How Preferential Option for the Poor (POP) Became the Chief Doctrine of Christianity

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This book describes the history of and behind the preferential option for the poor, especially through an exploration of the history and development of Liberation Theology. "Since traditional Christianity, and especially Catholicism, were not revolution-minded, Liberation Theology would have to fabricate a new theology which not only allowed, but assisted, in the destruction of the old society and creation of the new." -James Biser Whisker and John R. Coe

Table of Contents

Some Preliminaries
Liberation Theology: Definition
Preferential Option for the Poor
Gustavo Gutierrez Merino
Paulo Freire
Leonardo and Clodovis Boff
Juan Luis Segundo
Friar Betto
Jon Sobrino
Ernesto and Fernando Cardenal
Protestant Liberation Theology

Other Religion-History of Religion Books

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