The Great Reform of the Theatre in Europe: A Historical Study, by Braun and Justyna Kazimierz

This book traces a movement in European theatre history known as the Great Reform of Theatre. This movement unfolded roughly between 1880 and the late 1930s. It developed against the background of dramatic political, technological, and cultural changes in the entire western world. The Reform transformed all facets of European theatre including play-writing, mise-en-scene, performance, production, criticism, and social significance.
"The authors of this new history on the development and reform of the arts of the theatre in Europe from the last decades of the nineteenth century through the outbreak of World War II discuss the profound changes occurring in the theatre world within the context of concurrent cultural, philosophical, and political forces, as well as from the perspective of narrower artistic questions of how theatre expresses the life of its times."
- Thomas Leff, MFA, Case Western Reserve University
"In keeping with its ambitions, the volume lies somewhere between the encyclopedic, with entries compiled in a roughly time-based chronology rather than alphabetically, and a narrative history.
The sense of encyclopedic stems largely from the way in which the authors have organized information as individual entries that gradually trace the European theatre's transition from the star-centered melodramas of the nineteenth century to one marked by the emergence of the director as a potent artistic force."
Dr. Ian Watson,
Rutgers University, Newark
Table of Contents
From the Authors
Preface by Ian Watson
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Beginnings of the Great Reform
Part 3: The Founding Fathers of the Reform
Part 4: The Widening of the Reform
Part 5: Maturity of the Reform
Part 6: Conclusion of the Reform
Selected Bibliography
Index of Names
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