Subject Area: Politics & Religion

Anthropological Analysis of Local Politics and Patronage in a Pakistani Village
 Lyon, Stephen M.
2004 0-7734-6496-4 272 pages
Asymmetrical power relationships are found throughout Pakistan’s Punjabi and Pukhtun communities. These relationships must be examined as manifestations of cultural continuity rather than as separate structures. The various cultures of Pakistan display certain common cultural features which suggest a re-examination of past analytical divisions of tribe and peasant societies. This book looks at the ways power is expressed, accumulated and maintained in three social contexts: kinship, caste, and political relationships. These are embedded within a collection of ‘hybridising’ cultures. Socialisation within kin groups provides the building blocks for Pakistani asymmetrical relationships, which may be understood as a form of patronage. As these social building blocks are transferred to non-kin contexts, the patron/client aspects are more easily identified and studied. State politics and religion are examined for the ways in which these patron/client roles are enacted on much larger scales but remain embedded within the cultural values underpinning those roles.

Price: $199.95

Contribution of Quaker Women to the Political Struggle for Abolition, Women's Rights, and Peace: From the Hicksite Schism to the American Friends Service Committee
 Cross-Hansen, Jody L.
2015 0-7734-0075-3 388 pages
This book explores the role of Quaker women in social reform during the period from 1790-1920, particularly among the leading female reformers of the Northeast, focusing especially on the reforms of abolition, women’s rights and peace.

Price: $239.95

Gramscian Analysis of the Role of Religion in Politics. Case Studies in Domination, Accommodation, and Resistance in Africa and Europe
 Simms, Rupe
2010 0-7734-3754-1 324 pages
Gramscian theory is examined as an interpretive grid in examining the use of Christianity by European colonizers to facilitate their oppression of Africans on the continent and in diaspora. The work clarifies how the western powers utilized their religion in North America, Ghana, South Africa, and Kenya to justify their exploitation of Blacks and how many Africans, as Christian converts, assisted them to accomplish their imperialist goals. In addition, this research explains how other Blacks, in these same locations, interpreted their own religious tradition or revised western Christianity to form liberatory ideologies that legitimated their struggle for freedom and inspired their communities to oppose subordination.

Price: $219.95

 Tonnessen, Alf Tomas
2009 0-7734-3860-2 352 pages
This study examines the contribution of New Right leaders Richard Viguerie and Paul Weyrich to the mobilization of the American conservative movement. Based on archival material not previously examined, this study fills a gap in our understanding of the nuts and bolts of campaign organization and fundraising

Price: $239.95

Influence of the French Revolution on the Lives and Thought of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Edmund Burke, Mary Wollstonecraft, Immanuel Kant, and Pius VI. The End of Conservatism
 Langan, Jeffrey
2012 0-7734-2645-0 180 pages
Langan discusses the French Revolution from a variety of perspectives given by influential thinkers of the late 18th century. His thesis is that conservatism was forever changed by the French Revolution, and that conservatism’s modern origins are in direct response to the revolution and its ideals as they were critically examined by Edmund Burke. As Langan argues, conservatives tend to adopt intellectual categories which if taken to their natural conclusions lead to liberal results.

Price: $159.95

Pope Francis Is the First Jesuit Pope: Explaining How Francis' Religious Formation Guides His Leadership of the Catholic Church
 Krettek, Tom
2023 1-4955-1109-X 278 pages
"Pope Francis Encounters an opposition entirely different from his predecessors. This resistance is particularly striking in the United States. ...A simple somewhat unacknowledged factor that triggers conflicts with Pope Francis is that he is a Pope who thinks like a Jesuit." Fr. Tom Krettek ("Introduction")

Price: $199.95

Religion and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Secularism, Conservatism, and Anti-Semitism
 Turner, Michael J.
2018 1-4955-0705-X 184 pages
This volume of essays is a mediation of the status of religion and politics in Nineteenth century Britain. It is based on a panel on the subject at the North American Conference on British Studies and brings together six academic experts on the subject.

Price: $159.95

Religion, State, and Society in Modern Britain
 Badham, Paul
1989 0-88946-832-X 400 pages
Twenty essays comprising a unique work, the first survey of the state of religion in today's Britain which seeks to be fully comprehensive, focusing on Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland as well as on England. Takes into account not only the mainstream Christian traditions but also the dynamic black-led churches, the folk-religionists, the minor sects, and the controversial New Religious Movements. Also recognizes the multi-faith dimension of modern Britain and includes chapters on the Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist communities. Takes an overall perspective on issues of Church and State, the "troubles" of Northern Ireland, attitudes toward women, permissive society, and secularization.

Price: $239.95

Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in Russia Since 1990: Changing Dynamics of Politics and Religion
 Simons, Greg
2009 0-7734-4703-2 260 pages
This study examines the arguments and the role of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) in Russian society as they appear in the mass media. It provides an overview of some of the main arguments that are currently being discussed. This is important within the current context and debate of the role that is played by Orthodoxy in contemporary Russian society. The importance of which is elevated during times of uncertainty with regards to the role and identity of Russia and Russians in the modern world.

Price: $199.95

State and Religion in the Sudan
 Mahmoud, Mahgoub El-Tigani
2003 0-7734-6748-3 392 pages
The issues analyzed in this book are top agenda in the Muslim world. This book shows with unprecedented sociological analysis the underlying agreements among several Sudanese thinkers, including the Islamic thinker Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, the socialist leader ‘Abd al-Khaliq Mahgoub, the liberal politician al-Sadiq al Mahdi, the women’s-rights activist Fatima Ahmed Ibrahim, and the fundamentalist writer Hassan al-Turabi, in spite of irreconcilable differences in ideological commitments or political agenda. These explorations should make this work an indispensable volume of thought for politicians and policy makers, students of religion and government, and researchers of contemporary theory and applied sociology.

Price: $239.95

 Vasillopulos, Christopher
2024 1-4955-1303-3 304 pages
Discussion on the Trump Phenomenon. Trump and his supporters have been called sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, isolationist, and many other epithets of the Woke Culture. He and his supporters have been accused of being Neo-Nazis, or Quasi-Nazis by reasonably well educated and intelligent politicians, members of the Media, and a majority of academics. Of course, Trump has brought much of this onslaught upon himself with his often vulgar, bombastic, and exaggerated speech. His policies, however, have been prudent, measured, and effective. This book tries to account for this seeming discrepancy, as well as, the fierce loyalty and hatred he has provoked.

Price: $49.95

 Bartelt, Guillermo
2024 1-4955-1313-0 132 pages
Fear and fright are the progenitors of monsters and witches. In confronting overwhelming natural or social convulsions, pre-industrial man attempted to make sense of them by projecting his trepidations onto comprehensible categories of entropy. In his study on the witch hysteria in sixteenth- and seventeen-century Europe, the historian Hugh Trevor-Roper contended that beliefs in sorcery were essentially inseparable from the ideology of the time (1956). For the illiterate peasantry, the fear of the existence of witches as embodiments of Satan worship had the coercive force of a social fact. Such convictions may have reflected the remnant of a pre-Christian animistic substrate that held on stubbornly in European folk culture. In any case, biblical admonitions against black magic were clear. The Old Testament, in Deuteronomy 18:11, in no uncertain terms prohibits casting spells, acting as a medium or spiritist, or consulting the dead, and the directive in Exodus 22:18, "[t]hou shalt not suffer a witch to live," was widely interpreted by mobs as a mandate for the execution of suspected practitioners. Also rooted in sacred texts, traditional American Indian notions of sorcery seem to have been, however, less concerned with sanctions than with explanations of misfortunes and catastrophes, especially in the form of illness. As recorded by ethnographers of the turn of the twentieth century, traditional Lakota affirmed that

Price: $139.95

The Praxis of Inequality: A Study of Three Ancient Agricultural Societies (Egypt, China, and Mesopotamia)
 Inbody, Joel
2022 1-4955-0974-5 256 pages
From the Introduction (pg. 9):
"In this book I have made an effort to reconstruct what inequality looked like in three ancient agricultural societies: the kingdoms of Mesopotamia, China, and Egypt. The inequality I consider in these societies was not defined in terms of gold, silver, or property, but in terms of a person's diet and command of excess food and drink. In simple terms, I will argue that elites in these agricultural societies enjoyed an upper-class lifestyle because they served food and drink offerings to gods. Those offerings were produced primarily by non-elites, who believed gods dined on them But the truth is that elites divided food and drink offerings among themselves. Religion disguised the fact that feasting rituals for gods amounted to a redistribution of resources."

Price: $199.95

Two Religious Critiques of Liberal Democracy: A Comparison of the Political Theories of Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi and Franklin I. Gamwell
 Lawrence, Johnson J
2015 1-4955-0305-4 324 pages
To underscore the moral crisis that plagues liberal democracy, the author seeks answers by drawing from both Western and Asian thought in this outstanding analysis in political ethics. Starting with Gamwell’s theory, which is grounded on God and offers a common goal for political community and establishes a firm ground for morality and political ethics the author advances and reformulates Gamwell’s theory, using the insights and resources provided by Gandhi bringing a global dimension to this original critique.

Price: $219.95

What Makes a Society Political?: Four Philosophical Essays (soft cover)
 Richardson, Herbert W.
2016 1-4955-0507-3 62 pages

Price: $79.95

What Makes a Society Political?: Four Philosophical Essays (hard cover)
 Richardson, Herbert W.
2016 1-4955-0571-5 62 pages

Price: $79.95

Why Do the Catholic Justices Vote 6-3? Because Originalism is a Lying Pseudo-Theory
 Ulloth, Dana
2022 1-4955-1044-1 140 pages
[Softcover Edition] "One of the reasons the founders created a multi-seat court was to ensure that a diversity of knowledge and opinion would help to bring balance to its opinions. With the emergence of the new originalist block, decisions have become increasingly uniform in content. ...As I read the opinions, a question arose that seemed to demand attention: To what were the originalists being faithful? Was it to the principles of the republican government defined in the Constitution, or was it to the religious content of the justice's ideology? To answer the question, it was necessary to identify two doctrines: one secular, one religious...." -from the Author's "Introduction"

Price: $14.95

William Penn on Religion and Ethics the Emergence of Liberal Quakerism
 Barbour, Hugh
1991 0-88946-687-5 322 pages
Shows in detail how Penn moved from an early Quaker prophetic or radical conception of the divine Light as challenge to every person, into a conception of moral truth as already known in part by everyone. A more complete study than had previously been possible of Penn's relation to the Socinian Unitarians, to the Cambridge Platonists and English humanists, and to some intense debates between Quakers and Anglicans and Baptists in which Penn took a vigorous part.

Price: $219.95