Subject Area: Imperialism

Atlantic Slave Trade: Empire, Enlightenment, and the Cult of the Unthinking Negro
 Simon-Aaron, Charles
2008 0-7734-5197-8 692 pages
This work explores the interrelationship between the institutionalized political philosophical construction and reproduction of European anti-African hatred within the Western Academy and the birth and reproduction of European imperialism. Both projects grounded a part of their ideological foundation in the cultivation and reproduction of the myth of the ‘unthinking Negro.'

Price: $359.95

British Military Expeditions and the Conquest of Africa, 1824-1920
 Mbogoni, Lawrence
2024 1-4955-1247-9 480 pages
"In the invasion of Africa, British and other European military expeditions employed tactics and means that caused enormous loss of lives and destruction of property. ...Africa's defeat revealed not only nineteenth century weaknesses in African military capability and organization, but going into the twenty first century Africa remains as militarily weak and unable to repel external military aggression as it was unable to at the end of the nineteenth century." -Dr. Lawrence Mbogoni (Preface) This book received the Professor D. Simon Evans Prize for its distinguished contribution to scholarship.

Price: $299.95

Scottish Missionaries in Nigeria: Foundation, Transformation and Development Among the Amasiri (1927-1944)
 Obinna, Elijah
2013 0-7734-3041-5 280 pages
A fresh insight into the relationship between Scottish missionaries and the indigenous peoples in Africa which focuses on the outcomes of missionary activities in the process of imperial conquest and colonization among the Amasiri, of Ebonyi state in southeastern Nigeria.

Price: $199.95

Willi Munzenbery, the League Against Imperialism, and the Comintern, 1925-1933 ( 2 Volume Set)
 Petersson, Fredrik
2014 0-7734-4298-7 1152 pages
A monumental study filled with ‘never before’ revealed information and facts from the archives in Moscow, Berlin, Amsterdam, London and Stockholm uncovering why the Comintern established and supported the League against Imperialism and for National Independence (LAI, 1927-37) and its anti-imperialist agenda. A riveting study of intrigue, power struggles, and personal ambitions deftly defined by communist ideology and strategy with eminent activists like Münzenberg, Nehru and Albert Einstein this is a ‘must have’ resource reference.

This book represents the product of a very substantial amount of original research which transforms our understanding of the history of the League against Imperialism. Until Petersson availed himself of the opportunities afforded by the opening of the Russian archives comparatively little was known about the LAI, its organization, its relations with the Comintern, or the role of its principal players, particularly that of Willi Munzenberg.

Price: $495.95