Subject Area: Religion-General

An Encyclopedia of Religions in the Modern World
 Bryant, M. Darrol
2022 1-4955-0931-1 756 pages
This encyclopedia of World Religions covers the development of religions around the world with regard to issues of modernity.

Price: $399.95

An Essay on the Rise and Fall of Nations: A Philosophy of Nations
 Davies, Daniel M.
2021 1-4955-0850-1 228 pages
Dr. Davies considers the spiritual nature of the creation of and eventual fall of nations. This essay looks at the centuries to create an historical model of nation creation and what leads to its fall.

Price: $179.95

Concordat of Agreement Between the Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
 Baima, Thomas M.
2003 0-7734-6701-7 262 pages
Although the Concordat of Agreement passed the 1999 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly, there was still a solid bloc of Lutherans who refused to receive its theology. This study examines the decision-making process which led to the failure of the Concordat at the 1997 ELCA Churchwide Assembly for the deeper causes of the ongoing non-reception. Using insights from several theological disciplines (canon law, ecclesiology, ecumenism, and sacramental theology), as well as organizational behavior and management, it analyzes the verbatim transcripts of the 1997 assembly. The data gained from this research identifies and analyzes both the method of bilateral dialogue and the content of the theological propositions regarding historic episcopacy and three-fold ministry which form the causes of the non-reception of the Concordat. The findings identify a flaw in the method used in the ELCA bilateral dialogues – the lack of inter-governance to balance the intercommunion. This insight challenges other bilateral dialogues to examine their method as well. Also, by reviewing these findings from the standpoint of ecclesiology, it is able to generalize how the flaws could affect the communion at the global level.

Price: $199.95

Educating Lutheran Pastors in Ohio, 1830-1980 a History of Trinity Lutheran Seminary and Its Predecessors
 Huber, Donald L.
1989 0-88946-677-7 303 pages
An extremely well-written account, based on the premise that the history of the theological seminaries is the history of the Christian Church, that emphasizes the ecclesiastical and theological context in which the Ohio seminaries functioned.

Price: $219.95

Elementi Mitico-Simbolici Di Madri Nei “dramas Rurales” Di Federico Garcia Lorca E Nei Miti Di Luigi Pirandello E Panorama Del Numinoso Materno Nella Letteratura Moderna E Contemporanea. / a Study of the Great Mother in Modern Mediterranean Literature
 Aramu, Paola
2009 0-7734-3896-3 360 pages
This work analyzes, in a significant corpus of narrative and theatrical works, the several and chief manifestations of the maternal figure referable to the Great Mother’s images, also by using important studies about Psychoanalysis, Sociology and History of the religions.

Price: $239.95

Existence of God Essays. From the Basic Issues Forum
 Jacobson, John R.
1989 0-88946-339-5 330 pages
Essayists' intercultural, interdisciplinary responses to the issue "The Existence of God" proposed by the Basic Issues Forum of Washington and Jefferson College. Essays include such topics as "Is `Existence' a Desirable Attribute of a Real God?" by Robert F. Streetman, "Jungian Archetypes and the Transcendent Image" by Nancy Tenfelde Clasby, "The Universe as `Controlled Accident'" by Conrad Hyers, and "The Ethics of Unbelief: Philosophy, Responsibility, and the `Ratio Anselmi'" by G. Scott Davis.

Price: $219.95

LUTHER AND CALVIN ON GRIEF AND LAMENT: Life-Experience and Biblical Text
 Parsons, Michael
2013 0-7734-4539-0 296 pages
This book examines Luther and Calvin on grief and lament and discovers through a close reading of letters, commentaries, and sermons that the reformers actually encourage righteous lament in times of pain and desolation. This means that the feeling of lament stems from a pure heart and is disposed to rest in God’s unfailing love, even at such times. It concludes with some pastoral insights gleaned from the reformers’ writing. Overturns the belief that Calvin’s rigorous arguments for providence and life after death essentially prevent any further consideration of lament in theology.

Price: $199.95

Lutheranism and Anglicanism in Colonial New Jersey: An Early Ecumenical Experiment in New Sweden
 Geissler, Suzanne
1988 0-88946-673-4 134 pages
The Lutheran Church of Sweden's ministry and mission began in the New World in 1636 with the short-lived colony of New Sweden and continued until 1789, or until about the time that the Swedish Lutheran churches of the Delaware Valley began joining the Episcopal Church (1784-1846). The story of the Swedish churches in colonial America constitutes a fascinating chapter in the history of ecumenical relations in America.

Price: $139.95

Religious Quest in the Poetry of T. S. Eliot
 Phillips, Caroline
1995 0-7734-9152-X 104 pages
This volume presents a reading of poems directly related to the poet's quest for God. A certain measure of literary discussion is necessary in the exploration of poems so erudite and often so obscure to many readers, but this book illuminates those aspects which reveal his importance as a religious writer, the journey of the man in search of God. Eliot's poetry shows that out of the isolation, confusion and complexity of that journey can come a realization of community, simplicity and calm.

Price: $119.95

The 1820-1850 Religious Revivals of Hans Nielsen Hauge
 Langhelle, Svein Ivar
2022 1-4955-1013-1 152 pages
"This book will be discussing the implementation process of new ethical standards, caused by the comprehensive religious revivals of the followers of Hans Nielesn Hauge, which took place in South-Western Norway during the first hald of the 19th century. ...During the period from 1820 up until 1850, this part of Norway was in a special situation, being the only coherent region where the Haugian revivals were characterised as a larger part of the society. ...The overall question of this book, the "grand idee" to study the process of the modernisation of mentality." Svein Ivar Lanhelle, p.1, ch. 1

Price: $139.95

The Lakota Wind Divinity: An Anthropological and Sociolinguistic Study
 Bartelt, Guillermo
2024 1-4955-1272-X 140 pages
"After surveying selected animistic breath-wind constructs in Native America, this study focuses on the variant articulated by the Lakota, many of whom continue to participate in traditional religious observances such as the Sweat Lodge, a purification ceremony, the Sun Dance, a world renewal celebration, and the yuwipi, a shamanic curing ritual." -Dr. Guillermo Bartelt, "Introduction"

Price: $139.95

 Will, Frederic
1993 0-7734-3040-7 88 pages
This is a sequence of seventy-five vignettes: one to four-page mind-pictures of places, persons, ideas, and moral issues; a harvest of decades of looking and feeling. The themes advance thus: observations of objects in space; concern with aesthetics and the arts (sculpture, architecture) that organize space; travelling -- which moves through, and fills with, space; evolution and nature; the imagination -- as maker of art, and our sense of space; the religious instinct as an outgrowth of the imagination; the religious and the mythical -- how they are inter-related; our potential for compassion and solidarity; and the chances we have to export life with us beyond the grave. A world-view expresses itself here in pictures of the world; a blend of poetry, logic, historical observation, and mini-fictions.

Price: $99.95

 Byrne, Edmund
2010 0-7734-3811-4 156 pages

Price: $139.95