Kottek, Samuel S.

Health and Disease in the Holy Land Studies in the History and Sociology of Medicine From Ancient Times to the Present
1996 0-7734-8764-6
Chapters include: Paleopathology in the Middle East; Hygiene and Health Care in the Bible; Public Health in the Holy Land - Classical Influence and its Legacy; Health and Healing in Medieval Muslim Palestine; Disease to Death during the Crusades; Medicine in the Crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem; Pilgrims, Crusades and Plagues; Ottoman Palestine (1516-1800) - Health, Disease and Historical Sources; Sir Moses Montefiore and Medical Philanthropy in the Holy Land; Hospitals and European Colonial Policies in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries; Henrietta Szold - American Progressivism, Zionism and Modern Public Health; British Public Health Policy in Palestine, 1918-1947; Kupat Holim and Jewish Health Services during the Mandate; The Hadassah Medical Organization - Critical Years, 1928-1959 - Oral History Interviews with Dr. Eli Davis; The Conquest of Malaria; Judea-Samaria and Gaza - 25 Years of Changing Health, 1967-1992; Health and Disease in Israel, 1948-1994

Price: $279.95