sartre’s misconception of transcendental philosophy resulted in him not giving sufficient consideration to the ontological claims made by Kant in The Critique of Pure Reason, which led to Sartre’s confusion on the relation between Kant’s and his own account of self. After a consideration of their views on what the self is, Sartre’s writings on the reflective and the pre-reflective cogito in Being and Nothingness are compared to Kant’s accounts of inner sense and apperception. Ultimately, it is shown that the task of knowing self exemplifies the more general problem of the metaphysical and epistemic relation of subject to objects, and, like Kant, Sartre draws a transcendental distinction between things as they appear and as they are in themselves.

Price: $159.95

Study in Kant's Metaphysics of Aesthetic Experience Reason and Feeling
 Baldacchino, Lewis
1992 0-7734-9468-5 156 pages
This work is for anyone sufficiently interested in beauty to want to reflect philosophically on its nature, examining such questions in Kant's aesthetic theory as: What is beauty? How are natural and artistic beauty related? What is sublimity in art and nature? A critical study in Kant's aesthetics, giving insights to areas of his philosophical enquiry and familiarity with relevant fundamentals of his thought. A reflection on the philosophical nature of beauty.

Price: $139.95

Synchronicity and Intellectual Intuition in Kant, Swedenborg and Jung
 Bishop, Paul
2000 0-7734-7593-1 496 pages
Examines, for the first time, the filiation of a philosophical concept in relation to its use by the major 20th century thinker, C. G. Jung. It is a timely contribution to the history of the development of analytical psychology, as well as the ‘history of an idea’. It represents a new and substantial argument about the significance of Jung, placing him in an often-overlooked but vitally important intellectual context. It shows how Jung’s theory of synchronicity stems from a long and deep preoccupation with such central themes of German philosophy as the mind-body problem, the notion of intellectual intuition, and the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It contextualizes Jung’s misprisioning of Kant in terms of the modernist interest in mysticism and occultism.

Price: $279.95

The Limits of Language: A Comparative Study of Kant, Wittgenstein, and Lao Tzu
 Shen, Aimin
2011 0-7734-1547-5 240 pages
Prof. Shen utilizes ideas from the Tao, Kant, Wittgenstein and the transcendental to move beyond the a priori, a posteriori and the limits imposed by language. The contribution of this book cannot be stated in mere words.

Price: $179.95

Unity of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
 Williams, T.C.
1986 0-88946-301-8 172 pages
By noting some striking similarities between the first Critique and Herder's 1772 essay On the Origin of Language, Williams approaches Kant through emphasis on questions of meaning.

Price: $159.95