Dr. Nadya Chishty-Mujahid is Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Liberal Arts at the Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. She holds a doctorate in English Literature from McGill University, an MAT degree from Smith College, and a bachelor of arts from Bryn Mawr College.
2020 1-4955-0816-1 Dr. Nadya Chishty-Mujahid wrote a Pakistani college-based play in English. I had been thinking about the art of fiction and thought that an annotated version of the attached play would make for a good monograph-with detailed explanatory notes, a few translations.
2006 0-7734-5679-1 Focuses on how a series of major characters in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene; enhances a reader’s appreciation of the epic’s complex topical allegory and its moral implications. These specific techniques of character development include composition, fragmentation, and metamorphosis.
2012 0-7734-4053-4 This text examines how the Gothic writing of Ann Radcliffe and the eighteenth-century novels of Fanny Barney helped to shape and hone Jane Austen’s own eighteenth century literary endeavors. It specifically focuses on Austen’s early works Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, and Sense and Sensibility, all of which were conceived and shaped during the last decade of the 1700’s. It closely follows the manner in which Austen eschewed the popular epistolary genre in favour of the novel-form, how she mastered the parodic-Gothic form, and created characters that while uniquely hers owed a great deal to the late-eighteenth century English milieu of which they have become major cultural elements.
2015 1-4955-0318-8 A significant work that directs readers to re-examine the classic texts and tropes of Austen’s novel, Northanger Abbey, Orientalist sub-fields of Cultural studies, and intriguing aspects of the Tarot in a postmodern context. The author directs students and scholars to examine neglected aspects of academia.
2012 0-7734-2563-2 Nadya Q.Chishty-Mujahid’s Explaining the Canonical Poems of English Literature spans several centuries of English literature, by examining the canonical poetry of writers such as Shakespeare, Spenser, Marvell, Browning, Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett, and D.H. Lawrence. Chishty-Mujahid demonstrates that however much we have studied these great poets, there is still room to elucidate on their magnitude. More importantly, Chishty-Mujahid reinvigorates the importance of these masterpieces by rejecting the postmodern argument that these authors are culturally dominant relics of the past. She argues that while canonical poetry has undergone several mutations over the centuries those works continue to uplift the soul and remain the apex of literary expression.
2014 0-7734-4348-7 The text focuses on six major themes often found in canonical English poetry. These include religion, nature, classics, romance, individual struggle, and politics. Using representative works of famous poets including, but not limited to, Milton, Donne, Shakespeare, Keats, Kipling and the Rossetti siblings, the book links poems on diverse and varied topics (such as the Virgin Mary, colonial India, and Tudor history) in order to illustrate the richness and complexity of the literary canon.
An impressive and compelling contribution to the study of poetry that will enchant students of literature and casual readers for years to come. Instead of using chronological division of works the author arranges the poems according to central themes in literature. The text’s main aim is to make challenging poems more approachable and accessible to young undergraduates.
2021 1-4955-0927-3 In this book Dr. Chishty-Mujahid expands her earlier works to focus on fraternal male twinship. She offers a helpful biobliography in the area of twin studies and a discussion about theories concerning twin relations.
2008 0-7734-5019-X This work functions as an introductory text for those new to the discipline, but also presents more advanced-level studies of literary works that will appeal to a more specific critical audience. The interdisciplinary diversity of the work enhances the presentation of certain hitherto unexplored academic vistas of Western Esotericism. This book contains thirty black and white photographs.
2025 1-4955-1321-1 … it was worth examining all three sets of the tarocchi at the same time. Unlike the Mantegna E and S series which number 100 (50 times 2) images in total, the Sola Busca set contains 22 major trumps and 56 minor arcana, resulting in a total of 78 images. Traditionally, modern-day tarot decks also have 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones, but the 22 trumps of the Sola Busca do not resemble modern-day trumps in the least. I found that when the Sola Busca trumps were placed in a circle, they formed a sundial-structure where the 24 hours of the day were clearly implied as was a secondary ring representing the zodiac.
2010 0-7734-3711-8 The South Asian dancing-beloved’s courtesanship, her enigmatic presence, her romantic allure, and her socio-economic position are all explored within the framework of this book. This text presents English translations of major Urdu (and a couple of Poorbi) lyrics from classic South Asian films.
2024 1-4955-1257-6 "The Sola Busca tarocchi is a set of fifteenth-century copperplate engravings and is considered to be the first complete 78 card tarot deck in the world. But I had long suspected that the Sola Busca tarocchi was not intended to be used for divination purposes, or even as a game. This certainly begged the question of what exactly was its purpose...." -Nadya Q. Chishty-Mujahid ("Preface")
2023 1-4955-1070-0 For this book, I decided to focus on a pithier and more concentrated set of books than I had used formerly, specifically in order to highlight how much stereotyping of twins is done on both the macro level of popular culture and even the micro level of family dynamics. -Nadya Q. Chishty-Mujahid
2019 1-4955-0754-8 This monograph examines a dozen British and American novels that focus on identical (monozygotic) twins, and attempts to determine how the complex relationships between twin siblings are perceived via the lens of modern English fiction.