Modern War on Stage and Screen/der Moderne Krieg Auf Der BÃœhne

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Essays by European and American scholars from the fifth Salzburg conference on the influence of war on art and literature. Topics include an analysis of the filming of the Agincourt battle in both Olivier's and Branagh's Henry V; the First World War in Irish Drama; Arthur Kopit's Indians and the Vietnam War; the fall of France on the stage; David Rabe's Sticks and Bones and Streamers; Atrocities in Vietnam War movies; Vietnam in the Genre film; the Berlin stage 1936-33; Resistance drama; Representations of WWII in British TV comedy; Three WWI plays by Women; American POWs in WWII; WWI in Truffaut's Jules et Jim; The Bridge on the River Kwai; Sam Shepard's States of Shock and the Gulf War;The Genealogy of the Woman Commissar in Soviet Culture; and others.

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