Subject Area: Milton, John

Devotional Experience in the Poetry of John Milton
 Travers, Michael Ernest
1988 0-88946-562-2 164 pages
The author examines Milton's poetry in the light of the poet's treatise on the subject of devotion in the often-overlooked second book of "The Christian Doctrine." This study suggests that Milton's poems can be understood as both theodices and devotions.

Price: $159.95

Index to the Biblical References, Parallels, and Allusions in the Poetry and Prose of John Milton
 Rogal, Samuel J.
1994 0-7734-2390-7 356 pages
Identifies the specifics of Milton's reliance upon the Bible and provides a data base for that information. Milton students and scholars can quickly and easily appreciate the range and frequency of Biblical books, chapters, and verses with which he underscored, enriched, and even qualified the sound and sense of particular poems and prose tracts. They can understand his careful and discriminate applications of Biblical references, realizing that as poet and essayist, he sought a reasonable balance between the strict theological doctrines of the Word and the more modern discipline of his own literary imagination.

Price: $239.95

Inspiration, Action, and Fulfillment in the Invocations of Milton's Paradise Lost
2022 1-4955-0985-0 304 pages
The aim of this study is to make the case that Milton's Invocations should be recognized as central because, "they present most directly and most intimately the crucial event of man's spiritual life: responsive action taken to bring about renovation. The invocations involve us in the task of the poet's 'advent'rous Song,' for that action is a paradigm of our own 'advent'rous Song,' by which we create 'th' upright heart and pure.'"

Price: $219.95

John Milton’s Incarnational Poetics. The Roles of Mary and Christ in Paradise Regained
 Ricciardi, Marcello Carmine
2010 0-7734-3656-1 246 pages
Argues that Milton’s Incarnational Poetics or Logocentrism is nowhere more evident than in Paradise Regained, a poem which serves as a meditation upon the Four Gospels, most particularly the Gospel of St. John, the fullest theological pronouncement upon the Son’s Divinity

Price: $179.95

John Milton’s Literary Reputation. A Study in Editing, Criticism, and Taste
 Ogden, James
2010 0-7734-3802-5 248 pages
Distinguishes Milton’s academic importance from his real status, and addresses readers with broad literary interests, who may be ready to think again about a poet whom Dryden saw as superior to both Homer and Virgil. The work is therefore a contribution to the ongoing histories of Milton’s reputation in particular, and literary taste in general.

Price: $179.95

Milton’s on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity and the Tradition of English Poetry on This Theme
 Hurley, C. Harold
2008 0-7734-5141-2 268 pages
This anthology of verse contains over sixty poems related to the birth of Christ by more than thirty poets from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in England. The tome offers a unique range of work by luminaries, including John Donne and Ben Jonson, to lesser known figures such as William Alabaster and George Wither.

Price: $199.95

Narrative Functions of Repetition in John Milton's Paradise Regained
 Reich, Angela
2006 0-7734-5794-1 144 pages
This study of Paradise Regained uncovers iteration as an operational mode of presentation that affects reader perception. This notion falls into three categories: the active manipulation of the telling of events through time in anachronic groupings; the re-telling of stories by different characters for the sake of reader perception; and the manipulation of time in the use of prophecy. Therefore, the studies in each chapter show repetitions in both content and style, but more important is repetition in the motif of layering as the governing style.

Price: $139.95

Study of the Place of Women in the Poetry and Prose Works of John Milton
 Dickey, David N.
2000 0-7734-7730-6 212 pages
Outlines the origins of Milton’s idiosyncratic ambivalence towards woman and charts its developmental character in and out of poetry and prose. It includes an introductory survey of influential critical opinion on the subject, including feminist readings. Subsequent chapters contain close textual analysis which attempts to uncover the secret animus of Milton’s major and minor poetry and the domestic prose works selected.

Price: $179.95

The Influence of Boethius' De Consolatione Philosophiae on John Milton's
 Taylor, Leslie A. and Jefferey H.
2016 1-4955-0517-0 206 pages
Makes a compelling case for solving problems in Paradise Lost. Emphasis is well founded on Boethian providence from which flows the radiant seeing of God’s awareness of, and concern of, the world. The loving watchfulness of the Divine Vistion does not pre-determine good and bad decisions. God’s providence is ameliorative. Milton relies on the optimism of the “Consolation of Philosophy” in his usage of divine providence in foreknowing but not necessitating human choices.

Price: $179.95

William Ellery Channing's Remarks on National Literature and John Milton
 Rogal, Samuel J.
2024 1-4955-1249-5 212 pages
"In justifying the placement of William Ellery Channing within the ranks of early nineteenth-century literary figures, editors, literary critics, and literary historians generally cite the two prominent qualities associated with Channing's name--first, his notion of a national literature as "the expression of a nation's mind in writing"' second, his influence upon such eastern American writers as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Russell Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes the elder, and Willian Cullen Bryant." -Samuel J. Rogal In addition to biographical information about the Channings, this volume includes William Ellery Channing's Remarks on National Literature in its literary and historical context.

Price: $139.95