Dr. William G. Hinkle is currently an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Chowan University in Murfreesboro, North Carolina. From 2003 to 2007 he was Chair of the Criminal Justice Program at Ivy Tech State College, in South Bend, Indiana. He worked in the criminal justice system for 15 years, before obtaining his doctorate in sociology from Western Michigan University in 1995. In 2006 he published A History of Bridewell Prison: 1553-1700 (Mellen Press). He and Dr. William Hartley (St. Joseph's College) are currently working on a second book on the history of the Elmira Reformatory (1877-1900), and on a book tracing the history of the rehabilitation movement in American corrections from 1930 to 1970.
2020 1-4955-0793-9 Dr. William Hinkle and Drew Lazzara have written a thorough history the Indiana State Prison. An extensive study, it covers the years 1860-1910. It includes 43 black and white photos.
2012 0-7734-2579-9 The Elmira Reformatory was without question the first prison in American penal history to employ the indeterminate sentence, good-time, and parole. For that distinction alone, Elmira represented a sea change in penal philosophy and practice. However, the Elmira Reformatory also lays claim to the first attempt in penal history to institute prison educational and vocational programs in a systematic fashion. The reformatory system at Elmira, distinctively so-called, was based on three great moving or controlling influences – labor, conduct, and education. According to its insightful founders, “if these influences were placed in the order most significantly to illustrate their powers over men upon whom they operated, they would stand in this relation to each other: Education, conduct and labor.” The factor that in most cases transformed men from hopeless felons to a comprehension of the possibilities of release and success in free society was the school room. Naturally following this perception and expansion of intellectual activity, came obedience to the rules, improved demeanor, and successful performance at work. In a word, the educational features of the Elmira system constituted the ground-work of the process of reformation. To it, all else was subservient, without it, expectation of improvement and reformation could not be reasonably entertained. Notwithstanding the late 19th century and early 20th century criticism of pathological reform, the educational program represents Elmira’s real legacy, and contribution to the evolution of penology.
2016 1-4955-0438-7 This study encompasses the full history of the Elmira reformatory model that was based on a highly structured disciplinary penal program designed to instill, in the offender, behavioral changes that would help to develop socially and morally conforming conduct within the prison population and enable the offender to reintegrate productively back into society upon his release from prison.
2006 0-7734-5786-0 London’s Bridewell Prison was the location of many “firsts” in penology. For the first time in world history, imprisonment at hard labor was substituted for corporal or capital punishment, which is the very definition of a penitentiary. In this connection, Bridewell should be regarded as the very first step in the development of the modern penitentiary. Indeed, its influence on the penitentiary system in America was enormous. Moreover, Bridewell still provides lessons in our own time as a reminder of how far we have not come relative to crime and punishment. Although Bridewell was a revolutionary experiment in penal reform, it ultimately failed to deliver what its proponents promised.
2022 1-4955-1003-4 Authors' Description: "The social and economic conditions of the Tudor age...led to reform of the existing system of justice, such as it was, in 16th century England. This was achieved through the institution of 'a proper system of Poor Relief,' based upon compulsory rates and differentiation between the various classes of the indigent. ...Working Houses or Houses of Correction were set up. The first of these Houses appeared in the former Royal Palace of Bridewell, given by King Edward VI to the City of London in 1553. From that came the popular name "Bridewell" for these institutions, a name that lingered for hundreds of years. ...Bridewell's history as a workhouse for petty offenders has monopolized the attention of historians so that the truly pioneering work of the Royal Hospital has been overshadowed. This book attempts to correct that omission."
2024 1-4955-1246-0 This book is not a personal account of my experiences
at the prison. Instead, as with the first book, it is a historical
narrative and a source of detailed information for penologists,
researchers, students, and teachers. The book has seven
sections covering the changing policies and institutional
buildings from 1911 to 2024. Organized around the six most
essential considerations faced by prison managers, i.e., the
physical plant, administration, offender classification,
offender treatment, prison labor, and discipline, each chapter
begins with a significant development at the prison.
2024 1-4955-1197-9 "This book is a composite of how the Indiana Department of Correction attempts to comply with the courts, the state constitution, and the ever-swinging philosophical pendulum. We provide public safety while preparing the offenders for their eventual return to the streets." -from The Author's "Introduction"
"Ed was uniquely qualified to write this book. Unfortunately, he did not live long enough to finish and publish it. ...I prepared it for publication by The Edwin Mellen Press. With 36 years of experience, Ed's collection of essays speaks to us actively. It gives us unprecedented insight into the world of the Indiana Department of Correction's Commissioner. His work is a living history, and he is undoubtedly the only Commissioner in the history of the I.D.O.C. to publish his experiences." -Dr. William Hinkle, "Foreword"