The Philosophical and Theological Treatises of William Ames

Author: | Ames, William |
Year: | 2013 |
Pages: | 436 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-4324-X 978-0-7734-4324-2 |
Price: | $259.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
This volume is a translation from Latin into English of some of the most important shorter philosophical and theological treatises of the English Puritan, William Ames (1575-1633), better known in Europe by his Latin name, Guilielmus Amesius and justifiably called “the spiritual father of the New England churches.”
“Gibb’s work reinforces the observation that Ames was influential in the Puritan procedure of technometry, in New England covenantal theology, in congregationalism, and in the development of early American intellectual life.”
-Prof. Rudolph P. Almasy,
West Virginia University
Table of Contents
Foreword by Rudolph P. Almasy
Editor’s Preface
Part I. Introduction
Life and Works
Two Major Foci of Ames’s Thought: Ramism and Calvinism
Influences in America
Part II. Philosophical Treatises
Another Delineation of Technometry
Theological Disputation Against metaphysics
Theological Disputation Against Ethics
Logical Theses
Part III. Theological Treatises
The Preface to English Puritanism
Sermon on First Corinthians 2:4-5
Theological Assertions Concerning the Light of nature and of Grace
Disputation Repeated and Vindicated Concerning the Nature of True Faith
Four Academic orations Delivered at The University of Franeker
“Urim and Thummin,” Inaugural oration when Ames was Installed as professor of Theology
An Exhortation (Paranesis) to the Students of Theology
“For Christ and The Church,” The Inaugural Oration when Ames was inducted to the Honorary office of Rector Magnificus
“The Watchman on the Wall,” Inaugural Oration Delivered when Ames Handed on his Office of Rector Magnificus to his Successor
Index of Names and Subjects
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