Subject Area: Psychoanalytic Theory

 Hinkle, William G.
2024 1-4955-1246-0 752 pages
This book is not a personal account of my experiences at the prison. Instead, as with the first book, it is a historical narrative and a source of detailed information for penologists, researchers, students, and teachers. The book has seven sections covering the changing policies and institutional buildings from 1911 to 2024. Organized around the six most essential considerations faced by prison managers, i.e., the physical plant, administration, offender classification, offender treatment, prison labor, and discipline, each chapter begins with a significant development at the prison.

Price: $379.95

The Concepts Used to analyze “Culture”: A Critique of 20th Century Ways of Thinking
 Sobolev, Dennis
2010 0-7734-3795-9 720 pages
This study is devoted to the stratified description and analysis of the unconscious mechanisms of culture, that is, the mechanisms that form the human being, as an empirical subject in its actual existence.

Price: $379.95

The Embodiment of the Unconscious, Hysteria, Surrealism and Tanztheater: An Interdisciplinary Study of Hysterical Scenes in Performative Dance
 Krtolica, Marija
2023 1-4955-1058-1 336 pages
This is an "oversized" (8x10) softcover book. "This study places choreographic examples in a dialogue with the dance and interdisciplinary scholarship, with an aim to expose the unapparent alleys for a socio-historically informed mode of spectatorship. This kind of spectatorship ponders the unique conditions of the development of dance expression, and, at the same time, examines the intersections between the medical theory, political violence, and bodies' visibility on the stage. The concept of hystericization, as it is reconsidered in this study, invites a historico-political performance analysis that embraces performers' and witnesses' responses, and emphasizes the intersubjective and political dimension of the enactment of hysterical symptoms." -from the Author's "Introduction"

Price: $219.95