Why Climate Change is Creating New Catastrophic Medical Problems: The Crisis of Surgery

In this book by Dr. Smith and Dr. Maddern, the argument of The Influence of Climate Change on the Practice of Surgery is expanded upon by placing climate change itself into the context of what Smith and others have called the "crisis of civilization". A "crisis of civilization" is a set of converging sand compounding ecological, resource and socio-political problems that constitute an existential threat to modern techno-industrial civilization. Here, surgery is used as a case study if what it is likely to happen if societies do not make the transition to ecological sustainability, and consequently undergo societal collapse.
“A link between climate change and surgery may not seem obvious. But it’s there – in rioting, civil unrest, violence, and all the injuries that such miseries give rise to. This book researches the link exhaustively and writes about it in a gripping fashion.”
Dr. Katherine Betts,
Swinburne University of Technology
"... the unique thing about this book is that Smith and Maddern use surgery as something of a case study, or even metaphor, for this possible collapse. They contemplate the possible end of technological medicine and surgery, and explore the consequences."
Dr. Kevin White,
Australian National University
Table of Contents
Foreword by Kevin White
Chapter 1: Climate Change and the Crisis of Civilization
Chapter 2: Heat, Violence and Surgery
Chapter 3: Surgery, the Climate Crisis and Eco-Catastrophe
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