Subject Area: Mysticism

A MYSTICAL FRIENDSHIP IN LETTERS: My Year with Henry David Thoreau (softcover)
 Graves, Cynthia Fraser
2023 1-4955-1082-4 300 pages
"I walk past a display of books set out on the aisle of [the bookstore] and notice the book nearest me has a cover photo of Henry David Thoreau. ...I pause in front of the book to look fondly at this hero of mine. Perhaps I pick the book up, I don't remember; what is very clear is that I hear someone say out loud and clearly, 'Write to me!'" -Cynthia Fraser Graves ("Prelude One: In the Labyrinth")

Price: $39.95

An English Translation of Johann Reuchlin's Defense Against the Cologne Calumniators
 Koitzsch, Kerry
2024 1-4955-1253-3 416 pages
"Further investment in the study of Reuchlin's work will add the considerable value of a new and somewhat under-studied view of the formative years of European understanding of the Hebrew language, theosophy, and mysticism. The Christian mutation of Kabbalism as understood in the nineteenth century is a direct consequence of Reuchlin's thought and interpretive writings, and variants of Christianized Kabbalah have been promulgated into the twenty-first century." -Kerry Koitzsch ("Preface")

Price: $279.95

Charan Singh and the Mystic Tradition
 Aberbach, Alan D.
2002 0-7734-7130-8 184 pages
Charan Singh is relatively unknown in the West, but when he died in 1990 this spiritual teacher had a worldwide following of over one million disciples. He taught that there exists a direction connection to God within every individual. This connecting link is a current of sound – the Biblical Word, the Tao, the Logos, the Holy Spirit, the unstruck melody, the music of the spheres. He further taught the method of meditation by which his disciples could connect with that link and experience God. He devoted his life to teaching the essential truth and unity underlining every religion and mystical practice. Through a study of his writings and discourses this is the first published book to examine the spiritual ideas of Charan Singh. His teaching is referred to as Sant Mat, the Science of the Soul, or the Radha Soami teachings.

Price: $159.95

Mystical Vision and Thought in Medieval Sufism
 Bhatnagar, R.S.
2005 0-7734-6227-9 284 pages
Philosophical assessment of abstract and symbolic notions underlying the spiritual visions of the saints is not an easy task. Professor Bhatnagar has admirably done this work. In ten chapters of this treatise he clarifies the mystical experiences and sayings of medieval Muslim saints and examines them from philosophical standpoint. This monograph has its groundings in intensive study of the primary sources in the original like Kashf al-Mah?j?b of Al-Hujw?r?, Ris?la of Al-Qushayr?, Kit?b al-luma’ of Al-Sarr?j, Kit?b al-ta’ arruf of Kal?b?dh? and Tadhikirat al-awliy?’ of ‘At?t??r. Quotations of the saints have been given in original language.

Professor Bhatnagar feels that the teachings of the prophet of Islam are best understood by the S??f?s on account of their mystical experiences gained on the Path of God. According to the author, the chief tenets of medieval Sufism are mah?abbat (love for God), ma’rifa (knowledge of God) and al-tawh??d (soul’s unification with God). Besides, this work is an impartial assessment of divergent tar?q (S??f? sects) and schools of S??f? thought. In addition, the author has examined the philosophical doctrines of the eminent S??f?s of India.

This substantial treatise on theory and practice of medieval S??fism written by an Indian scholar of Philosophy and Islamic mysticism is an excellent addition to the existing knowledge of S?fi thought.

Price: $199.95

The Mirific Word by Johann Reuchlin: An English Translation of De Verbo Mirifico (1514)
 Koitzsch, Kerry
2024 1-4955-1209-6 888 pages
"Johann Reuchlin's De Verbo Mirifico remains a crucially significant document in the history of Western esotericism, religion, and philosophy. First published in 1494, De Verbo is a testament to the enduring fascination with the Kaballah and its traditions. Reuchlin's first Kaballistic works as a foundation to his later Kaballistic study, De Arte Cabalistica." -Kerry Koitzsch

Price: $399.95

The Sola-Busca Tarot Cards: A New Interpretation of the Deity Mercury
 Chishty-Mujahid, Nadya Q.
2024 1-4955-1257-6 112 pages
"The Sola Busca tarocchi is a set of fifteenth-century copperplate engravings and is considered to be the first complete 78 card tarot deck in the world. But I had long suspected that the Sola Busca tarocchi was not intended to be used for divination purposes, or even as a game. This certainly begged the question of what exactly was its purpose...." -Nadya Q. Chishty-Mujahid ("Preface")

Price: $79.95

Varieties of Mystical Experience of Urdu Poets (13th to 20th Century A.d.)
 Bhatnagar, R.S.
2008 0-7734-5115-3 208 pages
This work is the first sustained attempt of its kind to draw attention to the mystical side of Urdu poetry. The author goes on to show how the pantheistic form of mysticism appeared in Urdu poetry and how certain poets endeavored to reconcile mysticism with orthodox Islam. This book will appeal to scholars of mystical philosophy and Urdu literature.

Price: $179.95