Privata Commoditas et Publica Elegantia: Case da nobile seu palatij nella Milano borromaica (1560-1631)

Author: | Giacomini, Laura |
Year: | 2017 |
Pages: | 472 |
ISBN: | 1-4955-0556-1 978-1-4955-0556-0 |
Price: | $279.95 + shipping |
| (Click the PayPal button to buy) |
An exploration of he theme of the noble dwelling in the particular socio-political and cultural context of Spanish Milan in the Borromean period (1560-1631), moving between poles of private commoditas and publica elegentia and drawing on the concepts of magnificence, propriety, comfort and splendour. The text is written in Italian and contains 40 black and white photos.
"... has been thoroughly investigated using a vast bibliography of original and modern texts, but mostly through a very serious documentary research which brings to light several unpublished sources, appropriately transcribed and meant to be published as part of the scientific impact of the contribution. .... It can be concluded that the study of Laura Giacomini makes an important contribution to the knowledge of the Milan residential architecture and noble way of life."
Dr. Ornella Selvafolta,
Politecnico de Milano
"Dr. Giacomini has shown excellent interpretative skills in shedding light on unresolved nodes in the previous Lombard historiography, and in particular the ability to give greater breadth to the historical framework reconstructed with thoughtful implications for international studies."
Dr. Aurora Scotti,
Politecnico de Milano
Table of Contents
English Introduction
Prefazione del Professor Paolo Carpeggiani
Prefazione dell'autore
I. Casati e La Citta, Le Case da Nobile e La Loro Architettura, tru Magnificenza, Modestia e Convenienza
II. Organizzazione Spaziale, Apparato Decorativo e Arredamento delle Case da Nobile tra Comodita e Splendore
English Abstract
Inventari, stime e descrizioni
Indice dei nomi
Indice dei luoghi e delle opere
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