IS THERE A GLOBAL RIGHT TO DEMOCRACY? A Philosophical Analysis of Peacekeeping and Nation Building

Author: | Pubantz, Jerry |
Year: | 2012 |
Pages: | 340 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-2593-4 978-0-7734-2593-4 |
Price: | $219.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
This is an expansive study of what we call “The Global Right to Democracy.” The idea gestates from a late 20th century reading of Immanuel Kant. This book is the first comprehensive look at the intersection of neo-Kantian theory and democratization programs undertaken by international organizations and non-governmental bodies in post-conflict and fragile states. The features of this new, assumed right, seem to graft onto international law---and thus hand over to international agencies—methods of protecting and effecting ‘democracy’ in its broadest definition. The consequence seems to be an alteration of traditional notions of international behavior and a challenge to the primacy of state sovereignty.
“The first comprehensive look at the intersection of neo-Kantian theory and contemporary democracy promotion as practiced by the global community in post-conflict and fragile states. [The authors] bring together recent political theory with policy formation on the global stage. In doing so they admirably demonstrate how the definition of democracy, as constructed through practical actions in international fora and on the ground in nation-building efforts, has evolved through collective discourse.” – Dr. George Eisen, Nazareth College
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Evolution of the International Organization—Nation-State Relationship
Historic Roots
The Western Tradition
Kant and the Western Tradition
Post-Kant Geopolitics
20th Century Trials
The United Nations and the Cold War
A Globalized World
The Rise and Fall of State Sovereignty
21st Century International Organizations
The Critical Arrangement: Development, Democracy, and Human Rights
Modernization, Democratization, and Human Rights Intertwined
Democracy and Modernization as Elements of New Normative International Law
Chapter 2: The Philosophical Basis for International Organizations’ Promotion of Democracy: Kant, his Acolytes and Challengers
Twentieth Century Theories: The Liberal and Postmodern Century
The Doubters
Culture, Modernization, and International Relations
John Rawls and IR Theory
Chapter 3: Rights: Plural Definitions
The Ancients
The Greeks
The Romans
The Non-West
The Moderns
Post-World War II
Human Rights and Judicial Process
Chapter 4: International Organizations and the Promotion of Democracy
Defining the Norm
The UN’s Promotion of Democracy
European Union Democracy Promotion
The Broadening of Narrowly Focused Democracy Promotion: The Community of Democracies and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Development Bank Democracy Promotion: The Case of the Asian Development Bank
Operationalizing Human Rights
Chapter 5: Challenges to the Realization of a Global Right to Democracy
Resistance to Imperialism in the Guise of Democracy Promotion
Soft and Hard Authoritarianism
The Sovereignty Argument
International Constitutionalism
Chapter 6: Citizenship and the Global Right to Democracy: Cosmopolitan Hope and Evolution
Transnationalism, Global Civil Society, and the Right to Democracy
The Cosmopolitan Right to Democracy
Documents, Speeches, and Reports
Articles and Books
Other Philosophy-Kant, Immanuel Books