THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF REGIONAL TECHNOLOGIES: Case Studies from the Palaeolithic to the Age of the Vikings

Author: | Barndon,Randi and Ingvild Øye, and Asbjørn Engevik |
Year: | 2010 |
Pages: | 328 |
ISBN: | 0-7734-3686-3 978-0-7734-3686-2 |
Price: | $219.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
This anthology methodologically examines the relation between material culture,
technology, regions, regionalisation and regional identities from a wide range of angles and perspectives. This theoretical resource for archaeologists, anthropologists, and ethnographers contains 14 essays that discuss and develop archaeological relevant
understandings of technology in a regional long time perspective. This book contains ten color photographs and three black and white photographs.
“This edited volume addresses an important topic to archaeology, anthropology, and geography: how regional identities are expressed through technological knowledge and behavior. This is an ambitious task but is most welcome because it goes beyond ethnicity and the individual to posit possible trans-ethnic commonalities at the level of region. This ipso facto makes the endeavor one that is multi-scalar—looking at different expressions of regional interaction, in this case technological....I believe that this volume will be an
intellectual harbinger and will find an important niche in a growing archaeological literature that treats region and identity as inseparable.”
-Prof. Peter R. Schmidt,
University of Florida
"The book provides fresh and
thought-provoking analyses that at the same time are well sustained and articulated. The
papers meet high scholarly standards and are written by a healthy blend of internationally
reputed scholars, regional specialist and young researchers.
The book will constitute an essential read for any interested in pre-modern technologies and
regional diversity and will undoubtedly be a welcomed addition to the reading lists for the
rapidly increasing number of university courses taught on these subjects."
-Prof. Bjornar Olsen, Insitute of Archaeology and Social Anthropology
Table of Contents
Foreword Pierre Lemonnier
Chapter 1: Technology and regions in a long time perspective
– an introduction
Ingvild Øye, Randi Barndon and Asbjørn Engevik
Chapter 2: Re-visiting the region and regional identity:
Theoretical reflections with empirical illustrations
Anssi Paasi
Chapter 3: From ethnology to material culture studies ? and back again
Michael Rowlands
Chapter 4: The phenomenal promise of Chaîne Opératoire:
Mindfully engaged bodies and the manufacture of
personhood in a regional perspective
Marcia-Anne Dobres
Chapter 5: Staying home for dinner:
an isotopic approach to regionality in
Mesolithic Atlantic Europe
Rick Schulting
Chapter 6: Housing and hunting:
Technological reproduction in the Late Mesolithic
Nøstvet region of eastern Norway and western Sweden
Håkon Glørstad
Chapter 7: Marrying the enemy:
Technology and regions in Early Neolithic Norway
Knut Andreas Bergsvik
Chapter 8: A consideration of the role of bifacial lithic technology
in northern Scandinavia
Lars Forsberg
Chapter 9: Woven and cast:
entangled trajectories
in north-western Scandinavia, 1000 BC
Ørjan Engedal
Chapter 10: Technological choices and changes and the concept of innovation:
Reflections on the introduction of iron in areas
with different power systems
Eva Hjärthner-Holdar
Chapter 11: Iron technology in a regional perspective:
A reflection on the technological compatibility
Lars F. Stenvik
Chapter 12: Exploring the dynamics of African pottery cultures
Olivier P. Gosselain
Chapter 13: Technological style, regional diversity and identity:
Asbestos regions and soapstone regions in Norway
in the Late Roman and Migration Periods
Asbjørn Engevik
Chapter 14: Regional approaches to technology clusters
and local variation in a long term perspective:
Sunnmøre in western Norway
Randi Barndon
Chapter 15: Re-assembling regions:
The social occasions of technological exchange
in Viking Age Scandinavia
Søren Michael Sindbæk
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