SHEMA JEWISH VOICES ACROSS AFRICA: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe (Hard Cover)
The first modern confederation of Hebrew republics was founded in Africa in the 1800s. Israel could be in Uganda right now. The Nigerian father of Pan Africanism was a Zionist. Pre-state mainstream Zionism was part of a global anti-colonial, secular, and socialist revolutionary movement. A young State of Israel worked closely on development projects with numerous Sub-Saharan African, also newly independent, countries. Since 7 October 2023, thousands of indigenous Africans who are Jewish publicly expressed their solidarity with Israel’s victims and have bravely stood up to the sharply increased anti-Jewishness they have been facing. If any of this information is new to you, or you simply forgot, then you are reading the right book.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Introduction I
Marla Brettschneider
Introduction II
Bonita Nathan Sussman
Chapter 1: Côte d’Ivoire
Origins of a Community in Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire 2023 Yehuda Firmin Ahuoa
Côte d’Ivoire Women’s Group Conversation 2014
Brief Presentation of the Central Consistory of the Danites of Côte d’Ivoire (CCD-CI) and the Orthodox Jewish Danite Community (COJD) 2024
Paul Mette
Chapter 2: Ethiopia
Jewish Country Summary
Ari Greenspan & Marla Brettschneider
Excerpts from a Report: Ethiopian Jewish Catastrophic Conditions in Um Rakuba Refugee Camp, Sudan. Now Camped in Front of Local Police Station 2023
Sampling of First-Person Accounts 2023-2024 Community Leader Kes Adane Mekonen
Additional First-Person Account 2023-2024 Woman Community Member
Update: March and April 2024
Marla Brettschneider and Bonita Nathan Sussman
Chapter 3: Gabon
Jewish Country Summary Bonita Nathan Sussman
Discussion About Becoming and Being Jewish 2014 Moreh Pascal and Others
Chapter 4: Ghana
Introduction to the Ghanaian Jewish Community 2020 Shmuel Tetteh
Chapter 5: Nigeria
Chanukah Benefit Address 2020 Abraham Ben Abraham
Ibo History and Antisemitism in the Nigerian Context 2024
Remy Ilona
Chapter 6: Tanzania
A Conversation About Shabbat, Sabaya (Challah), and Mikveh 2021
Efrat Kahalani and Yehuda Kahalani
Chapter 7: Uganda
Ugandan Jewish Women Entrepreneurs 2020
A Tree with Roots 2023 Gershom Sizomu
Chapter 8: 7 October 2023
Marla Brettschneider
7 October 2023: Transcription Kulanu Zoom Event
Related Web and Organizational Resources
Indigeneity and Anti-Colonialism in the Jewish Phenomenon in Sub-Saharan Africa
Marla Brettschneider
Notes on Gender for Studies in the Field Marla Brettschneider
Selected Bibliography
About the Editors
Map of Africa
Other Theology Books
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