Role of Firearms in Domestic Violence. A Study of Victims, Police, and Domestic Violence Shelter Workers in West Virginia
Examines the dynamics of abusive relationships and the role of firearms in violent acts, in an attempt to assist policy-makers and NCHIP in facilitating the most effective response to domestic violence. The research was conducted by faculty in the Criminal Justice Department at Marshall University as part of a continuing commitment to education, training, and research about domestic violence. Included are a literature review, analyses of primary and secondary data collected, and recommendations for policy and training.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents:
1. Domestic Violence and Firearms in West Virginia
2. Mother-Child Justice Study
3. The Victim Intake Worker survey
4. Domestic Violence and Firearms, a Police Response
5. A Comparison of Data from the Victim, Police Officer, and Intake Worker surveys
6. Conclusions and Recommendations
Epilogue; References
Appendix A: A Mother-Child Justice Survey
Appendix B: Firearms and Domestic Violence, a Police Response
Appendix C: Vctim Intake Worker Study
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