Majumdar, Robin

Dr. Robin Majumdar taught a Barber-Scotia College in North Carolina and Presidency College in India. He received his Ph.D. from the University of London.

The Southern Agrarians and Their Criticism of Industrial Culture: John Crowe Ransom, Allen Tate, Robert Warren Penn, David Davidson, Andrew Lytle, Cleanth Brooks
2019 1-4955-0699-4
Dr. Majumdar reevaluates the Southern critics', especially the Agrarians' significance in the postmodern world. The Southern Agrarians and their spiritual descendants are out of fashion these days. They are either dismissed or at most marginalized as socially and culturally irrelevant. But an objective appraisal of their work tells a different story. The social, cultural, and moral issues the Agrarians, discussed, the questions they asked, and the values they fought for, in spite of their excesses and even aberrations, neither irrelevant nor meaningless in the modern age as their detractors would have us believe.

Price: $139.95