Essays on the Work of Twentieth-Century French Author Lucette Desvignes

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An array of international scholars contributed papers to a conference dedicated exclusively to Lucette Desvignes. It is the first time a collective effort has been made to situate her work in relation to that of other French authors of this century. With illustrations.

“Much of the thinking is seminal and will doubtless open up new venues of thought and inquiry on Desvignes. . . . including essays which are necessary to the non-specialist, discussions of the author in translation and reflections on Desvignes’ work. . . . The book is indeed welcome in the void of modern literary criticism, as there has been little indeed written heretofore on Lucette Desvignes. The contributors to this volume have done an excellent job. . . “ – Mel B. Yoken

Table of Contents

Table of Contents:
Biographical Note; Introduction; Response of the Author
Literature and Life: Reflections on Lucette Desvignes and Her Work
Keynote Address (Jerry L. Curtis)
Lucette Desvignes, Professeur (Paul Olliver)
Equal Flooring: Lucette Desvignes as Communicator (Shirley J. Curtis)
Du Chat à l’Écrivain (Marie-Madeleine Van Ruymbeke Stey)
The Humorous Side of Lucette Desvignes (Mary Anne O’Neil)
De la province concrète à la République dans “Les Mains Nues” “Jean-Marie Auzias)
Tradition et Modernité dans l’Oeuvre de Lucette Desvignes (Silvia Pandelescu)
History and Fiction (Lucette Desvignes)
Lucette Desvignes in Translation: Observations and Excerpts of Short Fiction
Literary Translation (Brian E. Rainey)
Translating “Pousse-Café” (Joanne Bonneville)
Exercises in Translation:
“Affaires de Famille” (Brian E. Rainey)
“Pousse-Café” (Joanne Bonneville)
“Une consultation” (Mary Anne O’Neil)
“Après la noce” (Brenda Young Ferrell)
“Un Été meurtrier” (Dale Cosper)
“La Lucarne” (Jerry L. Curtis)
“Fugue à Deux” (Jerry L. Curtis)
“L’Entente Cordiale” (Will McLendon)
The Artistic Palette: From Poetry to the Novel
Deux poétiques de fraternité: Lucette Desvignes et Andreè Chedid (Judy Cochran)
Fables of Revolt: Selected Short Stories of Desvignes and Camus (Dale Cosper)
Le Bruissement de la Bourgogne: Lucette Desvignes et Jean-Claude Pirotte (Josiane Riboni)
De Ciel et d’Encre (Sylviane Saugues Giraud)
Comment Devient-on Femme? Chedid, Desvignes et Sarraute (Inas Messiha)
Desvignes, Yourcenar, and the Female Bildungsromane (Brenda Young Ferrell)
L’Écriture paysanne de C. F. Ramuz et de Lucette Desvignes (Jacqueline Sessa)
Lucette Desvignes and Contemporary Literature
Synopsis of Desvignes’ works; Bibliography

Other France/French: All Subjects Books

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