Yeager, Matthew

Dr. Matthew C. Yeager is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at King’s University College at Western University, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Carleton University.

Reforming American Prisons: A Memoir of My Time at Sing Sing Prison by Warden Thomas Mott Osborne
2018 1-4955-0670-3
This book is Former Sing Sing Prison Warden Thomas Mott Osborne's story of his 2 year (1914-1916) tenure as Warden. This story has remained unpublished until it recent discovery among the Osborne papers at Syracuse University. Thomas Mott Osborne was a unique Warden of the Progressive era who instituted inmate self-governance as an alternative style of rehabilitation. It also chronicles his battles with the leaders of the New York correctional system that cost him his position in 1916. Thomas Mott Osborne's tale is a fascinating look into the American correctional system and points towards new ways of penal reformation. This book includes 3 black and white photos.

Price: $339.95