George R. Taylor is Professor of Special Education and Chairperson of the Department of Education at Coppin State University and CORE faculty at the Union Institute and University.
2006 0-7734-5890-5 This text is designed to assist educators in urban school districts in closing the achievement gap among African-American males. It provides a framework for innovative educators to extrapolate creative methods and strategies for closing the achievement gap. This book demonstrates that African-American males’ achievement and standards can be improved if appropriate reforms and prerequisite skills associated with standards are employed. Widespread support and a concerted effort from the community and policy makers are needed to successfully achieve the recommended reforms advocated in this text. Alone, urban schools are ill-equipped to institute needed reforms and solve problems faced with closing the achievement gap among African-American males. Interagency collaboration and cooperation from various human services headed by the school are needed.
2002 0-7734-7253-3 This text was written to provide educators and communities serving children with disabilities in the private and public sectors a guide to develop, implement, evaluate, and revise individualized education programs (IEPs). It provides strategies and guidelines to assist individuals to develop IEPs which will comply with federal and state laws. It will also serve as a guide for support personnel such as school psychologists, counselors, regular educators, physical and occupational therapists, speech therapists, and other specialists in conducting and implementing duties and responsibilities associated with IEPs.
2007 0-7734-5569-8 A variety of developments in technology, assessment, psychology, curriculum innovation, teaching strategies, and state and federal laws have relevance for special education and have been projected to provide and predict the development of special education in the next decade.
The present status of special education is rapidly experiencing significant changes, chiefly due to state and federal laws, breakthroughs in learning styles, assessment, treatment, identification, computer technology, and learning theories are to but name a few areas that are projected to be changed by 2015.
This book provides information based upon present trends in special education and makes predictions for the future. It will be useful to special education personnel in the private and public sectors, teachers, administrators, counselors, and school psychologists working with exceptional children.