Empirical Studies of African Independent/ Indigenous Churches

Essays on how the African Independent/Indigenous Churches experience and interpret their religion, their relationship to the Black experience, and the effectiveness of religious expression with regard to their needs. Topics include oral history in the Nazaretha church, the Iviyo LoFakazi BakaKristu and other renewal movements, theological issues in African Independent Churches, healing, exorcism, and involvement and creative development.
"This is a book providing a variety of aspects about the AICs and, thus, will appeal to the different interests of different readers. For those interested but not familiar with the field, it might serve as an introduction and an inducement to do more reading and research. Certainly it should find a place in the libraries of social science departments and theological colleges, and be of value to present or future missionaries to Africa. One of its virtues is that a good balance is represented because of the large number of contributors." - Missiology
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